ENSA Final PT Skills Assessment PTSA

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okay this is this is the shelf table one the rack and table number two in the physical mode place network devices in in the following locations drag 243 31 routers r1 and r2 from the shelf to the rack okay this is the shelf and these are the routers isr 4331 okay two routers and drag to the rack ok draw r1 r2 draw four switches as well as two s3 and s4 from the shelf to the rock okay these are the switches s1 s2 s3 and s4 the 2960 switches okay there is a switch s0 do not use that switch use s1 s2 s3 and s4 okay as one s2 okay this is s3 i will place it s2 and s4 r1r2 s1 s2 s3 and s4 okay very good move pcc to table 1 on the left and place it in the left hand area of the tabletop okay pcc this is pcc and this is table one on the left here okay move dns server to table one on the left and place it on the right hand area of the tabletop okay this is the dns server and place it on the right hand of the table one okay this is meraki server so drag this place meraki server here and dns is this dns server on the right hand of table 1. move pca to table number 2 on the right and place it on the left hand area of the tabletop this is pca [Music] and drag to the on table number two graph on the left and pcb table two right hand this is pcb on the right now and you will have table one on the left pcc on the right dns table to pc8 on the left and pcb on the right make sure all devices are powered on power on all devices okay start with routers and no power bottom and right click inspect rear and this is the power on bottom and over on another router inspect rear over on okay [Music] switches four switches are connected to the board distribution device and this connection is enough to power on the switches and now go around the pcs click here the server two pieces pca pcb connect devices according to the networking topology use the logic use the logical topology diagram to connect the devices to the correct ports with correct cables okay for example a connection between routers using gigabit zero zero zero on both sides then use this cable and copper straight through and connect from this straight through cable and connect from gigabit zero zero zero on r1 to gigabit zero zero zero or r2 okay from r1 gigabit zero zero zero to r2 gigabit zero zero zero and from gigabit zero zero one on r1 to gigabit zero one on s2 another straight through cable from gigabit zero zero one corner one to gigabit zero one on s2 from gigabit zero zero to r1 to gigabit tier one on s1 gigabit zero zero two over one two gigabit zero one on s1 from zero zero one on r2 to gigabit zero one on s4 from gigabit zero zero one on r2 to gigabit zero one on s4 and from gigabit zero zero two from uv zero zero two on r2 to gigabit zero one s3 you gonna be zero zero two on r2 to gigabit zero one on s3 finally the pcs the from 405 on s1 to pca fastener 5 on s1 to pca to pca and fast internet interface okay be careful fast internet interface another cable and from fastener 5 on s2 to pcb further not five on s2 to pcv faster from pcb and faster than a tank on s3 to the server faster than a tank on s3 to the server fast internet interface and first internet tank on s4 to pcc further 10 on s4 so pcc faster very good okay because here basic device settings all configurations are made through a direct console connection all configurations are made through a direct console cable okay you will use these console cables to configure devices configure pcs with ipv4 addresses use the addressing table to manually configure pcs with full ip addressing okay and look at this dns pca pcb and pcc configurations so first copy your dns web server click here and [Music] ipconfiguration log ib settings is locked okay so dns is already configured so [Music] this is the iphoto of an i-165 2021 theory d1 2r9 165 202 131 very nice so configure pci pca is 64 101.5 29 prefixes 255 4da for gateway 64 1011 okay very good pcb click the pcb ap configuration pcb subnet mask 24 very good and the whole gathering 192 16811 finally pcc ip configuration and use this 172 16 to 5 24 prefix or subnet mask and 172 16 to 1 is the default get away very good configure router r1 and r2 configure r1 r2 with the following okay and example configure r1 from the console connection from pca so user console cable rollover cable or console cable this light blue cable and connect from you can use any pcb i will use pca rs232 connection [Music] to the console of r1 but where is the console on r1 right click inspect real and this is the console this this is the usb console but i will use this rj45 connection to the console of r1 now you have the console connection so click on pca and go to terminal and okay now you are on the console of the router r1 would you like to enter initial configuration dialog no enable configure terminal prevent the router from attempting to resolve incorrectly android commands as domain names now ip the name lookup router knife in this case is r1 was named r1 encrypted privilege exec secret