*10TH EDITION!!* Tyranids vs Deathwatch | Warhammer 40k Battle Report

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[Music] welcome back everybody to tabletop tactics do you join me chaos Lord beard and in today's battle report the Death Watch will be arriving on the battlefield via deep strike and teleportation to deal with a newfound alien nemesis potentially the return of Eiffel freshly emerged from the tyranid bio poles with a whole host of new adaptations and a cheeky new color scheme murmiden is back and I am the humble Hive Queen Jinx at the head of them today in this first ever game of 10th edition with the tyranids and the Death Watch [Music] thank you death to the alien the filth he's anus we've got to deal with these tyranids they've evolved and adapteds overcome Etc just like Bear Grylls in space so we have to use our specialist ammunition and Destroy them before we are consumed for biomass I've not run the death watch for ages let alone being a 10th edition debut so this is lots of fun Everything's changed for Death Watch if you want to get a full rundown check out the death watch um faction focus is available on demand um to get to grips with it as I am in in in this game today we'll kick things off first of all shall we with the warlord for this Death Watch Force which is a watch Master the watchmaster's back baby the watchmaster is very cool um he allows you to um charge an intern in which you advance or fell back which is very very pleasant indeed and he also once for battle allows you to make a command Point cost one CP more than ordinarily would for the rest of the battle so that's also very cool he's like vect he's learned from the alien Mastermind and he's used their abilities upon them it's very cool um he's also pretty good with his range abilities and in combat so he's a really nice choice for death watch now which is brilliant um he is leading a unit of Death Watch veterans so in here we have two Infernus heavy bolters we've got Death Watch Thunder Hammer which I'm very excited to be running today uh the sergeant has a xenophase blade and a long vigil raged weapon and then all of the other ones have long vigil range weapons and long vigil close combat weapons which is very easy to say indeed we then have an indomiter kill team not one but two these are the heavy ones uh five heavy interceptors in both um we've got a heavy Bolter in each of those fires the rest have heavy bolt rifles um one squad has two aggressors with auto bolts on gauntless and an incept with assault bolters and there's also a couple of melter rifle wielding Specialists as well in the other Squad it's the same but it's two aggressors and what no it's two inceptors and one aggressor so very very similar but I don't have enough models to to match but we've we've made do we've made do we then move on to another kill team and it's a Fortis kill team this time uh we've got six intercessors in there and then four of them with plasma incinerators we then move on to a fast unit of six outriders oh baby very exciting indeed uh they're being led by a chaplain on bike I have given him the enhancement the beacon and jealous which gives them teleport um beaconite Jazz also allows a unit to use Rapid Ingress uh for free which is very nice indeed nearly at the end of the list we then have five terminators these are kitted out with three cyclo missile launchers because the Death Watch terminally to get access to lots of rockets which is fun um the other two have storm bolters and power fists and this squad is being led by everyone's favorite Terminator play wielding character it's gorm odwinsen everyone um he is in his chaplain form in this game let's see if gorm can survive I think in the Canon he's a chaplain before a captain so hopefully he doesn't die and then the whole timeline's ruin forever and to finish things off what better to join the special operatives than an assassin oh yes we have a vindicare assassin finishing off the list he's very very powerful you can't even be targeted unless you're within 12 inches of him he's crazy he's absolutely crazy I'm gonna put him to the test today but on paper he's an absolute Menace let's see if he will indeed strike fear into the hearts of these filthy Heritage Venus or if he will be gobbled up like biomass with the rest of my arms green I won't do the full Screech just yet because I'm aware there might be people here that aren't used to me screeching and I will get onto it later in the game once you've warmed up to it but you will trust me or love the screen the tyranids are finally here we have been waiting patiently and Fletcher has been painting furiously to get them ready to introduce you to the brand new look of hopefully Meriden which is absolutely Sublime Fletcher has done an amazing job and I thank him daily I am going to have to reference these during this list because Turner's quite cheap we've got quite a lot of models I've got quite a lot of stuff to remember but we do have all of the new stuff which is very very exciting yay we've got our time to shine with the Leviathan box let I'm very happy you're not going to hear the end of it I do apologize we are going to kick off my Leviathan list I have a winged Hive Tyrant it has been repainted beautifully it is here know that you can't go with anyone so he's gonna be on his own and he is a little bit more fragile to that end I have upgraded him with adaptive biology for the five up becomes a four up for no pain keep my chunky lad around for as long as possible we then come to my general which is the neuro Tyrant again another beautiful stunning new model for the tyranids the neurotorrent I have upgraded with alien cunning so I get to essentially redeploy three units at the beginning of the game if I Tuesday it's quite a powerful little trick that she can do and she will be leading a unit of neuro gaunts the neuro gaunts are an interesting little pick they're not very survivable but they extend my already quite potent synapse range we then come to another brand new model which is the winged tyranid Prime he has been upgraded with the perfectly adapted enhancements he gets essentially a free re-roll every turn just for him not for his unit and he will be leading a squad of warriors with ranged bio weapons so those will be equipped with tyranid tyranid bio weapons which makes me happy that you don't have to worry about the close combat weapons anymore but we do have two Venom two Venom cannons in the squad and the rest have Desperate as it is a squad of six because the more the merrier I say then we come to the psychophage it's so cool I'm sorry I'm just gonna have a little meltdown right now because it's just a really cool cool model and I'm sorry I hope he does well we then come to my Von Ryan sleepers it's just a squad of three because that's all we have for the time being we're trying to get as much as we can for the Turners but time is what it is oh there is a lot of units in this list there is a lot to go through oh we're almost there everybody when I say almost there we're not almost there I still have all of this we do have the screen the killer because he's iconic I could not take him we are coming now to the final of the new units and that is a squad of five Barb gaunts I think these are really strong being able to take two inches away from your opponent's movement Advanced roles and charge rolls is really strong now we come to some old favorites that Fletcher has repainted and I'm very excited about all of these yeah so we have Terry here Terry the turbogone she can no longer I'm a bit sad that she can't lead term of gaunts because it feels like she should be able to but she's a little bit too big to go with them I do understand and she does give them benefits if she's near them as well as being able to bring them back so she is still a very good term gone mama and I will be running her if not with next to a squad of 10 of the brand new term agaunts which are beautiful the sculpt is so much better they all have flesh borers because we're going to keep it simple and that's what they're modeled with so we also have and we're coming to kind of the big bug Mash right now we have a Tyrann effects we should do some decent damage to anything large so we'll see how that goes we have Morris the malice scepter we also have another big gun bug and that is the exocrine we're almost there two more models we couldn't not have the iconic parasite of mortar X the first of the bugs that Fletcher actually painted up in the set in the First new scheme and now he's done it in the second new scheme it's a loan operative which it makes me a little bit sad I wanted to be able to take her with gargoyles but she is still going to be running around she's got all of her shenanigans still from ninth Edition with the parasitic infection rippers form Shannon is so she's going to be cool but I will have her next to a squad of 20. gargoyles I'm not as noticed I think that's everything I think I covered everything here there's a lot I'm very excited there's gonna be so many bugs and even though those big bugs there's still going to be so many bugs and I need to stop talking now because I'm out of breath but we can get into the mission today's mission is supply drop at the start of the battle players randomly determine two objective markers in no man's lands to be the Alpha and Omega objectives at the start of battle round 4 the alpha objective is removed at the start of battle round