*10TH EDITION!!* Space Marines vs Chaos Space Marines | Warhammer 40k Battle Report

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welcome back everybody to tabletop tactics you join me Kayla sodvide and in today's battle we have a classic matchup as the mighty fourth Legion the iron Warriors return to wage war against their arch nemesis the Space Marines yes that's right clad in their jet black ceramites the obsidian dragons vultures raging will try to deal with their traitorous Brethren but will it be enough we'll have to find out but let's take to the battlefield foreign [Music] [Music] ly the obsidian dragons take to the stage they're finally descending into this battlefield Maelstrom of war that is 10th edition and I'm very excited to be running them today um it's not quite the pure chaplain character list that I've promised you that will happen at one stage I'm still planning it just need to figure out exactly how I'm going to pull it off but there will be a major champion list this one does have two so you look like he is going to be escorted by six aggressors today I do quite like the gravis captain and he does have that reduction of damage which is very very nice the buff that he gives to the units are sort of a bit by the buy but I think aggressors are pretty solid anyway and the fact he can do in being a captain give a strategy and framework stuff like OverWatch a little bit more interesting on the aggressors especially with the flame gauntlets that they are equipped with I then have a bike chat pin send your Bonk has indeed returned to the battlefield and he's gonna be riding around with his craziness and doing all that fun stuff I've given him the enhancement that the um both discipline because he is going to be in an outrider Squad so suddenly getting that um exploding fives in the devastating Doctrine is really quite nice especially with captures in the fire just gives you as many chances as possible to potentially get devastating wounds which is very very nice indeed given the amount of Firepower that outriders can have in the outroad squad I do have an Invader ATV because you can take one now which is really cool and that does have a multi-melter and then have another chaplain this is a foot chaplain and he has the honor of a helmet and he is going to be escorted by six blade guards I genuinely think there's a real play for putting a chaplain in Blade guard now giving them plus one to wound is really nasty especially if you're doing something like blood angels I'm not doing blood angels today but sending the extra strength and the plus one to wound makes play guard seriously nasty on the charge so that's something to um look out for for you blood angels fans but today he is just a regular chaplain leading up regular blade guard the honor the Hammond in the assault adoption gives his plus twos with strength and attacks as well so he'll be quite a blender in combat that's the Hope anyway I do even have a six-man unit of inceptors these guys are quite interesting now obviously plasma is a bit different now in a world of like sort of higher toughness I think it's a deep strike within three so they're really good at dealing with Elite infantry I then have two Invicta War suits I really like these guys they're fun still to infiltrate and also the Invicta of fist is like strength 14 or something now so they can be quite a good aggressive combat unit in the later stages of the game so let's see if they stay alive long enough to prove that point then to round out the list I have a regular Repulsor which we'll be driving around with the blade guard inside um has the last Talon and the double last Cannon so that's very very nice and then I have a repulsory executioner with a heavy laser Destroyer I think anti-tank is crucial in this Edition so I think stuff like repulses and land Raiders all the stuff that can take a bit more heavy ordinance on it have way more of a place now especially if you live in a world we have to take a bit more of a very list so that's what I've tried to do a little bit of everything some of the units we haven't yet seen in 10th edition so I hope you enjoy and let's see how they perform when they land on field [Music] iron within I and without baby finally the imore is the here for 10th edition and I'm all about that iron life so excited to run them for the first time in the new studio in 10th edition in the new studio I don't know but they're here I've got some new units that's all very exciting it's being led by a warpsmith who saw that one coming this warp Smith has his warp Hammer I have also made him Mark of zinc and giving him the eye of zinc enhancement so when he does his dark packs he can get me some command points potentially on the roll of the dice he has some very large pets if we bring it to the battlefield but we'll go over those in a little bit the other character I've got is a master of possession this guy is Marcus lynesh and I've given him the intoxicating Elixir so I have my five lap film no pain and the other thing that does which I can't remember off the top of my head we then have a unit of five chaos Terminators the champion has a power fist um one of them has a Reaper Auto Cannon the rest of them have Combi bolters and a cursed weapons then we have some of my possessions the possessed are going to be rocking around with the master position there's 10 of them in total the Big Ten they are of course Marcus as well as they must be because they are accompanying the master of possession he does give them plus one to advance and charge which is pretty sick and they also have an icon of chaos which is very nice for them indeed then we have all my mechanized stuff we'll start off with a hell brute yes I know it's a contempted Dreadnought but some idiot my rose away from me so now I have to use them as a hell brute but that's fine because it looks cooler than the normal one anyway um it has a twin Auto Canon a a hell brute Fest and flamer built into said fist a flame fist how exciting we've then got a lamb Raider technically it's a Spartan but some idiot took away the rules for my lap my Spartan so instead it's a lamb Raider um ignore all of the last cannons there's only four there's not eight uh it's the pair of Soul shatter last cannons I also have a Havoc launcher on there as well as a Combi weapon and a twin heavy Bolter fingers everything that's in there the possessed and the master Position will be riding in the Lan radar onto battle which is very exciting indeed we then have a couple of Venom crawlers a pair of them if you will a pair of Venom crawlers I like these quite a lot I've not actually played with them in 10th edition yet I'm excited to see what they do oh I always have some obliterated to obliterates two obliterators pair of obliterators um they are Mark of chaos undivided so they get to reroute one it's very exciting for them I forgot to mention all the marks and everything else but most things most things are undivided pretty much everything actually so they get to re-roll ones to hit when they do their dark pants that's nice for them and finally introducing the big boy the biggest boy I could find it's the corn Lord of skulls AKA The Iron Lord of skulls he's here he's been painted up beautifully by my friend James are Poseidon thank you very much for painting him for me he is truly a sight to behold he's a very big boy he has a Gore storm Cannon a Hades Gatling Cannon a great Cleaver of corn of course he is Mark of corn because he's a corn Laura skulls but I'm very very very excited to run him today the um waltersmith can accompany him and keep him nice and healthy whilst he goes around cleaving Falls which is more about that it's very exciting indeed the list of 2 000 points directly on my iron schnoz let's get into the mission and lay waste to these filthy Space Marines today's mission is supply drop at the start of the battle players randomly determine two objective markers in no man's lands to be the Alpha and Omega objectives at the start of battleground 4 the alpha objective is removed at the start of battle round five all objective markers in no man's land accept the Omega objective are removed players score victory points for each objective marker they control in no man's land at the end of their command phase as follows five victory points for each objective marker in battle rounds two and three eight victory points for each objective marker in battle round 4 15 victory points from the objective marker in battle round five the player going second instead scores at the end of their turn in battle round five each player also determines if they are playing fixed or Tactical for their secondary missions foreign [Music] oh he's as big as a house he is as big as a house I'm gonna need to give him a cool name no stupid name for him because he's big and uh scary and and very cool so not big jump no not Big John he does he deserves he deserves a cool name so I'll think on it well maybe someone in the comments can give him a call name and I'll pick one if I deem it's worth it maybe he has to earn a name today he does something I think he might he gets like a title okay like Cleaver of Tanks or decimator of bikes whatever he does he gets like a little title okay it changes keep adding them on like a necron lord so a couple of things to mention my obliterators are in deep strike my Terminators are in deep strike five of my possessed or the lamb Raider because some idiot decided to remove Spartans from 40K so I couldn't fit all 10 and the master possession in My Lan Raider so it's now a unit of five plus Master possession and then in there that's the other five yes