(1063) ABS Magnetic Lock with TRAP Pins!

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I love bosianbill's videos, its always interesting to see what kind of locks he gets.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Squircle_MFT 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2017 🗫︎ replies
alright guys, this is an ABS lock. I've never heard of it before. I got it from erm Paul Silver. It used to be on his front door he replaced it Said the core was getting a little bit sticky with the key he recomended i shoot some WD-40 I have not done that yet I have been playing with this lock and discovered a few things about it. First of all It is a five pinner It is pin in pin Erm, it has an anti-snap feature here I don't have a snapping tool otherwise we might get a chance to demonstrate that This would be the sacrificial break right here, would break off prev-preventing someone from breaking this lock off [er], on the inside, [ma-erm], you have no pins - its not fully pinned up but it certainly is on the exterior it looks like there are some hardened elements right there so when we poke those two pins out it looks like that lock might very well come apart [er] its marked exterior so we make sure that we get it on the right side you can see the weathering it's been installed [er] before you see something unusual here [erm] First of all I did look this up on the internet, and I have been playing with it a little bit There are six trap pins and these are spring loaded so when we turn the core without the key in it apparently there are some slots machined in the core and these little guys will fall into them if the key is not in [erm] and there is three on this side also they will fall into the keyway so, I would imagine when this turns those fall into the keyway and then the pins will align maybe the inner pins will align with the three on this side so if we get it picked [er] that's something that we are going to have to face the other thing, and this is a very strong hint from [er] paul don't pick it oriented like this, like you would find it in europe he said [erm] if you turn it upside down, you will understand why so I am going to put this next to the microphone and kinda shake it [click] [click] [click] [click] [click] [click] [click] [click] I hope you can hear that, but there is something clicking around in there, maybe sounds like a ball-bearing [erm] when I was picking it, I could not feel anything in pin five so I suspect there is a ball bearing there and in this key there is some kind of magnetic element so when it is orientated correctly, and you slide this in the magnet will pull that ball bearing up into the core allowing it to rotate if it is located, it is like this however that ball bearing will already automatically fall into the core which means I've only have got to pick those first four pins now, they are pin in pin, I did discover that in my trial and error not and easy lock, I can assure you but if you have patience and want to stay with me and see how this thing works let me get it clamped up and we will do it together alright i have it mounted upside down so if there is a ball bearing, it has fallen down into the core so I only have four pins I have to pick so I am [er] take my fat tension wrench and stick him right there it's a tight working space not the greatest view, I apologize for that but, we have got what we got i am going to use a standard flag from the [salber?] kit apply light tension on the top, try to keep my hand out of the way as much as I can slide him down the right side here see what we've got, pin one binding these are pin in pin, so I am actually just pushing them against the rounded part of the outer pin and i've got a little turn on the core there I don't want to pick the inners yet. ok i'm on pin two, outer pin a little more turn on the core [huh] pin three, ok we are getting these in order very slight turn there check these guys everybody's good pin four come-on ok that was pin four, I got a little turn on the core, that's good false set that tiny click you just heard was pin one, inner pin I feel nothing on five at all so if there is a ball bearing there, I just can't feel him alright for you guys who've been patient enough to stick with me so far I am going to show you a new trick I think I just over-set pin one - inner pin so a lot of time, done a lot of work so far, don't want to give it up, we do have a good false set going [er] i probably just over-set him, I want him to come back down and I want to give him a chance to do that without a complete re-set a lot of times you can take the handle of your pick, and you can just kinda just tap on the front or if you have something heavier, like [erm] just slightly heavier, this is the handle from a, husky, this is my philip's screwdriver you can just give it a little tap, not a super tap just a little tap and sometimes you can knock that pin back, it will come back down, just lighten up on the tension and sometimes he will come back down give you another try dang-it I think I just did pin one again think I over-set him again alright, let's try one more time try to bring him back down and there we go we have a false set, check it out I mean, it just went really deep alright, so maybe, [chuckles] I don't know over-set him and he worked his way down to the right position alright, now we are well on our way, to getting a, getting into deep trouble because as soon as we go much futher those trap pins are going to trap us but lets go ahead and do that so right now I believe, one of the inner pins, will be manipulating the [er] trap pins and there we go, [oh] got my pin (pick) stuck alright, now we are going to go down, now I want to show you something let me pull this guy out, let me zoom out so the focus will work correctly Now if you take a very close look at these little guys right here notice how they are starting, that one isn't down yet these two have already started to pop down and look closely there, the're serrated and I don't know about the