A Storybook Christmas | Full Movie | Lifetime

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((holiday music) - ♪♪ Christmas, Christmas is here ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪ Christmas, Christmas is here today ♪ ♪ Santa's bringing the toys ♪ (gasping) ♪ Christmas is here to stay ♪♪ - Oh! - Easy there, Santa. Can't fly without your reindeer. - More like hang ten. - Come to mention, the old guy does seem a little underdressed. (chuckling) You got this? - If you see me flying again, call the North Pole. Hi. - Santa give you any trouble? - Never. Santa and I get along well. We both make a list and check it twice. I admire that in a man. (chuckling) Shall we? - Let's do it. - OK. Have people never considered that Santa also takes vacation? - Good morning! - Hanna! - Celeste! This is it, an island Christmas. Huh! - Oh, is something wrong? - Hmm... It all has to go. - Oh! You wanted holiday décor with a warm weather twist. - I have horrible ideas on vacation. - But all of the decorations were custom made. - I have a new plan. Um... "A Storybook Christmas". We're expanding our children's division, and I know it's a big project... If you're not up for it... - Oh! Do reindeers fly? - They don't, actually. - I'm the Christmas closer. I make things happen. A Storybook Christmas with Duvall Publishing will be the event of the season. - Wonderful. Call Daniel if you have any questions. - Pete, hi. The Santa you built isn't gonna work. Here you go. - Oh, miss? - Yes, of course I am still gonna pay you your full fee. - Miss? Hi, I'm not the valet. - Oh, it's the black Audi. It's not your Santa, no. Your Santa is amazing. So lifelike I almost gave him my Christmas shopping list. And I will probably have another order for you at the end of today. I appreciate it. OK. OK, bye. Oh! You again. - Hi again. - Thank you. - Here. - Oh. Ooh! - For a guy made of foam, he's strangely inflexible. - Well, lucky for you, his vacation was cancelled. - Oh! - Merry Christmas. - That's cute. Thanks. - Mm-hmm. - Aunt Celeste! - Hi! You ready? - Who's talking? Celeste, Finley, wait. June, who was our Clara in<i> The Nutcracker,</i> broke her ankle. - Oh no... - So we'll need Finley. - Oh! Uh, wow! Clara is the leading role? - Finley is June's understudy. - I thought you were playing a mouse. - Surprise. - Here's your new schedule. Don't be late. - Oh wow... - Is it too much? - Oh, well, I'm not gonna be the one learning all the new choreography, so you tell me. Is it too much for you? - Well, I didn't want anything to happen to June. She really deserved the part. - Yeah, of course, sweetie. - But I've wanted this part since... forever. I only started ballet after Mom took me to see<i> The Nutcracker</i> when I was 5. - I remember. - It's like... the perfect Christmas. - Then you have to do it. I think we should get pizza to celebrate. What do you think? Why don't I call Brandon? - Do we have to? - He'll be so proud of you! He'll be excited. - Excited? He's always so serious. He only talks to me about homework and school. - Well, he's proud of you. - But does he like me? - Yes, of course he likes you. We just need to... spend more time together. - Or a lot less. - OK, you know what? How about I tell him later and just you and me get pizza? Sound good? - Yes! - You mean you didn't even start writing your new book? Nothing? Not a single word? - Not even a comma. I'm months past my deadline. Pretty soon they're gonna make me pay back my advance. - So what's the plan? Remember when we started this agency? Babysitting ten hours a day, every day? Remember what you said? - "I need a day off"? - You said the kids inspired you. - I'm not that desperate. Yet. (laughing) - Oh, you're serious. - OK, these events are our bread and butter, but this one... this one could keep us going until wedding season. And it could establish us as the go-to event planners in the city. - So that's the business plan. What about Finley? - Finley is going to have the best Christmas season ever. - So I'm babysitting tonight, and then... what are you gonna do? - I'll plan the work... and work the plan. - OK, but you do realise there's only so many hours in a day, right? - I thought you supported me starting my own business. - I do support you. You're the best event planner in the city. I'm just a little worried. - Thank you. - If you're gonna make this work you gotta think about Finley. So, maybe a nanny? - What? No! I can take care of Finley and grow my business. - You know you need help. - Well, maybe you could help. - Me? - Mm-hmm. - I thought you'd delayed us moving in together because it would be too much for Finley. - Well, there's a difference between living together and helping out sometimes. - I... I'd love to, I just... I don't have any time. I made first chair on the Van Dyke trial. It's my path to making partner. - Oh my gosh! Brandon, why didn't you say anything? - Well-- - Oh, this is what the champagne is for. - Yeah. - Congratulations. - Cheers. I was hoping we could celebrate together. The Duvall event could make your career and the Van Dyke trial could make