*10TH EDITION!!* Space Marines vs Chaos Space Marines | Warhammer 40k Battle Report

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[Music] welcome to tabletop tactics and our first 10th edition Battle reports with the all-new Leviathan rule set heading up the Imperium of man we have rebute Gilman and the ultramarines that's right the adapter societies are here descending on drop pods to take on the spoiler of mankind uh Baden and his black Legion as these bitter Rivals Clash on the battlefields let's take this opportunity to go over the list [Music] foreign [Music] courage a lot of battle brothers it is the ultramarines headed up by the Primark himself that's right to Gillum in this here let's see what this Primark can do in 10th edition with the emperor's sword so I had to bring him because we're facing the spoiler right it made sense a badon must go down he must be cut in half by the emperor's blade so of course Gilman is the Warlords and with him today I've bought three other characters to try and show you guys a variety of different things and Buffs that can be applied in 10th edition so a second in command is a captain in Terminator armor I've paid for an enhancement on him which is called the honor vehement which basically makes him better in combat with a plus one strength and Attack Base uh Captain Terminator arm is actually pretty good anyway so this is only buffing him further we then have a lieutenant or Lieutenant depending on which side of the pond you live and he also has an enhancement called Bolter discipline and gives sustained hits one to a unit he leads it has another ability as well Critical Hits going off on a five plus while endeavor state of doctrine that won't really come up this game but here's the thing the sustained hits one will which is exploding hits on sixes and when I show you the unit he's leading it becomes really spicy also going along with him we have an apothecary this guy's really good primaries Apothecary can bring back a slain model every turn which is obviously very powerful and if you put him in the right unit can be really really powerful throughout the course of a game so speaking of units let's go on to that I'm going to start off with some old-fashioned troops or battle line intents as it's referred to now we have two units of five primary intercessors I'm not blown away by these guys honestly I'm not sure how many normal troops you'll see in 10th edition depending on the army of course but they do have some good objective control abilities including making objectives sticky so they can sort of move off and do other things so let's see how they do they're relatively cheap too I've got two units of five for your viewing pleasure we then go on to do some more meaty stuff I have two units of three blade guards now they are unaccompanied I don't have any Leaders with them today you have to nominate your leaders who they're joining before the game begins but I wanted to show you these guys because for the first time you can do something very exciting you can put them in drop pods that's right drop pods so I've got two drop pods now in future games I'm sure we can combine the unit make it a six person unit and have some leaders in there and make it really spicy but today let's let's just do a shock and all tactic these two little combat units can be deep struck into enemy territory from turn one though less and hopefully do some business and be some pressure for Mr beards we then have something really nasty this is kind of what the heart of the Army is and a nice little combo right out of the gate I've got a unit of 10 hellblasters so maximum size and I'm joining the lieutenant and the Apothecary to that unit the Apothecary it states on the data card is allowed to join a unit led by a lieutenant and or a captain or rather or a captain you can't have three characters in the unit just the two but when you combine the bolt of discipline on the hell blasters which already have multiple shots which can overcharge and potentially kill themselves but an apothecary to bring them back right it becomes a really nasty unit I think help blasters are going to be quite frightening um let's see how it does in this game I could be proven wrong but I think they're going to be a hot take in this game we then have finally some support armor we've got two lumbering bearments we have a leviathan box set Dreadnought called the ballista straightener which is basically a gun platform redemptor it's got a twin ballistic Laz Cannon and ballistus missile launcher it's actually got some good Firepower at a decent range it's not as good as it's redemptor brother in my opinion but the redemptor is more expensive and and brings a bunch of extra special rules which I will show you throughout the game including a damage reduction which is pretty nasty so of course I've had to bring the redemptor as well with the macro plasma and the power fists that brings the list to 2 000 points on the nose so I've got a couple of support dreadnoughts in there I've got some combat units with the blade guard and deep striking in Via drop pods but will it be shocking and awesome enough for the black Legion or will I crumble before them let's see what Beard's got in his list [Music] here we go is the first outing for the Cal space Breeze and I am delighted to be giving them a spin for you today the force is of course being led by none other than aberdon the spoiler oh yes he is still luckily a beast as he was in ninth Edition very different but a beast nonetheless he is joining his unit of the spoilers AKA a unit of 10 chaos Terminators uh two of them have been equipped with chain fist the rest of them have accursed weapons and we also have a mark of corn on this unit now bear in mind that a badon will give them all of the marks because he's joined the unit and he has favored with all of the chaos Gods so they have lots of options in the game we then have a unit of chaos Space Marines oh yes a unit of 10 they all have close combat weapons they are Mark of sonesh and they're also joined by a master of possession I've given him the intoxicating Elixir enhancement because he's also mark of slanesh which means that he gets a firebuck feel no pain which will keep him alive a bit longer than you ordinarily would do there all would be rocking around in a rhino which is also Mark of the Nash because you must take the same Mark for all of the units when they are combined together we'll then move on to a unit of chaos cultist 10 cultists mega cultists but they're taking nonetheless they are Mark of zinch and they are joined by a dark communal which is also Mark of zinj I haven't given them any extra enhancements but they should give me some nice psychic abilities to do in the game we then move on to a couple of Hell brutes as we get into the bigger boys in the list uh these hell boots are both chaos undivided they both have power scourges and they both have Laz cannons I do like the whole group quite a lot they they add a lot to the dark packed mechanic and you'll see what they can do when we get into the game I then got a unit of obliterators unit of two these are also chaos undivided I like the undivided because it gives me the ability to re-roll hit rolls of one which is nice when I've done my dark pants so that makes them a little bit more accurate because they'll be going alone on the battlefield I've got a forge fiend up next this is also Mark of chaos undivided I've given this one the ectoplasmic Canon so I've got some nice ranged anti-armor which should do me some faves because I don't have much else of it in the list and finally to cut things off I have two units of raptors both of these are Mark of corn they will be going it alone and maybe deep striking in later in the game to give me some extra Airborne support that my friends is the list that's enough of that business let's get into the mission and begin our game today's mission is take and hold players score five victory points for each objective marker they control at the end of their command phase the player going second instead scores at the end of their turn in battle round five this Mission can score a maximum of 15 victory points per turn and cannot be scored in the first battle round each player also determines if they are playing fixed or Tactical for their secondary missions [Music] well well well Mr beard it's time for some hype am I right it's finally time finally we appreciate your patience we've been wanting to get on with this for some time we have 2 000 points baby 2K that's right a full game with the points yeah so you know what's going on and we're about to throw down classic a bad and Abaddon sorry Abaddon versus Gilman that's right it is classic and on top of that we can show off a couple of the new secondary special rules because we drew Maelstrom a battle did we literally Drew Mouse for a battle so we've got two Mission special rules in this one Marty fields and uh targets of opportunity uh so this would be really really cool demonstration I think of a good 10th edition game with 2 000 points yes yes before we get started however this is a special day because not only we got this Freeview game for you after all the months of waiting for 10th edition if you are an on-demand member you get another battle report available right now on demand which you can access through our website and our app with an on-demand or backstage membership on top of that you have access to 26 faction focused videos because we did all of them we did somehow we've done a factory which you can get as well as a bonus as an on-demand member and on top of that there's more to come yeah this week it's a lot more to go way more 10th edition content is a very exciting time very exciting time indeed cheers but for now we must begin our game who will seize the initiative this day is it the true sons of the emperor Gilman oh this boy's in blue or is it those black Legion the spoilers do you want me to roll first please oh go ahead fitting fitting New Edition same dice rolling you meet me where you've had it right okay chaos be with me shall I go now okay okay only roll a six does that mean you get to go first oh my goodness [Music] well the game is about to begin you've drawn some cards but first it's a Teleport Homer it is maybe something will home on to it soon nice we should mention that this is just representative of the ground floor so the objective and the home Beacon are on the bottom they're just about to film but you guys might want to see it so uh they're up up top for the moment we're also counting this as a ruin intent Edition nice which means it does have the obscuring indubitably so uh a couple of things to note uh my legionnaires and my martial possession are in that Rhino there nestled safely away and my tuners of Raptors and my obliterators are in deep strike yeah my Terminator is The Terminator Captain's in deep strike and of course my drop pods holding blade guard are also