New Presenter!! Adepta Sororitas vs Genestealer Cults | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

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cut off from Imperial reinforcements the sisters of battle stand alone on a planet overcome by heretical uprisings social unrest and cataclysmic seismic activity the gene Steeler cult have infiltrated every strata of this planet Society Effigies of the forearmed emperor adorned the city and once loyal members of the ecclesiarch cry out for the arrival of the star children it is up to the adepto sorus to purge this foul zenos taint before the cult dreams of Ascension are realized and an even greater existential threat befalls this embattled region of the Imperium [Music] nius after generations of plotting scheming lurking and other nefarious activi ities the day of Ascension has arrived which is also the name of the Detachment of the gene steer Cults that I'm bringing today the Supreme Commander that I'm bringing today is the patriarch himself and he is going to be running around the table with 10 of his most loyal purist anointed throng 10 genan Steelers who are going to be throwing out devastating wounds thanks to his might from Beyond ability next up we have an acolyte icon Ward there he is bearing the corpse of a hated aartis a loft inspiring the 20 neop fites he is with or more specifically conferring five up F no pain speaking of those 20 neop fites uh they are armed with four mining lasers and four Webbers to throw out some hopefully Farm some devastating wounds there the next character that I'm bringing is the general himself the Primus bit of an auto include to be honest he can allow three units before the game begins to redeploy which is just awesome and he also allows the 20 near fights that he is running around the board with to roll their hits which is an awesome ability speaking of those 20 near fights they are armed with four seismic cannons and four flamers and of course a cult icon uh they're a bit of a Punchy um deep strike Close Quarters unit uh hopefully they can really put the hurt on ky's syst today and the final character that I'm bringing is of course Kell the kellor cometh the hour cometh the hero he's awesome with his Liberator Auto stubs he's a really really fun unit he's got his D3 sustained he's got his Precision he's got his devastating wounds and all sorts of other tricks including Gunslinger uh hopefully he can really perform uh today as well moving on to the remainder of my battle line I have three units of 10 acolyte hybrids uh each with four mining tools uh and a cult icon a piece and they are each going to be assigned to a Goliath truck so quite a mechanized force today uh giving them lots of durability versatility uh and uh stability I don't know next up in the motorpool we have two units of two Ridge Runners armed with heavy mining lasers and a spotter a piece to give them an extra pip of ballistic skill rise brothers and sisters our day of Ascension is at hand and remember the star gods are [Music] watching and of course the adepta sorus are here to crush any rebellion in the name of the god Emperor himself and I've been running the sisters for a little while in the league so I've tried to take as different a list as I can can and also just have some fun with it because sisters are very very cheap now and I can take a lot so that is exactly what I have done my warlord for today is St Celestine with her Gemini Superior because who wouldn't want a glowing Beacon of light to destroy the darkness of the G the Cults she will be leading up a squad of 10 zephrine Deep striking down from the sky I then have a canoness and a dog Marta who will be leading a W of 10 battle sisters because spoiler alert I'm bringing lots of battle sisters today because I also have a second in command canoness and a hospitaler who will be leading a second Squad of battle sisters and then I have a cheeky third Squad of battle sisters that don't have any leaders cuz they're just going to hang out and have a nice time I wanted to take advantage of the fact that you could have Canon like two characters in unit with a canonet because I've not been able to do it yet and that's fun I do still have my trusty friendly preacher who will be leading the Arc of lilant because the absolute murder ball of flailing horrific monstrosities is just too fun not to take and I do have a dialogist leading a squad of multim melter retributors finally for the characters I have B in the Palatine to lead a squad of Celestine Celestine a squad of celestian sacrs because the lethal hits is quite nice it's quite easy for them to get to hit on twos so I'm not too worried about giving them any of the Buffs associated with like caness or something like that the Palatine seems to work quite well and then when we move into the dedicated transports I do have three rhinos to transport all of my glorious sisters and also three emulators because holy flame Holy Fire that is all that I desire that's why my phone has gone sh that works now for the final little bits that I might have forgotten in the rest of the list I have a squad of Renta they don't have a character leading them because they don't need one they have have a superior built in and they've been a bit unloved since the Arco flatulant I've discovered they're really cool so I'm giving them a chance that is the listed is 2,000 points exactly as is the emperor's will and we will crush any Uprising in our way today's primary mission is perge the foe being played on a dawn of War deployment and we have drawn the hidden supplies Mission rule before we begin the battle let's take a quick look at what's available right now on demand first up the latest episode of our weekly podcast followed by the 40K battle report and finally the next installment of the league for those looking for more competitive games all of which join a library of hundreds of shows available right now if you want all of this and more check out our website or download our app today now let's hand over to the players and let the battle begin welcome Ed thank you for having me you're welcome I've done I've done my nefarious activities you have been a lot of putting things down lot of taking things off yeah you you've picked some things back up because you fear my my sisters and I understand I've also been doing some Shenanigans because I've used the old emulator trick to split up my batt with sisters cuz I have 30 cuz that's really fun um I've got zephram up in the sky and I really appreciate that they wanted to team us up for today's video one second audience oh sorry I thought I thought you were going to go and get your B hi don't even know if this camera can see me very small there's one mini I thought you'd like to like to place cuz I nearly forgot him what is it it's a little friend can't see it no friend oh that friend it's nearly as tall as you Katie you I guess you guys should probably roll off for who's going first please I rolled a two I'm going to just stay here now for comedic effect oh I rolled a two well I'll go back to my side and we'll roll again clearly us being on the same side has too much power okay there we go okay you'll be taking the first turn let's do this so I've done my scalp moves I've just uh nudged these Ridge Runners up a little bit to try and get more of an angle on uh those uher system mobiles and I just and I just edged these Ridge Runners down here a little bit with the Scout move hopefully with the idea of maybe getting them into the Ridge Runner parking lot to get some more shots off but we'll see how that goes a giant car park we're actually fighting for parking spaces that's what the really is this whole thing is about it's really escalated I mean have you been into bath on a Saturday at lunchtime not recently for that very reason uh moving on to my secondary objectives uh I have drawn assassination which got a lot of characters I think is good CU there are a lot of lot of characters amongst the amongst the soras and also bring it down which is great have plenty of vehicles look at all the trucks uh so yeah I'm very happy with those and hopefully I'll be able to score at least one of those this turn revving their engines The Ridge Runners boldly drive onto this objective so that they can get their mining lasers boring through the Rhinos it's a [Music] convoy and gunning their engines this truck full of acolytes is going to move onto the CER and on the Left Flank this truck full of acolytes follows suit and the Jean Steelers make a dash for it advancing over onto this side hopefully will give them a bit of protection away from the prying targeters of the sisters and also securing this objective and this truck here performs some expert parking and just kind of reverse versus tidy in here these Ridge Runners are going to fire their heavy mining laser into that uh middle Rhino with the is it Renta in there so two D3 shots oh look at that uh no you're not allowed to roll a double six I need to get myself allow some more dice Okay cool so he gave him the good dice that six shots uh we do have spotters so we're