12 Dares of Christmas FULL MOVIE | Brittany Underwood | Christmas Romance Movies | Empress Movies

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] voila is it magnific to a the most Dapper Snowman in all the land what's that you say join you don't mind if I do one for you and one for me cheers Chie you found someone to kiss under the mistletoe Ala why didn't you call me when you got into the train station let's get you inside I got your bag oh no no no I got this absolutely not I'm the big sister okay are you sure don't want to spend a little more time together with your new friend oh you're funny I'll make you some hot cocoa Oh please how was your dress [Music] so do I look like a marshmallow I have to go to the school to present to principal Olen and I just really need her to approve my Exchange program it's been my soulful Focus for months well I mean at least they're listening to your ideas at the school I I can't say the same for the torium well little Miss Chicago you could always come on home you know my boss told me to stay in my Lane with social media I mean they don't even know how much I could do there's so many trends that they're missing out on key words well you need to stand up for yourself be daring know your worth don't let anyone tell you otherwise how's that for a pep talk yeah yeah that was pretty good oh time for new one of these my stockings got a hole in it these are like collector items these decorations always make me feel closer to Mom and Dad this time of year yeah you even decorated the mantle like she did I did is that your pitch it is the 12 Days of Christmas an exchange for students between Ashby Falls and St Noel France a I wish that was happening this year we could do it some excitement oh no we are nowhere near ready it still has to be approved by the school board wait the 12 dares of Christmas what where huh sounds merry oh that is a typo nope less dares more days of learning boring it is not going to be boring we have tons of fun activities planned okay no you should swing for the fences on this one be daring know your worth you know know somebody smarter than me told me that is that other School's teacher still coming to help you with the official presentation yes he is mysterious and romantic by chance oh do not get your hopes up so far in emails Mr Gabriel booy seems as stuffy and uptight as they come St Noel's least eligible bachelor and you're not into stuffy or uptight wow so happy to have you back [Music] [Applause] [Music] so happy to be back in [Music] [Applause] [Music] America [Music] Gabrielle how does it feel to be back in America oh I am starkly reminded of why I left I'm currently sipping a ridiculously sized coffee and giving myself the Jitters just looking at it anyway how's the program going is it still just the three students coming just three G this is the first year of the school exchange mon have you connected with your ashbe balls yet uh no not yet I was going to go to the hotel and check in my room first let me know as soon as you have a meeting with this Miss Smith da exciting well if this drink is any indication not going exactly to plan but patience Gabriel no need to run away with the first bit of trouble H give it a fair chance I'll try Okay bye [Music] okay that's my presentation The 12 Days of Christmas I can see a lot of hard work went into this aara but it's still missing something and you know you also have to convince the board uh what is it that you think it's missing I can't put my finger on it but where's the you in it all the me yes a unique and engaging idea think on it I will I will think so hard on it and uh the vice principal rule well your success with this program will really determine if you're ready to be a vice principal oh uh but I've been a teacher here my entire adult life and I was was a student here I know it's not that you lack enthusiasm it's just figure out what set you apart and nail the presentation what about um Mr bofo yes I'm meeting with him later tonight good I think his presence here will help seal the deal be bold Alara bold yes bold with bells on no really I can wear Bells if you think that'll help what okay all [Music] right hey Chelsea did not go well what are you doing why are you acting weird what's going on nothing just sit down so I've been thinking this dares thing what dares thing from your presentation that was not a thing well should it be I have an idea why am I scared Merry Christmas okay open it up the 12 dares of Christmas one a day until Christmas Eve you said it yourself you need to be more daring and I need to show my cool ideas in action [Music] so 12 drummers drumming you want me to join a marching band okay you have to read the whole thing the first aare is 12 drummers drumming give your number to 12 guys at a par 12 no way oh come on what better way to be bold than to shake up the dustiest dullest part of your life flirting and romance it's Christmas There's A tingle in the air I do love Christmas yes H girl winter off to the tavern perfect location to kick things off wait now I have to meet Gabriel well why not get your flirt on at the tavern first plus they have hot apple cider and mold wine and those cute little drinks with the umbrella in them I mean I guess I could tell him to meet us there but 2 hours max I have so much work I need to do which I will do later yes that's [Music] right oh sorry sorry so it's SP your first drummer yet you know I usually let my French students study before a pop quiz okay practice round what's your best pickup line okay um ah can I give you my number so you can jingle me on the Bell later oh oh no no no no no that is worse than I thought oh stop it'll be F I'm funny okay you just don't get it besides I thought the guys were supposed to come to us uh you call yourself a modern woman got you what are you doing nothing just writing your number okay okay yeah what are you waiting for oh Chelsea yeah good [Music] luck hey there I'd really like to get to snow you you must be exhausted because you've been running through musle all day aort [Music] aort okay the 12 dares of Christmas okay first dare 12 drummers drummings okay hey there cutie just call me an ornament cuz I'm hanging on your every word you want my number yeah that's fair well I have humiliated myself and tried to give out my number 11 times which is 11 times more than in the past decade can we please be done I don't see any more eligible bachelors in here okay you know what we will stay here all night if we have to but Gabriel could be here any minute last but not least that's not happening genus gorgeous oh a dare's a dare get over there shall see okay payback is going to hurt okay hey hi there I haven't seen