(1054) Challenge: OzLockCon 2017 Lockwood Picked & Gutted

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[Music] I think you can already tell this is a pretty special lock it's built on a Lockwood foundation but I think that's probably the only original party innards were all put together by a guy named clip bus and that's his name right there he's a part of the oz lock Conference crew down in Melbourne Australia to put that together from the 3rd to the 4th of June when they emailed me inviting me and I said I couldn't make it they sent oz lakhan's to me beautiful lock here is what the bidding looks like they're so proud they didn't even mummify the key it works beautifully I'll prove it to you no dragon no nothing just perfect let's take a look at this key way though this one thing I did take a very close look at and I think colep us probably went out of his way to find something unusual here first of all up here at the top it's got this funny little curve now when I put the key in I tried to turn it counterclockwise sometimes when I have challenge locks it's easier to pick them counterclockwise can't do it this thing's got a limiter on the inside of it so I have to pick it clockwise and I think you knew that so I picked a key way with a little curve on the end there so when you try to put tension on it the bottom of your tension wrench is just going to probably spin right around that little corner there so got to find a good way to tension it the other thing we got some pretty nasty warding so I'm going to have to I can't pick from the bottom down here because of that warning right there I'm going to have to pick off of the ledge right around here and then go up at an angle and remember to reach those high cuts and I saw the key I'm going to have to drag a lot along this Ward it's going to rob me of a lot of the feedback and again I think left us knew that the other thing is notice this little rounded like a little ski slope right here so as I'm leveraging and I'm trying to pry up against those pins using this to kick off of my pick is going to roll right down there into that nasty sewer so I think just the keyway alone is hard enough and I haven't even started picking on this thing anyway let me go ahead and clamp it up and see if we can't get it picked if not I got a feeling you guys are going to be seeing a whipped by klepto sub a lot of the elves like on Carew alright guys day four this is attempt number 46 I am again going to use top of the key way and I'm going to show that dude in there seems to work pretty good this is the mad Bob's measures 36 mm of an inch thick and it is the 1 millimeter and see I'm going to start off by cheating by trying to rake up a fault set which seems to work ok I try picking this thing counterclockwise but it does not work so I do get a slight fault set when I rake it I don't know if I'm just caught on some amazing school or something but there it is got a little bit of a fault set and that after 20 minutes of rake and while ago that doesn't give any more than that from this point I'm going to have to use a medium hook at 15 thousands from the practices kit and start looking for feedback and generally it gives pretty good feedback you can roll around that corner just got to get centered on him this pin is like pin 5 little counter rotation there let me check everybody up front first yep definitely 5 didn't get him that one got him so there's some kind of spool element to him and then pin one appears to fall down between each and every pin that I managed to pick so again I got a bit deeper fault set now pretty good so I'm caught up on some very narrow waisted spool or perhaps just a hole maybe a tee pin let me put some camp just checking to make sure I can get them up all right I'm going to try some German technology this is the SS dev pick one of the set of three that I got from sparrows and it's the medium hook so I'm going to slide him down the bottom of the key way and then roll them around that corner and try to attack from the rear looking for any kind of feedback and I get nothing a little bit right there on pin 2 it looks like I'm going to take a chance and just that's a little deeper than I thought that might be him might be the one we're looking for okay alright this doesn't have enough hook on him I am going to go with the other SS div with the awesomely deep hook since it's right in the front I might be able to leverage in there come on get under there hmm don't know if I've got him nope Oh something clicked but we lost our fault sets I'm going to go back to the rake I'm holding pretty good tension and try to rake back whatever fell down no lock all right let me check pin one see if he's the one that fell on us again doesn't appear to be all right let's keep on with the rakin a little more vigorous this time and I'm lightening up on my tension come out of there something hung up all right we got our fault set back let's check see if twos the culprit again think he's up alright I'm on four got good counter rotation on him good that was easy click okay that was one again he's falling again alright feels like six giving me some counter rotation I'm gonna go with it see if I can squeeze this deep oak way back in there because that medium just wasn't enough there we go getting good counter rotation but it keeps falling off that little ski so there we go let's try it now there we go a lot of crunching in there come out there okay there's one my fault set one leaving a little deeper if that's possible jaesik gave it voicing same trace bet cheater three Nova Arjun there we go thank God okay okay yes there will be no attempt 48 all right get that tension wrench out of there let's find a screwdriver chair this baby down before the battery dies oh my god man tell you what I am going to do let me get