in deep strike marvelous marvelous in terms of the command phase I've drawn my cards I have catch Germany outposts Behind Enemy Lines and bring it down useful for subsequent turns uh hence the eight points for capture enemy outposts yeah it's pretty nasty uh but bring it down May certainly be doable and maybe I'll keep one of those for my turn two perhaps uh the only other thing to do is with Albert John he's going to do his War Master ability uh the out of the three options I'm going to choose lord of the traitor Legions which will allow me to Remo my leadership and battle shock tests which can come in handy for my dark packs which I'll be doing in the shooting phase let's begin the movement phase so my Terminators and Abaddon are going to move forwards I just want a few options in terms of line of sight we also want to slowly start making my way towards that Center objective next up my dark commune and the cultist mob are going to move forwards now because these cultists have the for the dark Gods ability once I have secured this objective with them I will hold it much like an intercessor so it becomes sticky I can move off it will stay under my control my hellbrook is going to move over this way to get line of sight I want to stay within six of the forge fiend and the Terminators for his dark Ascension Aura which we'll cover in the shooting phase and the last couple of bits to move my Rhino is going to move off and around here to take the center objective and the hell brute just behind is going to move up to gain line of sight and that concludes my fails shooting phase here we go I'm going to start off with my hell brute down here and he's going to fire his twin last cannon into your redemptor over there now at the every time I pick a unit to shoot or fight I can enact a dark pact I'm gonna do this now on camera as a demonstration but after this one I'll roll for it off camera because I have to do it every time I shoot or fight oh excuse me but so I'm going to use a stratium as well which I'll tell you what that does after you tell me you're done why don't you go ahead and explain yourself I'm going to use I'm trying to I'll try and show you guys a variety the armor of contempt so a classic returns intense it's one CP that is spent goodbye uh it reduces your AP I'll just do it on an adapter societies unit which my redemptor is reduces your the ap of your gun by one so you'll go from a minus three to a minus two and I'll get a plus one to my save because of go through cover indeed so you reduce my IP significantly but that's fine so with my dark packs I need to roll and do a leadership check which I pass yeah so my dark pack goes off now the the ability of the dark pack always goes off regardless of whether I roll over my leadership or not if I fail my leisure bag take D3 more tool waves ouch because the chaos gods are spiteful yeah and fickle yeah but what that means is I can then either choose sustained hits or I can choose lethal hits nice for my gun but because I'm a hell brute they have a six inch raw which gives me both so I get sustained and I get lethal hits oh that's nice boating hits and lethal hits yes so six to hit is auto wound and then you'll get a plus one to hit on top of that yes now uh twin last cannons now are twin links so you only get one shot but I can wear all my words and because I am Mark uh chaos undivided is my mark when I passed my Dart packs I can re-roll hit rolls of one oh nice because I'm undivided okay I do hit anyway I hit you I'll be wounding you on a three okay your strength sir your strength my strength is nine no it's not my strength is 12. yeah I'm toughest team yeah so there's a wound minus one only minus one okay effectively yes okay okay I make a save very good thing very good indeed cool well that's that unit done let me figure out what I'm gonna shoot next I am as in contemptive you sustained right a very quick one for my Terminators here only one of my Terminators with their kombi Bolter can see and I can get a bead on your Dreadnought this is so much to damage a Dreadnought but when I do my dark pact for uh abaddon's unit on a two plus if I pass my leadership check which I do on my dark Destiny uh Dart packed with dark Destiny on a two plus I gain a command Point that's really nice yes oh so I've got two rules in 10th edition one of them is I need to pronounce it Abaddon oh and the other one has been shake hands before the game starts good luck good luck excellent and so do I get myself um so let's see oh and um because of my dark pack going off or my hell Brew I get sustained and lethal okay and incidentally the Terminator Combi bolters have a devastating anyway that's what concentrations do now which is nice yeah I don't wound you because uh infantry now normally can't really do much against armor no although Combi weapons do have anti-infantry four up don't they do so they'd always win infantry on a no worse than a four up but obviously I'll be a bit bigger than a normal level hell brute number two okay another twin Lads cannon into your redemptor all right Dumber Dart packs success hit you I failed to wound you you re-roll wounds because your twin linked that is very true laser accounting twin length laser a cannon okay um you're effectively minus two I get a cover set I got a five anyway very nice uh yeah in contempt of you final bit of shooting to do with my forged Fiend The fiend of the fort okay yes first time running him in tenth let's see what he does I'm looking forward to it done my Dart packed off camera yeah I get both options because of my hell brute I am going to use demonic Ordnance which is his ability which means that my HL plasma cannons uh get devastating wounds and also hazardous um I've got five shots of my three d3s because he is undivided by career or ones not that it matters family no exploding hits no it's forced to wound you drink ten toughness 10. attempts I made one my fail one okay image eight damage three okay well the redemptor gets a minus one to the damage that's his one of his abilities so um I don't want to woo myself from the Hazardous that's in in my turn one okay very good so um I want a few objectives this one's become sticky because of my cultist so I can move off that and continue to hold it um I didn't get any of my secondary cards and I am going to discard capturing a male post okay it is worth eight victory points good one to draw later if you can um but in uh discarding one I gain a command Point yes you can just go up to scar more than one if you wish you can only get one CP from discarding one uh but I've still got behind the line still gonna bring it down might be able to get in my next turn with my deep striking units and hopefully I can get some more shots in but for now it's time to march from a crack all right thank you we're in my command face and I've drawn my card so uh drawing three as per the Maelstrom battle secondary Mission uh and I should have said as well at the beginning that we are playing tactical rather than fixed so I don't have any fixed cards we're just drawing them every time so what I have is extend battle lines area denial and investigate signals uh weirdly I'm set up to to actually do that might have to put things some things out in the open but that's okay uh I'm going to choose now some of my special rules as being a space read player I'm going to choose the Devastator Doctrine which means that I can assault uh Advance with any of my units and still fire very nice okay it's including heavy weapons or whatever I can just just run and fight that's what I can do I'm also going to use my oath of moment ability which I'm going to tell you guys right now I think is absolutely Bonkers strong but nonetheless I've got to use it so uh I'm going to put it on the hell brute which has been getting a little frisky with those laser cannons and he's also given that nice little uh yes don't like that no no no thank you now I'm also because I have the Supreme Commander Gilman I'm going to use his ability Primark of the 13th aura oh sorry forgive me I want to use the Mastery of battle Parks he's got three author of codex rules I'm going to use the master of battle which allows me to pick a second unit for oath of moment if I destroy the first right okay that second unit will be your Terminators sir if I destroy that hell boot first good luck that's how I'm gonna play this I'm very excited about it let's get down to some movements well these incestors thought they were going to go for the objective but instead they're going to move wholly within nine inches of this corner so they can do they're investigating of the signal for two victory points now that I've held this objective in my command phase I'm just going to spread these marines out a little bit I'm scared of deep striking chaos well well well the hell blasters of Advance good news everybody I did roll a six in traditional Lawrence fashion however uh volume six in this mission is not a good thing because I've triggered a land mine so one of my help buses has taken from Mortal wound the redemptor will just Shuffle forwards just ever so slightly the ballista swell just Shuffle back ever so slightly the Lord gilliman the angels of death oh yes Brothers for the emperor right uh these now have to immediately disembark three inches they will get out into said ruin I'll accurately move everything in a second but you get the idea maybe they'll even get a charge off who knows I love drop pods welcome back well it's time for our oath of moments uh the redempt to Dreadnought levels his macro plasma at the hell brute nice okay um he's got macroplasma he's got an onslaught Gatling can he's got Icarus rocket pod he's got twin uh storm bolters uh would you like to do anything before I begin my dice rolling I'm gonna spend the command for an infernal rights now on the card we believe this is a typo because it says two command points which is effectively the cow's equivalent of oath of moment armor of contempt sorry um so we're gonna play it as one zp because I think that's the intention there um so I will do that on the hell brute so it can help it wouldn't make sense why would it be two for chaos two girls players say because we always get the worst thing we're going to play it as one for the moment well we'll wait for it to be uh FAQ uh okay right what a role for my macro plasma first I am overcharging hazardous by the way is a flat three mortal wounds on the vehicle yes if it goes off right these six shots three shots it's it's it is what it is okay I would have liked a six you know what I mean I would have right threes to hit you sir yes I can re-roll the misses due to the oath of moments very good there's a couple of things that's already happened here um I've got a six there which does nothing actually great however I got to Wing you what is your toughness on the hell brute uh toughness is nine okay I am strength nine yeah yeah I'm strength nine so it is forced to wound