you around before my name's Zara oh oops daisies dropped something oh it's my phone number that's for you right there I see that smooth I'm sorry it's my sister she it's a long story basically I have to give my number out to 12 strangers will you please just take this and put me out of my misery sure didn't catch your name by the way ah Gabriel finally sorry I have to take this hello helloa SA you're you're Gabriel this is wonderful I'll have a drink make that a double thank you so nice to meet you I'm feeling really embarrassed right now why didn't you come up and say something to me sooner my little sister loves to embarrass me where did she go off to oh she went up ahead to the creary I told her I would meet her there if you want to come with [Music] sure you know I'm not going to lie I'm feeling a little catfished right now you're American ah yes Portland born and raised but I went to France when I was 18 for college and never looked back H if the name like Gabriel bofo I'm sure you fit right in over there oh well used to go back but last name is a bit of a long story well my French grandfather fell in love with American Girl chased her across the ocean and landed in Portland not as long of a story as I thought Gabe huh mhm yeah you seem more like a Gabriel to me so how are the uh exchange preparations coming they are coming along just wish we had more enthusiasm from the school board they're not excited well they will be that's why you're here oh well I would love to go over the uh the program stuff in the morning just there's a lot to get done before the students arrive in Ashby Falls yeah but there's still plenty of time for that and here we are Ashby Falls finest ice cream and hot cocoa partner come [Music] on hey Chelsea hi Troy Hi Chelsea used to work here all through high school um Troy and I were just catching up he's so excited to have his favorite ex employee back in town aren't you Troy uh yeah I am okay we should go and sit down okay so mhm you get the perfect dollop Christmas mint chip then I call it my Christmas cocoa float that's such a unique idea maybe I could uh help you with your social media while I'm in town wait for real pay me an ice cream and I'm in yeah okay I mean I can use all the help I can get so program yes I am eager to hear your thoughts and the families oh nothing's changed on that front still the plan I'm just really excited to get this up and running ditto tickets are booked and kids will be here before we know it the tickets are booked yeah French are organized we can't all just wing it okay Portland uh some of us American folk are actually very organized and like to adhere to strict itineraries Perfection is protection but I do think that booking the tickets this far in advance is a lot of confidence for a program that has yet to be [Music] Greenland I'm sorry green Li uh yes it means approved or signed off on yeah I know what it means what do you mean the program is not approved well that's why you're here so we can present to the ashb school board together don't have the funds yet no no you emailed me and I quote I'm looking forward to having the students here soon you didn't think I meant to do the exchange this year how could I not no no no no no get why would you think I meant to do it this year because you invited me to come along for the presentation you can't be serious the tickets are booked they're non-refundable oh no um Gabriel Gabriel um wait uh wait um where are you going I'm going back to the hotel Laura because I have to call my students and tell them that the program's not happening you know I'm going to have to refund those airf fars myself right no know I'm sure we can fix this look if we pull out now I don't know that we'll get another chance I don't know maybe you'll find another school that communicates in a way that you understand I'm sorry are you saying this is somehow my fault look St Noel and Ashby Falls were founded in the same year we even share the same flower as our town symbol and and I think that should mean something there is so much on the line you can't just walk away no really please don't walk away do you see that do you smell that do you feel that no it's a Christmas spirit a time for wonderful things Christmas miracles yeah well we're going to need a lot more than some manufactured commercialized holiday feeling to make this work don't be such a ba humbug I'm not being a b anything I I'm being realistic we have students arriving and two smart teachers with one unified goal hear me out we will go to the board and explain the mixup but we will present it in a positive way as a test run to see how the program could be there's still time right how many students are coming three only three signed up no right that's a good thing only three okay uh we can put them at the end where you're staying yes but the schools are supposed to be splitting the costs I will figure something out just meet me at the school tomorrow I will call for an emergency meeting I don't know no no we need to call this thing off it's not worth the headache if we're not going to do it right please please just give me a chance we can make sure that the students have the best time we got [Music] this hot hot hot I so do not got this you'll find a solution these are so Good by the way you know you could do to add a little more to these chili powder chili powder in a Christmas cookie well you make the same Christmas cookie recipe every year change is good you always do what you've always done you'll always get you've always got I mean you had fun last night right with the dare I mean I guess up until I found out a group of French students was about to descend on me and I told their teacher everything was going to be fine what do I do what you always do in a crisis come up with something so Gabriel is super cute he's pretentious and a quitter what at the bar you said that you to he's such a know-it-all he blames me for this whole misunderstanding when it was actually entirely his fault yeah that's a bummer but no no I retract my participation in this insane idea of yours excuse me this is not insane this is a super cute holiday experience SL present read The Room Chelsea I can't do this right now well that's a shame the people on social media think it's a great idea what is that I started a Swifty gram to track your dares fun right you just can't help yourself can you with this whole social media thing my reputation she needs a makeover look look at this we already have 150 likes on that photo and look at the comments scroll cuz there's a lot this is so inspiring this post made me miss an old friend and reach out want to get rich by my no that that's a bot Chelsea delete this now now I'm not