mine. We both have really important things to look forward to. - We're never gonna get around to planning this wedding, are we? - Well, maybe we could hire an event planner. It's just too bad the best one in the city's so busy. - Touché. (soft music) Hmm... I wonder what happened to Finley. Where could she be? (chuckling) Lights out was 20 minutes ago. - Just one more page. - And then one more after that. Thank you. I thought you read this book already. - Only twice. I'm waiting for the next book in the series. - Hm. OK, well, you need your sleep. You're safe and you're loved. (holiday music) Finley! It's gonna be OK. Hurry, Finley, we're gonna be late! Whoopsie! OK. Yeah, let's go. OK, see you tonight. Love you. - Love you too. - OK. Be careful. - Bye! - Bye. The concept art for your app launch party will be fresh and dynamic and... - Don't tell me. - Don't ask. - That bad? - Ugh. Total system fail. Instead of our PowerPoint, I presented them with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. (sighing) - You need a nanny. Full time. - Molly-- - Celeste. The Duvall party's a total do-over, today wasn't great... Can we risk losing another event? - Even if I wanted a nanny, which I don't, there's no way I could find one this close to Christmas. I'm more likely to get hit by lightning. - My cousin got hit by lightning last year. He's fine. Look, even superheroes need sidekicks. - [How can I help you?] - Hi. I am looking for a live-in nanny for the Christmas season. (woman laughing) You have a waiting list? Great! - Oh! What number are we? - [You are 37.] - 37. - [Merry Christmas.] - Do you want me to keep calling? - Yes. Yes, call them. - The Nanny Company, Jessica speaking. - Jessica, hi. This is Celeste Everette. We met at the Williston event last summer. - [Yes, of course.] You're the event planner with the adorable niece. - That's right. Well, that adorable niece is now the lead in<i> The Nutcracker</i> and, well, I'm scrambling to keep my new business afloat. - You sound like you need a nanny. - Yes. Yes, I... I do. - I wish I could help, but unfortunately, all of my nannies have assignments. - Oh. Um, isn't there anyone you could call? - Someone who flies in with an umbrella on a cold north wind? - Uh, Jessica, my niece... she lost her parents, and now, she lives [with me and...] well, I'm desperate to make this Christmas special for her. - Hold on. Celeste? It's your lucky day. <i> (doorbell)</i> - You again? - Hi again. - What are you doing here? - I'm the new nanny. - But the agency said Taylor-- - My name is Taylor Callaway. - Oh. Please, come in. Oh, follow me. Right down here. And this is the guest room. Feel free to make yourself at home. - Are you Taylor? I'm Finley. - Hi! - You even have your "en sweet" bathroom. - Hm! - She means en suite. - I wish I had that. - Maybe you will someday. - A girl can dream. (chuckling) - Are you sure you're OK with this? You said you wanted a live-in, but we can arrange hours. - Oh, it's OK. I chose the agency because I know they thoroughly vet their employees. It's just an adjustment. - I'm here to help. - OK. Um, why don't you settle in, and then we can go over the schedule? - Wait till you see this. - Here you go. - Just in case you'd like to check on me, here's my résumé, background check and references. Favourite games, books, and desserts. - Chocolate orange...<i> bûche de Noël?</i> - Hey, don't knock it till you try it. Feel free to call any of the families I've worked for. Only don't call the Mitchells. I'm just kidding. The Mitchells love me. - Well, first things first. House rules. - Yeah... it's a long list. - Oh no, I have one laminated on the fridge. That one's for you. - Ah. - We should probably go over Finley's schedule. - You haven't seen anything yet. - Finley's events are in blue, mine are in red, and the things we attend together are in purple. - What colour do you wanna be? - Well, I'm gonna be following your schedule. - Aunt Celeste likes to keep track of everything. - Yeah, I see that. - You're gonna love the dots. - Dots? - Tada! - Yes. - Wow. - It helps to keep things organised. I like to plan the work and work the plan. - She says that all the time. - I do. Is there a problem? - No problem. But flexibility counts. - Which is why any good plan incorporates contingencies. - Even so, life doesn't go according to plan. - I guess that depends on who's making the plan. - Well, I'm here now, and it's a new plan. I'll even start by taking care of these dishes. - OK. So Maddie yells: "Don't worry, Jay, I'm coming to save you." She runs as fast as she can, but at the last second, the door opens and Maddie runs full speed into mean Mr. Warren. "Oof!" She glances up, then grabs hold of his arm. - She screams: "I've got him! Run, Jay, run!" (giggling) - Taylor does the voices exactly like I hear them in my head. - Wow. You're very good. You must be really familiar with these books. - More than you know. - I guess it comes with the job. - Can Taylor read to me? - Oh, it's like that? - Sure, yeah, OK. - OK, not too much more. Remember, the next Maddie and Jay book isn't out yet. - I know, right? - You're safe and you're loved. Night. - OK... Where were we? Ah yes, chapter 4. Jay was a proud hero, with red toes and charming hands. Maddie gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. - You're leaving early. - Yeah, if we leave now, she'll have time to play with her friends before school starts. - Hm! - Got your paper? - Yeah. - Got your pencils? - Mm-hmm. - Book? Homework? Ballet stuff? - At the front door. - Then I think we're ready for school. - Hey! How about a hug goodbye? Have a great day. - You too. - Bye. - Bye. <i> I think...