and they are instead of Marcus undivided very well for the purposes of their um Dart packs yes that is everything terminates I've mentioned are in deep strike um you have stuff India yeah my inceptions are up in the sky and my blade guard and chaplain are in the repulsa regular Repulsor not the Executioner variant wonderful in terms of the board we've got a couple of craters everything else is a ruin and we'll tell you when we get into it like this section here is like one big ruin yeah in terms of the mission for supply drop the alpha objective is number three over there so about round four that guys moved from the game the Omega objective is number four which is bang in the middle so about around five that's the only one that will remain which I'm very excited I'm very pleased that your battle plan can just be Park Mr Big Man on to the central Direction don't call Mr Big Man he's as yet unnamed Cornell has got it why don't you roll first oh well thank you in this game we're off to a flying start oh a fighting starts at two very well you get to go faster do indeed come towards my corn Lord of skulls basement means um card wise Drew Security numbers land assassination which is quite interesting I wasn't on my Scout movie with the not the infiltrators they are infiltrators technically um the Invicta tactical suits they've shuffled forwards her country a bit aggressive with them I think is my plan so we'll see if that comes with fruition um then in terms of oath of moment controversially I've picked the Lan Raider okay um my thinking is I don't think I I don't think I physically can kill mister DVD I mean you can maybe not in a turn though that's the thing and I feel like it's more prudent to try and deal with the land Raider first with my guns trying to pop it open then put all my Firepower into something that's just going to probably track it off and just cleave we'll come to him later he's a problem for future terms that's future James's problem to deal with um so I'm making my bed and I'll probably get stabbed repeatedly while I'm in it um in Canada I'm going for Devastator Doctrine just for moving and shooting Shenanigans I think that's all to report from the command face okay movement the invictable suits having an Scout move is Keen to move again so moves forwards [Applause] I'm facing him this way so you can see his lovely face but obviously he wouldn't be able to rotate the bikes are advancing because they have turbo boost so can so they're doing what they love to do best which is drift and drive and have a lovely time I had great plans for this unit but they rolled one in their advance so they're just going to stay behind the line of sight because there's not much to gain from moving them into the room in just yet they'll do that later dog isn't quiet advancing over to this way the repulsar parks just behind this building so we can see some things but slightly awkward for the giant sort of skulls to see him well I foolishly assumed that the big cannon on The Lord Of Skulls had a much greater range so actually I'm it's more prudent for me to stay further back because I'll get a way better line of sight what I want to shoot and I'm still relatively safe and Mr Beard's been very kind in letting me address my terrible tactical acumen shooting phase has begun I've done all the little pittery pottery from the repulsory Executioner into these patterns land rater um so far unscathed because you did what was the seat what was the chat you did I enacted my infernal rights infernal rights I spent the CP so the aps was used by one in London well that's very nice you do have quite a big bomber cannon on there I do actually oh the old OT moment is quite useful let's get on to the big bum mechanic now okay heavy laser Destroyer oh it's twice nice oh heavy laser Destroyer two words two wounds yes these are ap4 but down to ap2 because my Inferno and my cover oh one does go through one goes through you've pierced my Hull D6 plus four okay seven no five being Victor lawsuit has again done its little shots off camera steel and skate I was hoping I might like clink away a couple of bits I think your chips and my paint off probably you've probably uh unneaked into housing Stripes yeah and the guy on Top's Furious that's why he's climbing out he's got his paintbrush he's like he's doing he's enacting the infernal rights oh yeah that's true techno tablet techno tablet iPads 7 000. now pretty Auto Cannon uh obviously it is OT moti so um lots of rerolls for days to wound you oh come on you're reading the sixes I'm gonna do a fight oh because it strength nine so it's two wounds with the auto Cannon AP is What minus one normally oh ah does go through three damage good good there we go how many crickets I'm down to eight wounds very well oh it's an interesting little combo this so I put a bottle of discipline on the bike chaplain because he then gives exploding fives or sustained hits fives uh when he in the Devastator Doctrine to the bikes because he is within 12 of the um Latin Raider so can elect it to be his categism and fire at Target um so these are all the hits I've got through but what's interesting how many one six is here because of Earth but because of catches on fire you are um they're devastating wounds nice so it's quite here we get on um there's a few sixes in the system obviously I can re-roll everything because of the oath of moment okay a couple more there that is not half bad against a land Raider with bolt rifles so that is one two three four five mortal wounds I've only got three wounds left right for a multi-melt so the multi melter yep um does get the sustain from bottle discipline as well as far as I'm aware so that's cool it's quite interesting um to wound you um we'll be fives and sixes um that is the one I can reroute obviously oh that age just the one wound now interestingly that will that will be a devastating moment because the ATV is in the bike's unit I don't get a size so there's no safe are you in a health range um I don't believe I'm in half range because just 18. oh yeah so you've got three rooms left oh the chapter is already shot with the other one no he's got two moves left oh there you go well at least it's the combo you can use normally it's probably a bit more effective I've made a startling discovery hi regular poster has a hand to say a missile and it has a very important keyword oh the dream lives Still Rock one but we'll come to that in a minute um to start with um the heavy ball and all the other guns are going into the hillbrow over here because they give good Aura so I want to try and bring him down um so far the heavy buttons are nothing the Gatling countertop is out of range um but the last Talon and the last cannons are going into um the hell bridge now I have a bone to pick with this date card no on the model the last Talon has one barrel yes your twin last Cannon has two barrels the last Talon has two shots and the twin last Cannon has one I get in the Twin link that's how they work but I mean feels strange okay I feel strange sometimes strange strange many times that's okay right the twin Lads Cannon there's a hit oh between the last Cannon it's a wound what is this is my hell brute into your Hilbert yeah minus three three you will be getting cover I believe yes it does go through does go through D6 plus one damage three damage okay acceptable two shots from the last Talon stop it oh I have indeed stopped it um yeah it doesn't yeah right the hunter Slayer missiles I can't get myself a little date to say just like what is this what is happening this is not okay ah something's coming for us to wounds I don't know I've never shot them before minus three minus three so this will be I have a three upset oh come on pilot with your tablet you can do it Shields up he's close the donuts Last Chance Saloon eh um put this firefighter into the hell route um but needs must I'm gonna try and shoot at you okay and Raider um these are all the stubbers um right I have both moment is still up so I can obviously do my various rerolls okay nice what's up here not yeah oh you passed me twice there's no AP here no it won't yeah okay you're enraging the possessed inside yeah and it's getting a furious very angry rolling minus one normally but you have your dude with his little his buttons what gun's this heavy Bolter oh I thought it was right one more gun pushing my lack of bait you can do this you could do it all right oh at the moment fives yeah oh mine is onesie what a legend Desperate Times Desperate matters um the effect is gonna attempt to charge onto the um land Raider now you might be like why didn't you read around the damage with motor because if the mission rule at 2cp I don't have that much CP yeah I've got no Heroes here either yeah but we have faith in the Invicta he's done it easy yeah I just I just won't stop will I just keep pulling out the chances out of nowhere right spending a CP on tank shot okay so my weapon is strength 14 yes so your tough is 12. yes I get it from 16 dice is that it I need two five up is that all you've got and the Invicta wall suit sort of just a running punch this punches there's quite a few holes in it kind of chopped it with my entire Army um see how we get on okay oh oh okay I think okay there's got it yeah that is team always do you expose I certainly hope so oh close but it is destroyed now I've got six models inside including my password possession like oh oh nice a cast died no they're all fine absolutely Furious he's run towards it punched over the hatch that he's seen inside or the possessive oh no well that's my turn yeah you ripped them open you've got out further away