Christmas Casanova FULL MOVIE | Christmas Movies | Romantic Holiday Movies | Empress Movies

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[Music] remember you have to flip the action and reaction beautiful keep it up it's a dance communicate with youron through eye contact not bad for podcast Creator not bad at all there you go okay so any last thoughts on sword choreography where it's LED you how it's shaped your life well I suppose it's it's like I said before it's a dance even with an opponent well thank you jacine I'm going to miss this are you going to put these training sessions in the podcast no no no that was just for fun I keep myself out of the narrative I believe that makes for a messy storytelling I like keeping my focus on my subjects Merry Christmas and thank you again Merry [Music] Christmas hi [Music] fun ooh are those a special Christmas flavor yep his Bakery started making them yesterday wow and I just finished up with Jaclyn Snider nice well have you decided what angle you want to take I think I'm going with sword choreography as a metaphor for conflict and communication you're like a Michaelangelo with a slab of marble yeah exactly oh by the way Max and I are going to a Christmas popcorn crawl on Friday you should come help wake up the Christmas spirit you know I have plenty of Christmas spirit I'm just going Cozier these days tonight I'm taking another step at my mom's mold cider recipe I know you miss your mom especially this time of year but I'm worried you're missing out we live in New York you should let the city help you celebrate yeah uh by the way Janice was looking for you she wanted to set up a meeting yeah I heard you was making rounds about how to optimize listenership I'm worried life and the likes on The Chopping Block she set up a meeting with me yesterday it was fine of course it was live life winning is one of the most popular podcasts out there right now uh Janice 6:00 I think I'm going to work from home [Music] today hey how's it going [Music] now an ongoing misconception is that apps and our phones create distance between people but the SU app is the perfect example of the exact opposite it's like a book club but with recipes real time cooking parties over long [Music] distances um our Market Research indicates that this new generation of consumers is review driven for a Christmas theme we thought it'd be a fun idea to incorporate cartoon characters like elves reindeer or even Santa Claus himself if that's not too hack hack maybe um or maybe something classic like Ugg boots so many studies all this market research I guess I was just looking for something A Little More Alive Raw live raw yeah we can do that either way really looking forward to your pitch presentation on the 23rd thank you for coming in mhm great yeah sorry guys alive raw you should probably just give this account to Nadia don't you think I mean we all know Christmas content it's it's not your Forte anyway Beth Barka should know that the creative director is on it we need to win this account for the agency it'll keep us tapped in and relevant and speaking of Christmas content I'm feeling rather inspired I'm gearing up to go see the Schultz's for the holidays Tanya and I actually meeting in a few hours to discuss travel plans Tanya Schultz your bestie from childhood maybe on your drive to Vermont you too can discuss why you're not a couple already maybe you know the latest live life winning podcast made me think of you too it talked about how people ignore good things that are right in front of them because they think that everything worthwhile must be a challenge that's not a revolutionary philosophy Brian it's a cliche Tanya is my friend her family is like my family end of story get out of here go do some work think about it okay yay okay there you go thank you cheers yum it's good but it's still off better than last time I think the card mom was a good addition M you know if this meeting does happen happen with Janice if you're unable to hide from her until 2036 do you think I should come up with pitches for new podcasts no I think you should stand by life and the like she comes from a true crying background I mean she wants things to have a big hook you know to be Sensational maybe I could do a series on a spy or a tight rope Walker what makes your podcast so much fun is that you find everyday people who do everyday things but you end up wanting to keep hanging out with them you're authentic so be it so out byy maybe not [Music] fine they only had one raspberry left but I thought i' let you have it to repay me you can do the driving to your parents house how about that okay you know that huge pine tree outside my parents kitchen window yeah the squirrel Hotel it fell over onto the roof and and now they have to repair it so they've decided that they won't be hosting Christmas this year are they sure you maybe we can help them they're pretty decided in fact they're coming here to spend Christmas in New York I'm a bit worried it's going to be tight at my place but the Silver Lining is now they get to me a cliff wait um Cliff I thought you weren't that into him I forgot to update you okay we had this great weekend he took me upstage to this festival and we went ice skating and something clicked into place and it turns out he's really a Christmas guy so I think Mom and Dad are going to love him I'm a Christmas guy of course it's not a contest okay anyway Cliff's out of town but he'll be back on Christmas Eve you know of course you're welcome to join us but I also know you may have your own Traditions here so oh do you not want me to join you guys no no you can you know I just I know it's not Vermont so and that's okay I mean I wouldn't want to get in the way of Cliff no you you wouldn't be oh you just got I think I was wrong when I Ed the term cliche to describe your assessment of me and Tanya's relationship you know how we always say there's a fine line between cliche and classic classic being Universal unden iable maybe this is classic maybe you're right about me and Tanya finally you know how we always talk about that aha moment last night there was some raspberry jam on her chin and it was just this was a moment can I just point out that you are talking about all this in advertising terms of course she has this new boyfriend named cliff who's a real Christmas guy what I thought you wanted the two of us to get together but now she's unavailable you know today live life winning they are doing Callins for a special Christmas episode you could call them you know get some neutral advice plus you love a good focus group I like that Jenny can I see you for a minute we're going to need the numbers on every show we have in broadcast right now especially life and the like now where is the lease anyway just like [Music] here hey hi you're hiding from Janice aren't you just a little what are you recording the big Christmas Callin though Charlotte Noel just canceled so I have to go at it all aone actually no no this is perfect you can co-host with me no no no no no that's not really my skill set there you go you look great okay are we recording now hello and happy holidays everyone this is Bonnie medley host of live life winning