</i> we can create something that resembles a peppermint. - That's so cute. I love it. (cell phone chiming) That is not Hanna Duvall changing our theme again, is it? - It's the nanny. - Does Finley like her? - Finley loves him. - Your nanny's a man? How old is he? Is he single? Attractive? - Do you have enough for the formal presentation? - Of course. But at some point soon, I'm gonna need some more details. (classical music) - Excuse me. Pardon me. Finster! So, uh, what's up with the seating arrangement? - They're going to build a snowman. - You weren't invited? - Aunt Celeste says I have to finish all my homework before I can play. - Huh. Hey, tomorrow, I think you should talk and play with the girls. - Um, but Aunt Celeste says-- - It's called HOMEwork. - But Aunt Celeste-- - Duh-duh-duh-duh. I'll work it out with your aunt. You ready? Ahh, you got me! - Finley? - Ahh!! Oh no! - Taylor? - Ah!! Oh, I will get you! - (Celeste): Oh! (oven beeping) - Here, Finley. (gasping) - Oh, my... - Isn't it amazing? (coughing) - Ready for bed, Finley? (coughing) - Sorry. - Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm. - [The Nanny Company, Jessica speaking.] - Jessica, we have a problem. - [Is everything alright?] [I know Taylor's a bit over-the-top sometimes.] - He upended the furniture and almost burned down the house. I need someone else. - There is no one else. - Please. You found him. There must be someone. - Taylor's my brother, and there's no one I trust more. As kids, we lost our mom, just like your niece. [That's the only reason he took the job.] He knows what he's doing. Give him another chance. (sighing) - We need to talk. My house rules exist for a reason. If you don't agree, then talk to me. - OK. I think Finley should play with the other girls after ballet. She only has 5 or 10 minutes until I get there. She should have some fun. - OK. But then she does her homework as soon as she gets home. - Exactly. (footfalls) What's this? - It's for one of my events. That's a booth for young authors to get their dust jacket photos taken. - Where do you get your ideas? - Perspiration creates inspiration. - I have to... feel something big in order to be creative. - Well, you have to schedule time for everything, even creativity. At least that's what works for me. - And what if the ideas don't come? - Then I look at old projects and make lists. It's like someone said once: You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go out and get it with a club. - Jack London. - That's right. - Is that why you run your house like a military academy? - What makes you the expert? - For starters, raising six brothers and sisters... and being a nanny to dozens more. - OK, yes, I admit it, I am... new at this. The house rules were my sister Julie's, and that's the parenting style that Finley needs. - I think Finley needs to see more of this side of you. - Oh, that reminds me... I am so far behind on all of the Christmas traditions. - That's not exactly-- - The house isn't even decorated. I have all of Julie's decorations. (sighing) - I'm happy to help decorate. - Huh! OK. I will make you a plan. - Great. ♪♪♪ (sighing) - ♪♪ Jolly old St. Nicholas ♪ ♪ Lean your ear this way ♪ ♪ Don't you tell a single soul ♪ ♪ What I'm going to say ♪ ♪ Christmas Eve is coming soon ♪ ♪ Now, you dear old man ♪ ♪ Whisper what you'll bring to me ♪ ♪ Tell me if you can ♪ ♪ Johnny wants a pair of skates ♪ ♪ Suzie wants a sled ♪ ♪ Nellie wants a picture book ♪ ♪ Yellow blue and red ♪ ♪ Now I think I'll leave to you ♪ ♪ What to give the rest ♪ ♪ Choose for me, dear Santa Claus ♪ ♪ What you think is best ♪♪ - So, I'm gonna get out of here and I'm gonna finish up at home. - Check on Taylor? - He is mixing things up a bit, yes. - About time. - What was that? - I mean, you better get going. - Celeste! - Oh, Hanna! - Imagine this. A Storybook Christmas with Duvall Publishing, featuring an exclusive appearance by our authors, including... the one and only Marshall Graham. - Finley's favourite author! Oh wow, that's a wonderful idea! Let's set up a time and-- - It's brilliant, right? He could read aloud, he could sign books, take selfies-- kids will love it. Unfortunately, he turned down my invitation. - He said no? - Oh, don't get literal. No was the first offer. It's time for Plan B. You. - Me? - Marshall Graham is responsible for the revival of our children's business. I need him at the party. - Oh, um... - You said you were a closer, that you could get things done. Now it's time to prove it. ♪♪♪ - I need