Christmas in Scotland FULL MOVIE | Christmas Movies | Holiday Romance Movies | Empress Movies

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[Music] I don't wishes I don't even need a tree Christmas time would be much better having you right next to me the smell of ginger bread in the egg can never repace what I feel from your my only thing on this year's list is you my Christmas wish 10 seconds Emma [Music] there [Music] Goldman's is delighted with your work Emma it's only the start of December and already the store is enjoying a 30% increase in footfall they attribute that to your window displays so naturally they want to hire you for next Christmas that's terrific and don't get me wrong I appreciate the offer but I'm still focused on this year the New Year's Eve commission lighting the Downtown Plaza would be a huge step up for me you have my designs you'll see they're fully budgeted scheduled Emma I've already given the job to someone else your proposal was excellent but honestly I think you were playing it a little safe for your work to truly Stand Out Emma you've got to give me something new even if that takes a risk [Music] I really thought I had a shot at getting the plaza job I want my work to be seen and enjoyed by as many people as possible for it to be part of their celebrations their memories look on the bright side you're not going to be working every hour from now until New Year's which means we get to spend more of our first Christmas together if we survive this lunch parents don't usually like me on first impression quick is there anything I shouldn't mention or should know about Dad h well he doesn't really care for the Slick suit look oh and make sure to call him sir good afternoon sir I'm Brad sir what are you 10 Mike is fine good to meet you so there I was trying to barbecue in July and Emma comes barreling out of the house with a Christmas sweater she wants me to wear it must have been 90° but you still put it on well I didn't want to disappoint my little girl my point is Brad she loves Christmas always has and lucky for her we're going to spend Christmas this year in an Executive Suite at the Ritz Carlson what when did we decide on that I wanted it to be a surprise I'm not sure I want to spend Christmas in a fancy hotel but it's five star we won't have to cook won't have to go outside in the cold and the snow won't have to pick out a tree and decorate it all the things I love okay we won't do the hotel it was a comp I won't lose anything well before you make a decision either way why don't I tell you my plans I've been pursuing my other passion studying our ancestry we the McKenzie immigrated from Scotland nearly 300 years ago from a little village called Glenn rothy in the highlands or is it the lowlands well I'll find out for sure when I get there get there you're going to Scotland yeah got it all planned out oh Dad that sounds wonderful well I'm glad you think so an early Christmas gift which you don't have to accept of course plane tickets for you both traveling is always better with others right it's a trip I would have taken with your mother if things have worked out different I'm sure she'll be accompanying Us in spirit wait us does that mean to say you're coming I don't have a big project for New Year now and I've always wanted to visit Scotland so why [Music] not I can't just stop everything go on vacation to Europe you wanted to spend Christmas in a hotel let three blocks away from the office in case I needed to go in I I still have to send reports be across emails I'm sure they have internet in Scotland come on it'll be an adventure plus a trip might be just what I need right now a chance to take stop talk relax recharge my Creative Energy I'm sorry Emma I can't do it then I'll stay too no I can't ask you to do that but it's our first Christmas I can't miss that no matter how much I want to support my dad unless the return flights land back here on the 22nd that still leaves me plenty of time to prepare for Christmas day but the presents the food the decorations you think you'd have enough time I do my best work Under Pressure yeah the bill settled my treat so what's the decision are you coming to Scotland is it an i or an a it's I as long as you don't do that accent when we get over there I make no [Music] promises jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride in a one jingle bells jingle bell jiggle all the way oh what fun it is to ride in one [Music] open Glen rothy it's so beautiful yep it's good to be home well this is where we're staying I'll get our bags there's something not quite right right no snow I know you it's not Christmas without snow it's not just that it's something else decorations there aren't any but no Christmas lights no trees not so much as a wreath on a door no I I see a tree that isn't a tree [Music] that's a tragedy does Christmas in Scotland happen at a different time to the rest of the world no we celebrated it December 25th though of course Christmas was once band here but we're talking hundreds of years ago then why are there no decorations do you not see the tree barely I mean it should be much bigger who chose it it was a gift from the Le of Glenn Roy to the people in the village he donates one every year does this layered uh whatever that is not like the villagers no he cares deeply about them he owns the land The Village everything around here and by the way it's pronounced L that's what I said LED no you're saying LED it's Led Led now that's just noise anyway the L of Glenn Roi simply prefers to celebrate Christmas in a traditional understated manner he sounds like Scrooge Emma Mike McKenzie pleased to meet you Alex Alex Glenn Roy that's right scrooges son I see your bags will you be stopping in Glen rothy long pre Christmas vacation I'm here to find the roots of our family tree H well I wish you luck with that I better get these Christmas cars delivered wouldn't want anyone to think I have no Christmas spirit [Music] whatsoever hi hi ah you must be the McKenzie and you must be Ruth it's nice to put a face to your emails likewise especially one so handsome oh this is my daughter Emma it's nice to meet you dear well let's get you signed in if you can write your details in the visitor's book it's nice to see someone