and today is our epic Christmas special where we answer any of your holiday questions whether it be hosting anxiety or what cookie Santa really loves and joining me today is our special guest Miss y tide a brilliant expert on all things Christmas so let's get started with our first caller here we've got a Chris kingle I'm guessing that's an alias talk to us what is your Christmas conundrum hello uh my conundrum is that I think I may be in love with my longtime friend but I'm not sure but also time is of the essence because she has just gotten a new boyfriend That's a classic one classic see that's what I thought I've known her since we were kids Christmas was a big deal for her family my family was always busy with work and because we're Pakistani we didn't really celebrate it so they always adopted me for the holiday I was actually supposed to spend Christmas in Vermont with them but plans changed and now they're coming to New York instead and I don't know if I'm even invited she says this guy is a real Christmas guy and I thought maybe I could be a better Christmas die what I need is a strategy to to win her heart and her families and secure my spot I'm going to let my co-host Miss uai take this one why you go ahead so you want to secure your spot sounds like going out a business Crush you have known her for a long time she now has a boyfriend and suddenly you're interested I recommend you leave her be you'll get over [Music] it you talk about being a better Christmas guy is Christmas spirit something you could really compete at why not Christmas is a commodity often used by companies to sell you something why can't I use it to win over the potential love of my life because the spirit in Christmas spirit hearkens the ephemeral the magical not the Strategic that's cute and all but I have less than a week I need an airtight Playbook oh yeah if you're looking for a book cute no need to condescend Chris cringle oh there's plenty of need Miss Yol tide didn't this start with you not even knowing if you love this woman yet you're more concerned about winning than sorting out your feelings isn't this podcast called live life winning well yeah but I and don't they say he who hesitates he who hesitates what I don't remember the rest well I know how the rest of this call goes [Music] bye that was crazy I know I'm sorry no I knew you had it in you whoa life and the like life and the like life in the light I don't know it trips you out there's too many L's why so many L's I think there's only two okay I will admit that long form thoughtful podcast storytelling it's not my specialty I like to think of things like what makes the listener have a heated debate with her friends over dinner what propels the listener from one episode to the next getting to know someone learning about their life philosophy taking away a little inspir insiration yeah I'm going to need you to Pivot I'm going to let you hold on to life and the like but I want you to think of things like Cliffhangers something juicy like an episode of The Housewives I like to look to reality TV for inspiration oh I want you to unearth that sassiness I heard in that Chris cringle call the other day that the sassiness that got social media talking I I don't even know why everyone's all a flutter you have this typical situation where an indecisive man wants something because suddenly he can't have it he talks about using Christmas as a strategy to help him win like it's some sort of game Christmas is supposed to be the season of Love not the season of winning there it is the season of winning if he wants to get the girl let him dry in fact maybe you even instruct him wait wait I I'm sorry I I was just venting this wasn't supposed to be a Pitch oh it'll be like a holiday special on the surface you can teach him to be a better Christmas guy or whatever but really it's all a tool to win this woman's love the deadline boyfriend's arrival that's it Christmas is love or maybe it's heartbreak find out in the next episode you can FasTrack edit as you go we'll release the whole series on Christmas Eve oh I love a good brainstorming session wouldn't this be dishonest no it will be a reveal okay and um what'll motivate this family to go along with this on the surface as far as everyone else is concerned he'll be their guide for The Ultimate Christmas in New York also perks will set him up in some swing worthy luxury rental okay that's it I'll you go okay yeah sure okay send in Patrick no Christine did I fire Christine never mind just send somebody in okay Christmas in the Park Christmas in the mall found it he's a hireup at this Ad Agency here in the city of course commodity Etc so are you going to move forward with it I have to if I want here and now to keep producing my work either way first obstacle is getting him to agree to this in the first place you know what you could do I dare you to go into his office and yell Chris cringle is there a Chris cringle here I just right oh you seem serious Hey Dad it's me how's it going over there have you guys got the neighbor kit to put up the Christmas tree yet are you guys actually going to do anything to celebrate this year anyways um I'm here give my love to Mom [Music] he's lost who my father no he who hesitates is lost that's how the saying goes oh it's you it's me Miss Yol tide but my actual name is leise Daniel Khan wow that's your name on the door my father's I wanted to to apologize I was abrupt I'm sorry so you came here to apologize also I think I realized there might be something to your mission and what better combined with a love story than Christmas so you came here to encourage me no I uh may I to make it up to you I want to help you by featuring your Journey on my podcast life in the lake I surmise from our CT conversation that organizing Christmas festivities doesn't come naturally to you that being the better Christmas guy would be a mission a feat possibly well it comes naturally to me especially Christmas in this great City we live in you asked about a Playbook well your playbook with my behind the 's help is to show your friend and her family the best possible Christmas in New York becoming the better Christmas guy but the real mission is to make this um woman Tanya Tanya realize what's already in front of her real lasting love before this boyfriend even gets a chance you just have to record the whole thing yeah but doesn't that make your love story even better something worth sharing with world oh also my podcast production company can offer Tanya's family a stunning holiday rental I can send you the link it's within walking distance to some of New York's best Christmasy things as tempting as it all sounds I feel like I'd be luring people I care about into a ruse and for that reason I'm going to have to say no that's disappointing but understandable well thank you for for your time one more thing you said you were worried about not being included in the festivities well this podcast would mean spending a lot of time with Tanya and her family would necessitate it I'm sorry again for the other day hey can you airdrop me the link to that luxury rental just out of curiosity sure here give me those thank you for your chivalry what do we