10.4.4 Lab - Build a Switch and Router Network

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built a switch and router network create this topology okay a rather in my case 4321 r1 switch 2960 switch as one and devices PC PC a PCB and the another side use straight through cables to connect from facet about six switch one as 1 2 PCI jiggly 0 0 1 rather facet about 5 on this one and from gigabit 0 0 0 rather to PCB okay this is the addressing table here or IP addresses this is our comprehensive to review previously covered iOS comments in this lab you will cabl the equipment and show in the topology diagram you will then configure the devices to match the addressing table after other configurations have been cited you will verify your configurations by testing for network connectivity the default be as template used by the switch database manager as the M does not provide ipv6 address capabilities verify as the M is using either at the duality before an ipv6 template or the lamp is rolled in template the new template will be used after reboot even if the configuration is not stable ok for example on this white real switch on real lab you can show the SDN profile and just the following comments to assign the duality before an ipv6 template after the phone SDM template go to global configuration mode with the configure terminal comment and set the SDM preferred to all ipv4 and ipv6 default and and finally reload the switch the required resources for oriole up a rather 4221 in my case I'm using 4321 switch 2960 to pcs with windows console cables atomic cables the gigabit ethernet interfaces on cisco 4221 routers are auto-sensing an Ethernet a straight-through cable may be use it between the router and PCB if you seen another model of cisco router it may be necessary to use Ethernet crossover cable set up topology and initialize devices cable the network as shown in the apology I already completed initialize and reload the router and switch if configuration files were previously save it on the router and switch initialize and reload this devices back to the default configurations but for example from PCB access the router console from PCB use the console connection to the router ok console and go PCB and terminal ok ok would you like to enter initial configuration dialog ok if this message appears that means this router is erase it this rather does not have previous configurations ok no enter figure out this router has previous configurations so how you can initialize and reload this this router so you are in user access mode go to privilege exit mode with enable comments now just erase start up - Corphish common to erase the contents confirm other than reload and there are other okay and this message means that rather does not have previous configurations now from PC a console connection to as one console go to PC a terminal and real love is teraterm or another okay enter in able to access privilege exit mount use race star of confit start-up config enter enter the lat belong that that file under under under every load enter other okay this is the way to initialize and reload these devices okay configure devices and verify connectivity aside studied IP information the PC interfaces ok configure IP address netmask before gateway settings from pca also on PCP okay go to addressing table all these configurations on PC I am PCB ipv4 and ipv6 okay close the terminal and go to IP configuration and set the IP address for PC is 3 subnet mask 24th that means 255 255 255 0 default gateway 1.1 and ipv6 address use this to 0 0 1 DB 8 acad 1 3 column column 3 prefix traffic 64 okay the default gateway on ipv6 f80 column column one and pc we close the terminal IP configuration IP address is 0.3 supernet bus 24 default gateway 0.1 no dns ipv6 2 0 0 1 DB 8 acad column column 3 prefix 64 the for gateway fe80 column column 1 ready if PCB from pca command prompt window on pc a ok the Windows Firewall may need to be turned off ok a real Windows PC ok from PCB pfpc a 1.3 you okay request timeout lost four pockets okay try to beat the ipv6 address PCI from PCB why were the pings not successful throughout their interfaces the the forged ways have not been configured yet so layer three traffic is not being routed between subnets okay so that's why now configure the router okay consulting to the router and enable privilege exit mode okay PCB is already connected using console so close the command prompt and just a terminal to access the the console on the router would you like to enter initial configuration dialog no is the password enter okay enable privilege X amount enable comments now you are privileged action mode enter configuration route configure terminal to access global configuration mode now you are on global configuration mode aside and a device name to the router ok hostname for example our one disciple DNS lookup to prevent the router from attempting to translate incorrectly and the read comments as food they were hostiles okay so no IP the main lookup or also works with no no no dashes okay will work anyway assign class as the privilege accept encrypted password enable secret class ok secret because will be encrypted and this is the password class at Cisco the consult password and enable logging ok that's two line console 0 because it's only 1 0 and set the password since enabled this password using login comment in a sign Cisco as the vty password I enable logging ok you can access the line the PTY line line vty 0 to 15 for example you have 16 connections ok password