five all objective markers in no man's land except the Omega objective are removed players score victory points for each objective marker they control in no man's land at the end of their command phase as follows five victory points for each objective marker in battle rounds two and three eight victory points for each objective marker in battle round 4 and 15 victory points for the objective marker in battle round five the player going second instead scores at the end of their turn in battle round five each player also determines if they are playing fixed or Tactical for their secondary missions well well look at it look at us the debut the debut the Brand's new hopefully Melody members of the glow up Gloria thatra has been furiously furiously painting yeah um bless him we've been giving him a bit a bit of a hard time saying that he's been painting walks he's not he's been painting pyramids yeah and they're beautiful what a great job Easter oh it's amazing I I think it's just and there's so many cool new things it's the first time I've been able to use a little Life Fitness I'm very excited yeah is it cooler than you all of the 10th edition Battle reports we have available on Demand right now if you want more of this goodness we've got a heap of battle reports so so many um all the faction focuses we did at the beginning of 10th edition every single one is covered all 26 of them plus a bunch of batteries I mean every Army should be featured in battle reports we've a whole lot maybe a few exceptions but we've tried our best the whole shaboodle every single one right should we see who's gonna go first I think we should I'm terribly excited should I go you can roll first okay oh well that's gone well gavel now well okay okay okay looks like you have to take the first turn the filthy xenos Hunters hey kind [Laughter] right battle round one is it very good I've drawn two cards one of them is secure no man's lands the other one is Storm hostile objective one may be possible the other one may not be possible any other thing to do I deployed my teleport Homer no homers um a couple of things I do need to mention though I know it's your my hyper adaptations I go with swimming instincts because you have no monsters or Vehicles so you have some characters but you might see infantry so my entire Army has sustained his one against infantry lovely well without any further Ado let's do some movement let's begin the movement phase with my indominator kill team these are the chunky gravis boys only moving five but I might be able to get a gun or two in range I'll just have to say we'll move on now to the Fortis kill team more movements forward just getting my um Plasma incinerators in potential range of some targets so advancing happening over here with the Fortis kill team um the chunky armor has slowed down some of these models in terms of getting onto the objective however because I've got my handy dandy jump packs with um advance that means I can take the objective and finally my death watch veterans are going to move up to the wall here get them into position to strike in latter turns led by their watch master and that is the end of my boob phase it's time for the shooting phase exactly a couple of things a couple exactly a couple of things to mention um my oath of moment I forgot to mention is on Terry yeah um I've also opted not to do any Mission tactics for this battle and I've only got three to choose from I'm going to use them once per battle and I've not got that much in range I might even be unloaded at the moment no however we are going to start with my forties kill team down here my hell blasters are in range I'm Terry none of my long vigil range weapons are unfortunately um I will be supercharging baby okay very good um I'll be wounding you on fives okay yeah [Applause] fit that's a very good role look at me go even without the re-rolls but with the Reel is even better so that's six wounds please at minus three please so fives feeling no pain whatsoever absolutely not one little bit I could have made it at five up with a strap but she's got kids to worry about well she can't be feeling pain right now damage you've only halved her or will I half myself yep three of them are dead well they're dead yeah that was a devastating blow to yourself for them now I should mention because they are not hell blasters they don't get the hell blaster or where they can explode and still shoot you yes really to my endometer kill team unfortunately my melter rifles are out of range of of young Terry as are my auto bolt guns and my fist guns uh but my heavy bolt guy my heavy Bolter and my heavy bolt rifles Iron Range I am also going to do a my Hellfire rounds stratagem going to reload and spend my command point to give them anti-monster five which is nice for them isn't that good so we'll do the heavy bolt rifles first of all bolt bolt bolt bolt bolts they all hit now I'm looking for five no devastating wounds there's no mortal wounds to be worried about oh goodbye see you look at my rolling I'm rolling like a like a jolly good death Watchman no more but that is Five Wounds please the AP is seven because you're a filthy's anus uh it's mine as well also spat everywhere I'm sorry you did I literally saw it flattening the air damage what damage one okay heavy bolt Bolter heavy Bolter rerouting oh one of them hits uh two hits you still roll the hit if you want to fives not he's so stealthy he's so stealthy I always forgot he was here The Vindicator assassin Vincenzo to his friends he's going to attempt to eliminate the threat yeah you can actually weirdly uh kill my winged tear in a prime in in one blow so I'm going to spend a common region to give him a five up uh [Music] so I'm going to fire my Exodus rifle at your winged height come on down oh the six was like Hey and then it went away um because any Critical Hits mean that it's uh an additional three damage I don't want that it's not horrible what's the toughness of your winged climb five it's gonna be three still wounds here it is a whims it's minus three it's minus three you don't have a safe not even in vulnerable safe the damage oh see ya [Applause] [Music] six toys survive okay it's very close and that is the end of my turn very exciting nearly got him so close so close um the indomitical team over here um cannot see your big once over there the whole complex in the middle is Los blocking so all the trees and rocks and stuff within the the right in it deep in it ankle deep um so with that that is actually the end of my turn very successful turn you almost did as much damage to yourself as you did to me well thank you very much thank you very much they they died as they lived how blasting right I'm going to I'm going to discard storm hostel objective because that's not much used to me no man's land I haven't quite got because I'm not on two objectives at the moment but I will hold on to it for the time being I will give myself a command point for discarding that card you know what go on give yourself another one because it's about to be my turn treat yourself my turn yes I do need to take battle shock for Terry she shook she's just in three Health blasters explode she is a synapse creature though so and yeah she is fine she loves it my car's cars for battle one but we are where we are and extend battle lines so I have some ways to get both of those so we will have to see how that goes the only other thing I have to do in my come on face is put my synaptic relays with the models that I want them to go with I'm going to put them with the Von Ryan sleepers and the screaming killer because they're going to be running off and doing their own thing and probably on their own for most of the game so that's what I'm gonna do oh good just the movement we will be starting off with the Von Ryan's leapers now they did S6 on their advance so they are moving magically through this barrier through the trees and onto this terrain here now there will be in range of the objective to be able to claim it for extend battle lines Barb gaunts are just moving out to see if they can begin their movement shenanigans thermagorn's got a two on their advance so they are just shuffling forward they're not on top of the building they're actually in the building but it's a little bit easier to show it this way otherwise I have to take the lid off and then they're inside and then you can't see it it is just better this way trust me Morris is then going to be moving forward as far as he can up this way to get as close to the enemy as possible Mr screamy got a two on his advance so he will be gliding around to this way um I will be dubbing him so hugs a lot because look at his wide open claws that are ready to embrace you Terry will continue to move along with her brood which lands her just about here I have advanced the psychophage so he will keep scuttling up he's got to scatter Scuttle to make sure he is giving everyone his Buffs I have advanced with the neurotone and the neurogaunts and the neurotone is just flying over here to keep within six inches of the psychophage for that nice except for no pain bubble and then the neurogaunts are just going to filter out around here [Music] has arrived using rapid Ingress for free the Terminators arrive they strike deeply into the battlefield into the very heart of the direnid hive mind yes I'm gonna start shooting phase with the bioplasmic screen from the screamer killer oh no Rod has done my shots off