three on the other side are still flush so they haven't gone yet so let's just go a little further and we are stuck, right here we are caught in a trap, let me set my screwdriver down we're not going anywhere so if you have attempted to pick this and you don't have a lot of time to give to it you are in some deep trouble, but there is a way out of it you notice you have those two guys to pick so I am going to put him back into - the - vice I am going to keep my tension wrench, I am going to put him back on this side and keep going in a counter-clockwise now, I am going to take my pick, and go down here, and I believe it's the inner pins that will now directly affect those trap pins so light tension, and let's see if we can work em back em where they belong ok I am getting counter-rotation ok that's good more counter-rotation that's good, Now flip this baby around like so and now we are again Trapped alright let's take a look and see where we are trapped these three guys are flush these three guys are not, now notice how those little heads of those pins are now cock-eyed on a couple of them, they are free floating so if you put too much tension, they will get cock-eyed and never go back into position you really have to watch your tension on these guys let's put him back in there and now I am gonna, the pins are actually now here located with the keyway so again we are going to keep going counter-clockwise and I am going to take my knife because I don't have to pick these guys I hope I can just slide it in there and push them out of the way and go just like that, and now we are trapped again we have the pins I am telling you, it's a tricky lock guys Now we have the pins on the left that have gone back down and if you take a look at the right, now we have to fight both sides so, I don't which side is first, so let's put that tension wrench back in there, we are going to keep going in the counter-clockwise direction I am going to put him here first and check and see which side needs to be pick, I am going to try the ones up here first using the pins and they are not binding so that tells me that these two guys are holding it up, so I am going to again put the tension wrench in in the centre here. I am going to take my knife slide down there and just push em out of the way, so now we can rotate now those guys are caught now the're deep deep inside of there so now I have to fight them using the pins is this incredible or what again i'm going to put my tension wrench right here take my flat flag let me zoom in so you can see what i'm doing and go down, and use the inner pins to pick those trap pins, there we go, counter-rotation can't use too much counter rotation or the traps on the other side will fall pin three feels like counter rotation and there we go we are back, that is one rotation what an evil-evil-evil lock I know you guys, want to see this, the inside of this as much as I do, [erm] I am already at eight minutes so what I am probably going to do, I don't know how ta dissasemble this, I am going to go ahead and do this on camera and I might just go ahead and hit the fast forward see how long it takes I am going to try to pull these two pins out right here I am going to get my beater block no dice try to punch them from this side one two alright, let me get the pinning tray okay this thing should now, let me unzoom it oops, other way Bill should slide apart maybe sure is a precision fit, I'll give it that okay, we are still dealing with the exterior part, so I am just going to take the interior one and lay him down [eeeer] yeah man I can handle that okay we do have a key let's take a look at this key [erm] let me get my pocket knife by the way, I have a new pocket knife can you believe it this actually courtesy of (Havisher?) from switzland swis army knife all the way from switzland, he sent me, try to keep that in camera in frame picture of switzland, he said, and I am making this up his great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather fought in the togenburg war, otherwise known as swis civil war in 1712 and the theory is that he actually carried this he was the key meister and there are some keys I am totally making that up but, this did come from Switzerland and thank you Havisher, I appreciate it Alright, enough of that let's cut the key quit making up stories this is what happens when you are in the shop by yourself for way too long come-on there's trap pins on the key too [laugh] come-on Probably needs a sharpen now, its been around since 1712 so. yep, here we go awesome, here's all our pin in pins that's probably right there, pin four, why I was having so trouble way, both of those are way cut high that last one that is definitely a magnet so he probably, there's probably a ball bearing inside of there alright, enough of that, lets take a look inside I am just gonna pop that dude like that I am going to take that key maybe, ahh, piece of tape still on him alright try that again oooh too far alright, I am getting a little nervous now because I really don't know what is going to pop out up outta here I don't know what these little guys on the side are gonna do, no clue, so make sure we have the right size yes we do. I am going to take a shim let him ride this bridge alright, try that again, just a tip, I am not going to ask for credit for this now. Don't buy your camera batteries from Chinese manufacturers on ebay. They don't last as long alright, we are going to let that ride the bridge I am gonna, slide this out and hope for the best and already we are jammed up something's not quite right and I can't go back what in the world is holding things up ok the trap in almost went down that gap so I'm gonna try to push him back and he is not working we have a little in-dentational ball-bearing there on that side, I don't know if he falls out yeah he does so lets just get rid of him right now I don't think that is what is holding things up aaah there's what is holding things up. those little guys they've completely fallen out come on, get