celebrating Christmas proper really around here we we met a guy outside Alex glenroi Emma took issue with his father Christmas decorations or lack of them I design and install Christmas lights I know how much joy they bring oh that they do the whole thing is a bit of a sore point for the village so we rent from the L we're free to decorate the insides of our homes or businesses as we like but outside it's a different matter the L insists there's no spectacle or razzled Dazzle that's so sad all anyway let me show you to your [Music] rooms M this is great sure you don't want to try some black pudding thanks but uh I'll stick to my toast and jelly uh it isn't jelly here honey it's Jam do you want to come to the library with me this morning help with my research I think I'd like to explore the village a little first but we can leave together no no you go ahead this is going to take me a while good luck with your [Music] research [Music] saw you looking at the in pies thought you'd maybe like to try one visiting us from New York and all thank you but uh mint pies fruit and spices they're traditional at Christmas m wow that's amazing thank you uh Bruce I run this place like my father did and and my grandfather Kori kurri it means snuggle or cuddle nice and nice to meet you Bruce I'm Emma from New York but you already knew that what travels fast in Glenn Roy [Music] i r the wi shop here I thought you'd like these Essentials you might have forgotten to pack pens notebooks a tape measure you'll likely need them while you're here all fingers crossed welcome to Glenn rothy this is for you I hope you like it I made it myself it's beautiful but I can't accept this uh oh Megan and why not because there are warm welcomes but this is ridiculous what's going on okay last night you told Ruth you install fairy lights and such professionally but she told heish in the pub who went home and told br his wife who then told Bruce and the cury who told everyone who went in there for tea and Brey this morning me included we'd all thrilled you're here you are just the person we need to do what but what do you think when best Christmas Village come on I'll buy you another mince pie and explain the whole thing and so every December the region holds a best Christmas Village competition the place with the best lights and displays not only gets a trophy but a huge cash prize to share and spend on gifts or in my case to help my business at least that's the idea Glen Roy has never won it because of the Le's insistence that we all follow tradition but even if we didn't win everyone would love to have a decent tree some lights around the village instead we get nothing while burn Glennon gets all the fun and Glory burn Glennon the next Village over our Rivals they went best Christmas Village every year then spend the next 12 months boasting about it but now Glenn rothy's got you I looked up your work started following you online that shop window display you installed was aaza dingling thanks but uh I I'm here on vacation any help even just some advice I'm sure it would make the lard see that he's wrong that Glen rothy can celebrate Christmas better Megan to be honest I'm currently in the process of re-evaluating my work so I'm sorry I don't think I'll be able to help [Music] The Village wants you to design their Christmas lights Dad we said there's some competition or other and Glenn rothy wants to enter it this year Dar the the entire Village is excited you're here I'll be in the pub at 1:00 what's happening at 1:00 your first planning meeting did I say the wrong thing thing I I just assumed you'd want to help I can go back cancel everything no 1:00 is [Music] great if I could have everyone attention for a moment everybody hey thank you if you're serious about winning this contest then we have a lot to do before I offer my initial thoughts though I'd like to get your take Glenn rothy is your village your home what decorations would you like to see faty lights you mean Christmas lights right I I think that's a given I've got a brother in Aberdine he can get your fairy lights as many as you like for a good price thank you uh heish my brother can get you anything lights uh Tes fish exercise bikes do you want me to give him a call now uh thank you but we're still at the planning stage could I put my Rudolph outside the pub if she is having a Rudolph I want a big giant Senter outside my library um he can be holding and reading a book you know to promote reading to we children we need a snow machine my brother can get a snow machine could he get us 10 I think the giant Santa should go outside my Cafe holding a book holding a cup of tea we can have more than one giant Santa can't we I suppose so but they'll all need slays and reindeer my brother and abine can get slays and reindeer that's brilliant then quiet these are all all helpful ideas but let's hear them one at a time and in a logical fashion let's consider what we absolutely need and can agree on first starting with I think a new Christmas tree the current one is too small it needs replacing is that so then perhaps you can tell that to the Le of glenroy yourself my father's asked to meet you oh okay I'm sure we'd all love a chance to share our ideas with him no he's asked to speak to you and only you my car's waiting outside best go dear the lir doesn't like to be kept [Music] waiting my family owns and is responsible for all this land and the farmers and families who work and live on it with the livestock Timber and fishing businesses it's a year round job for me yeah I know how work can become all consuming can get in the way of other stuff something funny no it's just you decorate Christmas trees and other events I but it's essentially putting up lights how hard can it be very achieving what a client wants creating something special within a budget needs artistic talent and business Acumen a good Christmas display can take weeks even months to plan months you see then it sounds to me like you wouldn't have time before Christmas to DOL Nory lights I do my best work under pressure and if you think what you say what your father says is going to change my mind then you are very much M wow there's been a castle on this site for over 800 years some got destroyed fires and battles but