because yeah I could in theory if you'd go out close to me and you'd so wanted to I could have then piled in and fought you which is very very nice pretty cool yeah makes tank chocolate stuff like dreadnoughts or quite choppy units it's very very interesting yeah which is needlessly cool yes um but that is my turn Okay um I did get to kill no man's land so that's good for me you did um didn't get assassination but I am going to discard it goodbye um which is nice for me um yeah all right turn that operation bring down the land rider was a success you brought it down just about just about literally just about they're quite hard to get through yeah and to a laser Destroyer a hunter Slayer MSR or an Invicta water suit also that um combo with the capture the fire is pretty naughty um so that's one to keep an eye on um wait I thought you were going to drop like wait though hot bit of knowledge in a minute though yeah that's gonna be cool can't wait right allow me to torch left sorry you said right okay all right I've drawn area denial and I've also drawn assassination now sadly area denial is a no bueno for this term because like a dream I can't get holy within six even with my lord of skulls because he cannot fit holy within 60 percent he is larger than six uh but I'll think about keeping that for later but I do also have assassinate I do have a chaplain I'd like to rip into pieces you dare I do dare you dare stop it you do no no I dare to do is is dream but also to infuse my lord of skulls with the master of mechanisms so he would ordinarily heal up but he doesn't have any wounds to heal but he does now get plasma to hit which means his ballistic skill is two Electric Boogaloo oh no we will begin with a lord of skulls and the warp Smith will follow close behind my pair of Venom crawlers will be moving next he has to climb over this wall so only moves 10 and this one is here to unleash its venomous death will also move up six to unleash his Aura of good tidings operation rip the chap into pieces is in effect so the possessed are moving forwards why won't you have possession I'm worried it doesn't really go with the fluff turns out they're full of technovirus and they've all just gone wrong so they're just primed to explode and the war Masters like you go over there and explode into our enemies and they're like time for the shooting phase yes indeed I'm going to begin with my master of possession oh are you yes I am I'm being very very good and not going straight with the Lord of scars because with being very reserved my right of possession AKA my staff uh it has precision and I have assassinate no I've got chaplains to position now you don't so I'm going to focus which fire you're chaplain with my master possession um for the shooting phase I have I am going to do dark pats on everything I'm going to roll for my leadership see if I lose any mortal wounds at the end of the phase and I'll come back to report I have picked sustained for the purposes of this Reiki possessed are you ready well I missed you uh and I've hit you once it was very very underwhelming I should also mention that I did my sacrificial dagger okay I've explained one explain one of my possessors taken Immortal you're gonna get multiple spleens when they get possessed no I actually lose them um so this will be because I'm plus one to hit and wound I'll be wounding you on twos oh no luckily yes so it's minus Rosario save come find me venom crawler is next yes I'm gonna have to start dealing with these bikes because they are very large surprisingly tough actually yeah I'm probably going to charge both my units are possession but then you've got you've got to see Peter to to interrupt it's all very stressful so I'm going to try and start cutting them down a bit with some with some Firepower so my Venom Corner over there on the far side I'm going to unleash my excruciating the crawler um this one is uh chaos undivided so I get three roll one stick hit that's nice a dark pact and also sustained sustained oh I've got two twos so that's sad that is sad that's fine uh I'll be winning you on threes with these are strength yeah Goodbye Oh lie me uh oh okay I've ruined you three times these are minus one but there is cover so minus none I save two one go through what is the damage damage dos you have got a bike in half very well the other Venom core is gonna do exactly the same thing very well here we go excruciate oh sustained it's a raise to wound you four wounds I save all of those ones bum hell brute yes twin Auto cannon into the mush of your evictable suits into the heavily armored frame exactly um sustained and lethal hits because of his Aura on himself that's cool whoa he's just loading in the Old Shell that was a warning shot there you go two hits uh I'll be winning with three is a strength nine it's two wounds minus one eat it eat it I eat both oh six damage oh oh saves him right for not covering up with the case with the butter is ready it is time oh here we go to unleash the Ultimate Weapon on the iron Warriors it's the corner of scars the iron Lord of skulls exactly annoyingly you have to run its corner makes sense because normally it's covered in corn stuff but I took them all off to be fair if you build a giant ax for something put loads of skulls on it and make it into a giant chainsaw as well you've probably are quite a big fan of corn it's hard to get around yeah yeah it's not like he's got some sort of Magic Stick or he's really smelly so he's not nurgles definitely corn we're also discussing what the tanks are I my prediction is that the four tanks each have a demon within them or maybe oh just they're like a contained demon yeah that's cool sealed shut maybe they're on a little treadmill empowering the um I voted for goop yeah The Souls of the Dead Like You fire out your Cannon here's what's happening so my Gatling Cannon my Gatling sorry Hades Gatling Cannon is going to go into your bikes down here and my demon Gore Cannon is going to fire into your pathetic puny Invicta War suit I'm going to be turning him into Gore I contemplated doing our contempt on the bikes but I decide not to because I'm getting cover and I want to try and save it for maybe an interrupt or something cool later stand okay he has plus one to hit because of the Walt Smith he has lethal hits and sustained because the hell boots within six inches of him oh are you ready no what do you want me to do first the bikes yeah Hades Gatling Canada all that's gone well I didn't miss you oh I did miss you once Tails undivided I think I know he has to be corn he can't he's not cast on divided as he can't reorders once no well I did I do get sustained that's nice sustained is built into that that gun actually I'll be wounding you on threes extreme eight yes well not bad not bad at all so it's three six eight wounds how appropriate for the corner skulls um you do get covered with your minus Juan foreign yes very nicely done next we'll move on to the demon Gore cannon into the Victor Wars yes indeed who's again [Laughter] sustained sustained sends me already in Victor isn't it including your lethal hits as well oh two automatic wounds no I mean it is strength 14 so I'll be ruining you one twos your strengths the toughness seven that was eight seven three it's made mine hello man uh that's Five Wounds at minus four and well I don't have a set minus oh no you don't get I tell you what technically you do it because you say five five yes I saved one ready yep that oh well five uh six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve on the button Thirty One Infinity nine twenty wounds does he explode he's just melted into goo parts oh it's only my men um it's only D3 DC are you cooking what am I possessed here on to the possessed that I've recently even Even Stevens are you explains intact yeah it's just just the one he's lost his spleen now explosion yeah charge face yes indeed charge phase it is we're gonna start with the possessed over here into your unit of I should put out on that unit of bikes is that a kill the bucket front put the rest of the wounds on the ATV but to say you're aware if you're like why is there my bike surround so that's why no it's for why I need a five you do indeed I don't know why he says he has one more left he has two wins left come kill me five just nicely he's done fives one more than they need it now this squad over here actually need a seven away but they need a six because the master position gives them plus one that's cool combo hey exactly what I need precise spot on oh oh it's time for the fight face floors bad uh well I say claws they're basically so so the fluff with my possessed is that they've been infused they're basically experiment contenders they were legionnaires and all of like the warps Miss and the dark Magi and stuff have been like infusing them with dark Powers some of them have gone have gone well and turned into obliterators others such as them are basically like oh that's not going to go well they just get thrown into battle they just explode nice is essentially I like this um so because they are undivided chaos undivided I have used a command point for profane Zeal so I can rerun my hits and my wounds very nice yes um I've also done for my dark packs uh sustained sustained at the end of the shooting phase I didn't fail any of my leadership test so nothing else took anymore um I'm opting to do armor of contempt oh you know I was gonna do something cool I own in depth as Duty end but realistically there's only two that could actually fight even when they die because they're not all in range yeah so I'm gonna try and hopefully keep them alive okay good