back in there now he's cock-eyed see how he gets come-on get in there you too there we go alright, let's find a better angle what if we turned it like that, and that way it will be solid all along the top no gaps for anything to fall into hopefully and we will find out if that's gonna work [erm] where did the shim go, I don't think that shim is going to be wide enough to cover all of that, no definitely not alright, let's hope for the best what are you going to do? I am pretty sure those side pins, those little traps are going to fall in those gaps I am sure of it why guess Bill? and of course this is made with good precision so you are not going to be able to shim them probably ah yes you will maybe one more maybe, come-on let there be just enough to get in there come-on come-on give me a break okay, there is one there's two might be all we get guys alright, I am going to hope for the best lets try, I have already screwed up so many ways going this way, lets try it okay, where are the pins. there they are and success, alright that was two shims, no wonder you had trouble getting that in there alright five definately, oh look at that so what happens aaaaah check out that pin five notice how that magnet sucked him down in there, there's a little spring so let's put him back in there so he kinda just hangs there like that until, come on focus until you slide that key in that magnet sucks him right right down to break break the shear line isn't that cool let me put my finger here there were two pins looks like three pins on the bottom as well I know because this guy fell out I didn't have to pick him I didn't do anything to those guys no idea, they're not they don't even go into the key dead end, we'll experiment with those in a minute alright, let's look at these guys upstairs okay there is our spring loaded guy that was pin five, inner pin, get out of the way you outer pin he's not even coming out so that's fixed pin five doesn't even come out the outer pin does not have to be picked he's probably flush with the bottom, his only job is to hold that spring he looks also to be non-magnetic alright stop flapping your lips Bill okay, four three two and one yeah, that does not want to come out of there get the beater yep he's not coming out so his only job is to hold that magnetic pin look at all the outer, counter drills anti-drill pins what a high security lock, you are never going to drill this thing out I'm curious about what those bottom pins were for, they weren't spring loaded, they were just kinda just kinda sitting there erm, let's look at the core pull these guys out now comes the fun this is where everything shoots out into your eye okay we have three things that are going to happen at once we have the two side pins that are going to spring out then we have the driver pin so there's one of the little, tiny little side pins put it right there here's pin number one with his spring, its a double spring obviously one for the inner pin and one for the outer and we should have one more baby pin put him right there next one, just another pin in pin inner and outer come on alright, pin three, okay we have this snap ring on no, no that is supposed to come out yet he acts like he is supposed to come out and he does alright the next one we are going to see have some more inner pins are going to pop out one, two, three ill take the big one first double pins double springs and I am just going to dump them in my hand should be one more in there, there is, its not quite popped out ooooh man, I need another hand alright, where was he? right here? inner outer and baby pin we're still, there's our baby pin come here you you guys know this is never going back together right? there's our other baby pin inner outer these guys are all serated and the next one is going to be three more two baby pins and..... what a mess, what a nightmare to try to put back together, my goodness two little side pins, trapped pins and the lets see, he goes right here did I just loose another pin? two three four ok this was five so five was this guy, I knew he was there for a reason and all of these little baby ones, are just a little trapped pins, six of them what a nightmare, I will never get this back together there is no question. I don't even have enough tools I don't have enough technology this was built on another planet anyway there you go guys you will never pick this thing in the UK where it is assembled correctly where it is orientated actually with with the pins orientated down, you will never get it picked erm, but I got lucky but I defeated it by turning it upside-down I would never be able to do this otherwise there's what we are looking at guys I am not even going to try to straighten this mess up you guys saw it before. these are all pin in pins and upstairs we had some serrated ones and also all pin in pins of course ahhhhh, the last one was magnetic and it attracts very nicely to, the key alright guys, there you go Paul Silver, thank you sir, I am not going to be able to snap this now I apologize, I thought it would be more interesting to take a look at the very rare [er] locks that contains not one trap but four traps, to get one complete rotation 10 minutes, plus the intro, not that bad but definitely, not going to win any races thanks guys for your patience thanks for watching, subscribe stay safe, stay legal
Channel: BosnianBill
Views: 377,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ABS Magnetic Lock with TRAP Pins!, pick magnetic lock, magnetic lock picking, (1063) ABS Magnetic Lock with TRAP Pins!, bosnianbill magnetic, bosnianbill abs, ABS Magnetic Lock, abs lock pick, magnetic lock, ricks trap pin lock, TRAP Pins, locklab challenge, magnetic padlock, abs lock, pick lock, magnetic locks, locklab, how to pick, Bosnian bill, magnet lock, how to pick a lock for beginners, lock lab, lock-lab, Bosnianbill, lock picking, bosnianbill challenge
Id: Tr0m77g3OQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2017
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