password cisco and pass enabled secret cisco and pass console access password cisco compass line console 0 password series called compass okay be careful with these passwords cisco compass and don't forget login exit set the minimum password length to 10 characters okay say qrivi pass words and ming dash length 10 characters encrypt the clear text passwords service password dash encryption very good and configure an appropriate message of the day banner banner message of the day and now to rise access is prohibited okay banner space message of the day now the reset axis is prohibited and configure interfaces for routers r1 and r2 okay according the addressing table okay computer interface you go with zero zero zero with a description and ipv4 addressing okay i'm configuring r1 so configure gigabit zero zero zero with this ip address and subnet mask and don't forget description okay use this okay interface with zero zero zero okay at the description uh omar r1 gigabit zero series connection to r2 connection to connection to r2 ip otherwise 188 51 101 225 252 okay and there i'm gonna shut down very nice now you with your zero one this gigabit zero zero one description connection to s2 r1 remember i am configuring r1 connection to s2 ap address only 2 168 1 1 two eighty five zero and our no shutdown you gotta be zero zero two configure this let's go to the connection to s1 the ip address 64 100 one one two little 353 okay and enter not shut down all interfaces should be ready to send or receive traffic so this this is the no shutdown command on each interface now configure ssh okay the domain name exit from interface configuration mode and on global configuration mode ip the main dash name ccna dashlab.com be careful ccna lab.com create an administrative user in the local database admin and admin onepass okay username admin and secret password admin one pass okay be careful with passwords and names set the login on bty lines to use the local database okay 9bty0350 login local to use the local database of users this user and set the vt wireless to accept ssh connections only transport input ssh exit and use an rsa crypto key with a 1024 bit modulus crypto key space key generate rsa general dash keys or you lose 1024 okay and enable ssh using version 2 ipssh version 2. okay and repeat and don't forget to do this on r2 also on r2 okay so go to [Music] use on the console cable and from pcb rs232 right click on r2 inspect grid and connect to the console console connection now you have the connection from pcb to r2 click on pcb terminal okay enter would you like to enter initial configuration dialog no enable configure terminal okay and prevent router from attempting to resolve and hostname hostname part two okay sensitive and encrypted password cisco and pass enable secret cisco and pass console access password cisco compass line console 0 password cisco compass [Music] the minimum password length security passwords main left tag encrypt clear text passwords service password touch encryption banner banner message of the day now to rise access is prohibited when authorized access is prohibited configure the interfaces on routers r1 and r2 as follows okay and gigabit zero zero zero zero zero one and two zero two according to the addressing table or not to configure this vegetable zero zero zero description connection connection to okay and gigabit zero zero series the connection to r1 so the id address according the addressing table 1988 51 102 divided by 255 252 okay enter no shutdown shutdown okay gigabit 001 description connection to s4 ip address according the addressing table 172 16 to 1 2 divided by divided by zero not shut down legally 0 02 description connection to s3 ip address according the others in table 209 165 202 129. you divided by 285 224 okay and there now shutdown okay all interfaces should be ready okay this is not shutdown command on each interface now configure ssh exit from interface configuration mode and on global configuration mode on r2 ap domain dash name ccna dash lab.com and username admin secret password add me one pass so the [Music] login on vty lines use the local database and only ssh 9bty015 login local transport input ssh exit the crypto key create the gigan array rsa general dash keys modulus 1024 and ssh version 2 ipssh version 2. that's it okay and now confused features as well as 2s3 and s4 view of the hostname management interface activate the interface and the full gateway and i will use pcc to configure switches so use a console cable this console cable to connect the pcc rs 232 port to the console on switch s1 where is the console right click inspect rear this is the console port click here now you have the connection the console connection from pcc to s1 so go to pcc terminal okay enter the neighborhood of your terminal okay here's the first name is one case sensitive management interface billing one okay according to the addressing table interface billing one ap others 64 101 to 225 3525 to 48 and you can set a description for example svi not shut down enter