Idoneth Deepkin vs Nighthaunt | Age of Sigmar Battle Report

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welcome back to tabletop tactics as you join me the Jinx bringing fear and Terror to the Mortal Realms today as I bring the spectral hordes of the night haunt to Bear well you can't bring fear and Terror because I've already brought fear and Terror to the Mortal Realms but I've brought it from the sea because I am a CEO of today it's me the sea chef you get it if you see Chef it's me on the horizon riding on into battle on a shark okay well with that let's just get to the list [Music] it's fish talk because I'm the fish elves I am the fish elves today we're riding the iron F and we're running something that uh We've not seen before uh it is the Dom ha enclave and the reason for that is because it allows me to redeploy three units and anything that allows me to redeploy multiple units is fantastic and annoys Kitty so I'm gonna do it she's staring daggers at me right now off camera it's brilliant so leading it up is the eidolon of math lion aspect of the sea Matalan himself he will be my warlord General my general trait did I give him oh yes the one that allows me to cast more spells if I cast on an unmodified seven so that's nice I've not given him an artifact though he will be going in a warlord Battalion alongside an ishran tide caster and a uh-ish ran Soul render yes um in my water Detachment I've taken an artifact as an extra enhancement so I've given the Arcane Tome as an extra enhancement to my soul render which does make him an andorian Locus so that's quite useful for these missions and well specifically the Battle Tactics and I've also given my basic artifact to the tide caster and I've given him the drich leech which is an anti-casting aura so to speak so that's quite useful in these matchups yes that was it for the characters in The Warlord Battalion we've also got a unit of Acadian uh which are like the ish are they the more sargar I don't know this is like my first time using another the stabby ones the ones that are shielded rather than the no the shieldy ones rather than the stabby ones good good uh good differentiation there um the more sargard that's it we then go over to my battalion foreign regiment Battalion so my brain is not engaged this morning so we have an Acadian thrall master in there as well as lotan The Ledger of the souls legend of the souls I think that's his title and they are leading up because I'm Dom Harden I want lots of namati I've got two units of tenamati reavers and I have a unit of 20 namati frols and a unit of 10 namatifralls I also have two akelian alopeces dotted about amongst the um regiments yes so I've got one in the battle regiment and I've got one in the warlords just because I can and then because I had some points left over I have taken an emerald life swarm so I can just keep mine the Marty fraws top top which combined with the soulscribe can get quite silly that is the list it's 2 000 points uh I would say on my nose uh the elves of the sea do have uh noses but they don't have Isis so I'm now one with the fish oh my gosh so spooky it is the night haunt today again this is my second time running them I've got pretty much our entire Collective Army in the list today I think I'm missing like a single unit so showing off pretty much everything that we have and all the beautiful models that such as painted for you I will be taking the emerald host today because it's what makes the most sense with the units we currently own so that's why I'm doing it and my general is the spirit torment I've given him the terrifying entity General trait we do have Lydia Linda in here because she's fabulous and I do have right and all the Grim Halo he didn't really do much for me the last time I used him so hopefully I can use them a bit better this time I have a cheeky tomb Banshee thrown in for good measure and I have the United shrouds I've given him an artifact of power and that artifact of power is the pennant of the fell wind so hopefully get him into combat and cause again even more Shenanigans which is my favorite thing to do it is my very best and I'm a spoopy little ghost for my battle line I do have a unit of spirit hosts I have a unit of grim gas Reapers and then I have a reinforced unit of chain rasps we do have the black coach again he's such an amazing model and he's done some really cool cool stuff for me in the past so hopefully he does some more today and then the rest of the list I have the Craven Throne Craven Thorn Throne I always think it should be craventhorne because that makes more sense but no craving Throne guard which is really difficult to say a unit of those I have a unit of chain gusts I have the Meriden banshees and I have blade ghast revenants the only unit I am missing from this list that we own is the script and Waters which is very sax I've not used him yet and I think he's one of the coolest models just by not being very good but maybe I'll use him at some point in the future if the points change again and we get more models maybe we'll see it is not quite 2 000 points on the nose it is 1980 points which is very sad but it means I go to tryouts which is happy yay today's battle plan is Nexus collapse a pitched battle from the General's handbook six predetermined objective markers are placed onto the battlefield at the start of each battle round the player with the fewest victory points can choose to collapse up to two objectives a dice is rolled for each unit within six inches of any collapsed objectives and on a four plus they take D3 mortal wounds further rules and information can be found in the General's handbook did you know our content is only made possible by our on-demand members download our app or head to our website now to sign up and see our entire library of battle reports podcasts hobby shows and more seize the initiative and become an on-demand boss today [Music] well into reality wellituality no you were looking for Souls you were looking for Souls down the well another I've already eaten them so why do we fight because both of us want those Souls here so should we just go should we go dutch 50 50. yeah yeah that sounds good well that's that yesterday it was a good game um thank you so much not one casualty other than the poor Village I mean no one cares the souls were consumed they didn't deserve them anyway right um I deployed first you did deploy first because you had two battle regiments yes two drops instead of the one drop I had multi-drop yes I like extra toys yeah I do understand that does make sense I will be taking the first turn because I want to um I've deployed as far forward as I can eat eat I barely made combat last time I want to do a bit more this time I understand maybe the lights will get turned off again that was weird who's spoopy and it was the tomb Banshee I think it was killing the two Banshee that did it so you know if you you mess with her bad stuff's gonna happen to the studio therefore you need to let me win [Music] about around one indeed my turn indeed um I've gone with one stop no return for my Battle Tactics so I need to get my black coach within three inches of that objective and own it which with some Shenanigans is doable I know you can redeploy and and stuff but I can it's fine I can manage it yes but yeah because I'm going second I can redeploy up to three namata units so that's nice it's fine it's fine you do you um for the magic and the Spells there's all of my spells are offensive none of them were in race so I did get an Arcane Bowl off with reichner just um and we both have a primal magic nice yes we're gonna play it correctly this time around thank you for people in the comments for letting us know um that's what happens when you try and film and uh have to read the book a day before filming yeah um so we both get got a primal magic dice um your Emerald curse only went off twice yeah because the Sharks scare me why because I got absolutely murdered by them did have I even played against the idea no I got murdered by them every game every game I've ever seen with the idea sharks have murdered stuff and it makes me sad I only got two I don't like them fun fact viewers I think and the only time the sharks have been run with all the sharks has been against me twice so that's fun for everybody but you're not James uh uh in terms of ish around rituals because I declare those after um the term one is decided um I have the ritual of the surging stream which is plus I want to run and charge uh when I'm in the flood tide so turn two and because I have a tie Caster down here I get to pick a second one which I've gone for the ritual of deep sight which is all my namata units get a five up ward in high tide which is tan three so nothing just yet um obviously being um I don't know if you can only shoot the closest Target but your shooting is very close range anyway I have one tutty thing two two things the machine battery does shoot she does shoot yeah but that is specifically shooting attacks not lifting the Veil um so that's cool uh and I