camera and because of blast I have 11 shots that is a lot it's a lot um I'm gonna spend a command right now yes just going into your your fellas your boys your Lads yes your crew the Armor's in my ear holes literally in your ear holes yeah what what um I'm hitting on pause like ah so it's not the best it's a very inaccurate screen but I do get one one sustained he's kind of all over the place at the moment one bit of sustained it is three swing your arm strength eight oh well maybe he's blown like his bottom jar off oh Vinnie yeah Beefcake save well you've done two words what one's left left we do have to take a battery do I have to what about um and we shall know no fear no no if he hits he can give my they're a smile on me rero wants to hit um I got a six but he's number of attacks as well okay and he's also last you've got a good chance of hitting and heavy so hitting on twos he stayed still you've hit me I have hit you quite a few times two sustained sustained sustained thank you um these are still only strength eight so three okay I'm Japanese six that's very good okay two four six eight who do we appreciate at minus three so minus one because I'm a contentment cover minus three okay so four fours oh okay what's the damage three damage three yeah oh you've killed four of them oh no are we I've shot the tongues that are in range and Terry and you have three three spiny face to make three spiny saves um I'm gonna go with the Warriors next my Venom cannons I've got two shots each because of the blast the Cannons of Venom I hit you twice and I guess she's okay fine thank you grease eyes two points two wounds from the size of two but minus one because of your armor content s this feels very offensive ah this was very offensive I do get two bits of a little bit much the fives and sixes it was a bit aggressor armor person uh that is three wins three weeks um no AP because of your armored because of my chunky I take another chunk of you one piece oh you have killed one now actually you killed my um space Wolf successor chapter of Unknown Origin now what their data sheet rule is that if an enemy infantry unit is hit by one or more of my attacks and your your move is disruptive minus two move minus two charge minus two Advanced currently that's just if an infantry unit it's not capped so I've seen some people say because there's five minute unit and you have D6 shots in their blast that they're gonna shoot five different infantry units and disrupture entire Army I don't think that's how it's intended because that feels really strong and powerful and they're not that expensive as models and we're friends no don't you hate me so I'm gonna I'm gonna decide to play it as one you know I hit it feels like that's probably the intended wave it feels right because otherwise it just seems a bit powerful for a unit that is as cheap as it is it's already a very good idea I'd be moving three inches yeah because I need to hit you with one of these and I've got 24 Shots a lot I hit you with one spoiler there's so many that's in the strength this is the dice dress song I'm the best singer on TT it's true oh so many room opportunities no I'm not ready dice in the tree where did you come throw dice with me this way so you're better than I am full stage of that sustained five sixes oh no it's not literally wrong it's not too bad is that that is two three sorry three count uh no wait no AP is my plate twice fats wow okay it's just one thing to shoot it's it's the traffic I've I've shot my Stinger salvos off camera and did nothing not a single wind so the the Rapture Cannon okay okay stay still so it's Tuesday please don't rupture me ow who's doing okay there's two wins minus four one's got one Moon left yeah that guy's just six it's two six two six damage the other guy this is also dead roll for the other one see how dead he is yeah he's pretty dead pretty damn good very very dead a little bit exploding exploded well done for what for the oh they're dead take them away please they do not exist anymore uh other than in our hearts and our minds oh and everyone was wondering uh Raven guard and what I'm presuming is Imperial fists well I quite like Raven God they're quite cool anyway I did score extent batch lines because my leapers are on the objective in the middle I'm going to describe Behind Enemy Lines and get myself a command point you you treat yourself I don't I don't want it no thank you no no you know what I want a ton don't around you baby [Laughter] battle round two one two Boogaloo um I've drawn my second card so I've already got cuno men's and also have defense stronghold which I didn't really want but that is the the way the cards yes flown yes Fallen like a river or like an eagle yes um I have also gone into malleus tactics this battle around so um I get lethal hits okay against um I'm also going to do my oath of moment on to Mr Taran effects over there he must die he must die a horrible painful painful death um because you have how many moves left oh no Terry seven big tell okay very good um that's it nothing else to do apart from move my tiny army men we'll begin the movement phase over here with my indomeda kill team now they are slightly beguiled because um their movement has been reduced somewhat by those pesky peskersons over there so we're only moving three inches but I can't at least get a few things in range and into a line of sight next up the Terminators move fourth is to get some of their cycling missile launches in range and prepare for a charge on gorham's command over this way my Guillotine veterans are having to move over this way uh annoying I have to hold my home objective for defend stronghold um so we're gonna keep holding that objective but get over this way so we can get line of sight the remnants of the endometer killed team over here will trudge forth to bring their big guns to bear and also hop on to that objective decided to OverWatch more Warriors um I got four shots with my Venom Cannon which turned into two hits and therefore four hits because it's the same time three minutes three wounds is it minus two is it minus two okay and then my desk spitters okay well that's another four hits because of sustainable Stone sustained he's a good little impression though I liked it uh two Wings minus minus one here minus one yes uh you have killed one I'd say that's one one drops you have killed one of my hmm you've killed my heavy Balter guy which one oh the only one my indominator kill team over here I'm just gonna spread out a little bit around the sash lights dish so we can all get line of sights onto those pesky bugs and a reception on their phones it's great and now on to the Deep strike unit scrab shoots deployed the reavers have arrived for the first time in 10th edition my 1 million reavers are only getting some use and finally arriving through lightning Flash and heavy metal riffs yeah the outriders arrived improbably from Deep strike they are using the beacon and jealous to arrive by a Teleport strike yes and they want to kill a screamer killer no yes YES Movement phase is complete time to move on to the shooting phase and we'll begin with our friend huh thank you I must Target's been acquired I'm afraid yeah a blown off like the Boston part of this jaw but still very effective in the old shooting phase there with the psychic screams now I need to blow off the other half of his head ready it dags huh I do feel my face do you oh it's just fun all the damages uh yeah because I managed to move the sacrifice so all of this was still getting the me damage five six cups [Music] I get the casino and everything they've done a single part of his head that remains he says goo and as a bonus I've saved the poor Guardsman that it's been um putting its eggs into yes but he's now coming to explode with Ripper swamps oh yeah and the whole the whole the difference gets infected by aliens maybe that was what the first shot was he didn't miss he shot through the primes kill the Guardsmen okay it's time for the indomit a kill team next uh we're going to use Hellfire rounds again for a command point but this is going to highlight the cool way that they can like deal with targets as they appear yeah so with Hellfire rounds uh anti-monster five and anti-infantry two um we're gonna fire the flamestorm gauntlets from the aggressors into your warriors annoying I'm just a range of the gaunts down there which would be broke to toasty um and then we're gonna do the two melt rifle shots into Terry I understand it does make sense um so we'll do the flame storm gauntlets first of all so basically it's twos to wounds okay it's D6 plus one we've got ten in total um are you include is it blast it it no it's torrent um so that's eight wounds eight wounds there's no AP here four episodes pretty pretty good damage well I see damage one uh five feet is pretty good if you can position it in the right place um you take one down to a wound okay and then the melter rifles uh now I'm getting plus one to hit and plus one to wound here because I'm the target is under half strength being Terry uh your toughness is uh eleven eleven yeah sweet Jiminy crickets it will be Falls to wounds okay it is one woot mine's four six upside [Music] yes is that right uh it's D6 you're not in melter range here it's five damage it's five damage is that two wins left we're gonna move on now to my forties kill team now um my Hellfire rounds will affect two kill team units when I do it so it's gonna be