Building a Web Development Company

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[Music] all right all right can you hear me can you guys hear me I'm having a bit of trouble with YouTube studio it's it's messing up on me today so I don't know if the audio is gonna be any good so is the one you'll see can you hear me clearly is the audio synced at all audios good I'm Eric okay cool I was having all kinds of trouble with studio spent the last 20 minutes trying to get it to work kept Fritzing out on me so well see how it goes but if you can hear me that's fantastic so I'm going to wait till we get a few more people we have 40 and when we get to I don't know I don't see how quickly people jump in on this I'm a soup last time we had a peek at we peaked out about 200 people so I assume that is reusable soon we're gonna have it at least a hundred the main title of this particular video is quick discussion about building a web development studio then I'm just going to go to cue and eight yeah so we'll just wait a few more seconds I learned the code last week and got ten million dollar project yesterday okay that's a joke I'm pretty sure a low frame rate but it is in sync yeah I think Google or YouTube rather is throttling the the bandwidth here I've been having all kinds of trouble with regards to getting the audio to work it kept crashing for their app so work fine yesterday so yeah you never know how it goes a little from Seattle greetings from France a step our Ukrainian native I judge by your surname yes the family did come from Ukraine Kiev but I'm second or third generation although my father went and went back to what back to the Ukraine to visit the extended family I have never been how to find a job abroad yeah yeah there we go well we'll get into the Q & A in a few minutes I'm just gonna cover the main subject of this particular stream and we'll take it from there we're at 69 people on board now I just want to wait till we get around a hundred and I mean time I'll just read some of the comments hey Steph our Ukrainian I got that one how do you find a job abroad you develop skills develop a website develop good communication skills how quarantine house quarantine as a web developer well as far as I understand out of what developers are telling me it has no impact in terms of their business thus far although this thing continues the quarantine continues and keeps shutting down the economy it will probably become more and more difficult although that's all just temporary all the just temporary because I don't think governments can keep economy shut down around the world that said going back to the audio is having trouble with YouTube's YouTube studio and the streaming I wasn't able to use the mic on the connected to the camera so I'm using a mic built into my Mac so the audio might be a little out of sync with what yeah Ukrainian boxers of course criticals yeah the audio might be a little I'll sing clip I apologize for that but as long as everybody can hear clearly we can go ahead greetings from the Bay Area California hey beautiful I haven't been there in a long time but I remember visiting somebody new back in the day in the day San Francisco nice nice party of the world have to say okay we're at 85 so I'm just gonna jump into the subject and then we're gonna do Q&A so very quickly is again based on a question put to me developing your web design web development studio your development students could be where there could be just normal development the big question it comes up with how quickly can you come profitable in that type of business in a nutshell you can become profitable very quickly but here's the thing I found through my calculations and I talked to other people I know who had development firms it takes 10 people 10 people working for you full time before you will make the same money as you would if you were just working on your own as a freelancer this is typically the case because developers are expensive they cost a lot of money there is an overhead in maintaining a group of people I find that the optimum number of people on a particular project is about three although you can go more and go more now of advanced source code control and so forth so yeah you as a ballpark figure expect about ten people need to be working for you before you could find yourself in the position where you make it as much as you would if you work on your own so depends on what you want to do when you find yourself building your web development firm or your development firm as you roll you as a developer is you can become more detached from the code and the processes because you can be busy running the business managing a business managing the company and so forth so it's a different lifestyle some people prefer bad some people don't like a good friend of mine he just sold out of his business they're doing a couple of million bucks a year because he didn't like he didn't like being so detached so now he's gone and back down to code again but that's his choice other people really enjoy and do very well with that so there you go in a nutshell let's take a look at some comments here which musics do you listen while working on a project hmm depends on my mood I got a fairly eclectic tastes in depends how deep the coding is if it's uh if I was going deep into some cold decoe right after really trait that would use like melodic type of music less less lyrics more music just a zone into that let's see what see I think this kind of crisis is good for developers it forced people to rely on internet and online terms is more than for it it means more jobs for us exactly that's what's happening anyone who says software Saturdays is uninformed we need more good engineers this is true a step will you answer later how to acquire clients from abroad my own country it's it's fairly similar you set up a great site make sure you have good communication skills the international language of business is English although maybe you'd be targeting other countries where English is not the primary language and then you're going to do some free jobs out there there if you are in a country where might make sense to use a what are those sites freelance sites just to develop some reputation and you could branch out from there can I use Python keeps jumping can I use Python to make BOTS to scrape