going to be hitting you on threes think you have any cover oh there it is um me that's okay so we got four hits there uh we're strength 12 I'm toughest 10 so it'll be threes threes on a r okay so that's two that go through it uh ap3 okay yes brain is asleep both go through okay uh D6 pie plus one I think that's probably a dead rhino oh that was a weird r no doesn't explode got 10 girls inside 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I have nine left inside that a very successful successful opening s quite impressive considering that they're only wearing leather um um um um Renta do have a where are my Renta they so wow no I don't save it good the rear two Ridge Runners having witnessed that spectacular explosion they're going to fire the heavy stubbers into the repenter who are stumbling out of that Rhino which never fear I found the card for excellent anyone was panicking uh so we're hitting you on threes okay I'm tough toughness a million toughness three toughness three okay so looking for threes oh yeah um that's twin linked as well so rolled that one so that's four wounds no a I got six up regardless and what's your damage it's just one I see just the one yeah feel no pains which I have made not a single one fantastic so there's four more dead that's gone well um and what about your mining lasers uh and the mining lasers are going to go into the is it called an ulator emulator is it called an ulator so uh you have pop smoke I will pop smoke here because um no thank you okay here we go 2d3 uh that's one two three three shots this time okay uh heading on fours because it smoke uh that's just one hit one hit and then I'm T us uh 10 yeah tough as 10 so looking for a three smoke foiled again I'm going to fire this truck's weapons into that repenter Squad they have been crossfir so there's a plus one to their AP feels like you've got like something against them I do I do I really have something against these Maniacs whirling these chainswords around I can't think why uh here we go so I'll fire the uh twin link uh heavy Auto Canon it's not heavy it's just Auto Canon I hit you twice okay p uh probably twos to wound yeah I would assume so yes that's two AT AP goes to ap2 I've got oh six up in vulnerable told you I was tough impressive that's great okay uh all right then now for the heavy stubber P Pang bang okay we hit you all the times okay uh threes again okay let's see if you can do it again yeah no not three fives is still quite a good roll what's the damage on these uh that would just be AP one because of the crossfire oh no no damage sorry three more die okay that's interesting selectively tough yeah heavy stubber does it but not the massive heavy caliber autoc Cannon you just really don't like stubbers my parked glith truck can just about see that emulator through the gap between the burning Bane blade and the building yes burning blading building uh and I'm going to fire the heavy St first right uh I hit you twice and probably when to 10 s sixes no nothing there and then the um Auto Cannon just the one hit uh that's a wound uh AP nothing it's a wound it's a wound I think is that three damage yeah three damage it's fine I'm not dead like my Rhino so it's fine that's the important thing this truck likewise is going to shoot through uh that Gap in the ruins over there at the Rhino with um Arco flag who we just recently Ren Nam fizzy saans fiz not Sac repure there's so many units on in my Army I'm getting confused myself okay we'll open up with the autoc cannon bam oh look at these there won't be any more sixes more sixes happening today and it's stressing me out yeah okay I get to roll that one C uh yeah I've wounded you that's that's two wounds no AP because of the cover fine so you're okay strong just I just nothing nothing else surely is he done uh he's got he's got some heavy stubbers Pang Pang oh no and nothing I miss with my stubbers so you have weathered the jeene Ste the Cults opening shooting phase with the miracle dice with the miracle dice so at the end of my turn I managed to score a secondary I got bring it down so I've Ned Four Points there which I'm quite happy with I am going to keep assassination um just because there are so many characters characters silly not two uh and although we only scor this at the end of the the battle round I have managed to purge me I purged that Rhino oh poor Rhino yes you're endangered so you know a good start for the Gen cedart it's a bit frustrating sometimes when you're not able to do anything with shooting in turn one but I have you killed AO managed to Blunt The Edge I always killed the reventure yeah yeah that's what I'm saying I mean I've managed to do something to you so yeah good I'm happy with that I'm going to Flame you now right well I too have bring it down and fortunately you've bought a bunch of vehicles towards me so that's very helpful for me bring me down with my hunter killer missiles I will both hunt and kill you and I do also have no prisoners which works nicely with bring it down and Purge the foe so uh my my goal for this turn is murder Purge and bring down murder started strong in my turn with an advance that I rolled a one for so these battle sisters are starting to move forward so that they can all murder each other apparently uh do some future Shenanigans and hopefully get on to some objectives well now with a repenter alone with her repenter Superior they're going to be the sacrificial murderers I guess they're not really Lambs uh and just try and charge a truck and the Arco flagellants eager to get into battle oh and also terraform are also going to attempt to charge a truck and the emulator moving up into the Gap these battle sisters have advanced forward again only getting a one so the emperor is clearly not happy with me today and then these are just going to move across to give some space for my trucks the emulators are just going to move as forward as they can it's a very awkward Shuffle beep be beep right I'm kicking off the shooting phase with the emulator I have also disembarked the retributors that were in the emulator cuz I completely keep forgetting the tation rule where you can disembark after moving so they are in range of the Goliath truck so the emulator's going to shoot it first because I will get to the point where I can do loads of damage with my retributors from rrolling my wounds it's been a it's been a mission to get here Ed I'll fill you in I've got seven shots of my emulation okay what is the toughness of a truck uh my truck yeah what how tough is your truck toughness n toughness nine so it will be fives that is three wounds uh minus one bit you will be in cover no you won't it's flamer it is a flamer you won't be getting cover okay three WS minus one okay so fours oh he's a tough truck Legend um I have also sign my hand to kill and but I'll do my heavy belter first sustained he all the times one no wounds hunter killer missile hits clang threes wounds a ap3 but ap2 should be getting cover what am I in color cuz I'm you're obscured uh so I'm looking for five oh no you got me6 down how many wounds does the TRU have it has 10 wounds I'm going to use one of my Miracle D to make that a six you have four wounds remaining it's a miracle retribute is now it's going to be the time that they do something for me because this is a fun game multi multi melters be fours and fours mhm that's already I only miss you twice tasty it's already looking good for me and I get to reroll my wounds oh okay that is six wounds six wounds I'm getting cover correct yes you are so it would be minus three sixes oh got two it's probably not enough oh you've got four wounds remain oh okay well that just that just does it doesn't it do I go B do I go pop are do not go pop oh I'm dropping everything I'm there we go uh should I who's inside uh I've got 10 uh acolyte hybrids uh in there so I will roll for each of those guys let's see how they do oh I lose two okay that's not too bad okay too bad you've managed to deploy your acolyte hybrids out of range of my second emulator flame I have very upsetting cuz I can't quite get that glorious Flame Grill on just yet however the other emulator will be going into your Ridge Runners I've got 10 shots with the flamers this time which is very exciting for me don't really want to be cooking vehicles but we are where we are what's the toughness of this again uh toughness seven so it'll still be fives and sixes regardless that will be three at minus one please three at minus one so that will go to a four up yes two go how many damage a piece just one okay so we're down to six wounds okay the heavy Bolter hits you the once does not wound hunter killer cuz I may as well fire them now while I have chance hits oh dear me does not wound what's happening can you Miracle dice that or something is that I can't roll it it's fine this one took all the power oh I see mhm like Triforce so at the end of the shooting phase the Rhino did shoot the storm stormbolter and the hunter killer at the Ridge Runners the stormbolter did nothing and the hunter killer once again rolled a one to wound so that's