always say chivalry is dead chivalry shivy maybe it's not maybe it's not that okay why are you being weird now you got a pitch presentation coming up actually yes I explains it I'm so worried that the guest beted is going to hurt my dad's back you know I got the weirdest offer today talk to me have you heard of that podcast life in the lake you I've heard of it but you know I don't really listen to podcast well the host is a friend of a friend and she and I got into a heated debate about the Christmas spirit she and I he did no not no okay what I'm saying is she heard about my holiday plans and approached me about doing a podcast where I'm assigned the challenge of showing you and your family the best New York Christmas ever I said no of course wait what why all that recording this annoying woman just following us around wiring us up with mics pulling soci side for little interviews H yeah I guess but I don't know I mean it sounds kind of neat right I know both Mom and Dad wouldn't mind talking about their love of Christmas especially now right since they can't do their usual Extravaganza well she did offer us this really nice luxury rental it seems too good to be true let me see [Music] that we're doing this can I have my phone back no takes what I learned from Jacqueline is that the trick to sword fighting is trust a balance of committing to moves while keeping the other person safe [Music] hello hi Elise it's Danielle who Chris Kringle oh hi how can I help you I want to do it I want to do the podcast oh really um great what made you change your mind maybe I do have a thing or two to learn about Christmas also the luxury rental was a huge draw for Tanya great I'm excited me too okay bye bye well all right then oh Broadway show that's a good one ah yes what else what else what else now you have to be an expert on your year Christmas as much as you've been trying to avoid it I'm just going to read up on it like I do everything else fake it till you make it I'm not good at faking it I'll take any advice you have what makes Christmas in New York so amazing it's like I've been telling you just step outside no I need something more solid more activity driven I need a strategy strategy that's not your usual uh strategy I need a place to start hey you got this keep going as I build this okay apparatus [Music] well there you have it dear listeners despite being mostly a home body it was now up to me to become an expert on all things Christmas in New York so with the help of some trusty guide books I started drawing up a playbook in the hopes of helping Chris Kringle get the girl so the thing about Christmas in New York is that it's almost impossible not to find a Christmas that speaks to your heart feels like home speaking of home what do you think wow you really outdid yourself on the decoration but I'm not really hearing a strategy oh no need if we focus on the Christmas experience the intended result of winning Tanya's heart will come naturally so just relax and let the Christmas spirit wash over you still doesn't seem like a plan patience Chris crangle now our first task is to prepare for the family's arrival in 1 hour and I am going to start recording now hello world oh I picked these up I thought they may be of some guidance no no no we don't need those you're going to have to trust me Danielle we have to make our moves from the heart from the gut not from a guide you know I think the best thing to make them feel the most at home is making sure they have personalized stockings why are we making five stockings um well Tanya her parents you and Cliff why does Cliff get a stocking he's [Music] invited oops you're a child hey so I thought it'd be really fun if the drink of the night could be Manhattan with a Christmas twist so the way we Infuse these New York drinks with Christmas spirit is by adding a little bit of nutmeg flavored simple syrup it was my mom's recipe which will be posted on the life in the like blog so let me get this straight the way we're constructing this Fabulous New York Christmas is by making a drink called it Manhattan so far this feels vague and aimless so far as in the first hour and a half of our process doesn't look like patience is one of your virtues I just avoid procrastination okay look at it this way sure we could go straight to Rockefeller Center for ice skating see now that sounds perfect but why do the first thing you think of it's so impersonal you know regardless we're on the same team so let's work together we have 15 minutes before the family arrives do you want to spend all this time arguing no right so Shake still mhm I'm very excited about this let's go oh my god dad look at this wow this place is amazing so be beautiful as Tanya's family arrives I've instructed Danielle to ever so stumbly try to tease out if there was one christmy thing that always makes them think of New York City maybe something they've always dreamt of doing wow that may seem like cheating but it's just a way to make the journey more personal let me take your jacket why cuz we're inside okay let I watch as Danielle takes Tanya's coat for you yeah but she seems more confused than appreciative my arm's stuck her arm stuck it's not Charming it's more of an awkward struggle all right [Music] hi hi Patty hi we're just speak right yeah just speak as you normally would oh so how are you feeling about being here well I'll certainly Miss not spending Christmas at my home in Vermont but why not take the opportunity and make an adventure out of it right in this podcast we're just thrilled to be doing it Patty works so hard to make everyone's Christmas special I'm happy that this can be a break for her she can just relax and enjoy the holiday without having to coordin made everything and I'm looking forward to capturing the festivities with my new hobby actually Patty calls it a hobby I call it my new artistic Pursuit that's it smile hold it having to live up to my parents level of Christmas celebration here in New York was intimidating but now Danielle is doing the podcast and being our Christmas guide he he's a great friend and I understand there's someone else in the picture Cliff yeah you know usually it takes a long time for me to want to introduce someone to my parents but when I saw the stocking over there with his name on it I can't explain it but something it just felt right fit I think it's going great they like your stockings and I'll admit it those weird little nutmeg met hands what do you disagree no um I just wonder if maybe there's a different angle like I don't know um what if it's less get the girl and more she loves me she loves me not less of a competition and more of a rumination you don't think I stand a chance do you no I just don't want to record hours upon hours of your heart getting rejected there's not much of an arc there not much of an arc you lack competitive Spirit did I just hear someone say chestnuts roasting on an open fire I've got a great idea oh let's hear it you guys excited absolutely this Chestnut guy is the best kept secret in all of New York City he's always moving around from location to location which is what makes him so special or should I say Christmas magical let's go get some come on oh