stuff from the net of course Python is well famously Google the initial versions of Google used Python it was Python to scrape the web so of course with a Python for web scraping is very very common Scandinavia where you will be tax exceptional yeah Google shut off my phone all right uh let's continue for questions or QA what do you think about single developer company for SAS products that's dangerous I've done that and the danger is if you lose that one developer if it's not you then you're gonna be in trouble right because then you're the guy who or the girl who understands the app is gone then and then you are in trouble whatever you do when you are developing a SAS make sure that you have good documentation it's a good idea to take I'm out from development once in a while and write up good documentation about the structure of your app the decisions you made in terms of when you built your app why you made those decisions etc excited right nitty-gritty so when the next developer comes along they can look at this documentation and give it a jump in much more quickly and even yourself even if you aren't a coder you will forget I guarantee you will forget why you made certain architectural decision certain coding these butchers so documentation is pointed so back to the original question single developer for sass yeah very doable very possible but understand that is a liability if you are not that developer do you see us as friendly like bootstrap to develop projects for your clients and yourself or do you write all the CSS from scratch I am no longer a freelance developer I haven't done that in about 75 years we do use for my sass to do where we do use bootstrap because of its compatibility it's still viable today how old are you - 16 I'm not that old of only 169 but my dating profile says I'm 38 would you recommend trying to hand would you recommend trying your hand at freelancing between learning and landing a job yeah I actually recommend doing freelancing stash work if you will to develop some real-world experience to build your resume to land that job hello from Portugal you are the best thank you I appreciate that how do you think that a jumped up again how do you think Betty Eastern European devour can get to these salaries of Western one well you can do that through freelancing you could do that through remote work with larger companies but where you put into place systems that allow you to maximize your time I talked about this at length in my freelance course where you develop workflows workflows but turn one one unit of effort if you will into two or three units of effort that's how you go from charging X to 3x or 4x which your normal rate will be but this comes with experience and this comes with comes with experience at skill so when you're first starting out you're less experienced you're less skilled so you're gonna charge less you're gonna make less which stands to reason but over time you're gonna get better and better and better at what you do and you're gonna charge more what is the meaning of life that depends from evolutionary perspective to saw to person excuse me from an evolutionary perspective the meaning life is to survive to reproduce and that's it now how old are you ok got didn't step up sorry the chat jumps around so I it messes up how do you find finances restarting web development company what is the best basic set for a start-up web development company I don't think you should really need finances to start up a web development company because all you need is your laptop to start up web development company rail laptop and a website I always recommend if you want to move from working for somebody and get into a business whether it be freelancing your own sass or any type of business is that you transition out because any new business typically you're gonna have like time before it starts being profitable and there's also about learning curve running a business requires a set of skills experience judgment so on so to just quit your job and jump into any business of all the web developer will be the easiest to jump into it's not something I would recommend you want to transition into it give yourself time to to work out the details and the bugs if you will of your business let's jump around again Eastern Europe low taxes both centered living keep that in mind yeah that's the final point I was gonna make you can't necessarily compare what you're making in Eastern Europe versus with some independent contractor developers making San Francisco because in San Francisco the house is gonna cost a million two million bucks right very different from I would imagine how much a house would cost you in many countries in Eastern Europe was he where where poutine in Montreal where poutine where do you get poutine in Montreal there's many many places you can get poutine in Montreal I don't eat poutine because I am lactose intolerant people don't know poutine is a french-canadian dish if you will which is french fries lots of gravy and lots of cheese very popular it's very tasty but I just can't eat cheese very much so I don't have pretending how do you think about my path my focus is mastering PWA that's good server-side rendering and Static sight generating because I think it's the future of apps and replace most native applications I believe that's the case I believe that non native solutions rather become web-based and maybe things like flutter are gonna become more popular because people are not going to want to spend money maintaining two native apps and I have to write the whole thing in colander Java iOS you can have to write the whole thing in Swift and Objective C very expensive sometimes you have to do it but a lot of companies are gonna it's gonna go non native and I know from people who work at very large organizations they tell me that 90 90 percent of time they are writing everything with middle layer web-based stuff like Cordova and so forth good enough for them good enough for most projects I would match his stuff have you ever posted a video about your thoughts on go Lang's I made it up in the past I would have to look I have like well over a thousand videos made 1,500 videos I have never coded in golang that said my memory of it tells me that I see golang as a niche language it's one of those need to nerd technologies meaning