12 Wishes of Christmas | Full Movie | Family Christmas Comedy Fantasy | Elisa Donovan | FC

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<i> ♪ It’s Christmastime of year ♪</i> <i> ♪ Everybody swing ♪</i> <i>♪ Yeah, it’s Christmastime of year again ♪</i> <i>♪ And the trimmings on the tree ♪</i> <i>♪ ’Cause everybody here loves Christmas ♪</i> <i>♪ Here we go, let it snow ♪</i> <i> ♪ Ho, ho, ho ♪</i> [banging] [banging continues] Gee, don’t you ever sleep? [banging continues] Oh, no, I’m late. Gotta get that fixed. Okay, Ashley, you’re gonna be really good today, right? Right? We’re gonna be very quiet, quiet as a little mousey, okay? No barking, no barking, no barking. Good morning, Mr. Wayne. What’s good about it? My hands are killing me with all the work I’ve been doing, knockin’ some sheetrock all night, lookin’ for a short. Is it really necessary to be... knocking so early in the morning? I don’t know if you noticed, but we share a circuit breaker. I had to cut the power about 0200. Ah. That would explain my alarm clock. I’ve gotta go. Nice to see you. Not so fast. You got a dog in there? A-- A dog? What makes you say that? I could’ve sworn I heard barking. No, I mean, I don’t have-- I don’t-- You know this building doesn’t allow pets. I am so late for work, so I’ve gotta run, but let’s talk about it later, okay? Have a great day! [snap] Ohh! Oh, no! Ohh! Ladies and gentlemen, the honeymoon is over. So let’s get down to brass tacks. There is blood in the water, folks. Uh, whoop! So nice of you to join us, Leslie. Uh, Laura. I’m sorry. My alarm clock, and then my shoe, and I just-- Sorry. Sorry, sorry. As I was saying, 15 percent of the Volara workforce needs to be cut by the end of the fiscal year. That is December 31st. Fifteen percent? The cream always rises to the top, ladies and gentlemen. This is your opportunity to shine, not only for the company, but for your job. We need<i> spettacolare!</i> We need<i> di classe mondiale!</i> We need to make a major splish-splash on Rodeo Drive. I’m talking about getting shelf space in the most prestigious department store in Beverly Hills: Dahlberg’s! Now, just how do we make this happen? Ideas? You two, Frick and Frack. Actually it’s, uh-- He’s Michael. I’m Richard. Speak! Ideas! We could, uh, cut our print ads. Yeah. We could focus more on social networking. Wrong answer! You’re fired. Are you serious? Deadly. Pack up. But I just got married. And I just got a divorce. Merry Christmas. Anyone else have any ideas? Well, here’s my idea. The only thing with enough chutzpah to blow Dahlberg’s away before their Christmas deadline. My very own latest creation, Santa Baby, the inaugural Volara holiday line. Your job: make this reality. Now, everyone, get to work! And don’t forget: 15 percent. Since we don’t have much time, I set the Dahlberg’s meeting for tomorrow morning. I want you to run point. Okay. Call the warehouse. Check to make sure the samples are chosen already. Then I want you to pick them up along with some fabric comparisons, and I want you to overnight them to-- hold on-- Cindy St. James at Dahlberg’s buyer department. And that’s-- Hold on. The address... Come on, come on. That address is, uh... Yeah, it’s 31 Wilshire Boulevard at the Southbay Pavilion. Are we clear? Crystal. Yes. Good. Oh, my gosh, I gotta go. I gotta go. [dogs barking] Okay, everybody, y’all listen up. I got a couple of announcements to make. Brooking Autos is gonna donate a brand-new hybrid for our fundraising raffle. Okay, so come on, guys. Now, don’t be a Scrooge, okay? Secondly, we have got some cute, cuddly puppies comin’ our way, so we’re gonna be looking for somebody to spend a little extra time over Christmas. Oh, Laura, honey, how ’bout you? Can you spare little TLC for our paw pals? Oh, Apple, I’m sorry. I’m having a hard enough time as it is, getting here Tuesdays and Fridays. Well, maybe next year. Oh, gosh, look at Bella. I think she needs to go for her walk. She’s looking a little bit anxious. Okay, I’m on it. Thank you. [dogs barking] Hello, hello. I’m so sorry I’m late. I know, I know. Hi. Did you miss me, Bella? Oh, you’re a good girl. You’re a good girl. Okay, let’s go. Hold on. [cell phone chimes] Hello? I’m dying here. How about I pick up a pizza, <i>and we catch the double feature of Frosty and Rudolph on TV tonight?</i> Oh, I can’t. Morgan’s taking me to Avenue tonight. Ooh. You little hipster. What’s the occasion? I don’t know, but when a man takes his girl to Avenue, it can only mean one thing. He cheated? No! I think he’s going to propose. How do you figure? He said he has something important to tell me, and it’s the next logical step in our relationship. I’ll call you later. Okay. Don’t forget. Bye. Oh! Bella! Oh. Sorry! Oh! Whoa! I guess they really want to say hello. Wow. Rosie, looks like you found a new best friend. Yeah, you think? Well, when they do that, it’s a sign of submission. If only men were more like dogs. Oh, we are. We just don’t like to get our clothes dirty. Oh. [laughs] I’m-- Okay, guys. Don’t be shy. How about some of those raffle tickets? Oh, yes. You can put me down for one. Great. You know what? Put me down for one, too. Got it. Okay. All right. Come on, Bella. See ya. I’ll see ya. What? Yeah. She’s pretty cute. So as you might have guessed, there is a reason why I asked you here. We’ve been together for a while, Laura, and we’ve had our share of ups and downs, but we’ve always supported each other through thick and thin, right? Yes, we have, Morgan. Well, I was thinking that what I need to do now is follow my heart and a dream of mine. So I’d like to ask you a very important question. Go ahead. Laura Lindsey, will you... Yes, Morgan? will you... still love me if I quit my job at the hedge fund and become a novelist? What? I can’t do it anymore. The long hours, the stress, the number crunching. I put my two weeks’ in this morning. But-- What? I just don’t feel I was put on this earth to do that. Okay, wait, wait, wait. I don’t understand. You’re like this brilliant finance guy. You make a great living. Are you sure that you want to give all that up? Here’s the thing. I met this woman. She’s a literary agent. I pitched an idea to her, and she loved it. She thinks it would make a great novel. Oh, Morgan... I already wrote the synopsis. It’s called... <i>The Lone Wolf.