then exit configure the [Music] okay activate the interface so that's why i am using a shutdown and default gateway is this ip the file dash gateway 64 100 1 1 enter now on s2 this is s2 so i will use the same cable for s2 so right click on s1 inspect rear right click on s2 inspect rear and drag the cable the console cable to from s1 to s2 and now you have the connection from pcc to s2 the console connection so go to pcc close the terminal open again okay enter enable configure terminal pause host name s2 interface belong 1 ip address use this ip address 182 168 two three five two eighty five sorry two divided by two five zero okay description sbi shut down exit ip the file dash gateway 182 168 1 1 ok enter very good and press three the same process go to s2 inspect rear s3 inspect rear drag from s2 to s3 now you have the console connection from pcc to s3 go to pcc close the terminal open again okay enter enable copy your terminal host name s3 interface vlan 1 ip address use this ip address 209 165 202 1 30 35 25 25 24 be careful with the ip addresses and description [Music] description sbi no shutdown exit ap the file dash gateway 09165 202 129 209 165 202 129 and the very good and finally s4 so inspect rear right click inspect rear on s3 right click on s4 expect rear and drop the cable from s3 to s4 now you have the console connection from pcc to s4 console pcc close terminal open again okay enter enable configure terminal four interface below one like the address use this ap address 172 sixteen two two three divided by two to five zero okay description svi now shut down exit ap default dash gateway then we do 16 to one okay very good enter okay and now configure single area ospf version 2 configure single layer ospf routing configure the ospf routing process use process id1 and okay do this on routers r1 and r2 obviously and [Music] the console connection of r1 is from this pc from pca so go to r1 and pca terminal enter c password console password c is called compass enable enable password cisco and pass if your terminal and configure process id1 router or spf or spf 1 manually configure router use 0 0 0 1 for r1 router id 0 0 1 0 0 01 configure network statements for the appropriate networks on r1 and r2 okay advertise directly connected networks so so you can use the following command to view the directly connected networks do show ip root connected now you have three directly connected networks on r1 as you can see in the logical topology three directly connected networks of r1 and advertise these three networks okay the first network 64 101 0 29 is just the wild card 429 is 7 area zero single area means use only one area and is zero okay but look at this and be careful uh for the purposes of this assessment enter your network statements in the following order the yugoit002 network this is the gigabit 002 network sixty four one hundred one zero so that's why i entered first sixty four one hundred one zero use these fields okay and then gigabit zero zero network and use this please do not include this uh another network do not advertise this network go to gigabit zero zero zero this gigabit zero zero zero so advertise this net work when 198 51 100 0 wildcard for theory and areas here okay enter okay and r2 i will do it on the next step and adjust ospf operation configure the appropriate interfaces to not forward ospf updates where they are not required okay that means to use passive interfaces okay the passive interface on r1 is gigabit 002. okay and let's see interface gigabit zero zero two okay doesn't have a router a snake or on that interface also gigabit zero zero one is not included on ospf so if this interface is not included on ospf okay then you'll be zero zero one remember this subnet or network is not included on ospf so you can set a specific interface with 001 now configure the reference mode by adjust the reference by the way to one gigabit okay and by default okay auto cost reference bandwide by default the autofocus reference the the audible's reference by the way is 100 okay but this will give you a cost of one for faster internet interfaces and also cost one for gigabit interfaces so change this to 1000 so you will you will have a different cost for gigabit interfaces and false ethernet interfaces the new value for fast internet interfaces the new cost will be for faster will be will be tank and for gigabit interfaces will be one okay so use one thousand enter okay please ensure reference by the way is consistent across all routers okay so configure on our routers viewer ospf network as a point-to-point network okay and look at the connection from r1 to r2 on gigabit zero zero zero point to point uh network in ospf project with zero zero zero id or spf network point two point enter and configure hello time for through the sequence okay [Music] okay by default the hello time is 10 seconds so change this to 30 seconds okay with use on the interface that is connected to another router and configure on gigabit zero zero zero on r1 because it's connected to another router okay also