on these guys down here I don't think I did that in the last turn and the loan through physical bombard right understand so all my long vigil range weapons are in range of Terry over there so let's let's see if we can do uh she's under half strength so it's plus one she really is hit a bit what she really is yes got two he's left yes uh and it'll be fives to wound to here to all of her like carapace is opened up we're going we're going for the kill into our soft parts one three up saves two damage one six up one okay okay is she dead does she explode oh [Laughter] they got our other explosive sack T6 and she now no longer only is D6 multiple words and you can't hurt their own units oh my God she's she's huge wow hang on oh one two three four yep that's a big bumba the neurotyrants the neurotorrents unit okay two right fine oh is she gonna hit the exocrine as well that's fine there's one okay that's fine this is fine so far yep enormous undevastating explosion oh come on kill my stuff you've not rolled above a two looks like professional it's like fridge we'll be giving feel no pains but I'll roll those after yeah yeah five five and Morris Morris [Music] so I'm Gonna Roll the feel no pains and then we'll come back we'll see that we'll get breakfast so it turns out um I did lose two neragaunts um I've got 13 wounds already on the x-crying seven ways remaining on the screamer killer five ways of running on the psychophage and or eight always ruining on Morris because I Shrugged none of those uh not a not a single bit of pain was unfelt yeah and I only lost one gaunt fine pretty sweet that's very stressful very stressful moment for me I kind of like the idea that he's sort of like shot uh crack grenades carapace hole on that last one I literally exploded from the outside horrible yeah uh we're gonna move on now to the outriders and uh my chaplain and they're going to shoot all of their twin bolt gun bolt rifles into your um gripply wibblies what are they called tell me guys uh uh what did the chaplain do to me oh yeah I got devastating wounds are they within 12 inches are you within 12 yeah yes um so that does that mean what what does that mean devastating wounds if I'm within 12 they get devastating wounds oh okay yes confusing get rid of these I've got lethal hits um wounded you five times okay well done me uh and then it will be three what's up uh okay cool so that's one mortal wounds and um seven normals oh minus one minus one have six up saves here damage one so then like Mortal wound in the dish so I got six up three on the paints oh a chicken three or sixes only four only four damn it indomita kill team number two we're gonna try and um get rid of those slow down boys over there simmer down boys thank you very much um so everything except the mouse rifles are in range we'll do the heavy bolt rifles first um love well that's a lot of lethal hits saving so much time having to roll to wound what's your top toughness uh four four oh I think I'm strength five am I Strength five I think I'm string five I'm string strength five um 15 more wins so that is yes that is two four six wounds please you are getting the benefit cover of course yeah damage damage one yes okay one and a half one and a half marvelous uh we'll then move on to my um heavy Bolter yes okay heavy Bolton one wound one winch yes damage too that one very nice uh and then we have two of the inceptors now they have so it's three shots and they're twin links I was I've read and read and read and read the back of that they have assault bolters which is one gun now three shot is very weird anyway this is both of them the two the two the two the two guys um so I've missed you a couple of times um so six is it is sustained sustainable two extra hits yes yeah before extra sustain two I didn't see the six in there there's another one I didn't see the six the bread the dice Trace very high they're not very small and these are lethal hits so uh two of those go through and then these ones uh okay so that is uh six six six six wings nice one ah but nothing because of this because of the cover damage uh oh they are twin links I think I fell to wound you twice uh well one two three four five six went through yes so yeah I think yeah because you rolled eight dice yeah twin linked one more four up I just damaged one okay so you've killed two and a half last bit of shooting oh wow I know um so I've done my reavers and the storm bolters from gorm and the Terminators into your Taran effects I have done a woops no it means there's a crack in your caraphase I'm gonna fire all my Cyclone missile launches stop I need to crack you open you see um so crack missiles next um we will re-roll these for oh so they all hit now I'll be wounding you on fire I'm very tough yeah toughness 12 and the train effects is quite nice wounded you twice moments it smells like a delicious breakfast okay three wounds this is minus two I believe minus two a minus two three Ops no four hours Dutch D6 minus one minus some ready ah that was very disappointing three four five wins okay okay that's the end of the shooting phase there was one more thing we quickly enough camera one of my death watch veterans is able to shoot into the Warriors over there in the building and did manage to finish one yeah I can live with it it's fine now it's time for the charge phase it's time to charge in gone and I know I do gone first Terminators yeah holds up as crazy as he says anus I need a six [Music] Precision no more no less marvelous um I'll see if the reavers can get in as well inspired by his Battle Cry No not inspired at all no thank you this is gonna hang around sure then we've got the Chaplin it's all right that's right they're still they still arrived in a very exciting fashion yeah let me move in my Terminators and gorm here we go first fight of the game this is exciting yes not exactly who I thought would be in combat first no here we go phrase B to wrap it Ingress in the teleport Homer we've got power fists on all the terminators going to be striking separately because he doesn't he doesn't win me it's good no he also has a different weapon oh that also makes the different a different uh weapon skill yeah right so threes to hit with the Terminators yes Sixers will be lethal hits oh cricket six lethal I'll be re-rolling here for Oaths of moments ryota moment OT moments and then it will be forced to wound because of the plus sponsor wound from Gaul gorm the chaplain that's gone the chap like a reroute moments the new serial available now uh so that well that's all of them I think six yeah seven eight nine ten eleven twelve yeah that's quick in my head fifteen why they're 15. that's a weird amount did I put some dice down one two three four five six one two three four one two three four I know that is right yeah carry on 15. my brain fell out and my brain hole otherwise known as my ear the hole in the carapace if you're AP uh AP is two so um fourth that's pretty good damage damage is Dos one because minus one damage one two four six eight is he dead it's too late explode then he punches his brains off do I explode I hope so our terrain effects that's okay it's fine he's dead now he's dead now that is the end of my turn not bad not bad no punch to joined alien to death monsters instant Victory good really um yeah showing and getting the bikers but never mind never mind never mind okay um I've got secure no man's land finally so that's done for Five Points um I have Consolidated onto the objective but you still hold it because of your what is that thing called again I use it all the time in life yeah well it's painted different now so it's like an entirely different thing it's not the alien you're looking for you're you have the object permanence of a baby well well overwhelming forced to know prisoners on my cards it's fine I can deal with this no matter shock to take because nothing is under half strength you are unshookable unchucketh oh empty shook um you are yeah um my neurotorrent synaptic relays have gone with the same units of screamer killer and the for my sleepers because I'm probably not going to pull synapse away from the exocrine because I've got a big Terminator size problem here I need to deal with yeah so I'm probably going to about turn with some of these units and deal with this mess so um it is a mess excuse me look at you you could have perfect evolutionary form instead you got two arms two legs a little squishy and gross gonna start the movement phase of the Warriors remember they're not in the building they are when they're not on the building they're in the building rather so I can just move the normal six inches forward oh it's not like he tracked his hose on some jaw it sounded like seagulls in advance the term goals and they're running over this way Morris bounding into action [Music] Miner goals are just gonna come and bubble wrap my ex crying because it's kind of annoying more than anything having him be tagged in combat um in fact I'll move these guys over here yes this is essentially what's happening I'm sorry everyone at home I can't stop myself uh nine inches away from both of the rivers and the kilty slightly out sequence but the Von rise leapers have advanced up to here such great models the Gargoyles are also popping down here to help protect my exocrine and also my backfield objective yes we're in the shooting phase I'm going to start with the thing that I know that I'm doing because not I can't do anything