(1397) Review: NEW Stuff & Thanksgiving SPECIALS!

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[Music] alright guys three days ago we all got the same set of emails from a lot of the manufacturers announcing a lot of upgrades kits seasonal specials things like that expansion kits so I've ordered a little bit of everything we're gonna take a quick look at it and see what all they're given to us as you recall I guess about a year and a half ago I reviewed this this is the sparrows dark shift kit and sparrows just announced an expansion pack to this so I thought it'd be neat to kind of review this real quick because hobby on so I didn't see any shortcomings to this the first time around during the review inside here and all typical barrels case very flat very light fits in your pocket there are no handles on any of these picks they're all skeletonized not only does it look cool but I guess it lightens the pick to a certain degree these are very ergonomic when you hold them your finger indexes perfectly if you're picking in North America so index just perfectly to pick the pins on the top and if you're picking in Europe it indexes perfectly to pick the pins on the bottom I'll take a look at this right there when it's if I'm picking European locks right there and right there there are some serrations check it out and the serrations just give it a little bit of grip to keep it from sliding around a little bit of tactical tactical and tactical feedback I guess if you guys use it like that and on the other side of course we have it on the back so when you're holding it like so it doesn't really slide kind of grips on your hand not super sharp these are tumbled I did notice some improvements on the tumbling from the last year and a half I didn't find any sharp edges of course these still need a little bit of sanding to round these off to dome the tops and the bottoms but when I look at the inside these cut outs I don't see any sharp edges at all they really did a good job finishing these things so they've upgraded their finish in addition to adding an upgrade kit so we have a euro this is a euro hybrid one of my favorite picks I really like this kid you get a city rake el rake you get the whole Bogota family so you get the double you get a triple right here and then of course compared to the regular Bogota you get the loan for the shorter profile and master locks they this is a master larcs nemesis this worm pick also in this kit this was one of the first kids to come out with this guy this is the Sandman I'll take a look at this if he's inserted like that it almost has the profile of the snake pick so you can kind of use him as a rake when you roll them over you can also use a misery because the tip of that the camera will cooperate is rounded over so it will slide back and forth and really won't snag but you can rake and then you can actually use the tip of that two single pin pick very very cool pick a lot of the competitive pickers are using these I have never heard anybody describe what that little nudge is right there I really have no idea what that is where doesn't really go into the lock but I don't know maybe it's just purely decorative anyway that is called the Sandman and then of course you get the flat five set still in the bag here you get five different top of the key way every different thickness these can be used also for dimple locks you got some squared off ends so very cool I looked at this kit and I thought there's no way they can really improve this thing this is this is the ultimate kit it's got everything you need 39.95 but I was wrong I ordered the expansion kit and voila there is what we're looking at this is the new barrows expansion kit sells for $24.50 now let's take a look over yet it's the same style same same nice finish as a normal kit it got that skeletonized finish same little serrations except now we got a new pic and this is called the quick strike and I'll show you a little bit later how to use this on another quick strike in the same video very neat tool I really never considered this to be a canoe it's very odd again it's a combination rake and then we have upturned tip so you can also use that if necessary to picture uh security pins as a hook so very neat very neat idea so you got that quick strike a kinetic tool they also added these two guys now notice none of these have handles they're all the same thin thickness they're all stainless steel they're all 23 thousands of an inch thick and now we have all four get these to rest on my hand all four profiles for wafer locks so again we got eight different profiles you stick it in there you kind of what I like to do is slide it into the lock and then hold it right about here and then kind of jiggle it up and down slide it in and out and eventually like if that doesn't work I'll flip it over to try the other side etc I got eight different tries here these are exactly the same profiles as all of the other interest except in the lot a lot smaller pack this isn't heinie but the pics themselves are actual size I mean the size they're supposed to be so no complaints there another thing that was really nice to have in any pic kit is this guy a knife or a bypass knife so if you have a lock that can be bypassed this is the tool you need so you don't have to use a hook take it take a chance on breaking one your hooks anymore now you have a tool specifically designed for it nice and small perfect profile again fits that same design for as dark shift and then the last one this is kind of a cool tool and I'm gonna go in this just a little bit again we have the same profile for dark shift but you have these little nibs here and that because it's such a small tool you really need something to kind of grip on otherwise your finger will just slide along so rather than create tiny serrations Sparrow's has added these larger three larger serrations and it really works it gives you something to kind of get traction with as you use this tool now I want to talk about this because every time I show this shuvit tool everybody says well how do you use it you've never demonstrated it and it really never occurred to me because it's really a pretty simple tool so