two Duds so far however we're going to go into the charge phase in the Arco flatulant my favorite murder bots in all of town yeah they get a 10 going into that truck I'm going to charge you yeah charge well going with the arant and we will be enacting the extremist trigger word and what is today's extremist trigger word today Katie I'm so glad you asked today's extremist trigger word is fre bring it down everyone for free now I've got 60 60 hits or 60 attacks this is 30 dice I also have sustained and no more dice in my pouch so I will be back well it was 32 WS there's a lot of dice there a lot of dice being I to use my Miracle Dy dice just as um extra dice cuz I didn't have enough so 32 SES to make no no AP here we go I'm going to roll these in tens so the first 10 uh you do four y okay so that's four got six left okay the second 10 hope I don't carry on like this uh five six 7 8 nine oh dear okay one more and you've got 12 dice left and I do still have the creature yeah yeah okay explod we're done we're done do I explode H I do not okay and then what about your friends inside let's see uh well I've got 10 dice in my hand so four yeah here we go and we lose one little acolyte friend what are you doing here hazardous hazard is hazardous just death uh because they're not a character yes each one is one dead three are dead nice that was some good Bree you have jumped out with your acolytes I've not piled in because I don't want to just die it doesn't mean you're going to hold the objective in your next turn so you'll get hold more however I got Kilmore so that's all I care about because I've killed two units to your one and I've got a load of points to rink down and I did get points for no prisoners so my goal of murder was successful yeah I did good truck murder it still counts yes so the top of my turn two in my command phase uh I've drawn deploy teleport homer which is a really good one for the jeene seeder cult to have but kind of frustrating cuz I quite like killing things so it puts me in an awkward position particularly with my my kellor um but yeah that's that's a good one to score I've still got assassination but I'm hoping to kill at least one character this turn could Kell instead be a tmorph cuz he's deploying the teleport Homer nice thank you okay uh I'm going to go and take some revenge on those fizzy Boys by moving this group of acolytes 6 in towards those what are they called Katie busy sacrs busy sacrs busy repent busy Renta there we go jeez the Jean Steelers and their patriarch are moving swiftly through the ruins I'm going to see if I can introduce them to some flame gribbly gribbly gribbly I introduce you to some flame so I've got two wounds through with a heavy Bolter and I do have seven WS through with the flameer i' Forgotten briefly Okay so these all all go on my invol so the five up on the heavy Bolter uh kills one two damage two damage yeah uh and then the emulator wounds oo so you kill one two three four Jean sealers crispy they are two wounds each yeah yeah yeah oh four total I thought you meant four from the flame I was like that's impossible it's correct soos SC yes it is both of my units of Ridge Runners are just going to do a little bit of adjusting just to make sure that we're very solidly on this objective and also to mitigate any cover that might stand in the way of their heavy mining lasers uh yes so here we are it's the end of my uh movement phase and the Ambush has been sprung uh over here that ban blade was in fact a Trojan ban blade all along I thought that was friendly I thought that was a gift no and I used spent the CP for tunnel crawlers and 20 neop fites and the acolytes uh Banner man have have sprung out of the burning wreckage I high in the midst of the sisters of battle it's very cool to see how much damage we can do I really really approve of that thanks so much I'm very pleased with it I did I did ask our Servo skull uh a few moments ago like can I put models on top of the Bane blade and the answer best news you'd had all day it was a resounding yes yes cool um so the first thing I'm going to be doing is uh popping some of these transports hopefully so these two Ridge Runners are going to fire at that Rhino and I will be popping smoke because I don't want you to kill my Rhino cool so uh 2d3 shots uh nice that's five shots they open very strong your rid run minus one to hit though minus one to hit that would be four because we've got spotters spotters uh it's just the two hits differ Just the Two Hits toughness nine very strong freeze that's two a three ap3 you are getting cover from smoke all right what's the damage d uh it's D6 plus one I think right I fail that one and I'm going to use my five in a miracle die to save it because of the cover okay okay so um one goes through one goes through H that's four damage four damage okay but I am alive you need to shoot more at me so after shooting those Ridge Runners uh it is of course now crossfir that gives me an additional AP on any other units which shoot at it and I also managed to plink off an additional wound with the heavy stubbers so onto the second unit of Ridge Runners firing at the same Rhino uh got D3 shots of Beast so that's another four you have hot smoke so hitting on fors as well that's just the one difference do you wound oh P you still have the stubbers though do you have the stubbers don't know what I don't really know what stubbers do or what they are they just exist as an enigma to me they don't do a great deal uh here we go fours um it's a decent am amount of hitting but won't do the job sixes rrolling rrolling cuz twin link nothing so strong so hen R know that okay so lots of shooting coming out of this Bane blade uh first we're going to try and finish off this R so four mining lasers you have pot smoked but I have also spent a CP on perfect Ambush which I feel like it's perfect for this situation because how how how much more perfect can you get ambush of a ban blade I'm very pleased with this so hitting your fives hopefully get some sustained just one just the one oh well it's okay it's enough um looking for a three yes okay a uh ap3 it's technically minus five at oh it's going to be AP four isn't it five cuz perfect Ambush and so it goes through I think this is D6 plus one it is D6 you need to roll a four oh oh hang on plus one four oh no you needed a four on the dice I should have been more explicit I have one CP left SP oh that's a risky roll that there red come on it PS off into a six all right do I explode y spectacular that was a big kabumba so I've done killed one neop fight I've killed two sisters down here one sister there two wounds to my emulator I killed the remaining repent the repent Superior has survived and we did a wound to a gene sealer and I lost three sacrs in jumping them out thermonuclear Rhino Kaboom I think my near fight was on top of the um on top of the ban blade just went kab into lit into space stratospheric yes yeah so the rest of your attacks okay so uh after that spectacular mining laser uh shot um we fired the cult weapons uh into the retributors into the retributors and I did seven wounds and with perfect Ambush that would be minus one one a okay so I've got four up saves but I can use a six so I need to kind of do this one okay so the superior is dead Okay seems to be going well for me so far okay the superior okay I've got one has died two has died I will then use a miracle die turn into a section of the dialis and get to roll it because of cherubs so that's nice so two and the superior are dead from there cool and then into my sisters uh yes so next up is the Webbers four Webers never used these before they're quite interesting um I am doing 11 shots and I had those dice prepared four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 so 11 shots um will be hitting you on threes they hit they're oh they Auto hits sorry what am I talking about okay so it's only strength two so fives fives yes yes so fives uh but these are devastating okay so no saves that's just two dead that's two dead and uh one regular wound AP1 yes because of perfect Ambush I I don't want to use my Miracle die but I can also do a cherub with them so I guess I will to just save it and then roll it that's nice cool so two are dead there we go so that is the ne the ban blade neop fight's shooting complete good what an undertaking over to this near fight Squad uh who've just dropped in I'm going to try and finish off the retributor squad with the four flamers uh so we' got nine shots there I'm going to be fine how many wounds be fine um let's see how many wounds what's the strength of your flamers strength four there'll be threes so that's four five six seven wounds no a three four five six seven no AP and my save will be the exact same for both may as well roll it all at once cuz I can't use any more Miracle D okay so that kills the two retributors and the dialis is left on our own and now for the seismic cannons which the service SC reliably informed me is called the wah Cannon hitting on fives rrolling sustained cuz you've done the other guns off camera what were they uh the