don't think there's anything else preamble to do oh I got a CP on my achilles I don't get a CP you've got nothing I wrote a one first things first in the movement phase we are going to 10 in the most helpful of ways for me to be able to move him okay we're gonna do this without damaging any of my models good luck over here [Music] I am spending a command point on at the Double for this unit to be able to get as many within range of the objective as I can I've run with my black ice revenants so they will just be moving forward I decided not to redeploy because there was no real way that I was going to get because you currently got 14 models with just with the chain glass and the black coach on that objective so I need to get 15 in range which just isn't going to happen so I've left it for now maybe I'll redeploy here my knight of shrouds is just going to move normally up to here and the grimgast reapers are going to be up around him oh they're all kind of stuck together my best friends the Banshees themselves have also run up behind essentially is the great neatening everything is just moving forward my chain Ghasts and their leader friend I can't remember the spirit told me the spirit torment they've both Advanced so they can get in good range to give out their Buffs and auras so they're just moving up and everything else is moving up as well so we'll just do that quickly now that's my movement everything has just muted forward and I have one bit of shooting because it's seeing the black coach who's in range I have one attack with my storage grasp I'm doing uh all our defense with my free one with the Acadian thraw Master those are thralls but fine well I don't care because I don't even hit you some attempts to charge and then that might just be my turn do you want to just do it now do you know what yes I will two units that could attempt to touch um they've charged they've Advanced so the it's the Reapers and the uh night shrouds yes so the Reapers your choice no you need a 10. so no no and I'm not going to attempt the knife shots honestly are you sure I'm sure yes exactly don't try and bite me into something you know I don't want to do okay now that is my turn well done yeah well I mean I did get my battle tactic yep um is it whole what is this hold one so it's uh so in this Mission Nexus collapse it's hold one hold two hold more battle tactic um in addition from round two onwards stuff starts exploding that's so good for me so I am holding one two hours [Music] okay turn one for the identif deepkin uh we both gained a CP from the uh heroic leadership I have it on my spirit torment yeah lock and key man yes yep yep um neither of us gained a primal magic Dice and I have chosen lead into the Maelstrom because that seems cool yeah uh Magic wise uh we successfully cast Mystic Shield onto my allopex down here um my Arcane tone bearing Soul scryer managed to cast an Arcane Bolt the tie Caster did Kill three of the blade geists with Riptide which is very nice and also puts a minus one to hit on them which is cool uh down here the eidolon of mathlan aspect of the sea uh annoyingly uh his really good spell tsunami of Terror which is D3 enemy units within 12 inches or minus one to their saves uh well I'm playing against ghosts I don't care so uh he cast clawing sea Mists um and killed a chain gast great success came rasp um just because it's only a 12 inch range uh he then successfully managed to cast uh Emerald life swarm but you dispelled it because of Primal magic we both used Primal Magic on it and there was it was very high casting I got like a 14 and then you denied it on a 16. it was great well I don't know about that um [Music] and that's it that's it that's it in terms of move uh I mean yes I would I would yes I would okay I will you can thanks yay the first unit of namatifralls just moving up this way the tide Caster running up to join and the Soul render also ran as well the reavers just moving up alongside so they can get their bows in range oh I did leave enough room for you to fit but your fin has caused me as issue there we go good good guard in my list but the Irish lion guard uh swimming over this way so that we might make a chicken charge are you going to use your redeploy at any chance maybe okay alopex number two the great shuffling of the normanty thralls because of your chain rasps blocking off my advancements I guess I'll just have to murder them oh no lotan is going to just go here and Garrison my Gloom tired shipwreck or half of it and he came in for all master is just going to move down to here so he can lead his Warriors and power the Poise the power the presents like a horrible waterfall uh we will jump through this window and we still have a few extra inches of movement allowing me to just move along here um I'm gonna have to do this quite carefully and measure it quite carefully but for all intents and purposes like a waterfall of Doom we will begin the shooting phase with the eidolon of maplin aspect of the sea they idle on all of them yes into your my mom Banshee yes I'm using my free Command point from my friend um to give them to school product the spirit torment yes um D3 shots it's the big three uh-oh freeze and freeze renders irrelevant I hit you twice I wound you once you love it okay fine the allopex on this flank into the mimon Banshees okay no they're not in this game such a shame though the next hour packs then um can't shoot them I'm on banshees because Wildwood that's the footprint um so instead we'll shoot with green grass Reapers because they are close to the edge much like I'm becoming um because I've got loads of CP I'm going to spend one on all that attack here from one of my characters down here into that because I don't want to repeat of the last round of shooting oh is it the exact same no no no the last time was two twos so that's what I was anticipating and I rolled three ones okay then that's fine do you need a moment this is not going well so no right we'll do the damati rivers on the flank here uh four of them are uh sorry four of them two of them are just in range of these uh chain grasps but not nothing else the others will be going into the Grim casts yeah into the chain rasps I hit you all of the times that's better there you go I wound you three times that's better okay five bucks uh dandrum and then I killed two all right into the grimgars okay it's okay it's because you're a combat Army that's the problem four wounds four wounds they have a four they do okay damage one again one okay okay I kill another two consistent final bit of shooting the reavers in the middle here um five of them are going into the Grim gas and five of them are going into the blade guys into the Grim Ghast okay I'm not within nine of these so I don't get the plus one to hit here okay that's fine uh okay that's much better Lads six moons please okay and then six up what okay two more die so there's five left in the right left cool into the blade guys the currents are cold we're in the Atlantic and I want to be in the Pacific see six again into your blade guys consistent consistency I love it when things work out like that yeah water all right guys okay fine uh that could have gone a lot better Lads but that's okay because now we're gonna charge we will start with two simple charges the other pecks on this flank yes okay basically just to go like that swim swim swim swim swim just keep swimming to be in the sea uh an island of maflin aspected to see yes we right we now have the namati fraws and the ishlangard and the Acadian thrill Master but I need to think now about the order in which I do them right after careful consideration we're going to start with the namati frawls I'm gonna do that now because the blocking is still a concern yeah yeah well with that big 10 inch charge I've managed to get them all around into multiple units which is very nice indeed now the thrall master a six exactly what he needs to go into here which is very nice indeed it wouldn't have been a big deal if he did fail and now I'll do the Ashland guards a five well not as much as I was hoping but they do have fly so it's enough it's one more chance to do that allopex can make an 11 inch charge into those uh Craven friend guard remove those old dice no I've got so many CP that are being lost I'm going to spend it from my tide Caster why not treat yourself oh it's not quite that much and that's okay it's right that was just more of a yeah that'd be nice maybe you can do something this time but never mind right uh let's do some fighting we will begin the fight phase with the Marty fraws and the achillion fighting starts from the full Master is the way of the depths uh which is real ones to hit because I'm going to use his free CP to give them all out attack because you have so many cpy wouldn't you yes um so because of the range and the way that I am um you personally I I meant in terms of the position of the board but also the way that I am I is a four-way split so we've got 18 attacks into the chain rasps we've got six attacks into the coach we've got 12 attacks