I'll re-roll because of the oath of moment I do get the full Huss now as it turns out I'm minus four AP but I'm down to minus three because of your infernal rights okay that's nice um so that means I'm gonna have a five up save how many rooms was it sorry uh you are a part urine cover as well partially obscure yes be it still be five up anyway yeah um sorry how many wins four four wounds four wheels well that could have gone better okay um because I have overcharged it is the big damage of the three okay so he's dead three six nine twelve damage you one-shotted him does he explode with deadly demise he does he does oh my goodness it's the first one um it's a six inch range that's a mortal wound on the Terminator and a mortal wound on my Forge fee more for words for everybody um well I'm Gonna Roll for my hazardous on the redemptor but incidentally you actually had a four up safe you did only make one because you've got two up save based on Alvin now which is nice right that's the Hazardous effect oh really nearly lost three walls of words okay we're gonna move on to the ballistis now who has uh no help retarget he's going to fire out your Forge fiend which is one and truly tucked away nicely behind that bit of terrain so we're going to open up with the crack missile launcher are you um doing Gilman's change over moment thing that it's already in effect so I declared the second unit would be the Terminator so yes the Terminators now have over a moment on them um this obviously won't affect the ballistus which is firing the fortune there we go two crack missile launcher shots Frank I hit you once I miss you once to wound you sir [Music] oh it's a wounds uh strength 10 I'm assuming your toughness is uh top is a ten okay yeah what's the ep the AP is two and just time for my day went safe no it's D6 damage okay I wish to use a system CP no okay it's just a force okay very nice respectable very nice I now have my twin Laser cannon yes the blister slash cannon with two shots hitting on threes we hit you once we are strength twelve we wound you once minus here is three demons Dave oh my demon saves aren't working do you wish to use a CP nope D6 plus one it's just the two plus one three okay so four five six seven wounds in total yes I've got my four cards here because this is now like my uh Yu-Gi-Oh style um you know you've activated my trap cards this is my power combo so uh the help blasters are led by the lieutenant who's got the enhancements um which gives them um bolts called discipline which gives them sustained hits one if they're in devastated Doctrine they get Critical Hits on a five up so basically sustained hits go off on a five up nice being a lieutenant or a lieutenant he's already got lethal hits as part of his ability so that goes off on a five up now as well nice on top of that I'm going to spend my CPA again in the command phase donk I'm going to use the stratium storm of fire which gives me the ignore cover ability but wait if I'm in devastated Doctrine it also improves the AP by one nice which I want to do because they're all firing at your Terminators which would otherwise be partially obscured which would mean that you'd get effectively a three up save after everything I am going to go in with the Hazardous okay so what I've got here are they're all in range thanks to that nice Advanced role I've got 20 shots good great they are hazardous they're hitting on three so strength eight they're minus four at this point damage two they're actually hitting on fours oh dark obseration so I'm using uh a stretcher myself which gives them stealth but because they're nurgle because of Avalon having all of the marks um after this round of shooting you can't select them unless they are less than 12 inches away great because of the cloud of flies and stuff okay I think you've done most of your shooting well that's actually pretty much it that will be my turn in fact so I will I might try and charge you with the three blade cards right okay I've got 20 shots let's come in hot okay hitting on fours now hot like plasma but re-rolling because of Gilman don't forget the sixes and the fives all do Brucie bonuses here um so I'm going to keep them to the side yes okay I'm going to re-roll the misses of which there are lots okay muscle oh excuse me excuse me here we go okay let's keep these sixes oh it's a lot of additional weights there a lot of additional hits but I did miss you lots of times too so how many Edition tickets do you have and so I get one two three four five six seven eight nine ten additional hits so three six seven eight right I put ten dice here so you can just roll all of those okay uh booms and you've got ten more I'll remember 10 Auto wounds as well exactly thank you no thank you no no thank you no thank you please no no thank you no they go bad okay to wound you I get one two three what's your toughness by the way what toughness is five it's your toughness Vibe that's really good only when you're on threes that's three six nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen wounds plus the ten so that's 25 wounds is it it's 25 weeks right that seems reasonable I'm gonna get some bags together four five okay right says to be on my invulnerable safe yes I need a lot of these to go off please abandon save us a bad and save us okay so one is dead already and damage two yeah two three four five six and a half are slain well that was a nasty plasma dance Swiss chip plasma swiss cheese spoilers you know you've got look you've got some payback now because I've got about hazardous roles all you need to do I tell you what if you can roll six ones call it Even Stevens I've rolled a couple I'll take two just two okay so two die now this is where it gets really Bonkers they could then both fire on their Oliver three plus even though they've already shot this turn that is quite a strange rule because they've just been blown up by a plasma chord yeah I I I'm gonna say flat out I don't agree with that writing by the way boom but you know Space Marine fans would obviously want to see the powers I'm sure there's my nastier stuff there now the good thing is obviously smartly you've removed the Terminators out of line of sight anyway so even if these two could fire I'm out of range line of sight but I think well because they you can't hit them with unless you're within 12 they can't be targeted anyway because of my stinky flight that is also so it's a double can't do it yeah okay so two are dead that's not a problem that is the end of my turn bar a cheeky charge attempt from the play guard right the blade guard emerged from the drop pod and charge your time please please leave me alone you're dead no no they don't I mean you could come at me they actually they spend all of their time tripping over that wall which despite in 10th edition you can ignore because it's only two inches high they they're back in the previous Edition yeah well what what a cinematic picture that is [Laughter] well that is my turn Mr beard oh thank goodness I got extend battle lines because I'm holding an objective in no man's land and my home objective so that's five points I got area denial because Handley of course you weren't holding within six inches that said through the battlefield and I am uh with the blade guard that uh stumbled over their own feet and then we have investigated signal uh with just this single unit down here for a further two victory points for that one corner so I've scored 12 points yeah looking you go are you crazy I've killed some stuff yes but now really the heart of your army is coming down obliterators Raptors it's all about to kick off [Music] at around two um I've done a little lord of the traitor lesions again for abaddon's abilities like a rear all my leadership Battleship test which I might need yes in fact I'll just do it right now okay battle shock they're okay because the van is uh abadan's leadership five oh nice it'll be fine nice um aside from that I've drawn Airy denial as my third card based on our three card Mission so you've already known I've got everything now wow how funny um as a reminder I've got bring it down and behind in me lines as well let me think about where I want to move right we'll begin the movement phase with my legionnaires and the master of possession I've Advanced them because I'm using a distraction called unnatural swiftness which means they can advance in charge you do that in the movement phase and because of his Demon King ability I add one to my advance and charge rules so they are very very Swift next we'll move a button under the spoilers now I'd like to go and pick off some of those play guard but the hell boots shoot on death ability is terrifying so I'm gonna have to abide my time and wait until I can kill them with my own shooting the dark commune are next I'm moving up not because they are excellent duelist but because I've got a psychic shooting attack I want to show off so hopefully they'll be in range after depositing it's linashi cargo the Rhino is going to park over here so the hell Brew free rain to move up and get line of sight with his Laz Cannon and now it's time to deep strike [Music] the Raptors strike just in charging range in case that's the hell boots hell boots hell blasters don't die underscore disc scorching action and descending over here from the scorched Heavens these Raptors arrive to mark the apocalypse and the end of my the teleport Homer suddenly Falls silent is now being performed by my examinators for zero CP I mean just as well because I don't have any uh well actually I've got one um so that's really cool they can deploy within three inches of teleport home it doesn't have to be holy within um and don't forget this is down on the grounds just behind the blade guard in fact uh it's then removed from play goodbye and they also of course still need to be nine inches away from uh the enemy which just nine inches away from that Master of summoning there or master of possession even um I was going into Final Fantasy mode for a minute there didn't I there's some in there for everyone it's the shooting phase and it's time for the forge fiend to redeem itself after several editions of mediocrity yes looking forward to this it's Vengeance time I've been looking forward to this yes so I have three ectoplasmic cannons they are all going to be overcharging with my demonic Ordnance ability right I've done my um Dart packed off camera which I got which is lovely or sustained hits sustained sustained I'm also spending a command point on profane Zeal I do I will tell you right now because he is uh chaos undivided it means I can re-roll my hits and my wounds re-roll your hits and your wounds double quammy that's Savage it's nice that um so I've also done my D3 shots off camera I've got 13 because there's 10 models in that unit so I guess okay I'm not gonna use a stratum or anything on them because I want to try and show you guys some other stuff so go for it this is