LYNEY RAISED! An ACTUALLY Interesting Character?! (Genshin Impact)

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hi muglets we are now in 4.0 and as usual the first thing I want to check out are the new characters of course starting with Lenny here the five star of 4.0 he is actually a very interesting character and he works quite differently than everyone else but let's race him first he will need some new mats from Fontaine like these rainbow roses here at the time of recording the interactive map hasn't been updated so I can't show you exactly where to get these outside of that insignias from various fatou enemies past Ascension 2 you will also need Emperor's resolution which again is a world boss found in Fontaine but yeah now that he's raised let's go ahead and do the talented constellation overview outside of the super cool animation where he turns into a card before his final shot his normal attack is nothing special his charge attacks however are pretty special his charge attacks have two levels the first one is a normal bow user charge Attack Just firing a pyro Arrow there is a very short window between charge level one and charge level 2. while editing I will measure this to give you an exact time between charge level one and charge level two it's really fast but at charge level 2 he'll fire off a prop arrow that also deals damage but it'll also summon a grin Malkin hat in addition to this he also has a stacking system if he's above 60 HP at the time of firing a charge level 2 he will consume some HP to get a surplus stack which has a cap of 5 Stacks he will not get a stack and will not lose HP when he's below 60 though the grin Malkin hat itself is similar to Amber's Baron bunny it'll taunt nearby opponents it'll inherit some of linny's Max HP if it's destroyed or expires it'll set off a pyrotechnic strike at a single opponent and only one of these can exist at a time his skill is essentially an attack but it gets much stronger the more Surplus Stacks he has when using it it will consume all of these Surplus Stacks but in exchange for that even at level 1 here you get an additional 53.2 percent of your attack per stack added on to the skill damage he'll also recover 20 of his max HP per stack and since you can have up to five Stacks he can full heal himself doing this also if he has one of these grin Malkin hats on the field when doing his skill that will also explode and that's considered charge attack damage which makes sense as it is formed via a charge attack with his burst he will transform into the grin Malkin cat he moves around quickly spitting up power damage to anyone in his way it only lasts 3 seconds but when it ends it essentially explodes summons a grin Malkin hat that you get from his charge attack and gives him one of these Surplus Stacks his first passive here Buffs grin Malkin hat if he is above 60 HP when doing this charge level 2 attack because then he will consume his own HP then the Hat will restore three energy to linear and increase the damage dealt by 80 of his attack his second passive here is why I think he's really an interesting character because this passive essentially tells you stop with the reactions just go with a bunch of pyro units and sure there are some other characters like that like Ito for you know Geo teams and whatnot and I have seen mono pyre teams here and there but yeah I think Lenny is the first one that specifically asks you yeah let's go basically mono pyro but yeah 60 buff to damage to anyone affected by pyro and then another 20 for each pyro in your team so Linny and two other pirate arrows would max out this bonus to 100 his exploration pass is very useful I'm glad they started with a character that shows you the Fontaine exclusive on the minimap just very nice checking out his constellations here he can have two green Malkin hats at once his charge attack level 2 will also just summon both of these at the same time and give him an extra stack of prop Surplus this specific effect does have a 15 second cooldown though C1 already sounds good and we could activate it apparently but uh let's look at C2 damn C2 actually sounds really nice as well for every two seconds he's on field he'll gain a stack of crisp Focus which increases crit damage by 20 and this can stack up to three times it'll be canceled as soon as he leaves but you know two seconds per stack doesn't seem like a huge deal 60 crit damage does though C4 is a pyro res shred when Lenny hits an opponent with his charge attack C6 is essentially an extra pyrotechnic strike dealing 80 of the original pyrotechnic strikes damage these pyrotechnic strikes come from the grin Malkin hat so that should be a significant damage increase as well but yeah all across the board his constellations actually sound quite good I mean like just to see one especially getting him in this extra stack of props Surplus so as for build we do have the first great magic here it says signature weapon of course is going to be great you know crit damage main stat always pops off the passive on the bow sort of further cements his role in a mono Pyro Team basically for every other pyro in the team he'll get 16 32 48 attack and for each different element he'll get four seven or ten movement speed which might be okay for exploration I guess but doesn't really help you do more damage and while I can't show you on screen there is also the new battle pass weapon Sion of the Blazing Sun that should be good for him as well this