into the Reapers and we've got 10 attacks into the Knight of shroud I will be using a command point on this corporate for the Knight of shouts because he has the I fight something else fights ability so maximum fightings yes for me hopefully uh now you are minus one to wound on them because of the Knight of shrouds uh Amulet of the fell wind pendant of the film I was so close uh but fortunately lotan is here so he gives me plus one to wounded combat also which is nice so be choose and freeze re-rolling once to hit we will start with the chain rasps here we go we're quiet this is very good freeze to wound okay dropped a few it's a couple there that's fine so there's four uh eleven five up six UPS please oh so close so greatness so close uh fiber for them yes not shabby and then six is okay seven slain not bad we will then go over to the uh coach so we've got six attacks here these will be damaged two on the coach because you are chunky I'm so large were you all the ones for my way of the dips I hate you all the time swooning on freeze I do drop free there frustrating mate two three saves four up and then he does have a fiber he does yeah these are damaged too yeah okay so three damage onto him I'll take that over onto the Reapers yeah look at all those ones there very nice and then freeze to wound up oh dear that minus one to wound is kicking in quite nicely oh that's a terrible Five Wounds enough to kill the unit I think maybe not but that's okay okay I'll just Mark that down here and this is a relatively important one on to the Knight of shrouds the night of the Shroud I can re-roll the ones I hit you all the times Right freeze to wound you it's good the minus one again coming in quite important so that is okay six damage how many losses okay so you need to pass two of these uh six six damage yeah he has a wound remaining okay that's fine not too bad I'll let you remove some casualties and then uh we'll move on to your next unit well your first unit I suppose native shouts I'm gonna go into eels and then I've also got the opportunity to to move in with certain things so five attacks heading through okay okay uh there's no point doing all that defense here because I have a Bible take barrier Auto wind yes you are a ghost that is three wins okay I have a free up save on the charge I love it okay well then I am going to activate don't destroy your own things I'm going to activate with my revenants next and move them in okay um they are getting the plus one hit because they are next to the Spirit gosh yes we did forget that with the Knights but it didn't make any difference so twos and three okay uh there's two Auto wounds the race to then windy with the rest of these that's pronounced eels I was making an unrelated noise seven seven free up saves uh damage one right yes uh two go through okay cool you are damaged cheers the alipex has piled around the uh single chain rust there I have sort of tagged reichenor within the three engines I mean he could be um I'm gonna put all my attacks into the black Coast um I do get plus one attack on my ferocious bite because you have wounds allocated to you but we'll start with my Barb Hooks and Blades yes freeze and freeze I don't get to reroll the ones here because that's only for the Mata units from his fighting style uh two wounds there these are damage one oh into the tray one and then here's a five up he does have a fiber truck he loves it and then Chomp Chomp Chomp Chomp Chomp somebody clearly he was hungry that's why he was missing clearly he was hungry uh these are two damage uh okay cool so then two yeah he takes two weeks so he's getting five so far that's fine my turn to activate did the train roster quickly off camera and funnily enough did do a single wound to Idol on that line of the sea and he went to your uh short yeah bear in mind that the shark had Mystic Shield outside a free up save and I wrote a double one so and of course I uh I have a free up save a vital on my plan I've got loads of CP nothing else to use it on so I thought why not let's give him a save with all that defense across the roller one a ghost that's my life at the moment it seems right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put my uh deep sea scepter into them because it's only an inch range I'm gonna put my fish into them from the with their sharp fangs into them but I'm going to do my my side Trident into uh yeah I understand so let's start with some fish two six attacks eight eight little fishies My Hope here is that they go live so I can use um insane bravery same bravery on them makes sense uh I wouldn't do four times with the fish fives sixes with eaten by a show of piranhas uh the deep sea scepter I hit you twice I would do one one ah dropping dice I'm not damage one these are damaged two if we get to that step fiber there we go so I've halved him how interesting and I killed a couple of ghosty boys but they're not dead yet time for the Grim gas Reapers to see what they can do into your correct yes look at me getting there don't know my units but I'm learning yours so that's the important thing I'm gonna go with the slasher size first one to hit yep from your chain gasts two rear second there so they hate all threes is that all the attacks you get um I do also have the death now oh they're definitely are separate right right yeah because I was like they get extra attacks but it's the death now uh just the two just the two no Auto wings no I didn't get anything okay uh minus one you say well interestingly I count as being in cover sure although I charge which means I don't get cover so that seems so it's correctly well no I'm just I'm trying to work out if that's how it works but yes that is so um six sub steps okay damage one I do get a five up Ward for being next to my ship the fish swim out and go no leave them alone it's like flounder no my friend uh you do kill one okay and the death now but one enemy model did die so that goes up to two slaying guards a bit of a split because I want to try and kill that night shroud so one of them is going into the nicer shrouds the other two are going into the blue Ghost revenants uh into the Blake us for evidence The champ is there let's start with them seven attacks from my hell Sabers I'll be freezing freeze because of the very minuses and bosses that are going going on downhill uh I do hit you only the three times these are the Elite of the army uh I do wound you three times however oh these are damaged one damage one so I have sixes so two and now they're oh showing the Riders how it's done this is always the way we fantasy uh yep there we go the mounts always do better than the Riders and these are still into the these are into the thing but these are D3 damage that's uh no no one two three four five six seven no [Music] not a bad ride that's not a bad role uh so that's a further four on top of the two which I think is the unit gone uh one two three four five six four five six yeah delete fish uh now into the United shrouds the leader the leader the musician no the icon Bearer good Lord uh he wounds you three times three wounds one two three you know dos tres five up here no he's dead okay the other year was just like oh I don't get to eat anything why to be fair I am a incorporeal form it's a bit hard for an eel to snack on I can all the room Halo next Ghostly hoofs and turfs uh off camera because here's some turfs and in true Huffs and turf's fashion two wounds two wounds with a free episode of that poor shark four is remaining for my fell Reaper threesome face okay that's an auto wind in there yeah you won't die yes I am cursed uh what is the mind oh nope I have two wins remaining right perfect for a cut right for a person the Acadian thraw master he thinks he's gonna be somebody he isn't so he's going to kill the black coach right I'm wounding you on twos because of a bloat animal in the solo so of course I rolled he once the three uh three wounds it isn't actually kill you he's nice too he's damaged too I can't like if I don't save anything but if I save at least one thing Force it's four damage fives I mean he was pretty close to Greatness he's taken three wounds off you I'll take it but I am alive yeah I am alive the black coach is putting everything into unimati throws just to see how many of them I can murder uh the Houston toast and the factual crawls between them have killed but now the time for the soul reach grasp which does not hit because I could have all that attacked here but your attacks are done so now I don't have a command Point left for inside bravery um and uh yeah that that is it all the combat is done um I do have a battle shop to take on the remnants you do let's just quickly roll that now two and then I've lost your bravery is ten right yeah you've lost seven so you don't care fine yeah um and obviously I will spend CP on the inside very very good um I'm not within 12 with my uh Souls my soul render for an Arcane bolt good um because I could have done it with the um to kill the Knight of shrouds though yep he's within three so it's D3 now what the soul