</i> I don’t know what to say. Tell me that you still love me. Of course I still love you, Morgan, but this is a major life change. What about us? Our life? We talked about getting married and having a family. I still want those things. Well, you gotta give me some sort of a time frame. I mean, something to go on here. You know, it’s like I’m not being fair to you if I don’t do this. I mean, how can I possibly fulfill you if I can’t fulfill me? Oh, Morgan, but... that could take years. Aren’t I worth the wait? Of course. ♪♪ <i>♪ Angel was a sad and lonely child ♪</i> Oh! Uh, Mrs. Seagal, Mr. Wayne. I was just getting ready for work. We have evidence that you are aiding and abetting a canine within the confines of your townhome. Evidence? What evidence? Caught ya, red-handed. Have you been looking through my garbage? Once it leaves the home, it’s public property. I already told you I do not have a dog. [barking] I knew it. It clearly states in your lease, any animal found on the premises will constitute an automatic breach of contract, which will result in your immediate eviction. Mrs. Seagal, it’s Christmas! I mean, come on! Don’t you have a heart? No, I don’t. Either you get rid of that dog, or find another place to live. [whines] Oh, Ashley, I’m sorry. I’m gonna get you out of here as soon as I can, okay? I promise. I’ll have you out in time for Christmas. Aw. Don’t worry. We’ll take good care of her till she’s ready to go home to her mommy. Thank you. Thank you so much. It’ll be okay. Okay, I’ll be back soon. [sighs] Hey, sweetie. It’s gonna be okay. Okay. [Sandra] So what does Dr. Stein say? How much is that gonna cost? Well, my insurance will cover that, right? All right. Yeah, let me know. Is everything okay? Yeah. It’s just the doctor with my daughter’s new meds. All right. Remember, I do all the talking. You just smile and nod your head. Sandra Boyd? Cindy St. James. Pleasure! Hi. Laura Lindsey. I am surprised to see you here, considering I haven’t received any samples. Well, that’s impossible. We overnighted them last night. You should’ve had them this morning. Well, I haven’t. Uh, can I impose and just ask you to double-check that? Give me a moment. You did send the samples, right, Laura? Of course. I overnighted them just like you asked. Look. I have the receipt right here. Uh, here it is. They went to 3-1 Wilshire Boulevard. Wait a minute. "Three-one" Wilshire Boulevard? Yes. This is 311. Sandra, I’m positive you told me 3-1 Wilshire Boulevard. Why would I say 3-1 when I know it’s 3-1-1? I-- Maybe you made a mistake. I-- I did what you-- Ladies, confirmed. No samples from Volara. Cindy, I am so sorry, but apparently Ms. Lindsey has sent the samples to the wrong address. But if we can reconvene later this afternoon, I would be glad to bring them to you in person. I’m sorry. I’m booked solid. It was nice meeting you. [Faith] She fired you? For something I totally didn’t do! That witch! I worked my butt off for that company. That’s no way to treat people. What are you gonna do? [sighs] I don’t know. Everything is falling apart, Faith. I wish someone could just come in and fix my whole life. Hey, do you remember my cousin Jennifer, the one who was getting divorced and then she got laid off at the same time? Yeah. Well, apparently she hired one of those life coaches, and she claims that they really helped turn her life around. Come on! Really? Yes! She said it was the best thing she’s ever done. [sighs] I can’t believe I’m actually gonna do this. [sighs] Okay, Noel. I’ll try anything at this point. Wow. Somebody really likes Christmas. Uh, hello! Hello? [woman] Just a minute. I’ll be right out. Hi there! Hi. I have an appointment with Noel. Oh. I am she. Um-- Oh! Oh, I’m sorry. I-I thought it was a man’s name. Oh, no! Noel, you know, like the Christmas carol. Ah. And you’re Laura Lindsey. Yes, I am. Come right on in. Have a seat. Okay. Now... Ah! Okay, Laura Lindsey, why are you here? Well-- Oh! [squeak] Sorry. Um... Well, I guess, uh, I’m here because... my life hasn’t turned out the way I expected. [chuckles] Cookie? No, thank you. Well... I get all my best material from these things. Let me tell you what’s wrong with you mortals today. You all expect too much. You expect to be happy, and then you expect the man upstairs to straighten it all out for you. Sure you wont have a cookie? Did you know that you sleep a third of your life away? Then the other third is spent on a job you normally can’t stand to begin with. Then the final third is spent whining about the hamster wheel you got yourself stuck on to begin with, going round and round and round and round till you turn green and are ready to upchuck. I bet that’s why you’re here. You’re wondering how to get off that hamster wheel, aren’t you? Uh, yes? That’s good, because I’m gonna tell you what I’m gonna do for you. I’m gonna grant you twelve wishes. Oh! Does that come with a genie and a lamp, too? Oh, Lord, I hope she’s joking. No. We don’t deal with genies here. That’s about two doors down. Oh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. No. Listen to me carefully. This is what I want you to do. Go home, log on to my website, push the button that says "twelve wishes." Oh, okay! So this is like one of those new age things where I write down what I want to happen, and then I just think positive about it? No. This is old age stuff, honey. And whatever you wish for, it will come true. Look, I... I really appreciate it, but I just, uh... I’m not sure that I believe in this stuff, so... What in the world do you have to lose? Not that much, actually. [giggles] Guess I’ll just give it a try. Oh. Do or do not. There is no try. Fortune cookie? Yoda. I love his work. Okay. Well, it was-- It was really nice meeting you. Oh, so good to meet you, too! Thank you. I’ll just leave it-- Good luck to you, Laura Lindsey. You’re in for a wonderful ride. Okay, thanks. Oh, I want you to start small, whatever you do. And don’t forget to read the terms and conditions. Very, very important. Will do. Ah! And be careful what you wish for. I will. Okay. [whistling] Okay. So this is what it’s come to. [scoffs] "These terms and conditions of use shall be severable and construed to the extent of their enforceability in light of all the parties--" I mean, come on. Nobody really reads the terms and conditions, right? There they are. [chuckles] Twelve wishes. Start small. Start small, start small. Hmm. Yeah. That would be nice. I wish... [rumbling] Whoa! Hmm. [doorbell rings] [cell phone chimes] So then the weird thing is I wake up this morning, and there’s a bouquet of roses at my doorstep. Morgan must’ve felt really bad about the other night. Well, I mean, I guess, but... You don’t think the-- No. No, it’s crazy. I know, I know. No. It’s ridiculous. It sounds like that new age stuff. You know, positive thinking and ignoring negative reinforcement, that sort of thing. Hey, did you hear an earthquake last night? No. Maybe it was just a truck driving by or something. Oh, you know what I really need for tonight? I need some earrings. Earrings. What’s the big deal about tonight, anyway? The big deal is that tonight is the church Christmas party, and the ex is bringing his new girl, who I might add always looks exquisite in her Jean Broussard heels and perfect hair. Speaking of which, look at my hair. I have to look good, I have to make him see what he’s missing, and look how flat my hair looks. Faith, you look gorgeous. It’s beautiful. You look like a million bucks. I wish. I’m gonna look in this case. Okay. [banging] [rumbling] Whoa. [banging] Hey! Um... Best Buddies, right? Oh, hey. Hey, yeah! Our dogs became best buddies while we were walking them. Yeah, that’s right, right. Andy. Oh. Laura. Laura. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Uh, would you like to join me? I, um-- Sure, yeah, yeah. Okay. Okay. I was just gonna get a quick cup of coffee. Sure, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, it’s nice to see you. Yeah, you, too. Hi. Hi. What can I get you? I will have a pumpkin gingerbread latte. Two, please. It’s Christmas. You gotta splurge. Exactly. Right? Right. So, how long have you been volunteering at Best Buddies? Uh, on and off for about a year and a half. I just transferred from the downtown location like a month ago. Oh, okay. You? Yeah, a couple years. I guess about three. I wish I could volunteer more. Sometimes I get tied down at work. Yeah. What do you do for work? I’m an attorney. Oh. Impressive. Not really. Wills and trusts. Boring stuff. Ah. You? I am... unemployed at the moment. Okay. Yeah. But I have a strange feeling that my luck is changing for the better. All right. Thanks. Oh, thank you. I got it. Oh, thanks. Sure. Enjoy. Thank you. Actually, I was wondering. Maybe you can help me. I’m looking for "Manor Court Townhomes." 99 Oak. You know where that is? Yes, I do. Why? Um, I have some will, contract business. I live there. What? You’re not a stalker, are you? Does this look like the face of a stalker? Ha! Like half. Half stalker, maybe. Yeah. Kinda. On my stepfather’s side. Oh, okay. That’s good. Actually, I have business with, um, Mr. Harold Wayne. Oh, come on! [chuckles] Wow. That is a very small world. You know him. Yes, unfortunately, I do. What’s-- What’s he like? I’m sure deep down-- way, way down-- he’s a very nice man. He just, uh... He doesn’t seem to have a lot of friends. I don’t think he has any family. [cell phone rings] Oh. Excuse me. I’m sorry. Yeah, sure. Hey, Faith, what’s up? Hey, you. Guess whose hair flowed like satin last night? No way. Yeah! No frizz to be found. It was like I had it professionally done. <i>And given the way it’s been acting this past week,</i> that is a small miracle. Um, I’m right in the middle of something. Can I call you back? Okay, bye. Call me back. Whoa. Is everything okay? No. Um, um... Andy, I’m sorry. It’s really nice to finally-- I mean formally-- meet you, but I’ve gotta run. Oh. You sure everything’s okay? Oh, yeah, yeah. We’ll see each other again. I volunteer Tuesdays and Fridays. Tuesdays and Fridays, okay. Okay, bye. Thanks for the coffee! I’m not really a stalker. Okay, you better not be. Bye. ♪♪ And then it was empty. Like she’d never been there at all. I’m sure there are a million explanations. Okay, so what about your hair? Have you ever heard of a bad hair day? Well, there are good hair days, too. Okay, and the flowers? It’s called feeling guilty about blindsiding you with his career change. So you’re saying that all of these things are just coincidences? Oh, Marilyn, I want you to have longer strokes, okay? And bend your knees just a little bit. You expect me to believe that all these things are happening because you typed them into a computer? I’m a realist. If I can’t touch it or taste it, I’m not buying it. You know, for a woman whose name is Faith, you are really running a little low. Good one. Okay, all right, let’s prove it. What should I wish for? What are you doing? [gasps] How about a little peace and quiet? I wish for the banging to stop. It’s not gonna work. We’ll see. [rumbling] Ohh! Are you okay? Remember, you have to anticipate the fall. Sorry. What time are you coming over? It’s just there’ve... been some really weird things that are happening, and I want to talk to you about it. [Morgan] Yeah, uh, about that, honey, I’m not gonna be able to see you tonight. What? Again? Why? I got invited to an industry party. <i>There’s gonna be a lot of publishers there,</i> which is good for me, but in turn will be great for our future. [Mrs. Seagal] Your hammering... Okay. I’ll call you later. broke a pipe and caused a dangerous gas leak. [Wayne] How was I supposed to know there were gas pipes in that wall? That’s a code 7 violation of line 23 on your lease. You got till the end of the week. But it’s Christmas! Aww! [sighs] "I wish... better shoes." [rumbling] Geez! Gotta get used to that. [doorbell rings] Ooh. That was fast. "Laura, custom made for you! from... Jean Broussard"? <i> The</i> Jean Broussard? [yelps, laughs] [gasps] Oh, my gosh. Faith is gonna hate me. It is gonna be a great Christmas! Okay, y’all, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. And the winner of the brand-new car is... number 0811. Whoo! <i> ♪ I jump out of my bed ♪</i> <i>♪ Throw my clothes on and hop on my sled ♪</i> <i>♪ I don’t care if I’m cold and it’s wet ♪</i> <i>♪ Everything is cool at Christmastime ♪</i> <i> ♪ All right ♪</i> <i>♪ Lots of presents spread out under the tree ♪</i> <i> ♪ There’s a big one ♪</i> <i> ♪ I hope it’s for me ♪</i> <i> ♪ Doesn’t matter ♪</i> <i> ♪ I still wanna see ♪</i> <i> ♪ Everything is cool ♪</i> <i>♪ Everything is cool at Christmastime ♪</i> <i> ♪ Mama’s making cakes and cookies ♪</i> <i> ♪ Pumpkin pie and brownies too ♪</i> [bell ringing] Oh! Little change, sweetheart? [jingling] It’s you! Yes, it is. What gave it away? The hat? I have been looking all over for you. I went to your office, but it’s gone. I know. We had to relocate. Tax problems. All of my wishes are actually coming true. Well, I told you they would. How is it all happening? I’m not at liberty to tell you right now, but I will say this: I wouldn’t be squandering these wishes on trivial pursuits. Well, you said to start small. Oh, when was winning the lottery a small thing? Hey, after rent and taxes and this little shopping spree, there isn’t all that much left. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that’s what they always say. Got new shoes, I see. Wha-- What? I’m just saying you only have a few wishes left to make a real change in your life, so I would make every one of ’em count, if I was you. You know, why don’t you just give me your number, and then that way I can call you when I’m gonna-- Noel? N-Noel? All right, here’s the deal, people. The fashion gods were really smiling down on us because I convinced Cindy St. James at Dahlberg’s to give us a second shot. All right, relax. You can kiss my ring later. You know, some people never get a shot at the title. We just got our second. Take one of these, pass the rest around. You got 24 hours. I’ll pick those cards up before tomorrow’s meeting. I want ideas, images, plans, anything you’ve got to reel Dahlberg’s in. But make them count, because unless you want to spend New Year’s Eve reading the want ads, they’d better be special. Well, let’s move! Chop-chop! People! ♪♪ [hard rock] <i> ♪ Silent night ♪</i> <i> ♪ Holy night ♪</i> <i> ♪ All is calm ♪</i> <i> ♪ All is bright ♪</i> <i>♪ Round yon virgin mother and child ♪</i> <i> ♪ Holy infant so tender and mild ♪</i> So Jack Volara managed to get another crack at Dahlberg. Oh, that’s great. No, it’s not great. He says we all have to come up with a winning idea for the meeting. If things keep going like this, I’m gonna get fired, too. You’re not gonna get fired, Faith. You’ll think of something. I can’t think of anything. I have nothing. I don’t want to lose my job. I like my job. I need my job. You’re not gonna get fired. Don’t worry. You’ll think of something. I better go. I have a long night ahead of me. Bye. Hmm. Maybe I’ll just-- I’ll just help her a little bit. Sandra, I need to talk to you. Just a second, Jack. I stayed up all night last night, trying to think of an award-winning idea. I couldn’t think of anything. You and me both. And then this morning on my way to work, it hit me. It was like I was electrocuted. I heard this voice in my head. It said, "Faith?" I said, "Yes." It said, "Would you like an award-winning idea that would nail Dahlberg?" I said, "Yes." And then it said two words. Don’t you wanna know what those two words were? More than you could possibly imagine. Fashion show! What? It’s bold and exciting. It’s expensive and time-consuming. There’s no way Volara’s gonna do that. You know what? Think of something else. Anyway, I think... Okay, good girl. Oh, hey, Andy. Howdy, stranger. Hi. Okay. Good girl. Oh, so, hey, congratulations. The raffle? Oh, the car! Yeah. Yeah. Your luck is changing for the better. Hey, I’ll take you for a spin in it sometime. How’s that? Okay. It’s a date. Um... You have a boyfriend. I do. Four years. I should’ve known. The good ones are always taken. Oh. Oh, hey, did you ever talk to Harry? No. I knocked on his door, and he slammed it in my face. He thought I was selling vacuum cleaners or something. Oh, sorry. I’ll try again tomorrow. Wanna hear a joke? Sure, okay. So there’s this horse who walks into bar, and the bartender says, "Why the long face?" [chuckles] [yelps] [laughs] No! I know a few bad jokes myself. Do you? Do you wanna hear ’em? I’d love to. Can’t wait. Yeah. Wanna spray me? I do. You can’t. [laughs] [Andy] All right, so there’s two snowmen, they’re sitting outside, and one of them looks at the other one, and he says, "That’s funny. It smells like carrots." What? I don’t even get that. Because he has a carrot nose. So it smells like carrots. Okay, one more. Okay, one more. Okay, what? All right, what do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus? I don’t know. What? Claus-trophobic. Okay, that’s really bad. Yeah. So... Um, so-- [Morgan] Hey, babe! Hey! Hi, Morgan. Hi. Wh-What are you doing here? I was just taking a break from my writing. I thought I’d go for a walk. Who’s this? I’m Andy. How are you? Hey. Okay. Yeah. Would you like to go for a walk? Sure, yeah, okay. Um... I’ll see you. Yes. Okay. Okay. Nice to meet you. Yeah, you, too. [Volara] Crap. More crap. Pure garbage. People, is this all you have for me? You have failed! Miserably! Maybe fifteen percent is too low of a number. Perhaps I should consider letting fifty percent of you go. But I know my number two has something up her sleeve. Sandra Boyd, wow me. I’m working on it. Don’t embarrass me. As I’ve said earlier, anyone who doesn’t add value idea-wise will be thrown to a rabid pack of junk yard dogs and-- Fashion show. What? A fashion show. A fashion show. I love it! That is pure genius! We’ll wow Dahlberg’s by putting on a Christmas Eve fashion show, with which we will showcase our holiday line using live models! [laughs] That is a great idea, Sandra. All right, we’ve got a show to put on. Let’s get crack-a-lackin’! Sandra, that was my idea. What was I supposed to say? The truth! He put me on the spot. I had to say something. We’re on the same team, right? Faith! I can’t believe it! She totally stole my idea! Do you know how this makes me look? Now I’m one of the employees who "didn’t add value." You have to tell Mr. Volara the truth. You have to tell him yourself. He’d never believe me. And even if he did, there’s no way he would ever fire Sandra. She’s too valuable. First she fires me for her screw-up, and now she does this? That is just too much. That’s it. What are you doing? I am gonna right these wrongs. Oh, Sandra Boyd, you will rue the day. [Laura] Mr. Volara, I’m not sure why I’m here. I may be tough, crude, loud, even mean. But I still believe in the team. And team captains always give credit where credit is due. Sandra, I know you stole Faith’s idea. I also heard that you lied about giving Laura the correct address. No. No, I did. I have it right here. I made a mistake. You’re fired. Fired? You can’t fire me. I need this job. Please! Cry me a river. Get out of my sight. But... Now, that realization also told me that you, Laura Lindsey, will help take my company to the promised land. Today is the nineteenth. You have five days to make holiday magic. Can you do it? Yes. I, uh-- Let’s just say that magic is my specialty. Excellent. Then don’t let me stop you. We don’t have a moment to lose. Ah! To life coaches and the magic of the twelve wishes. Mm-hmm! Okay, so spill it. How is all of this really happening? I-- I mean, maybe Noel’s like a fairy godmother or a guardian angel. As in wings and a halo kind of angel? I know it sounds crazy, but there’s no other explanation. Huh. This is deep. I don’t want to overthink it. I’m afraid I’ll realize it’s not really happening. Oh, it’s happening, all right. Look around you. You have everything you’ve ever wanted. Mmm. Almost everything. We all know that ain’t gonna happen until his stupid book gets published. Hmm... [sighs] Okay. One last wish. [typing] Ah! Well, guess that’s it. You’re not gonna believe this. Nadine found a company that’s gonna publish me. Wow! Really? Really. I mean, isn’t it fabulous? I mean, it’s incredible. I was just sitting there, and