bow has a crit rate sub stat after doing a charge attack it'll fire an additional attack dealing 60 of the attack is damage and applying a debuff to the Target hit that makes them take 28 more charge attack damage and Lenny does seem like a very charged attack damage focused character as we use a main DPS I would really prefer a crit rate or crit damage sub stat on the weapon and outside of battle pass weapons there aren't really any 4 star bows that have those stats I think possibly in the star glitter exchange as well but I don't have access to that currently there is one other weapon but for that we would need to actually go to Fontaine there it is Fontaine gotta take a Wave Rider over there I like how the First NBC I come across is called baguette but yeah since exploring Fontaine is going to be an entirely separate video I'm just going to tell you that there is a new craftable weapon that could be good for him as well called song of Stillness this does have an attack percent subset but that's the next best you can get here and this has the passive after the wielder is healed they will deal 60 more damage for eight seconds this can be triggered even when the character is not on the field in the right team liny should be getting healed very consistently so they should pretty much be a permanent buff and I assume that goes up to 32 percent at R5 which again because it is a crafted item it shouldn't be too hard to get it R5 to be perfectly honest I wouldn't even know how to go about getting the blueprint for this weapon but it's somewhere in Fontaine probably once we actually get to exploring it we'll come across it for now we're just gonna go with the middle ground and just giving him a non-optimal 5 Star as opposed to like his signature or maybe Aqua simulacra or even Amos many five stars would be better than Skyward but again I usually stick to four stars so I'm gonna give him a not as a good five star as for artifacts we actually do have a couple new sets golden Trope and Mara choose whatever Hunter golden troop focuses purely on Elemental skill damage which is really interesting but um this one on the other hand does seem to suit him a lot better normal and charge attack damage plus 15 and the 4-Piece set when current HP increases or decreases crit rate will be increased by 12 percent for five seconds oh damn and that goes up to three stacks sorry for my exclamation there this is the first time actually reading this so um he can get a lot of crit rate from this Jesus and his HP should be increasing or decreasing pretty much constantly so this is actually an absolutely insane set that sounds good for him especially because he can decrease his own HP constantly and uh yeah he should be getting healed to you know keep getting the stacks so we definitely do want to try and get the four piece set but if you want to use them before you know spamming dungeons I think there are some other decent sets for him Vermilion Hereafter sounds pretty good on paper granted we're actually starting with his burst and then going on to do charge attacks decreasing his HP and getting these Stacks here two-piece Crimson of course for the Pyro damage would be all right I think four piece wander would be an okay option because the 35 increased charge attack damage it would definitely be one of the easiest ones to get him into while you're farming the new sets but of course while we're here and have all these to choose from me as well definitely gotta go attack Sans here this is I think the only attack stands we have anyway so rolled a decent amount to crit damage so I'm not going to complain hope we have at least one pyro goblet we do but it's the ones without sub stats okay well I did say I don't want him to be too strong so we'll just grab this one we could have gone off piece but let's just give him five piece we of course want him with a crit damage circlet because the 36 he's getting from the set and we also have a crit rate bow so there's no chance he won't have enough crit rate I imagine we'll take a little look-see though yeah 60 is more more than enough like realistically 50 would be enough as long as you can keep the three stacks up I mean I assume that shouldn't be too hard but yeah he's built Let's uh just finish these talents we're gonna get everything up to six as we usually do I would assume his basic is the most important just based on his kit but yeah let's also take a look at that new party select screen as we talk about team builds for him so I don't want to do anything super fancy or crazy we're gonna just go with kind of what the game guides us to do which is almost mono pyro right off the bat Benny screams out to me not only do I love this character but he almost seems like a perfect companion first of all as long as you're below 70 HP Binny will heal you with Linny you stop being able to receive these Stacks once you're below 60 percent so no matter what if you're in Binny ring he will always have enough HP so I say Benny's a very good teammate we only need one other pyro yoyahut d-look are all sort of main dps's so they're kind of off the table I would say Dia is an interesting option though she can be a sort of sub DPS Interruption resistance damage mitigation so she could be a good support but yeah looking at everyone like for me it's kind of a toss-up between Dia or shawnling I think for now I'm gonna go with the DIA though like overall I would say this is a pretty solid team already but for the fourth