Cults yes weapons you manag to kill one sacri link a single one a single one okay right so be rrolling bear bear with me viewers I see no bears here imagine if there was a planet of bears and Jean C the cult like infiltrated it that'd be wild that'd be great ah bear Jean Steelers bear stealer cult that sounds horrible they're here to steal your bears oh feel like the uh the film Annihilation horrific it's a good film that one I quite enjoyed it yeah very quite very Cosmic horror yeah much like a tyranid uh excellent filler folks thanks very much you're welcome um five there we go I'm actually get five sustain there so that that many dice just want to wound me cuz Palatine is a Palam mine I'm just going to remove I'm going to remove these because I think I might be cheating um but those of you watching at home will no doubt leave a comment and tell me whether I was or not um here we go so uh we're strength six uh but it's minus one to wound them is that right strength six but minus one to wound so it'll be threes threes okay so 1 2 3 4 five 6 7even eight nine let we try again 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 that is 12 wounds they do D3 damage a piece they are minus one I think uh the D3 damage doesn't matter cuz I've only got one wound okay yeah minus one sorry viewers one dead wa no this has gone horribly wrong and now it's going much much better picking up it really is oh she's doing well oh I lose four okay that was quite impressive just worth pointing out for you viewers at home cuz this is our first sisters game you loveely we have to do it this way because of Miracle dice you can't roll them all at once and save one because you have future knowledge that is cheating you just can't do it cheating you can't do it you got to do way thank you very much quite slow but it is the way that it is just doing the remainder of my shooting now so both squads of genan stealer acolytes have fired their pistols uh into wounded one once into the fizzy fizzy ones uh so yes just the one wound uh and over here the the truck which is parked in the building is going to uh fire we've already fired the heavy stubo into the emulator didn't do anything Blinky blon uh but we're now going to fire the bomber otherwise known as yo Canon into it as well on fors I think big bomba sounds better bomba just one hits yep uh that's a wound wound uh A1 goes through goes through three damage is this on an emulator is a T10 I'm afraid it is Twin linked however oh thank you service girl it is a we so the Save St so what is the damage uh three damage I have five Wings remaining excellent Kell has bravely jumped into the corner and he's uh what was the suggest telor now he's now the telor yeah so he's deployed teleport Homer and over here on my Left Flank the acolyte hybrids have dashed into to those you could F the charge down there into those the Fizzies the Fizzies over there uh and the big charge over here which I really hope makes it is the patriarch and his genan Stealers charging into the sacr sanks you need a five so we need a five here we go H don't have the Comm point on the emulator oh plan Generations in the making why why is it with patriar just being so rubbish she's a b it's fine it's fine I am sanguin so the first Squad of acolytes uh with their uh Claws and knives so 15 attack okay rrolling ones because they are Ze um okay so they're hitting on threes I'm toughness three as you can imagine because I'm not wearing any armor okay and that means oh we're strength five so threes and rrolling the ones there's an objective knocking around H um so that's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 that is 12 AP1 10 11 12 I've worked out I've got 13 wounds left of varus lulin and then the preacher so onto my pho panes which is a four up I believe so I take one is dead two are dead three are dead completely okay cool whoops throwing dice around than you uh let's move on to the uh heavy mining tools uh so this is eight attacks hitting on threes there are no ones there but that's actually a pretty good rooll uh looking for twos uh oh yeah that's fine uh so that is six at A2 they're three damage a piece D okay damage well okay how many uh six I'm got to figure this out in a second okay all in all I have two healthy archip flag lints and the preacher remaining you absolutely T those no I only lost two from the from the mhm okay that this unit is almost done I've got five attacks from the cult leader uh here we go five attack uh rerolling ones fortunately there we go those twoos don't count uh he is strength five yep so thre and that is rrolling that one as well so that's three kills another one ap2 yeah so kills another one so with this second uh Squad of acolytes we just come at you with the SS and we've done six wounds six strength and wounds my AR fagence one has taken a wound mhm and is dead mhm so now it's the preacher okay he's fine good he's fine he's fine the preacher he's fine actually I'm not going to do that cuz you've got a load of other attacks coming in yeah I'm going to yeah this isn't the end so oh he does die however and also he's got a cool thing on death which I wanted to show off so why are my Miracle die they over here so for the arulin dying I get a five mhm for the preacher dying I get a four then I gain an additional D3 so how many more Miracle die do I gain oh it's just one oh just one just the one it's four but interestingly um St the example and I pointed this out in the sisters faction Focus back when we we did all the indexes you can do that if you stand them back up now I could choose to stand him back up here I'm not going to CU you're kind because I only have one command point and I've got other cool stuff I could use it on okay um is it only one CP to do it though it's one command point to do it you do have to spend Miracle die to give them wounds back essentially but then you can Farm a little bit okay so that's really cool so I don't have to roll my additional no you're good you're good this is done this has been this has been quite a phase actually as a lot has happened I'm quite happy with it yeah yeah I do like cult ambushes in 10th edition really do feel crunchy I felt like in ninth Edition there was always that promise and it was a it was a bit of a chance it was a bit nebulous whether or not it would actually come together and I feel that it really delivers in this Edition so it's a good feeling so that's the end of my ambush uh like I just said very pleased with it uh I successfully purged the foe I killed one two three three units four units had the ulator the AR flance the preacher and the retributors so quite a successful turn for you so that was quite nice I also managed to deploy my uh kellor tell you deploy you know what I me I deployed a kelore successfully which is good uh and I also assassinated that pesky preacher on my left flag thing yes so let's see if you can hit hard hit me as hard as I just hit you in your turn two turn two which I didn't quite believe it was turn two cuz it feels much later in the game than that um I have captur enemy out poison storm hostile objective which is interesting considering my Celine up in the sky yes um I've got a good spread of Miracle die got two sixes and two fives which is very nice you got a bag of Miracle dice got a whole host of them and I'm getting four points cuz I'm holding one objective so that I really want to get into the movement phase nice and fast so I can just bring Celestine down that's all I care about we're going to start off with both the sacr sance there's so many units on this table my brain is not functioning and the repent Superior heading over to the je Stealers it's going to be the great forwarding you know me I can't resist a yeat I try it's just not in my nature it doesn't feel right so everything's coming forward canoness and friends disembarking from the emulator and stepping forward to deal with the Enemy the emulator is going to beep beep beep through to here still in range to be able to shoot many Tet sometimes you must eat forward sometimes you must eat back six in on the advance to run away it says a lot about this Army I've shuffled the battle sisters back onto the objective as much as possible because there's a whole load of OC there that I don't want to deal with and then this rhino is going to start coming up to join the battle or at least do something we'll see start of the shooting phase with the squad of two battle sisters I say two it's a battle sister and a dog Mar down here has done nothing into the neop fites it's also worth mentioning I did disembark the I just forgot to mention it's also worth mentioning that has arrived naturally um so I'm now going to move on to the bolters from this sister Squad down here uh they are not fully healthy so I'll be hitting you on twos everything's in Rapid Fire okay I miss you a few times which is a bit sad for me but it will be three St soon uh yes they're only te tough toughness three toughness three that is a few fail so that's 2 4 6 eight no ap please no AP so uh first up fives so we fail you're doing quite well doing all right