going to post anything embarrassing plus you're going to like this next dare no fine 11 Pipers piping go to the school fundraiser and decorate a gingerbread house get it cuz the piping and the icing and little yes Chelsea I get it I understand but I don't have time for this okay I have to go to an emergency meeting with the school board so thank you but no thank you yeah I am not going to be playing a silly little game I don't have time stop playing sorry love you mean it wish me luck bye love you good [Music] luck thank you all so much for coming together on such short notice yeah um what's so urgent oh okay well there's been a slight change of plans um allow me to introduce you to our exchange teacher from St newel Mr Gabriel [Applause] booy um so there's been a um tiny little minor not a big deal at all miscommunication uh between the two of us and a small group of students from St newel are already set to arrive yeah the program hasn't been approved yet we need to take a vote I know uh go look we take full responsibility we yes we I have a full plan for the program all laid out in an itinerary L down in front of you arara I prepped the board after your soft pitch yesterday this idea needs more work the school does not have the resources right well I am already working on a program that is even more interactive for the students extra christmy something that will give our visitors a sense of Ashby Falls something fun and bold yeah okay okay okay all I ask is that you give us a chance consider this a test run of the program I will find a way to raise more funds and by Christmas we will have the best itinerary ever Gabriel's going to help me figure that out right Gabriel I can only speak from my own experience but when I moved to France I didn't know anyone but the people that took me in the friends I made they're like family now and we want the students coming to have the opportunity to have those same experiences your eyebrows look like two surprised caterpillars uh yes to what Gabriel says to Friendship true so um in case you're wondering that didn't go well yeah thank you Captain Obvious you're welcome but at least they heard us out and voted to give us a chance you seem confident well Christmas Joy hangs in the balance did you mean what you said in there about the people who took you in becoming like family sure but mainly I just said what I need to do to get the yes typical charm them with whatever they want to hear no follow through okay so what's your big plan then because the parents confidence in you it's as brittle as an old baguette I don't have a plan yet but I will think of something just need to get more eyeballs on that fundraising link yeah can't argue with dollars and cents wow 600 what are you doing uh nothing I'm just thinking sometimes doing something with my hands just allows my brain to relax and I can put all the pieces together look come on great okay I don't see how this is oh if you're worried that you've lost your Competitive Edge after moving to France and will therefore build an inferior house to mine I completely [Music] understand excuse more gloves off I just don't see how decorating gingerbread solves a problem with creating an entire Exchange program in 11 days I will come up with a plan to win everyone over this program is happening no matter what you do know that you can't talk your way out of every problem right says you here okay oh [Music] boy have you never actually made a gingerbread house before you look like you're St struggling is that a real question or just a backhanded comment I just asking look you need to handle it gently okay you want to build a strong Foundation holding it all together do your students homework for him too fine do it yourself fine I will voila Tiffany it's all on guard if you say so I do all right let's find some board members to mingle with okay oh wait we have to put our names on these for the auction they sell them off for a few dollars oh no no no Let's Escape before anybody sees [Music] it [Music] you coming [Music] coming you know it wouldn't hurt if you turned up the charm just a little bit get people excited I saw the parents totally buy into your whole swave mysterious xat thing do you think I'm swaave and mysterious I said the parents on H it's my boss Victor probably looking for an update yay wa hello Elara Rita hi what was that you couldn't have warned me you should have called me immediately when you knew there was a problem that was our mistake I know I I don't think I need to tell you what's writing on this your promotion it's not looking good I stuck my neck out for you okay I I know that it's a mess but I truly believe that I can pull this off the legality of it all so that was my boss Victor I call principal Bronson after the meeting he's upset can you blame him I don't know what you two have cooking but I hope it doesn't go up and smoke everybody will be watching [Music] closely okay thank you Rita love the pick uploaded I see 500 likes what are you doing oh nothing so this experience isn't going exactly as I planned it same here so why was it that you wanted to start the program in the first place well ever since I can remember I wanted to spend Christmas in France just always seem so magical and that's what I want for my students have a magical Christmas in Frank I think your idea idealizing it they just have better pastries so it's not just a Christmas time B hum buiness you're just overall a debie downer excuse you I'm from Oregon where it rains constantly yet we maintain a positive and upbeat Persona in spite of challenges and mud ah yeah yeah you don't exactly strike me as somebody who likes to look on the bright side of things more like somebody who likes to look at the problems I think I'm just realistic H so why did you want to do the exchange CU I wanted my students to be able to communicate with others funny then the miscommunication between us Oh you mean your miscommunication debatable so why you why are you the one to set all this up you mean besides the obvious answer that I'm the French teacher and you're the French school touche I don't know guess I'm always the person to to step up and take charge with my family my sister I see I see so if someone can't build their own gingerbread house you'll just build it for them you know did anybody ever tell you you're actually supposed to be nice to people around Christmas time it's kind of a thing huh no missed that yeah makes sense if I may why do you love Christmas so much it's not this mom Magic it absolutely is this Momo Magik Christmas is the season of coming together it's the perfect time to do the exchange NPA no ornaments oh it's an Ashby Falls tradition we wait until Christmas