this one stood here for 200 years 200 11 to be exact welcome to Glen Roy Castle I'm Duncan 15th and current Le of Glenn rothy or Scrooge as I believe you labeled me about that d I didn't mean to it's fine I've been called much worse down the years no but not Duncan I prefer L Duncan noted come in I'll show you [Music] around I hope you don't mind taking tea in here you're kidding this is this is the nicest room I've ever been in we have larger grander rooms of course but seldom use them the castle isn't practically large but my father looked after the place as did my grandfather and every layer that preceded them and you feel it's your duty to do the same precisely precisely so you understand why I don't allow decorations in the village no what harm would they do what my father's trying to say is that there's never been lights in the village but the villagers your tenants want them this year ah is that to celebrate Christmas and all it represents or when some contest you must be her the lady from New York who's come to do our Christmas decorations uncle Alex told me about you I'm so glad you're here oh this is Rona my granddaughter who never lets a closed door get in her way how big is the village Christmas tree going to be I want light of every color on it now hold on Rona I invited Miss McKenzie here to explain why she won't be decorating the village but I've seen her in New York Lights online if Emma can do the same here we can beat burn Glenn in I play hockey against the kids from that Village they think they're so good but they're really not Rona that's enough I've made my decision and it's final why can't they do both I'm sorry you asked if the village lights were to celebrate Christmas or to win the contest they can do both recognize the spirit of Christmas the traditions and history of Glenn rothy and at the same time give the village a great shot at winning the contest you honestly think you can do that uncle Alex of course she can she's from New York no oh I admire your confidence but there isn't enough time entry to the contest is probably closed it hasn't feno judging takes place on Christmas Eve that's enough my mind's made up this Christmas is hard on Rona her mom my daughter is doing charity work abroad and her dad's on an Arctic research Expedition well isn't that all the more reason to make this year special for her excuse [Music] me I remember your mom playing with that doll's house when she was about your age it had seemed better days even then what is it you're doing there adding lights so at least one house in glenroy looks Christmasy they're much [Music] better you're welcome to explore the grounds I'd show you around myself but I'm busy thanks I I I get it no I really am a tree's falling on an North Road and is blocking access and have at least a dozen fences need fixing you don't have help for all that help costs money besides my father doesn't trust anyone but me to do it properly Miss McKenzie Miss McKenzie did you mean what you said before festive decorations that would be traditional be dignified yes it'd be hard work I wouldn't have much time but then I give you permission to decorate Glen Roy this Christmas what's changed your mind being a grandfather Miss McKenzie's right Rona deserves a happy Christmas but I still have reservations mine will only allow this to go forward if it meets my approval that's why I want you to supervise Miss MacKenzie's work what you know my wasts my wishes so you will assist with and assess everything Miss Mackenzie does now hold on a minute I've already got enough work to do that is not going to work it's my final offer take it or leave [Music] it thank you Ruth you've helped me so much with my research two pairs of eyes are better than one I think I found something there's a mention in this record of a Donald McKenzie not paying his rent on account of leaving Glenn rothy hold on Don McKenzie DD M Donald McKenzie he was my great great great great great grand father then there you have it he was the last of your family to live here in Glen Roy now we can find your family tartan family tartan each family or region has its own historical specific Tartan that they have the right to [Music] wear you're as look warm to my father's plan as I am so just choose some decent lights I'll okay them job finished that is not how I work I have a process I talk to my clients ask what they need what they'd like you know what I was doing in the pub before you interrupted hurry up Slow Coaches where are we going every year Rona tries to find Moto growing wild it's rare in these parts but folklore says it brings luck and happiness yeah we have mistletone America we also have out I thought Scotland would be a winter wonderland the snow will arrive in its own good time are you intended on changing the weather here too how much further is this mistletoe not sure rona's never found any still always enjoy helping I search for it careful that sounds dangerously close to being a glenroy Christmas tradition and when you enjoy oh I enjoy Christmas just not all the fuss and Fanfare that comes with it that distracts from more important things more important things work day-to-day responsibilities the things people actually need people need Christmas so they can relax have fun it's about being with the people you love most so everything else needs to make room for it even for just one day ah but it's not just for one day is it anywhere else outside Glenn Roth and it's an entire month of rushing around fixing lights racking your brains for gift videos oo it's chilly standing next to someone with such a cold heart H up come on I'll find some mistletoe and hopefully it'll bring enough luck to win the contest and change your mind about Christmas thank you Ruth what I'm just being polite and she's helped me so much with my research no it's nice and I wish I was working with someone as helpful Alex he's not a bad guy just stuck in his father's Shadow I want to get these lights right so he can get back to his usual workload and you want to get these lights right for you too huh an entire Village to decorate a blank canvas everyone behind you isn't this the perfect chance to try something new take a risk show how good you really are a traditional Christmas but updated with modern