and we've also got the feel no pain from the Icon Ward uh so that's one one nice that that ban blade is good cover I tell you that much yeah yeah it really was I shot the rest of the entirety of the B sisters at that unit and I have killed eight more so I'm whittling away taking a piece of at a time now I'm going to move on to the emulator shooting into them this one the inj one down here a number of shot with my flamers we'll see how many it is when I throw them okay well what's your toughness uh tough toughest three I'm below half strength uh you're wounding on twos anyway cuz strength six right two you can't on one six eight okay what's the a onus oneus one so I'll be doing six first of all and then we'll have feel their pains afterwards say success uh not a Sol not a solitary six damage one okay and now my five up feel no pain I feel some pain there so that's another bit of pain another five burning near fights at top the ban blade I do also have a pin Bolter a what a pin Bolter a heavy Bolter heavy Bolter a heavy Bolter sustained and I H you all of the times because I'm below strength okay the Plus One will kick in here cuz it two yes that well I got four five and a six so that is three minus two one no it's minus one uh so three six UPS uh they all go through and then first one dead second one dead third one dead yes so you've done another eight killed another eight M that's brutal that was you did the same amount as what was it three squads of Battle Sister fing bols not talk about the talk about the sisters emulator number Doss now going into the ne fights in the middle I've got nine shots with the flame of this time and that is eight wounds minus one okay I Believe In You sixes oh c sixes in there so six are roasted okay and then the heavy Bolter this one is healthy but also sustained ouch I wound you all of the times uh AP1 yeah h i don't wound you all of the times it's strength five I wound you twice uh well it doesn't matter you kill another two brilliant well to finish off bring the shooting phase to a close the final ulator shot at the exact same unit in the middle you're now down to three near fights in the character it's very good for me I then moved onto the sa sense and the repent Superior shooting into your de and I have managed to pop two more off making them easier to kill and then finally Celestine and her SA sense NOP not sacr sense zepim is the one did manage to pop a wound he popped a wound on my Goliath your Goliath truck blink I will now be charging you a oh dear they've got built in rolls yeah but I can't use a miracle day for they're roll oh yeah it's sad oh it was even closer that's sad I got an eight I need a nine deep strike um that's fine this is fine everything it's fine looks like our dedicated assault units are not making their charges this game however the sacr will go into your gen sealers yes okay the repenter will go into your Gene Stealers mhm yes and that's it all right kg I do still have storm hostile objective so the battle sisters and the canoness in the middle will attempt to charge your near fights in the middle yes I do mhm very tempted to charge the other unit of battle sisters in you know what y unit down here probably not did attempt a few more charges with the battle sisters into the guys on the tank didn't works that's fine we're going to start with the tant and the Palatine um I will I'm starting with the Palatine herself and I will be burning a three in my Miracle die pool from rapis blows to do more Mortal wounds now she does have the blade of St elino forgot to mention it in my list so I've got lots of attacks okay hitting on twos wounding on twos that's good job y two good twos I wound you five times it does give you an extra a no doesn't matter so mine yeah five how many damage are these uh damage three what okay given that I only have four you got me four given that I have four four time it doesn't matter cuz it's all the same the Patriot does have a four up in M yeah so you will need to roll four at a time yeah four at a time yes first four so two survive two survive and then roll the final one yep the final one yes cuz there only Five Wounds three oh I'm with you okay so one gene stealer survives yes which but then takes how many Mor wounds from ratus blows oh yes each each do each time me attack made by this scores a wound so you've just done five more wounds as well yeah so you've killed the last gen and done three mortal wounds to the patriarch okay okay the patriarch has three three wounds remaining right for the sac ouch the sacr sance then will continue um hitting on two cuz I'm below half strength yes I am wounding what's the five on a jean stealer toughness four four so it will be twos again that is three oh Sor uh we're still using the Je body guard profile this is all simultaneous attacks yes so that will be three wounds on your inv so before inv uh yes so we're using the patriarch's invol yeah because it's now allocated to him so that's four is it three three okay good list three on a four up here we go first one fails it how many wins is that just just just these are just one damage so you can roll these all together yeah but what so I've got one left haveing for my adventure Superior oh no before we do that Ed Ed please yes so uh all the Jean sealers were wiped up but let's see if they go back into my cult Ambush on a five up they do not they disappear they G four plus cuz B oh so close and yet so far tantalizing yeah so yeah so you're right it it's it would be a five up but battle round two yeah so you get plus one not confusing at all I'm going to go I'm going to go straight into my Superior I'm going to do it right now with my neural whips I hit you you hitting TW yes cuz I'm below below start I'm below half strength my poor patriarch how what's his toughness now cuz I'm oh I'm his toughness five anti infantry four um so just I mean rrolling wounds on the charge because technically the unit contains a superior all Sixers hilariously now so that is three saves you need to make you need to make three four UPS or he's dead three four UPS coming up yet so far you have a CP no don't tempt me Servo skull I'm not interested my battle sister Squad and the Canon s have gone into the knights in the middle the battle sisters managed to wipe the ne fites themselves and the Canon s faces Le pus I'm hitting on two three rolling because I am a Canon ass hit you a lot the times it's twoos to wound you I need two of these to go through to kill him excuse me everyone frighten spend a command point to roll one of those okay oh I can't get him oh okay one W minus two useless cool he's got a yeah so just goes through does it go through how many damage uh two two so he's got two remaining just before we do anything else let's see if my the squad that you just wiped out so it would be five up but it's it's turned it's battle round two so that's plus one and their battle line three up so three up here we go yes come back cool where do they show up let's see I will decide imminent so bleeding from many wounds uh the Primus the general himself he he hits you back so F attacks with his Cults um bone sword he hits you cuz he's hitting on twos okay um so that's five to W me threes to wound St five oh yes four WIS uh five five oh sorry that's a one that's quite right four WS AP uh AP uh ap2 so I have a five up save is it a five up save yeah it is a five up save wounds three battle sisters are um he also has a toxin injector claw which is an extra attack I don't want to be attacked by toxin that doesn't sound so two attacks uh they hit you they wound you on twos because it's anti-infantry oh come on my my toxin is redundant here never mind a reasonably successful turn I feel like I killed quite a few things and that makes me feel good about myself um I did get five points on storm hostile objective through those B sisters in the canon in the middle and have discarded captur Outpost for a command point because I did forget there's a bunch of guys in there that can just swarm the objective and don't like that no thank you and then you have also picked up one of your friends I've returned the 10man unit of acolytes to the Shadows which will strike you in my next turn P day so it's the top of my turn three and I've have drawn my cards uh I've drawn no prisoners which is really good for this Mission cuz it kind of stacks quite nicely kill stuff uh and storm hostile objective and there is a very hostile objective in the center of the so hostile and very aggressive you should fear me I should fear you indeed uh I think that's it for my uh command phase just we pointing out the um neop fites did fail their battle shop check so you you still getting the full primary for holding one holding more um but it does mean no Plan Generation in the making for extra CP for the oh yes the these acolytes are going to move over here to get them in range of a cheeky charge in an attempt to get storm hostile objective goodness me I hope I don't fail that charge the acolytes who were hunkered up in the park Goliath truck have disembarked and are now moving towards St