very exciting okay re-rolling my misses of which there are quite a few okay okay luckily you can re-roll I'm me rolling you've got one explodes one I didn't hit there already stained you're stained okay not bad okay not bad not bad okay you hit with most and you get one extra hit I'll be wounding you on too yeah I'm into ct4 oh as well and your sixes never stating wounds okay yes so two essentially two of them are going to be six mortal wounds and we've got three six nine additional wounds now normally it's ap3 um you are going through cover though so effectively becomes simply two okay so one two three four five six seven eight nine fives are required to you it's not a great role okay one pass is three six seven eights go through I mean uh the reason I've done all the saves at the same time by the way is because the lieutenant and the um Apothecary both have three apartment saves the Apothecary the primaris Apothecary here does not give a six up ignore feel no pain or anything like that so I could just fast roll it yes um right so I failed eight saves Mr beard I'm very happy to hear that plus you've done six mortal wounds yes who am I that stuff that's the forge fee you're being a forged feet so right now if if you've done six mortal wounds I have uh that would kill three hellblasters for help blasters five hellblasters six Health blasters seven hell blasters eight tail blasters and in this three additional that would kill one of my characters and leave another on one wound I feel like uh it will probably be the Apothecary that would die over the lieutenant because I want the hero to live okay but I'll determine that in a moment when I just pick up my hopes and dreams that's that if you wouldn't mind thank you they uh they they left us they died and died as they lived in a big old ball of plasma well out of the smoke appears nothing because they're all dead I I did Curry um actually I could have rolled and gotten a command point on a two plus if I catch them alive but I feel like the the lieutenant should be alive I want him to mix things up in combat but mortal wounds are applied last does that apply does that reference the Jean seed he's been picking yeah yeah it's cool it's really cool yeah yeah yeah unfortunately I always say that um but uh more Twins were applied after so um he's actually got two wounds left so he's not not uh he's only half dead you know but you've got to roll for your hazardous speaking of half dead yes so I've got three ectoplasmic cannons very exciting and I should also mention and how blasters do get a shoot on death row which is just Bonkers for a three up um they were not in range or line of sight of anything these guys were actually completely hidden behind the cargo containers there so very well played so that's why I've not done that Splendid and speaking of hazardous we're going to move on now to my dark com you okay the mind which specifically I'm going to unleash a psychic shot into your play guard over there um it's called a walk curse okay Yar and I will be making a focus which fire which is essentially overcharged baby um do I pass my uh a dart pack yes I do that's nice for them so I will be any EU and threes with my three shots now I'm Mark of zinch and I forget what that does for my thing uh so lethal hits goes off on fives that's nice so we've got basically um One auto wound and it is sustained because it's sustainable and NFL wounds and a normal wound because it is strength five your toughness four I think well blade guard are a bit of a funny one but they are toughness for you okay so that's two wounds at minus one please okay I got it and I'm your uh am I pink other are you going through the wall uh what's the minus three uh minus one uh um I'm assuming that goes through then it does yeah because your Shield will give you an extra wound rather than actually yes rather than an extra safe cool that's two damage we'll move on to the Terminator Snapper doll so three of them can draw a bead onto your blade guard over there as can one of them is behind a massive pillar and can't see anything sure I've done my dark pact off camera uh which I passed do I get my command point for Abaddon yes I do so that's one command point for me which is lovely and now I have three shots of my Combi bolters into your blade guard right blah blah blah sustained sustained lovely uh and I'll be winning on fours because anti-inventory four yeah all two devastating wounds interesting so that's two mortal wounds and a regular wound strength four they are straight four yes uh so one uh regular safe passes lovely uh but two more to always go through so that will killer blade gun put a wing on another double striking and then himself hey the talent of Horus uh it is strength five okay so that is two wounds he doesn't have devastating notes so it's two wounds is it gonna be minus one please okay one goes through two damage oh wow kill another blue card because he's just tossable to weird ouch next up is the hell brute twin linked last cannon into his seemingly impenetrable Hull um I do hit you thankfully can I wound you I can wound you uh you are going through cover so it'll be minus two effectively ah it does go through finally D6 plus one huh oh six wounds minus one so five because he has damage reduction one chunky boy still got five wins left the obliterators yeah last of the Heavy Hitters okay so uh I'm gonna Target again your Redemption and try and finish him off I've done my Dart packed off camera but failed my leadership so I do take D3 more to happen eventually for my pleasure only the one so one's down to four wounds uh but I do get to reroll my hit rolls of one which is very pleasant so um I only wrote a three on my 2d3 here because I am using the focused malice which is a big shot essentially yeah so can I hit you I came here on the one because my dark Pat's gone off you're dark packed uh because they are uh cow's undivided I can remember once hit oh it always goes off oh it goes off anyway and the family that's very cool okay there's not many reasons not to yeah every single day basically just your worst is you're losing mortal weight yes I will never not do it um it's strength 12. so it's threes to win yeah that is two wounds minus three what I'm you I'm going through the crater there so you will get uh come on oh no fail both four but damage eight because two went through oh it'd be minus one so but yeah deadly demise it's the charge oh okay here we go okay um my legionnaires led by the Mars possession are going to declare a charge into your blade guard now because he is a whatever he is I basically I get plus one two uh Advanced and charge okay he has an ability called something demon demon kin demon kid thank you uh on a four makes it a five still make it that's gonna be a trick yeah Master possession is within four lovely so okay okay hold that thought okay you've now finished your charge yep I'm going to activate my rights of battle yes for zero CP I can now activate a stratagem on that unit once we're battle round and I'm going to activate the heroic intervention strategy nice right so that Terminator Captain gives that to it himself in the unit which is really great so now I have to declare a charge on you I do need to roll the charge roll this is a ruin so I can go through the wall technically but so I have to go around models Etc I need a six okay I can do this once we battle round it usually costs two CP it's a donut okay six to make it in it's an eight so the blade guard do a shield wall and then from behind them through the Deep strike yeah yeah probably they all of a sudden open their Shields [Laughter] very exciting look at this last chance to do my Raptors are going to charge into your drop pod to see if I can take the objective okay which I cannot that's fine uh the other Raptors and the obliterators I'm going to keep over there because I want to leave them there for bring it down if I charge uh rebooty Gilman might be in for a bad time he's he welcomes you quite possibly so I'll leave them where they are touch me prepare correct here we go okay okay so we can do this in two halves because I've got five of them striking into your blade guards the other five and the master possession you're gonna strike into your Terminator just based on where they are and bass based contacts and whatnot and also the mouse position does some cool stuff okay we'll come back I'm going to unfortunately I was trying to save the CP but I've got to try and keep the Terminators alive because these legionnaires are really spicy in combat you're re-rolling wounds because you're near an objective yeah veterans are the long wall okay I'm going to use armor of contempt for one CP on the Terminators and the blade guard are going to activate the shields of the Imperium so you know that Shield wall that I mentioned yes well they're really doing it so uh on the rolls of one with their invulnerable safe they can re-roll it nice so very good I've done my Dart packed because this is a unit of slanesh I get sustained hits on fives nice which is nice I'm gonna do the champion separately because he has on a cursed weapon which one which is this one this is into your blade guys the blade guards the blade God we got some sustained hits there yeah lots of stuff I've not hit you very much I've missed you a few times but that's okay sustained one two three four one two three I mean did you say it's going off on fives or sixes fives there's one one next to me oh yes nearly a full host because of that and it will be forced to wound you yep yeah chaos Marines now hello is this their time finally uh apparently not uh three six seven eight nine ten wounds six ordinarily minus one seven eight nine ten well these are minus one on my blade guard yes uh so I'm going to four up so I'm just going to say that I'm using my Storm Shield so that I can reroll that okay fours oh that's a great role only two wounds go through that's a problem uh the accursive weapon for my Champion oh no it's all gone horribly wrong uh can I wound you it is a wound it's minus two this one The Shield of the emperor oh no no audio merge this one behind this shield and it decapitates you no well that didn't go to plan but maybe it will determinate maybe let's see maybe chainsaws that's better lots of hitting many hitting and sustained hits on fives okay one two three four five six seven eight six exactly the amount I missed with oh my goodness Full House my goodness gracious um I will be winning on fives here though okay because you're a chunky boy yeah I can mirror my wounds which makes this slightly awkward the Terminator is toughness five now it's very nice [Music] okay and then re-rolling my wounds I'm a veteran of a long War okay so we have four uh eight to eleven twelve wounds zero yes two one wound goes through look if you had that minus one oh that made a big difference would have been very different right I'm gonna move on to my master possession I'm gonna do