a break. What about you? Let's decorate. - Woohoo! (chuckling) - Nigel, I already talked to your brother and he agreed to celebrate his birthday at a luncheon instead of a dinner. So, now will you come to the party? - [Yeah, OK, I'll be there.] - Thank you, Nigel. - [OK. Bye.] - Bye. We got Nigel Peterson, the mystery writer. You can also add... Jodie Rice and Paul Sharpton to the "Yes" column. OK, who do we have left? Let's get back to her tomorrow. - OK. ♪♪♪ (doorbell) - Hey, I'm... here for Celeste. - Yeah. She'll be down in a minute. Come in. - Oh, hi, Brandon! - Hey! - Um, have you met Taylor? - I haven't. - Hey. - Celeste didn't mention that you were a guy. - It must've slipped her mind. - Must've. (footsteps) - Wow. Celeste, you look-- - Absolutely stunning. - Thank you. OK. OK, lights out in 20 minutes, OK? - Shall we? - Good night. - OK. Bye. - Nice to meet you. - Yeah, you too. (sighing) Come on. - I got us a reservation at Voltaire. - I had something different in mind. - OK... - OK... - OK, babe, I'm hungry. - I know. Just one moment. I need to find the perfect tree. No. - OK, what about this one? - Hmm... hm-hm. - OK. This one? - No. - OK. - Hmm... - You brought an ornament? - I need to see if it hangs straight. It won't last. - Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. There's plenty of fine trees here. - Julie always had the perfect tree. She always made it feel like... home. Like family. Finley needs that now. And... I guess I do, too. You still want kids, right? - Yeah. Yeah, of course, I told you that. Just, with Finley, we've had to make a lot of adjustments. - Hm. (cell phone chiming) Oh, hold on. Sorry. - Let me guess. - There's a file missing at the office. I gotta go back. We'll make sure you get a tree, though. ♪♪♪ - You're home early. - Yup. - What happened? - Something about a missing file. (sighing) You would've loved it. We went to a tree lot. It smelled so good, just like-- - Christmas. - Yeah, exactly. - Hm. - Our tree will be delivered tomorrow. You and Finley can decorate it, if you want. - That's a great idea. Do you have a specific plan? A certain number of lights? A map for ideal ornament placement? - Not exactly, but I do have a box of Julie's ornaments. Her favourite ones, but... some of them got broken in the move. - Do you still have the pieces? - Mm-hmm. I didn't have the heart to throw them away. - Can I show you something? When I was younger than Finley, I broke my arm. My mom told me that I would heal, but I was scared and I didn't believe her. So she took this ornament, broke it, and then glued it back together. She wanted me to see that broken things can be made whole again. - That's beautiful. Christmas is... such a special time of year and... it's our second Christmas together, Finley and I. The second without Julie and Mark, and... I just want it to be perfect. - Yeah. Is that Julie? (chuckling softly) She looks just like Finley. - Mm-hmm. I wanna give Finley the same locket for Christmas. - That's a great idea. - Hm. Julie and I had matching ones. Hers got lost in that accident. I've been looking online and in stores, but I... I can't find just the right one. Can you...? - Yeah, sure. Why don't we get those ornaments? It's delicate work... but good as new. - Or even better. - We do good work. - We do. <i> - That is great news.</i> Thank you so much. - Any luck with Marshall Graham? - His agent still won't return my calls. - OK, well, we keep trying. - Wow! - Hi! Hi. - Oh, spilled punch. I'm on it. - OK. - This is where you work? - Yeah. Well, today it is. This charity hosts a toy giveaway party for families in need, and pretty soon, all of these stations will be filled with volunteers wrapping gifts. - Can I help wrap? - Yes! Come here. Alright. - How about this? - Mm-hmm. - We can do a better bow than that. With... (laughing) - That's impressive. Professional. (giggling) - Pretty good wrapping, but something's missing here. - What? - You are both now honorary Santa's helpers. - Thank you! - Here you go. - You got it? Wow, looks great. - Your coat. - And mine? - Oh, very nice. - Thank you. - Do you wanna go check out some toys? Yeah. - You don't have to stay. - Oh, it's OK. The plan is working. Besides, I really need to know: where did you learn to tie bows like that? - Yeah, six siblings. I wrapped a lot of presents. When my mom passed away, my dad had to work double shifts, so if we were gonna eat, have clean clothes or a proper Christmas, it was on me. I learned quick. - Wow. Sounds like you could write a book. (laughing softly) - Anyway, enough about me. What about you? Any special events you're planning? - Oh, um... no concrete plans yet. - Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing? - Oh yeah. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? - Oh yeah. - If you need backup, you know where to find me. - Hi. Is that popcorn that I smell? - With M&Ms. Your favourite. - Finster and I were watching a Christmas movie. - Won't you join us? - I'd love to. Oh! - (British accent): Would anyone care for some water? - Hey, what's with the British polite speech? - Is Taylor teaching you etiquette? - (normal): So that's a no on water. I'll be right back. (chuckling) - What is she up to? - I don't know. <i> - A Christmas Carol.