on interface with zero zero zero and ip ospf hello dash interval theory sequence enter exit okay and do this again r2 remember r2 router is configured by the console connection of pcb click here enter console password cisco com pass enable enable password cisco and pass configure terminal okay process id 1 router or spf 1 router id002 router iv0002 configure the network statements okay only two but few the directly connected networks with two show ip root connected you have three okay as you can see on the logical topology three directly connected networks include gigabit 002 fields this okay network 209 165 202 128 and 427 is 31 on area zero only one area single area network this uh this network network 188 51 100 0 and white car for 33 and area 0. enter and do not include this private network 170 to 16. okay right that addresses are not included on ospf and passive interfaces passive interface okay and on r2 configure uh gigabit zero zero two specific interface zero zero two and if gigabit zero zero one is not included on spf you can set specific interface and the reference band y network on gigabit zero zero zero okay the connection to r1 interpreted with zero zero zero ap ospf network point two point o spf spf and hello interval 3d sequence ipos pf hello interval the default is template change to theory exit okay very nice and now you can see the knight were adjacency with r1 and gigabit zero zero zero okay so this means all is working very well okay thank you to your configuration so continue okay so on r2 and you can verify using show ip root you will have three directly connected networks and one ospf the 64100 subnet okay you are on r2 three directly connected networks and one on ospf 64 100 that is this 64 100 the network of pca remember network of pcb this private network this private address is not included on ospf so verify that this is very good and verify on r1 remember r1 console is connected to pca click on pca enter you can see the network adjacency with r2 and show ip root you have three directly connected networks and one ospf network and the ospf network is the 209 165 network it's the network of the server and remember this private address is not included on ospf so this is very good finally you can test you can make things from pca to the server so go to pca close the terminal open command prompt and ping to the ip address of the server that is this 209 165 tool to 202 131 success repeat success and now configure access control and not network address translation verify connectivity pcb cannot visit the web server okay pcb is not included on ospf so cannot visit the web page or ping to web server okay and pcc cannot ping pca pcc cannot be pca obviously because pcc is not included on the ospf process but anyway verify that go to pcb click on pcb close the terminal open command prompt try to ping the server the ip address of the server is this 209165202131 okay okay okay request timeout so this is okay pcb cannot visit the web server and pcc cannot ping pca pcc go to pcc close terminal open the command prompt and try to ping pca and pca apis is this 64 101.5 then configure network address translation configure not network address translation static nut router r1 with a public ip address of 64 10117 to io pcb to access the web server okay pcb subnet okay pcb subnet is not included on ospf you will assign to pcb you will assign this ip6410117 and 64 101.7 is included on this pca subnet 6410110 okay so you are using a public ip address in the ospf process to create a translation for the ip address for the private ip address of pcb so that is very interesting so configure r1 and remember r1 is connected to the console of pca close command prompt open the terminal okay enter configure terminal remember you are on r1 be careful you configure the static mat ip not inside source static the private ip address 182 168 one is pcb 181 6815 one five and the public is four one hundred one seven sixty four one hundred one seven enter and configure the interfaces for nat uk jiggly001 is the inside interface because the you will translate the ipad pcb gigabit zero zero one ip not inside and the outside interface is you go with zero zero zero the interface for that will connect to another networks zero zero zero outside exit and now go to pcb and try to ping the server again go to pcb remember previously failed the try again to the ip address of the web server now success and you can access the [Music] the web the web server use the ip address 209 165 202 131 okay go request timeout and go server rest connection okay use https very nice okay you will see the message server asset connection with http but this is a packet tracer issue and don't worry about that use https and you will see the web page and go to r1 remember r1 is connected to the console of pca close the this is the terminal and show ipnot translation now you can see the translations now you can see how the ip address of pcb is translated to this public ip address that is in the ospf process 64 101.7 and the outside local and outside