Eve to decorate the tree everybody brings a homemade ornament oh that's actually a perfect thing we can do with the students when they arrive see the good ideas are already flowing why don't you come by my police tomorrow and we can discuss it further m I don't know might be pretty busy looking for problems plus Debbie the Downer's in town and you know she keeps me pretty busy so do [Music] SE um 1 second [Music] oh chel 10 Lords leaping start and win a snowball [Music] fight hey Chelsea not doing any more of these dares too much work check the Swifty gram we have 400 new followers what this is the funniest example of open to interpretation anyone have the fundraiser link I'd bid on this house for sure uh [Music] coming finally took you long enough well not really my fault I could barely find the door with all this fun oh I know how awful bit excessive someone's extra cranky this morning did you not sleep no actually there's a leak in my hotel room they moved me to another oh must be the old place Plumbing well if there was another accommodation option I would take it well Ashby Falls is a small town some might even say Charming oh is that what some might say they would come in thank [Music] you I can take your coat thank you this is a whole lot of Christmas well you can never have too much Christmas you sure ah yes come here all right I've collected data on the test results of six graduating classes look students who were involved in our extracurricular language courses scored a minimum of 10% higher than those who weren't May I'm just not seeing anything in here about the activities for the students you know nothing about a strategy to get the town more involved well well you know I'm right you know even when you are trying to be helpful you are so smug I'm leaving what what okay what's happening I am storming out in frustration of your own house hey I thought you wanted my [Music] help oh you have no idea what you just did you know I was the captain of the handball team at the University of Bordeaux right I don't know what that is you're about to find [Music] out rude you [Music] started [Music] careful um you okay you know I haven't had this much fun in a really long time me too but I will say no teacher from my school would ever start a snowball fight with a visiting guest well uh normally I wouldn't either but ay you were frustrating me and B I kind of had to I'm sorry you had to hit me in the face with a snowball let me show you something so my very sweet but annoying sister started all of this she saw this typo in my presentation that said dares instead of days and thought she'd have some fun with me they're all Loosely based on that song so it's been impossible to guess which one each dare will be this is why you were walking around at the tavern asking all those guys if you could give them your number mhm I just thought you were desperate wow and I thought all teachers had Hearts glad I learned something new so your sister asks you to do something new in Christmasy every day yes and it got me thinking what if we planned the activities around holiday spirited things I like it you do I also had another idea inspired by Chelsea look Chelsea is a social media whz and so she put together this Swifty gam account to follow all of the dares and then people started following and commenting asking about donating so I got on this fundraising website and created a link with a goal of $10,000 put it right there in the Swifty gr bio thought it might be a really good way to raise extra funds for the program that is a really good idea yeah yeah thank you I'll help you will is that so surprising um yes we need your board behind us asap plus it's my students coming so what's the next D I actually don't know yet she just gives them to me one day at a time but if you're serious about helping maybe you want to tag along we can meet up and open the dares together while we figure out what to do with the students of course mhm sure yeah okay oh I need to take a picture of each dare um maybe we could get one of the the Snowballs oh you are very trusting of me in this weather considering how badly I beat you I want to rematch don't ask cuz I will bring [Music] it little higher move to the right a little more ah now that is a photo oh that cannot be the shot that's terrible one more one more one more [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] no oh Chelsea you little sneak nine ladies dancing get ready to dance on Ice oh [Music] boy here you go thank you and uh yeah I definitely don't think that we should include ice skating yeah I just had no idea you'd be that bad at it the skates were faulty right but I will say you do have some good ideas oh like this welcome basket thing genius very christmy thank you yeah thought it would be nice to have for when the students arrive something to celebrate the season I already ordered it so they should be arriving in few days you know I'm very impressed maybe you're not such a cold-hearted runaway at the first sign of trouble guy after all H the classic allara Smith backhanded compliment I don't know how to take that now while I don't love your communication style I do really like the hashtag idea I'm glad you like it so long okay I don't think it's that long # festivity in ASB Falls has a nice rink to it oh it's our next dare okay you sure you're up for it Mr elbows all right eight maids of milking eggnog making I take it to school makes eggnog for the fundraiser very good and there should even be some parents and board members there so it'll be the perfect opportunity to keep talking about the program no you know I really I don't think I should go this injury is really bad no no no no you are not getting out of it that [Music] easy all right everyone partner up and stepping a little closer so you can see what's going [Music] on so I suppose if I partner with you you'll just do it all for me and I suppose if I partner with you you'll just walk away if it isn't what you expected now the first step is to separate the egg yolks from the egg whites okay all [Music] right oh I pierced the Yol yeah that's why you just buy pre-made eggnog okay now I know you're still American at heart all right you try smarty pants okay show off I thought we were actually supposed to be here talking to the parents and in a separate Bowl measure out the sugar right she said measure I don't I don't work from recipes it's all about Instinct intuition heyy we are going to get this right measure fine there is that good mhm okay so what's next you whisk together the yolk and the sugar all right so this is a cinnamon yeah yes got a little bit of that okay boom little extra for good luck Ando you thank you great I'll pour this