</i> - Yeah, you've seen it, right? - Of course. It's one of my favourites. - It's a classic, right? Growing up, it was a family tradition. - Traditions are everything. They are what keep us connected to the past. - I couldn't agree more. And the future holds endless possibilities. (laughing) - Hi. All set? <i> (O Tannenbaum</i> playing) Hey. I'm gonna go out. I need to do some shopping. - Is there something I can order for you? - I'm gonna pick out some books for Finley. - Taylor might be helpful. - I don't need his help. Thank you. - Ahem! - Hey! Thanks for coming. - Oh, I gotta warn you, I am dangerous in a bookstore. - Dangerous? - It's best to give me a limit. What are we talking? How many books do you want? - Uh, one for each day before Christmas. - Let me guess. Julie? - She used to make it like an Advent calendar. - That's beautiful. - She was a great mom. - I guess they do help. That's why they're classics. Yes. - OK, game on. - Number one. OK. (whimsical music) - This. This is the one. Please? - Is that for Finley or you? - Do we have to make a distinction? - OK. - Yes! - Put it in the basket. - Come on. - You sure? - Yeah, come on. - OK. - Hi. Do you? - Yeah. - What are you gonna do about that? Come on. (laughing) Oh, so you<i> can</i> have fun. - What? I am so fun. - Oh yeah? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Truce, truce. (laughing) You had to get that last one in, huh? I gotta pick up Finley. - Oh, right. Uh, and I need to get back to work. - Right. - So... I'll get the books. - Got it? - Yeah. I'll see you tonight. - See you later. - OK. Thanks. - See you. - Bye. Remember your mad wrapping skills? Oh. Sorry to interrupt. - I would love to help. - Great. OK. Ooh! Thanks. You know what would make this even better? Is some... - More cocoa? - Yes. - I'm on it. - Are you a man who keeps secrets? - What? - Or will you share... what you put in that cocoa to make it so good? - Ha! I, um... I put a cinnamon stick in the warm milk to steep. - So good. (giggling) You gave that up pretty fast. I thought I'd have to coax the mystery ingredient out of you. - Well, what can I say? Some good things are meant to be shared. - I completely agree. (chuckling) - Finley's gonna love this. I love this. - So do I. (holiday music) (conversations) - ♪ Dashing through the snow ♪ ♪ In a one-horse open sleigh ♪ - Hi! Welcome to Home for the Holidays. - Thank you. - Rod is running our coat check. - Thank you very much. - So, each room holds the promise of a beloved Christmas tradition. - Wow! You know, when I went home for the holidays, my mother put me to work. - Oh! I'm starting to see why Brandon recommended you. - And this is our house mom. - She's here to tell everyone these cookies aren't gonna ice themselves. - OK, now I feel like I'm home. - Uh, should we wait for Brandon? - Oh, um, actually, he's running late at the firm, but I'm already thrilled that he recommended you. This is our best Christmas party ever. - Well, in that case, come on. The dining room holds a buffet, and... The front parlour has caroling. Alright, come on. - ♪ Fa la la la la ♪ - The living room has cocoa by the fire with popcorn and cranberries to string. But let me show you my favourite. - ♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride ♪ - Do you want to build a snowman? - It's perfect. Wow. I'm... just wow. (laughing) - That looks wonderful. Good job, girls. - Aunt Celeste! - Hi! - You have the best job in the world. - What do you wanna do first? - String popcorn. - Yes. Go ahead. - Hey. - Hey. - Get over there. Come on. - May I thimble you, miss? - Sure. - A thimble. - Hi. - Oh, you can have my seat. - OK. Thank you. - All of this is amazing. It feels like we're inside a Christmas card. - That's exactly what I was going for. - Yeah? (doorbell ringing) - I like to create moments of magic where suddenly, you can believe anything can happen. - Anything? - Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late. Made it! - Hi! Oh... - Happy to see you. - Hey, Brandon. - Taylor. - Hi. - Finley, aren't you gonna say hi? - Hey, Brandon. - Would you like to string some popcorn? - Looks like Finley's almost done, so I'm alright. - Ahem! Hey, Finley, I smell fresh cookies. Should we check 'em out? Yeah? - You've, uh, really outdone yourself. - Thank you. - Yeah, it's, uh... it's so much. - That sounds... less like a compliment and more like criticism. - Oh, it just seems like a lot of work. - It was. But having Taylor around has really helped. - Yeah. - Hi. How about we go out back and build a snowman? - Yes! - Yeah? - Taylor, do you wanna build a snowman? - Taylor would probably be happier just staying in the kitchen baking cookies. - Um, sure, I'd love to help. - Let's go! - OK. (festive music) - Should we make it bigger? - No, it's fine like that. - How big d'you want it? - Big. - Big? You got it. - I didn't bring shoes to play in snow. - It's OK. - Bigger and better, right, Finley? - Yeah. Brandon