another camera and I'm going to turn on the other camera just in case because I am very near the end of the battery in that one oh come on come on all right I'm going to set him on my beater block and I think that's about as good as it's going to get me back an option you got a good view alright just in case this battery does die I got a backup okay core pops out that comes off of all this stuff out of the way okay put my pinning tray down here the Philips record s too big come on baby gonna beat the battery I ok tail piece came off I do have a key so I'm not too worried about that but I shouldn't need it I'm just going to turn him 90 like that get my medium follower up in here and slide this dude out of here all right I'm not going to mess too much with it we look at the core in a moment again I'm trying not to let the battery guys okay pin two is a spooled pin number three is a very sharp torpedo number four is a two-piece pin we'll figure him out in a minute he's flipped the other way number five it looks like another two-piece pin number six also looks like a two-piece pin on the core what are we looking at it looks like one two and three are completely normal number four is threaded serrated number five is normal and number six has actually under cut looks like it's under cut on both sides so not a whole lot of mods to that core I think upstairs we're going to find a magic return this up just a hair so I don't have to look at a weird angle all right we have you saw that sharp thing jump out of there we have a two piece pin with a master wafer I don't know what was going on there I just dropped a little pin somewhere there's a howl it's a hollow serrated pin and then there's a wafer to keep that little pin from popping out I dropped him somewhere here on the bench crap it was a tiny little piece too dang it I don't see where it went guys I have to hope for the best here again I'm trying to beat the battery number two is a very thin shap there's that wasp wasted one what we were looking for number three looks like a standard hey what are you doing in this neighborhood you don't belong here very strong spring on that guy he was sticking all the way out okay number four looks like a very another one of these two piece pins I'm really hesitant to let him go like I did that other one okay there he is so I think that's the piece that we're missing that little let me set them down we'll look at him real quick this little piece right here is the one that's on the bench areas I just found him laying around it is not quite like that either this guy's a very fine little steel rod next one is a very thin waisted spool it looks like and the last one again another one these two pieces look at that he was in there like that alright Springs Springs that was not dead yet but you've seen everything I mean go ahead and show you this real quick number one there's that very thin little piece of steel that's in this hollow pin oops I'm not going to mess with him and then this master was pushing him inside of there to keep pressure on that center pin so even when he cleared the shear line that little guy was forced into the shear line this one is just a very thin tapered T pin and on the bottom we had a spool this one is a torpedo I mentioned and then we had this guy's standard nothing to him and he had a very strong spring this one was another one with a it's a two-piece pin with a very thin shaft that went through the center of that one and then the key pin was actually a two-piece or as well with a little breakaway component so he's stuck in there like that unless he got hung in the key way he would break away and then a little thin guy would then block this shear line who comes up with this stuff man you guys in Australia got way too much time this pin was exactly the same and then the last guy I don't think he was Hollow he's a normal one and then we had this guy upstairs alright so you've seen the pins now let me see if we can before the battery dies get a look at what kind of Springs were looking at all right here's spring one it's different from that second one very weak one on two three we had four four is a little brash I'm sorry a copper spring five is another one of these copper ones and six another copper once we had three of the same Springs and these other three guys were all different what a nasty luck ah we're not done guys I just got a glance up inside of the chamber and we're looking at some threading here chambers two and three are threaded the rest of them looked to be stock I'm sorry make that chambers four and five were threaded just being the front of the lock and there's the limiter for the actuator oh man ah slot comm you guys got some devious thought processes down there in Australia I got to say this was quite an ordeal getting this guy open anyway fellas thanks for putting this lock together sending it all the way from Australia and man it took a lot of work just to do the engraving on this guy thanks for all the effort I really do appreciate everybody else thanks for your time thanks for your patience stay safe stay legal [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: BosnianBill
Views: 134,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: (1054) bosnianbill, bosnian bill ozlockcon, challenge locks, Lockwood Picked & Gutted, OzLockCon 2017, bosnianbill 1054, (1054) Challenge: OzLockCon 2017 Lockwood Picked & Gutted, challenge lock, challange lock, padlock challenge, lock challenge, lock picking challenge, serrated pin, spool pin, master key. masterkey, lock picking 101, master lock, how to pick a master lock, single pin pick, bosnianbill challenge lock, lockpicking 101, how to make a bump key
Id: HHRuQr2f7WM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2017
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