technology LED candles and twinkling lights on rooftops and lamposts a larger tree but surrounded by motion sensors that when activated not only make the trees Sparkle but play traditional carols Silent Night Oh Come All Ye Faithful it'll be beautiful oh and over there a stall serving hot chestnuts I've already contacted a guy in Glasgow who's available for higher oh and hamish's brother can get us all the snow machines we need so what do you think no we need snow Christmas is not the same without snow not just the snow machine not to all of it well I can adjust some parts what is it you don't like specifically the lights the carols it's it's all just too much for Glen Roy look I'm sorry I can't be more enthusiastic but I know my father W approve this so I'm just trying to save you from doing any more worthless work wow thanks sorry that came out wrong these ideas are great just not for here fine I'll start from scratch well hold on before you do why don't I show you what we absolutely don't want would that be [Music] helpful the Christmas spectacle and burn Glennon or Christmas debacle depending on your point of view aren't they the winners of best Christmas Village The Last 5 Years straight I can see why it's huge is that a carousel they have to close offroads build a temporary car park to serve all the tourists that flock there well I imagine their shops and cafes enjoy the Boost but at the cost of turning Christmas into bedum I feel to see the attraction granted some parts are a little outlandish a little look they have an inflatable alien Santa okay very outlandish but it's still making people happy bringing them together that's what Christmas is about less is more and sometimes less is less we just need to find the right balance something less than this but more than that feeble tree outside the pub and when we reach an impass can't agree on a happy balance then we'll settle things by Fair contest Bruce I'm going to need two hot chocolates big ones lots of whipped [Music] cream thank you Bruce the rules are simple we take it in turns to drink these delicious hot chocolates the person who laughs first because of the whipped cream on their opponent's nose loses usually they just have to pay for the hot chocolates but we should should make it more interesting go on you laugh first we can have a hot chocolate stall in Glenn rothy and if you laugh first I'll withdraw my offer to help with the village lights it's okay Bruce I got this I've never been beaten there's a first time for everything ladies first no you go that way you might stand a [Music] chance [Music] you're smiling but not [Music] laughing [Music] I think that's my sugar allowance for the entire month but we can serve hot chocolate I'm a man of my word glen Roth is very special to me it's filled with memories over there is where I first learned how to ride a bike and that's the box where I always used to post my letter to Father Christmas you mean Santa it's Father Christmas here I used to write and tell him I'd been good all year so would they send me some new toys so you used to enjoy Christmas what happened just got older I suppose gained more responsibilities so much that you don't even have time to pen a quick letter wait do you still write a letter to Father Christmas Santa does still receive my correspondence yes what you're the odd one Megan is so talented maybe I can get a gift for Brad here my boyfriend back home right how about you buying for anyone special this year no F to busy for that sort of thing besides this place isn't exactly full of potential partners a problem you don't have in New York could imagine it's the opposite end of the spectrum too many potential dates H well now you found someone with this Brad block oh yeah I see who did you think I meant no one I yeah Brad's a nice guy did he not want to come and hold it with you he did but he had too much work to do back in New York so the rumors are true Glenn Roth has brought in an expert to change its festive fortunes all the way from the Big Apple Emma this is James Bowden a vocal resident and council member of burn Glennon Bowden this is Emma McKenzie McKenzie ah a Scottish surname I'm here on vacation with my dad he's researching our ancestry so you weren't hired directly to help Glenn rothy win best Christmas Village glad to hear it I'd hate for you to have had a completely wasted Journey don't get too confident Bowen the ideas the designs Miss McKenzie has I mean the trophy's coming here this year I'll believe that when I see it sorry but that man just knows how to push my buttons I've had runin with him in the past over land planning permission just wanted to wipe that grin off his face understandable I'll call him tell him I made a mistake and why would you do that I boasted practically guaranteed your lights would beat Bon Glennon and they will if you give me full creative control don't veto my ideas I'm certain I can deliver something fantastic that's also truly traditional and unique to Glenn rothy and its residents let's take a risk together well my father might not approve but then he did put me in charge let's go for [Music] it [Music] [Applause] yeah looks great give us another [Music] [Laughter] twirl Emma didn't see you there evidently nice Kilt thanks and look McKenzie Tartan I don't follow every Scottish surname has a Tartan associated with it and this is ours wait so would every person and family in Glenn rothy know their tan of course it's something we're very proud of here why because it's given me a great idea glad to be of help lash shush may I remind you that this is a library not some cat walk good afternoon gentlemen find the seat I found the same pattern in a history book that's right it's a traditional Celtic note for many it's a symbol of everlasting Unity friendship it's wonderful do you think you could replicate it on a bigger scale as a feature decoration of course I'd love to help okay ladies and gentlemen can I have your attention please thank you for attending this meeting today and for inviting me this time Emma's invited us here to listen to her ideas and what she requires Emma I won't lie we have a lot of work to do to stand any chance of creating a Christmas display that will Ral bur in Glennon so I'd ask you firstly to start