was right. He doesn't know how to build a snowman. - I know how to build a snowman! Are you gonna help me, Celeste? - I'm gonna stay out of this one. - Come on, Brandon! It's fun. (giggling) - It's kind of bigger than mine, but... (giggling) - Tada! - Oh, wow! - You know, if you practiced, I bet you could get really could. (giggling) - There you are. So listen... I've been so busy planning all these holiday events with work that I haven't made time for our home. So... look what I got. - Can we just do pink? - But your mom always did red and green at Christmas. Oh... Traditions and memories can make us miss our loved ones, but they can also help us feel like we're still connected. - You're giving me your locket? - Here you go. Trust that you are never alone and always loved. - Can I add you in here too? - Yeah, of course. OK. I know I might not do things just the same as your mom and dad, but... I like to honour those traditions. - Maybe we could make some new traditions. - Oops. I think they're supposed to alternate, right? - It's OK. Mom messed up sometimes too. Maybe we could do one hand red and one hand green. Then it's the same, but also a little bit new. - That's brilliant. - Speaking of new, I'd kind of like it if Taylor became a tradition. - Are you trying to play matchmaker? - Admit it, he's so much better than Brandon. - I will admit no such thing. I am happily engaged. - Really? Then why haven't you planned the wedding? <i> - I can't work on this here.</i> There's too many colours and swatches. - O...K. Um... But first, I heard from Daniel. - Oh? - And he told me Hanna... - Hanna? Hanna what? - She thinks a bigger event planner could get Marshall. - What? - Yeah, apparently she thinks our problem is contacts. - Well, our problem is not contacts. Our problem is Marshall Graham. He doesn't do publicity. - Yeah, I mean, he's the one name on my list I can't get to. His agent is apparently some guy names Jim Zimmerman. - No way. - Yes way. Is this good? - Oh, this is great. (laughing) This is... this is great. - [Jim Zimmerman's office.] - Hi, this is Celeste Everette, calling for Jim, please. - [Can I ask what this is about?] - Well, we went to college together. I got him through statistics, so he'll want to take my call. - [Hold for Jim.] - She's getting him. - [This is Jim.] - Jim! Hi, how are you? - [Celeste, hi!] [I'm good. Been a while.] - It has been ages. - [Yeah. How are you?] - Yeah, I'm good. I am really, really good. - [Good to hear.] - Um, so, Jim... - [Yeah?] - I need to speak with Marshall Graham directly. - [Celeste, I... I don't--] - Do you remember when Renaldio's was closed after that huge blizzard and I got Gino to make his famous chicken noodle soup and trudge through 19 inches of snow just to bring it to your mother in the hospital? Do you remember that? - [I'll see what I can do.] - Thank you, Jim. - [My pleasure.] - OK. I look forward to hearing from you. OK. - [Talk soon.] - OK. Bye. - [Bye.] - Uh, way to have an ace up your sleeve. He's gotta come through. - We will get Marshall Graham. (footsteps approaching) (timer ticking) Hello? Hey. - We're playing hide-and-seek. - Oh, are you hiding or seeking? - He's hiding, and he's really good at it. I have to find him before the timer goes off. Will you help? - Yes. - OK. Can you go that way? - Yeah. - Taylor! Where are you? (timer goes off) He's not up here! (whisking sound) Where were you? - Maybe you'll find me next time. I hope it's OK. Finley wanted to build a house. - That's enough gingerbread for a real house. - Like Hansel and Gretel. - A storybook come to life. - This is brilliant. I need to call Molly. - This better be good. It certainly smells... good. - Hi. - Hi. What's going on? - Hey, Molly. - Hi. - OK, picture this: a life-size gingerbread village, real gingerbread covered with actual candy that the guests can decorate. - It's brilliant. - Thank you. So, we're making models. Yeah, come on. - OK. (holiday music) - ♪♪ I don't have that many wishes ♪ ♪ I don't even need a tree ♪ ♪ Christmastime would be much better ♪ ♪ Having you right next to me ♪ ♪ The smell of gingerbread in the air ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪ The only thing I miss is this ♪ ♪ 'Cause you're my Christmas wish ♪♪ - There we go. We will do it. - What's Finley doing over there? - (sleepily): I'm not sleepy. - She is totally asleep. - Aww... (yawning) You can go home if you want. - And miss the fun? No way. I might just miss, like, 30 minutes of fun, though, on the couch, if that's OK. - Right. (cell phone ringing) I'm just eating all these. - I see that. - I don't know, it's right here, I can't help it. Hey. (sighing) Look, I already said no. Please stop calling. Bye. Hey. - Hey. You totally came through for me today. First with the inspiration, and then... all of this. (laughing) - You're having a moment. I told you I'm not sleepy. (laughing) Maddie and Jay. - No stories tonight, kid. - They need to save Christmas. - I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. Come on. (typing) (muttering) - You look terrible. - Oh! Uh... - Did you stay up all night? - Do you think I could have the evening off? - Uh, sure. I do have one essential meeting today, but if you can do the after- school pickup, I can get Finley after rehearsal. - Perfect. - [Celeste, I know what you're gonna say.] - Jim, you still owe me. I need Marshall Graham. Just tell me what he likes. Dig deep, Jim. There must be something. - [Uh... there's this little bakery] [a couple of blocks from you. They make this fancy T-shaped cake.] - Oh, yes! Uh,<i> bûche de Noël.