luck to you good luck to me I need to let you get through all of these bikes to get to the juicy Chaplin in the center your soul would be mine okay I only missed you once that's crazy that's the best one I've ever done I don't know one sustained though I hope the old hour of contempt come on to play in a minute how what a funny role I missed you once with my reroll but I had a sustain so I've hit you all times very well I have devastating wounds here because I am a possessed I'll know um because I made my dark pact so I'll be wounding you what's your toughness why I'm reading you on four very well I won lots of sixties essentially do I just be greedy a greedy Goose no because that's actually quite a good role that's a good role I'm gonna say thank you very much you've got quite a few more words in there yeah so you've got three more so far they're one damages or two damage damaged off so there's actually six mortal weeks oh I flung myself too hard no okay it's a lot of wins that's a three isn't it so good four six eight ten twelve thirteen unlucky for some two four six eight then 10 12 you say 13. oh no right three upstairs that's not bad that's gone well bad at all very well now that does mean the ATV is dead because to him that is another bike that is then slain okay you then do six mortal wounds I do so that is then I like bike and a half okay that's not bad yeah next unit oh so I forgot that my unit of possessed here I have a six-up feel no pain because of the master of possessions might be another one maybe so if I could run six here I'll come back to life okay so I've done my diet pact again so I get sustained hits five oh there we go they are Slinky yes you have 15 wounds to get through here I do okay that's the same hits on fives not five additional hits excuse me excuse me it's a stain fight [Music] it's not sustained it's going well though not bad missed you a few times but I've got one two three four five six sustain six yeah so that's uh 35 additional right now no what did I say one two three four five six okay yep foreign and then six normal wounds in a dish all four of these I believe that's the unit yeah hang on [Applause] think oh we are fine and the chaplain's alive is the squad is decimated okay but I think the chaplain's alive we'll double check that but oh no [Applause] uh the chaplain is alive on three wounds remaining yeah so it's my master possessions yes um okay right let's all simmer down for a second I am going to use my sacrificial dagger again because it is once per phase so I'm gonna spleen another one of my other one and then we'll take a mortal wound but now I'm gonna be hitting you on twos and wounding you on time I know sustained fives in the fact because he's slinnish okay so yeah I yes yes seriously wound oh no oh baby oh so one of them is devastating so D3 D3 mortal wounds and four ordinary wounds in his AP1 the start for possession effect get a three up okay it comes down to your devastating mood how many wins you got left three left or six will do it I summoned the dark power to put you down nearly on Valor oh that was a one oh it's more than that to kill me my chap didn't fight back oh he's got two wins left right the two ways left two wins left doesn't quite hate you all the times okay well he's just he's quite easy he's been taking a bit of a battery yeah he's forced to win you've got top of six is there an AP here and minus one minus one you say oh okay what's the damage two okay donut paint the larger possession oh he strikes down I did roll for the mortar window last uh for my dark pack so this one is actually dealt with oh I just forgot to show you guys that I made the charge with my Venom coolers earlier we're too excited it feels too exciting so I'm gonna do both of these at the same time they both got the same dark pack they've both got sustainable yes lovely lovely lovely so I've missed you oh I am curious I'm divided on these guys okay and sustained student lethal hits really you'll be ruining your fives here yes yes am I still do the business one two three four five we keep going Five Wounds these are minors minus one okay what's the damage damage two you kill him is he dead yeah nice one two he's dead explode load yay why is he blowing up in my areas please I must have loaded all the evictions with dynamite yeah um the only D3 I say only D3 it's pretty cool on the first Venom crawler 100 success rate for explosions three three my first that was that one oh the other one now what I did realize is that I should have done these separately because when one of these destroys a uh enemy unit I have one to my attacks so I just rolled a D6 shall I so one two three it's the one uh custom Wireless four five six it's the other one I don't know why while I'm running on the table uh but the one closest to you has one additional attack it's not i7 which is lucky for him he's using his soul yes it is actually called Soul Eater oh not a bad turn that's great not bad at all I Love This Bar around one I know nearly got you nearly nearly got him but not quite for assassination so he will live to fight another battle round possibly yes uh I am going to keep assassination I'm gonna get rid of very denial uh because I can't quite I don't think you know it's not no it's no good well I'll get another command point which is nice I have 100 success rate for exploding enemy Vehicles fantastic so I can see I'm going out on a High um yes I don't believe you're going to get anything on the Prime Minister yeah no primary I've I've stopped the primary score home objectives matter not exactly it's now time for that around two I feel I can hear the assault Doctrine coming on tattoo fusion and Dragons oh the moment is going on the lot of skulls the big boy he has to start being dealt with and he's quite large and scary you've witnessed the potency yes um I then I'm going for this whole Doctrine oh because they've got some some exciting things inside my Repulsor that I want to get over to here and do the murders um card wise kind of at odds with what I want to do on the battlefield in terms of killing stuff I've got engagement France and cleanse engage is quite possible don't really want to have to be doing actions on objectives right now because I need to bring my guns to bear I do have some deep striking potential so maybe I might have a little plan the chaplain begrudgingly falls back before he has heard the call of his captain and the captain's aggressors who have advanced forward for the assault Doctrine has been called oath of moment has been declared and the Repulsor executioner hats work to do the chaplain and the play guard depart from the Repulsor and then roll a six on the advance so they are very much ready to bring Justice Britney is there meteorite descent but I really need engagement fronts I'm not getting any primary so I'm trying to hide them for future return the great task has begun bring it down um so this moment is on um the giant steel Destructor um but so far from the picture Pottery the heavy belt is the starburst and all the rest of the repulsory execution I have done about a single bit okay I did re-rolled I got some sixes though which was cool on the old stabbers so that was the humble stubber has done its first wound um the rest of the shooting is a slight split the rocket pod is going into the Venom crawler just to see if I get lucky but the heavy laser destroyer and the Gatling Cannon are going into the launch girls are devastating wounds so with oat of oath of moment that could be quite useful uh yeah three shots very nice um this is into oh I missed with twice too so that's always good two wounds your Venom crawler it is not a wound so good job we showed you that that was fun um Gatling Cannon then will Trace that would be nice I prefer it if you didn't right okay to be fair he's done better than I thought he would have done with newly painted model syndrome was such an enormous model yes this is very true right okay well I'm gonna reroll all of those because we're new and sixes anyway you are I need them because they're mortal wounds yes not one but you are traced importantly you are Trey I am well do you know what this calls for what heavy laser Destroyer just twice heavy laser Destroyer twice Destroyer is minus four you're gonna be getting cover though for Mastery okay dream and Save cost one that's fine that's good it's fine D6 plus four damage the rest of my guns however are going into the Lord of skulls we can start with his Gatling Cannon also devastating okay oh team OT devastating barrage I think the lotto six is on the hittings I need it on the woundings you see yes well it's too there two so far two so far very good very good very good two two two two two two two two go through so two more wins 16 wounds left which is uh eight twice which means he's now indestructible for the rest of the game two last Talent shots anti-damage one plus all right now we'll be with you on because you're tough as like 13 is that aren't you oh I've only won five of the last Talent oh timoti um oh a single wound with the last Talent it is at minus three but oh see ya no does go through let's go through do you think was one three okay right laser weapons uh uh yes let me down over here the twin Lads Cannon which has one shot so far yeah because it was a moment I appear to be in a spot called bother I'm thoroughly enjoying myself yeah this has been great I'm really enjoying this game he's like every single turn something mental happens immediately it's like oh did you want to kill my chaplain have another one oh he will start with the aggressors um charging into possessed okay I should point out