1.17: Warden Loot & Height Limit CONFIRMED!

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hello i'm wx toy cat and welcome back to cuny excess day and this is the weekly series we answer your questions about let's be honest at this point mostly the cave update questions like this one from bristol lively about whether minecraft should have new orles and if so what they should be ores and different dimensions would count as well and although personally i've always thought more oars is more better we had a direct confirmation from corey shivyak about this new question will new wars be added uh so we're adding copper as we announced it live um and beyond that uh we don't have any plans to add any more ores for this update so the plan for the update so far the list of features that they are definitely going to be working on so far does not include any oars past copper and that does seem a little weird because personally i think for a cave update it would make sense to add some more orals but i guess their focus is going to be on improving the existing ores and how they generate and such however i totally think in future updates we should see an endor i would love for that to be a real reason to go mining in the end and maybe have end caves in the future but i'm getting ahead of myself now uh but also be great to see some uh more never alls or perhaps just some existing real world ores and than ever but yeah they're focusing on the existing minecraft content they want to polish up the game it seems rather than just added trillion things and not have a purpose for them which is something i can totally respect so the second question here comes in from general catalin who asks what was your thoughts on the ask mojang caves and cliffs edition kind of wish they revealed more but was still interesting to see the devs thoughts so they do this maybe a couple of times a year where they ask mojang people questions and usually we get a lot of really interesting answers but in the case of this one it was 25 minutes and with just a few exceptions every single answer was we don't know or that could be coming but we can't confirm it and things like that but we got one really interesting snippet and i want to show you that snippet right now uh what is the word i'm protecting in the deep caves i only asked this because of the unique name you gave the mob and its resemblance to the end yes so the warden is not necessarily protecting anything we wanted to make it so that the name warden was very ambiguous um i definitely think it's going to be people like theory grafting out there what it actually means it does have a meaning but we're not going to tell you obviously but there is definitely going to be lots of loot and lots of chests um within the deep dark that's right there's gonna be lots of loot and lots of chests the deep dark isn't just gonna be a place with some new looking stone it's not just gonna be a place for the skulk sensors and uh you know the ability to find minecraft's most dangerous mob the warden but it's also going to have some specific reason to want to go there some reason to want to actually you know deal with the warden a mob that can do it kill you uh even with full neverey armor so uh yeah that's exciting but it continues dark we really want it so you know the objective of the warden is not so much to fight it head on um we want it to actually be more like uh you're avoiding it and trying to get like loot from chests that are within the deep dark even kind of thought recently i had like this analogy of like the warden is not a boss uh it's more like a natural disaster almost like when you have a tornado like barreling towards you you don't try and swing a sword at a tornado you try to run away from it that's right they are literally trying to make the warden such a hard mob to kill that you shouldn't even try they're not gonna be trying to balance it so that you can get it once you get x y and z they're going to be making it something that realistically you're not meant to kill and although i think with the right enchantments and the right strategy it's definitely gonna be easy i mean stacking yourself up might even work we're gonna have to see how they react to that the fact that they want to make it this just genuine natural disaster that you're not meant to fight you're meant to avoid i love that uh in theory and i'm looking forward to seeing that later on of course but let's continue because there's even more yeah so we're not quite sure yet um i mean my initial gut feeling is that i think we kind of want it to not drop anything at all because we don't want to incentivize players actually you know attacking um because that's just not the sort of gameplay that we're going for for the warden but also at the same time it might be interesting to have some sort of trophy item or something which you know you can like say hey i defeated the warden you know this thing that is just so difficult to defeat i think that might be fun but uh no promise so that's just another layer of confirmation that yes they do not want the warden to be a boss or a thing that you go out and set out to kill it is meant to be a just genuine terror it's uh you know kind of like a challenge in minecraft but the challenge is something that you don't explicitly kill you don't get strong enough to fight and there's not even going to be a specific reward for doing so so as not to incentivize players to have to do it but to me i hear that and i think yes i want to fight the warden i want to you know eventually get strong enough that i can kill these things um and yeah i love the challenge i'm looking forward to doing that when the update comes out but with that said let's move into the next question although first you're probably curious about the fact that in the background um you know there's a pillager raid happening in my end cube i forgot that when you settle down two villagers it technically counts as a religion so here was one of my more confusing raids i've had in a while i guess but with that said let's move to the next question which comes in from connor childers who says are you glad they're doing a beta so early toy cat even though it's kind of sad that the actual release date of the cave update is many many months away and uh you know the truth is is that it does seem like it's really far away i