let's let's take a look here I have a brand new this is a bolt for a quick set now this is actually a security one and these are on a lot of dead bolts but a lot of times they're also used inside of the house on some of the interior doors because they're trying to standardize so this is kind of what you find at least in terms of quick-set on new manufacturer homes in north america pretty simple now how does it work well obviously you have a bolt and if you can bypass it everything will depress and you can get through the door no but you notice there's this little guy now if he's installed correctly this is depressed and I'm gonna hold it with my thumb when he's depressed correctly the bolt can't be bypassed now why is that important well this is the door jamb part that comes with it most builders have no clue about locksmithing or what exactly it is they're doing they just want to get that lock installed and get out of there so they look at this and they say well here's this here's the strike plate there's a little cutout right there little cutout obviously fits there and that is how I'm gonna install it and when they do that there's always a little gap between the door and the frame a little bit of slop to allow the door to close but unfortunately now you can depress that and this is where the shove-it tool comes in now let's say they install this plate correctly for a secure installation they would install it like this now when that goes in there it lines up perfectly the way it's supposed to and it pushes that anti bypass lever down and now you can't bypass this knob no way you're getting through there now I'll tell you sometimes these are it's a pretty tight tolerance its 1/8 of an inch about from there to there if you don't do it correctly a lot of times you can get on that door and you can shove it you can push the door forward we do that again it's installed correctly and you could push that door forward and then knob will pop out so if he's depressed you can't bypass you lean on the door and shove them in or and he will pop out that makes him by passable now I'm gonna move this all the way because I want you to see exactly what's happening with the shove-it tool all right let's say that you're attacking the door from this direction the slanted end is on the other side of the door you'll take that cut out you slide him in there if it's flush and what I normally do is I just wiggle him I pull backwards and I wiggle the the tool back and forth while I'm pulling him towards me with quite a bit of force and that's what those little nibs help with and as I slide him back it kind of happened fast there but I just kind of wiggle them back and forth just like that inside of that tight tolerance and eventually I don't pull so strongly I guess I'll completely depress him and we can bypass that door pretty cool right all right let's say that I'm attacking from this side of the door well not a lot of difference or even from this side there not a lot of different hoops not a lot of difference you have a little cutout on the front of this tool and it almost fits it's not perfect but it does kind of index that tool on the bolt itself and when I shove it in like that instead of going like this I'll wallow him back and forth and what that does is it pushes that bolt down and get him to groups get him a little bit to cooperate here and and not try to work through the camera and once you get on that slope side things go a lot smoother and just keep wallowing them back and forth like that and eventually it'll slide completely between the door and the jamb plate and you get in there now you say well what's this little guy for well not all knobs are big fat knobs like this sometimes they're smaller and that's what that guy's for this one will work just as well on small knobs but I guess they figured they got a flat side here they may as well cut it out save some metal and give us an additional tool for door latches so that's how that tool works all right so it couldn't be upgraded well wait a minute we're not done they also threw this guy in now I've agonized over this this is kind of unusual a lot of guys say well it's just ornamental it's a sales gimmick something they got their logo on there they're trying to push their logo but there's got to be more to it because sparrows you know they they don't have a reputation for just doing stuff for the heck but there's got to be a reason but I'll be done if I know what it is so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna call them and then come back and tell you what they said about this this must be part of the toolkit otherwise it wouldn't throw it in right all right guys I really wasn't able to get anybody on the phone over Sparrow's but when I'm on the phone waiting listener that elevator music I got to thinking about it and I forgot this figured out there's no question what this is for I know that the owner of sparrows is getting up there in age and he has little trouble with his manual dexterity so he's helping us out as well what a what a great tool man what a nice thing for them to throw into their expansion kit for that dark shift all right so yeah I know what this guy's for that's the greatest invention since since the lockpick anyway 24.95 for the add-on kit to the dark shift pick set let's take a look at the next item all right guys this next thing is kind of interesting because this is the original mace kit and I don't know that I ever really reviewed this because it was just so small I didn't see any point but the nice thing about this it sells for twelve bucks and you get six different tensioner so three thick one or three different thicknesses that have the Z shape and then you have three if I find it in here three with a normal L shape all flexed so if nothing else twelve bucks it's probably worth it just to get the tensioners but Farrell's threw in something else they threw in these two guys and these are tiny you can tell that these are here let me show you a normal key how how tiny of these things are these will fit right into your pocket or wallet right in your keychain and you get two of the most popular picks you got it you can grab it and from this end and you