render does do is bring D3 of minor Marty's back one okay fine so I still at least killed one it's not so bad uh you did kill a shark I did um but I did hit you very hard there yeah um yeah killing the blade geists and the Knight of shrouds was quite nice now you do of course have I'll bring free models back with the uh spirit torment and also lady and Lady Linda's gonna do D6 so I've not dented a huge amount in terms of like the Reapers or anything but that's okay so your points let's just do a little swapsy Doodle flopsy doodle what about the points that is a very good question so uh I've reclaimed this objective and I currently have that objective so I've got two you not none of us have that objective and free so I'm not holding more that's fine now weirdly that's not a bad place to be in because it means I get to do the explodies well I will determine that after we're off a priority please me please okay I'll double turn you then okay [Music] okay start about around two and just before we go into my hero phase we're going to collapse some objectives this one and the one underneath your spirit host they are removed from the battlefield but also everything within six takes D3 mortal wounds on a four plus so we've measured it up uh we'll start with the ones down here on the spirit host they evade it okay on the chain gasts they avoid it on the spirit torment he avoids it that one's done fine over here it's just reiken or analinda on rikonur yes he takes one mortal wound okay does he yes okay Lydia Linda yes she takes three mortar wounds she takes three mortal wins okay that was far more successful than that um we also uh did do the curse for the shark down here he took right now we'll do my hero face proper okay it's cast because you've got more balances literally everything is within 12. magic um so even casting spells on myself was was failing um um so nice first went off I did get a CP with my uh fraw Master down here for my heroic action you did not with lady Linda but you did get a CP for uh the optimal Focus battle plan thing um I've taken intimidate the Invaders because it's the only one that is possible for me to do currently I've not done it but it's it's possible it's possible for me to do it so that's fine um now I can run and shoot or charge I don't get to do both so that gives me some flexibility in doing that so let's go to my movement we will begin the movement with the alipex just swimming along this way to be three inches away the Marty fraws here rolled a whopping six on their run so they are coming over to try and cleave up some ghosts shoot them nine inches what you within nine inches I am if you want to redeploy I'm I'm well within nine inches I'm three inches away from you okay you do that the Thai caster and the Soul render just moving over to here to provide their support and then the reavers have run and will be electing to shoot but we will make sure that we are wholly outside of my director I also did redeploy one whole inch oh we ran with these reavers we only rolled a one but that's fine because we are still quite Swift enough to just make sure that we oh two for one special going over to here and also of course Majestic Majestic elves and so on so forth the namati reavers that have just delicately graceful gracefully and delicately jump down from the uh window uh they will be shooting into the black coach um four of them are out of nine inches which means they don't get the plus one to hit from the ripples in the E for C ability just because it allows me to say that that's cool yeah so eight shots sitting on freeze this is better clearly they just needed to see the whites of your eyes yeah Five Wounds five fours don't run just damage one yep I cannot okay we'll move on to the ones hitting on Tuesday okay still roll four Once uh I've wanted you five times please okay yeah see it's got one wound remaining well that's all right because I'll go over to a lot of mathlands see no into you because I'm within three inches so I'm allowed to hoping that you can't see well they get free shots delicacy I get it I hit you all the time okay I wound you twice okay pause these are damaged too I don't want to alarm anyone but Katie does have a tendency to roll lots of five upward says when it's okay or not more reavers into the Grim ghast Reapers oh they're like friends um I will use the freak one point from Olivia Linda too yeah just corporate um oh what did we call it ages ago uh was it all out spoopy all that spooky defense yeah yeah um so I've hit once with the one that's within nine inches so the rest of the shots missed question times Okay so this many plus one from what is that many I don't know it doesn't matter not many not many until five four UPS and then five UPS two okay okay uh I just have my Shark to do no that's not um that's a joke noise no it is a shark you know like have you seen the the cat uh there's like cats with like uh shark outfits the outer packs will fire its Harpoon launcher into your spirit hose so I can't see anything else no no I hate you three times again this is better they needed to to warm up I wound you three times you just see my Cravings I want to eat them you can't eat a spectral form I can't hurt a spectral form either I don't think they do have a problem they do have a four up so I win you join us in the combat phase because the charges couldn't really fail uh I mean they could have done but I had CP to reroll it and I've got plus one to charge because of my uh issuing ritual I rolled a nine for the thralls it was a bit unnecessary well you know you know what was unnecessary the double the double six plus one for the shark so 13 inch charge unlucky for you okay I'm enacting my defensive stance very good well we are actually going to kick off with the Iron Man aspect of the sea uh his fish have eaten a chain rasp already I told you you can't eat spectral forms they did this they went healing your soul which is impressive because you don't have one exactly okay the deep sea scepter I hit you twice the DC sector I wound you twice I swear I'm not a healthy meal orange damage one but do you yes yes yes you do and now the side Trident okay I hate you twice I wound you twice because I'm within 12 holding within 12 of lotan aspects never mind your turn to attack me yay oh and for what it's worth I'm doing rero wants to hit from here yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] stops grimecast Reapers I was about to send a command point on or out attack I don't need to because I have friends giving me all that attack natively for free so I'm gonna go with my slasher size everything is going into your normal I'm doing all that defense on them uh it doesn't cost me a CP because my akelian thraw Master my six sister Auto wound is not coming up too much today uh that is two wounds minus one five up save damage one five up what because I'm still in range of my boat yes I must be because I didn't move literally not moved it doesn't matter I'm dead anyway and then my death nail minus one one damage Am I Wrong is just like not been the one today yeah it's just not been the one yeah you killed him yeah crosses if I scare you away You're gonna run away and stop attacking me it's how it works right they can't see you though freeze to wound they've got no eyes they're free to hit even I need to do that first uh do you drop quite a few things you know this is a very scary to hear if you can't see anything that's all you can hear you'd probably be pretty scared I mean you know middle of the night can't see anything Pitch Black it's quite scary uh I believe it's middle of the night pitch black you're by yourself in a car in a lane and you hear a girl giggling isn't that right James hello he's told you that it's happened again oh do I have a terrible updated you with this story right you you you update her and the audience for the Sally Saga I'll roll some dice Side Story at the end of the video we'll say we'll say oh Aura Are You Afraid of the Dark was a good show better than Goosebumps I couldn't watch either because they were too swoopy for me goosebumps was um top tier sort of do I look like the kind of person that can handle being scared it's 14 wounds by the way six um I think they've got the entirety of the Goosebumps series uh on oh don't don't they do indeed all I'm saying is for a kids show from the early 90s it held up quite well I don't like it background viewing Ryan Gosling's in one of them is like a 13 year old I'm dead excellent which means that there's no one within three inches of them so because I'm domain I get to charge go on do what you must that said a little less a 10 because I get plus one so I'll go into the thing I get to activate them again as well not immediately oh I've done the chain rule so I did one wounded you did it went into my fraw Master he fights you back his eel uh didn't do anything but now his attacks right okay maybe I have a chance yeah okay only the one maybe I have a job you you will stay there then I guess so that's actually quite important because they are within three