I think it's non-essential it's something that you may pull out of your hat when you need it I don't know how much of an advantage it has for males most projects out there again my basic philosophy about coding is which it should be language neutral they all have their place they're all you know pros and cons whatever the language whatever the stack you use I just let the jobs and the monetary opportunities tried me in one direction or the other dude is it my interior or is it you that is breaking up it could be me let me know are you guys having trouble seeing me I was having trouble today with YouTube studio it was not working properly I kept trying trying so the audio may be messed up you let me know I am writing the audio through the laptop and I'm running the video through the camera whereas before I was running it all through the camera you shall see so let me know can you guys hear me what do you think about artificial intelligence solving human problems it is on your end hold on yeah let me know if you guys are having trouble with me if it's breaking up it could be on my end you know with this call side yes is it Amaya yes we can hear you I can hear you but you cut out from time to time yeah it could be on my end it could be the internet is just messing up but could be YouTube because I was having trouble with YouTube's audio I was having a lot of trouble of YouTube's audio so that could be it so we're gonna go on for a little bit AI an ml articles to artificial intelligence and machine learning it's very important but I see it still in its early stages I know from somebody who is doing his master's degree in AI at a major university here he tells me there's a lot of exaggerated claims right now ai is good for pattern matching but I think it's gonna be a lot of the promises of a I are gonna take much longer than people would think but they hype it up because they want to get funding but it is the future oh good we can hear you always working audio and video quality is looking good here alright so we'll see what happens we will continue how do you turn how do you determine how much pay how much to pay the first what developer you hired need help since I can't handle the amount of current projects and don't want to leave them on the table right that's a good thing that's a good problem to have it comes down to experience it comes down to experience if they're highly experienced they will be worth much more than somebody who's just starting out because they're just able to do a lot more work for you so it depends on the type of work what they're doing if they're doing like complex backend work for you you're gonna have to pay them more and they're worth more if you're taking care of maybe skinning a skeleton up for you that'd be worth a lot less that's it's a negotiated position really depends on the individual do you have to negotiate that out what I suggest what you do do is you take people on on a project basis on a trial basis see if you can work with them and judge how valuable they are to you and be upfront about your what your compensation might be based on you know production of course it's a it's it's it's individual cases it's an individual thing so it's not necessarily easiest thing to map out step by step on a live stream although I do talk about that I believe in my freelance course in detail what is the meaning of stash work a stash our stash year it means working at a company for free and you go work for a company for a short period time to be a month to month where you're there to learn how to work in a professional environment so you're there to extend your training and in fact that's what you want to get to you as quickly as possible you want to get to that that point in your learning cycle as a coder developer whether it be native non it doesn't matter what tech you want to get to that stage where you are working on real projects as quickly as possible that will make you a much better coder much faster you want to get out of doing tutorials as quickly as possible and get into the real world that's why I teach fundamentals and jump right into it right away that's the way to go thoughts on Jam stack I don't have any I'd find scripting automated automating more interesting with normal coding they do it should I continue improving on that the problem is that I have no idea how to freelance with that that might be difficult because if you're doing scripting and automating you know for example I talked about my friend of my work for a animation studio where they would have hired full-time Python coders who wouldn't write Python apps they would just scripted Python to automate the rendering farms and manage the rendering farms and apparently it's full-time jobs at these two full-time people to just manage all the scripts it's quite a job I don't know how you would freelance that though but there might be some opportunities where they may hire you in to come and set up a server-side workflow of all the scripting and maybe they'll call you and once in a while to do that it's more specialized though I'm looking to study a cognitive cognitive science since I delve into scientific stuff connected to computer science plus quantum computing which I will be a which will be a great which will be a great break through what do you think yeah it's a lot of stuff when you're looking at what path to go down because when you get into the technology space there's so many different ways you can monetize yourself that way there's so many ways you can make money you have to basically sample a bunch of different things it's kind of like dating and you pick the path that makes more sense for you wherever demand is where and the type of work that you like you don't want to do something it makes you a lot of money but you hate it I rather make a little less and do something that I really like that make more and do something I don't like hmm alright hello Stefan why would a small medium-sized company pay someone to code for a web for them when there are tools out there allow you to build a web for free in a few minutes well because building a website a simple website can be built with web builder like a Wix squarespace or something for sure but anybody who actually builds websites in the real world knows that it's it's there's a lot more to it there's is is a UI science