the reason why I'm not doing any shooting is because I don't really want to even get my charges because the plasma executioners and can we keep them hidden and then that's why and everyone else is Advanced and done all the other bits so understandable the aggressors are in I'll move them in a moment now chaplain number two okay and the blade guard can't really fail but good job too because I guess it's three I think it's because they advance so quickly they're sort of like yeah oh here we go there we go I think he just swings the craziest round ready to go right let me move this stuff in then I'll contain my excitement slightly right look at this look at this here we get the drop side um so a couple of things to note here a just because it's cool my chat playing leading the blade guard is currently strength eight so that's fun um because of one of the helmets that's fine it's hell Doctrine and he's got seven attacks so because of that in his honor I'm gonna allow him to honor the chapter she's on CP it doesn't really help him because he's already passed on to wound that's just fun but then it'll be minus two which is craziest she's very fun but it's also very cool let's start the fight phase because my captain can do this well potentially I can then do honor the chapter again on the aggressors if I so choose because he's not scratch him for free even it's already been used speaking of stratums I'm going to enact my eternal hate very well onto this squad here so on a four plus they can fight upon their demise it's time for the sword of the Imperial okay the play cards I can't remember once good thing too it's a lot of one that is an ultimate amount of one some of them ones that's very handy um get rid of the twos sixes don't do anything I care what about doing uh interrupting but um I don't quite have enough potency to make it work yes because they're quite all quite chunky I'll be rooting you aggressors on uh-huh it's reasonable it's a reasonable effort from the blade guard shame sixes don't do anything because that would be been horrid um that is three six nine at because of another chapter minus three but you have your five of them minus three yes my demons command possessed well what's the damage two right so that's one well one was on two wounds one two and three are dead very good three now good question everyone's lips is do they fight upon their death I need to put my chaplain first you do that first let's quickly do that get part of the same unit and also it's okay it's very cool so here we get some he hits you all the times come on chaplain chappie so he's currently strength hey I'll be willing to you on twos here uh two four five six seven wounds two because all on the chapter chaplains I certainly hope so much much anger like a total hatred knows no bounds I mean it knows two three people so two of them can strike you back but you know what I'm gonna do immediately yeah that's cool um I'm enacting my dark Pact they can't die anymore they already have so yeah go go crazy let's see uh we're going to go for sustained sustained re-rolled m1s for my dark Pact one sustained basically um I'll be wounding you on three your toughest four four well it's four wounds uh oh actually it's three wounds oh very nice actually well that's one dead but we'll come back to the minute okay AP here AP here one oh very well they save three but one does go through you do kill two play guard because that'd be two damage all right four more Wings didn't you uh she killed two players oh yes what freak again the address is now um and I'm going to do the cool thing with the captain of that because you can do right to battle I can do a strategy that's already been used I can do it for free so they're gonna have one on the chapter everyone's honoring the chat stop bothering the chat I feel very honored about my chapter you can't take that away from me honor the obsidian dragons own of the mcdm Dragons by punching some possessing the face of power fists this way to do it the way to do it um so the aggresses into the possessed do we hitting on Falls were you gonna say something oh to mention as well it's a very good point actually I when you knocked over one of the dice and I thought you had two sixes you only had one six it was two more to wounds two mortally wounding Woods there's only one playground no no no no no no actually drop quite a lot good uh What are we winning on twos here however um I do drugs so that is Five Wounds from the power Fists um these will be minus three because of honor the chapter right this will be all my demon saves my demon saves the demons right so I've failed how was the damage two okay so you've done four so we need to do eight field no pains yeah I'll have to do them separately why because one might tank enough to take different Woods I hate doing this I know but you have to do it at a time right um yes uh what's the damage on them two so four at a time One Step well two are dead wait hang on a minute they're three wins how many people so that one that one's dead and that extra damage is wasted is wasted and then the other one yes oh wow see ya the other one is also dead yes right left in himself no he's powerfist see you all the time back foul demon we'll also be winning on twos because honor the chapter he's got a path as an assault isn't it he gets an extra attacks with a sword it's kind of cool that's kind of cool yeah it's fun it's fun for him uh that was uh four wounds four wounds yes um well I have to do these separate right because I have a uh so they are the same invulnerable saves there you go yeah that makes it easier what's the dimash two damage two yes roll four what you can roll these all at the same time my goodness uh hang on a minute but he gives the if he's leading a unit they get feel no pain but it happens all at the same time shut up beard um okay so he that possess has taken all the wounds for his dark master nice so what you mean to tell me is that the extra attacks on The Relic blade could now finish off Yeah man they could they could indeed maybe maybe twice I believe her what's your toughest you must this is toughness I wound you twice these are minus minus three because of this three damage two yeah oh he's dead is he dead does he literally he punches them all out you do still get the film okay oh he's still dead you killed him you went to the captain has killed the possesses though he will never finish [Laughter] well done you oh that's good that was a lot of excitement Slaughter really cool that you can do the multi-strap him on the odd captains that's nice they're nice that is um cool I did get engagement France because I've had to hide my interceptors behind the wall yeah it's funny I can't really see them anymore but you can very much see them so I can play Mind Games go away um I'm getting rid of cleanse because I don't want to have to do any actions I want to shoot and fight you've cleansed the battlefield of my Fields he possessed this is true but you have reinforcements yes and I have things to clear of the battlefield of my own okay here we go okay reinforcements to come a few things to do first of all um I failed back shock over there on my Venom crawler hence the battle shock token which are available for you to pre-order right now a turbo tactics.tv for shop get yours now pre-order and they'll be shipped to you at some point when they are manufactured they're made out of solid metal quality knows no bounce um the only other thing to do is my warp Smith is going to do the Healy Dilly oh it'll cost one ballistic on my lord of skulls he regains one wound well it's better than none that is better than none but he's up to 14. we've lost a wound round number which makes me feel better yeah that's nice yeah um apart from that there's nothing else to worry about right now except I gotta bring it down as my second yes as well as assassinate not the bestest but it's not something like the worst my Japanese the bike channel is out in the wind right oh he he will die I just don't want to focus too much on Tim you see that's fair but before we go into Street phase we must get on to the movement hello bye the warp smear for once again keep up with his giant friend it has 14 boots hell brute will move up to get line of sight onto the aggressors Venom cooler and this Venom cooler hey we'll come over here still want that objective so I will keep it the first of the deep striking units no and the final piece of the puzzle [Applause] my Terminator Squad is freshly arrived from the warp is now going to unleash its health and grounds the combi weapons are going to fire as your aggressors and the reaper Auto Cannon will reap your chapter in asunder yeah because you work into the command ment is mounted it's really annoying the anti-infantry does not apply I mean the reaper I'll come back to the reports though so four shots actually forgive me it's eight shots because it's rapid fire range into your aggressors aggressors see if I can get round their toughness now I am a spoiler so I'm really going to my hit roll because I made a dark pact being undivided sustained and re-running once see ya see ya okay times can we roll This one into his eggs but I do get one sustained one so I need fours here essentially for more oh I didn't reroll my twos oh that's a terrible roll it's not ideal that is it why one mortal wound um how many twos did I get I think I wrote I think I rolled I reckon you've got a couple I think I got two two okay can I can I wound you no one mortal wound what a giant bunch of clowns they are okay well it's okay because all of the dark Energy's gone into this that's what's happened it might well