in here here you go thank you wow that uh that's actually really good that is really good mhm see I knew we would get it right if we just followed the recipe perfectly wait so you like it I love it you like it okay good so you're not going to be angry to learn that I that we because we're a team that we forgot the nutmeg you forgot the hey no no no no hey you said you liked it who needs nutmeg n Cheers Cheers all right picture where it didn't [Music] happen all right let's leave before we have to clean anything up shall we yeah hey Chelsea hi what do you work here just helping out yeah don't know Trey looks like he could use all the help he can get no actually we've been selling a lot off the website I've just been doing what I do best creating an online presence hey you should use the new hashtag that she just created it's um # festivity in Ashby Falls really great cuz it's it's driving a lot of people to the fun oh interesting yeah the uh Swifty gam that you hated in the beginning uh uh got to take this yeah convenient principal olsena I heard people are more interested in the program since you two have been hobnobbing oh that's great news I'm actually with Gabriel right now I'll put you on speaker she said we've been getting people interested in the program yeah actually people are really interested especially when we tell them exactly what the students are going to get in return yes well we'll see how it goes uh also AA and her sister they've been been doing these dares and they've been documenting them on Swifty gram with a hashtag and it's actually sending a lot of traffic to the school's website for fundraising too I see well this might explain the extra donations on the school website yeah actually the whole thing has been inspiring a revamp of my itinerary with getting the kids out of the schools and into town activities not something I would have thought of let's see how the Schoolboard feels about all of it okay thank you so much principal did she just Pi up yeah no she's a real oh okay tomorrow's dare seven swans swimming do the annual Christmas polar bear [Music] plun no for the fundraiser no absolutely not I can't believe you convinced me to do that this morning oh admit it you had fun it was an experience but not one I think the students should have fair enough not all the dares will work for the students maybe we could have them do ice sculptures or something sounds good yo you know what I I could just do this one I thought we were supposed to make our own ornaments for the Christmas tree fine do it wrong thank you I will how did you practice makes perfect hey have you heard anything about the about the in the leak I just I noticed a few more rooms had been closed off do you think they have it under control I haven't heard anything but I'm sure it's fine if that's the Christmas basket delivery service should be getting getting here any what they canceled the order why they said something about lack of stock but the students will be arriving in 6 days or is there something else we in order this close to Christmas um maybe we can make our own welcome baskets with things we find around town local items we could do it ourselves it'll be great I know I just really want everything to be perfect we can do this we got it come on Gabriel keep up Don't drop [Music] [Music] anything [Music] well I now have a new found respect for gift wrappers and um elves okay I think it's time for a break are you in the mood for some tea sounds good [Music] okay Victor I will call you back here you are oh thank you look what I found CH is getting really good at planting these what day are we on now six gisa Lang lay out under the stars and watch a Christmas movie we used to have so much fun doing that as kids when we were little our parents used to bring a blanket out into the backyard with this little projector just cozy up in the cold in Portland we would Sip Coffee listen list to live music against a backdrop of mountains and talk about the latest obscure book we've read okay pretentious pants should we go let [Music] [Music] okay hi hey this is amazing right okay so got us a couple of coffees I wasn't sure what you wanted and apparently in Ashby Falls you can't get something as simple as a cafe I got a peppermint mocha and something called The Grinch which I don't even know what to expect from that which would you like well I think you should definitely keep the Grinch Mr Grinch here thank you oh and I got us matching sweaters no no no no no I've lived in France too long to wear anything that well whatever that is okay well I tried actually I have something better oh I got this from one of the fundraising boo hand made I love how much you support the local arts and businesses here well all the Artisans that I've met they really care about their craft and that is a very French attitude well that's why I think the exchange between ashb Falls and St Noel is so perfect they have so many things in common I really do think I should try and make a trip out to France soon France would love to have you sometimes you have to be bold right [Music] right um welcome to your first outdoor movie experience in ashb Falls I I know Chelsea really tried with the Stars huh only a few more days until the students arrive we may actually pull this off and I think we should include this too for the students it's great yeah you like it it's [Music] perfect okay so what is this guy's [Music] deal there you go thank you those are heavier than they look I know the students are going to love them oh Chelsea texted we raised $4,000 that's amazing she also said to look under the couch found it I think we deserve to open that I think so okay five golden rings I dare you to run around town and find the five Christmas bells I've hidden around Ashby Falls okay but how are we going to find them I think this is a clue what if it's a scavenger hunt it's a riddle I cannot speak but I tell a story my home is filled with cheer and mirth what is mirth anyway it's Christmas Tre Jo oh long shot but isn't there that bust statue thing on the mantle at the tavern yes oh perfect well done Cheers [Music] Cheers found it I'm the place you go to make thoughts grow the school ah I think your sister might need a lesson in pun making that's fair she tries okay how are we going to know which tree cuz there are so many I think I know which one it is it's our meeting tree when we were kids it's where we'd wait for our parents to pick us up it's wonderful ful how close you and your sister are and not to pry what happened to your parents car accident my last year of high school I inherited the house and tried really hard to keep it I wanted to stay in Ashby Falls to give Chelsea a sense of stability