if you will laying out information properly putting call to actions in place hooking up shopping cart talking up contact form some of these solutions could provide some of that and for small companies that may be enough but what you'll find I've seen jobs actually listed on in decom where they were willing to pay weeks developers 60 grand us a year to just work what weeks so to give you an idea so you as a web developer designer you may look at this stuff and go I'd it's real easy but for a lot of small businesses out there and medium-sized businesses they couldn't be bothered for example WordPress you figure why would a company hire WordPress and developers are WordPress people let me tell you the WordPress community and ecosystem the amount of jobs working with WordPress is massive even though you figure in theory you ins you just you go to a basic hosting they say you click on a button install WordPress did you choose a theme you figure it's that simple but it's not and oftentimes they will hire WordPress people and a friend of mine they have a multi-million to our business their branding sites all WordPress and they still hire people all the time because they couldn't do it themselves they tried they tried but they couldn't do it so I wouldn't be too concerned about that when doing freelance is it a good idea to take a project without knowing the technology required if you know your fundamentals then why not I did it many times many times because if you know your fundamentals you can jump and learn a different language or technology as you need it it's not a big deal if you have a good solid funder my good understanding of the fundamentals and in fact as I've told people many times well in the last two three years of my career as a freelancer I would go into a project with no expectation about what technology I was going to what language I was gonna use it all depending on the situation and sometimes I find myself using some really really weird stuff Thank You Stefan exactly you should do what you love because then you usually make it much better exactly how use in sheep c-sharp and web development in the real world do you think this language is a good bet yeah c-sharp is a very good language c-sharp is kind of what's not kind of as Microsoft's answer to Java and then you might have arguments over which one is best c-sharp net development is very good it's a good stack I done stuff in c-sharp and dotnet a long long time ago I found in some areas it was better than Java at the time and I found in other areas Java was better my general thinking about the programming languages these days are all pretty good at what they do which one you choose really depends on you know what your preferences are the needs of the project the infrastructure around the business that you're gonna be doing work for you can produce good stuff and almost everything I don't know cold but I can start on making app on a low code software yeah you could prototype basic stuff East type of prototypical that's right word app development tools drag and drop we build your app they've been around forever and I imagine they're getting better and better but what you find is that once you go outside of the narrow parameters of the app builder without code then you have to write code I'll give you casein points winks for example winks web builder they have an API layer they have a layer where you can go in there and write a bunch of JavaScript code why did they put that in there because though it's a powerful web builder you can't do everything with drag-and-drop you still need to get it too cold I don't see how that's gonna change for many years to come that said all these tools are are getting better and better which is good but don't ever worry about being a position where it's gonna be no coding to do I don't I just don't see that for like you know time for massing JavaScript tutorials versus book rate code write code solve real problems and then refer to tutorials in books or Stack Overflow as the project develops that's pretty much it by fundamentals do you mean fundamentals a program loops fundamentals Peter Science Society programs data structures algorithms all of these things there's a blend to it of course so let me read that again tis the case they went too quickly somebody asked by fundamentals do you mean fundamentals of programming if statements loops etc or fundamentals computer science designing programs data structures algorithms it's a mixture of things as I said before algorithms for most programming it's not that important but data structures are very important most a time of course you gotta understand the basic constructs of any language conditional statements iterations looping object-oriented principles of procedural prints of principles etc it's a combination of elements and it's also domain-specific so for example if you're learning the web you have to understand the makeup of the internet and the world wide web you have to understand with West's response cycle you have to understand latency issues have to understand how the browser engine renders all these sorts of things will make you a better developer in that space and same thing if you're doing iOS or you're doing Android you have to understand that the macro the infrastructure that you're coding in if that makes any sense do you have a Ruby on Rails course of course I do I performed well in data structures courses but stuck in algorithms because of maps algorithms are so over played in the youtubes and in the academic world they're so overplayed for most programming algorithms are so unimportant for most program if you're getting into certain types of AI yes certain esoteric types of development but it's well silverplate just over played in terms of math it's ridiculous the math is so it's added subtract multiply divide that's 19 I've said in Matthew gonna be doing maybe a modulus or something once in a while that's it I'm terrible at math by the way so what's the best path for one person business web UI our UX what's you think what what's the best path for one person business in web UI UX if you are a freelancer you're better than a full stack so that you can you find yourself with lots of wordpress potential gigs lots of PHP gigs lots of simple solve a shopping cart for me etc etc so you're freelance you wanna