of the um fraws here so even if they kill them now they won't be able to charge so that's something the alopex now these are really scary ones yes my blades my blades uh four hits and free wounds these are damaged one uh yeah yeah one is taking two weeks okay and now my Chompers no I wasn't sure how many was that yeah he's not within six inches of um the Grim glass because they had model slaying this turn and uh the because it's all simultaneous this allocation would not happen until after he's fought basically so I don't get the extra attack for him shame because I missed it too um uh do you bite one two damage you've killed one um the spirit hosts did attack me back you did a wound to my Shark I did done killed look killed the Frog there's been a lot going on yeah you've been killing my coast and killing my brain yeah I'm sorry very confusing the normality fraws attacking for the second time they don't get to charge again though this is such a silly Army it really is it's very fun to use admittedly but I bet you're enjoying it that's why I just said it's very fun to use [Laughter] that looks like a girl damage too because you have three wounds eight spine eight four UPS yep okay okay yep okay okay it's already working no it's not really working that's right because of my breathing blows they're dead yeah but I don't get to charge again because if you could that would be the silliest mechanic it really does ever outside of quite possibly most of the other armies wild times you can do with the seraphim that is that was also a fun experience for me I have a real great time playing against you specifically in Sigmar it's always such a fun experience and the Green Glass Reapers okay I'm gonna be waiting on to this is my hell Sabers winning on twos because of uh lotan the soul Legends what oh oh oh what's good in Mars Just The One two damage okay two are dead and now shoes drop a couple okay I wound you oh that's a really good like that right yeah yeah uh these are D3 damage each uh three two seven yeah quick math no I might yep okay very good again I can't even use Lydia little Marty throws down here into the chain rasps this corporate I'm gonna just go for it makes sense because if I do manage to kill them I will be able to track I don't want you to do that not again I'm rerunning why is because of my um fighting stance so that many hits freeze twos to wound you because of low town the warden the soul ledges that many ways uh five ten ten ten to ten ten ten is the damage one okay five UPS try again no no okay nice oh they're dead yep please roll the double one that's nice look at the nonsense I no I don't want to but I will get revenge for the nonsense with my mom on banshees uh they are within range of my chain gas yes so plus one hits right well there's Auto wounds okay okay uh so that is six um wounds with my chili daggers six wings is it well I don't get my five up Ward anymore because I'm not Holly within six of my um um no I did put Mystic Shield Mystic shield on them all out defense of them so six is here but each one is two dead oh there's 12 days oh okay there's still some left alive but that's fine I was expecting a little bit of a slap back but that was that was a right right murder um that's why I got 13 attacks into those my morning I will make you mourn full I do get to re-roll Once because of my fighting style never mind okay okay do you choose to wound you because I'm hotter than 12 of lotan let me just double check that probably should have done that off camera so that we weren't doing this on camera it would save everyone time but it's okay I still rolled two ones and it made zero difference to the actual wounding uh Heaven I can count so fast apparently so no right pesky boundaries I always have a problem with the Banshees I killed two all right uh fine well I removed the Banshees in such a way that lady Linda was could get into it yeah so my special clothes I'm getting plus one hit through my friends threes and four chickens they're friends uh I get an Australian there and that is three wins minus one five UPS uh you killed one okay and then my staff of midnight oh Tuesday hit you here good job too uh three I know I'm so smart uh that is four moons at minus two minus two oh dear damage They're All Dead you deserve that after everything you put me through I feel like after this turn yes I did deserve it yes yes you really did well that was a turn uh-huh uh I did lose my own unit which was very funny so I approved greatly of my Tactical misplay I just wanna I'm fine with it um we've both brought back models with the Reviving mechanics that we have there was no battle shock checks to do so All Things Considered not shabby no I think I think that was an okay I did all right a little bit I could have done better because I could have nuked them as well see now because now here's the here should I tell you the real scary thing because obviously as we all know I didn't have to get fight first next turn the Dom hand ability with a big brick of 20 namati thralls in term three that's horrible yeah because then it's just like oh yeah they're just go in a fight first twice before oh yeah that's pretty nice but the big brick is gone have any more I just have the 10 over you don't have any more just the tenoverse there's no more Thrills just the 10 over there no more thrills thank you my turned two found two wow um I've gone with mass panic for my battle tactic um because it means I just have to be a range of you and apparently I can't escape that so that's what I've gone with uh I did hear lady Linda already healed one wound which is frustrating I attempted to cast magic but the only one that actually went off was I came bolt with Lydia Linda there was a lot of Primal magic flying around lots of dispels uh we were very Risky Business you nearly roll you rolled away there's a two on one and then Primal magic tip well there were two that I Primal magic that I had a one rolled on them already so just did you say the whales are out of control because that's what I heard he also said you also just said you bolted out the station so you are a horse I suppose or a train or a train maybe a bus no one knows I am an enigma and a mystery wrapped inside of a box falling back because I'm allowed to do so because I'm a spoopy ghost over over here falling quite literally back um as will the friend and oh do I want to friend his friend is going to go over here falling forward sorry James James everything then this Collective unit of ghosts is uh is gonna come and help deal with things oh this is very difficult because of your wings over here this is what's happening and Lady lender as well oh yep it's very difficult it's a very spindly on me shooting face it's time to lift the veil uh upon idle on Mclean of the sea sure oh it's also worth pointing out I did do uh finest Hour on my thrall Master not that that would have helped him here but you know five Awards I take five good I'm I'm halved good good good good good I do have a team matching and then that is my shooting face down so we can quickly move on to her because she's just gonna shoot the thralls you also have chain gasts I forget that they should fling their magical change um okay then we'll we'll do the chain gusts why not into Frozen trees there is still each that is oh okay minus missile what is two I don't get to save damage one you killed two good and then my team back she's gonna scream at you one I was too enthusiastic just the one it's a hit and a wound is it Spirit touch yeah not just music okay there you go minus two so I kill another one damage one yeah no is it not like damage too no that's her chili dagger just a chilly hot that's why she's on fire I'm a dragon did you ever do that when it was cold oh I'll still do that when it's cold outside you're lying if you say that you don't well you're a dragon or a shark then okay too if we can't tell anymore clearly charges let's start with right and all the Impaler yes seven will do it my tomb Banshees an eight okay I'm gonna ask you to move in first because I may want to run Michelle very well I did do unleash hell with the uh reavers only three of the only two of them are in range but I did kill two miles oh yeah well she can go wherever she wants yeah fine we'll then come down here for my tomb banshee ten okay okay okay okay okay okay these are some really high charges oh I actually need to pay attention to my shoulders because they do stuff to you so they do yeah I'll have a look at that there's a lot of stuff that's happening so essentially these two units have striked lost yep wrestling has minus one two hit unsafe want to save and your thrill master has a minus one to save you've also shrieked at my thralls so they will cost 2cp to do now I have tried to just do all out defense on island or Matlab aspect of the sea would you like to roll for your mortar of grief ability oh yes I would it's on a five up it's on a five up okay it does go off thank goodness um okay you did hit me with your Hooves and I saved anyway yep nothing's gone through right Milgram