these smell so good what do you think wow this is really extraordinary I I had no idea you had this in your repertoire thank you you're welcome I was skeptical at first but Tanya did give him a look how could I describe it like a romantic reassessment no a a double take spanning decades could there be a twinge of Hope for Danielle after all no please they have no idea what you're doing and he can probably tell what's next what's next you might ask a New York Christmas classic of course one that's beautiful and fun at once extravagant and free of charge strolling down Fifth Avenue and taking in the Shing window displays in fact you wouldn't have a proper New York Christmas without this requisite [Music] tradition oh sorry Hi peppermint hot chocolate there's a shop right over there that makes the best is this your spectacular New York activity what do you call these New York hot chocolate your spectacular New York activity seems to be sarcasm no this is a treat that goes along with our next activity chestnuts on an open fire was amazing you saw the way she looked at me yes I did which is why I'm trying to roll with that momentum you're recording I'm always recording some of the best material comes from the in between unexpected moments besides remember this is half guide to New York Christmas half your journey I don't think my journey is that interesting everyone's journey is interesting okay uh follow me I'm really excited about this one okay so this is one of the best things about Christmas in New York the stunning window displays I thought we could do a dry run and then come back with t and her family after dark when there's more atmosphere sounds great really yeah I want to give credit where credit's due okay this display is impressive but what do you think's going on here he's going to a Christmas party yes a deer version of an ugly sweater party or maybe the deer is masquerading as reindeer because he's a [Music] spy has worker health and safety checked out these conditions I am concerned they're not wearing [Music] gloves well this one's simple that's you and Tanya on Christmas Eve your long standing love realized and your mid Dance It's [Music] been here you are thanks Elise okay this is a big part of New York Christmas taking in the Magnificent window displays down Fifth Avenue our first stop this Whimsical Winter Wonderland oh Danielle it's so mad magical agreed it's just wonderful thanks so what do you think ah such a classic New York activity it's one of those things I always mean to do but never do you know I do I realize there are more and more things like that in my life like CrossFit or reading through that pile of New Yorkers no I what do you think's going on in there um they're trying to get us to buy a $400 sweater oh sorry cliff and I earn a debate on whether he should fly into JFK or LaGuardia okay what were you saying what's happening in there like why is that elf climbing that ladder they're not even wearing gloves aren't they afraid of getting frostbite what's up with that yeah well I'm not sure I mean is it supposed to make sense you're the one in advertising dear listeners sometimes all you have to do is step outside and let the city help you celebrate but back to our number one topic the romance Daniel seems to have had a little setback as far as interest from Tanya but he is determined to keep trying which is good right you don't just give up though I I still can't help but feel that maybe maybe they're not right for one another not to self if this is the case and it all ends in defeat is that our story seems kind of somber maybe maybe flip-flop love story with Christmas B story to a [Music] story [Music] almost I am feeling inspired what if we do an elaborate window display in our front window next year I could get some mannequin mom do you really want the whole town standing in front of our window I do why did you the thing about suid is that you're not actually alone when you're cooking it's interactive okay but should we avoid anything romance related like we normally do for these holiday campaigns since it Narrows the field of receptive viewers I think a single viewer might see the ad as hopeful full of possibility maybe we should just do away with the whole idea of reviewing all together think of this a split screen two people two different kitchens but they're looking at each other [Music] affectionately what you think of the excerpts I sent uh the family the shelz is is it yeah they're so nice aren't they hanging out with them is like dipping a cookie into a warm glass of milk that's a great way to put it cookies yeah then there's just mush oh where's the danger you need the family to argue get in each other's way maybe one of them disapproves of Danny Allen tries to sabotage the whole thing I'm sorry um wasn't this supposed to be a Journey where I guide him help him win Christmas and the girl I'm going to roll that back things are way too easy for dannyel right now we need more drama things going wrong we are really not doing Justice to this whole love triangle thing I mean this Cliff guy he's not even around just like a line flat [Music] line [Music] yep bored I'm going to [Music] go hey Dad just trying to catch you in between meetings I wanted to give you an update on the suid pitch it's going great I've actually managed to effectively convey the Christmas spirit it's exciting actually um anyways uh Fred and Patty Schultz say hi okay bye hey hi I wanted to pitch a bold new tactic to you sure I mean we're a team your input is welcome okay so I'm thinking why not just be direct tell her how I feel you know why all the spectacle just fast track it well because what's romantic about fast fast tracking where would the great story be H as of now it'd be 1 and A2 episodes worth 1 and 1/2 episodes worth may I remind you that we are talking about my actual life here um it's worth mentioning that for our upcoming strategy I was actually uh inspired by your point of view I know you're trying to appeal to my ego but go on by showing T and her family all New York has to offer what what are we missing home so how do we bring home to New York do you have any favorite activities you miss yes snowshoeing snowshoeing great in New York doesn't New York have everything you I didn't want to say anything but I was really going to miss snowshoeing this year so who would have known snow chewing in New York well they do say that New York has everything oh including myot chocolate oh wait up wait for me come on jelle oh I oh you're recording uh yeah I don't mean to be sneaky it's just you never know what you're going to miss just for those in between unexpected moments right you always have to be prepared that's exactly my philosophy I have to admit that I listen to a couple of your podcasts you are so wonderful relase you're so reflective and warm you really pulled me in thank you that means a lot snowball fight it's on don't you do it what that's their thing they're so competitive yeah I definitely noticed Danielle's competitive I wanted to ask you how did you meet Danielle oh I um I met him through this podcast thing a little bit ago and then I approached him for this project I would have thought you've known each