else with them got 11 shots without going straight um they stood still so they are now getting the benefit of heavy and your own country yes you're too sustained yeah uh your toughness six though toughness six so fives and sixes uh four wings four four wins no AP correct a single one I lose a wound and you also lose your movement you shot me in the foot yeah slow now your crime will attempt to Biff your Terminators no um I've got a number of shots and I Stood Still so twos and threes what is a number of shots um an extra one because it's the same one two three four five six seven eight nine nine because of sustained nice that three still inches quite good ow two four six seven at minus three seven terminators clocks terminals well that hurt what's the damage sorry ouch hold my swarm of flies silly huh yes um I had a number of them in short I've managed to get 10 wounds through and they're still strength five on the flash for us so 10 hits yeah yeah because um yeah they're a numbering re-rolling ones sustained yeah two four six seven but there is no APA seven words no APS not a single bit I'm fine yeah yeah how tough they are now look at you tough guy the slack of age is going to attack the Terminators now because I am in range he's eaten all of the psychers turned it into psycho goo and is now billowing out poison at you that's very cool horrible and I love it um I've got three uh three hits because it's torrent that's horrible yeah just eats a cycle then just blows their Essence out of its stack and it poisons you he's Midway through a snack on his base to retrieve that arm we need that arm for jeans your toughness five yeah so it's two wins okay minus one minus one minus one Terminator save yes okay fine we repel our ghosts restraint the neurotorrent then doing the same thing um this is a psychic torrent I got two D6 attacks it was five that is five does this have anything to do with any ex Librarians by any chance no no no this one's a bit more basic what should we do well that's Four Winds minus one well well minus one again the two damage oh no one's dead no one left the Morris time to see if his psychic Devastation is as bad as it was a nice addition um slightly overload going into your kill team I've got seven shots yes okay hitting on threes seven seven I miss you twice good three swinging three wins minus two minus two yes two uh one goes through three damage three you just pop one goodbye okay he went pop no bless Bob The Warriors will go into that okay okay my Venom cannons I hate twice because we're sustained sustained there is to wait I do wish you twice minus two oh minus two okay damage two you killed another one okay stop killing my man no I need to kill them for Stacks oh yeah yeah desperate like my man very sustained three sustained you're doing very sustaining anything that has exploding sixes or a five up though no pain yeah is like my jam and ironically um pajamas is something the tune as well because neck is top of six yeah yes pies and sixes three three wins very good minus one minus one available I found two but not all of them not all of them nearly got one win left on one guy Scream the killer [Music] the guilty on that like those those ones I remember what they're called the other group the other group 40 skill teams sportish sustained three stories okay very nice you're all in very well today minus one because you get you're getting covered one goes through it's just one damage one go oh just one damage one not go pop no pop for you just go oh cheese my eardrums my seventh spleen my Third Lung Wing type Sharon we're in the charge face now yes very good impression nice charging for Reapers okay let's hope he can flap his way over there no but he has will of the hive mind so I can once per turn use distraction for me oh nice come on rero darn it no no it's pretty sad um okay fine this is fine we can manage this uh the convex the carnifex the screamy killer you're outriders okay yes in the Warriors into your aggressor kill team men yes yes I mean yes you can okay Morris I've been rolling really low here prove to me sweet Maurice into the outriders uh-huh I'm very nervous seven I don't know so do it live do it live to measure please needed it I know it is seven yeah you just under eight away you did it oh don't ruin it please [Laughter] scream killer I'm in the fireplace I was I was gonna do I was gonna do adrenal surge because I can do it on two units if they're within synapse range to make my Critical Hits go off on fives but then I realized you're not infantry you're mounted so I'm like it's weak because if they were in a kill team they would technically be infantry it's a bit confusing it's a bit odd yes otherwise Choice here because I don't have any benefits against Mountain well there you go the the choice been taken away from you I have the choice to use armor contempt for one command you're going to do that I understand so my screamer killer talents into you then three three always like a giant ever saw yeah three who's an alien yeah hmm no sustained here no assistant oh because you're not you're not infantry that's a shame um it is two stories you're extra toughness five yeah two stories okay ah two four six wounds six words minus one because minus one I wouldn't condemned oh it's quite contemptuous what's damage uh three so you've killed one and uh 75 of another okay all right that's fine quick math nice smart he's gonna sweep into you sweepy yes sweeping um he only hits you three times oh yeah what a big adult uh him wins you twice uh no AP because you're on a contempt well you've killed two yeah he's two damage he's two damage he's two damage not on Morris okay gonna go to the Internet Warriors next we still got a whole heap of attacks uh with their bio weapons so it's about three kilos one whole heap is that a scientific fact okay teaspoon of coffee turbo whoa that's pretty good roll uh yeah it's nice to stay in there we didn't get it so I'm not going to say it like that I didn't get a sustained I thought you don't get in combat I get it I don't get it against anything that isn't it I'm sorry I only miss you once because of the sustainers very lovely lovely lovely lovely your strength six so I'm hitting you wounding you on fives and sixes okay you're toughness six again yeah there's a lot of words in there not a lot of them made sense but I know what I'm talking about so that's all that matters you'll follow along at home eventually a dictator that's what the hive mind you don't want to Katie it's your will um that's an amount two what is the amount seven seven I won't do the the special one you did any AP one AP one one how about AP none world's AP sum AP1 yeah have I taken anywhere oh yeah you've killed one hey one one's dead and you've done uh if you've said you've taken a third off the other one very good master I can tell you got your GCSE on the third attempt yeah don't mean to hit back out ready with the alien monsters are you going in too fast so one of them has to go into Morris all the rest are going to go into uh I will be popping rapid regeneration on the carnifex because he counts as being a synapse range he's getting five outfit well guess what what I'm gonna use my Watch Master ability so it's now two come on points yes that's very smart of you for the rest of the game it's very annoying watchmaster says no no he learned that from vect oh because he's an alien did he killed that no okay um just remember because you're within six inches of him you're minus one to Your Heroes oh still doesn't matter there because you didn't win me anyway balls well that's not gone well at all no not a beat oh uh I've got lethal hits there is a auto wound hey look you guys I'm toughness nine uh two wounds mine is one two wins minus one which one I do not shrug good the corrosius arcaneum from the Chapin on bike that sounds a bit like witchcraft to me uh I've missed you through is I just want to hit because of Maurice got one lethal wound hit lethal hit exactly uh so it's two wounds please uh this is going to be at minus one again threes again he's absolutely fine he loves it um absolutely right left done my um aggressive over there off camera he has done three wounds with his Twins power Fists right on the bracket sixes to save no it's two damage two damage each yes oh kills one and a half well one in two thirds to be more accurate well that that is the time well done it's pretty good turn pretty good turn secondaries no I I whittled things down but I didn't kill whole units I am going to keep hold of them because there are a couple of units that are wounded so if you do want to keep fighting me and coming to combat there's a chance I could do something with them or maybe do something with them in my next turn Okay so that is that you can we're going to bat around for you thank you um I did get defense strongholds yeah well done you defended it real real good [Laughter] three baby you've unleashed I've unleashed the shadow in the warp Unleashed it and because my daughter Tyrant is on the field you minus one to your result it's important my reavers failed my veterans have failed my bikes have failed incredibly my aggressor has not failed never did the kill team up there they're fine do need to roll over here though because if they fail then I won't get any primary contamination and they're fine so down here they also fail which is huge because I don't get any primary points it's pretty sad for them do I want to re-roll