Celeste and her Pals the kellor is going to do his three arm draw into the Battle Sister Squad in the ruins so good opening Salvo for the for the shooting phase is worth pointing out I did in the movement phase OverWatch with Celestine and her zeph down there and I did Kill three of your acolytes so go me it was a worthy effort yeah uh but here we go six shots from The Liberator Auto stubs oh sustained no sustained D3 no sixes but two ones come on K it's cuz it's cuz he's the telor now he's really the telor he's actually just the telemarketer yeah he he rarely actually Kor uh and now it's time for the devastating come on oh come on I I glimpsed to six how many strength five so two wounds two wounds AP nothing I'm fine oh come on Kell K tell oh Kell that was extremely disappointing The Ridge Runners here are going to fire their heavy mining lasers into that emulator it's worth saying at this point that I did fire my heavy stubbers and I managed to Blink the solitary wound off but here we go 2D shots Comm point on smoke so four four sure you have popped smoke so hit your Force I'm very mystifying very mystifying M get it also and also cuz he missed oh no it's a double so many levels one hit it's a triple I've achieved maximum 100% brain power you can see the universe you didn't wound no it's cuz I saw the universe made it so uh so that was very disappointing so I'm now going to fire the second unit of rid Runners into theem as well uh they are is crossfir now though so additional a 2d3 shots oh yes big now we're talking uh so six yeah pause hop that is a bit more like it thanks very much uh threes is it threes yes threes oh for goodness sake what's your a here H what's your A4 now but you do have a cover here so technically fre so is still on your six up save yes and what do I roll the light of the emperor truly shines upon me this day four Ridge Runners with heavy mining lasers into a bleeding Rhino it's really got to hurt uh that is an emulator blessed by the Imperium itself it is truly blessed now for the near fights on top here I've already fired their cult weapons into the sisters down there managed to kill one kill one of my S you've made me more powerful Mar time uh and and I'm now going to fire the mining lasers as tempting as it is to continue shooting at that smoked emulator the smoke is just makes it unappealing yeah it's unappealing it's two smokes so we're going to shoot this one that's already wounded how many wounds has that one got left Five Wounds remaining Okay cool so four shots hitting on fours with the mining lasers oh great oh oh this is toyble the Goliath truck is now going to join the freay uh it's already fired the heavy stubber doing nothing but now it's time for the auto Cannon bang bang bang I hit you once I wound you uh that's AP1 it's a miracle so after a terrible shooting phase uh hopefully I'll be able to kill some stuff in my charges this squad of near fights have you know they couldn't really fail but they've moved in to St Celestine and her Squad um over here on my right flank uh I'm going to make a long bong 9in charge I'm going to try to take care of that emulator here we go let's have a big nine oh that's the big a blessed 10 the forearmed emperor and now the next much next one so this is a six in charge here we go I do have a CP in case it all goes wrong this is one you need for storm hostile I think you're fine we made our charges this is recoverable the acolytes that made their charge into the emulator have attacked with their leader uh and the regular dudes and we managed to do one wound but now it's time for the mining tools here we go hitting on threes and two fail that's four uh toughness 10 toughness 10 uh we are strength 10 so fours up that's two ap2 any ones to roll yes there's a one right there you objective oh roll it roll it re roll it come on oh so I'm use one at a time three damage it's a miracle it's a miracle uh the acolytes in the center which are going to try and storm the Hostile objective and rescue the Primus uh time for some cult Claws and knives 15 attacks the EMP Grace has being enacted uh so my has a two op inv B okay yeah uh I roll a couple of ones there so we were hitting on threes that's a good that's a good load of uh hits there it's it's it's yeah mhm uh strength four so three still we me oh some ones that I'm looking forward to re-rolling and and a whole host of sixes where were those six is when I was firing mining laser okay okay so that's 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 AP1 well I'm going to have to take these two at time of the battle sisters so one is fine cuz oh my Miracle day is running away she's fine she going to have to keep rolling she's minus one um just minus one she's fine she's fine she's dead Okay so that's 1 2 3 4 5 six I've done so this is five uh you've got five more to go yes now it's a two up she's fine she's fine she's fine I keep rolling sixes I rolled four sixes in a row and then a three she's absolutely stunning loves it that was gross drill really really it okay uh I'll do my um my leader with um drill tastic my leader has a has a big sword uh they got Le the sword so five attacks okay uh twoos don't do anything um three three okay so looking for threes again that's two ap2 this time but bable same she doesn't care what's the damage one damage one damage okay she's taken a wound okay she's got three wounds remaining one drill and then she's dead and now it's time to come in with uh some heavy machinery is it drill time it's drill time uh or assorted Power Tool uh hitting on threes uh okay we missed once uh toughness uh yeah toughness three still cuz it's all the same time twos uh so that is five five ones because the unit was on okay cool okay okay okay okay and then I'm going to use that and because it's all happening at the same time she's still part of the unit it's an Act of Faith I haven't used the Cherub in that unit I get another miracle die so I refund it for myself and also get another miracle D them for the unit dying this is nice thank you for my dice thank you now for the acolytes into St Celestine and her Squad uh just the six attacks with the regular cult claws cuz you whittled me with your OverWatch I did Whitt me well a couple of ones to roll there okay Hub uh okay so T three three looking for threes oh uh no objective so two just the two AP1 the four UPS two of the zepim die okay and now for the leader mhm uh with the bone sword uh rerolling this one okay so four hits uh looking for threes again not rerolling those so two ap2 this time oh two more di four dead so far okay and it now it's mining Tool Time yep have a oh thank you so much uh so sad I'm dropping it already I'm sorry I've ruined your lovely gift 2 4 6 eight who do we appreciate Celestine uh uh yes we do appreciate her very much uh eight taxs rolling ones fortunately uh there we go cool looking for twos yes oh many ones but that is four ap2 four ap2 so I will have four up saves here four up saves M oh yes five up saves apologies I was looking at something completely wrong um and then I will use a five up so I have lost seven in total but three and Celestine remain for your impudence the canoness will murder your primar Primark that's he's going remove your primar he wishes he was a Primark I hit you twice you hit me twice yes you're dead absolutely murdered okay he probably deserved it because he was very impudent as you say really was and it is time for the zepim and Celestine to strike starting with the zepim and the Gemini Superior cuz they go through the same stats so this will be two and threes this is quite good here just below half strength just below half strength you killed me perfectly it felt fell fell right into my trap thank you so that will be for starters 2 4 six seven wounds I there are seven of us and we go straight through so okay um perfectly done very economical but celes didn't get to here oh well okay so uh just a few things to tidy up now I need to roll for um roll see if these guys come back that'll be on a four up no oh no Ed we're running out of conversation with Chef about how to bring back things cuz apparently he always does wait I'll do it Ed give the man a dice don't mind me camera [Laughter] everyone so they're not coming back then yeah that's a shame that is a shame um my ulator did run two of your acolytes over down here as well which was quite successful of me very this game uh that was a very disappointing and brutal turn however I did manage to storm a hostile objective in the center and I did also manage to score no prisoners by killing that sister's unit so I did Kill stuff I just didn't kill as much stuff as I hoped fine you don't need to okay I'm going to get turn now and I've got holy flame Holy Fire is what I desire [Music] another decent draw for me I have Arrow denial so cook the acolytes in the middle which is something I wanted to do so go me and secure no man's land which again points mean prizes want those Point points want those prizes I've got good Miracle die I've only got one thing that's battles shocked and that is the dog Mar Battle Sister Squad go me