Core Programming Philosophy Explained

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yay this is not coffee I'm drinking tea I try to limit my coffee intake to twice a day so I already had one so I'm saving it for this afternoon it's a nice October late October at my shell and yeah okay one of the things like talked about in my vlogs and my courses is how it's so important but you learn the core of the technology the core of the languages that's the key to launching your career quickly not learning this framework not learning that framework not learning distrib work now I originally got that principle from drumroll guess martial arts but I also reload it in coating as well programming as well so let me give you a quick little story and then we'll get into it what I was 18 or 19 years old this is my eighth or ninth year as training in martial arts judo Japanese karate Kiku shin the Japanese karate Taekwondo catch Campbell Wing Chun Akito freestyle wrestling see lat I'm sure some forgetting something as well but anyway you get the idea so I had it done a bunch of different styles so one day one of my teachers is one of the style said to me Steph pulls me aside he says Stephanie listen here's the thing you've been doing martial arts for a while now and you know this you know but now you know but it is the thing is he says your intermediate level martial artist oh yes you know all kinds of techniques with judo you know techniques from from this style cry from pitch Campbell from Wing Chun but you're still just you execute at an intermediate level if you want to become an advanced martial artist you have to pick something and you have to work on that core you're gonna work on those fundamentals and then what's gonna happen he said once you you do that you're going to quickly advance from intermediate level to advanced level and it's going to reflect in all the styles that you do you're going to become advanced in rest of it in Wing Chun advanced in catch camo invents in Taekwondo excetera excited chatter Sarah so I didn't quite understand it at the time what he was saying but I decided that since this guy was far more experienced with me and martial arts I should maybe take his advice so I took his advice and sure enough within a reasonably reasonably short period of time but in a year or so my skill level my cost rated one style and that my skill level shot up but what happened as he said I just became an advanced martial artist seemingly overnight relative to you know the fact I had been doing for nine years and that goes to the core by consciously not one style I concentrated on the core getting caught up in all kinds of little techniques and stuff it's kind of like getting caught up in the latest framework or the latest library you know in software development whether it be web stack or otherwise so let's talk about core in programming so the first thing you need when you're gonna discuss you need multi colored markers this is gonna be for JavaScript orange this is gonna be for Python it's green and it's gonna be for PHP blue and I use black for other stuff all right so let me just draw something on paper so in my development courses my programming courses my code of cultures however you want to describe it I teach not only core languages foundation languages but I teach core principles and techniques so I have html5 css3 javascript PHP Python and SQL databases in these core courses you aren't supposed to just about everything that you need to know about software development and then with this base you'll be able to explore whatever path you want to get into so let me explain a few things so this is the worst diagram ever I couldn't think of any better on the fly this is a vlog so whatever here it is so you see I know if you can see that so you see I got Jay s an orange Python and PHP foundations of pro developer why is that the case at least in the context of my courses when you're looking at writing code there's a few things you have to learn so for instance JavaScript es that teaches you something called client-side programming client-side development in computers you've got clients and you got server servers like web servers like database servers and clients are like web browsers right or apps in your iPhone apps in your Android device but talk to servers server software sits on a server so when you're learning JavaScript what I teach you my JavaScript course is much more than just JavaScript I'm teaching you client-side programming and a little bit of web well no more a little bit and web GUI interface creation GUI graphical user interface JavaScript allows you to manipulate things in your page it's built with HTML and CSS and allows you to turn him into responsive apps perhaps a bit move around I'm not talking about responsive design if you understand that but it just teaches you client-side programming so when I'm teaching you JavaScript I'm teaching you much more than just JavaScript I'm teaching you client-side programming let me hop over to PHP now PHP is a server-side programming language the most popular for small business sites by far I'm not saying it's the best language out there I'm just saying it's the most popular it's very powerful when you want to develop web apps my first choice is always PHP for a bunch of reasons which I will not get into here in my PHP course I don't just teach you PHP I teach you the server-side programming again I show you client side versus server side PHP code runs on the server and I show you how B's how client-side code and server-side code interact I teach you to client the request response model I teach you session in server-side all these sorts of things that are universal across the language language is and cross the framework so if you learn this in my PHP course all the server technology to server concepts you feel right at home if you jump into server-side programming with Java server-side program of Ruby server-side programming with Python you get the idea right these are universal session tracking stateless nature of the web etc etc etc so my PHP course I teach much more than just PHP I teach these concepts they're universal they applicable to all those languages so I got Python next I also have a Python course so why don't we teach Python because Python is a general-purpose programming language so it can be used to create server side apps like PHP web apps it can be used for machine learning ai which is server-side programming as well but it's general-purpose PHP JavaScript generally speaking a more specialized Python can be used in different areas there's advantage advantages and disadvantage to each of these languages again in my Python course I explore different things that I don't necessarily cover in the JavaScript PHP courses now don't get me wrong each of these courses are standalone meaning if you do my Jas course you'd be comfortable JavaScript would be ready to launch into just about anything JavaScript do my PHP course the same thing do my Python course the same thing but because of the nature certain languages I cost ran certain things in each of them so for instance javascript is traditionally a client-side language runs in the web browser but now because of node you can do on the server but I don't teach node in my JavaScript course because I teach the same concepts but you see a node in my PHP course so if you do my my full stack development course the JavaScript HTML CSS and the PHP SQL you'll be able to jump into node like this you don't need a know of course you'll be able to go to the node docks and pick it up within a few hours I'm pretty sure at least get something going right it takes me maybe a couple days before you start being able to build it happens will be that difficult for you because the principles underlying node RS are the same as the principles underlying PHP underlying server-side job service like Python server side JavaScript I hope you get the idea I have taken my martial arts experience and training that understanding but the core is key to advancing and have a click apply those to my courses that's why I decided to not produce a node course because if you do my way my web stack course my full stack course my iwd web development course and my Python you'll be able to tackle anything easily you won't really need other courses you can do stuff on the but you find on YouTube the lousy us of courses which you don't understand now because most these people were teaching normally we know how to teach also them to be very easy for you you'll be able to go ok boom boom this is RK this what you're doing a node that's how we do in PHP ok dudududududu it'll be simple for you so that's why I'm not coming out these new themes of talking more higher-level broader subjects because I want to take you guys from being just cold junkies people were sort of concerned you know with libraries I want to take you to a higher level than that and that's why I say do my web stack you do my foundation my core training everything else will come easy so that's why I'm getting into the career in the mindset of an advanced developer and I'm getting into the entrepreneurial aspects of all this stuff of me a modern day entrepreneur even if you have no interest in being a developer if you understand a little bit about code and how things are structured will make you a much more effective entrepreneur because the reason so many young people now can become entrepreneurs is because the technology makes it possible alright I hope you enjoyed
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 118,283
Rating: 4.8119454 out of 5
Keywords: programming philosophy, programming learning strategies
Id: sRj1dMkoyOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2017
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