hello because you're a wizard I'm getting plus one hit and wound with my felt Reaper so twos and twos of course this is always the way yep minus two so I have a free up base minus one because of the shriek plus one because of all-out defense and then minus two for five up saves so save two damage damage to each so that's four five upwards okay okay I've got two wounds remaining on the right line of math and aspect of the scene okay but now it's your turn to attack yeah it'll be idling on our flan aspect to the Sea I'm attacking with Island on my phone in and putting all of my attacks into the my mom banshees as they're disappearing I would have decorated I understand um now my fish and my scepter did nothing but now I have the side trident I hit you all of the times even with the minus one thank goodness okay choose to win because of low tan Warden or the soul edges oh one okay two says please damage too oh get them dead just they are dead they finally eluded me no longer wait go for the Sleep nap what lady Linda is putting everything has Paul Ryan is putting all of her attacks into my uh idle on matlan aspect of the sea uh eidolon of Matalan aspect of them all right uh the spectral claws have got four wounds four wounds is it uh because of the varying plus it's a minuses it's a four up safe five upwards are you gonna you're not even lady Elena's not even gonna bring out the stick yeah she don't need to he dies goodbye goodbye he goes sleep nap yeah Kelly and thrall Master he will try to do all that attack grief however says no no okay that's fine but it does cost me the CP that's fine because I couldn't do anything over there realistically anyway so um I did my vicious bite off camera nothing happened anyway the esoteric weapons oh that plus one to hit would have been nice who's the wound you however it is one two three wounds they are damaged two so that's four damage I can't kill her but I do do two downs fine I cannot I literally do not care Changas everything in shock uh obviously they benefit from their own Aura so threes and threes that's already an auto wound there minus two yeah two of minus two six up no damage one okay uh Could you um oh so he has uh got one wound remaining because he has been taking damage I've marked it up on my data cards wow he took damage earlier I didn't okay yeah well we'll take that away then uh the team Pantry we're also going to hurt him with her chili dagger these will be twos and threes good job too bad too he's alive with a wound now he will be cursed in a minute of course but he will get to do the Chompers first the thralls have piled in to the banshee freezing freeze don't mess with the banshee it's a quite horrifying oh do not mess with that I know two words uh just the two don't mess with bungee all right um You have no more attacks I'll just use it short I'm gonna eat the Changas come uh free attacks sorry six attacks with the hell Sabers and Barbed stuff yes I wound you three times yes this is uh damage one so okay uh the Chompers uh because nothing is wounded over here other than myself I don't get the extra attack that's kind of what I was hoping for was the nematis uh I only hit you the once and I don't need you well that's that I did um at the start of the battleship phase unleash my Arcane bolt and I did a wound to a thrall indeed he has three remaining I did get my batter tactic though I'm not on any objectives but that's fine because on a two up I kill your shark with the curse the curse well how many Mortal wounds would you have done just out of Interest super stylish right so the shark is removed in a moment no battle truck to do priority after you this time oh thank you oh it's not good it's not good I think I might take that priority it was a good hit back that turn actually yes yeah we'll see what I can do with six models on the table well I am behind the points which means I get to explain some of them maybe it'll be more effective than me so naturally I'm going to do the ones that everything's around so this objective down here your normal reavers the reavers they're fine uh the character that's down there the soul render is fine okay and down here you've got your oh this is fine low Tower modern the soul edges he takes D3 mortal wounds or does he um your thrall master does go off he takes three because he healed now or is he still already taking one wound because from lady Linda zuckingbot no he took he took two wounds uh two wins Total yeah he does have three wins remaining why not Ward from the boat he's got wound remaining a wound remaining I'll have you know lady elinda yes okay so she won't die she takes one okay so she's got two Wings it's fine okay so interesting very interesting to explode it and take this away from me oh now the objectives are very far away so we'll see what happens this is a weird Mission hilarious right it's exciting time this is very stressful times um I have gone with well what's it called intermediate the Invaders because I'm pretty much not going to be in my deployment Zone yeah that makes sense uh this time um there's no need for me to be up here anymore so that's gone off a couple of spells have casted as a result I've killed four of your reasons in the middle there you did deny me my Arkham boltler indeed it stops me from trying to kill your throat but I have other methods and means yes um so that is that yep I'm gonna do some falling back and see what I can do okay uh just worth pointing out as well I did heal a wound with her recovery for uh lotan and I attempted to get a command point with my two matches and I failed okay so yes my two Munchies are just going to fall back did you hear that's the one but the team actually is still in combat with you ah yes oh they won't stand up silly unbalanced models Fletcher this is all your fault this is true the two Manatee will also fall back I will redeploy there we go uh from my uh Soul scribe down here who did bring her an article back in the last battle shot face um um because I've gone second I can redeploy uh uh again but it has to be from him oh okay we're gonna scoot along that way Ragnar is then going to be treating up this way there we go oh he's falling oh dear I'll be redeploying with those reavers as well from The Souls cry and render so render that's his name and Lady elinder is also doing every [Music] I only redeployed two it's very sad yes and my spirit torment is also flying over to provide a bubble of plus one to hit one thing to note I did redeploy with the reavers because they were just within nine of lady Linda when she finished her move yes and now it is the shooting phase and because lifting the veil is a ability yeah shooting attack um I will attempt to kill your thrall no you won't no never mind charges have been made um I have got my Ragnar into the reavers yes elinda and spirit torment into your thrill master and then my grimgasts and the two matches into your reavers close very close um everything has minus one hit yeah and these also have strike glass so because we're in the high tide I get five first so they counter each other out we're gonna kick off with the Kellen thraw Master the spirit tournament right no lady Linda I would like to spend a CP on all out attack please so I will be hitting on Falls okay because of the minus one two is remaining but I will start with my fish away never mind you've been distracted by the oh five attacks yes fours and twos because of low tan one that's all over I hit you three times three times I wound you I don't know why I don't know what this is no you're doing some magic I wound your free time per up safe lady Linda takes four damage she does have a four-up ward say but she has two wins remaining statistics dictate that she will live damn it she takes a single wound oh we've got a wound of peace the battle begins exciting I attacked with the reavers into into rikon orb nothing happened uh so I'm gonna go with the chain gasts next um because you don't get to activate with your unit uh so threes and threes well fun uh that is two wins at minus two I damage because I don't get a safe damage one five Awards because okay never mind you die okay okay um forgive me I thought that lotan couldn't attack because um he's not he's within three inches because he's inside the boat but actually the tentacles have a free inch range so we'll do those attacks in a minute the octopus slivers out of the back and just goes like this bulk onto Rican because I don't believe could you oh I've got one here I don't believe you're not within three inches that's very lucky because otherwise an octopus would have eaten should I kill these two from the back here uh as long as I'm still in coherency I think it's fine yes yeah yeah thank you the octopus did three wounds to writing all the Grim Halo lad are now going to attack over here with my fraws um I bounced off of the uh chain gas with two of them I have spent a command point on this corporate for my two batches well that's a good thing too because I'm about to cleave her to pieces maybe I just want to hit it's really annoying so no I'm