that um well hurricane to event well not hurricane invention it's just Auto passes um I I will do uh insane bravery because I need points Point spin prices yeah so I'm gonna do that so yeah they're fine I'll spend the one I got this turn goodbye oh well only other things left to cover I've got aerodynamic overwhelming Force as my cards which kind of play into each other quite nicely so that's good I've also opted to do fuel raw tactics which means that everything gets sustained we'll begin the movement phase gormall about face he's got leapers to deal with this rain can come too the rivers over here are going to whoa flip and um grapple launcher their way over this way to the hive Tire in which incidentally is my target so I've got to mention four oath of movement my veterans have finished defending the objective and they're now moving out to hunt down some Von Ryan's leapers and maybe if they're lucky maybe they will retrieve Von Ryan from his prison no we ate him the bio prison we ate him oh Ryan next up my Fortis kill team are going to jump down the building over here and retake the objective and they've got some gaunts to deal with as well it's the shooting face I don't know why I have hang on skin it shouldn't have is that you're getting that oh Firepower you're needing to take you down I'm actually quite honored you think it's going to take so much um I think I've represented all my guns okay yeah um we're going to start off with the Death Watch veterans shooting for the very first time they finished protecting their home objective yeah they're now going to kill some respect me okay well that's not happening today um we're splitting fire a bit so four of my veterans with a long visual range weapons they're gonna fire into your goals uh the watchmaster is as well based on what they can see everything else including two um torrent options from the Infernus heavy bolts are going to fire into your leapers I'm rerunning my hits because you're a perfect um and most of these weapons are anti-infantry 4 so any four plus go through is all too weird we'll start with the watchmaster raises the visual spear yes this is sustained strange uh it will be this isn't anti-inflation but I will be winning on threes nope fine not a bit uh it is damaged essentially damaged too um I'll do this twice then kill one you do kilty excellent I'm in range of the psychophage like a funnel paper cycle page um lovely then we've got my long vigil range weapon so we are a rapid fire range Rapido re-rolling because if you can't do as long as you but I am trying I'm trying but once my time you couldn't do well yeah I'm not even gonna try and access just embarrassing we learned I can't do anything okay well that's not gone well at all um you have two wounds and two mortal wounds because of empty infantry the two wounds are minus nothing yes I saved neither okay so that's just four four one damages oh that was a drop I didn't see what it was anyway close your eyes why why would you do that I'm a devil in a witch and you cannot hear me um you have killed three though that's nice uh right next up we have the shots into your leapers long division range weapons first of all they're minus one hit because they are still you're minus one's here yes me rolling so fast catch me uh okay no sustain no just Ice uh fours two wounds or fours for Mortal wounds uh three uh two two two mortal Wings two more to wins two more two wings I could take two words just take it uh and then I've got my eight torrent flowers it is horrible uh so that is five woons five wins five words they have AP one five or upstairs no five up saves well you've killed one in a bit great kill team 40 is up next is still alive and I have to deal with them for every denial so I'm gonna fire my six long visual range weapons yes into the two of them yeah a hell Blaster is going to overcharge supercharge his plasma exterminator and shoot your counterfeit brain off I certainly hope so that would be so cool he's fiddled about with the um the settings yeah um so the shots into uh this can be minus one because of Morris correct okay yep any anything within six inches of him is minus one to the hit roll minus one to their wound roll as well if uh they're under half strength fabulous yes um I am gonna oh actually I've got plus one to hit because I'm a kill team and you're under half strength uh yeah plus one to hit so still threes well I wrote a bunch Journey hit me the once and I fell too weird uh the hell Blaster huh I do hit you twice oh double six in style doesn't really mean anything uh AP blots ap4 AP ip3 is ap3 it's a little bit heavy it would have been hitting on twos never mind I save one one you save one damage two damage okay does he explode well two kill teams have failed to kill a half strength units around kettlebell I tell you so that's good um what Justice for Terry yeah yeah it's been paying that child support yeah lots of very fast shoot to dodge all the bullets um so we'll move on gorm and his uh space for power are going to fire both their storm bolters into them and hopefully kill them uh the crack missile is going to fire into the psycho I understand I do understand you understand I do actually good funnily enough I understand I hit you twice is this into the gaunts yes yes I have read you twice if you could just please no there's no way damage one come on please ah it's fine I don't mind it's okay perfectly fine we'll do the crack that make you feel better oh sustained four can you buy me at my own game unleash all of your missiles brother uh I've wounded you three times what is your rent in a Rend AP ap2 oh damage E6 so 2d6 over five about seven I paid on him almost nine down oh it goes directly into his giant gob that is his identical tomorrow you know yeah probably a like a library kill me you're taking my arm is he dead yes yay does it explode the exploding to the gaunt oh that'll be amazing ah it was almost perfect almost but almost he did kill him and he can be quite nasty in combat if there's a gauntlet though no I am in rapid fire range I got four more shots I've done three wounds strawberry 18 again I'm very dark there's no AP don't you dare two success you do get a feel no pain because it was dead at the time you killed them pingenzo [Music] spy goggles huh Benny to his friends yes exactly he's going for kill number three into the parasite of more tricks hit it's a woot it's but what he looks like pill number two what he killed the prime he's not got anything else killed the prime and the Guardsman that was infected with eggs wound that was going to be a really long game narrative that someone would need to notice in the comments for me to make Canon right did you win me I did I don't get a safe no he's dead well what's the how many five wins Five Wounds you need to roll no he stays dead you can you can take him for your trophy shelf huh take it for your trophy shelf it's fine oh it's like he's like the hunter in um in Jumanji oh yeah that's less stupid looking quick summary of a few bits and pieces the Reeve is over there show all their pistols into the Flying high tide nothing oh yes you saved lots of a lot of saves over here the bikes and the chaplain shot their pistols as the screaming killer and did nothing yeah nothing but now we're going to move on to the indomitical team over here and they are going to do something I hope into that live Tyrant live Tyrant so I spent the command point on Kodak and rounds yes um because these are two upset Greg two up safe four up to increase my range by six but more importantly to have an extra AP of one which that is good yeah yeah I was having fun it's nice um so we'll start off with the two Auto bolt Auto auto book assault bolters you got there in the end this unit has not moved so I'm hitting on twos uh with some of my weapons not all of them just some rerouting okay but it is sustained too on that so I get another four shots sustained the same sustained um and these are twin linked so we're rolling you in yes uh Army rolling anyway because of um OT moments yeah here's my OT moment guy it made a difference uh that is four wounds please at minus two minus two so four UPS damage uh the damage is two so four damage oh I have my furnace oh I take four times you take some pain yeah uh next up we've got the heavy bolt rifles sustained Oh indeed uh fives two wounds being strength my goodness what a good right a good road well done me hang on oh I did every single time yeah ap2 look at that seven because of the sustained family that means one okay heavy bolt rifle that's got heavy yes uh I take two wins you what I have feel no pain still so take two wins uh heavy motor strange it's sustained one isn't it heavy Bolter yes it is well done thank you fives OT moments two wounds minus a minute minus two of course oh damage two one fives yes oh I have One Wing remaining one Moon left two melters oh no oh yes no don't make oh no sustained no sustained I wound you once I wound you twice once just the ones 84 85 actually well four people [Applause] Shake [Applause] [Music] shooting done time for the charge face the reavers we're under a fast face the reavers are going in for the kill are they now it bleeds so we can kill it yes yeah myself very keen indeed um down here the death horse veterans and the watch mass will charge into your leapers of the Von Ryan's variety yes yes they're very in um the the gorm will also attempt to charge an eight I'll measure it afterwards I'm