Top 10 Times Zendaya SHUT DOWN Her Haters! | Hollywire

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the truth is I want to be vendhya when I grow up I mean the girl is only 19 years old but so wise beyond her years in fact she's taught us a thing or two about how to handle those internet trolls so today I am counting down my top 10 favorite times and day is shut down those haters hey guys I'm your host Chelsea Briggs and you're watching the Hollywood hop minute haters gonna hate [Music] alright kicking things off at number 10 so what does then day do when a horrid Twitter troll tweeted that she was ugly as oh you know she tweeted them back with this hot black-and-white photo of herself saying I know right - which her Twitter fans went crazy over mooyah and day a1 internet troll 0 here's some advice don't ever try and change India okay our girl made it very clear she is not into being Photoshop - and model East a magazine shared a photo of her that they had edited after Zidane noticed her body looked way different she shared this side by side of the original versus the retouched photo writing had a new shoot come out today and was shocked when I found my 19 year old hips and torso quite manipulated anyone who knows who I am knows I stand for honest and pure self love so I took it upon myself to release the real pic and I loved it right on Zee speaking of loving the body you're in zendaya shot down actress and comedy writer Julie Klausner after she body shamed her following the 2016 Kids Choice Awards saying she was a thinspo model for your impressionable tweens to witches and a responded do you find this funny I will write another paragraph to educate you as well thick girls winning skinny girls winning we all winning boom next up at number 7 zendaya was cast to portray the late singer Aaliyah and the Lifetime movie back in 2014 but ended up backing out of the film before it started not long after rumors as to why she backed out started pouring in with some even saying she wasn't black enough to play her say what well the day it took to her Instagram to explain the real reason and said buh-bye to her haters the reason why I chose not to do the LEM movie had nothing to do with the haters the main reasons were there were complications with the music rights and I just felt like it wasn't being handled delicately considering the situation okay when are we gonna stop shaming women for how they look without makeup zendaya faced this exact criticism on Twitter when one nasty troll decided to write shakin my head is it wrong that I just saw zendaya without makeup and it scared me how different she looks I'm hurt well zendaya was not having the abuse and responded by posting a no makeup selfie and writing terrifying honestly who proving that her own natural look is gorgeous beyond belief get it girl now my favorite Sunday moments are when some mean person tries to insult her and she just claps back with the perfect response like the time this guy said she looks like a gay dude wearing makeup then dad jumped back with this tweet wait is this supposed to be an insult cuz they slay so then there was the time she stood up for her parents after this meanie called them really ugly I mean who even does that well he had the perfect response by sharing a photo with her parents writing well you're so concerned about what my parents look like please know that these are two of the most selfless people in the world so please go look into the mirror and know that you two are beautiful because such hateful things only stemmed from internal struggles words of a queen that was marvelous really truly no wonder you had to get that out thank you moving on man I'm feeling so inspired here you too okay so so see govision daya has had her fair share of rude comments when it comes to her different hairstyles on the red carpet for example when she rocked this badass pixie at the 2015 Beatty Awards only to get shade all over Twitter she handled this one by writing when people don't like your hair but they tweet bout you though hashtag I don't give up are you hating out there ha I love this next one because it proves that zendaya doesn't just stand up herself or her family but she stands up for complete strangers too after the Twitter account man sue Graham posted this hurtful tweet about a girl with and without makeup then dad clapped back with that awkward moment when this tweet is irrelevant because she's slang both ways word yes and finally the number-one moment when zendaya inspired us all by calling out her haters was when giuliana rancic made hurtful comments on TV about her dreadlocks at the 2015 Oscars this is just such a tiny frame that this hair to me overwhelms her like I feel like she she smells like patchouli oil feeling completely hurt zendaya took to Instagram to share a lengthy well thought out response to the derogatory comments saying there's a fine line between what is funny and what is disrespectful to say that an 18 year old woman with locs must smell a patchouli oil or weed is not only a large stereotype but outrageously offensive there's already harsh criticism of african-american hair in society without the help of ignorant people who choose to judge others based on the curl of their hair girl you are our hero well said then daya don't ever change are you guys what's been your favorite zendaya moments so far and what's something that she's taught you let's go ahead and talk it all out in the comments section below and of course subscribe to Holly where TV and if you're liking this video give me some love like it that'd be awesome for Holly we're DICOM I'm Chelsea Briggs and I'll see you later tomorrow Holly we're hot Mints go ahead and click the box on the left and to watch a video all about celebrities calling out their body shaming haters click the box on the right and subscribe
Channel: Hollywire
Views: 6,256,698
Rating: 4.9449701 out of 5
Keywords: zendaya, zendaya rape meme, zendaya coleman, zendaya disney channel, zendaya replay, zendaya music video, zendaya vevo, zendaya music, zendaya oscars, Hollywire TV, Hollywire, Holly wire, Celebs, Celebrity, Celebrities, Celebrity News, Gossip, Entertainment, Entertainment News, Pop Culture, lifestyle, Trends, Style Trends, bts hollywire, red carpet style, red carpet looks, Blockbuster Movies, Interviews, Reporters, Style Pop, Stylewire, Try the Trend, Hollywire Hot Minute, rumors
Id: EldND89z7PQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2016
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