Experienced C++ Developers Tell the Truth in 2021

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hey guys how you doing so i found an article on quora an experienced c plus plus coder is leaning into the whole subject should you learn c plus in 2021 what's the job market like ultimately that's the most important most important part about learning the code so let's jump into this so read along and i'll insert my point of view as well so uh should i learn c plus people say it's a dead end language and and the only jobs are maintaining legacy code or game programming which is difficult to get into and doesn't pay well so we'll see what this guy has to say it's always good to uh let's go back here it's always good to uh to see what the industry people are actually saying as opposed to random people ah so he says i'm a c plus developer among other things and i can tell you that people are not very far from the truth uh c plus is a is a better language than people give you credit for but perceptions are strong and they do have an influence that's for sure check out my lizard wizard course all about that it is not dying but it is no longer a leading language c plus blood jobs are relatively rare and they are in i don't know about that we have to check that out they are in banking and trading systems where latency is very important latency is just basically fast indeed legacy programs typical example would be windows applications written in the 90s using microsoft foundation classes oh i remember mfc in modern time windows gui applications qt is very often used in computer vision where opencv library is dominant but it also has python bindings complex applications such as a compiler browser or other very large applications with millions of lines of code in video game applications where the environment is quite constrained in scientific applications where speed is very important in embedded applications where resources are limited so usually c plus plus is chosen for its speed which in my opinion is only one of its quality simple plus had a big slump c plus plus had a big slump in 20 in 2000 to 11 but they seem to have recovered some energy in the standard committee how this will impact adoption remains to be seen um jobs in java python ruby rails ignore this line here ios development android and of course javascript are more plentiful on the other hand maybe there's more competition for them jobs in the alexa scalago are rarer than in c plus if you look at job search indeed.com you they then you do not see a big difference in salary between say c plus blood java python jobs availability very but average salary apparently not so job availability depends on as i've been saying where you happen to live so c plus plus has its pluses and minuses but you should be eyes wide open when choosing also do not let your love for a language make you blind to the opportunities of other languages so this got 300 000 views 600 upvotes uh when was uh this written see it should say where it was written it doesn't say evil evil it should always tell you where is listen uh written let's see what the comments are so i was a couple of years old 2018 so i'm three years old using both python and cpus plus at the moment they go together like a horse and a carriage python for ease of use where applications aren't needed aren't needing to be the world's fastest in c plus for compute intensive computer vision highly computational stuff every language every language is just a different tool the more tools you know how to use proficiently the bigger your tool belt see these are the words it's refreshing the words of uh experienced developers something i've been preaching for the longest time you can't get caught up in the language wars if you're a pro developer you'll be able to jump from a to b to c to d to e except for ruby don't want to do ruby beyond ruby you're good i'm just joking about ruby by the way it's just one of my jokes here let's see what he has to say down here c c plus flood is not dead it is a powerful system systems programming language that is used everywhere from operating systems games embedded systems device drivers and development tools this is all true it is also one of the most portable languages available for example the same c plus plus code can run on unix linux and windows indeed it is easily possible to run the same code on android ios t-zen and a range of other mobile devices are for of course these are only two of account as for being well paid i've never been paid based on the language i know but how to deploy the best engineering practice to complete a task experience it's just a fancy way here saying he's paid based on his experience so i've been saying for a while computer languages are just details experience and good software engineering principles are and should be what the employer is paying for yeah pretty much i couldn't agree more with your last paragraph however there are still many people mainly hr people i talk about that as well the silliness of hr departments who only focuses on the languages the candidate knows so let's see what else they got to say here well stated i particularly agree with the last statement a coding language is just another tool for your arsenal hey this conversation's pretty good 2020 so it's not bad why learn just one people will roast me for this but all languages are just variations of the same theme pretty much the case if you learn to code develop instead of just learning a specific language you can learn any of them to at least a basic level with very little effort and get an advanced level with some practice and experience you wouldn't try to pound a nail with a saw blade using the wrong language for a task is almost as bad just as an example last week at work i wrote the same code using python 3 and fortran nani it was a file converter the converter code was much easier to read and understand in python but took fully twice as long to convert the same file as a fortran code and fortran also allows a line by line reading in a way that was extremely useful to writing the converter ultimately went with the fortran version fortran woof that's pretty old stuff nonetheless it you know has its purposes now that python's uh you know spring chicken well python's about a 30 year old language now javascript's a 25 year old language java is a 25 year old language all the dominant languages and text and technologies are all been around for many many years and decades in fact you forget all the basic platforms are developed in cc plus c plus plus such as operating systems web servers cloud operating systems sql blah blah blah uh what else we got here uh so this guy i am a c plus plus programmer two and i have seen it come back true but in mission critical growth it has become increasingly more important that said i am not locked into it but to using the best tool for a job at hand that is tied to what the project already has in place in terms of tech stack and what you want to do that's a very these guys here commenting i can tell most of them their their experience okay so he made a very good point he said um uh i am not locked into it it being c plus plus but to using the best tool for the job at hand that is tied to what the project already has in place what the project already has in place i've talked about this in previous videos in terms of the tech stack and what you want to do i'll end off with this as i said in one of my or my early days we're going to go back 2 000 years i was a java nerd very much a big java zealot and i went into a freelance project and i said they showed me what they wanted to do they had written they had the first part written in php not new php we're talking crappy old php 3 which was a disaster language php 8 7 8 now enterprise already but php3 disaster language and so i go in there and i looked at the project spec and i said okay i'll extend it we'll build a another app side by side we'll do in java java web-based tech pojo stuff and uh we'll just extend the app that way and the owner well the the manager of the project at this business said no no no we got to do in php because we already have an investment in php we don't want to have php in java and other all kinds of other languages is going to be a disaster to maintain and he was right and so i said well then we'll just we should just rewrite the whole thing in java because that's smart programming and he said no no no no no we paid for this we're not going to throw this out so this is a very important developer lesson for me freelancer lesson for me and a programmer lesson for me as a developer you also have to consider the merits of the language vis-a-vis the infrastructure put into place so as this guy said in his post here where is it uh has here okay uh where is it right here the best tool for a job at hand and is tied to what the project already has in place in terms of tech stacks and what you want to do so a lot of young developers and youtubers they don't take that into account too much for whatever reasons they can speculate but they don't take that into account too much the reality of the workplace situation you have to consider the established tech so going back to c plus we'll wrap it up a lot of the c plus plus stuff is legacy code and there's a lot of it so i think there's a lot of jobs out there i haven't checked recently but i'm going to do a video we're going to be looking at all that very soon but i i would imagine if you are a good developer and you happen to like c plus plus you will find jobs in c plus but it's going to be in legacy stuff probably maintaining stuff if you want to get into new development and new projects chances are you want to get into uh you'll probably see being done with other technologies just because of uh speed issues so anyway and this is uh what i've reading here besides my own personal experience this is confirmed with uh my conversation with people i know who are active c plus plus quarters today all right i hope you found this video useful if you liked it give it a thumbs up if you loved it subscribe and if you hated it give me two thumbs down to show me how terrible i am thanks for watching thumbnails this is for thumbnails
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 300,375
Rating: 4.7078943 out of 5
Keywords: developervlogs, developermentoring
Id: hF0l2M-oD04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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