not sure if that makes it but we'll find out um and then finally my 40s killed team is going to attempt to charge Maurice five six seven eight it's very nice they're not gonna kill him I just want the objectives about that that is no it's not time to [Music] do annoying Hive turned his peroxism okay so on a tour I minus one from all your attacks oh yeah yeah one I take you three more toys um my leapers do have fight first so I will be putting them into your men yes this is a slightly smaller ones let's watch veterans slightly what a little bit smaller than like your other men oh yeah is there not Terminators for everyone at home I think is what's Happening Here confuses me um having on a very unique armor Mark I think it's Mark nine or Mark ten yeah it's weird it's the only Marine sustained in there because they vacate they came up before primaries what's your toughness on them on what the guys don't fight veterans therefore um so three stoogie well that's three wounds three went terribly minus is it minus one minus one uh you've done a wound cool looks like you said a little bit more but that's fine reavers yes combat knives yes essentially a lot a lot I've done all the hits and moves off camera it was like 40 attacks and then I got it was sustained with with everything combined and obviously the minus one attacks as well it was it's come to 12 wounds which I have two up saves here um we forgot to mention I did the battle shock test off camera because of my fearsome assault you're very scary I've passed because you were slaves though oh I've also used his uh one of the hive mind to put death frenzy on him so if you do manage to kill him before I get to fight on death I can do that for free because nice tooth The Hive mine wills it oh so you've got three ones and we know what I'm like with my five up hang on hang on yeah get it ready get it ready close yeah that's very close now well done me [Laughter] okay yeah frenzy what's going on that's Frenzy frenzy of death and he's no longer automatic it's on a forum oh cool okay because you can do it on the smaller bugs now yeah so they made they made it before then [Music] yeah so he has got bone sword and lash whip and his talent talents nice do they do it as if they're degraded or they just fight are they they just they just fight but he doesn't degrade he doesn't get damaged six what a weapon he's gonna choose two sustained in there what's your tablets Tuesday uh twins oh well that's gone well it's gone very well that is seven seven minus two minus two minus two minus two foreign Talent stop it you're half a squat this is a very cool fight to this point it feels like the stabbing wasn't like as easy as only uh two steps like Teresa wound down with the turret talents oh four minus two minus two again minus two you've killed two more you've killed two killed seven of them wow what a fight now I'm assuming they've not is removed from play so I assume I do not get to roll for deadly demise because that's usually that's usually the rule you can't fight on death and explode yeah and so he's immediately removed from play yes the Death Watch veterans um I've done my uh close combat guys and also the long visual um close combat weapons uh we've got one is being killed by the heavy Volta guys dead we've got 11 wounds with the swords Long vigils yes no I haven't piled in here uh but because it's awkward with all of the terrain but I'll do that in a minute and you can see where I am you hit my Maurice I did then I wound I did a whole wide just rude yeah um the screaming color now will go into your outriders it's really killer don't get sustained on them spare bikes what's that it was really sad oh your toughness I can never remembered yep nice two four six seven at minus two seven seven look uh well that's gone well what's the damage three damage three so one two three bikes dead oof murdered a couple of things happen yes you attacked me that was your aggressor yes killed two of my Warriors yes I spent a command point on adrenal surge so the critical is going off on fives but kills you in return and then Consolidated until the objective and you've done how many Winston [Music] well the chainsaw guy's done too and the chaplain's done too so two minus one two at most two no they're actually both at minus one but uh the craziest is damaged too okay so I'll do the craziest first minus two minus one one threes he's got too much he has one remember he is unkillable um I believe it's Morris's turn to attack now okay so Morris will go into this will be the last thing actually this will be the last thing to do Morris is going to obviously go into your guys okay that's what he can do uh one two three four five six putting on threes very good what's that toughness toughest floor um I missed you three times but I do get stained Barista energy that is four weeks uh minus one minus one uh what's damaged two you've killed Joe good Pop Pop die first into my turn baby um everything is done fight wise um overwhelming Force has been done for three command points because then you can one unit uh in range of objective which was those guys in the middle yeah the leapers and I have got Aaron R5 as well which is very nice indeed um I am still holding that objective just about um with my OC of 10 versus um I have eight there currently um so that's it yeah that is it um I weirdly I do also get overwhelming pool so no prisoners for a killer you're aggressor oh nice oh no not there's an item I can get it on I can get it in your turn I didn't get overwhelming Force because he wasn't technically on an objective okay but I do get no prisoners for it nice [Music] I fix up I picked up defense stronghold as my second secondary as well as overwhelming thoughts which is fine by me I've got come on point and I've sent my synaptic little nodes my buddies off with the Gargoyles and the exocrine and now it is my gargoyles are lying as far up as they can the Warriors are just shuffling around and my gaunts my neurogaunts I should say and the neurotyrant I'm just gonna move this out of the way because it's not just going to come across we're in the shooting phase my Barb got shot at the reavers my wounded one that's it Morris Morris yes Maurice is going to shoot my psychic Overload at your guys in the middle okay um I got six on the number of shots as in my D6 so lots of shots there is to hit you and there's a couple of sustained in there sustained a trio of this Trio of sustained literally um two stones consuming your top is five I can't remember your topic so yeah two stringy okay that is two four six eight nine minus one because you're getting cover nine what's the damage uh three three wow you've killed uh five of them okay blindly yeah quickly shot the Gargoyles um into the same Squad I only killed one uh and I did just quickly shuffle them across six inches as per their rules it's a neurotorrent I've got four shots going into them as well this does ignore cover it's just two wins so minus one minus one yep you do a wound wait damage too you do kill one yeah the Warriors will go into them then nice I just got one shot oh my God I'm kind of my desperate one hit okay one hit wonder the exocrine then I rolled five for his D6 plus three shots of going into them um I need to get over one of course to be honest two uh hit because I stood still no sustained here so stained toughness four again yep so choose to wound never remember I'm doing apologize two four that is six at minus three minus three six minus three although you are in cover so minus two okay six six uh I saved two of them three damage okay so one two three are dead and then the watch Master is down two two wounds remaining huh we've moved straight into the fight face because I couldn't fail the charge of the Warriors I was right next to you but it's worth anyway so I'm gonna fight with them first because that is my right hitting all threes I feel right to kill you yes yeah um I am gonna use uh sorry I'm gonna use armor of contempt um I do have three sustained in there sustained it's also worth mentioning um I did roll for Battleship for those at the beginning of the tent their sign up so rolling it on threes I got it um your toughness five honey uh no that's four so three okay that is six um no IPS actually effectively because of your content uh two go through damage one sorry just kill one one dead one is dead um we've gone around to the uh 40th kill team over there the Marines have got four wounds through and the sergeant falls through as well so I'll do the ones that minus two first because I have a six up save here yes these are those long vigil knuckle dusters uh damage is one uh is one yes you kill them yes are they dead yeah oh yeah um it's worth mentioning he didn't shoot at the guys in the middle because he didn't see them they weren't actually on top of the building they were in it but he is going to attempt to kill your outriders now and your chaplain hopefully hitting all threes okay no good roll Teresa would you though very precious about this jacket yeah you better be I do wish all the times there's six wounds six wounds minus two okay I'm gonna do these two at a time because he's got a four up in vulnerable I can't understand uh minus two minus two right on the outrider outright is dead Okay so you've got four four left yes come on the chat please uh what is it Rosario safe oh how many ways does he have total I've got two wins left yeah right now I mean sure what's the idea of a