mean it's a minimum of eight months and technically a day because may 31st wouldn't be summer just yet uh so you know it's it's really really really far away and i think it's great that they're in beta so early i just want people to know that like this is very early betas this is very early snapshots we're seeing right here um i hope we see more develop over it but we have eight months worth of this happening and in case you think like oh no they're totally gonna release earlier they were just having a placeholder here is more confirmation from that ask no jang that yeah they're probably not so can we know the exact release date of the gibson clips update we said summer 2021 i think that's as exact as we want to be you know we want to make sure that we build a really really good update so yeah there's just another confirmation that they're saying summer 2021 right now there is so much to be done ahead of uh you know like making this happen we've seen you know really early betas and demos for all this stuff but they're going to have to develop that over the next weeks and months they're going to put that in snapshots they're going to have to bug test it they're going to have to make uh you know minecraft bigger and better and obviously that takes a very long time it does feel uh really early but i hope they use our time and they use our feedback to make the game better and that's why i recommend that you provide constructive feedback if you want to use the feedback site and we can actually make a bigger difference than we can usually that's why on this channel i want to make some constructive feedback videos when there are things that maybe uh you know like could use a serious improvement uh like maybe the goat horn or something but you know there's lots of these things that i think we can actually talk about and there is enough time to seriously impact it which is great in my opinion speaking of things that are great in my opinion uh dane asks do you feel afk farms are cheating slash exploiting and ruining the game or are they a smarter way of obtaining bulk resources with minimal effort so i think uh you know obviously they're not a way of cheating or exploiting the game because if you look at the caves and cliffs update they are including skulk sensors which will allow you to do more things of redstone and will allow you to make more types of farms like they do not mind farms and in fact i would even argue it is an essential part of minecraft's progression i think there are particular farms that are a bit too op i think the iron farm for instance like it is literally exploiting the way the iron golem spawn if there is going to be an iron farm in minecraft and i totally think there should be one there should be a way to farm almost any resource that you can like over time that's an important thing that they add through more updates i think it should be based on like actually automatically mining it like some form of tnt minecart system where you can automatically feed it all into a smelter that would be really cool that would be a lot more fun and uh also a lot more balanced because right now in iron farm the amount of effort put in versus the amount of you know rewards you get outfit it seems like the most unbalanced but i mean obviously you know anyone can play minecraft how they like uh some people actually do like actual cheats and exploits i think afk farms definitely aren't that i would just love to see the iron farm rework and i'm still boycotting iron farms until it happens you better believe that's how things are going to go and with that said let's move to the next question from vestment81 who calls me out by saying do you like being a contrarian you might assume that i would but as a result of that i don't so no with that said though let's move into the next question which comes in from quinn p who says would you like to have an auto smelty enchantment on pickaxes and to answer your question uh with a little bit of developer feedback right here because honestly adding new enchantments is everyone's favorite idea for the cave update but the word from a developer themselves here is that they recognize there's lots of competing design spaces and they don't have any upgrades that enchantments already do in other words they don't want different systems to compete for the exact same functionality and so you can't have enchantments that do things that upgrades already do and vice versa so we can't have enchantments that replace a potion or something like that and the problem with this is it kind of limits what they can do with new insurance without de-balancing the existing ones and really adding new stuff in there i think auto smelting is the smartest idea that is missing i think uh you know being able to go out and mine iron and potentially uh you know get more than one iron per block mine perhaps you get two uh iron ingots for every single iron block you mine that would be a really great use and if you wanted to if you wanted to be really smart you wouldn't even have to build a new enchantment the autos furnace thing you could just use fire aspect on the pickaxe it could be a weird little easter egg or something but you can't get it naturally but you can put it on there using books that would be a great reason to get more enchantments i think using the existing enchantments on more tools to do more uh unique weird things i think that's a great and kind of missed idea right now and uh you know hopefully we see some form of new enchantment but actually a worthwhile enchantment in this next update with that said though let's move into the question we get every single week because it's me asks do you think mountains will be able to spawn past y128 with the 1.17 update i mean it's the caves and cliffs update so of course they're going to work on the vertical side of things right we have this debate every week but now we have even more word from a developer uh this is from lady agnes herself um and it's kind of interesting to hear i'm very interested in building much higher than you currently allow that's a great question and yeah we have seen many many of these questions so yeah we can say that we are looking into it but we can unfortunately not promise anything at this point because it's kind of tricky take-wise to extend the world height and we also for example need to look into that