slot we can choose pretty much anyone my go-to for the wild card is always zhangly but with Dia in there I don't think he's gonna be that necessary uh kazua I think could boost damage quite a lot and he really shouldn't be that complicated to use because there is no correct element to swirl in this case it's always going to be pyro so I think that would actually be pretty good and he can just like make sure everyone just has power on them constantly there's also Lynette which I assume would be a good partner for him as well though I haven't looked at her kit much but from what I gathered she is kind of like sucrose so this is the team we're going to be trying with so let's take a quick look at his uh raw solo damage here against massanori we're getting like 15K uh charge shots here and then also some like passive damage from this dude when it explodes it's nothing special but yeah we definitely need our teammates to not only you know heal us so we can continue getting Stacks so we're gonna try a bit of a rotation but this is going to take quite a lot of practice I reckon it feels like you need to be a rather quick with this team so we're going to do that get a kazua q in there do another E go ahead and go to Benny you know and then uh let's do some charge attacks with Lenny here let's see I did just see a 67k in there which is actually incredible we might be able to get the fifth stack here for his skill not quite not quite maybe we need to be a little faster the stacks he has on him last a very long time though so in a nutshell it is kind of a combination of his charge attacks and his skill when he has enough of these Stacks he gets from doing charge attacks uh that are the majority of his damage I would say I think Dia is really nice because he is a charge attack bow user which means yeah he can't really be dodging all that often so you know just trying to tank the attacks and with 16k HP I think Dia is going to be really nice for that but like everyone's pretty important for Lenny here especially Benny's healing while sort of testing and practicing I have seen some really impressive numbers from him like um over 60k charge attacks you know we're gonna try it some more though like you know there's a 30k 30k a nice 68k from skill there I still haven't really found the balance between like when we stopped charge attacking and do the skill because like ideally his skill is potentially his biggest attack so it should be with all the Buffs I haven't really done anything with his burst yet because like I don't know I don't really get it I mean I guess you're like can you do anything in Burst Mode it only lasts three seconds I guess you do get a free stack and a free uh little Grim hat dude so that is something I'm sure there is a way to smoothly integrate it into a rotation but I again I haven't really gotten there yet yeah but we're doing uh yeah like 30 to 40K and then also with that little uh Grim dude exploding that's doing even more than his charge attack I believe we'll try his burst with all of these uh same Buffs we have going on with uh everyone else they're Benny in there and then I guess yeah I don't know let's just do his burst and um oh yeah don't ask me so we have Max Stacks now for his uh skill let's go ahead and try that out after doing a burst here so boom Oh nearly 100K all right let's go definitely not bad with his uh charge attacks and those little uh grin malkins like I said those are like doing more than 44k there was nothing even going on anymore at that point I mean yeah my story has pyro on him which essentially gives us 100 bonus damage to uh massanori but that was actually unexpected the little uh exploding thing from the dude but yeah the rotation probably needs to be faster and while I don't want to give myself an excuse the 250 milliseconds being up there doesn't help with like a character you really need to swap to and from really quick First Impressions though I think he's a really interesting character well especially for me because I haven't ever really explored mono pyro or mono any element besides Geo the damage numbers I would say were actually moderately good especially when you have this uh grin Malkin hat there there were probably often times I didn't charge to the full level uh that'll be something that I have to get used to as well like you really need to be doing charge level two yeah I mean the prop Arrow damage multiplier is pretty high at 241 but yes the pyrotechnic strike is even stronger at 300 percent but yeah I'm looking forward to the god mode seeing what he can do I think the team is Pretty good overall if you are a hard set on three pyros but I may try like zhangly instead of Dia for example lose out on that 20 damage because his shield is incredibly strong and lost a lot longer so we'll see if it's worth losing the 20 damage with kazua and Benny still there we should still have consistent power application regardless so but yeah something to explore for the god mode for now that'll do it though make sure to tell me what you think about this new character or the video in the comments down below dropping like or subscribing to the channel if you enjoyed as always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 110,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, lyney, lyney build, lenny genshin impact, lyney team, lyney genshin impact
Id: zvop0QoJgmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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