then all of a sudden, bam! The phone rang just out of the blue. I mean, it’s almost like magic. Like-- Like a wish come true. I am so happy for you, Morgan. I know this is important to you, and I support you no matter what. Oh, thanks. I mean, that means so much to me. We should celebrate. Let’s go to dinner at Avenue or something. I can’t. I can’t. Nadine’s taking me to meet the publishers. But I’ll definitely call you later. Uh, okay. Hey, hey, hey. This was a major win for us. And I didn’t forget about what we talked about at dinner. [laughing] Hi! Hi, sweetheart. You look so happy! Well, I am walking on sunshine, Noel. Oh, good. Working on the Dahlberg account, little bit of a hiccup with Morgan, but aside from that, smooth sailing. Okay. So when the clouds roll in, we’ll see how it all pans out in the end. What do you mean? All of my wishes came true, I used them all up, and life is-- it’s pretty good. Well, you got the whole C and E cycle you still have to work through. C and E cycle? Yeah, cause and effect. Everything has a cause and effect, for heaven sakes. Didn’t you read the fine print? Everything, even wishes, has a natural order of things, you know. Like, "what goes around comes around, comes around goes around." And the fine print, you’re supposed to read-- You didn’t read all of that, did you? No one ever reads the fine print, for heaven sakes. It’s so long. It’s a lot of words. What is wrong with this world? You give ’em one little thing to do, and they just... [sighs] Listen. There are some things you’re just gonna have to learn the hard way. Well, you know, why don’t we just go-- How does she keep doing that? Martini lunch? Where’s the final model lineup? Thank you. I’m still working on it. You were supposed to have that to me this morning. We can’t move forward until we book the models. Jack is waiting. Okay. Take it easy. If we don’t nail this fashion show, it’s over. And I am all out of wishes. Okay, Laura, you’re overreacting. Faith, in the real world-- You’re gonna lecture me about the real world? You mean the world where you just make a wish and force someone to give you flowers or give you a job or get someone evicted? Don’t forget, I am also the same person that wasted three of those wishes on a clearly ungrateful friend. Three wishes? Yes. I wished for your hair to look fabulous at your party, I wished for you to have a winning idea, and then I wished for Sandra to pay for stealing that idea. You’re welcome, Faith. Is that true? [scoffs] You didn’t really think that you did it all on your own, did you? I don’t have time for this right now. I have a meeting with Jack in ten minutes. As of now, you’re officially off Dahlberg. You did not just say that to me. Yes, I did. Well, I’ve got one for you. I quit! Wha-- Faith! I didn’t mean for-- Come on. Faith. Ohh! Hi. Uh, peppermint gingerbread latte? You know, I’ll just have a tea, please. Thank you. Tea? Okay. Laura, hey. It’s not what it looks like. Oh! Laura, we’re just friends. Who kiss on the lips? Look, if it wasn’t for Nadine, I wouldn’t have a book deal. No, Morgan, if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have a book deal. I wished it. [scoffs] What are you talking about, you wished it? I made it happen. All of it. The flowers, the publishing deal, everything. I wished for the things that you wouldn’t give me. Laura, you know what? I don’t know what to say. Don’t say anything, Morgan. It’s over. Laura. Laura, wait! <i> ♪ Are you coming home for Christmas ♪</i> <i>♪ Should I keep the fire bright ♪ </i>[phone ringing] [ringing] <i>♪ Are you coming home for Christmas this year ♪</i> <i>♪ To make the season right ♪ </i>[phone rings, answering machine beeps] <i>Hi, Laura honey, it’s your mom.</i> Brace yourself for some Lindsey family gossip. <i>Your cousin Lainie got engaged last night!</i> <i>She told me she saw something on Twitter about you breaking up with Morgan.</i> Honey, you know, Morgan is such a nice guy, <i>and you’re getting to that age where it’s time to settle down.</i> <i>Maybe you should come out here for Christmas.</i> I am not going home now. My life is a colossal disaster! <i>Be up here all cozy with Mom and Dad.</i> <i>Eat some good home-cooked food.</i> <i> ♪ To trim our Christmas tree ♪</i> <i>♪ ’Cause the only gift I wish for this year ♪</i> <i>♪ Is to have you home with me ♪</i> Oh, hey, excuse me. Hello? Can you tell me if Faith is in today? And what makes you think she wants to talk to you? Noel! Where have you been? No "Hello. How are you? How’s the halo hanging?" Nothing? My life is a disaster. Oh, how can that be? You got all your wishes. I just want everything to go back to the way it was before. Really? You didn’t seem very happy then. Well, then can I just have one more wish? No, the terms and conditions you agreed to. Don’t you remember? I know, but it’s-- Twelve wishes per person, per lifetime. No refunds, no returns, period. But everything is so screwed up now. What can I do to fix it? [sighs] Come here. Do you remember the dream you used to have when you were a little girl? The table was full of delicious food, and everybody sitting around it was starving. Oh, yeah. And all the people had forks for hands. Mm-hmm. But they couldn’t feed themselves because their arms wouldn’t bend. That’s the one. Do you remember what you did about it? No. You taught them that if they reach across the table and feed one another, then everybody could eat. Oh, that’s right. See? You’re a natural helper, Laura. Listen. I think it’s why you joined Best Buddies to begin with. Well, helping dogs is one thing, but fixing people’s lives? Oh... I need you. Oh, no, you don’t need me, baby girl. You’ve got everything you need right there, right in your heart. That’s it? Yeah. That’s the best you can do? "Follow your heart"? I mean, you’re an angel, for crying out loud! There’s gotta be some sort of an emergency loophole. Oh, there are no loopholes. Besides, God loves to deal with matters of the heart. That’s where he works the best. Listen. Why don’t you go have a cup of coffee and think about what I’m saying. Okay? Oh. Yes? Oh, yes, sir. Gotta go. Angel meeting. [sighing] [phone ringing] Thank you. [ringing] Thank you for calling Fratelli’s. Okay. Hey, Sandra? Yeah? The phone is for you. Thanks. Hello? Yeah, this is she. What do you mean you’re not going to cover her after the first? She’s just about to start her treatment. Look, I can-- I am doing the best I can. The insulin is expensive. I just lost my job. I’m sure that there is something that we can work out. I realize that the Volara plan is better, but that doesn’t change the fact that my daughter is still sick. Please. Fine. You got your