Upwork Releases the Top 15 Most In Demand Coding Skills

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so one of the things i've been talking about for years is how web development is still the king in the job market as a developer whether you do simple web design or go into full app development et cetera et cetera so people look at some of the uh some of the professions some of the specializations in the programming world like ai development or blockchain they hear a bit of hype and they assume ooh that's where all the money is at and i've shown in video after video where i show stats and charts and all kinds of data to show that the fact of the matter is is when you become a developer the level of compensation equalizes regardless of your specialization whether you make you know 90 000 a year 150 000 a year has a lot more to do with your experience and your overall ability not the type of programming you get into that being said when you first jump into programming i like to maximize your opportunities your probabilities if you're going to land a job so what do you do you look at where the demand is so this brings up a little piece that i was um introduced to somebody in the audience talk mentioned this upwork uh press release so let me just read it and i'll give you some of my two cents here upwork releases top 15 most demand skills for independent web mobile and software developers so uh so okay they're publicly traded uh in light of kobits let me just zoom in here a little bit here in light of cobits well let's see if i can go ahead and tighter i don't know that's good in light of covet 19's impact on the economy many organizations are navigating new business demands and as a result they are experiencing difficulty finding and retaining talent with the technical skills required to keep up with the pace of digital transformation a recent survey found that 51 of hiring managers plan to engage independent web mobile and software developers this year nearly half 49 cite need needing access to skills and expertise as their reason why upwork's top 15 most in the van skills reveal the essential role skilled professionals are playing in filling tech gaps and solving businesses most pressing needs technology is evolving rapidly and companies must adapt and stay ahead said mike paylor of upworks vip upworks vp of engineering and product this means building a virtual talent bench that can contribute diverse skills and deep knowledge to solving highly technical problems in over in order to overcome talent scarcity issues hiring managers are rethinking how resource talent and this data indicates more leaders are turning to upwork well of course you know this is a press release that uh you know favors them but anyway from javascript to python to html these highly sought after skills are also rare let me just when we start try that reading that again from javascript to python and html these highly sought after skills also show there is opportunity for independent talent to grow their businesses and build valuable relationship relationships with high quality clients from around the world so i mentioned this article not to say oh go work for upwork no i'm mentioning this to say this is a big data set here and uh it will give you an idea of what the market is like in terms of the demand again this is just reiterating uh this is another data point as far as i'm concerned for me from my point of view with regards to what i've been telling people for years the web is king not ai not blockchain development not server not i don't know server security those are all great but there are many many many more jobs in this field in the web area meaning a lot easier to get a job right so let's look at the top 15. so you got javascript css html that's the web stack website development general i guess this is based on a survey php there we go php again oh man dirty old php api development wordpress html5 well i guess the html html5 same thing web design python web application api integration jquery mysql and react no ruby all right so let's go the data was sourced from upworks database and is based on growth service volume from april 1st 2020 to september 30th 2020. each skill had a minimum of 500 projects projects during the period uh all right so he says we serve every everyone from one person starts to 30 of the fortune 100 with powerful trust driven platform enables companies to and freelancers to work together in new ways all right so this is not an upwork paid promotion it's just another data point i like to look at data points from different places to see whether or not my thinking about things whether it be technology programming business whatever it is is is accurate that's what you want to do in life a little another little tip for you guys out there and girls if you want to know what's really up what's really the case what's accurate don't stay in your echo chamber start looking around different sources of information especially sources that conflict the more you can the more information from more desperate so did not desperate disparate sources that you can access from the more accurate your information is going to be i got this back in the day when i was doing martial arts i would go from grappling from judo and wrestling to boxing and to catch campbell to wing chun all these different styles trying to figure out what really makes a good fighter and actually took me uh training from different styles that uh in many ways philosophically they had conflicts and differences in terms of how they felt how people should best prepare to fight and how the best strategies and so on and by combining all these different styles you start figuring around you start figuring figuring out what really works right that's what mma is all about and great software developers work that way as well that's why in my courses i teach three programming languages javascript python and php and i teach of course html5 css3 and i teach sql and databases a whole bunch of other stuff as well the point is by looking at three different languages uh looking at how they approach uh software development and you start to become a better programmer that way anyway so there you go uh the main point of this video is that a it's all these tech technologies and skills that uh have been around for years and years and years javascript css html php api development wordpress jquery api integrations react python these technologies have been around for decades two decades well maybe one decade two decades three decades in some situations and they're still super super super in demand in fact in the most demand and their demand is only increasing anyway i hope this is useful to you bye-bye
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 7,089
Rating: 4.9510202 out of 5
Keywords: developervlogs, developermentoring
Id: aNacDTc-Z7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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