</i> - [Yeah, that's it.] [Do you know the bakery?] - Yes, I know it. - [Great, so we're good.] - OK, great, so I will get you the cake and you will get me a conversation with Marshall Graham, or I'll tell everybody that you burned me on a favour. - [I'll do my best, Celeste.] [Thank you, Celeste.] - Thank you. (cell phone ringing) It's Finley. Hey, sweetie. What? Hey, hey, hey, calm down, it's OK. I'll be right there. OK. Taylor didn't pick her up. And now he's not answering. I... I have to go. - No, I'll go. You stay and do the presentation. - You're not cleared. It has to be Taylor or me. - OK, well, try Taylor again. - Celeste! I'm excited to see the pitch. - Hanna, I am so sorry, but I... need to reschedule. - What? - There's been a misunderstanding and I have to go pick up my niece. - Oh. Well, I have to wonder if you can manage the Duvall holiday party if you can't even manage one child. - That's not fair. - The designs are ready. Molly can show you. - But I hired you. I want you to show me. - My niece needs me. - You know, I think our party is too much for you this year. Why don't you get Adina Michaels on the phone? She can handle it. - Hanna. Are you firing me? I am the best person for this job and you know it. - Well, then stay and show me. But if you go... - I'm sorry, Hanna, but some things in life are just more important. (door opening) Taylor? Taylor? Taylor, are you OK? (groaning) Taylor! How could you let this happen? - I fell asleep. My phone was on mute. Is Finley OK? - No! No, she's not OK. She's really shaken up. After her parents' accident, no one came to get her. - Man, I'm so sorry. - Sorry doesn't even begin to cut it. - I know it's a big deal. It won't happen again. - You're right. It won't. You need to leave. - OK. OK, let's... let's take a minute here. What's really going on? - Besides the fact that you forgot Finley? Well, because of you, I lost the Duvall account, which means I'm probably gonna lose my business. - Wait, that's your event? - Yes. It was until I had to walk out on the head of the company to go pick up Finley. - Celeste, there's something I need to tell you-- - No, listen. You think you know what's right for Finley-- - Well, I care about Finley. I care about you. - No. - Please don't shut me out. Finley is gonna be OK. She is so resilient. (melancholic music) I'll get my things. The last two weeks have been the best I've had in a long time. - Are you sure Taylor's alright? - Honey, I already told you, he's fine. - Hi, Finley. Taylor's absolutely fine. Though he's really sorry he messed up today. - You know Taylor? - I'm his sister, Jessica. - Come on. - What if we called the Business Central Bank for a loan? - Interest rates will kill us. - OK, well, I don't need a Christmas bonus. - Who am I, Ebenezer Scrooge? Of course you're getting a Christmas bonus. - And if I don't have a job in March? - Maybe don't spend it all? - Thanks. - Seriously, I can... cut back on some personal spending and-- (knocking) - Thank you. Um, somebody sent you flowers. Who are they from? Are they from Brandon? Are they from Taylor? Well? - Um... they're from... Hanna Duvall. It's an apology, begging us to come back and offering a bonus. - How much? (laughing) Oh, my god! Oh, my god! (cell phone ringing) - Oh! Hello, Hanna. Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers. - Well, it's the least I could do. Thank<i> you</i> for Marshall Graham. - Marshall Graham? Um, you're welcome. - Tell me, how d'you get him to say yes? - Well, a magician never reveals her tricks. - (chuckling): Oh, OK. Well, I must admit, you've surprised me. - I've even surprised myself this time. - [OK, bye now.] - Bye-bye. (laughing) Let's send Jim a giant thank-you. That must've been a very nice<i> bûche de Noël.</i> - OK. (squealing) - Thanks. (soft music) (footfalls) I am so proud of you. - Thanks. (chuckling) - Let's go. Come on. - Sorry I'm late. - Hm. Let me guess. Work. - I promise it was something important. - It's Finley's opening night. That should matter to you. - It does matter. You just gotta understand I got a lot of other stuff going on. - I think we're making this more complicated than it needs to be. I think it's time we... be honest. (sighing) When you gave me this ring, we both said that we wanted... a family someday. Except... my someday is now. Life happened. - Yeah, I guess I've kind of been thinking the same thing. - You have? - It wasn't until I saw the way that Taylor looked at you. Or actually, I should say the way that you looked at Taylor. Kind of realised we're missing that spark. - I still care about you. - And