it was the right thing to do even if it did throw off my plans to study abroad where are we supposed to go Paris and now I understand why this Exchange program is so important to you but you know dreams change can't always control what comes into your life so I just tried to make a difference here in ashb Falls [Music] oh all right if you grab the handle and take a swing the last two Bells will make a ring ding crey now is there a prize for who gets there first I don't think so but if there isy [Music] cheat hi guys hey hey you found the last bell perfect timing just some time for your surprise oh what's the surprise oh the arara Smith Hazelnut and spice float you named a float after me it's sweet but it packs a punch just like you very funny it is so popular oh we've almost sold out mhm oh sold out uh not to be rude but there's nobody here oh no no no no it's all about online now # festivity in Ashby Falls no way okay so your usual table sir Madame okay mer I can't believe they need this float after me I feel so honored that's good mhm uh by the way guys we are sponsoring the fruit cake competition at the fundraiser tomorrow Chelsea is going to be running it she is the new face of the revamped creary the winning Bold Flavor is going to become a permanent fixture at Ashby Falls creary right try yeah h that's a great idea no I'm full of them huh you know I will never understand why people are so obsessed with fruit cake so you won't be joining us then there's going to be a lot of people there might be the perfect opportunity to keep shmooing with the parents or a trial run for the students no I'll be there between my resourcefulness and your fastidious recipe following you know I might start to believe that you're actually enjoying yourself we give it [Laughter] [Music] away hey hi let myself in hope you don't mind oh no not at all okay um so last night I binged a ton of cooking shows and this is always how they do their cute little spreads okay well I've actually been doing some brainstorming too and I have an idea for the fruit cake okay what do you think pear and blue cheese uh no not sold uh all right well hope nobody else steals that idea well I guess we're going to go with my backup which is cherries and Plum uh we can make it like a French cfti perfect as long as there is a recipe online we can follow oh no no there's not going to be a recipe for that no we're just having fun we're mixing cultures plus any recipe I use isn't going to include nutmeg so we should You' be [Applause] fine all right here you go oh a little apron it's dainty okay what first I don't know it's your recipe you tell me let's go for some eggs [Music] okay deck the halls with bows of holly la la la la la la la la la la la la get the [Music] get that looks pretty good thank you are you ready to try our Masterpiece M yeah I'm actually kind of nervous about it oh are you yeah don't be nervous m that's actually really good oh it is really good yeah here give me another piz I didn't realize how much people loved fruit cake hey how'd yours turn out we went a little off recipe and it was really fun and how was baking with Troy actually he um he offered me a partnership what it's not a totally stupid idea idea I mean I think I'm going to stick in ashy Falls for a while oh stop maybe I'm tired of getting no respect or credit in the city you know maybe I like someone listening to my ideas and seem real tangible results I know the feeling yeah people change okay so now this is pear and blue cheese I just would like to remind you who said that was going to be a good idea oh that's right it was me this is so good here try here's a for thank you who is he yeah I do not know now this one see G uh this is cherries and marshmallows so good okay well while you sink your teeth into that sink your eyes into this we love Christmas carolers oh I know all right right here okay dare number four four calling birds sing A Christmas Carol in front of a crowd Chelsea you know I don't sing in front of people well okay the whole point of these stairs is to help you grow push yourself right you can't quit now yeah fine thanks hi hello he oh thank you let's go with this one all right We wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year good tidings we bring to you and your K Good Tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year we wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a merry Christmas you a merry Christmas happy so you're an alto what a peg you a spr yes I'm full of surprises feel like I just jumped out of an airplane go P oh principal Olson W I'm glad to see you have time to relax while your program is falling apart around you um sorry you seem to be spending an awful lot of time uh singing baking updating social media I'm surprised with the Inn having completely flooded today what exactly is your backup plan for your students the in flooded the whole bottom floor I've been trying to reach you what do we do that's it then ooh what about the board maybe they'd be willing to act as host families this close to Christmas big ask there's got to be something we could do would you maybe be willing to take some kids this is your mess you clean it up uh hi what was that all about the INF flooded feel like my happy balloon just popped it's one problem right after another okay no you need to care less about what she and everyone else thinks and just focus on what you do best solve the crisis thank you oh I see some parents I can ask okay wish me luck hello hi hey Mrs Robertson don't let her dimmer light she's been so excited for the St Noel students she just needs to keep overcoming these little bumps yeah but are you sure she's going to want to keep going out after this trust me she wants to finish this it's for tomorrow can I trust you yeah I won't let her quit [Music] promise Laura this really is a great idea all right uh Fabian what what are his Hobbies oh he goes mad for football he also loves photography and um oh he loves dogs oh you know who he'd be really great with my student Scotty Ash they have the same interests good oh perfect you know with these little information packets I think we'll find some families in no time I don't think I've ever met anyone with a more positive attitude well if the gingerbread house won't stay just use more icing right didn't work for [Music] me I'm exhausted I just can't believe you found a placement for two of the three kids in less than 24 hours it's incredible thank you just can't stop thinking about what Rita said she doesn't see all the hard work she only sees the problems like someone I know well don't worry about her she will be impressed especially when she sees how much money you raised what are you up to