cisco then login to enable that passport encrypt plaintext passwords ok and you can enter this comment here or exit to go back from the line configuration mode to global configuration mode and the password is the service crypt this is the the command to encrypt plaintext passwords ok now can we create a banner that wants anyone accessing the device that an authorized access is prohibited ok one message of the day ok and out to rise this is prohibited okay and configuring a debate bought interfaces on the router okay just the dressing-table two interfaces gigabit 0 0 0 and you with 0 0 1 continue with this ipv4 and ipv6 addresses ok interface ago bit 0 0 0 ipv4 address 1 I 2 & 6 EI & 0.1 24 means 255 255 255 0 ipv6 address the global unicast other is 2 0 0 1 DB 8 acad column column 1 perfect 64 and ipv6 address if he ate 0 column : 1 this is the link local address ok finally not shut down to enable the interface and go to gigabit 0 0 1 set the IP before otherwise 1.1 cement mass 24 and the ipv6 address the global unicast JCAP : 1 column column one perfect 64 and use the same link local address in this interface endure much shutdown command to enable the interface configure an interface description for each interface indicating which device is connected to it for example voltage occur with zero zero zero description description the description here gigabit zero zero zero is connected to PCB connected to host PCB go to bit zero zero zero gigabit zero zero one and the description is connected to receptor that fire on as one connected to for Saturn at five on as well ready to enable ipv6 routing enter the command IP v6 unicast routing okay exit from interface configuration routes and now global configuration mode apply ipv6 unicast routing ready say the running configuration to the startup configuration file ok but this comment should be applied privileged exit mode so you need to exit from global configuration mode to privileged access modes copy running-config enter enter to confirm set the clock on the router okay also this comment is inserted on the privilege exit mode clock set the hour 22 minutes for the sequence receiver the die 5 January planetary enter use the question mark to help with the chord sequence of parameters needed to execute this comment okay for example you you don't know how to to complete the clock set a comment and mark question and sighs use the hour minute and second okay after you entered the hour minute second mark question the day of the month you will just five more question insert the month of the year and mark question to set the year okay very nice pink PCB from command prompt window PCI okay for example on pc i think PCB on comma propped being the IP address of PCB close this terminal and command prompt verify the IP address IP config okay you have this from PCB this is the IP success okay the first page will fail for the AARP process and also you can see the ipv6 address for PCB ok being 2 0 0 1 DB 8 acad column column 3 success and from PCB you can ping pca ok only repeat the previous comments pink to 180 168 1.3 success pink 2 0 0 DB 8 acad one column column 3 success ok remember reload the Windows Firewall may need to be turn it off when the pink successful explain yes the router is routing the beef traffic across the two subnets the default cities for 360 switch will automatically turn up the interfaces that are connected to devices remember there are two subnets this is the the third subnet and this is the second subnet okay two subnets and configure the switch okay a PCA is connected to as one with console so control into the switch and enable privilege exit mode okay go to PCA a close the command prompt then open the terminal and other enable command to access the privileged access mode and their configuration both configure terminal and to access global configuration mode now you are on global configuration mode si device name first name as one for example disable DNS lookup to prevent the router from attempting to translate incorrectly and read comments as they were host names no I beat the main look up configure and activate the belong interface on switch s1 the interface vlan1 and set the IP address according the other Russian table use this IP address in this default gateway IP others one in two and six CA 1.2 24 means 255 255 255 0 not shut down to enable the interface exit 2 to go from interface configuration mode to global configuration mode and set the default gateway IP the Gateway and I to 160 a 1.1 save the running configuration to the startup configuration file so you need to exit from global configuration mode to privileged access mode and copy running-config to confi enter enter verify connectivity from PC a pink PCB from BCA from comma prompt on PC a pink PCB 0-3 success ipv6 success from s1 to PCB from s1 to PCB go to terminal on PC a that is connected using consultants which and privilege XML pins the IP address of PCB success the first page will fail for the ARP process if you repeat all attempts are successful as well it's only configured with IP before so the pings using ipv6 will fail all the pings should be successful display device information you will use show comments to a trip interface and routing information from the router and switch display the routing table on the router show IP route comment PCB terminal privilege exit mode show IP route this is the routing table this is the subnet connected to join two gigabit 0 0 0 ok this subnet green portion and this is the another sublet connected to GW 