have a full stack you don't have to be a master of everything but telling you it's gonna open up a lot of job opportunities if you're gonna be pure UI UX there is freelance opportunities but there's more opportunities working for companies because it's more specialized now because when a small company is looking for somebody to develop their website or web app they don't want somebody can do everything they want they want to have to hire multiple people do you recommend an SE degree or a CS degree or an EE degree in terms of salary and no jobs available in a whole world do your research check out wherever the demand is right I think that degrees are gonna become less and less important over time when you saw like I think it was a year so go Google did an analysis I think Apple too but definitely Google and another big tech coming they found out that there was no difference in the quality of the people were working for them whether they had a degree or not there was according to Google Google said there was no difference in the quality of the people they hired whether they had a degree or not Elon Musk recently famously said he doesn't care if you have any degree high school or university doesn't care the world is slowly shifting away from the need of degrees in the tech space a more into being able to show what you know what you're doing that's why I advocate what I advocate I never look at degrees when I'm hiring people I look at their skills I am learning PHP as a system engineer does it worth it PHP I know a lot of people use PHP for system engineering but I think you might be better off with Python but this will matter because if you learn in PHP and you find this job you have to Python for you to learn Python will be like not that difficult so I wouldn't worry about it I wouldn't worry about that it's about I appreciate your content my question is is it possible to form a solid enough well my foundation with java servlets she has paint out of its program of course I cut a lot I cut my teeth on on that particular stack you know what I haven't looked in years as to how much that is still used I think the majority people are just jumping into the spring framework but yeah that's the that's how I actually develop my own framework based on Java JSP and I use pojos for my data later let's see what else we got it what if you need Lima I don't know League MOU what the program what excuse me does the programming language you use really matter most the time it doesn't you can produce good apps in just about any language out there today except Ruby uh as some as just a joke people want their Ruby joke there you go where do you go to get freelance jobs your personal experience in my experience it was of course you know 150 years ago so at least have to send messages to people by a carrier pigeon but in my experience word of mouth is the best way to go about getting freelance jobs that's why I teach in my freelance course and I tell people all the time when I get to freelancing nerdy fundamentals put up a site do a couple of freelance free gigs to develop some reputation some skills and then you start asking around go to Google Maps local and go to Google Maps look up local businesses coffee shops independent he shops butchers whatever and then you reach out to me you want a website you need to update your cell do for free and then you start developing relationships and reputations and a reputation rather and what you find is that small business owners tend to know other small business owners and bing-bang-boom you find yourself with kinks step please leave these live streams up so I can circle back to it when I am free I love your long-form content yeah I do intend to keep them alive for you guys if only Google Bing right now it's only streaming out I am recording at 4k right now on a ten thousand dollar camera and Google destroys my content and squishes it down to 720p it has to do it right now because apparently because of the corona and but yeah I do intend to leave up these live streams what do you think about serverless in AWS lamb-lamb lambda excuse me I always have trouble saying that it's interesting stuff it's very cool stuff the big innovation I've seen in the last five or six years or so in the development space has been the serverless and just advanced the PS they blow me away in terms of you know I don't load balancing and auto database sharding very powerful stuff very powerful stuff that's the big change in terms of the core stacks it's pretty much the same it's been for many years now what do you think of Python lacks what do you think Python lacks have been massively adopted Java in the business world hey you know the reason Java is is entrenched in the business world is because the legacy companies have such a huge investment now in Java that they're they're very very very reluctant to to dump you know especially for large corporations that dump millions and millions of dollars in investment in their Java stack if you will Python is is coming in there it's gonna be a glue language it's gonna be a small media size this language and I'm sure they're using Python and large organizations as well but they're not going to dump their stack they're not going to do it after you think about what if you invested 10 million or 5 million or 1 million half a million dollars in a Java stack are you gonna just dump it because some young nerdling says hey I want to use a Python you know they're not gonna do it I wouldn't do it do you have a degree in CS no I do not I am self-taught I am self-taught over the years did your business suffer from the corona thing not yet not yet well the schools are quiet although they license my product they've used it already and they're using it now so you know we'll see what happens and the following year it could affect me bad I'm not sure when learning to code and wanting to freelance how do to overcome thinking you don't know no fear of falling in front of Beauty fear of failing in front of your clients again same thing once you have your fundamentals put up a nice site reach out do free work for people what are you doing for free that's not nearly as much pressure right you're doing it for free town this is my first one I'm doing this I'm gonna help you out I'm gonna do it for free I'm building my skills things will happen you