other for a much longer time no no but that feeling is great for the podcast hey dear had some chocolate for you hey tell Mom tell Mom to come over I'm going to go check on your dad okay okayy see you later I just wanted to thank you for everything I mean my parents are having such a wonderful time and that luxury apartment that you got us is unbelievable it's been fun for me too so oh good good listen um can I pick your brain for a minute just woman a woman I sure as you know my boyfriend Cliff is coming back on Christmas Eve and really excited to see him I just I'm a little conflicted too these past few days I've been having a strange twinge of feelings for Danielle we've known each other 30 years why now out of the blue I mean it's understandable Danielle is a great guy despite always having to be right no but if I'm being honest today you two look like you were in a romcom right that's exactly what I'm saying is it possible that I've overloved true love for all this time isn't this like a classic love story you know but then I think of cliff and I I get that roller coaster feeling in my stomach you know and he's only been gone a few days and I already miss him jeez that that sounds like a real love triangle what do I do well it must be hard for you to judge having one of these men here and not the other and you know all this warm holiday celebration kind of makes it uneven right how about seeing if Cliff can come back early I mean it's it's a shame he should miss all of this right yeah yeah it's worth a try okay oh this is off the Record right of course I I don't even have my recording equipment set up um and even if I did I I wouldn't put anything on the podcast you ask me not to thank you Elise seriously thank you of course girls here's your hot chocolate wait up I'm coming oh here I come let's get these snowshoes off and go shopping okay folks see you later [Music] tonight thank you I still think this is madness you think ice cream is exclusively a summer thing I disagree can't we just go and eat it inside where it's warm that would defeat the purpose at 22° outside it's colder than the ice cream we don't have to worry about it melting all over our hands we can take our time and enjoy it no Panic okay m m this is good that's beside the point today went well don't you think yeah although I feel like we're losing momentum we should really be doing something right now to get you and Tanya together I also feel like we should be ratcheting up tension you know like if Cliff were here we'd do something like a arm wrestling contest arm wrestling contest that doesn't sound like your style I think we're thinking about this too hard we should take a break well that doesn't sound like your style sometimes it helps to not focus on the end result so hard distance equals perspective let your mind drift what is that from some kind of self-care blog no I actually came up with it for a cruise campaign it still applies though you don't seem very eager are you having second thoughts no it's just sometimes clearing your mind leaves room for a solution I your profaned oh you got some oh no see that's user eror don't blame the temperature so how'd you get into advertising my parents are in advertising they're the KH and Han and Clark right do you want to know a secret sure there's no Clark what it's just the name they added to sound more formidable oh okay I actually got the firm a sued pitch it's in 3 days wait is that the cooking app mhm wow impressive thank you good luck my parents are running the London office and I'm in New York trying to keep the company revived and relevant they're a little stuck in their ways is that why you never spend Christmas together I mean with all the year-end work it's practical it's a given I guess in my family our tradition is not spending Christmas together and you're okay with that and since you have the schulz's not really but I don't know how I would turn that around aren't you the one who works in the field about making people want things they didn't even know they [Music] wanted I have a pitch for you how about you just invite them after all you're developing all these New York Christmas skills well what about you what are you doing after the podcast has done you heading home for the holidays wellit let me guess California no Arizona can we just put a bit on that just for now okay how about this you show me your favorite New York Christmas tradition it doesn't have to be in a guide book or even part of the podcast just yours all right let's go okay okay I hope she's still there Lola am I too late oh we sold out but I set a box aside for you and was actually going to drop it by thank you so much Lola I I've been busy with a work project actually Lola this is Danielle my current podcast subject we're doing a podcast on love and Christmas that seems worthwhile well nice to meet you Danielle it's nice to meet you too I've been coming here for these Christmas cookies for uh for a long time let me guess she did a podcast about you oh no my sister a champion barrel racer wow one of my favorites you probably say that to everyone I'm hoping to be a favorite too we'll see okay thank you Lola Merry Christmas Merry Christmas bye where where are we going now surprise surprise surprise my mom and I used to live up north and every year sometime around Christmas we'd drive down and go to Helena's Bakery get these special Christmas cookies and let me guess you both would come to this bench and eat these cookies um no actually we walked down this Main Street so many times and somehow never saw the spk then 2 years years ago I was already living in the city and um it was was the year my mom passed away I came down to get the cookies around our usual time and [Music] uh I came across this park clear as day it's been here since the 1800s but sometimes I feel like she left it for me if that makes sense it [Music] does these are delicious I know right to me they taste like being a child at Christmas so now every year I sit here and eat our favorite cookies listen to my mom's favorite music and stare at the stars that's so poetic you should put it in a podcast oh no I try to keep myself out of the podcast anyway that's it's not really interesting I didn't you recently tell me that everyone's journey is interesting we're getting off track off track off what the mission the the podcast you and Tanya right by by running through the park in snowshoes it doesn't give you and t a chance to take a step closer look into each other's eyes what are some quieter indoor activities you could do uh they like game nights great all cozy on the couch you know we should do that tomorrow night we're running out of time oh wait thank you for sharing this with me it's nothing no that's not true thank you [Music] okay you can't see mine are done mine are done no you're not going to I'm sorry thank you oh Dan yeah pause sure yeah oh look oh look at that so cute it is hey Fred when you upload those pictures would you mind sending me your favorites they'll be great for the podcast blog could you send that to me too oh well of course see that Patty high demand yeah yes I heard that for oh I love Celebrity Guess Who oh wait don't we need an even number for