we don't get performance issues from it but we really do want to extend the world height and are looking into it so what it sounds like right there is they have heard people's cries were like oh yeah if it's going to be a cliff's update it makes sense to make them higher but right now any of the screenshots any of the things we've seen have not been done above y256 they would love to raise the height limit and honestly i think that's one of the smart like big ways to say you've revolutionized minecraft make it higher make it lower etc etc etc i think that's important uh they might not even have to pick the limit of 512 maybe just 384 which if you're curious is y128 times free um and then they can make the high limit much higher and then if they make the height limit higher i think there is no argument against uh you know raising uh the terrain because it'd be kind of funny if mountains came to java and they went up to 256 and on bedrock they were only at y128 that means that the mountains are effectively three times higher from the floor height basically what i'm saying is they need to raise the terrain i imagine a lot of what this update actually is on the bedrock side of things is the tech behind making it work and that's probably why we've seen betas there earlier but you know now we're diving into speculation town my favorite uh little settlement to visit so let's move into the next question which comes in from robert sallow who says toy cat i mean this with all due respect but some of your builds look kind of ugly i mean you've been playing in the same minecraft world for years now and you still live in a cave why don't you ever improve your builds at all and you know what robert sallow i'd like to insult your intelligence real quickly you think that some of the builds in my world are ugly that is clearly and objectively incorrect they're all incredibly ugly which ones do you think aren't ugly like what's what's wrong with you man anyway that's it let's move to the next question well to actually seriously answer it i i think in minecraft it's all about building what you want to build i think if you're trying to look for like objective good or objective bad or anything like that it's very hard to find minecraft is a game about expressing creativity and ultimately i have a lot of fun people enjoy watching and i think those are way more important than trying to make a world that is objectively great to look at because um again building standards always going to change our art is not something that ever is complete and minecraft uh as much as you might hate to think about it is a form of art so with that said let's move to julian c thomas harris question which is will speedruns ever come back and uh it's a good question because speedrunning uh was entirely revolutionized with the 1.16 update and uh you know a lot of people said like oh so in case and cliffs comes out you're gonna start speed running again and honestly i do love speed running so much i've been doing it long before there were leaderboards or any way to actually track records and you know the reason i started speed running earlier this year was i wanted minecraft bedrock speedrunning to be a thing i mean like i became the i got the number one run at one point uh you know in the world which was really great it was really nice to be the best at something uh but i wanted to start a bedrock speedrun community and now if you look at bedrock speed running it's not only on par with java you know it's not this weird side thing but also minecraft better speed runners are starting to defeat the game in just about as much time as the java team in fact there's even a guy who beat it faster than the fastest java time it's insane and i really want to make a whole video talk about that but i love that speedrunning is a thing for of people and i think it's kind of like weird to go back and be so embarrassingly bad compared to the new generation because there are new techniques being found every single day it's a new fresh game to speed run and i'd love to try some on speed runs but it's just i know i feel like really embarrassing i'm like doing battling people like oh it's not even a speed run you just play in minecraft and for some reason that comment like really hurts me more than anything else and it shouldn't because like what what do i care but you know i secretly do care and maybe that's the real problem but with that said let's move into the final question from captain zach zero zero seven what do you think the purpose of the goat horn will be if it's not already no so its current purpose is really close to useless let me just say that much right now i think that the goat horn really needs to be worthwhile uh to make the goat not a useless mob i think uh we're falling down the trap again uh you know like we we make this joke every update and i think oh they've got it now and they try something new we need to not have another useless mob in the game we don't want a mountain dolphin we don't want a mountain panda we don't want a mountain polar bear we want an actually useful mob up there and they said they don't want you to kill the mob or whatever for various reasons but i think it's important that we have an actually useful use for the goat horn and i'd love to rant about it for a solid half an hour i have so many thoughts about how we can make neutral mobs not entirely useless but i guess we'll have to leave that as a story for another day because this is a q a video and we can't just rent for half an hour about goat's horns apparently the youtube algorithm says but with that said i hope you all enjoyed this video or found it informative in some way if you did you can uh like the video and subscribe with notifications turned on to see more of these daily new homepage thank you very much for watching and i'll see you all for a live stream later follow me on twitter if you want to see those you know i've done a lot of self promo here because for some reason that's what youtubers do at the end of videos so with that said enjoy 15 seconds of some minecraft sweden music [Music] you
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 962,655
Rating: 4.8972321 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft
Id: pkaj2Zl3ytU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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