follow my freelance course makes your life a lot easier how shameless plug for mobile around what's your opinion on react native versus native languages I am a believer that cross-platform solutions like react and flutter and you know PWA I think that's the future for quite a bit of mobile development it's simply because of the cost you know why why why would you want to write two code bases if you can make your app work it's not always the case but if you make your app work with one code base what are your thoughts on Jam stack couldn't say I didn't use it why do people rag on c-sharp it is one of the most versatile languages why don't people rag on X language X platform because everybody's got their little fiefdom everybody's got their team I'm on team I'm on Team C sharp or I am on Team Python etc as part of its personal taste you know this personal taste I think as a general rule I think always languages that you see out to their tailor they're gonna be around for years and years look CC Plus last winter of 3040 years old they're still wiping use which college did you attend and which degree did you get I went well Canada's got a different system what took place we have a college which is kind of great 11 12 and in in the u.s. looks when swimming at place called Frannie College and then I went to university at Concordia I did not graduate I was my major was psychology that's why I talk about be real behavioral psychology at times but I had a choice at one point to even pursue my business or pursue my university degree and I decided to pursue my business so I dropped out I was meaning to come back but the business worked so I never went back but I still keep up that up today but I keep my hand in terms of I keep my eye on behavior psychology it's interesting to me which could let me go on a lot of questions my questions how we doing here 40 minutes all right what would you suggest for learning in 2020 Python C sharp or Java depends on what you want to do but again if you learn any of these you be a good position right think about what you want to do in terms of the type of work look at the job opportunities out there and then choose what I do is I teach the fundamentals of Cody and I use JavaScript I use Python I use PHP as the the vehicle if you will as the methodology is the way to teach not the methodology as the way they're the vehicles to teach the principles of software development I use these languages but they're applicable to any of these languages so again choose whatever you like now you could do with Python you go to a child whatever and then you can decide which way you want to go cuz once you learn how to program in Python to jump to c-sharp or Java won't be difficult and vice versa hmm what is the best way to protect your code from people online just not embedding it in your HTML and reporting it if you're writing a client-side code that's html5 css3 JavaScript on the client it is practically no way to really protect it you could there's ways you can often skate it and basically you try to hide it and clump it together but to waste of time [Music] server-side code code that runs on your server would be suicide JavaScript Ella node Java C sharp but but PHP yes you can protect that except if they're installing it on their server the most valuable part of a business by the way is not necessarily the code base people think that you need it's crucial but it's the brand it's the reputation of the business it's the model of the business think about it this way look at Mac OS 10 it's totally different software than Mac OS 1 through 9 it's literally a totally different piece of software it's the Apple brand that makes Mac OS value it's the usability that makes it value but valuable but it's essentially the brand at the end of the day is it better to use Prisma a graph QL oh for a new project depends on the project always depends on our project I am from South Africa Africa I am doing deployment mathematical sciences your content is motivating thank you well I'm glad I could help you can't go around learning the math if that's your thing but again like I said you don't have to know math to be a great developer but how do you set boundaries hold on try to read this how do you set boundaries when doing a free job because people always want more and more that's a very common problem they call that feature creep the features that they want in their software creeps ahan builds up that's up to you to set up good documentation contracts you set up right up front make sure everybody knows what they're getting when they're getting it what they're gonna get how much do you pay for what they're getting so that's a lot about client management I go into great detail a freelance course very important the success or failure of a project has a lot more to do than you think with how you manage the clients expectations relative to your expectations when you're delivering a project mmm how much PHP should you know before jumping into laravel well you have to know your basics then you have to know object-oriented PHP and you should know basic things like processing forms and deploying PHP that's pretty simple object you got to know your object oriented PHP because laravel is very hard to point it so if you got that then you can start jumping into laravel any ideas of the most used languages in the military industry no I don't know but I think you probably see a lot of Java a lot of Java C sharp you probably see some COBOL as well - in your opinion would a company hire a 30 year old amateur programmer as a junior if he has only ever programmed as a hobby it's worth a shot why not as I said set up a site do a couple of freebie projects for some actual businesses little businesses and then you'll start lining jobs do you remember do you recommend using WordPress or Shopify for freelance work use both let the client does dictate to you you got to look at those projects like you know WordPress Shopify Wix Drupal whatever you got to look at always saying this tools they're just tools and you use a tool for the job I hope that makes sense can I do machine learning if I'm not willing to learn the map related to it separately apparently you can I not a machine learning guy but a good friend of mine is quite skilled in that and a lot of times the the math intensive aspect of machine