collecting jars any shape or size my brother and abine can get your jars great then call him and I'm going to need brand branches and lots of pine cones and as much winter growing Heather as you can find I can help with that thank youa the sooner we collect everything I need the better but first I'd like you all to tell me your surname a little bit about yourselves and What Christmas Means to you Megan why don't you start us off okay let's see I'm Meg M as most of you know I run my we jewelry shop which is my passion and What Christmas Means to Me I'm not sure I suppose I love that special feeling of togetherness of kindness of knowing that other people have as much love in their hearts as you do for them we're all so busy nowadays running around we sometimes forget to tell people how much we care about them Christmas gives us the chance to say [Music] that was that okay Emma yeah thank you Megan we need to keep searching for some lucky metal tool too we find some then we're bound to unas Christmas Village then I promise to keep an eye out for some but still no sign of snow don't worry it's going to arrive any day now I asked for some in my letter to Father Christmas you know sort of an early present a shame your uncle Alex couldn't help this morning he's over always doing jobs helping others on the estate mending drain pipes finding lost sheep so I hear he's very kind yeah but sometimes I wish he wasn't then You' have more time to play with me or he could find someone to marry and I could be a bright mid I see well in that case I'll keep both eyes open for that mistletoe so it brings some luck for your uncle too [Music] I know I'm doing something wrong but I don't know what whatever you put on one side place on the other for symmetry huh looks better already thank you no thank you it's great you had free time to help with these actually I should be at a parish meeting to discuss a leaking Church roof but this sounded a little more appealing I think it's nice that you do so much for your estate the people on it now if we can just improve your level of Christmas spe I'm badly making wreaths aren't I and I used to adore Christmas when I was little but now I'm a grown up well I'm a grownup and I still love Christmas did something specific happened was there a moment when you stopped enjoying the holidays well I suppose oh let me take a look uh just a thorn small but need removing dressing trees for a living you'd think I'd have been more careful it's so Scottish thistles they're notoriously prickly got it does that feel better much [Music] thanks Brad great to hear from you oh an amazing time it's beautiful here the village the country side the castle I sent you photos of uh-huh I'm here right now I wish you were here to see it too [Music] mhm I hope she hasn't scratched my antique coffee table she's been very careful and her decorations will do the estate proud uh-huh we'll see sure let's um yeah we'll talk later okay [Music] bye okay Mish um be sure it's based equally right to the top that's great bringing the for every in Christmas Christmas is here to stay little more little more perfect [Music] yeah is this one the right size for you it's fantastic large but not overbearing where did you get it so fast oh it's one of those we have a Christmas tree farm on the estate grow 5,000 a year give or take wait so you and your dad don't have a Christmas tree at the castle but you grow trees for other homes it generates a state income that is not the point I know and mean you put it like that we do seem like the Scrooge family but maybe that's changing this [Music] year on behalf of all Glenn ruffy may I present to you our entry for best Christmas [Music] [Applause] Village it's perfect he still needs snow but we might get lucky Rona ask S for [Music] some each tarton represents a family or person in the village and if you come a little closer take out your phones each ribbon has a code tied to it scan it and you get the family's history and what they're looking forward to most this Christmas amazing how long did this take you put it this way I haven't had too much sleep the last few nights but I couldn't have done all this myself look at Megan's beautiful Celtic knot my brother and ABAB couldn't get those it's lovely Megan and the final part of the display to show the judges on the [Music] night in years past the villages in Scotland would light a candle on Christmas Eve to guide Travelers and show they were welcome to shelter I love it you've done our village proud Emma I hope your father feels the same way welcome to The Village's Christmas lights L Duncan not as garish and tacky as bur Glennon but Unbecoming of Glen Roy nevertheless I made sure to focus on on the traditional the historical except the parts which didn't fit in your vision H the quiet the Serene what many people seek at Christmas myself included what's this I asked Bruce to make some commemorative mince pies they each have your coat of arms on top my family history is not to be used wasted on food and frivolity and I expected you to have better guidance in such matters it's past your bedtime [Music] Runa well I still love the decorations best Christmas Village we're standing in it [Applause] now here good tidings we bring to you and your king We wish you a Merry Christmas [Music] and right thank you you should go and talk to her no you should and not just about the lights either I know you have feelings for her like she has for you when I was talking in the pub the other day I saw how you both looked at each other no it doesn't it matter she's got a man back in America M but he's not here and you [Music] are I thought you could use one of these Buzzy just updating my online showcase For Better or For Worse I really thought I'd pushed myself taken a risk created something new memorable and you have forget what my father said he's so resistant to change that it blinds him oh Innovation for the estate New Roads better working methods a decent it system for goodness sake been trying to persuade him for years and he cited tradition that and cost being traditional not changing isn't that expensive but you're rich you have Priceless paintings live in a castle a castle that costs a fortune to maintain and my father would sooner starve and sell the