not no okay all swiftly on yes writing or next uh my Huffs and turfs have my shoes successfully kill one Reba yes and now my fellow Reaper I am within range of my friendly boy so these moment Three Links three minus two here don't get a save damage two so six World saves come on now actually do something uh that is the unit white okay go right now out of disrespect to your thrill Master lady Linda is going to start with her spectral Clause because you're one wound left and you're not worth her stuff that's what I get it's also worth pointing out that um because maths is hard there was one left alive but I can't pass battle shock so I've just removed the unit because I'm scary um you're not allowed to use the same robbery around me and they hit there the Reviving happens at the end of the battle shock specifically so my spectral Clause will be hitting on threes because of my spirit torment so that is already one do you mean the chain gas all the way over there yeah you're wrong so false false two wins two wins uh minus uh just the one on the spectral okay so five up saves here um and I don't get award safe because all my fish are scared by the fact they're all within three inches I'm very scary he's dead okay goodbye goodbye now goodbye bye now bye now bye I need to roll a one over there the Thrills a worm um so then I will pop the soul render now this is really important because this could steal the objective if I bring back at least two models I will contest the objective because these are two wound models so they're only worth one each but the two Banshee is worth two models because she's a character huh oh I steal it back from you that is really crucial denies me holding one and more yes did you get your battle tactic which was murderized because there's nothing in your in your deployment Zone yes but now you you have your time oh [Music] right assassins of the high seas that's what I'm calling it yeah the Assassins assassins of the high tide of the high sea sounds better to me personally uh so I need to kill two units because I'm in high tide so that's good cool very very nice we both have a primal magic dice so I've got two in my pool here you do I've healed uh lady Linda for one more two yes you did um I oh I need to try and get a CP with my I'll do with My Soul render I do because my General's dead so that's something cool the tide Caster will attempt to cast Riptide on riking all the Grim hate it's cast on a seven so I'm going to add a primal magic dice to that it's Risky Business okay goes off with a um a nine you are minus one because of his dritch leech so even with a primary magic you will fail is D3 mortal wounds and minus one to hit a minus one hit D3 multiple oh D3 mortal wounds this one okay so he's got two wins remaining that's fine now um I don't know if I mentioned it the Thai Caster is the optimal Focus for me so I can um cast too because she is an andorian Locus I need to think about the spell that I'm going to cast no other spells were cast I I tried to do an Arcane bolt and you dispelled it and then I tried to bring in my uh Emerald life swarm and even with Primal magic you you denied it so that's that I'm gonna do some movement now the eels eels eels eels uh three inches away of course let's try not to knock the boat oh man yeah it probably should it's probably should it probably should I probably should I managed to redeploy five inches with the lady Linda and hopefully keep her safe it's an impressive impressive redeploy she will need it the soul render jumps up to here so that he can use his re uh his uh CP on them to give them uh rero charger required the Thai cast is just going to jump to here and the reavers will move here so that we've got a choice of targets between rykano and other units we will start and end the shooting phase because there's no other shooting with the reavers um five interichenor five into the chain gasts the five in the chain gas are within nine inches so they will be hitting on two okay the ones into reichenor well not no into the chain gast okay ha drop a couple but that is six six six into the train gas four updates damage one damage one they are dead very good yesterday into reichen all the Grim healer murder okay okay four wings yes Two Moons remaining okay two sixes are required here oh so close right now is that battle how's your battle tactic charge face [Music] [Applause] okay so our lady of Linda [Music] well because everything has fight first it doesn't matter what order oh yes there's this one I forget the soul renders fish did nothing but the Talon hook it's um it's t-a-l-u with a so I'm sure I'm pronouncing it incorrectly but I can't pronounce words good anyway so Talon hook Ed you twice probably your only charm oh my dice is gone once okay very good uh we'll go over to the thralls by the time they've piled in they'll all be able to attack so 11 attacks 11 attacks I'll have you know move them in for you thanks very much eleven attacks I'll have you know oh the steam is running out for the fish man ah I wound you three times three times three times yeah interestingly um just tanked a lot that's two damage okay yeah interestingly the unmodifiable saves really does so much work it really does it really does yeah um which is which is also quite interesting because a lot of this Army is rendered one really two so yes but now we'll start with the Riders themselves okay we're going straight into it are we um I've got no command points left so I can't do what I mean you can't do anything on a lender anyway but yeah I have nothing to issue on them because I'm all the way over there he's the only one no leader um well no I don't have any CP in general the CP is specifically on him I feel a little bit would face her Quarry yeah forgive me forgive me everyone be very careful yeah I don't want to pick I don't want to pick her up and buy them so much on her thank you I think she has returned would you right it feels like a little jelly deal so freeze oh it's a quite impressive bounce there freeze to to hit you the hell save it yeah we're getting there it's twos to wound because of low town the wardens and soldiers I'm holding within 12 with him in his boat bought bought I wound you a lot eight times in fact pause and pause these are damaged one oh it's a good roll wow it's 50 50. uh she's taking how many wins she's got two wins remaining she's taken five exactly um I would have put all my attacks into her so the eels are wasted the spirit torment does get to attack me back as does the bench yeah I will issue uh all out um defense on them from the soul renders uh CB I understand I wouldn't six up safe well now I'm going to use his hand man's not ability so at the end of the comment phase you can pick one enemy model that has a women's characteristic because seven or less does not have amount and is within three inches of this unit which I am I tick tick tick I roll 26 if it's greater than our enemy model's wounds characteristic so five you are slain um I bring D3 models back to that unit one again okay the one he needed to power out that one time he was saving it now he's just all right let's calm down however I'll put one back in a minute however priority after me this time after thee okay okay you'll take the turn that I will yeah [Music] better awful you have more uh you have more points to know you you're ahead and I think it's only fittings with a bang no objections for you okay on your thralls okay yep you kill three of them they don't have a water table there's two matching guys oh your character yep she emulates and then and then yes that yes you have a spirit torment I have a spirit doorman okay I need to fall back in charge and yeah yes yeah yep uh yeah wow so much is dead I thought genuine and obviously it has gone that way I thought you were absolutely just gonna wreck me in in battle after my turn two I was like oh because you doubled had me going from one into two yeah yeah and then I was just like cool you can just wipe most of my Army the the double charge with the 20 man unit weirdly did not work in my favor no because I just murdered you yeah you murdered me back um but yeah that in turn free is horrible I imagine if you've got a big brick of 20 of them or maybe even 30 of them the low tan Buffs in the formats like so you need obviously the investment in it yeah um but I I actually quite like the Dom Han uh with the nematis giving them the ability to redeploy multiple times and for you going second or get potentially double charges off if you're going first in about around it gives you some nice utility um yeah uh yeah Savage everything is dead I haven't no no no no no notes um the exploding amazingly fun just just blow up and explore up an objective we're in battle around four and there are no objectives left left on the backfield right that was hilarious now this season your geomantic pulse moves along you've got Nexus collapse where you remove objectives and they explode you've got lines of communication where you can just like cause your opponent to spend multiple CP you've got every step