0 0 1 and this side the yellow portion so C is 4 connected connect connected network and L is for the local so local is the IP address of the interface and not the network not the network address so is the the host address on the interface gigabit 0 0 0 the same way and the local the local interface is the IP address of Jacoby 0 0 1 okay and it's not the subnet it's not the network address is the host address what call is used in the routing table to indicate directly connected network okay see the sea Knight is a directly connected subnet and L the Signet is a local interface how many wrote entries are called it with seek out in the routing table okay what 1 & 2 - subnets - directly connected networks what interface types are associated with the sick-out that roads for the first GW 0 0 0 for the second gigabit 0 0 1 show ipv6 route to display ipv6 routes repeat the combat at ipv6 ipv6 wrote to directly connected that works this is the connection on gigabit 0 0 0 on this side on the green portion gigabit 0 0 0 and the network address gigabit 0 0 1 here the yellow portion and local interface is the IP address of gigabit 0 0 0 the ipv6 address and this another is the local interface IP other words when gigabit 0 0 1 okay it's not the subnet it's not the network address is that host display the interface information on rather our one should I be interfacing a bit zero zero one so IP interface to be zero zero one what is the operational status of the gigabit zero zero one interface ok be zero zero one is up and live protocol is up so that's why this this led is green what is the media access confirm MAC address of the gigabit seriously one interface okay try to find the MAC address here the previous command was show IP interface the remote IP ok show interface you have it 0 0 1 and now this is the MAC address also born it in in address this how is the internet others displayed in this comment shall I be interfacing of it 0 0 1 this is the IP address followed by the subnet mask for ipv6 information internal ipv6 interface space repeat the command show IP interface you have it 0 0 1 but use show ipv6 interface you got it 0 0 1 gigabit 0 0 1 supply protocol is up this is the link local address for this interface this is the global unicast address configurate this is the subnet and the prefix this is the network address and this is the cost others join it group addresses so that's why routing table you have this this route display a summary list of the interfaces on the router and switch there are several comments that can be used to purify an interface configuration one of the most useful of this is the show IP interface brief comment the comma output displays a super release of the interfaces on the device and provides immediate feedback to the status of each interface so apply this common Marwan okay show IP interface brief now you can see the interface its IP address the status and protocol for example gigabit 0 0 with IP addresses start to stop and protocol up the same common good for ipv6 repeat the comment and add show ipv6 interface brief gigabit 0/0 link local address global unicast address given status our protocol up do beat 0 0 1 status up protocol up in local address global unicast address show IP interface brief on this one go to pca that is connected using console to as one header in able to access privileged xml sure I'll be interface brief the switch has a lot of interfaces from 1 to 4 the status is down and also the protocol is done because they are not in use with 5 and 6 status our protocol up ok because 5 is connected to rather 6 6 is connected to the PC and also belong one with the IP address is status up on protocol hub if the univisio cylinder showed that it was administratively down what did the face configuration common with used to turn the interface up just a not shut down comment our one go to global configuration mode configure turbulent the face you have it 0 0 1 not shut down what would happen if you had incorrectly configure interface you have it 0 0 1 on the router with IP address of 192 168 1 dot 2 PC I would not would not be able to ping PCB this is because PCB is on a different network BCA which requires the default gate will rather to route these pockets PCA is configured to use the IP address one idea was you see a 1-1 for the default cat will rather but it's but this address is not assigned to any device on the lam any pockets that need to be sent to the default gateway for routing will never reach the destination gigabit 0 0 1 choose the IP address 1 LT was you see a 1 1 and gigabit 0 0 1 is the default gateway for PC a PC a uses the IP address of gigabit 0 0 1 to reach other networks and Internet thing is when I to 160 a 1 1 so on PC I you need to configure the default gateway 1 a 2 1 St a 1 1 also on do you have eight zero zero zero with the IP address one I too was you see a zero one is the default gateway for PCB and PCB should be configured with this IP others to reach the another network otherwise the connectivity between the two subnets will find you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 45,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco, itn, introduction to networks, v7.0, version 7.0, version 7, switch 2960, router, ipv4, ipv6, ipv6 unicast-routing, addressing, show ip route, routing table, show ip interface brief
Id: 5vT41nPz-IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 38sec (2318 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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