family silver I'd hop that your Christmas lights would show them that change can be good that it can improve rather than damage I'm sorry I let you down you have nothing to be sorry for and at least you've shown me how Christmas should be [Music] celebrated good I'm glad and to prove the gradual thawing of a Christmas hting heart how about another round of hot chocolate okay but what are the stakes well if you wi I have to spend the last day of your vacation driving you around showing you Countryside buying you dinner and if you win the exact same thing [Music] I lost it's the first time I've ever [Music] lost I wish I could stay here forever what's stopping you uh my life in New York the Atlantic Ocean between there and here the Atlantic that your ancestors managed to cross years ago and they didn't even have airplanes back then true but there's also my job I've worked so hard to build my career and reputation moving here or anywhere would be like starting from scratch a shame I'd love you to stay because of everything you've done for the village I mean and people like you Rona especially sure that's what I thought you meant Megan hi whoa whoa whoaa slow down what's the [Music] matter burn Glennon Village Megan says they've stolen our ideas burn glennon's latest blog yourself this year's decorations will include candlelit window displays wreaths made from locally sourced thistles and a tree festooned with the family tartans of the village see all our decorations I'm sure their entry won't look as good as ours but the contest judges won't know who had the ideas first it'll be our word against burn Glennon but they wouldn't lie would they they'd admit they copied us right let's find out bden I'm surprised you had the guts to come here if there is an accusation of cheating however unfounded I want to address it you've taken all of our ideas added them to your own entry no no those ideas were planned for weeks months then being similar to your we entry is just a an un happppy coincidence you expect us to believe that believe what you want but Glenn rothy doesn't have a monopoly on Tartan and tradition around these parts now if that is everything I'll be on my way oh and just to show there is no ill will you'll all still be welcome to enjoy the Christmas lights and fun of burn Glennon well that's that we might still win not without entry so close to theirs Megan's right their copy will distract from ours at least in the eyes of the judges so we'll just have to create a new display but we don't have time we do if we work hard pull together again honey you know I'm with you but we have to fly back home tomorrow ah that actually is a valid point [Music] I'm not saying I won't be back for Christmas Brad I'll stay another couple of days and we can still have a great holiday together you've seen the photos I've sent you this is a special place and they need me here everyone from the villagers to the Lin his castle they'd all benefit from the financial boost winning the contest would bring really that's great thanks for understanding Brad understands If I Stay great news is that okay Dad if you want to head on home without me oh I'd stay here till next Christmas huh then it's settled you really think you can create a new display as good if not better than the last one I'm [Music] positive a Christmas maze through decorated trees Glen she's already got one of those you reached the middle and Father Christmas hands you a present thought these might provide sustenance thanks Bruce oh how about something with a dolphin theme everybody loves Dolphins but they're not very christmy and how many dolphins do you see flapping around the village I'm only trying to help and you are this is all part of the process we've just got to think of something new but also unique something burn Glennon doesn't have and can't copy yum I love these mince pies that's it that's [Music] it you're right L Duncan Glenn rothy Castle hasn't celebrated Christmas since 1640 when political and social upheaval effectively banned the holiday but prior to that it was alive with music laughter and feasting just imagine it a party the whole Community together here in the castle every room full of laughter color and we transform the grounds too with lights and traditional music so you're doing the same wouldn't be ignoring tradition it'd be restoring it my answer is still no the only proof you have is that one book The L in 1640 would have been Robert why didn't he reestablish the season resume this supposed Christmas Eve party it doesn't say why there's just this drawing of him here look Granddad he's got the same grumpy morning face as you has not that best Christmas Village award would look mighty fine in your trophy cabinet ah it might and I could invite other LS and ladies show them Glenn Roy Castle still remembers how to host a party no anyway this is a castle it's not a village but it lies within the village boundary so it's within the rules LED Glen rothy you told me your Cod of arms represents friendship what greater gesture of friendship is there than opening your doors to others at Christmas well what are you waiting around for you've work to do [Music] we'll decorate the castle have stalls and food in the ballroom and it would be great if guests arrived at the castle to the sound of bag pipes heish can your brother and Aberdine find us some Pipers at short notice oh I'm afraid he can't but my sister andan great call her and there will be poetry readings games and a dance we need a traditional Scottish dance sounds great excellent we'll have a kie so everyone be sure to find a partner Mike I'll teach you the steps and Alex you can partner with Emma oh I'm sure Alex won will be far too busy so nonsense this is your party Emma and it's at your home Alex you'll be leading the [Music] Kaye cute are they yours roners to help show you where the other partners will be now stand facing me but slightly apart bit further back good okay Teddy and Dolly will start the dance then penguin and dinosaur then it'll be our turn understand no just follow me first we acknowledge no you're a lady so you cutsy well you said follow you I I know but you cutsy so cutsy mhm then we come together then me do the steps keep going CH Y no we hold hands and spin spin