learning is already taken care of for you you just use the libraries and you train models on other people's libraries so yeah you don't necessarily as far as I understand it's not necessarily case and I think over time just right now we have all these database tools you know to leverage we don't have to build our own database apps I think in time these AI modules will be in place where you just have to implement them any little languages or frameworks that you want to learn or mess around with a bit if I had time I would jump into flutter right now it looks kind of interesting to me what do you think a graph QL apparently it's very good never used it so don't have opinion pro/con as I said as a general rule I think that a lot of these technologies are are pretty good just depends on the work that you do it Steph do you see data scientists playing a role in or becoming part of freelance web dev shop hmm probably not but maybe in the future maybe in the future as this that that space matures you know what in the future as that space matures II you know they may want to hire in data scientists to take care of certain things right now I think it's probably more relegated to a larger business but this is just a guess on my part if you have a very strong understanding of Java fundamentals and a decent understanding of the sprinkler work as well as CSS is that a question it's a statement I guess he just ended it up PHP versus no what do you prefer we went with PHP simply because I didn't like the the ecosystem of NPM I didn't like well NPM is the software but I didn't I didn't like the the ecosystem there's too many dependencies and if I was really messy so apparently they're trying to clean that up I'm not a big con assault of node I looked at it briefly years ago and I decide to stick the PHP simply because it was more mature at the time but they're both good dice to use I've seen great apps should I use arm for sure for sure for sure user no one for sure now just cait's people don't know enormous relational mapping tools a layer software it sits on top of a SQL based database it makes it easier for you to to query data and update your database it doesn't solve every problem at some point you're gonna have to drop down to SQL but I would definitely use I don't want there's no question about that I want to learn as many programming languages I can any advice yes learn one well and then start doing real-world projects and let the project's pull you into different areas over the years I view something like eight or nine languages to build commercial apps where I got paid to build them or I made money with them and that's how you get around to it you don't want to be caught up in you know academic the academic word lifestyle where you're just continuously learning languages because from books or tutorials thinking you get better and better and you come out of superstar I equate that to a boxing or MMA if you're just a guy or a girl which is hitting pads all day and doing drills to never jump in the ring to do the real thing when you eventually if ever you jump in the ring it's gonna be a shocking revelation how much how little you know to become a great coder you got a code do you still cold not often I once in a while Dabo around with it I architect I deal with code inspections once in a while I simply just don't have the time hi Stefan are you open to the idea of collaboration we work with freelance developers how to sell earn more money well I'm not a freelance developer so I would not be interested in that I don't know what you have in mind email me I'll take a look at it proposals how to make money with a website different ways you can do that you can create a SAS you can start writing articles and doing videos reselling other people's products there's all kinds of different ways to do that maybe I should do that in my other channel I seen a lot of questions related to careers business monetizing monetizing your coding skills if you will Steph do you still watch you a/c who is your favorite fighter if you do I don't watch too much these days I've just been busy with things you know actually at my gym I live in mud shell I was at my gym well maybe a week or two before coronavirus and I walk in the steam room there's George st. Pierre I used to train with him well I was I didn't train with my training the same gym as him years ago like 15 years ago and so I hadn't talked to him a long time yeah so he was there it's cool guy he was about to head down to the stasis shooting some his role in some Marvel film uh is that ruleth um sort of sort of way to know when you're ready to use a library now just jump into it rate code as a beginner how that's a fate that's the great thing about Cody it's not ambiguous in the sense that it either works or it doesn't work now when you're beginner it's gonna take you longer to get it to work and when you're beginner your code is going to be Messier I should come more advanced you're gonna be able to get your code to work more quickly and your code is going to be simpler and cleaner and better but just jump into it that's great thing about Coney has the satisfying thing about going in when it works it works it's it's not ambiguous like with the done with design and artistic endeavors if you will it's more ambiguous it's more subtle it's a lot more nuanced there's a continuum there but with code it works or does it Steph used to be TAS well I used to spar I used to be a bouncer to uh I would see ol MRSA Tiki somebody's answer I started freelancing at five or two months ago you need to underprice yourself a lot to start because there's a lot of competition after you made it the entry of barriers great there you go that's exactly it when you're starting out on anything you got to kind of pay your your dues you got to work cheap and then once you develop skills reputation and experience and your rates will start to jump up that's just normal oh my already 51 minutes all right are you married not as far as I know what do you think the future of xamarin development for iOS Android Anisha fication Lisa Phoenicia 5k shin of Zarin is PHP losing its popularity perhaps but it's so huge it will be around 10 years 15 years from now guaranteed his iOS freelance future at risk due to flutter and RN I don't think so I think you know even Ruby you know Ruby