chaplain oh I'm only deadly just one is oh good grief uh right hit you four times okay where did you one nine AP the AP is one free up safe I do have a command point I'm gonna reroute no we're still alive he lives oh yep are they intense yeah pretty intense okay cool uh yeah that is the time I did get well I haven't got defense from hold but I'm keeping a hold of it I'm gonna get rid of overwhelming force and gain myself CP because I've been holding on to me for too long and I'm stressed now that objective in your development Zone will disappear at the start of the battle round and I believe these now become worth eight and you've taken that objective from me she killed the Warriors and I didn't kill enough in return oh baby so we're gonna have to have a look okay [Laughter] take away that objective it's gone oh this is gone gone goodbye gone forever so these are now worth eight yes and also um those are only oc1 so I am holding that one down there you are holding that one over there absolutely um so I've joined deploy teleport Homer and engage in all fronts it's not a bad one because I can get to play teleport homo in your deployment um engage your friends I haven't actually read I'll come back to that in a minute it's achievable it is indeed uh my oh the moment's gonna be on the screen killer no he's only got one we're in left do you really want to kill him but he's a problem um maybe the watch must have a go um so apart from that oh I'm gonna be in uh the only one that's left which is pergardus tactics which is precision which is neither here nor there um I have my Single Character left on the table yeah two I think Molly is technically one Morris but that's it Battleship so uh for the reavers over there uh five six seven they're fine they're fine uh for the uh 40th kill team over there they are also fine yeah the Champlin the Chaplin is below no he's not no he's not below oh no because I did do three wins to him oh five six he has to be in the show yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh and the watchmaster no the watch mustn't take any wins he's fine yeah yeah he's fine yeah um the oh the terminators did take three wins from the exocrine as well dear tea we'll we'll figure that out in a minute um cool that's everything done it's a little bit of movement right the movement is done we've summarized it before you can see it coming up now with our fancy overlays the reavers over there have moved into the deployment and done teleport Homer yes I've moved back with my indomitic Hill team to be in this quarter I've fallen back with the 40 skill team to be in that quarter and my chaplains is still fighting the monster from hell in this quarter so I do get engagement with fronts for the full quack-a-mole um the uh watchmaster did suffer some wounds so he did fail his battle shock uh but I have spent a command points to insane bravery and talking of insane bravery he's now moved over this way to deal with the monster from Hell uh gorm and the Terminator have advanced moving through the room in there to be on the other side to protect themselves from the Giant Cannon from Hell over there um and it does and I have got 16 points in the primary which is Big bumba big bumba big bumper um it does mean that there is still a lot of tyranids because I've moved back and I'm doing various things but we figured out based on the points I can't I can't catch you yes so essentially the way it works is you've got the five points on the deploy teleport IMA we know that yeah unless something really wacky happens you're getting five points on um engagemental fronts if not four because there is ways that means that I can kill one but not both of those if you charge me so you'll get the points there I'm only on the one objective there's no way in your turn for me to move on to another objective objective so I can only get eight points in my turn and then you're in such a lead because I can't stop I can't get to them to kill them so you're going to get the 15 points for holding the middle objective in battle round five then even if I get defense stronghold and then for turns four and five draw secondaries that I can score like 10 points in each a turn and hold the middle objective at the end of an hour and five I can't catch you yes because it really was clutch though I didn't kill that watchmaster because it meant that you got the eight command points yeah eight clown points eight victory points because that's the swing yeah that's kind of made it a little bit too much for me to catch yeah I mean you did cleave through an entire Death Watch veteran Squad yeah and also I have so many bugs Left Alive that I kind of feel this is a moral victory for me because I've still I've taken the day and this is my planet now evil yeah yeah what we are going to do though is see if seven months from hell can be uh defeated by a watch Master can I make the charge yes just about or four um let me get my car ready and we'll have one Final Duel how about you foul Beast I feel like he's he's I'm gonna spend a clown point on death renzie so I have the chance of death and do not forget your minus one hit more into crucial within six inches of Morris and your below half strength damn it Morris so it'll be threes he is oath of momented yes naturally I understand yes he the oath the moment in him has been uh aggressive at least um it will be five to wound you with my strength six um will it be six is because of the minus one to win minus one's a wound yeah because you're below half strength two Woos minus two with the visual sphere do I fight on that yeah it's no less prices I've got choices I don't know who to go into I'm gonna go in the watch Master gonna kill the watchmaster yeah scream me over don't kill the chaplain we'll make James cry so much [Applause] I do get sustained you do that one in there twos take six wounds to the face minus two AP the watch Master holds up the Beast for as long as he can oh I'm assuming a five is a fail for him though no he's not a five minute we'll slave this takes does take three wins he is he's still dead I'm not gonna use I feel like him dying is very cinematic yeah I I kind of they kill each other they've never come back many times before as have we yes although it's been a while I feel like I don't know yeah indeed what a game it was so nice for the first time oh I love them so much it's been so so long since I played the tyranids yeah and I had a bit of a sad time with the mid 9th Edition because no one likes me when I played them because they're a bit too much and now then I don't think they feel too much this is obviously the first game with them I'm so playing them they feel very tyranny because there's still loads of them left which I quite like and like these two kind of builds and you can kind of mix and match there's obviously the you do all the ridiculous stuff with battle shock although it didn't really do too much because obviously your leadership is six so I didn't had a massive effect for the Shadow and the war but not the individual ones well I mean it stopped me using things like armor contempts quite a few times like that would have been that was the shadow in the warp I'm more referring to the units that have their own abilities to cause you to do battle shots really come up so whether or not that's a build I go down but the shadow in the warp was really strong it was powerful it was really powerful and this is on a this is on an army that has very good leadership as well yeah so I'm a little bit nervous about some match-ups about it maybe being too powerful but the movement stuff as well is so cool yeah like you didn't I didn't even get to show off the um terminals if you move within nine inches of them they just get to move I think it's um up to D6 or something yeah those pretty cool they have so many cool things to do very fun yeah very fun indeed yeah they feel very death watching um I feel like yeah I think fighting fighting the filthy Zenus yeah it did feel like they were more adapted doing that than normal and they don't lose out when they're facing other factions because they still get like a slightly different version of balance um yeah internally I mean I have a big think about the loadouts going forwards because there's lots of different ways of kitting them out um I have no vehicles at the moment so I'm thinking about what I could add in later on on the whole that's pretty cool good job yeah yeah and you did a good job oh and you did a good job and you did a good job and Bob did a good job did a good job everyone did a good job thank you so much for being here on this illustrious day the debut of uh High Fleet mermaiden in their glower yes looking hot era yeah um and exciting to see the death watch on their debut as well and they will be returning both returning soon enough yes but if you want to catch those what make sure yeah well thank you for being here thank you for everything thank you everyone thank you thank you to me and we'll see you next time bye [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I'm tired
Channel: Tabletop Tactics
Views: 99,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, games workshop, warhammer tv, wh40k, batrep, battle report, warhammer 40000, 40k, list analysis, tactics, age of sigmar, AoS
Id: CdKn3oh4MWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 16sec (5956 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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