something cool I'm gonna use this sacrificial dagger oh I'm gonna stab one of my legionnaires directly in the spleen um he takes one mortal wound but it means I get plus one to my hit and wound roll with my staff of possession because it's a psychic weapon okay yes so four attacks here um sustained sustained ouch my goodness three more okay and then it will be uh strength six so it's twos to wounds plus one to win yeah yeah uh reroll the one because he's in the the the squad so that's seven wounds uh these are minus one okay wow so still twos luckily one goes through oh man it's D3 daddy okay just one win okay so one Terminator is still alive I had a feeling I might need it it's now time for the Terminators to strike yeah so uh the Terminators um the sergeant actually can't uh get into uh attacking range uh incidentally we've also moved the models around the objective because the objective is on the bottom and you cannot end your move on objective uh as per the rules in tenth so with that in mind Sergeant can't fight but for Terminators swing their power fists into your face hitting on threes um now as well by the way uh so some misses there if we had oath of moment on that unit I would get some um uh I would get to add one to the hit roll but I don't so okay that's that seriously uh because you're toughness four still I mean yes okay that is three four five six seven wounds seven eight P minus two okay five up saves oh is that all right nice they've done all right you know four go through one had already lost Immortal wound anyway okay um because you've stabbed him in the spleen I did uh right I'm damaged two damage two with a power fist I'm damaged two okay so that's gonna be eight wounds because I've got six up film no payment yes oh and primordial wound as well can I save any I can save three of them uh so one is there two three and a half three and a half a day are slain by power fist to the brain okay we then have the captain itself ah before we continue yes my March possession has been intoxicating Elixir enhancement which gives him a feel no pain but also means if I hit you in my any of my attacks you have to do a battle shock test and he so he's got a five up feeling okay well I failed that battle shot yes your battle shocked oh so the Terminators do nothing wow okay well I'm gonna strike with the captain now yes uh the captain has seven attacks with the honor viermann oh of course you can still do whatever you want even though your battle shot just no distractions and your OC zero yes well I don't have any uh CP uh but they don't they won't be able to hold the objective unless I kill you anyway in which case the blade guards would hold it spooky sorcerer okay hitting on twos because it plus one attack plus one strength with the honor of yearment I hit you all of the time ouch I wound you on threes uh I've ruined you four times these are also minus two and they are also damaged too okay five up power armor saves okay go through so I've got four feel no pains to do for the wounds I've lost all right come on now uh you've killed another two and one's lost a wound carving through well one wouldn't lose a wounds because the damage would just go on the same guy but I killed two yes exactly and now time for the blinker oh no they draw their swords getting on threes I picked on their own Space Marines that's not great oh uh and then three's the wounds only three words in the blade guard they're obviously too busy defending minus two damage two uh I do past two of them okay so just damaged two still no pain I do feel some pain okay now got four left in the squats hanging on well that's the end of my turn took a lot of a lot of damage there from uh from everything in the middle yeah but that's fine they are still alive just about um in terms of my cards I did get Behind Enemy Lines with my oblitrators and my Raptors I did get bring it down for killing the redemptor I'm gonna discard Airy denial because I feel like there's going to be quite a lot happening in the middle there yeah for the for the coming turns so it'll be a fresh draw for me in the next turn um I got uh 10 points in the primary at the beginning but now it's over to you sir your turn all right [Music] right my command phase now now weirdly the battle shocked Terminators are now not battle shots because they don't need to take a test because they're not under half strength Etc so they will count towards the objective indeed which incidentally I've now effectively got nine models and you that you've got nine models because of your OC of two so we are at a stalemate we need to hold the objective so I do pick up 10 for the primary at the end of this command phase uh incidentally um I've also drawn cleanse um so the drop pod can technically do that on that objective and that will get me three points which is quite nice great uh attempting Target you've chosen that objective over here yeah yeah so I might be able to get that and bring it down so if I if I can destroy that Forge fiend that would be worth four for me um I'm gonna have a little look about uh think about what uh gilliman and my combat Doctrine may be now let me have it okay I am going to do his uh pick a second oath of moment again with this author of the Codex uh the primary open Moment is going to be that Forge fiend if I destroy that Forge fiend to the second oath of moment or go on your to to Terminators okay now here's the big kicker I'm going into tactical Doctrine oh no which means I can fall back and still shoot and charge oh snap crackle and pop oh yes please don't pop me so uh that's all done now it also needs to take a battle shock test for my blade guard uh over there he is under half strength and he is four five six he just passes lucky him uh so he can have strategy spot on him if I so choose and he does count as having objective control all right let's get into it Courage don't forget we ignore the wall because it's only two inches for my crack whopping eight inch move and then the primary lieutenant also follow suit intercessors just move up here a little flanking maneuver there these incessors will run around here the Terminators now fall back towards a badon's bodyguard yes a blade guard will then also fall back level some bolt pistol action in a minute before charging again it's ballista straight on time baby we've got a twin Lads cannon into your Forge fiend okay crack missile into your Forge feed we got the Storm bolters Into Your Rover Raptors I see let's open up with a laser cannon okay uh but let's just last Cannon with the use of moment ability we can re-roll that hit no the moment uh to wound you what is your toughness updates loads I'm going to re-roll that because of both the moments assuming the two is a fail it now becomes a word on top of this ten yeah okay well I needed a three I've re-rolled it without the moment and I've wounded yourself okay it is a minus three but you're in cover so effectively a minus two Damon's day no no he's alive okay we then have the uh crack missile launcher missile launcher double hits moments double six double six okay uh minus two on the crack missile sir double demon save I get one demon save it's not enough demon saves right the crack missile launcher is D6 damage so anything but that oh it would be nasty as a CP re-roll but this is the classic example of where you really should use it yeah I mean yeah I have to destroy it it's my bring it down Mission I'm gonna use the CPU from Zero to Hero I've used my CP but it shows you intense you don't use it very often now no but I have destroyed you on the Royal deadly demise uh because I mean no no it's just sixes and ones this game isn't it okay we got uh gilliman now with the hand of dominion I did do the storm box where it did nothing on the Raptors surprise surprise but the hand of dominion will not fail me hitting on twos into those Raptors we hit you three times nice very nice there's no special rules on it other than rapid fire too yes to wind you we got two wounds there Mr beard it's minus uh two minus two cheers right I've done a lot of little uh pits pass fire uh blade guard over there bolt pistol did nothing the hand of dominion you've seen um this one actually did a crack grenade uh by the uh the the Bolton did kill one of the Raptors and in these Pitter patted off of your rhino other than that that's it also bulk pistols inside the with the blade guard failed to do anything yeah I'm now gonna fight the Terminators oh all of these storm boxes into your cultists the assault cannon into your Terminator the doctrine's coming in Andy but you've got over do you know what I'm actually I'm just going to fight everything you're terminated storm bolt is first here we go hitting on threes re-rolling because oath of moment now affects them no we won't uh toughness on your terminate is this five though right yeah so five's to win who are you all in here oh the oath is oath of moment hello long and fruitful yeah there's no AP here for you to worry about or anything like that that is three six nine wounds on the Terminator sir nine wounds nine wins are trying to reveal a badon a prize it's not bad okay we've then got the assault Cannon which is now six shots no AP but it does have devastating wounds threes re-rolling they're having yeah okay and then it's uh threes because we are throwing six sixes devastating wounds no devastating moves but I still got a chance to fish for a double six come on no it's only five words okay five weeks two up saves you'll be fine okay so I kill a Terminator when I take a word look I'll take that I'm gonna charge you soon he's made it um there's even a roller one which I do he makes it but it does mean that he can only just go whoop and going it's probably enough for him that's enough uh now whilst we're here I will also charge the left-handed oh yes just into your Raptors because he wouldn't be able to fit to the oblit racism very well the Terminators now charge a badon and his bodyguard yes okay blade guards uh that fell backs with attack Squadron were now charged the master possession again you're well done and it was weird I was doing a slow play guard into those Raptors over there it's now to fight phase I'm beginning with the Terminators I know you've got a little you know looked over there he disregards these pawns right I've got four Terminators for power fists Sergeant strikes separately with his power saw you uh because I've got Fury of the first rule and that is an oath of moment uh unit I add one to the hit roll saying hit you on two three wrong nice guy re-roll that um yeah it's now nice power fist now hitting on three anyway to win you you are tough at least five so threes to win but again re-rolling right uh three six nine ten eleven wounds eleven wounds don't know what you call them uh 11's at minus two whatever the chaos equivalent is corrupt corrupts corruption which is really nice so you killed one pretty well you've killed two you've killed three