can rake it so we have a Bogota and then of course we have a short hook very neat now if you look at the other end of it though there's a little more to it so they put a lot of thought into the design we have two different ends here and these of course are of the keyway tensioner so you can use one to pick with and you can use the other one to use top of the key way so top the key way bottom the key way this is original Mason they sold it for twelve bucks and they've just come out with an expansion kit let me move them by the way they come out with this guy now this has a dedicated top of the key way so we have on this end some serrations I get it to focus and this hand can be used for dimple locks or wider key ways to give you that tension so a dedicated tensioning tool again twelve bucks by the way you get again part of the Bogota family the double hump again with top of the key way attention is exhibit you notice this one's for even smaller key ways so they really did put a lot of thought into this and this again reduce diameter on the top of the key way here and we have a worm comparing it to the original Bogota you can see is just a little different to fit into turn that over bill fit into a shorter profile key ways so very cool idea they've also come out with something called buck called the mace three again to add to your keychain kit a tool we always need the knife so we can bypass some locks or use it as a feeler they're sharp and we have a juggler key so this is actually works on Ford vehicles quite well I've done it to my own Explorer several times just for fun works on a lot of vehicle logs and we have this little guy now he doesn't really look like a pick grabbing me real quick come here you he's so thin he's got a flat and doesn't really look like a pick and that's because very thin material he's a shim so if you need to shim a lock or you need to decode a combination lock this would be the tool of choice again twelve bucks all these are expansion kits for the original mace get very cool all right let's take a look at the next item alright guys this this next one's a little bit unusual this looks a lot like a city rake or tell but when you look at this end it obviously is not a normal pic this is called the street needle it sells for 2 dollars and 95 cents and the idea is that it will replace this guy now in order to demonstrate this they say this is a lot more effective on snapping locks than a standard needle because you got some variation in bidding you can slide it in and slide it out and snap the whole time back and forth in order to demonstrate it I had to buy one of these you guys have seen this before the DoubleTap I'm gonna install this thing and let's see just how quickly this street needle does its work alright guys I've chosen this transparent lock so you can hopefully see the pins bouncing I'll try to hold it still when we snap it looks like seven but that 7th pin actually holds the core in there the other reason I chose this lock is because it's got a really wide variation in the bidding and I'm hoping it's really going to give a challenge to this street needle on the pick gun itself it is the sparrows double snap it sells for 50 bucks every time you pull the trigger though you notice he moves straight up and down so he strikes off the pins roughly the same time it's not like some of those Chinese copies with the needle swings like that so when it starts up it strikes the front needles first then the middle needles and then finally the back ones this one strikes them all simultaneously not so simultaneously though with that Street needle that's designed to create slightly different bounce frequency there is some spring tension on this core so I'm gonna have to overcome the spring tension but not a lot more than that I'm gonna take the needle I'm gonna slide him in about like that try to line him up with all the pins and then it starts squeezing the trigger and then move them in and out while continuing just to squeeze that trigger so let's slide him in right about there I guess apply a little bit of tension I'll try to hold them as still as I can apply a little tension start squeezing that cap guy and that is how quick it can be with the street needle anyway guys there you go 2 dollars and 95 cents for that tip the guns 50 bucks and by the way if you want to prevent people from doing that kind of thing again sparrows has some seasonal picks these are called the scrooge hens they're a seasonal high security pin they're all very unique looked like wine cups and Christmas trees and all kinds of stuff if you guys haven't seen these he only sells them for I guess about one month out of every year if you didn't get any last year you better grab them because I think come January these are gonna go off the market for another year so grab them while you can particularly if you'd like to put together challenge locks for your buddies anyway let's take a look at the next item guys alright guys the last thing I'd like to show you is the new multi pick upgraded elite 27 kit again I like to stress the power you guys have with some of the manufacturers I originally reviewed this I think it was the summer of 2016 and I was curious what had changed in terms of quality over that time and I got to tell you it's a leather case and it's the same beautiful fine green finish leather case beautiful stitching I'll put the review for the original elite 27 down there if you want to compare them I did here's what I found out so let's open this guy up I was curious what the upgrades were but more importantly when I looked at it and started going step by step over the old review what I found is that I didn't change anything this is exactly the way open this about 10 minutes ago it's in the same sequence the pit the pics are in the same slots today as they were originally two and a half years ago so whoever is working at multi pick they clearly have a plan everything goes in an exact position and they're all numbered sequentially and that's probably an easy way to make sure if you know it's you know if there's a pic missing right away you know who it is so again its attention to detail it's not big it's the same pic same 15 pics