wish. I’m outta here tomorrow. [sighs] <i> ♪ You can’t control ♪</i> <i>♪ The way of the world ♪</i> <i>♪ So live in the moment ♪</i> <i>♪ With love in your heart ♪</i> <i>♪ Soon all of our memories frozen in time ♪</i> <i>♪ Get lost in the shadows of days gone by ♪</i> <i>♪ But you never forget when the moment is right ♪</i> <i> ♪ So mark this day with a kiss ♪</i> <i> ♪ It doesn’t get better than this ♪</i> Okay, Noel. I am gonna fix this. <i>♪ I won’t forget ♪ </i>I can do it. <i> ♪ Living without you ♪</i> There you are, baby girl. Hey. Hey, what? You win a sports car and you just take off? I know. I’m sorry. I’ve just been so crazy with work. I haven’t had a lot of time to get here. Well, don’t worry. Your friend’s been taking good care of Ashley for you. My friend? Uh-huh. Do you volunteer here often? [clears throat] Do I know you? Handsome guy you left brokenhearted in the parking lot the other day. Tsk. No, it doesn’t ring a bell. No, no, no. Notice the jaw line? You know, on second thought, you do kind of look familiar. I’ll have you know I was so upset, I slept in the parking lot. Oh, really? Yeah. That is terrible. Yeah. Okay, you two. I don’t mind if you flirt, just clean while you do. There’s no flirting going on here. She has a boyfriend. Hands are off over here. [Apple] Uh-huh. Had... a boyfriend. What? Yeah. Do you wanna tell me what happened? Oh, yeah, it’s, uh-- What always happens? You know, girl meets boy, girl wishes for everything for boy, and girl sees boy kissing another woman. So, there you have it. Wow, Laura. Sorry that happened. No, no, don’t be. Really. It’s for the best. Do you want to go somewhere, do something? Now? You mean like on a date? Well, if you’re not ready for that kind of thing, I totally understand. Uh, no, yeah. No, I mean yeah. Yes. I would like to do that, yeah. Really? Yeah. Do you like ice skating? Are you serious? Yeah. I haven’t skated since I was like twelve. Okay, great. Well, I’ll pick you up when you fall down. Okay. I’m gonna hold you to that. All right. All right. [laughing] All right, left. Good. Good, good, good. Yeah. Whoa. Good, good. Oh, my gosh. See? Like this. That’s good. Okay. Good, good. You’re okay. Whoo! Whoo. Okay, okay! Whoa! [laughing] There you are. Turn a little bit like this. Here I come, Olympics. [laughing] Whoa. [laughing] Right, left. Uh-huh. Good, good, good. Okay, ready? Whoa. Let go, let go. Oh! Okay, okay. Whoo! Okay. All right. I’m good. Wah! Yeah. Yeah, yeah. You okay? Yeah, I’m good. I’m good. I’m good. Okay, look, so... So I have to ask you. Why are you so into me? Wow. That was really direct. I know, I know, but I’m serious. Why? Okay. Uh... It’s the way you are with the animals at the sanctuary. You’re so kind and giving, and I thought that anybody that could be that sweet to a dog is worth having around. And you’re really hot. [laughing] Well, thank you. You’re welcome. I just thought we were being candid, so... Yes. Uh, you know, uh-- We have this fashion show at work. We’re recruiting a new client, and it’s on Christmas Eve. Would you like to go? Wow. Usually the girl waits... till the end of the date to ask me out again, but-- Well, as we have established, I am-- You are very direct. Yes. Direct. I like to just-- I would love to. You would? I would love to. Yes. Okay, well, great. Great. Okay. Yeah. Are you hungry? Should we get something to eat? Yeah. <i>♪ Oh, holy night ♪</i> <i>♪ The stars are brightly shining ♪</i> Yummy! Oh-ho-ho! Very. So... how long you been coming here? Oh, I guess about a year. My best friend volunteers here. She teaches a skating clinic once a week. So she usually gets me in for free. I see. Oh. [laughs] Make a wish. Oh, no, thanks. What, you don’t believe in wishes? Oh, no, I do. I just, uh-- I’ve learned to be careful what I wish for. Oh. Then I’ll just have to make a wish for the both of us. Uh, okay. So... So what’d you wish for? That. [chuckling] So you could wish for anything in the world, and you wish for a kiss, huh? Well, I suppose there are other things. Oh! Really? More important things? You’re terrible. [laughing] Well, since we’re talking about it, what? What would you wish for? You know your neighbor, Harry? Yeah. Yeah, what is the story with you guys? Well, let’s just say he’s not... completely without family. Well, if he had any kids, I think I would know. I mean, they’d probably be about our age, and I-- No way. Are you... Is Harry your father? Yeah, I’ve been, uh-- [clears throat] I’ve been trying to track him down for years. Oh, my-- I-- I-I-I can’t believe it. So, uh, I suppose if I had a wish, it would be to... have a relationship with my old man. [grunts] Don’t worry, don’t worry. I’ll be out of your way soon enough. Well, where you gonna go? Your guess is as good as mine. Don’t you have any family you can stay with? Nope. So, then you’ll just get another place, right? Easy for you to say. No savings? Gone. Just like your dog. Oh... I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I complained about the banging. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. I had it coming. I’m sorry about your dog. I guess she was okay. You know... I have a spare room. Why don’t you just crash with me until you get back on your feet. You want me to live with you? Temporarily. Never happen. I’ll even let you bang on the pipes if you feel like it. Harold Wayne is a lone wolf. Oh. Where have I heard that before? A one-trick pony. A loner, a rebel. An island unto-- Okay, I got it. Got it. Well, if you change your mind... you know where to find me. Faith, I know you’re home. Will you just pick up, please? Or call me back, or-- I really need to talk to you. [sighs] [doorbell rings] What good’s a one-trick pony without a stable? [chuckles] [chuckles] My... My wife used to make cocoa. Just like this with real marshmallows. These days, nobody makes it with real marshmallows. I thought you said you didn’t have any family. That’s a story over scotch, not cocoa. What happened to her? I don’t know. Did you ever have any kids? A son. I haven’t seen him for over 30 years. I don’t even know what he looks like. He’s very handsome. What? I mean, I’m sure he’s very handsome. What would you say if he contacted you? [scoffs] Now? It’s too late. That’s the last thing either one of us needs. Oh, that’s not true. I mean, he-- he might- You-- The truth is, I-- Look, my life is none of your business, okay? I didn’t mean to overstep. I’m sorry. I’m gonna-- I’ll go fix up a room for you, okay? So I’ll be upstairs if you need anything. Thanks. [banging] [banging] [grunts] [grunts] Harry? Yeah. Yeah, you had a bum washer, and that’s what caused the drip. Hand me that one-inch