is forward where you've got like you always count as multiple models that count like every model counts as plus one but you if you Retreat you can't contest objectives at all you've got ones where the Wizards explode and you can start in combat and you've got a Wizards Tower and stuff and it's all really interesting it's all really quite fun and fluffy it's really interesting Mission design they all feel very narrative and some of these don't feel competitive I don't I yeah again I'm talking from a very very minor understanding of the competitive Sigma scene but I read it I read like The Frigid Zephyr it's like well if I've got a shooting Army I can't shoot you unless I'm within 12 in which case I'm in trouble so it does it feels like I don't know maybe that is a requirement of a leveler let me know competitive Sigma players down below and but I read these and go these are all really fun interesting missions and they're really really cool to play but they definitely feel like more narrative missions than this was designed for competitive balance because some of them don't feel balanced um depending on your army makeup of course so maybe that is what makes the season interesting I'm not sure how I feel about this being active for the next year rather than six months yeah but again I don't play it unfortunately we do play we do play for fun so it works very much for our purposes it works great for us tactics yeah I I kind of just was very aggressed with them this time because I wasn't so aggressive than the last time and I didn't get to do a lot of things but I feel like I did so much more you definitely did this time um and also yeah I was saying the um the unmodifiable site really helps analysis it's really really stack up so things just stick around I really do but on the flip side with that unmodifiable save that's great you know that you're basically getting a four up there's no you know a lot of the other armies can sort of reach like two up three up saves so you don't you don't get the benefit of that although you so you get the ward but then again a five up on award is not and your stuff is basically one wound I feel like I feel like it feels great of the littlest stuff but can sometimes feel a bit of a feel about all the big stuff like you get like the Bella corsage what it's like a lady Linda with a four upset yeah yeah I mean to be fair she does have a four up Ward or four and she benefits massively from the new Lookout sir um because you can't shoot her at all if she's very very true but um it is very fun um yeah I had a lot of fun good that that's what we want to do um I suppose oh oh James James you're gonna you need to put down the camera James what put the camera down you need to tell us his story your story about Sally in the woods oh okay hang on I'll pull up a chair for you James pull up a chair oh stuff's falling over we're doing it live everyone you can tell that we we've gotten to a weird point in the day everyone backstage live streams podcast a little bit that way James so tell us what happened well no I tell you what I'll say the original story and then we'll save the other story for a certain maybe a Halloween special I have planned so dark and stormy nights it's not it was dark I'd actually got to see a friend of the friend of the show Mr Sir Dave of uh after David um doing the floor Hammer podcast with him had a very lovely time it was a bit of a technical issue so I'm leaving his late after filming the podcast so I'm driving back to my car I don't know what I'm having to do actions but hopefully this is helps you imagine um so we're driving around in my car and I'm driving along like roads or Country Roads around in like the Southwest where they are and I'm driving along and like there's a car coming towards me high beams on so I'm like oh I've got my high beams on so he turns his off I turn mine off like oh that was that was like really bright I then go turn my high beams back on as I passed the car and it's like lady in the trees I'm like whoa that was really weird so I start slowing down to sort of be like oh like there's a random person in the woods should probably check that this person's okay yes lady in the trees and as I'm driving past I'm slowing down I'm like okay so I look behind me to see if the person's still there there's nobody there the person in the woods has vanished just completely gone so I was like this is really weird um now if you live in the southwest you might know where the story's going and this is the bit I didn't know so I'm like oh this is really weird told everyone the next day at work like this happened to me it was really strange everyone's like oh maybe it was someone like maybe you know drink and wandered off into the wood maybe they fell over I was really worried I was like well I hope this person's okay anyway then I'm telling this story to um somebody a few weeks later and they're like they go like I'm telling the whole story like where it is of like they suddenly got like proper like pay like where were you I was like oh like on this road like get out a map like what road were you on I'm like that road and they're like that's Sally so in my head I'm like oh like a local like maybe a local truck yeah they sell little wanders around in the woods I think no it's like a really famous ghost called Sally I'm like come again and watch and then I start doing some research and apparently it's one of the more famous ghost sightings in the UK to the point of if you Google this right now Sally in the woods here then loads of stuff will come up so I'm now doing this after I've had this conversation and then I think I came in like the week like the Monday afternoon oh my God this thing happened in the old Studio where the studio was it wasn't like where the painting area is so I'm telling this story to you guys go back down to the office with Fletchers and Fletcher's from this area again start telling the same story he goes what's Sally why does everyone around here know it happened again because the first time you took me and my partner to go climbing you were retelling the story and there were people in The Climbing Gym behind us oh you saw something I had no idea that this story was a thing no idea that this existed I was just poogling along after seeing Dave so I Blame You Dave um I then see a person in the woods apparently I've seen the ghost so there we go so that's part one part one so then part two was then recently I was driving home that was like a road closure were you coming back from Dave's again no this is a separate this was a day so this is the thing that's obviously at the time I felt really weirded out by the whole seeing a person in the woods anyway because I hope they're okay but did something made me feel very uncomfortable about the whole experience so then uh this more recently driving home there's a road closed big police incident they're like oh you've got to turn around or go up this side roads I'm like okay cool got this side road now I've like vowed to never go on that road again because I'm like and I'm going on all these country roads to have to figure out on my maps they're pulling over being like where am I trying to get home and eventually have like like left hand they're all right turn their left hand and then I like turn onto this road and you know in Lord of the Rings the trees I was like oh this is the road this is the road didn't see anything but as soon as I got to that road it's almost like myself immediately like my soul was like randomly hide I also like to point out that since you had that first encounter we in the office in the studio have been cursed like really weird things have been happening things have gone missing like random things we just broke last time I played the ghost the lights just went off yeah so like so we think Sally has attached herself to you wanting the studio so if you're a witch or a Wiccan I need some help yeah yes yes um obviously the way the warp works I'm not sure the podcast is probably out now potentially who knows who knows not not I Sally my Ally might I'll give her a buzz later what are you up to he's like just chilling in the woods murdering murdering vagabonds you know yeah go Google Sally the woods um hopefully that proves I'm not insane oh well on that note thank you for the ghost story to round it off endless spell thanks for the game thank you for the game and thank you for watching I have been the pastry chef she has been the jinx Our Endless spell has been Spirit touched by Sally in the woods it is The Bard oh that creeps me out so much you have been bosses and we will see you next time bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Tabletop Tactics
Views: 37,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, games workshop, warhammer tv, wh40k, batrep, battle report, warhammer 40000, 40k, list analysis, tactics, age of sigmar, AoS
Id: egR5fLZ0dYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 47sec (5387 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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