killed three to exactly just a pattern left just a bad the sergeant now because that is what he is they just like screeching little Goblin compared to the Majesty we now have fun what do you want yeah the ideal ones born right four attacks from my sergeant he's just a Terminator okay well I would be wounding you on yeah fours then I've been sure four times this Sergeant wants to be somebody he does the power weapon is also minus two but it's only damage one minus two damage one is it another three Roots he rooted all the time another three yeah Victory wins ah it takes three words the bloodied blade of the sergeant is now attracted the captain stands forwards with the honor here then face me wall faster now that's what you think you are seven attacks hitting odd twos oh nerves the dark Destiny nerves three string some strength six because again the honor vehement with my red Relic blade uh I okay I've got six wounds six words at minus two Sir With The Relic Lake the war master oh wait oh what does that mean he's still alive with two wounds oh you scared yes I'm gonna spend two command points on counter-offensive okay strike next and that's with these marines in the master of possession yes who are revolving all their wounds yeah and you've done a dark pact yes you succeeded without wounding yourself yes chain swords first of all have to do the uh Champions separately because um he has a different weapon yeah but he gets sustained hits on fire I do so I get I get the ones I miss with how convenient uh I'll be ruining you on fours re-rolling because I'm a veteran of the Long Walk good it makes a chaos Legion it's really quite interesting it does a lot of attacks okay not bad six wounds at minus one three four five six okay okay we fail to can't re-roll those because you're minus one right yes okay that's two wins it kills one does a wound on another the Champions one only have one yeah cursed weapon uh hit you all the times because of sustained yes I warned you four times because this is strength five I think strength these are mines too yeah four up anyway yeah re-roller one because the shield wall oh goes through it uh just damage one okay but it does kill another because you had a spilled wound there so two blade guarded dead leaving only the sergeant alive and then the marsh possession okay the staff of possession I'm not gonna do any stabbing this time because I've only got three left right uh okay I have oh I hit you three times yeah I've wounded you twice okay these are at minus one okay oh I saved both cheeky massage is still alive it's a good old primarily tenant time oh five attacks with his Mastercraft this sword these are those Raptors this is for everyone that loves a primaris lieutenant it's you with all of them come on guys you freeze it's only two words oh no no we're gonna have to make another bottle now it's minus two he kills once you do kill one cut one down out the sky the empress sword can you please kill them because he's had a rough a rough addition in ninth yes yeah he wasn't the best I'm gonna he's got 14 attacks with this weapon is that it that's it okay okay uh he's gonna do four of those attacks on those Raptors I'm splitting are we yeah he's going to do 10 attacks with the empress uh with uh on the obliterators it does have devastating wounds as well marvelous okay the four attacks on the Raptors okay this is just a little bit of a swishy of course he misses twice so one Raptor will live uh to wind you two wounds go through no devastating wounds these are at minus three minus three minus three Jimmy crickets yes so he kills two Raptors but one of them yes okay we then have ten attacks okay on the obliterator what's the strength the strength is eight okay so I'll be wounded your obliteracies are whopping topless seven they are yeah okay now I will win you on threes but sixes I just straight up never say Mortal wounds okay that's three sixes okay but that is two four six mortal wounds and then three saves of uh well minus three to make as well demon saves demon saves I passed one wasn't to take eight damage in total okay five six seven eight you've killed them on the nose it's like some kind of codex compliant kill that is yeah it was just it was just like a single thrust damage yeah and he flicks their blood onto the Raptor I need that blood to live is this it the spoiler oh here we go a similar display to what gilliban just did the eight attacks would drag me in okay hitting on twos I've done my dark pack for sustained because sustain's my favorite oh it's a lot of sustained hits there oh my goodness oh my golly gosh um we will do it's Tuesday weeks it strength 14 rejection yeah extracting it I have filtered would you feel interesting the sustained hits you got then must have failed to wound nevermind uh but that is six six wounds you do get your Crux Terminator but any fail damage three boss for the emperor it's bang on the average not bad but that's three Terminators cut in half by tracking yeah here we go the blade guard in the center the one that survived that Master of possessions attacks he will die scam three hits cheeky oh it's in the house he is two words two words two words two wounds one goes through damage too oh feel no pain save me um I will take a battle shock test room because you you did that uh Mastery possession thing he does pass this time Edge um but okay all right oh well some Savage combats happened on camera here so my blade car squad over there did kill four of your Raptors squads one guys yeah can't fall out the air but in turn you took two wounds from me yeah and uh I failed my battle shot test because you're minus one yeah we trapped a skit so super spooky your Raptor however unsurprisingly bounce off of get them and did absolutely nothing a little bit of a bounce he just parried gonna pick you up now by the neck Force killed uh right that is that that's the end of the turn indeed um I did get uh cleansed with the drop pod over here yep uh for the three victory points because we're using tactical um I didn't get attempting Target I'm actually going to discard attempting Target and I'll just take a free CP instead very good okay um and then I did get bring it down for the poor Victory you brought it down so uh four or five six seven victory points earns this turn plus my 10 for the primaries I'll take that nice [Music] at around three yeah I tell you what it's been a brutal game my Timbers uh right so I've drawn defense strongholds no prisoners and assassination so not a bad draw not bad at all um for my warmaster ability I'm going to do Paragon of hatred it's very cross because he's down to two wounds which means that any uh my units within six can reroll hits oh nice which is nice including things yeah yes um outside of that I do need to do a battle shock test for my squad inside the yeah and this is a good example because if you fail it you won't hold that objective which means you only get 10 versus 15 points that is correct um leadership six they do hold it so that will be the the big 50 points suppressive which is very nice indeed okay cool that's everything done in the command phase now let's do a little bit of movement not much at all one last thing to do uh in the command phase I'm going to spend my command but I gain this turn on skin shift because abaddin has Mark of slinesh he will regain three wounds for a command point which is very pleasant indeed anyway we'll move on now the dark commune are going to move over this way towards the drop pod and the other objective to try and claim it for the dark gods the hell brute is going to move over this way towards the Terminators and the Rhino is going to move slightly further away from the intercessors but close enough to keep holding the objective that's the end of my movement phase it's a shooting phase we're going to start off with a couple of plasma pistols from the remaining Raptors of which there are two yeah I've just made a dark pact with the chaos Gods over there and I've been smited because I failed my leadership check with him but I do get sustained hits with my overcharging Plasma Pistol right so you take the Mortal Wings after yes after I've allocated my attacks um can I hit you Plasma Pistol no sustained sadly um can I wound you I can wound you so if you fail this he is dead so it's minus uh minus three on The Supercharged Plasma Pistol on Gilman no no on the on the lieutenant on the lieutenant yeah he's dead there yeah can I die no well not yet anyway because Gilman will kill him um on this Rick two Immortal wounds huh oh no it's D3 mortal wounds you just did it it was a three that was my hazardous he's still dead oh I see yeah it was it was double date oh that wasn't even for the pack double danger okay he's dead but by Lieutenant's dead Lieutenant's dead crazy everyone's dead yeah over here um I'm not gonna bother overcharging he's only got one wound left right uh the good thing too well no because it's massive but yeah he's missed they'll stay in combat he's dead he's dead how exciting pop right we've rattled through a couple of bits of shooting the hell Britt over here fired its twin Lads cannon into the ballistics but you made your saved over here the warp curse from the mind which went into drop hard and I failed to root because it's a chunky boy what we are going to do though in the ruins over there is the master possession is going to unleash his right of possession okay he's gonna try and suck the soul directly out of your head okay I'm gonna use my sacrificial dagger yep um so I do do a mortal wound can I feel no pain it no one Marine is sacrificed to the dag about I do get plus one to hit and wound here so I'll be hitting you uh you've got one wound left I've been overcharged because it's silly not because damage too already okay uh no no I'm gonna overcharge because it shrink six ah um so I have two attacks I hit you twice I have I'll be wounding you on Tuesdays at strike six plus four oh plus one to win so yeah yeah that's two wombs uh yes two wounds at minus three The Shield of the impact it does no no no it's hazardous oh you walk a fight line Mr Bean I will always want to find line just rattling through here the dark communion will charge into the drop I need a ten okay big old charge that's what I need no the hell Brew into the terminal okay leading a four does he need to help yes because you're striking first so I do need that help yeah cool right that's the charges done it's now time for the fight phase the hell brute will strike into the terminator's power Scourge okay I've got eight attacks I've done my Dart packs I've got sustained and lethal hits I didn't take any more toys rather than 11. very key I'm going to uh use my free strategym from the captain Oh only in death there's Duty yet so that two CP Strat is now free it's another supposed to be strapped for your viewing pleasure yeah uh basically if you kill me I will fight anyway here we go race okay so I have got oh yeah I've