you've got three Bernie tanks still in play as well murder which is three more than I'd like there to be at this stage it's time for a barbecue using a four from my Miracle dipole to advance this rhino over here to get on the objective for secure no man's land the battle sisters will move back over this way to switch off this blip and destroy the incursion from within so Katie by moving those sisters successfully shut down that Ambush marker however with my icon Wards summon the cult ability uh that has now shifted uh over into my left hand corner speaking of shifting these battles sisters are going to start oh falling over moving up to join more of the battle the sacrs and the superior are going to move over this way and these battle sisters and the canoness friend will also come forward the canones is falling back for plan and stuff and Celestine and the zephram are going to flock they have wings like birds get it the emulator starting the shooting phase I'm going with the wounded one because I have plus one to wound and your acolytes are tough I'm going to start crisping the acolytes in the middle I've got seven shots with my emulation flamer and that is six that have gone through so six at minus one okay so looking for sixes okay come on that's one so five are flamed and then the heavy Bol I hit you once mhm cuz I am wounded and I do wound you at minus one at minus one looking for another six and we're very dead six dead six dead acolytes nasty and the second ulator doing the same again the same number of shots from the flamer but it will be threes to wound you this time that is five more wounds MH going in okay I'm going to murder that what if it's thing I do o uh you kill for which is how many there are so success uh the a a dead uh now I think some of you at home might be wondering why didn't I play um one with the darkness I thought about it but actually there's so much there's so many bols trained on them that actually all the zhim are quite deadly in combat and yeah I have a Celestine there it's true but I can I can see if they come back into CT Ambush so looking for a four up yay you did it well done you they'll be popping up somewhere I'll just figure that out in a sec now the near fights on on top of the ban blade I'm still attempting to whittle away all of the battle sisters surrounding and the repen superior and the sacras and the Palatine have left you with one and the icon W so I'm going to move into the final emulator now who will go into the acolytes I mean combat with seven shots again on the flamer plus one to wound so's still wounding on two Servo skull M two that's seven wounds at minus one okay uh looking for sixes H like not but not a one so seven are burnt to Cinders heavy Bolter twice wind you twice minus one okay H so that's nine total nine total is there a one oh no cuz you killed one yes they're gone or are they yeah they're gone they're they gone they gone all that build up for nothing and the final Squad of battle sisters not only did they turn off your blip they have done seven wounds into the telor the telor as he is now known uh yes I'm in cover so it'll be a four up H oh oh come on he lives the telor lives to telor for another day it will tell them all about it I think he gets to shoot back now he does well uh no we'll we'll check this because it might be friendly units you can't shoot me back friendly battle line well that was the life and story of Kell who I'm now going to charge with my battle sists OverWatch yes I will make it in so you can OverWatch me you're going to need that data sheet that you just threw away no no it's all in here is it yeah is it well I need sixes first of all don't I each six is Su stained D3 here we go sustained oh I can see one in there okay oh it's another three four four hits y I'm toughness three uh strength five so threes you became a chicken there a clamor oh no okay oh tmorph I couldn't fail the charge with with Celestine so I've done that already and the sacrs I needed a five I had a four in my Miracle dipole I want to kill this unit cuz they keep coming back and I don't like them so I have used the miracle dipole to make the charge down there we're going to start with Celestine cuz she's not had a chance to hit and she's sad going into your truck my parked truck you did do a wound to the truck on the way in I did do a wound to the truck on the way in through my shooting I hit you all the times and it's forced to wound you devastating so there's one devastating wound so you won't get a save and then three at minus three three minus three so three six UPS yes hip I make none of them um well that is eight damage which is how many wounds I have remaining do you explode wants to know that's all anyone cares about and the answer is no I mean this was inert throughout the entire game and remains an inert wreck now I've managed to do a wound into Kell with battle sisters you have one wound remaining it's true come on Kell he's been a disappointment at least he's been consistent that's what you can say yes I'm going to move on to the Palatine now I will spend I've got one in my Miracle diple so I will do rapturous blows because I just want to make sure the unit dies so I've got five attacks with my 1 2 3 4 five Palatine blade hitting on two which is the blade of St Elenor which is the blade of St Elanor you are correct um and it will be twos to wound you because I'm strength now I get plus one strength and I'm below half strength yep twos okay that is three wounds yep gone through at minus two yes um two damage three damage right okay so the he's just dead he's just dead and then the icon Ward and I don't you do have five pain to do I'm afraid oh yes you do than you you're going to have to do one of three one batch of three he's dead uh yes he's totally dead and then how many wounds were done in total uh three wounds in total so so six on the icon Ward yes yes he has three wounds and then he'll take three more to wounds so nine total nine nine nine SP no oh yes rap he'll be fine going to be fine he's not fine he's he's had a good stab at it actually 3 went I tell you what did have a good stab Valentine you know who else will have a good stab at rolling to see if the near fights come back Ed will come on are they going to come back come on guys yes y excellent I'll have a little think about where to put them back well that was a very successful turn I did get the max on the secondary for area denial and secure no man's land I killed a lot of stuff and knocked you off a few objectives as we go into your turn four at the top of my turn four I've drawn my secondaries uh not the most favorable area denial uh I haven't really got any Jean Steelers around there to do that and also capture enemy Outpost which is just not going to happen uh yeah K you've got that locked down over there that is mine my out i' burn that for a and I've got Behind Enemy Lines possible I have difficult but possible difficult but doable so that is the state of play um it's very very close game I just need to hold on for dear life uh in my movement phase I moved these acolytes up this way to try and get a nice charge on Celestine I did OverWatch them my only man to kill the one it's true uh and over here on the top right I've moved those Ridge Runners up uh in in an attempt to try and get Behind Enemy Lines with an upcoming charge uh onto the shooting I'm going to fire I've already fired the stubbers into that Battle Sister Squad managed to kill one the heavy mining lasers are going to turn around and try and kill this pesky emulator you going to pop smoke KT you going to pop smoke this time you got a wound remaining you got one wi remaining okay it would be insulting we no I'm not going to do it that's good to hear uh two two3 oh there we go six shots there we go six shots I believe in you the emulator will finally Die free yes um and uh a toughness 10 toughness 10 three again yeah yeah yeah so that's fourward ap3 four ap3 six up invulnerable saves NOP do I explode yes no wow finally down finally I've killed The Wretched thing so my Ridge Runners I fired the stubbers into the Renta Superior and she has some saves to make there five no AP uh no AP three ups and a five up F not pain she does die okay and then into what are you doing with the rest of your uh I rolled High here I've got eight heavy mining laser shots that's another two because of blast going into the uh Battle Sister Squad just behind the ban bed uh hitting on threeso uh one miss seven hits okay looking for twos twos to W twos to wound you we wound you uh six times five six ap3 ap3 m vulnerable save that is five dead bam right onto my charges this acolyte Squad is going to charge into celestine's unit uh it's going to be a 9 in Shard exactly what they need exactly as required and over in this corner The Ridge Runners again you need like an 11 10 or 11 to actually get to Behind Enemy Lines but see what we got a roll in the bag here we go right I'm going to roll this it's a seven it's a seven gets you in not going to get you behind lines hey I've managed to get eight of the 10 acolytes into combat here