I'm done actually I re-roll that too as well it is still a two Batman is five hits oh no Pleasant uh these are strength seven so I'll be wounding you on three oh why am I rolling like an idiot okay now they're devastating wounds so it is one mortal wound three saves one more minus one one more to win the three saves you want to make all of them how do you get cover damn you is he alive I didn't want to kill him anyway I wanted to save him crawler you want him to have an excruciating death obviously that's what I see I'm moving on to the excruciate a Gammon another dark pack an act did and these three Shades cannon into your theory on Valor yep looking for lots of fixes for sustained I mean I can't can't be too upset that's a good role can't be too upset with that now we'll be threes to wounded yep I swear to God he's not dead after this I'm gonna be hard not great it's only three words [Laughter] well he's taken the full brunt of the Iron Man does he sort of I know does he exploding himself no he's just he finally he falls hellbert next to get just about to see the aggressors so he's gonna fight next before anything happens to them so staying in Lethal hits on his dark pack nice I have hit you once I can re-roll the one for he is undivided and he gets a step does get sustainable oh and one's an automatic route I'll be wounding you oh oh did I say wins or anything no it's twin linked I bet it's three wounds it's only minus one but it is damaged three one does go through one's just dead one is just bat blap oh the Hades Gatling Cannon is gonna fire into the aggressors over here yeah the temptation to fire at something that's already getting kind of means it's quite High yeah you were saying that's not a knife but the demon gold Cannon is gonna fire into this yeah and repost it down here because I need bring it down in my head the Repulsor shot the heavy laser Destroyer it's like oh I can't be a kill and it's just gone like Bank [Laughter] um I'm going to do uh so I'm I'm doing sustained and lethal hits because of the hell group being nearby and granting me his great damn your hell bro uh so I will be hitting you on threes because I've got plus ones here but you've got minus one with your uh oh the aggressors are normal if this is you have Gatling Cannon oh that's good that's good because that's a lot of twos yeah that was gonna make me very sad and very very angry um I've got a state so two sustained and two uh lethal hits so I've got two wounds already very nice I'll be wounding you I tell you on threes because it strength eight well well well that is three six seven eight nine on the line the AP is two and you will see so I'll be getting four episodes here because I am in the cover this aggresses me nothing to me yes not bad okay the damage of your thing damage too you kill two aggressors two Deads two are slain that's better than none did right and now it's time for the demon Gore Cannon how many attacks do I get one can I hit you yeah you do hit me thankfully right when are you on threes yeah it's two come on points to reroll oh God damn it Venom crawler number two more excruciating action coming into these aggressors down here no not the ideal Target but I need to keep trying to remember you've done a pretty good job so far thank you thank you uh sustained once again I am undivided you are undivided is is I think it's the best option yeah because we run those ones can you still get what you're actually goodies very well that's good that's quite nice that that's a sustained three things sustained it is forced to wound you however because you are T I am a Deez tough cookie that's good bro that's pretty good that is very good very good um yes that's also quite good so damage very sad Earth damage too one is live on a wound as in one takes two damage take it right back off okay James here we go no had the best shooting phase but now it's time for the dark Gods to redeem themselves upon me so my obliterates are the last unit to shoot my Walt Smith annoyingly can't Target anything so I can't do my cool eye of zinc to get some command points thing because I can't shoot anything however over here I'm going for a bit of a stretch yeah my fresh metal guns are going to morph into their focused malice profile I'm gonna fire it into your big tank over there in an attempt to bring it down yeah I um have contempt for the dark Gods so I'm gonna put on contempt on it so minus one do I P I understand how I smoke but you are also doing something I'm doing my profane Zeal so I can reroll my hits and my wounds before I am chaos undivided okay don't sustained yep how many shots do I get because you get your position yeah it depends how many shots I get oh okay 2d3 shots huh all right it's that it's not the best but it's funny okay okay I can't kill you how many was it three well you still have sustained still sustained you only need three weeks to go through right access I got one six okay well both can meet you on fours right yeah yes suffering succotash all right okay so it's three hits and you just need three to go through why is everything everything in this game so it's so stressful what are you on pause re-rolling oh my God hang on hang on I'm gonna go on the fail every single one of them oh no did you pass one yeah why do you hate me so much well it is 12 damage to be fair I I passed two because I'm a contempt I'm very sorry six damage it's still six stop talk to me always blows the fight with my guns yeah that's all I want to do but now I have to do it with my fists and stuff baby right your oblit rates are gonna charge into your tank and finish it off yeah ready I'm Gonna Roll a 12. yep well it's a six which doesn't even get me we're charging to your aggressors yes it's worse than the last one but the Lord of Scouts into your play Guardians here we go here we go make up for that shooting thing so the Lord of skulls is going to unleash his great Cleaver of corn before he does life a tank shock big rig big rigs block this you're filthy casual well yeah I think that's six that's that's definitely six mortal wounds I mean it would be a lot more that is exactly sexy look a lot more on fours right fives fives exactly six one two three oh that's cool you maxed it baby well done you you run two over all the way in all right so worth mentioning I charged oh the Venom cooler over there yeah so I've done my dark pact again oh for the in the last one the only one that failed his leadership was this feeling cool over here again I think so he's taken three wings the dark gods do not like spiders um so I'm gonna go for the Sweep with my great Cleaver 15 attacks these are sustained it is Mark of corn so sustained is on fives what is worth I should put my Shields up okay that's fair I think I might care okay oh so I am hitting you one twos still because um it does it does that just keep going is it ballistic skill just hits hits right so I've wrote a couple of ones but I do have one two three four five additional hits oh sustain this strength eights would be twos to win you oh dear oh yeah oh dear indeed three six nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen eight that's eight times two two or six eight ten seven thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen now I put my Shields up so I can re-roll once okay foreign [Laughter] y very sad that he's not getting his password to be very funny but he's gonna be winning on fives it's still technically yourself dutches acting to my next command phase yeah so I'm still getting my honor for helmet bonuses now down to the sheer Butchery that just occurred here because the Lord of skulls destroyed a unit in the flight phase like my plow through the enemy ability yes which means that he the tank and the aggressor had to take a battleship test yeah the aggressors failed they did they just they just see them several pieces whereas the chapters just like yes right Chaplin hits you all the time it's all baby I can get that again E5 right yes three words no two go through four damage well well well yes are you Willie Wellington um that's another turn ups and downs Peaks and troughs a little bit of everything um so I'm Gonna Keep bring it down yeah fair enough because there's less to deal with now and also the tanks need to be dealt with I'll keep that for next time I did get assassination for killing your finally killing your chaplain yeah so that's nice um they're battle shocks so they may or may not hold that objection in the next time well at least do a lot of tests yeah if I tell yeah um yes very interesting stuff I don't even know what the score was I I just all I all I know is my mission still stands as I literally to kill the Lord of skulls teleport Homer normally I'm like oh deploy telephone Homer I actually happened to be in your diplomas everyone it's the perfect plan it's always like planned it yeah I didn't um so that'd be fun um so they will probably go and do that over the moment is going on the big boy in the center because it needs mass and also it does happen because if I do kill that I get over one with fours so it's kind of a win-win there and then lots of other things I need to deal with but we'll just have to figure that out a little bit of a summary um the defensive array and the heavy bolt have already fired so if I've done nothing that everybody went over here in the defensive rail right now I'm just gonna see if I can get a cheeky and try and finish him off because he's got a couple of wins but no dice not today um the gallon Cannon and the last stuff is all going to this spawn it gets me overwhelming force and prevents you holding it in your turn which is quite crucial five