combination wrench, will ya? Uh... Yeah, yeah, I’ll trade you. [grunts] [grunting] Are you-- Are you licensed or something? No, I’m just good at fixing things. Oh. [grunts] I got it! I got it! [banging] Ow! Hey, are you okay down there? Yeah, the wrench just bounced off the plate in my head. Oh, hey, you fixed it. Yeah, I told ya. Wow, I’m glad I didn’t waste a wish on that. Huh? Nothing. Uh, listen. I have something I have to take care of. Are you gonna be okay here by yourself? Yeah, yeah, I’ll hold down the fort. Okay. Try not to fix anything else. Okay? Hi. On break. What are you doing here? Look, there’s something that I’d like to talk to you about. See, I took over your position at Volara. Oh, so you came to stick it to your old boss for firing you. No, no, no, no. That’s not why I’m here. Look, I am sorry about the address. It really was a mistake. And with Faith, I was... What I did was wrong. You just need to understand. My daughter is really sick, and I couldn’t risk losing my job or my insurance. Yes, I know. That’s why I’m here. I want to help you get your job back. You wanna help me get my job back? Why? Because it was my fault that you got fired in the first place. I’m sorry, I’m not following. I wished for Jack Volara to side with us. I wish for a lot of things. That doesn’t mean they happen. Okay, regardless, I think that I have a plan to get you back to work. I’m listening. Okay, so tomorrow is our big fashion show for Dahlberg. All of the key executives are gonna be there, including Clive. Clive Dahlberg in person? Yes. And you want me to... I want you to announce the line, to introduce the clothes. Jack would have a fit. Let me worry about Jack. You know more about this than anyone. You know all the designs, you know all the fabrics. Why are you doing this? Because it’s the right thing. And your daughter needs this. You get your old job back, you get your old insurance. Thank you. You’re welcome. Is it just me, or did the temperature just drop another ten degrees? You haven’t returned any of my calls. You let work come between our friendship. I know. You hurt me. And you have every right to be mad. I deserve it. I know. But I’m here because I really want to say I’m sorry. Come on, Faith. At least talk to me. I made a lot of mistakes. I know. But I really want to set things straight. [sniffles] I mean, it’s Christmas. Right, and all wishes have to be made before Christmas? Something like that. Why should I? Because you’re my only true friend. And true friends are always there for each other, no matter what. I heard what happened with Morgan. I’m sorry. How’d you hear? Facebook. What? Who posted it on Facebook? Your mom. [scoffs] Unbelievable. You know, I really need you on the team at work. I quit. So un-quit. I mean, this whole thing was your idea. You can’t leave us now. So you’re not taking me off Dahlberg? Of course not. [laughing] Come on. We have a lot of work to do. [fashion show attendees chattering] [Jack] I know they’re uncomfortable. They’re gonna look gorgeous onstage. I like this. Always feature that-- That shoulder, out. Off the shoulder. I like that. Excuse me, dear. What is your name again? Tammy. I don’t like this outfit at all. You designed it, Mr. Volara. Uh... It’s fine, Jack. Don’t worry about it. I like it. We’re less than five minutes to show time. Where is Laura? I’m sure she’s finishing some last-minute details. I will go check for you, sir. Everyone, please stop talking so I can concentrate. Where’s Sandra? I don’t know. We can’t leave people waiting. What if she doesn’t come? She’ll show. I know she will. I hope so. Jack is getting really nervous. Okay. Hey. Hey, you made it. Yeah, well, my father always taught me, be on time. Well, I saved a seat for you right in the front row, with a friend of mine. Oh, well, thank you. Okay? It’s just right over there. Hey. Ah! You’re here. I’m ready. You’re gonna be terrific. Let’s do it. Let’s do it. [chattering] Hey. Hey. Laura said she was holding a seat for me. Oh, you’re a friend of Laura’s? Andy Keryck. Harry. Nice to meet you. You’re Harold Wayne? Yeah. Since the service, everybody just calls me Harry. It’s easier. Keryck, huh? Name rings a bell. Yeah. Maybe I know your father? Maybe. They got a snack bar in here? I could do with a pizza and beer before the show. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. It gives me great pleasure to present to you Volara Fashion’s inaugural holiday line "Santa Baby." Now please welcome one of our experts, someone who has been involved in this line in every aspect, Ms. Sandra Boyd. Sandra? Sandra Boyd? What is going on here? There’s blood in the water, Jack, and Sandra’s about to attack. Thank you, Laura. Before we begin, I would like to thank a very special person. Faith Williams, whose forward-thinking concepts have been realized here today. Welcome to Volara’s first live fashion show. You girls ready? You bet. If you get too hot in this, just think "Christmas." [Jack] I think it’s gonna be fine. First we have the lovely Tammy. Tammy is wearing a fabulous red-sparkle ombré halter dress. Please notice the black satin sash topped with a beautiful black bolero. [snickers] What? Girl’s got no meat on her bones. [Sandra] ...wearing a vintage-inspired winter white damask jacket trimmed in faux mink over a ruby-crushed velvet slip dress with silver embroidery. Uh, I knocked on your door the other day. Oh, yeah. Maybe that’s where I know you from. What’d you want? Well, I have a client, a very close client who recently passed. Yeah, sorry to hear. The thing is that my client wanted you, Harold Wayne, to have something she felt was very important. She did? Who’s your client? Mary Ann Richmond. She’s died? Yeah. She said that you gave this to her before you went overseas and it had been in the family for a long time, and she wanted you to have it back. She was a remarkable woman. Yeah, she was. How’d you know her? She was my mother. Your mother? Then-- [running footsteps] Harry, where are you going? I don’t like being sucker punched. I tried to tell you, but you told me not to get involved. You gonna walk out on me again? For the record, I never walked out on you. Then what happened? I got called to duty. Look, I-- I was young. I did something stupid. By the time it was over and I came home, she had met someone new. Someone who could take better care of her than I could. You didn’t even try. You didn’t even-- She married a good man. He gave you both a good life. You look like an okay guy. Must’ve done something right raising you. Look, that’s all in the past. We’re here now. That’s all that matters to me. It’s Christmas. Wouldn’t it be nice to spend it with your