now 9,000 just one more thousand and we can cover all this Ridiculousness I just feel so bad well since you can't do anything about that now how about is this why you dragged me out here wasn't a hard sell you're pretty much the craziest person about Christmas I've ever met that's true give me all right dare number three on the third day of Christmas my little sis gave to me Three French Hens hens sit therefore I dare you to sit on Santa's lap and make your Christmas wish wow she is really stretching these dares huh mhm have a good Christmas thank you it's your turn yeah uh can you hold my purse sure okay hi Santa hello don't forget to tell him your wish yeah I'm thinking about it hi Santa hi I actually don't know what I want my wish to be I thought I knew I've been working so hard on this project and not just because I want to be vice principal but because I really want my students to have the experience that I never had but now I think I'm starting to wish for more I want the handsome prince and the romance with the happy ending I just don't know that one person can have all those things um usually kids just ask me for a bik um but here you go that'll do thanks okay photo oh okay ho ho ho and done there it's perfect I don't love how you edit all the pictures of our activities look at look at the eggnog yeah I don't know I was feeling really weird about putting myself into the presentation what no you are the presentation all your energy your passion plus all those activities that you thought up and then planned I'm I'm really proud of you I just wish we could have something more yeah huh oh um no I'm good well here you go oh here we are okay two turtle doves turtle doves represent friendship I dare you to extend the Christmas spirit to someone and Christmasy their house Chelsea okay well your house always looks so great that I thought it might be fun to bring the joy to someone else this season is there anyone in town you can think of who might want to make feel special for the holidays uh well there is someone I can think of oh you are testing me what else are sister's good for Christmas treats oh thank you well if I am going to do this I'm going to need a lot of help this one's a biggie well I'm in let's do it always here at help we are going to Christmas ify the heck out of the house okay yeah uh but where are we going to principal Olsen's oh [Music] oh okay here I really hope she likes it of course she will it's thoughtful and fun just like you hey we're we're all set I just want to make sure it's perfect [Music] you guys ready uh so if we get caught um is this illegal well you can't really get in trouble for being too Christmasy right right I hope not all right Troy light her up Merry Christmas Rita to Turtle does and [Music] friendship we should really add Christmas ifying a public space to the kids [Music] itinerary what they're not going to send me back to France will they well if they do you're taking me with you okay whose idea was this um [Music] oh was perfect just perfect I've been so busy lately and a little stressed out but it finally feels like Christmas well uh how about some Christmas treats on me Aura a quick private word okay [Music] I want to apologize I'm sorry every challenge that's come your way you faced it every opportunity to get out there in front of the parents you took it now the board still needs to approve this but I want you by my side I want you as my vice [Music] principal really thanks I'll catch up with you guys I really believe that you're finally up for this audition cheers to Christmas ifying Rita's house cheers there she is Miss vice principal you guys cheers it without me oh we'll get you one in a second I still can't get over Rita's face I know Victor what are you doing here I should ask you the same [Music] thing can we speak in private of course but he does not look happy no he does not are you all right uh no not really he wants them to turn around as soon as they arrive that's a bit harsh no it's true from the very beginning I should just listen to my gut and reimburse the students and tell them the program was off he went to the in and he saw that it was flooded I tried to explain to him about the home dayss and the families but or I need to ask you something instead of using the fundraising money for the program can we use it to buy new tickets home for the students what if about the program try again next year please I can't believe you want to give up at this final hurdle what what it's the fundraiser link I just kept getting all these emails but I didn't read the fine print how could I be so stupid what does it say it says that if we don't raise all the money within the next 12 hours we won't get any of it I was in such a rush when I set this up I just made the amount 10,000 because it was a nice round number but we're $1,000 short I don't have that kind of extra cash lying around do you on my salary no no that's it Gabriel no first it's the miscommunication then the INF floods then the students don't have a place to stay I have been the one to try and find Solutions every single time well your attitude has just been to throw your hands in the air and say I'm going to walk away yeah one minute you're saying oh I need to go to France and I need to make a change then the next you're jumping on the vice principal job like nothing has changed I thought you were supposed to be bold and I thought you were supposed to be on my team but I guess not this was a mistake from the beginning the only mistake here was putting my faith in you [Music] Gabriel smells pretty good in here got to say I'm conflicted cuz I do feel bad for you but I love it when you make your sad stew not making my sad stew I'm making my regular winter stew oh yeah right right right right right yeah do you want to talk about what happened nope I don't think I'll ever get the exchange program approved not after what a disaster this has all been well it's almost midnight so technically basically Christmas Eve this whole thing has brought me nothing but trouble Chelsea that is such a strange way to to look at all this okay look I know that you're upset but come on I know it's been hectic but it's been wonderful too just look at the Swifty gram we now have over 20,000 followers what people from all around the world have been inspired by your courage they donated they got invested they're all waiting to see what the final dare is aren't you just the least bit curious fine the last day of Christmas my gave to me partridge in a pear tree I dare you to have a hot cocoa in our old fort on Christmas Eve just like when we were kids it's been a while let's go it's not ready yet okay okay okay looks so pretty at night yet somehow