20 Things you Didn't know about the Warden in Minecraft ( Cave Update )

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the minecraft 1.17 cave and cliff update is adding four new mobs into the game we have three new passive mobs the goat the axolotl and the ghost squid in this video we'll be focusing on the new hostile mop called the warden if you enjoyed the video consider leaving a like and subscribing to my channel if you want to see more videos like this but here it is here are 20 things you didn't know about minecraft's latest hostile mop the warden normally when you go invisible mobs will stop tracking you but did you know the warden is an exception to the rule on this they can and they will still track you regardless if you're invisible or not making them even more scary i actually do see a lot of people saying how the warden will be weak because all you need to do to counter it is by pairing up three blocks or even five but as it turns out mojin are actually countering this with a hidden mechanic that is not yet known i'm willing to bet it has something to do with block breaking conjuring to popular belief the warden won't actually drop diamonds new loot or any amazing new gear it actually won't drop anything at all at most mojo mojang said it would drop some kind of trophy but not any kind of useful loot i'll get more into the reasoning why later on the video because it will make more sense if you thought the warden was already scary listen to this next fact in the footage shown and what mojang have said it appears when you actually hit the warden it speeds up it will get faster which is not good news since it deals such high damage speaking of which it will actually deal so much damage it can one hit a player wearing full never right armor if you're wearing anything else other than full nevry armor you'll just get one hit so if you make one simple mistake you're out of the game if the warden is near all nearby light sources will start to flicker mojang have said that this is caused by the warden's presence and is not yet known what else will be affected by the warden's presence but there's one thing that is for sure it's actually a really cool effect there's not many mobs in minecraft that can actually interact with the world like this for all these strengths this new mob has there must be some kind of weakness right well actually it doesn't have that great of range we don't yet have any kind of like block range distance in which it can attack but we do know it won't be that big if i was to have to make a guess i'd probably say it's a little less than the iron golem but that's just speculation and i think it's time for another warden strength it actually has knockback resistance which is not good news if you're going in for a swing because the second you land that here it's not going anywhere it's just gonna stand still in a tweet by a mojang developer the warden height was actually confirmed to be four blocks tall making it one block taller than an iron golem and twice as tall as a regular player which stands at two blocks tall the heartbeat of the new warden mob is actually audible as well as visible and the more it is attacked the stronger it gets and the stronger it gets the more its soul-filled heart flashes we don't know much about this area of the warden it could be a weak spot or it could be a crucial part of its mechanic we'll just have to wait and see i guess in another tweet by the same mojang developer it was confirmed that the warden will actually attack every single mob in the game if it gives off a sound or any kind of vibration so nothing is safe from this new mob which positions us nicely into the next step how does the warden actually function so basically the concept of the warden is that its head is a skulk sensor with an increased radius besides the fact it has an increased radius it functions exactly the same as a normal skulk sensor would and will pick up all known vibrations and their respective levels this is interesting because we already have access to the skulk centers within the snapshots given so we essentially get to play around with how the boredom will see before it even is released the warden can actually remember you as a player if you sneak past it it won't see you but if you constantly attack it it will lock onto you and it won't get distracted by other noises when typically it would have and at this point because it does kind of remember who you are it would actually charge at you significantly faster than before another mechanic mojoing added to make the warden even more terrifying is that you can't actually just sneak up to it it will get to a point where it will just sense you regardless if you make any noise so if you're thinking about getting close to throw a splash potion of poison or any kind of damage potion it won't work it will hit you before you even get a chance and that's probably something to do with the warden presence it probably does have a field of area of effect where it will basically see regardless if you make any noise so don't try and high fiber or anything it will just one hit you the wardens are located deep underground in a new biome called the deep dark caves we don't know much about this biome yet but we do know it has some kind of structure and it'll be that the lowest point of which you can get in minecraft so just above the bedrock layer in footage shown we did see some chess so i think the idea might be the warden is actually protecting these chests and instead of just killing the warden to get any kind of loot you want to go for these chests and hope that warden doesn't see you which to be honest is a refreshing outlook on minecraft because if you want anything else from the game you just have to kill a mob there's not much thought process to it whereas this new warden you don't have to kill it you just have to avoid it which is very refreshing in my opinion speaking of which in the reveal trailer we got this new structure within the deep dark cave it had chess candles and cobwebs and it appears to be in a deep sleep cave this just further reinforces mojang's vision with the new mob and the fact that you won't really want to kill it you'd want to run away from it instead mojang developers have actually previously said this about the warden we would like for this new mob to be referred to as a natural disaster rather than a boss mob they made the reference when you see your tornado you run away you don't run up to it and then swing your sword at it and ultimately this was the final response they gave when asked what will the modern drop but that's it that's everything we know about the new warden mob so far keep in mind that it's not yet out and we know that mojang take community feedback very seriously so there's chances that a lot of these will change let me know in the comments what mob or block i should do next and if you made it this far into the video i'd really appreciate if you left a like and subscribe because clearly you must have enjoyed it right i mean you're still here and i'm still just talking randomly and you're still just listening but anyway thank you guys for watching i have two more videos on screen i think you will enjoy [Music] wait you're still here the video is about to end and you haven't clicked on the video no
Channel: TheDerpyWhale
Views: 1,835,028
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Keywords: minecraft, things you didnt know, warden, warden mob, cave update, minecraft 1.17 cave and cliff update, things, you, didnt, know, about, minecraft 1.17, minecraft cave update, minecraft warden, 20, minecraft 20 things, 20 things, feature, update, removed, cave & cliffs update, 20 Things you Didnt know about the Warden in Minecraft, fact, facts, 20 facts, features, warden damage, warden health, deep dark, warden minecraft, minecraft warden facts, sounds, caves & cliffs, minecraft update
Id: vPD2UqiO8JQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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