that what happens when Tanya gets here yeah I can set this one out I probably should anyway absolutely not we'll have three in one team and then Danielle and Elise you'll be on a team together that's fair so Elise what are you doing on the actual holiday well after I post the podcast I'm going to make my mom's cornbread stuffing if I can figure it out and then curl up on my couch and watch Christmas Carol and Rudolph and well you can join us Christmas Eve Christmas Day the whole shebang sure thank you so much for the invite but I wouldn't want to be in the way of anything what on Earth would you be in the way of hi everyone I have a surprise everyone me Cliff he came early what a great right hi darling hi Mom this is my mom this is my dad Fred Cliff great to meet you hi Cliff so nice to meet you Mrs Danielle so nice to meet you Cliff yeah you as well heard a lot of good things about you likewise still not as much conflict as I'd like but my main question is how do we bring the Big Love Triangle to the surface actually that's very much in the works last night Cliff arrived early everyone was surprised big twist he seems like a worthy opponent tensions will surely rise I know it definitely threw Danielle back into competition mode what are you talking about what are you talking about I'm talking about the love triangle between Danielle Tanya and you it is delightfully clear in all of the footage I listen to all your little protestations about how they're not right for each other those are some good breadcrumbs I don't really I I don't know what you're talking about denial oh it's brilliant use it by the way given the rushed nature of all of this I am not going to have time to go over this before you have to send it into Kevin so I am trusting you do not let me down yes [Music] ma'am these white lives are piling up this family is wonderful and this podcast is a whole trick on them on top of that I'm the one who encouraged Tanya to invite Cliff out early which was a complete betrayal to Danielle the last thing I want yeah that's a lot to keep track of ball please and before that at least we were in it together and we're on the same team well does this other love triangle exist I have noticed a different energy about you lately I mean there might have been a moment moment where it could have existed but things went another way okay so what are you going to do the best thing to do is take a step back and go back to Janice's plan a I'm going to help Danielle get the girl and that'll be better for everyone except maybe Cliff who seems like a great guy honestly and what about you I get to keep my podcast you know how much that means to me I actually have our next activity planned like a grand finale well tell me carriage rides through Central [Music] Park guys guys yeah I'm going to pick of you you and the horse cheese and the why didn't I think of this quential New York Patty and Fred are going to love this okay I am going to do everything I can to get you and Tanya in one of those carriages alone and then I think it's finally time to speak from the heart let her know how you feel huh let's secure your spot why are you acting so weird h no um I I am just focused our deadline is fast approaching don't you want to get the girl I guess yes of course all right everyone today I am taking the Reigns pun intended to make everything more streamlined I have created Carriage assignments so Carriage number one patty Fred and cliff great chance to get to know each other so Carriage number two is T Antonio great well what about you Elise oh uh no I I'm going to stay here more room overall it's better but the carriage is seat up to four yes but everyone should be able to stretch out enjoy well either way wouldn't cliff and Tanya like to sit together since he just got in yesterday I mean I certainly don't mind riding with you lovely folks nor do I I can do it oh why don't we do rock paper scissors great I'm in [Laughter] [Music] great yeah Elise you can come with us okay come on okay okay okay [Music] bye take pictures so um you two uh known each other since first grade yeah we grew up around the corner from each other Christmas has always been a big deal with the family and me too oh I meant to say it was so nice of your family to make me a stocking well that was us me and leise we did it for the podcast not that they wouldn't make one for you yeah I'm sure if we were at home my mom would have made you one yeah I'm sure too I mean I have one so um you and Elise are together right together I uh saw her fix your lapel uh looked a little intimate just assumed alely is just here recording the podcast yeah they're they're not an item no right well either way I look forward to listening to the podcast well I did tell everyone you were a Christmas guy it's true such a gentleman good sir uh you go first no I insist come on oh no I feel I'm finally doing this after all these [Laughter] years oh my I know is that a cardinal he so beautiful oh yeah there's Beauty all around us if you're looking close enough this is amazing a pleasure man [Music] good so here we are in beautiful Central Park having just done the classic Christmas carriage ride I get a feeling Patty and Fred enjoyed it they are nodding emphatically now since I have Patty and Fred to myself for a minute what are your thoughts on Cliff well I think we like him I think so too he seems considerate and genuine and they seem to adore each other what do you think Elise I suppose I'm curious to see how Danielle fits into all of this I can't help but notice how Tanya and Danielle seem so close we've gone through our faces of Hope for those two danal is one of our favorite people but at some point we realized that how awful it would be if they dated and it didn't work out and then he wasn't in our life at all yeah we realized at some point that if they were going to end up together they would have to figure it out but isn't that the most classic of stories an epic Love Story spanning decades well I think Tanya and Cliff seem to be a great match I think there is a perfect match out there for Danelle [Music] somewhere tomorrow's Christmas Eve Eve obviously viously you can make your move in the carriage with Cliff there so tomorrow will have to be your day okay you know maybe we can even find a better Grand gesture something to do with the Empire State Building right now all I need is an easygoing interview before we wrap up we can talk about the anticipation speculate about how things might go down oh um I I I need to check [Music] something hey all good yeah sorry I have this project there's a few of my mom's recipes she didn't write down so I'm trying to figure them out before I forget the cider is one of them and tonight is spice cake smells amazing it'll be nice while we're recording right um K you can just pull this chair up and we'll get [Music] started oh I already saw are you not an expert on all things Christmas in New York no I uh I mostly stay in and and do things like this though the cookies in park in Little Italy that's that's real that was my favorite part you know a wise woman once asked me is a Christmas spirit really something someone can be good at I think she called it ephemeral sounds