I care about you. - I'm sorry. - Don't be sorry. We both tried hard to make it work. We just never really stopped to see if it was actually working. - Yeah. Hey... good luck with your big case. Seriously. - Yep. Have a merry Christmas. OK. (sighing) - Imagine yourself on stage. You're happy, looking at all your friends and family in the audience. Now we're all smiling back because we love you and we love watching you dance. Do you see that? OK, that's the image in your head. That's where you focus your attention. - It won't work. I'm not good enough. - Hey... just take a breath. - It won't work. I'm just the understudy. I can't be June. - Well, you know what? There's no such thing as "just an understudy". Well... it just happens. And sometimes we need to be ready to jump in and do things we never thought were possible. You wanna know the best part? You don't have to be June. All you have to be is Finley. You think you can do that? - Well, I do have years of experience. (laughing) - Come here. You're gonna be awesome. Oh! OK. - You got this. - Bye. - Ow! What was that for? - Does a sister need a reason? I wanted you to notice the difference. - I noticed. She's... herself. - And? - And what? - No ring. - That is a difference. <i>(The Nutcracker</i> by Tchaikovsky) (cheers and applause) - Woo-hoo! - Whoo! Yeah! - What are we gonna do today? - Well... - If you and Jessica want, I got you tickets to the Winter Carnival. - Yes! I'm so glad to have fun Aunt Celeste back. - Speaking of which... From now on, you and I get to decide what works for us. - Now<i> that</i> sounds like a plan. - Kid stole my line. (chuckling) (knocking) Oh... - I was asked to deliver this and make sure that you open it. - Who is it from? - I'm supposed to say Santa, but... never mind, just hurry up and open it. It's just like yours. Want me to put it on? - Yes, please. - The guests are starting to arrive. (music and conversations) - Excuse me. You're beautiful. - Thank you for the locket. Where did you find it? - I know people who know people. - Is that how you got in here? - I'm on the guest list. - No, you're not. I made it. - Celeste, it is wonderful. Come. It is truly a storybook Christmas. - I am so glad that you like it. - You even got this guy. - Well. - Yeah, this guy. - I don't know how you did it, and I don't care. Marshall Graham, our guest of honour. I even get to announce a new book. Best event ever. You know, all my friends want you to do their events now. Oh, and if my daughter gets the engagement ring we're expecting, you are gonna have a very busy spring. Come, let me introduce you. - Actually, I need to speak with Celeste. - Oh. Oh... He's not here for just the party. OK. Well, see you later. - So... you're Marshall Graham. The author of<i> The Adventures of Maddie and Jay.</i> - And other stories. It's a pen name. - Why didn't you tell me? - And say what? "I'm the man you've been looking for"? Way too cliché. (chuckling) Truth is, I didn't know you were looking for me until I'd screwed up. And then it didn't seem like a good time to explain. - So you told Hanna I'd persuaded you to come to the party. - It's the truth. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. Anyway, I owed you one. You want a drink? - Yes. - So, I had writer's block. For over a year. I'm talking... zero inspiration. - Did Finley inspire you? - A little. Mostly you. Thanks to you, showing me how to plan the work and work the plan, I'm halfway through my next book. - Wow. Well, you were right too. Too much planning kept me from living in the moment. - Some moments are not to be missed. Hi. Two, please. - Thank you. I even ripped up the rule book. - Really? - Mm-hmm. - Wow. And the calendars? - Hm-hm. I'm still me. - Right. (slow song starts) - ♪♪ Jolly old St. Nicholas ♪ ♪ Lean your ear this way ♪ ♪ Don't you tell a single soul ♪ ♪ What I'm going to say ♪ - The next few months will be very busy. - ♪ Christmas Eve is coming soon ♪ - Well, perhaps we can leave your contract open. - As in... no plan? - Hmm... well, Sometimes you just... have to let moments happen. - ♪ Nellie wants a picture book ♪ ♪ Yellow blue and red ♪ ♪ Now I think I'll leave to you ♪ ♪ What to give the rest ♪ ♪ Choose for me, dear Santa Claus ♪ ♪ What you think is best ♪♪ Closed Captioning by SETTE inc. (festive song)
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 595,461
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Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, mylifetime, holiday movie, christmas, lifetime tv, lifetime channel, dance moms, lifetime dance moms, lifetime full episodes, it's a wonderful lifetime, lifetime holiday movies, lifetime christmas movies, holiday movies, christmas movies, free holiday movies, free christmas movies, lifetime movies, lifetime original movies, festive movies, new year, thanksgiving, romance, free movies, holiday romance, A Storybook Christmas, It's a Wonderful Lifetime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 12sec (4992 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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