got one I can re-roll these because of a badon with his ability I forget what it's called for real hits okay very nice so that is uh two additional hits so one more essentially because I haven't missed one okay it will be threes to wound you okay strength seven okay okay Five Wounds Five Wounds only minus one okay you've got three upstairs two okay okay well that would kill a Terminator Okay and put one on one week two four six yes okay uh that's fine we will kill the sergeant and we'll put the other Terminator on a wound okay however the sword yes will attack yes Abaddon okay wait I'm gonna use a stratum as well I'm just frightened I'm gonna use infernal rights to reduce your AP by one okay hang on [Laughter] I've been that had wounded about it before okay uh so we've got four attacks here we hit you twice we're not getting re-rolls or anything like that no oath of moment doesn't work because the band's a single model also any special rules wouldn't work now because it's out of sequence yes so a lot of lots to digest but trust me that's how it works uh but we do not wound you okay okay so he's Sergeant's dead that's it okay and you your helper is full right yep okay well then that's my turn to attack I will be attacking okay so now time for me to strike back with the band well you don't have to I do oh I do um okay so the Terminator is going to strike this power fear yes nope okay we've got two hits okay all right couple of hits there it's three stories we've got to win one wound okay so it'll be AP1 because my propane zeal th Walmart's invigorated by the sergeant being impaled by the hell Bruce time for the honor the events okay forced a wound okay no three Wings three wounds okay it's three words Mr Beer okay three up safes yeah oh he's not even taking any wounds hey back to the center of the battlefield okay the never ending combat Shane swords I've got sustained because I've done my dark my dark days yeah I get two more hits we've sustained uh forced to wound it it's not bad yeah I mean it's only three it's three minus one do you got one room left out of fighting stance Wise It's the re-roll ones of course but of course repo ones oh he dies finally avadon okay right I've done my dark pact didn't take any mortal wounds done it for his throne Ash Mark so fives will be the same kit for Dragonair again he can re-roll because I don't need anything I only get one okay okay okay okay okay it is devastating devastating wound so it's three mortal wounds and six saves okay so I'm gonna kill the well the terminator's dead and then two wins will go over eventually but the six saves three four five six the emperor protects now Captain Will Survive oh it's a good role right okay hold on a minute just everyone calm down what's your damage it's damaged three so one one will go through on your term eight and it's three damage um so then two wounds two wounds would go on to the captain at the end of the sequence that's the water wins uh yes okay uh uh will be three mortal wounds and ones oh that's at the end of yes oh yeah he's taken three wounds and that's three mortal wounds so he he's he's dead yes your soul can Terminator and then there's three right so if I make this CP if I make this safe you do have to open to a CP on the armor saying I'm alive on three wounds the cracks term and artists saving throw the emperor protects six days yeah they're good they're expensive but they are very good okay right so in terms of my secondaries I've got assassinate yeah because of my um uh suicide Champion over there yeah all the captain or over there um and I did get five points and no prisoners because I have killed enough units to get the maximum of five defense strong holds on going I should be able to get that as well um because I don't think you can get anything into onto this objective by the end of your next turn unless you have some kind of crazy teleport stuff but that's that that's three in the bag it was very good dad oh it was a good one uh I'm only gonna pick up 10 for the primary yeah um okay let's see what happens Battleground prepaid for me okay right guillerman is going to go uh declare the assault doctor in there Legends advance in charge which is very spicy indeed hopefully get me into a nice position uh I did pass my bachelor chalk Tech check just off camera here for um the lone gladesman um so that's that there don't need any other battle shock uh in terms of oath of moment I'm going to select oath of moments uh as the primary unit being this one yes I need to storm hostile objective and kill them yes uh gilliman will use his author of the Codex to do a free stratagem is what we're going to do no actually you know what I will do oath of moment again okay and For Better or Worse going to put it I'm going to put it on the hell Bridge okay okay uh all right this is it let's see what happens um it's now time to do oh some cards you'd want to see that I've got assassinate nice so again because you've got character in there it's worth a lot of points for me storm hostile objective and engaging all fronts which I can technically kind of get quite it looks like it yeah okay let's see what happens get lemon yes he did the rants rolled a three which means he can stop Round Here the Restless Dreadnought comes around here with his eight inch move so you can see over the top of the sealed building to try and get that hell Brute well I did roll a six for this unit for the advance which is very handy by two saying Immortal wounds however with a 12 inch move now and they can charge afterwards orbits excuse me that objective okay this blade guard he's uh Advanced he's gonna just run behind here get me that engaging all fronts intercessors now move up to the wall here hello okay this is it I've got to bring this unit down rapid fire oh well they're two shots uh into this unit uh they've got so I've got two shots each I'm gonna do a crack uh grenade from the launcher as well okay here we go okay so both of moment on me rolling okay that's that's made a difference not that it actually help that much that's four wins oh I've spent a CP on storm of fire so I've only got one CP there to ignore your cover here with this shoe oh my cover so four save for four up Sir two go through that was one it's just damaged one okay all right so you've killed one of my Legions I killed one one wasn't stabbed was he uh he's already dead he's already dead Okay so one legionnet so how many have you got left now two left two okay now we've got the crack okay can we roll at the moment does hit does wounds saves okay okay we're gonna move on to this unit also targeting you now more death you will get cover safe so this time yep um oh no I'll just re-roll all of those without the Moments Hello Goodness Me Okay and then towards you and oath of moment okay that is Five Wounds they are at minus one five wounds but you've got cover so threes takes another win okay one more win crack yep oh that'll kill once up so there's just one Marine left in there is there okay uh they're not storm balls it's their death win missile launches any extra points uh so right definitely missile launcher into here okay look cool as well imagine a drop pod but it definitely is up right right into here uh okay the only difference is Storm Bowls has got more reliable amount of shots actually but anyway uh it's strength five so three syringe uh that's four wins there's no AP so you will get oh you can't get two up cover so you're dead kill another one okay that is very interesting interesting I'm going to tell you why let me tell you why please tell me well he now counts as a separate unit yes at the end of that sequence which means that the oath of moment has been fulfilled I don't get re-roll hits and wounds against him but it does Now activate on the hell brute oh and I've got my ballista stradnought here no okay before we get to the blister stradnought I'm going to do the drop pods I definitely missile launcher I have to get plus three shots of the blast here into those cultures 15 of them uh well that's a really good that's a really good rate of fire that's a really good rate of fire and they do hit on threes I've checked what a Mindless death death Death pods uh toughness three I assume toughness is three let me read you three times oh that's sad uh I have a five up invulnerable save from uh my faithful flock ability okay now faithful they are quite faithful one dies okay well that's that one here we go okay this is it Melissa stradnought Twin last Cannon and the crack missile into your hell brutes the storm Bolter will fire at uh the the uh Master possession Two Shots first with the storm Bolter that is one hit I do not get the re-roll that is one wound I hate you we got the twin last cannon into your help route now okay two hits two woo Laser cannon uh minus what one million it's three nice three fives no okay it's 26 plus two in this instance I only roll double six it equals six does plus two is eight he's got one wound left one wound left no hang on a minute hang on wait only have eight wait no no oh I killed him a button snuffs him out of the town of Horrors pump [Laughter] a bowl yeah it's the charge phase Mr beard okay Marines into your master of possession he must die right obviously make it so we're gonna do these marines into your rhino hello all right this is it I'm gonna use honor the chapter for one CP my last CP here to give them the Lance ability so I get plus one to wound now I'll charge all right that's how it's going down stand right I've got a power fist on the sergeant okay that's what you do in tenth uh well that's what I'm doing anyway uh and I've got four Marines uh just with regular close combat weapons very good uh right first of all we'll do the sergeant first okay for what it's worth we've got three attacks we're not getting rerolls here because you're not an out of the moment unit anymore no no I'm not he hits you three times it doesn't matter oh what is your toughness foreign toxicating elixir no it's interesting but doesn't help me okay one I've got two words left three very stressful there's a bit cooler right it's nice well one of the cool things about the gaming less Kelly now it just sort of it it extends the anticipation of one's demise okay okay that is three four five six wounds six that's six wins that's what it is yeah taken two weeks okay so we how many wounds oh no is he only got four wins Mastery possession left Lieutenant character Escape The Elixir he's singing like Dr Pepper right we've just done this camera off uh this um combat off camera uh did do three wounds on your ride though it's despite the odds but you've done three wins back now with your master possession on by Marines I saved two one goes through okay so it's D3 damage minus one AP just the one okay but you do you do a battle shock test on them oh gosh oh we passed we passed whatever I roll we passed because then I know they're better foreign well that's my turn yeah it is I failed to