wise so you're not upset no I mean I'm not surprised we did come up with most of it together yeah and I think we succeeded with Christmas in New York the Schultz's have had a magical time you know whatever happens with the podcast whatever happens between you and Tanya it's clear this family really loves you that you'll always have a place in their lives I don't think you'll ever lose your spot just in case that's the spot you were really afraid of losing let's figure out your big move for tomorrow my big move the combination of yours and tiners love story right uh well we have all this audio recording the family Tanya me you maybe it's like you said that first now tonight maybe there's a different angle a different story in all of this I've been building it up on you getting the girl things can Shi during editing but there's there's only so much I can do maybe the B love story becomes the a [Music] story [Music] [Music] hang you know I didn't want to say anything but I was really going to miss snowshoeing this Danielle's a great guy despite always having to be right know all this warm holiday celebration kind of makes it uneven how about seeing if Cliff can come back early I mean it's it's a shame he should miss all of this right yeah it's worth a try oh um this is off the Record right of course I I don't even have my recording equipment set up you don't even have your recording equipment set up I I I didn't and then I realized my phone was recording and I just downloaded everything I meant what I said I wasn't going to use that recording where're on the same team huh we are look I can explain you encouraged her to invite Cliff back early just to make things harder for me look it was a temporary lapse in judgment okay my producer kept talking about a love triangle and creating drama and I was confused no wait a sec I forgot I had even told her that and then he showed up and either way I knew I had made a mistake and I immediately went back to our original plan the one we agreed on where we were on the same team I didn't want to lie to you besides didn't we just agree the story changed if I did make it harder for you to get the girl that girl does that even matter now yes because I don't trust you I'm not recording any more of this podcast I'm done and by extension so are the shelters I know we signed releases I can't do anything about [Music] that but if you do put this out in the world please don't make fools out of this family I would never do [Music] that I don't know he's right how could he trust me well did you tell him how you feel yeah no I'm almost we were talking about the bee love story before it all got obliterated now the podcast is ruined oh I suppose Jen has finally got some of that drama she always wanted I can't decide whether to drop it and cut my losses or try to salvage something I don't know what's worse for the Schultz is having that all have been for nothing or airing a podcast where they're being fooled either way I I don't even know how I'd structure it there's no conclusion and all the characters dropped out uh uhuh not all not you two listen like it or not you're in the story my friend and it's worth looking into isn't it might this be the way into telling the kind of story you wanted to tell [Music] anyway if this is about the Christmas spirit flowing from your heart and your gut then I guess my question is why do I need your help I'm like your coach or tour guide go no regardless we're on the same team [Music] thanks for meeting me oh oh you look serious okay is it the pitch presentation no I wanted to let you know that the podcast has been cancelled or it might still be produced but we're no longer doing any more recording oh oh that's too bad I I really liked Elise also I have a confession to make there was a Secret angle to the podcast on the surface it was about me showing you and your family an amazing New York Christmas but it was really about me winning your heart I agreed to it because when Christmas plans changed and Cliff came in the picture and then you got raspberry on your chin I I panicked that I had overlooked this this unrealized romantic love between us and then I became thoughtlessly competitive and I was terrified of being replaced and then it wasn't the case there are no unrealized feelings we're friends we always have [Music] been it's okay because the same questions came up for me for a moment it would have been a classic love story I guess yeah but not ours no is that why there's no more podcast no at least and I had a disagreement oh that's too bad I feel really badly for deceiving your parents I understand if they're angry I mean is it that terrible of a lie they both had a wonderful time right I know I did Cheers Cheers buddy [Music] this Chestnut guy is the best kept secret in New York City he's always moving from location hey hey hey how's it going I am not sure if I'm tearing down the romcom or celebrating it not sure if this is the best or worst idea I've ever had well I brought some Thai enough for lunch and dinner thank you so I'm heading out this afternoon what do you have planned for after you turn in tomorrow probably cook watch some movies definitely sing off the internet and social media cuz I won't want to know do you hope he will listen I don't know yet okay well good luck Merry Christmas and I love you I love you okay you're the best take care of yourself okay I'll see you in a bit [Music] bye now that I see this executed I don't like it this this line down the middle feels like a barrier I'm just finishing up some meetings at the cafe but when I get back to the office let's go with the other version the elf and reindeer reviews uh plan a quirky connections thank you so much for joining us on this Christmas Eve Eve do we have a a fun idea for you let's imagine that this elf is sneaking away from the workshop to go to a gingerbread Cookoff with his best friend Blitzen and of course these characters are interchangeable and flexible and as far as commercials go we were thinking there's always a bit of fun to be had when we license a Christmas classic and add Our Own lyrics to It Su night that's going to be stuck in everyone's head um pleasantly stuck Brian is a fan he's a huge fan I'm sorry weren't we talking about connection last time oh oh yeah these two are connecting through their phones which is the promise of the app yeah I I suppose what I'm saying is I don't feel connected to that yeah I can see that and no offense but you don't really feel connected to it I suppose that when you think of connection and Christmas the first thing that comes to mind is family which seems obvious enough but the definition of family is so broad that when I try to think of visuals for family I I'm stumped um like hold on a sec like do we compose a picture of a standard nuclear family over dinner my Christmas family growing up was my neighbors some people's families are their friends or their co-workers some people's families live far away I recently met someone who was using cooking as a means to celebrate and connect with her mother who's no longer with us she misses so much how could we even begin to capture that connection it really is the ephemeral the unexpected moments in