How to Get your First Web Developer Job IN 2021?

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hey guys welcome to the video so question i get all the time how do you get your first web designer or web developer job what are the steps in this video i'm going to give you a quick overview of what you need to do so number one you got to learn your fundamentals of coding so i'm going to talk about web stack but it kind of applies to any type of programming that you might do so if you're doing the web stack of course you got to learn your html5 you got to learn your css you got to build be able to build you got to be able to build responsive websites you should know a little bit of javascript and just understand the whole process of building a website that's if you want to be a web designer if you want to get into web development then you got to learn of course the full stack that means you should learn some back-end technology whether it be javascript and node or php or python with django or flask et cetera et cetera there's all kinds of different competing options on the backend which one you choose depends on the job market and the availability what you kind of like et cetera et cetera so you learn your fundamentals that's the first thing you got to do to be able to get a job as a coder developer next thing you should do is perhaps get some certifications although i place not a huge amount of weight on that i'm not talking about certificates of completion those are yes next to useless in my opinion but real true certifications where you have to pass the exam et cetera you get a certification full disclosure i do provide certification products and services whether it be to individuals or to schools so but again as i said certifications to me are just they're marginally important they can help pad your resume so they're good to have no question and also a good way to test your skill set but the real meat of developing your reputation the real important thing is actually having real experience so that's the catch-22 how do i get a job staff i don't have experience and the job wants me to have experience so here's the trick you do two to three free jobs whether you go to a job site whether you reach out to a local business small business whether you do work for a non-profit organization the key is you want to get two to three small projects you don't spend months on these projects like something will take you a week to do maybe two weeks to do if you're doing web stack maybe you do a simple paypal implementation for them maybe you put up their wordpress site and configure their vlogs their blog et cetera simple things but you want to get that experience where you're actually working with real projects with real people and then that is your track record that you can go to an interview with and that's going to open up a lot of possibilities next thing you got to do is you got to get up some sort of resume website of your own something that you could you know you can send people to now after you do your web stack training and you get your search then maybe you should put up your website first that will help you get the free job the stazier job i just mentioned before or you do it after the point is you want to have some sort of site online that looks good make sure it looks good even if you're doing back end make it look good if you're not good with in terms of design skills then just get a template and don't break it and design wise and just put it up and you need a place for people to be able to go to to check you out check out your resume check out your work make sure it's well written make sure the photos are good make sure the design aesthetics are good it has to look good even if you're selling coding skills with all those things in place then you can start applying for jobs you can start because you got something you can show them real world work real projects et cetera et cetera et cetera there you go if you're not sure how to build a project don't get caught up in tutorial itis don't get caught up in tutorial hell as some people call it where you're just doing tutorial after tutorial of the tutorial in prospective employers are not going to be so impressed if you've done five tutorials from some course creator you have to actually have worked with real clients so important so uh if you want to learn how to do that you can check out my freelance course uh shameless self-promotion another thing that's out now about seven eight months ago something like that i launched a beta version of a mentoring program i've been mentoring people for years i've been teaching people on maths for years but somebody wanted people to ask me to set up mentoring so i've set that up we launched the beta of it if you will months ago figured out what people really wanted so we have a very nice mentoring program it's live uh it's ready to go it's got lots of exclusive content private zoom meetings it has everything all the course content everything is there you want to check it out link below shameless sell promotion but people uh a lot of people been asking for this so now it's it's widely available for everybody if you want to jump in i don't know how many people i'll be able to take in i've been able to handle the load we have now pretty easily so we'll see how it goes so first come first serve thanks for watching the video any other points i want to point out yeah there's a few other points when you have all those other things in place in terms of getting a job you got to do some research on the company that you're going to interview for so you know what they're looking for and if you do get rejected in your first few interviews which is normal don't worry about it find out why ask them why why didn't you hire me and see what they say and there's probably some holes you can fill and plug in that regard if it happens although i've had several people done my courses they told me they got the job right away so it depends depending on circumstances so there you go also i'll leave you with this i'm recording this in january 2021 covered time so if you been looking for a job have been having been having trouble don't beat yourself up over it this is like extraordinary efforts right this is like crazy unprecedented uh virus situation i haven't seen this in over 100 years in the world so don't worry it will clear but so if you had trouble finding jobs don't worry it's covet times it will get better just keep working at it thanks for watching bye before i let you go let me give you a couple book recommendations people always ask if you're a total noob to this whole thing then i can recommend my book right a little while back but it's still evergreen the content is evergreen it's got all kinds of pretty pictures and diagrams it teaches you html5 css3 highly reviewed on amazon link below if you already have your fundamentals and you want to really level up your game here's the book i recommend this book is going to teach you how to write much better code very quickly this is the java version link is below there's also a javascript version that's more of your interest this is one of the few books that i've kept from uh 20 years ago because this book is evergreen this book will really level up your skill i had the original i had my original copy of this book i had it in softcover but i thought it was such an important book i bought it years ago when i buy this edition i bought this thing years ago for hardcover uh just september 2 i bought this in 2003. although i had the original version from i think it's 2000 1999 yeah so anyway highly recommend it if you are a coder who wants to level up their game this is the way to go big time and once again if you're a beginner this is the way to go uh for web design my own book all right thanks for watching bye
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 23,387
Rating: 4.901186 out of 5
Keywords: developervlogs, developermentoring
Id: 1zNqPO2LCQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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