it just feels a little smaller it does right oh you got the fire going oh yes I was prepared remember when we used to bring up marshmallows out here oh speaking of marshmallows yeah oh hot cocoa made by Yours Truly you always made the best hot coco M the tour is not over oh right this way yeah ah you're the best all my favorite snaks and that's not all look what I found I haven't seen this in forever oh my it is a simpler time back then way less complicated I don't know sometimes complicated at can be interesting H Okay I uh I have something to tell you okay gosh so Troy asked me out and I said yes really calm down calm down it's just one day or maybe it's too I don't know we've been spending a lot of time together he really likes me you guys are so cute together oh you brought up my cookies that I had just made oh of course I wouldn't leave these behind they're my favorite well I made that batch just for you did you add chili powder yes it did so good I am uh have a little something for you you made me a part I did you're so [Applause] cute de to the house you area what is it something I should have given you years ago seems like you and Ash B Falls have unfinished business is this piece of scrap paper with your chicken scratch handwriting legally binding give me a break okay the lawyer offices were closed it's a holiday but yes it's real best sister ever I love you makes me so happy your heart is happy yeah and what about your what about mine I know this whole thing has been kind of rough but I've never seen you as happy as when you've been with Gabriel yeah well not every story is a fairy tale that ends with a girl getting her handsome prints [Music] I'm sorry I reacted so strongly you did your best for our students let's just clarify the situation with principal Orson and I can be on my way Victor wait hold on it wasn't just me if it had been I probably would have jump ship and run home as soon as I arrived if it hadn't been for AA but I'm proud of AA she brought this community together I really think the kids would have liked the home stays and everything we planned and organized but can I show you something K it's aara Swifty gram the 12 dares of Christmas it sort of became a blueprint for everything we'd have the students do while they were here and I witnessed firsthand how it brought AA out of her shell I underestimated her at the end of the day I just want what's best for our students let's go see principal a soon shall we hey is everything okay AA well my Palms won't stop sweating oh you'll figure out what to say not this time Chelsea all the parents I convinced all the students they're expecting to meet all the money I failed to raise well have you checked the fundraiser no I couldn't I don't want to know how close we almost got deadlines already passed stop driving yourself crazy wait what it says we made the final Target who made the final donation Ashby Falls creary $1,000 Troy has made so much money off the hashtag that you made it brought attention to his artisanal flavors and With a Little Help From a social media genius AKA business has been thriving so you go in there and tell them that you figured it out convince Gabriel to let the students stay yeah sure okay it was last minute but you did it they have to hear you out you are a vice principal Smith after all thank you Chelsea love [Music] [Applause] you no there go Gabriel it happens to the best of us you have to let the students stay into the exchange I know that everything went wrong and it was one disaster after another but we did it we raised the money La Victor and I talked and we want the students to experience the program that you created you do that's why we're all here what [Music] I'm sorry do you smell that no what I think it's Christmas spirit we're going to be late come on thank you all so much for coming here today I know we've asked a lot of our community over the past two weeks so so it is my pleasure to introduce our students of St Noel and explain the program that I've developed with the help of Mr buffoy the 12 dares of Christmas program is designed to help our students grow how you may be asking that's me a previously uptight perfectionist doing various festive activities gingerbread making competition sitting on Santa's lap singing Christmas carols and generally humiliating myself all over town but through these experiences I've developed a program I'm really truly proud of one that will help our guests fully experience the holiday spirit and helped me realize that this is exactly the type of opportunity that we need now more than that it's okay to dream and it's okay to DARE the success of this program and everything that went into it has made this Christmas extra special for me and one that I will never forget [Music] AA there you are thank you for your dedication to this project the way you've brought the community together I just wanted to say Well done thank you now we should make our way down on to the town Christmas tree okay great job vice [Music] principal hi Miss vice principal you did great in there thank you and I hear there's one more tradition should we follow [Music] them that's perfect let's [Music] go so made you something you [Music] did it's pretty bad but you know not everything has to be perfect for it to be good I learned that from a smart dedicated unique [Music] person Gabriel I shouldn't have blown up at you like that I'm sorry no I'm sorry when I first came to Ashby Falls I didn't support you and I should have the way you are with students school program you never gave up but you were right I do need a change it's time I explore further than Ashby Falls all these dares the way we inspired people to dream bigger I need to do that and if this program is really going to work I think I need to come to France for a semester I would love nothing more since you missed the last dare I thought I'd bring you a last dare of my own well I dare [Music] you [Music] you [Music] la [Music]
Channel: Empress Movies
Views: 152,902
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Keywords: empress movies, girls night movies, women's movies, english movies for women, full movies for women, full movies 2023, movies, free movies, best movies 2023, english full movies, 12 dares of christmas, brittany underwood movies, christmas movies, christmas films, christmas movie, hallmark christmas movies, christmas movies hallmark, lifetime christmas movies, christian movies, winter movies, christmas full movies, christmas movies free, xmas movies
Id: 3Yj4oPRNpTY
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Length: 89min 6sec (5346 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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