(1818) Review: MultiPick's Ultimate Opening Kit

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well this case is almost too big to fit into the frame but this is the ultimate opening kit now you might remember i did a review of an ultimate opening kit from the competitor oh i guess about four months ago some of you were quick to remind me and point out that multi-pick was the originator of the ultimate opening kit and asked me to take a look at it basically to compare and also because there is one heck of a sale going on right now 25 off so i decided to go ahead and grab a couple one to show off and give away and then one for myself because the price was so great all right let's take a look at what's in the upper half of the case to begin with these are all the non-destructive tools on the top left shiny i'm going to grab this first you have to these are the tfg sliders they come in two different sizes because doors come in different sizes to give you a couple options and there are two sides to it so you can attack both sides of the door one side is angled and it basically just slides in angles the bolt and slides it up out of the way to give you an open these things work great in fact i've used these i've done a review of these and i will put an overlay showing how these things work a lot easier to see a video than you know just hear some guy talking about it right here these are also kind of an extension of the sliders what do you think of these as like super credit cards these are very large plastic sheets there are six of them inside here uh three of two different sizes point three five millimeters and half a millimeter and they're designed to fit into these handles so you fit in the handle clamp it down with those two screws and you can slide it in basically credit card open uh bolts with that so pretty cool tool put that back up here everything fits in these nice little slots sometimes you need to open up specific size bolts and you know there's different size bolts there's an eight millimeter bolt there's 10 millimeter bolt so it makes sense to have a specialized tool for each size it's written right there on the handles and of course you can always tell by looking at the tips of these very heavy construction not going to be breaking these things anytime soon they fit nicely in these little slots they don't fall out there's a little compression there so they don't fall out when you close the door if you've got an open gate uh this is a nice little tool i've used this quite often if you're on an interior door for example the door handle has fallen off but the latch is still secured well this works great slide it in push that bolt out just slide and push your bolt out of the way and you're right in again you can attack from either top or the bottom to give you the freedom to go attack both sides of the door and then lastly we have this little case it's not so little this is actually pretty thick case got a bunch of stuff in it let me turn that camera down all right inside of here are where you keep all of the stuff all the accessories and the screws that are going to go with the core extractor in the case of multi-pick they got some of the nicest least resistant i mean most resistant to breaking so at least 10 tendency to break these are very tough screws that's what i'm trying to say you got three different sizes they sell these in different packets there's 10 in here they usually sell for about a buck a piece about 10 bucks you get 10 screws and some were in here each packet comes with a little torx tip designed to fit it the same torx tip applies it'll be it can be used in any of the three different sizes so you get 30 screws and then further down inside of here you get a good assortment basically all of the bolt and wire manipulation bolt manipulation tools that multi-pick makes they are all here inside of this kit so all this is except for the screws everything is non-destructive so let's take a look at the destructive tools the first thing i notice when we open this guy up is there is a dvd that has all the instructions on how to use all the equipment inside of here so if you if there's a couple things in here you're not sure how to use just watch the videos on here and they'll tell you exactly how to do it um one thing i will tell you before i forget normally this comes with a lubricant in this slot called at44 because i ordered this internationally ordered from germany i'm here in the states they can't ship that stuff internationally so i threw a wd-40 my favorite and i know you guys are going to say it's not a lubricant but it works great i put that in there for for my own kit over here we have the bolt snapper okay just a super tool i've broken countless euro style locks with these this is a very thick solid steel it's a very heavy tool nice knurling on the handle just top quality i've i've looked at all this stuff earlier the way these work if this were the eurolock it just slides into the front there and the inside of there are very sharp knurlings and you only have to secure it with one or two of those neurals so the lock really doesn't have to protrude try it the right way bill doesn't have to protrude from the face very much if you can get one or two of those serrations onto this and tighten that down on them you can easily snap this again i'll put an overlay showing how to use this in an earlier demonstration these just are just wonderful tools they do tend to break a lot of locks so pretty easily um moving across the top here let's go ahead and take a look at this guy this is the core puller come out of there again very very heavy construction nice machine work nice knurling just a beautiful job again i've reviewed these before these are really cool they don't really do a lot of damage to the door and that's what i really like about these you basically take one of those viper screws you drive it into the face of the lock you hook the head of it through that slot you put this up against the door and then you turn this to extract it there are two adapter plates that come with this again to protect the door you don't have to use it but it does kind of protect the door if you're going to be pulling just a bolt from a normal or i'm sorry a core from a normal like a mortise lock this is just a standard one right here sorry i just turned that over and realized i had the wrong one so standard core and then if you have a euro again it helps you with alignment a little bit to be able to align that in there keep that perfectly centered so that you pull the bolt straight out of there if you miss set it just a little bit it can be a problem but by machining that template on the back to make sure you get it centered perfectly you kind of avoid that problem so very cool these things just work great i have no problem once you've broken the lock sometimes you don't automatically get in sometimes you need to reach in uh with the tool to turn that bolt a lot of guys use a screwdriver a lot of this just different pair of pliers perhaps this is the actual turning tool again very solid construction this is solid cast aluminum i believe the nice thing about this is in addition to sliding in and using that tip as kind of a key to turn the actuator and to slide the bolt open as a locksmith you want to know if you're going to break a bolt you're going to have to replace it right afterwards so as you slide it