but I think it's really cool yeah they do it exactly the same way I just love it's it's the anal attentiveness in me I guess we have the same tensioners and again if you take a look they put them in exactly the same water thick medium and thin the same ones all these guys are also the same pics and we started getting over here we have an extractor we have another bottom of the keyway tensioner there we have some of these guys and these are not used so much in North America but in Europe a lot of times you have post boxes on your flat like in the hallway at the entrance when guys people lose their key these are really handy to tension those locks so these are pretty useful and then there you go now two and a half years ago multi pick did not make top of the keyway tensioners now they just started making these in the last six months I reviewed them and again I'll put the review down there you want to take a look at them but these are the probably the nicest top of the keyway tensioners that you're ever gonna find they're fairly priced they're made from stainless steel different thicknesses very sharp serrations and in my original review i compared these to some of our existing choices when I looked at the finish and the shape and everything these are probably there's no question these are the highest quality top of the keyway tensioners that you can buy and that is the upgrade once they started making top of the keyway I guess they started including them in in their pick it certainly in this elite 27 so and the other amazing thing to me at least is the price two and a half years ago this sold for a hundred and nine dollars plus shipping to the United States now it's roughly the same it's the same year of price in euros but because of the exchange rate this is now hundred and twenty dollars so they didn't change the price it's just that the world change the exchange rate so there you go the new upgraded elite 27 you now get top of the keyway tensioners if you're a beginner you're looking for some durable kits at a fair price I ever recommend you support these guys maybe they'll donate some stuff and we can give it away all right speaking of giveaways tomorrow is Thanksgiving so I thought it'd be really cool to have just a massive giveaway now you guys know every Monday Wednesday and Friday without any fanfare without any real announcements and we have giveaways all you gotta do is register and on Mondays you can win a South Lord pagoda rate kit on Wednesdays and Fridays I give away one of these guys it's usually a Sparrow's tuxedo or sparrows tuxedo royale so Friday it will still be a Sparrow's tuxedo but I'm gonna throw in some more stuff I'm gonna throw in two sets of the Scrooge pin and I'm also gonna throw in the original mace kissed the mace expansion kit and the mace 3 so that will be giveaway number one I got five more giveaway number two three and four will be the dark shift kit with the dark shift expansion kit and I'm also going to throw in two packets of the screws pins so that's two three and four I actually have three grab them and just put them put them up here I got three of the presets of the identical sets of that to giveaway the next one I have to start moving stuff out of the way here it's gonna be awesome giveaway I had to buy this in order to demonstrate the treat spike so you're gonna get this treat spike you're gonna get two packets of the Barrows scrooge pins the seasonal pins all of the other stuff that goes with this and also I'm gonna throw in in order to use that you're gonna need the double tap that's the next giveaway and the final giveaway the creme de la creme just reviewed this will be given this I weigh the elite 27 upgrade kit so if you're interested in winning this stuff you have a one in six chance of winning all you got to do go to the website and on the Friday not the Saturday but the Friday giveaway register to win and then my webmaster will draw six names and with a little bit of luck you'll be a lucky winner of at least some of this anyway you guys appreciate your time stay safe oh wait a minute you know what something else go - I probably ought announce this for those of you who have had the patience to watch this far there's some huge sales coming up got a little bit of an advance notice luck pick shop bars gonna have a Black Friday sale and the code is BK Friday 18 I'll put it down there on the bottom BK Friday 18 it starts on 1122 it's 7 o'clock in the evening and goes until midnight on 11:25 you get 20% off of everything except multi pick items they're also on 11 2015 9 so when the Black Friday sale ends they're starting up a cyber monday sales that goes for only 24 hours so midnight 11:25 to 11 26 same thing 20% off everything except multi pick items free shipping and everything over $99 you prescribe to them you're probably gonna get that notification in the next few days South org calm also gave locked lab a unique discount code for all viewers it's 15% off on everything at the south or comm site until the day after Christmas 12:26 18 is when this ends 15% off in the code is locked lab CS 2018 I get no kickback from that I get no compensation of any kind they were just kind enough to donate a lot of stuff I guess they get for free advertising probably but they benefit and we benefit as well appreciate your time guys stay safe stay legal if you like the idea of drawing a large sport community please consider supporting the Locke lab by either becoming a patreon or clicking the join button below [Music]
Channel: BosnianBill
Views: 60,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bosnianbill, LockLab, Lock picking for beginners, Lockpicking, (1397) Review: NEW Stuff & Thanksgiving SPECIALS!, Review: NEW Stuff & Thanksgiving SPECIALS!, lockpick discount, discount codes, bosnianbill 1397, Sparrows Mace, Sparrows Mace 3, sparrows mace picks, sparrows double tap snap gun, sparrows double tap snap gun review, sparrows double tap pick gun, sparrows double-tap lock pick (snap) gun, sparrows double-tap lock pick, multipick elite 27, elite 27, sparrows dark shift
Id: -SSE4nmqpL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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