between that hold all the magic and it's hard for someone in advertising to admit that it's difficult to construct those I wish I had put something better together for you better luck next time see this is what I'm talking about when I say alive and raw let's touch face after the new year let's get going [Music] boys thank you Merry Christmas what was that let's get started and that's how this narrator despite her best efforts fell into the narrative and also into [Music] love okay [Music] hey Dad took a little quick thinking on my part but I think I really nailed that Christmas inspiration speaking of which I have a proposal we never spend Christmas together and I think we should you guys should fly out now next year know I recently became an expert on the New York Christmas experience and I could be your guide it would mean a lot to me so let me know Merry Christmas [Music] Eve [Music] um here we go Elise hi Janice you texted in all caps yes I did I was very excited oh podcast is already trending on social media seems to be getting a lot lot of listeners it was so clever of you to bring in that live life winning call I just finished listening to it all of it already yeah I listen to most things at 2 and a half speed it is very invigorating and what you think it's kind of like when restaurants put bacon and ice cream or Rosemary and whiskey drinks at first you're like oh what and then you're like oh okay I guess some people like this kind of thing it's clear that this kind of Storytelling is not my thing but I still felt compelled to listen to it especially since I made a caveo I see you took my love triangle note good work I don't know if it's me or if it's all this Christmas spirit but I think you should keep life and the light going and in the New Year we should look at you heading your own Department seeing as you're so good at this sort of thing we should maintain some variety I suppose it's Christmas after all that would be great excellent Merry Christmas oh Merry Christmas [Music] Rosemary oh my godness what did you contri I I did the shopping ho ho oh hi good morning hey Danielle you're here a let me take your coat thank you and I've got your place right here good morning Cliff Merry Christmas Eve Danielle Merry Christmas Eve sorry about it's okay I mean can't exactly blame you so how' the pitch go yesterday we got the account that's great and actually Fred I ended up using your photos which were essential for the success of the pitch did you hear that guys essential yes we heard Fred oh I have to say it just feels strange not having aise here recording everything have you guys listened to the podcast yet I saw that it was posted online we decided we'd listen to it on our drive home post Christmas in case it's upsetting it's aise would you guys really think it's going to be upsetting yeah I probably won't listen to it at all let's eat yeah okay here all looks wonderful have some berries my favorite thanks Mom this looks unbelievable hi it's Bonnie leave a message hi Bonnie you're you're probably out of Ranger with your family but uh I just want to tell you I figured out the cider Rosemary just a tiny break anyway I just I just wanted to share that with someone so there you go [Music] cheers [Music] SM I suppose I'll let the city help me [Music] celebrate you look really happy I am and surprised my Mom and Dad are coming in for Christmas next year well they'll have a wonderful guide thank you I have a confession I know Fred said that we hadn't listened to the podcast well I may have listened to bits and pieces when I could sneak away it's really good I skipped the last episode because I had to Know How It Ends you might want to listen to it I don't think I'm up to it also where would I find the time then' it's 6 40 minute episodes you skip the ads sorry it's under 3 and 1/2 hours it's trending on social media Chris Kringle [Music] it all started with a man who called himself Chris kingle I'm going to stick with that moniker to protect All In olved actually wait I I need to go further back as many of you know for years I've been doing this podcast in my own all admitted safe storytelling style frankly he drove me nuts he asked for my help and then rejected it being constantly competitive he insulted my Christmas Manhattans argued with every little thing like arguing was a reflex but I should remind you it was only fair since I actually had no idea what I was doing but when they were snowshoeing I saw such closeness between them perhaps it wasn't even a storytelling strategy for me to have Tanya invite Cliff back early maybe I was the person who subconsciously didn't want him to succeed at getting the girl I'm not sure I can identify when I first caught feelings but when we arrived at that window with a couple dancing the thought that popped into my head was that should be [Music] us editing this podcast is like going back in time and shaping events it made me wish I could alter so many actual things lying to Chris cringle I wish I had lean my head in and and kissed him in that Park in Little Italy if there's a lesson here at least for me it's let yourself into the narrative because that's how this narrator despite her best [Music] efforts hi Merry Christmas Eve um how' you know to find me here well it was either here or Rockefeller Center my parents are coming in for Christmas next year they already bought their tickets Danielle that's great news I took your advice thank you so how' it go with the sches everybody knows everything but it's okay ananya we're still friends as we've always been what were you listening to this really compelling podcast everyone's been raving about it it's not a boring podcast no it's hard to be bored when you're in the story and there's a certain way you want it to end the end is still uncertain and you I [Music] mean no it's [Music] not are you going to get that it's Patty she says if you two love birds are free they still haven't had dessert yet you should go [Music] [Music] it's cold outside but it's nice and warm in here and it's even warmer when you're near on this snowy Christmas [Music] Eve so stay with me as we wait for Santa Sligh we'll share this holiday together you and me I'll keep you warm as that North wind starts to blow I cannot fight this urge to get you under that missile [Music] toe so hold me close and stay with me tonight we'll finally get this right I'm sure that you'll agree let's raise a glass and get Co [Music] by
Channel: Empress Movies
Views: 382,140
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Keywords: empress movies, girls night movies, women's movies, english movies for women, full movies for women, full movies 2023, movies, free movies, best movies 2023, english full movies, christmas movies, christmas movie, hallmark christmas movies, christmas movies hallmark, lifetime christmas movies, winter movies, christmas full movies, christmas movies free, xmas movies, holiday romance movies, christmas romance movies, christmas casanova, christmas casanova full movie
Id: 4yqUwUu6NUY
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Length: 89min 52sec (5392 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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