in there you can make note how long is that cylinder so you know exactly what size you're going to need to replace it you got even numbers on one side and odd numbers on the other side so very precise in terms of measurement on the top of this basically a master key sometimes door handles fall off uh people walk away with them they're generally three different sizes six seven or eight millimeter and there are six seven and eight millimeter in case you forget it's marked inside of there as well so very cool nice to have that tool you don't have to use a screwdriver for everything all right speaking of tools i'm going to spend a little time on this because i'm kind of a tool guy and what really caught my eye was the quality of the tools i can tell you they didn't cut any corners first of all when we turn those viper screws the head it has the the torx tip on it and of course this is a torx tip there's a couple of different torx tips that come with this there are some in the envelopes there's one inside of this box i'm going to show you and then there's this guy if you want to manually turn it in the last thing you want is a weak low quality tool because that torx tip could break off there and then you're going to be frustrated ever everything gets rounded off by choosing a quality tool multi-pick has made sure that that's not going to happen to us the next thing is looking at this guy i've got to tell you these are wonderful tools these are nip x pliers as far as i'm concerned these are about the highest quality pliers and highest quality tools that you can get over the last several years you know i don't own stock in nipex i'm just a user of their product and when i find a great product i really like to let other people know about it and this is the case of nipex tools i've converted all of my pliers over from no name brands or craftsman or other stuff that was kind of mediocre middle road stuff to knit bags because i have confidence that when i grab a nip x pair of pliers it's going to do exactly what i wanted to do nothing's going to break nothing's going to slip and it's going to work perfectly and that's what i want i don't i no longer buy cheap tools i go for top of the line and that would be nip x another top quality tool again virus vera screwdrivers these things are just fantastic again i've gotten rid of all my crappy screwdrivers all that old stuff no name brand and i only have weir in my shop now the reason for that is because these guys are so tough they come with these laser etched tips so it doesn't slide out of the slot i've got both phillips and flathead the handles are nicely ergonomically molded for my hands they are just super tough very reliable tools and they just don't slip they've really put a lot of thought into these they're not the cheapest tools but they're the best and again multi-pick has chosen the best a tool i don't know a lot about uh proxon brand it looks like a high quality tool i see no issues with it i don't i didn't take time to do the research on proxon i have brands called joker that i use but again there's not a lot of pressure that's going to be put on this wrench so i really wouldn't worry too much about that it's used for one thing and that's to extract the bolt and it really doesn't put any stress on this tool again this may be the highest quality tool i just i really don't know even when it comes down to something like this guy you know the allen key that basically is used to tighten the bolt right here they made sure to give you a long handle one again they made sure of quality and i i don't know if you're going to be able to read this but uh right on the top there it's a wiha brand it's made in germany and over here it says iso proof so again you can have a lot of confidence that you're not going to be in the middle of trying to torque this down and all of a sudden have everything strip off it's just not not going to happen so i've got to say it's a great tool kit so far i got to tell you as well these are 25 off now they normally sell for 399 euros they're on sale through december for 299 euros basically a 25 discount and if you pay in dollars they used to be 464 dollars and through the end of december they're 349 dollars all right inside of this little kit on the bottom these are all the extra pieces for the destructive tools uh i said you don't do a lot of damage to the door and here's why with the core puller and that's because you have these really thick coupling out of here really thick rubber washers rubber gaskets i guess they have sticky on one side you take it and you stick it to the face here so now you have a rubber faced tool if you put the rubber face and then you go to the extra trouble to use one of these plates you're guaranteed not to damage the customer's door when you pull that core out so you pull the core get in pull the core out by taking the screws out and then very quickly put it in you don't have to replace any door hardware so they really did put a lot of thought into this lastly sometimes when you pull out you got a couple of extra tools here key turners two different sizes and if by some freak of nature you i don't know you're built like superman and you snap this bolt yeah you got an extra one so i can't imagine ever needing that but if you do if you lose it you got an extra one everything included right there in the kit the ultimate opening kit from multi-pick super quality kit pick kit as i said i bought two of these i saw it when i saw the price i bought this one to give away and i bought one for myself speaking of black friday sales or so or cyber monday sales there's a lot of stuff going on right now i'll mention it i'll put also the link to the lock lab deals and sales page down there in the description because i've got a lot of different codes for example lockpick shop has 20 off of everything and that expires on the first of december so they've got both a black friday sale and a cyber monday sale all that runs through 12-1 lockpicks.com has 12 percent off of all their tools which expires on the 20th of december and then southward amazing sale 25 off it expires on the 12th of december so if you're shopping for tools guys this is the time of year to grab up what you need again this guy i can't recommend him highly enough this is the giveaway this week i wish everybody the best of luck um if you want to know how to register stick around and i will tell you how to do it appreciate your time guys stay safe stay legal all you need to do is navigate to locklab.com the tribal website and scroll down the middle of the page you'll see all the giveaway buttons monday wednesday and friday but the one you're looking for is the weekend review giveaway purpleband just click on it it'll take you to the registration page again scroll the bottom put in a good email address so if you win i can get in touch with you let you know put in a username doesn't matter what it is and click submit when you're done you'll get a green check mark confirming your entry thanks guys [Music] you
Channel: Bosnianbill
Views: 24,486
Rating: 4.9499998 out of 5
Keywords: Bosnianbill, Bosnian Bill, LockLab, Lock Lab, How to pick locks, How to pick a lock, Lock picking for beginners, Advanced Lock Picking, Lockpicking, lockpicking asmr, lock picking asmr
Id: 1sNSi1z7du0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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