like this [Music] go steady [Music] steady [Music] Emma surprise some uh old guy let me in Alex this is Brad my boyfriend Brad Brad this is Alex pleasure to meet you Alex it's a heck of a place you got here after we spoke on the phone and you said how wonderful this place was I moved some meetings book the next flight over that's really sweet but why didn't you call ahead tell me you were coming my wanted it to be a surprise Brad this isn't a vacation for me now I'm I'm planning organizing a huge event one that if I get it right might really boost my career and standing that's great and don't worry about me I promise to stay out of your way while you do everything you need to do that wouldn't be fair on you after flying all this way it's okay I am sure that I'll find something to do while I'm here [Music] W grab a screwdriver and help if you like no I'm good thanks I've just been admiring your home it's magnificent I be like to think so it's a shame it's not used to its full potential though well em is organizing this Christmas Eve party which is great but what comes after I work in hotels and Leisure I'd be more than happy to share my expertise with your family I see Emma mentioned that it's a yearr round challenge to maintain this estate with my help and connections I could turn this into a very profitable Golf Club and Spa Golf Club and Spa my father despises golf even though Scotland invented the game and he despises spies even more I'm sure I could persuade him once I show him the numbers you uh you think you could set up a meeting with him for me if that's what you truly want terrific I think we're all going to prosper from this I'll catch you later oh but no point mentioning any of this to Emma at least not to further down the track [Music] right we still need to find some lucky ml to too then the party will be brilliant we'll win best Christmas Village and you can visit Glenn Rie again OHA we don't need luck for that last thing to happen I would love to come back here if the rest of your family want me to of course well I'll have to ask nand dad but I'm sure uncle Alex would love you to come back next Christmas then you can make him happy again what isn't he normally happy he used to be but then my grandma got very ill on Christmas and she never got better I'm so sorry that's okay I was a bit too young to understand but I remember my mom and uncle Alex being very sad after that Christmas was never quite the same then why don't we try and make this Christmas the best Glenn rothy has ever [Music] seen uh Rono why don't you go put these pine cones in the shed with the others okay get pleas I no come on okay go out of my home oh and there's the other one is something wrong don't act like you don't know coming to Glenn Roy your party your lights it's all been one great Shad hasn't it to butter me and my family up I don't understand Brad I only asked if he'd consider selling the castle to the hotel chain I work for but he wouldn't even look at my presentation presentation Maps concept drawings the lot as if you didn't know she didn't I'm sure of it and unless you have proof otherwise don't accuse her again she's still Guilty By Association so the party the lights it's all cancelled my final [Music] word when I see a place that has potential I go for it this place could be fantastic it's already fantastic no for the one family that lives here but why shouldn't more people get to enjoy it it's not like the layer isn't going to benefit financially it's pronounced layer and not everything's about money Brad this place has history traditions wait you're on their side you're my girlfriend right now it doesn't feel like I am you didn't want to come here with me but as soon as you sniffed a business opportunity you traveled what does that say about [Music] us I'm sure back in New York there's someone who loves your drive and ambition and I hope you find her I want you to be happy I want you to be happy too [Music] I'm sorry no it's okay deep down I knew we weren't right together I only wish I'd made the decision sooner that way we might still have a party to plan we still do I pointed out to my father that he's already invited all his friends and VIP guests and that cancellation at this late stage might be embarrassing thank you and if there's anything I can do in return there is I'd very much like it if you'd stay for Christmas and then at least until Hugman New Year's Eve mhm and your father too of course unless either of you have to go back home return to America no no I I mean I did but not now then it settled then I am sorry about you and Brad that's okay I realized that my heart didn't skip when I thought about him and now does it skip for somebody else looking Splendid Miss McKenzie Emma I owe you an apology I blamed you for that Brad's schemes and Antics when I had not one shred of evidence I can see how it looked and you were only protecting your home which you have improved I haven't seen Rona so excited for years or Alex I know you're very busy lots to do but if you've got to be second I don't imagine you packed a formal dress for this trip so I thought you might appreciate this it's beautiful it was my darling wife's when she was about your age oh then I couldn't possibly no no no I insist she would have wanted it worn by someone with your heart and spirit she loved Christmas too I regret not letting her celebrate it as fully as as she always wanted thank you I would be honored to wear [Music] it here I am hanging up the silver streaming you are here tonight sitting right here by my side next Christmas you'll be here with me putting up that Christmas tree just have to wait and see so next Christmas what do you think it should be much much bigger isn't that what I once said to you and I listened eventually grab your coat we're going and find a bigger one I can't I I still have a dozen jobs to finish don't worry I'll call you if I need any [Music] helpy next Christmas we've passed a dozen trees that were great what are you looking for you'll soon see and I thought you'd be happy me trying to create the perfect Christmas I am happy to see the castle opening up decorated for the holidays it's right there hlto mhm a Rona will be so happy and it might just give us the luck we need to win the contest