family? Got nothing better to do. How about that pizza and beer? We only got like 30 years to catch up on. Okay. Gotta be half pepperoni, though. Give it some flavor. No pineapple. I hate pineapple. No pineapple. And now I would like to bring out the man behind the curtain, the creative genius behind "Santa Baby," the one, the only... Jack Volara! [applause] Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for taking your precious time to be here. I hope you enjoyed the show. And what can I say? Merry Christmas and God bless! [applause] Ah! Congratulations. We did it! Consider yourself promoted. I’m moving you up. From now on-- I’m leaving the company, Jack. Wait a minute. At the height of our success? It’s your success. This fashion business, it isn’t me. It’s not where my heart is. It took me a little while to figure that out, but I really want to do something else with my life. [sighs] You’re a fascinating woman, Laura Lindsey. Thanks. And although I may not be cut out for this business, Sandra is. I think we both know that, sir. I want a ten-percent raise, full paid benefits. You got it. Deal. Thank you so much. I couldn’t have pulled this off without you. Well, it was my genius idea to have a fashion show. [laughs] Yes, I suppose it was, more or less. <i> ♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas ♪</i> <i> ♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas ♪</i> <i> ♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas ♪</i> <i>♪ And a Happy New Year ♪</i> <i>♪ Good tidings to you wherever you are ♪</i> <i>♪ Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year ♪</i> <i> ♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas ♪</i> Hi! Hi! Merry Christmas! Ohh! This is my daughter Molly. Hi, Molly! Merry Christmas to you. Merry Christmas. Honey, will you bring this over there? Thank you. Well, I realize that we almost gave Volara a heart attack. Yes, we did. But everything worked out exactly the way you said it would, and I just want to say I’m really thankful. Oh, you do not have to thank me. Oh, please. You really don’t. I am so sorry for what I did to you, and letting you go was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. [laughs] Well, I am gone. I was offered a job at the animal sanctuary, and I accepted. That’s just what you wanted. It is. Congratulations! Thank you. That’s wonderful. That’s great. I’m excited, yeah. Do you need this stuff? I do. You wanna help me? Yes. Thank you. I’m so glad everything worked out for you. [chatter] Merry Christmas! Hi! Ashley! Did you get what you wished for? Yes, I did. Thank you. You’re welcome. But she can’t stay. I’m gonna get in trouble. Actually, I talked to the owners of the building and convinced them to let her stay. You didn’t. I did. So I’ll help you take care of her. Thank you! Now that I’m living with Mr. Fix-it, I’d rather spend more time with you, if you know what I mean. I think I do know what you mean. Maybe Ashley wants to meet Uncle Harry. Uncle Harry! Harry’s new best friend. Get out of here before I make pigs in a blanket out of you. Ooh, let me get a picture of the new couple, okay? Now say eggnog. Eggnog! Eggnog! [cell phone ringing] Oh, excuse me. Sure. Hello. Merry Christmas, honey. Hi, Mom. Merry Christmas. <i>Oh, honey, I see the picture of you and your new boyfriend on Facebook.</i> He is so cute. Wha-- How did you-- A picture on Facebook? Faith! <i>Oh, honey, I know you have company, so I won’t keep you.</i> <i>I just wanted to call and say...</i> Merry Christmas, and we hope we get to meet the new guy real soon. Hint, hint. Okay, I love you. Goodbye. Merry Christmas. Okay, baby. We love you. Merry Christmas. I can’t believe you did that! [phone chiming] Just excuse me for one minute. I’ll be right back, guys. <i> Merry Christmas!</i> Merry Christmas. Where are you? <i>Traveling. Got things to do, people to see.</i> <i>And by the way, that was so nice what you did,</i> <i>donating your money to the animal sanctuary.</i> <i>So did you get everything you wished for?</i> You really helped me put my life back on track. Thank you. <i>Well, I may have helped,</i> <i>but in the end, it was all you, kiddo.</i> Well, it’s funny how when you focus on other people, what you need has a strange way of falling into place. <i>Kind of like one hand feeding the other, isn’t it?</i> Yeah. <i>Some call it coincidence, some call it destiny.</i> <i>Where I come from, we call it God.</i> <i>And He is always watching out for you,</i> <i>always there to help you whenever you need Him.</i> I know. <i>Just don’t be too busy.</i> Hey, am I ever gonna see you again? <i>Not unless you screw up your life again!</i> I mean, you never know. <i>And if that happens, you are on your own, kiddo.</i> <i>I’m exhausted!</i> Thank you, Noel. <i>Thank you, Laura, and Merry Christmas to you, sweetheart.</i> Merry Christmas. All ready. [laughs] That looks really good. What was all that about? [clears throat] You remember that 12 wishes thing? Mm-hmm. Well, customer service just wanted to wish me a Merry Christmas. Aw... Who’s hungry? Me! Me! <i>♪ O come, all ye faithful ♪</i> <i>♪ Joyful and triumphant ♪</i> <i>♪ O come ye, o come ye ♪</i> <i> ♪ To Bethlehem ♪</i> <i> ♪ Come and behold him ♪ </i>Hey, put this away. <i> ♪ Born the king of angels ♪ </i>You might be needing it for yourself. <i>♪ O come, let us adore him ♪</i> <i>♪ O come, let us adore him ♪</i> <i>♪ O come, let us adore him ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christ the Lord ♪</i> <i>♪ Sing, choirs of angels ♪</i> <i> ♪ Sing in exultation ♪</i> <i>♪ Sing, all ye citizens ♪</i> <i> ♪ Of heaven above ♪</i> <i> ♪ Glory to God ♪</i> <i> ♪ In the highest ♪</i> <i>♪ O come, let us adore him ♪</i> <i>♪ O come, let us adore him ♪</i> <i>♪ O come, let us adore him ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christ the Lord ♪</i> <i>♪ O come, let us adore him ♪</i> <i> ♪ Christ the Lord ♪</i>
Channel: Family Central
Views: 564,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated Movies, Faith movies for families, Family Adventure Movies, Family Safe Movies, Free Family Movies, Free Kids Movies, Full G Rated Movies, Full Movies For Free, Full PG Movies, Latest Family Movies, watch free family movies on YouTube, Elisa Donovan, Gabrielle Carteris, Fred Willard, comedy, romcom, romance, romantic, fantasy, 12 wishes of christmas, dog, dog movies, christmas, movies, family, kid friendly, clueless, Peter Sullivan, 2011, full movie, hallmark, christmas spirit
Id: wn1dpUclYlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 33sec (5313 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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