rooms left over there yeah and I just don't trust if I do the split I'm not gonna be a clown it's a Gatling Cannon okay um I've hit you quite well you have and it is devastating wounds it is she's nice for me and then two regular wounds no AP two regs yeah so he's got two wounds left two left okay okay the last Cannon the last Talent it's twice aha that's that minus three take on save oh my God I'm not out the woods yet because you've got two winds remaining yeah oh it is D6 plus one oh is this so I can't do what I normally do and good good thing too good job I did do the Gatling Cannon it doesn't explode but it is dead it must be brought down um so the defensive array heavy button all the rest of it has gone into it um I did one bit of damage with the stubbers but I have done because 18 attacks with a defensive array um Got Five Wounds because they're both at the moment all the rest of it through to your lord of skulls obviously there's no AP here it's just like chipping tipping damage chipping oh you've done two more two more wounds how many have you got left seven seven right time for my get Lincoln obviously rolling because of oath of moment why the moment's so lame mainly because you have to spend so much time re-rolling it yeah it's a little bit a little bit a little bit tedious um quite potent yeah tedious would you only be wounding you on sixes here there's two already three four more times got three left three left three moves left the heavy laser Destroyer now interestingly you're below half strength yeah so I add one to my hip roll oh lovely sorry twice over the moment one wound [Music] oh no it's D6 plus four oh it's already dead it is dead come on man come on I mean he got through quite far considering he's so new good work I've done little mate so I did a last bit of shooting which because the flame storm gauntlets because the plasma attitudes are doing deploy telephone because of course um I did one bit of damage to you yeah it is um I am now going to try and charge you with um both the aggressors and the um Chaplin the aggressors will go first okay I did also it's been a CP on profane Zeal yes because no infernal rights too because you did want to keep them keep them alive the aggressors do not make it okay a chaplain no please oh no the chaplain is in oh let me consult my book of stratums because there's a couple of things it's like a sequence kind of stores in Euros so I'm doing adaptive strategy on the um chaplain because I'm in tactical Josh room for this turn hence I was able to fall back over here so I'm putting the chaplain back into Dev not Dev Josh an assault Doctrine okay he gets his honor of a hemant again which is enhancement yeah seven sacks it makes you strength eight and he becomes quite the potent blender very nice fortunately many other strats and his aggressive friends have not gone to his aid but he's just gonna take all of his righteous listeners of hates and pain and everything you can put onto your Terminators right seven attacks message you once but otherwise quite a good start very happy with himself threes to wound you okay that is Five Wounds it's only minus one because I can't put one of the chapter on or anything like that two good what's the damage two so you've killed one and a bit oh no that's fine it right just retribution for him I believe that's fine well so that means there is wait you killed two in a bit no one in a bit one in a bit one in a bit all right I'm gonna hit you back straight away yeah a curse weapon I'm doing my Dart packed yeah the sustained something I'll roll for them at the end of this chaplain if I wanted I wanted him to go out this way rather than just being shocked by something later on this is how he would wanted to go out four more hits the sustained yes what's your toughness toughest for yes something is four yep okay three is to wounds oh I don't like you three six seven eight nine ten eleven wounds minus two it's like what are you doing foreign so overall I'm pretty happy with that it is now over to you welcome to my turn three it's nice to be here and to you um I got extend battle lines as my second uh car which initially I was like that's big poo poo but actually it's okay yeah I've done my movement as well I've Advanced over here with my uh hell Brute which is annoying but it doesn't mean I can get extended yes any points do you mean prizes they do indeed they do indeed um I've moved up with my Terminator over here to engage with the aggressors I've moved up with the warp Smith to be in the middle objective and I've fallen back with my Venom crawler against the on the middle object which is important it's fled that's what we we need you will be able to shoot yourself because you didn't have to actually fall back you just sort of run around that way oh of course it wasn't in combat was he exactly so I'll I'll I'll I'll shut up um the ability of trundled forward as well with their tiny little four inch move but now it's time to get into the shoot yes we've done some stuff already yeah so the water Smith has finally got to use his if um I did um I yeah passed my leadership test so I got a CP for the eyes each when I did my um Dart packed his guns did nothing but he got me a CP which I'm going to spend right now on the stratum I used earlier on which I've forgotten the name of which is called something the cool guy stratagem I think that's what it is I'm using yeah on the obliterators into that which is popped smoke I've done my deep freezer really I have four four shots that's all I need well I hit you every single time and it is sustained so that's five types [Laughter] that makes my bones feel weird it's forced to end you yeah okay couple of wounds but we're re-rolling it's three Woos three wounds at minus three please so I have a cover because of the smoke ah did you pass it okay good still alive oh yeah yeah right I've done the Venom cooler off camera um and did nothing to your aggressors but I'm hoping my terminations will do something bolters first of all right well that's remarkably good three sustained three sustained sustained so now I see fours for anti-infantry back to the last time I hope well that is better than last time yes that is much better last time that is uh five mortal wounds five words you kill an aggress oh you killed two aggressors oh very nice Auto Cannon of the reaper variety 53 times it's indeed we're only on threes I wound you two times minus this is this is something minus oh it's just minus one oh Savage uh it's damaged damage damage oh it's just damaged one oh he's he's got 11 wind nice terminates into your aggressors yep very much in obliterators into your fleeing flying in tank yes lovely um and I'm also gonna do the Venom cooler just to get out of line of sight of your big scary tank make sense lovely it's very much in okay cool let's move some stuff is the fight face it is indeed here we go now I've done my Dart packs uh after my shooting phase I did lose a Terminator you did which is sad so I've got four less attacks to note my captain is always putting only in death to duty end on his unit because only death does Julian and I can do it for free because he's captain that is what happens um Okay cool so what I'm gonna do is my I'm gonna do my power fist first because he halves damage so it doesn't matter if I well that's only on the captain that doesn't the aggressor's got one wound left yeah uh I'm doing sustained once again uh can I wound you I do wound you twice times um the a b here the AP is two PS2 powerful fist um you do you kill the aggressor yay and now I've got my it's all into the captain now um he has six six he's a chunky boy okay oh no sustain I miss you twice okay fives [Applause] oh no I've only done four wounds I can't kill him four wins yeah minus two minus two yeah um he saves two but two goes through okay what's the damage on those just damage one so uh yes he's taking two minutes you've got four left am I aggressor obviously has been killed but gets to fight on death because only in death does duty end yeah that just goes off yeah because why do I have to do it on a four plus well yours is one command mines too but because I'm using it on a captain I'm doing it for free it's once for battle round yeah it's a special thing imagine a little bit more aggressors uh we only hits you once okay kind of evens it out really doesn't it he just wound you though you've ruined me minus two uh yes two damn it now so he's punched you right there and then the captain will now fight as well okay um here's powerful a fighty captain ideal okay it's powerful might as want to be hit um to wound you hijack he wounds you 've got a strength five only wounds you one just the one wound minus two oh yeah he gives you once with that and that's exciting really please on it my Venom cooler has done nothing which is which is but the obliterators hopefully we'll do something oh this is exciting I've done another dark pack for sustained oh look at all those twos look at all those twos I do get an extra hit Taylor so that's fine I think you're threes right yes it is fives to wound you though foreign yeah I don't get any primary um so have a look at secondaries I get and see what I can do thank you you join us at the end of the movement phase um so cards wise I got capturing The Outpost and then I got Behind Enemy Lines but I had to spend a CP to redraw so I got attempting Target because I can't actually get two units Behind Enemy Lines it's very frustrating I didn't get a tempting Target which is a tricky one which you've allocated the one on to the Terminators yeah and look it's better for Batman because it's only five um so movement