is like in the doghouse right now there's still lots of moving jobs right say in the folklore didn't photo goal say infiltrant I haven't as a as French from France I think I have a vague understanding what that means i Function i think it's a it's a forging you need to forge in your forest to forge ahead something like that that's what that means midnight here good night everyone have a nice day you too yeah I'm about to sign out 52 minutes oh my god I need a drink I am comfortable with making web app using vanilla JavaScript and react but when it comes to solve problems form code we're a hack rank it bit to it having trouble reading that yeah I can understand that that comes with practice you know when you first fight when you're first hitting the pads and you get good with combinations you can get good at that but when you get in a ring and people are hitting you and you gotta move you gotta shake boom boom it's hard at first but then it gets easier every time the great thing about coding those you don't get your nose broken in the process 7 how do you deal with headaches after lots hours staring at the computer take breaks drink lots of water exercise and maybe go take a walk somewhere what do you think what Steph when do you think Tech's tech is starting to die off you'll be retired long before that I think when Davos and companies start protecting their tech from market instead of adjusting to market its beginning of the end yeah for a company but it's this is just the beginning of this whole tech evolution we got so much more to do think about how much WordPress sucks it can indeed what do you think but a huge market for WordPress several with $500 USD be a good price is point to starting to freelance and so should you advertise that on your website no no because you don't know what the project is it's like it's like saying to somebody I will build your house for $500 what kind of house how big is that how many toilets same thing with a development it's every every job is different I've talked about this over and over again I see no you go in you you do your first few jobs free so you learn to judge projects I teach them my freelance course how they judge the cost of everything and then you're gonna learn how to properly assess how much time it's going to take to build up to your project after you've done this a few times and then you'll be able to start charging because on a per project basis you have to do that so I wouldn't set a price like that because it's there's too much variation there all right we're gonna end off a few more questions 55 minutes in here my mouth is really getting dry any plans to visit Pakistan no I would like to at some point but not right now no right now ah a hypothetical example you want to start a professional career but allows you to develop different types of apps mobile web etc a game what language would you choose I would go I would go web stack because it gives you a lot of flexibility there and then you can just pivot accordingly web stack html5 css3 javascript some server-side now would take it from there can you do job as a fresher in Canada for web designer yes you can I just mapped out how you would do big good night and thank you for sharing your experience not a problem thanks for watching do you want any stocks I do I do but I did sell out quite a a few years ago which is a mistake as the market kept going up because I thought the market was going to correct I have a balance of stocks and debt I own debt I'm not in debt I have no debt I own that the only bond when you buy bonds those are dead that's dead so I have a balance of that so my stocks are you free then hard hit pretty hard lis like most people but my bonds have gone up so many things are fairly stable but I have a lot more cash let me know when you are New Orleans that's a place I like to visit good food and good music that's that's that's what I like uh who'd want to go to PASOK Pakistan a lot of people want to go to Pakistan okay let's go Co for Giacalone divya for sure it's blacksmithing of course that one becomes blacksmith ah thank you hmm I sort of had a vague idea what that is that's it that's that's true you want to but you want a blacksmith you got a blacksmith if you want to fight you fight I'd say you tell people want to learn to fight you fight you want to learn to code your code I stopped doing drills stop doing tutorials learn your basics get in the real world you want to learn to date to date would you consider making a series of single videos on thinking like a programmer there's many videos on how to code but not how to think like a programmer well my foundation courses get into that to a certain extent people if you read the reviews people talk about that but maybe I'll do a mini-series on that that's an interesting idea I don't think like an expert developer hangy staff enjoyed this livestream a lot I'm glad you liked it thanks for watching all right we're at 225 57 minutes 44 I gotta take a drink so let me finish this off by saying thanks for watching I think people would really like to livestream its kind of a little bit more action-packed by the way we're at 99 likes we have 220 people watching once you guys hit the like button for me because that's what you're supposed to do when you're on YouTube 99 let's go let's go hit the like button yeah so I'm gonna finish off because my mouth is going dry let me know in the comments below let me know what the likes if you'd like me to do more live streams relative to pre-recorded material or should I do more pre-recorded material hopefully once this COBIT virus is over the quality of the video and the audio will go back up alright love yourself my big bro yeah well I'm glad I could help farhad I look glad I could help alright so unless there's any super cool questions I'm gonna go to close off the stream you need to make more lies alright hugs from on Argentina that's one thing I really like I get to meet people from all over the world fantastic alright guys and girls take care of yourself and we will talk soon bye bye
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 10,533
Rating: 4.9269404 out of 5
Id: Pmii3oMXADY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 15sec (3555 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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