and for anything else we might need luck with well directly underneath I suppose it'd be remiss of us not to follow tradition it really [Music] would this will be Megan needing help oh uh Gwen Emma I need you back in New York Jackson was supposed to be lighting the plaz for New Year's Eve but he's let me down so the job is yours as long as you can get back from vacation in time Gwen thank you but to have any chance of doing that I'd have to fly back immediately would that be a problem I'm doing another installation here an important one and I promise someone I'd be spending Christmas in Scotland so you're saying no to me I'm saying can I think about it at least for an hour or two fine I'll be waiting for your call that was my boss she's I got the gist you're really thinking of leaving It's a Wonderful opportunity I might never get one as good again I don't know what to do then let me decide for you go back home but what about the contest and party spending Christmas here with you with Rona if we mattered then you wouldn't even be considering another job if you didn't matter I'd have taken it on the spot Alex it's okay I know why you're reacting like this what do you know this was the first Christmas you were truly looking forward to since since your mother passed I resent you bringing that up you don't know me my family you're just an outsider when all said and done and you always will be then perhaps I should go home I'm certainly not stopping [Music] you Bruce make sure all the guests are welcomed with food and drinks Megan you only have to hang the last lights I know you'll do a fantastic job but you can't leave us I'm sorry but a job's come up in New York I have to fly home then I'll go with you it's a long drive back to the airport no no dad stay here you and Ruth deserve to spend Christmas together I know how you feel about her and I think you do too call me the minute you [Music] land Rona hi shouldn't you be getting into your party dress is it true that you're leaving I'm sorry but I have to will you come back I'm not sure but perhaps one day you can come to visit me in New York and I can show you all of the Christmas lights there I'd like that [Music] [Music] h [Music] good to see [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] uncle Alex look it's snowing well it was snow before it melted and look at my dress you're the loveliest lady here owner and look up there I managed to find you some lucky missile toe aren't you pleased yeah I just wish Emma was here to see it and there SN grab a man's pie and cheer yourself up she's upset about Emma leaving ah hi stranger suddenly deciding to leave like that she was offer her job but it was me the Heat of the Moment overreacting I spoke out a tongue the fear of losing her even for Christmas no means I've lost her forever you have her phone number so call her say sorry and you were a fool no what I said it take a face to face apology to fix then go and do that I imagine New York and hogman is Splendid especially if Emma is lighting the place I can't just drop everything and fly across yes you can all this has made me reassess what's right for the estate and for you investment adopting new working methods would give you more time to live your life the life you want tradition be damned hold on hold on I'm still not okay with public displays of affection as soon as the judging's finished and the part's over I'll drive to the the airport and grab the next flight my goodness you won't have [Music] to you came back I hope you don't mind of course not about what happened what I said ladies and gentlemen take your partners for the KY you're back great just in [Music] time I'm sorry for how I spoke to you sorry I said I'm sorry for how I spoke to you me too I too [Music] late I didn't mean to upset you recall painful memories no I'm glad you did remembering the past it's made me think about my future we should keep dancing [Music] sure [Music] I'm sorry I called you an outsider sorry I I I didn't catch that hold [Music] on I'm sorry I called you an outsider you're much more to me than that since we met my my lives changed all for the better mine too standing in the village seeing the snowfall was perfect and then my boss called and asked for my decision and I remembered my own advice that Christmas is a time to be with those you love so I came back and I'm so glad you did you all know my son Alex of course but we should show our appreciation for Emma who organized this fine evening an evening which I've just been told has turned into a winning one with you did it Len rothy is best Christmas [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Village sells in the distance I think this is rly used I'd be happy if you kept it you already have a trophy cabinet I was hoping you'd say that but you can look at it whenever you come to visit that is if you choose to leave of course this room is full of Ls and hols land owners they've all praised your work and they are lining up to request that you decorate their homes for weddings State visits and Christmas of course if you stayed here in Scotland you could pick and choose the work you want how I think how about it well I'm sure my dad would be happy to settle here if he hasn't decided to already but to move countries start a new life here create a home it's quite a [Music] risk and one I'm happy to take I look forward to the future but let's not forget the old [Music] traditions I told you itd bring [Music] [Applause] [Music] luck [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Empress Movies
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Keywords: empress movies, girls night movies, women's movies, english movies for women, full movies for women, full movies 2023, movies, free movies, best movies 2023, english full movies, christmas movies, christmas films, christmas movie, hallmark christmas movies, christmas movies hallmark, lifetime christmas movies, winter movies, christmas full movies, christmas movies free, xmas movies, christmas in scotland, romantic holiday movies, christmas romance movies
Id: UElf9UzJiPM
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Length: 89min 9sec (5349 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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