wise I've moved up the Repulsor fell back with the captain and then the um incept is just moved on to the objective to get that for a sort of banked me capturing me Outpost which is very very nice now I sent you what I need to try and do is try and kill these terminates so I can get tempting targets and potentially make a charge yeah so I'm gonna do some shooting we'll have to see how it goes it's been very mixed product this um so the pulse is completely whipped but it really has um done nothing to the Terminators um I think I only did two damage one on the damage for the um laser Talent so um just just the way it goes sometimes he is holding the centerfold it's worth but obviously I'm not getting tempting targets I have been shot with my plasma over here at your um help route yes I think it's seven wounds too because they're twin links only seven only seven I am supercharging so we'll have to see how it goes I think oh you've absolutely yeah oh does he explodes how do I explode oh okay yeah I need to then see if I how many oh hazard to die it's very exploding oh yes that's pretty much my turn okay I do get captured enemy Outpost but I don't get attempting Target big eight points over there though big eight points though yeah are you discard tempting Target for a command Point yes because that does not disappear next turn yes yeah so that's good I'll go get my command point yeah okay a couple of things happened yep so we've got to charge with the tank over there into the warm Smith so you get closer into the middle yes because I'm trying to block off you getting as much onto the objective as possible yes I didn't have any points for tank truck which was very sad I was gonna run over here but you didn't kill him and then I got greedy created so I did my Dart packed as I always do just to try and do as much damage as possible because I have to kill it yeah this time to try and get that back um unfortunately I did fail my leadership test on the old one yeah softened him up um I don't know if I get a CP for can you do your little uh each time it takes a dark pack it's a new battle round so if let me just pass my ownership test first that will give me another for the new bat uh no I fell I failed that so I don't even get my CP now I need to see if he dies because I've failed my leadership for my dark pack so I take these things he's got two left I need a one or a two so he's alive with a wound okay in terms of my movement I've moved away from the objective of my Terminators I move forwards with my um obliterators over there to move towards the middle yeah I've gone a bit mad and I've Advanced over there with my Venom cool like he's very Speedy to try and get onto that rear objective because I do capture enemy Outpost and investigate signals So the plan is to um not be eliminated in your next turn and then move on to that to get eight points in my next turn very well right so we've done three wounds on to miss Captain down here he has one wound left which is really annoying that's fine one thing we forgot to do is that in the movement phase the what zip would have done his enraged um uh enraged machine Spirits onto your Repulsor there yes you do a bad shock test which could be important he does have pistol 10 drills so um I am charge [Music] maybe I should what is this obviously I see one he's only one the obliterators at oc2 which means if he if that tank is alive and the obliterators are there you're contesting it what's your AC five yes oh bomb okay I won't be um overseeing then uh over charging Plasma Pistol I do hit you Plasma Pistol I do not wound you the melter melon's a tendril uh is pistol it is a woo for no I am armor of contempting because obviously might as well to hit cause I'm in combat already so it's minus four nice four so it'll be minus three so it'll be six up save okay that's true so it's D3 plus two OS five oh and drill one flamer no never mind no uh okay well not a bad stuff not bad stuff that's good this is good I'm gonna go straight into my obliterators do it straight onto them so I'm doing my dark packs or strained of course uh how many shots do I get with my big bumper guns four it's the same as last time but not worse oh and I'm doing profane Zeal for yeah yeah so be forced to hit you okay so you've hit so far one sustained oh it's pretty good going that too sustained uh forced to wound you re-rolling oh these are minus body what is it he's got like a five up saying minus three so minus two but minus two oh he's very dead he's dead oh he's so dead there we go oh boy so um no secondaries I'm gonna uh Capture Me Outpost I could hopefully get my next turn yeah you should investigate signals I'm going to discard for a CP nice um and in the next turn all of the objectives are going apart from the middle exactly yeah except for the middle it's very close on the points and basically we're coming down to what cards I can get yeah yeah you can do it now all right no prisoners okay all right let's have a think okay so essentially so it's all gone mad it's all gone mad there's an outside chance yeah there's like a chance I can force a draw yeah but it does require me to literally kill everything in the middle yeah I do weirdly have the assets to do so um because I can advance with the inceptors and their assault weapons I can deal with your blip rays in theory I might be able to finish the stuff in the middle but you have quite cleverly after I've elected to OverWatch I'm gonna do an OverWatch my obliterators I'm gonna go for the ruinous Salvo I only got five of my 2d6 but it's better than nothing yeah I'm gonna press the stain again okay of course sixes [Laughter] okay so weirdly no matter what the interceptors do they have the potential kill yourself I can charge kill the terminates the captain has to kill the warp Smith now because if I can't kill him then you can hold the objection the inceptive can't see the ability of getting around and see the warp Smith he's got four shots I'm doing storm of fires where ignoring cover I won't be getting extra AP because I'm not in Devastator Doctrine but essentially I'll try and kill the warp Smith I've done infernal rights to reduce your AP by one because you've done the ignore cover thing right yes yeah do you want okay oh James what's your eyes of moment Target the warp Smith yeah forced to win G three wounds all right AP1 yep obviously you're ignoring that APS [Laughter] yeah it was just like immediately stressful um right so just to be super clear yes because um uh he because he can't be targeted by the uh inceptors because they can't see yeah so that means that um holding the sensor objective means that I'll get 15 points at the end of my team yes which can't be stopped yeah I can't stop it because the theory was if I could kill him which was quite arguably possible with the um Captain I could then between charges and the plasmas deal with the rest of the middle which would get me enough points and no prisoners to offset the fact that you would get this you would get capturing The Outpost in your turn that would make it even draw and then depending on what beard scored as his secondary injury yes who it was it was no prisoners but then you'd only have the very have him there so essentially yeah so I bought ultimately not killing the warps with means now even if I annihilate these the rest of it yeah I can't charge the warp Smith I can't get close enough to do anything else to deal with him because the issue other issue was I couldn't move closer to potentially do a charge but then I was running the risk of you just OverWatch him with the obliterators he's only got a wound left yeah so that was way too risky that that was the plan but then they came over and I was like oh go for that um oh what a game man that was amazing crazy wowie well done for killing my lord of skulls well done for him killing lots of other stuff that was the main objective I think that was the main objective well done for not killing him in term one and making me sad that would have been lame although I didn't need to deal with the lounge as well that was a big problem yeah um because it kind of kept my other tank sick I forgot about the land radio moons ago yeah I really got the dragons there's so much depth of space for me like I've got so many options there's so many ways of running them aggressors are great um I think the bikes are amazing yes especially with the um the enhancement and catches and fire combo makes them quite nasty in a Dev Doctrine um the adceptors are surprisingly interesting because they're more resilient than you'd expect yeah you're more likely to kill yourself than you are they're a lot less Killy now but they are yes really annoying and they're still really annoying to deal with also being able to deep chat within three of something it's pretty gnarly as well um but how did you find running your beloveds next time but I probably probably will well thank you in the game thank you for the game thank you for watching thank you for being here with us today what an absolute treat that was a lot of fun thank you to our Servo skull oh it's been a long day oh it's been a long day a long day a long day so yes yeah that's the end goodbye goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Tabletop Tactics
Views: 112,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, games workshop, warhammer tv, wh40k, batrep, battle report, warhammer 40000, 40k, list analysis, tactics, age of sigmar, AoS, new40k
Id: 93BTtTAl8JY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 1sec (5881 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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