get assassinate sure but I did get engaged for three victory points because I'm playing tactical yep um I did get um storm hostile objective for the full five because I was watching my super sessions alive I am much better OC than you you are indeed um so I am holding I'm director of uh so that's seven points I just picked up there I believe I'm behind you now by like two three points because I did get um uh defense stronghold you did yeah you did but weirdly now in your turn four you'll only get the one primary that is true you'll only get that one primer reading the one you'll only get the one just the one [Music] right it's about around four oh it's a little bit I'm ahead by one point one point because I only got three to defend that's right stronghold um okay so I've got cleanse secure hostile objective and secure no man's land yeah so it's almost objective I'm probably not gonna worry about cleanse but these two storm and secure shoes oh my goodness avadon is going to put Paragon of hatred uh as his Aura for reroll hits okay let me do a very quick right quick summary here sorry Town um so abadan with the talent of Horus did all of his shots into the incest over there and thanks to the cover there's still a lot of quite another day um we have also done a psychic Blast from the Mind witch into the drop pods um has lost a couple of wounds yes um and aside from that the master possession tried to Pistol psychic pistol one with his brain he succeeded and he did which is nice yeah he's a monster now it's the charge face charge from the.com Union to the Dropbox what's big fight phase yeah so nothing's really happened over there um no the drop pods and the dark comedy wasn't expected to do much I just wanted the objective that's fine over here we have the main event Albert John now I didn't mention forgive me in the command phase I spent one of my command points on skin shift again put him up to eight wounds right straight all the marks work really well distractions for him yeah it does sort of make sense um I've done my Dart packed off camera I just need to roll and see if my dark Destiny goes off for an extra command point on a two plus it does which is very nice indeed so I'm stuck up to two right now time to strike with drag me in all right have sustained hits here again on slash so fives and sixes are sustained sustained uh that's four additional ouch why is that and it's minus four isn't it fish mine is four they're just twos and they're dead that's it turned on I've got these two I've secured I have stormed let's see if I can delete I'm gonna get rid of cleanse I don't have enough units to reliably do it so I'm just gonna hope for a better draw in the next turn okay and that's it we'll let the fates decide I guess we will [Music] talk about and they'll buy to Mr beard I've wet my pants right I'm going to use uh my author of the Codex to do the oath of the moment twice again the primary target is that Master of possession if he dies it will be a burden himself I'm going to use adaptive strategy for one CP okay and put it on Gilman so that he's now in the assault Doctrine okay okay I and them yes going to tell you my cards I've got assassination yep I got overwhelming Force yep I got Behind Enemy Lines I do need to take a battle shock test for that blade single lone blade guard yes oh he fails shookath that's a big problem so it means I don't I Can't Get Behind Enemy Lines I think you can okay the movement phase is done actually does can't provide An Enemy Lines because whilst he's OC zero he's still it's uh he still exists yeah it still exists yes it does count I'll only get three points but it's better than none I have shifted my unit over here so they can all get into rapid fire range of the master of possession I did Advance with Gillman uh puts him just up to the wall here um and I've moved the ballistic dread not around so he's got a line of sight on both the characters nice right first things first we're going to open up with a deathwind missile launcher okay into the master of possession okay I don't like him 32 shots okay oh is it plus one is it plus one it is plus one very nice he hits you once right he wins you one oh hello you failed to save and we've got one wound left oh I'm intoxicating Elixir okay I'm now going to fire my entire Squad at him okay see Advanced two three four ounces with oath of moment I get had rerolls there doesn't matter I'll do it okay misses anyway no fracking isn't it Force the wounds re-rolling re-rolling re-rolling open Moment open Moment Mr beard in the house you've got five saves of five of three up five saves of three up you need to wear one more dice oh it's five okay huh now he's dead no oath of moment shifts no hello ballistus covering far of the ballistic shred nor as Gilman Loom's interview he Looms with uh a a a a a cloud of flies I'm gonna use dark obscuration for one CP so he might want to hit oh you dog [Laughter] but laser cannons it did make some difference ominous okay this won't this can't physically kill him can't physically kill him do you wish to use a CP before I do my crack yes I do CP reroll hold one okay okay six for a six yep done it to crack missiles at the moment s foreign okay one goes through six okay that's six damage okay six damage what's your base save two plus two plus were you in cover will you order three you're fine oh yeah oh I'm fine [Laughter] [Music] brother badges from around the corner this is the way it should be I could weed you with the ballistics I couldn't do words on you oh no no gilliban charges appropriate why don't you play sir Into The Crucible yes yes okay I've charged with the incessity into the Rhino but that's not what matters get them in steps forward the emperor's sword comes out starts raining this is the blade that killed your father appropriate now that I send you to meet him and I will use the emperor's sword oh my God I'm just bearing up what does that do again that gives me plus one to wound which is relevant here because the empress sword is only strength eight so I will now win you on two splendid I do also have devastating wounds and of course the oath of moment yeah you've got it all in Your Arsenal okay the hits no I'm sorry now any six I roll will be two mortal wounds yes [Music] suffered up the heretic to live I roll five sixes I Badlands head it's mine I've got one command Point left although I'm pretty sure I do it's been it's been a pretty intense game he gained a command point so I think you started this this turn on three I have to do it I'm gonna spend a command for an eternal hate because I Mark of corn on a three plus I can get up and fight on death oh my God six it was me no no unfortunately for Bobby G no the emperor sword impales a badon before he realizes dracnion's impaled him please oh for good luck yes yes I I've failed at you once again I get no extra I know because this is about sequence I'll be wounding you what's this toughness toughness is nine nine so it'd be threes to it even though it's strength 14. it's threes to woots not bad though not bad was that five words and they're devastating woo I don't think you get any abilities because it's out of sequence okay yeah okay even your weapon doesn't get any abilities right don't get me wrong I'd love you to do it despite the rules that's kind of how it works out I have wounds at minus four assuming you have a I have an invulnerable today to go through damage three not four no and then once again so now I've just gone into the lead yeah he's gonna come down to what secondaries you get [Music] yeah so you you score the last of the primary you can get I do get I do get if you do get ten because the cultists have kept me on the subject of the whole game do like a cultist unit yeah I'm hoping I'm gonna get destroyed drop pods uh abaddin's dead and the ride though is locked in combat yeah uh overwhelming Force unattempting targets where's the tempting Target there I think appropriately on that um yeah of a warlord because I get 15 points and there's not for my primary in my next turn there's nothing you can do about it we just worked out uh where the primary points are going to go in turn five in your turn five because you'll get all 15. yeah I re I sort of needed to be able to get all of those secretaries to be in with a Chance yeah but on this day it's ultramarine's victory an amazing game what a pleasure what a great game what an amazing wow wow what did you guys think I thought it was an amazing game very cool down to the wire very cool see Gilman as potion as he should be he can fight he can fight yes so can a badon know we saw he wiped out all of the Terminators and the captain single-handedly he's very different intense but because you've probably always taken with the Terminator Squad he's very hard to get to and he's doing a lot of damage as he goes um I really enjoy using chaos intense yeah they're good fun yeah um I love the ultramarines uh too I've always got Ultra beans have a a place in my heart always because of Captain Artemis but um look they did the business open moments obviously very strong I wouldn't be surprised if that got changed in a future codex to be honest but we'll see what happens it's very powerful just because your whole Army can re-roll hit some wounds and then Gilman can technically if you pick your targets right you can basically make you do it on two units which makes him really good as well there's a few of there's a few ways you can get it twice like death watch for instance yeah with the right um enhancement you can do it twice everything yeah but you know Miami was relatively small because it is quite Elite um obviously it wasn't the belt that's supposed to be like really competitive but it did the business and it was a really close game so despite over the moment being that good you know you nearly won the game you're in the lead in fact yeah for like three turns in a row yeah oh awesome what a great game amazing game look thank you so much guys for tuning in and watching we hope you've enjoyed this 10th edition game what a rule set what an amazing index so far but Jesus goes like this we know it's a good thing and if you want more 10th edition games head over to On Demand we've got more and there's way more to come as well and all the faction focuses including a battle report which has been released at the same time as this right now two one right now what a time in the hobby for now if you've been a legend Mr beards I've been the evil spider Mr Lawrence and our loyal Servo skull has been Mr Bart we'll see you in another battle report very soon bye-bye for now bye oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tabletop Tactics
Views: 156,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, battle report, 40k, 10th edition
Id: MZyG_lVxTgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 50sec (6350 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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