5 Times Celebs ENDED Or Walked Out Of Interviews

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doing interviews is just another part of the job when it comes to being a celebrity but when they're asked personally invasive questions things can spiral out of control faster than you can say Justin Bieber's so today we're breaking down five times the labs abruptly stopped or straight-up walked out of interviews right here on listed when interviewers go too far with their questions either by getting way too personal or by being outright offensive it's hard to blame with the lab for wanting the piece out so without further ado let's kick off this list of celebs who walked out of interviews with Celebi ton Paris Hilton you were worried about your moment having passed you want to wrap up um talk about a route question not only did the interviewer suggest that Paris's 15 minutes was up he did it in her own home as you can see in the clip she looks to her publicist to indicate that she's not happy and she wants to end things right there and then and we can't really blame her which is why we found it super surprising when she eventually agreed to reconvene the interview in another room and even gave the host a huge hug at the end while we're impressed at Paris's high tolerance for insults it's probably safe to say she won't be inviting that reporter back for tea anytime soon next up Rihanna pulled the plug on an interview while promoting her film Battleship because the interviewer brought up a subject that almost also labs deem off limits on promo tours how frustrating is that when you're linked to another Hollywood star and even if you're even you've barely met them very frustrating almost as frustrating as being asked about it yeah you don't like going there I mean this what's the point okay the host was probably referring to rumors that Rihanna hooked up with Leonardo DiCaprio at the time but since that has absolutely nothing to do a battleship or a reread first acting gig we completely understand why she refused to answer such a sexist question after all you know that if that was Leo in the chair they wouldn't have even gone there in the first place which is what makes this even more messed up moving on down the list Megan Fox laughed her way out of an interview with the host who tried and failed to get her to confirm pregnancy rumors you know the ultimate gadget that every man wants a baby a baby Oh baby oh I know where you're going okay alright go go what do you wanna know what making herself didn't immediately stop the interview her nervous giggle led to her publicist aggressively cutting things short and rightfully so if Megan was ready to reveal any kind of huge personal news like that she'd obviously have let the interviewer know ahead of time but at least she was a good sport about it and found his poor attempt at getting her to spill the beans more humorous than offensive next up America's favorite leading lady and leading men aka Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt abruptly went off the air after a phone interview took an odd and um sexual turn yeah your characters have sex on the kitchen table do you plan to stop jogging oh what's the most adventurous place you've had sex a therapy airplane oh really I've always wanted to do that but technically I've just never worked out what about you Jim where's the crazies perceived other I don't really have anything and while Chris seems 100% okay with answering the hosts question j-law didn't seem so enthusiastic to be asked such an intrusive thing on a live radio show and neither were we it's hard enough for celebs to dodge questions about who they're sleeping with let alone where they're doing it so even though both stars played along and gave candid answers to the questions we're not surprised they both immediately pieced out before the host could ask any more WTF or TMI questions and last but not least an awkward phone interview where a radio host asked Justin if he was scared Harry Styles was going to hit on his mom led to the Biebs hanging up on the guy we're not before Justin threw down some scene of his own do you worry about Harry around your mom since he he likes older women you should worry about me around my mom it was a super dumb and unnecessary joke for the host to make so it's no wonder that Justin bounced to right after suggesting that the hosts are worried about his own mom to shave Justin defending your mom against a dumb joke is fully within your rights and we fully support you and that quick and shade fueled respond all right guys that's our list I want to know which interview walkout or abrupt end do you think was the most awkward sound off in the comments section below and after that click right over here to watch the lips react to their own news thanks so much for watching listed and be sure to subscribe I'm your host a villainous junior and I'll see you next time
Channel: Clevver News
Views: 2,772,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rihanna, Jennifer Lawrence, Justin bieber, Meghan fox, paris Hilton, awkward celeb interviews, celebs walked out of interviews, celebs who walked out on on interviews, News, clevver list, entertainment, clevver news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2017
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