it's a bit awkward with the building in the way uh but I'll start with the leader uh five attacks uh hitting on three he hits you all the times uh strength three toughness three sorry uh toughness three um cool he is yeah he's toughness strength five um so frees again and he wins you three times ap2 two so that'll be five up saves on the zepim which I'll do um I will save one so that it goes through so two are dead but one remains okay uh now moving on to the uh regular folks with their cult knives and Claws that's nine attacks uh no ones to reroll just the two there uh so that's eight hits Y and now wounding you three still okay so threes again uh not re rolling those ones so that's 1 2 3 4 5 six 6 AP1 I'll have to do these one at a time because my Gemini have a better save uh so this will be fours um so they're now dead so it will be uh three up saves how many wounds so that is a superior dead and all of the zephrin okay good and now on to the the heavy mining equipment yes uh that's six attacks unfortunately one of them couldn't get in hitting on threes that's uh three ones that I can roll which is uh relief uh de I manag to retrieve one there um and look at for TW yeah three so that's three AP the ones there are objective oh there's an objective there of course thank you Servo scull after can do I have to do this one I think they've all got a four up inom they do all have a four up in so three damage so that kills the other Superior and then it does kill Celestine however at the end of the face she might stand back up okay I'll roll it now you roll one it's not a miracle so the genene stealer cult have taken a beating but they've still got teeth and Claws uh killed a character over there did a lot of damage to those battle sisters um it's worth pointing out you did kill two down here with this fight and I did they ate rubber literally wasn't very and and most importantly over here the acolytes managed to murder murder SS list she ain't getting they're not there they're not there um but the bad news is is that I didn't score AA denial and I didn't roll big enough on my charge with the Ridge Runners to Get Behind Enemy line so I'm going to discard both of these G yourself a command point I'll gain a command point at the start of my next turn see what happens good draw for me assassination you have no characters on the board I killed them all so I automatically get it and defend stronghold which is well defended button that down yeah so I'm going to see how much I can kill to try and deny you points see where we go mhm you join us partway through the very very short shooting phase essentially there's not a whole lot I can do in my turn because of ranges and you don't have too much on the board so I'm trying to screen out as much as I can where I can just in case and get into move position so if you do want to move and come towards me I can flame you with my uh emulators to that end I did two wounds with them heavy Bolter into your Ridge Runners and I've just gotten you just gotten six wounds through with the flamer which you now need to save here we go so looking got 12 shots yeah looking for fours here yeah h o uh so two more wounds okay but you're not dead yes which is fine also pointing out the advance over here to deny the primary and OverWatch was done but it went did nothing I did spend a miracle die to make that because I needed the move did importantly turn off this blip over here that blip we'll put them down in a sec so that is my turn um I did get assassination because like I said you you have no units and defend stronghold I think I've made it impossible for you to get because I've got a dialis I've screened you out um we did pop those back down like as we forgot to do at the end of my movement phase yes and what are you do with them now they're going to go straight back up again into return to the shadows I'm going to try and do a nasty Ambush just to round off this game and try and seize victory from the jaws of defeat so in my final turn I've drawn my secondary uh missions I've got extend battle lines and I have cleanse now I'm going to try and kill two birds with one stone over here on my right flank by perfect ambushing and deep striking this 20-man acolyte unit in uh and once hopefully once those sisters are cleared off you can Runners can then cleans the objetive getting you three points for that five points for extend and your best chance to to beat me on points that's the plan so we'll come back after the shooting cuz I assume those sisters are going to be dead yeah I think they might be dead Jim to the surprise of absolutely no one those B sisters got cooked they got absolutely wasted just smoldering smoldering booties no yes no sisters anymore so you got your points yep and those rid Runners are going to cleanse that objective so you've got the yeah you got the three and you got the five there there there are believe it or not some acolytes in this building um I'm so tempted to move them out to try and stop you scoring that but I would lose cleanse if I did that extend so I'd lose I'd lose um extend I have an emulator right here that would OverWatch you yeah and then in my next turn I just killed the unit with with my emulator so you've got your points now we go to my battle round five I score my primary at the end of the turn mhm I'm already on four objectives my second secondaries are Behind Enemy Lines mhm an attempting Target attempting Target I can see right where we going to do the only one I'm not on would it be that one I think it probably would could be that one the single objective in no man's land I'm not on I can I don't think I can get two for behind anyy lines I think I can get the rhino in so I've got you got Miracle D in my pull it's a 12in move I've got I mean with the rotate I think I can get that back there so I can get the three points for that but going to spend the command point to read your tempting Target what you got deploy teleport no Rhino doesn't have an assault weapon so I can't do it in your in your deployment Zone but my Canon s can do it in the middle which would score me it's three points for tactical in the middle yes it is so you can get three points there three points for behind so like other the points standing Okay Okay so we've had a look at the points and I think you're on 79 right now y now with me scoring at the end of the turn so I would yes I would move the Rhino over there um to get me behind any lines any one of these units could get me uh deploy teleport Homer CU I've got them in the middle so even though I'm not on that objective I would still be on one two three uh to your two so I'm still going to get eight points on the primary at the end of the turn for holding more even if I don't kill anything and then with the three points for behind and the three points for deploy that puts me on 74 76 86 86 848 even if you weren't holding more it would be 80 to 79 in the sister's favor a very close game that was pretty awesome I feel so stressed yeah and and after that terrible shooting phase in mind yeah that really swung it I think because me having three emulators with your infantry on the board just kind of gave me the momentum I needed to to catch back up on the points that was epic and it's so cool at the end of a game to see so much still there and so much going on mhm there's like still yeah the battle sisters the battle sisters were the only infantry that survived other than this we'll ignore this s here M battle sisss all about it that was really cool many Marts were made and many glorious offerings to the star Gods well thank you so much for the game thanks K I'm sure we'll be seeing more of you thank thank you to our lovely Servo skull for keeping us in check all day and thank you all so much for watching if you've made it this far make sure you hit the Subscribe button hit that like button and leave us a comment down below of what you thought of the video it helps us out and if you want even more videos like this we've got so many over on demand where you can join our Mega bosses in supporting us and we also have an app available on the Apple Store and iOS perfect for all your needs and Google Play and Google play that's the one yeah we'll catch you in the next video you though goodbye [Music] bye done completely I can't I can't deep fry you just yet deep fry you don't deep fry with fly flyer fire wow can we just do this again no do it again I wa interrup you this time no continue I I think you was great don't fly it let me have another go I want another go I want another go please um words so fatigued by uh let's let's try again do you want to redo yeah come come do you want to redo try again okay take two [Music] action
Channel: Tabletop Tactics
Views: 79,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, games workshop, warhammer tv, wh40k, batrep, battle report, warhammer 40000, 40k, list analysis, tactics, age of sigmar, AoS
Id: hFs8Fyokp3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 55sec (5095 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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