global is the ip address of the of the web server and when you use a web browser we use the port id on the web server and port 443 for https okay so not is working very good and now configure path port other translation on router r2 to enable some devices on the network attached to gigabit 001 to access the interrupt okay and remember the subnet of pcc is not included on ospf so you will get you will create all others translation to permit this uh this subnet to reach another networks or internet okay but do this on r2 so r2 is connected to the console of pcb so go to pcb terminal okay enter console password cisco compass enable enable password cisco and pass configure terminal and now create an output name at ipnot1 ip not pull okay sensitive ip not one okay be careful with names and use this ip address range the third system on ios 65 2014 so now 165 to 140 okay okay the last is uh 150 so 9165 to 150 okay from 140 to 150 okay but remember this range of addresses is placed on this subnet okay on this subnet onto an i16520128 subnet because this uh this tablet is included on the ospf process so that's why you are using this range of others available addresses okay the net mask the nut max is 224 okay the same [Music] the same prefix or subnet mask of this subnet 255 to 24 okay enter create a numbered access list access this one twilio devices with ip address range of 172 162 through 172 16 250 to access internet through one okay numbered access list so use access list one standard access list and allow devices so permit and what devices from 2 1 to 250 so i use this once i do 16 to 0 with this wire card okay and this will permit that from 1 to 15. okay 0 plus 15 is 15. so you permit the access from 1 to 15. okay 0 plus 15 is 15. very nice enter and use port address translation to allow the range of public ip addresses to be shared okay to create the address translation ip not inside source list use the list number one and then pull use this pool ip not one case sensitive ip not one and port address translation use overload okay enter and configure the interfaces gigabit zero zero one is the inside interface to permit pcb to reach another networks which you'll be seeing 001 ip not inside and gigabit zero zero zero is the outside to reach another networks zero zero zero outside that's okay and now from pcc try to pinch pca okay go to pcc and remember previously pcc was not be able to reach pca with repeat the ping now success go to r2 r2 is connected to the console of pcb and show ipnot translation now you can see how the ip address of pcc is translated to the range of the pull the nut pull 265 to 104 and the outside local and outside global is the ip address of pca so not is working very good now configure access control list on r1 create a standard access list name it r1 bty limit to allow only pcb access to r1 bty lines then apply the access list go to r1 and r1 is connected to console of pca click on pca okay i am on the console of r1 and configure terminal create this name and access list and is standard ip access dash list sorry dash this is stan dart and r1 pty limit okay be careful with the name okay sensitive enter allow only pcb access r1 bty lines per minute host pcb use and i do 16815 okay it's calls not hot it's close enter okay and exit apply the access list and apply on bty lines line bty 0 to 50 and x class use the same name r1 bty limit in incoming traffic exit very nice okay so test from pcb try to access r1 pcb close this terminal open the telnet ssh client is ssh connection the ip address of [Music] gigabit zero zero one interface on r1 gigabit zero zero one and one eighty one sixty eight one one 192 168 101 and username the username was previously configured his admin and password admin admin oneplus so use admin connect password adding one pass so very good you are on r1 exit okay no but uh close this and go to pca and try to access from pca it will be rejected go to pca close the terminal open the telnet ssh client ssh and gigabit 002 on r1 is this 64 100 1 1 64 100 1 1 and username admin connect the current session has closed it yes no okay very nice accessories is working very good and okay and now configure access control list on s1 standard access list io only pcb access as one okay go to s1 and [Music] so the console of s4 is connected to pcc so i will use pcc to configure s1 so right click on inspect rear on s1 right click on inspect grid on s4 and drag the cable the console cable from s4 to s1 now you have the connection from pcc to s1 go to pcc close the command prompt open terminal okay enter enable configure terminal okay and a standard access list with this name ip standard the name as one case sensitive bty limit fy s1 bty limit enter only permit pcb pcb iep address is this 1 5 permit host 192.168.15 and exit uh bty lines line bty zero to 15 axis class and the name of the access list s1 bty limit incoming traffic okay enter exit very nice and show running coffee on s1 okay you have the ip address on switch builder interface at the forget away the access list the pty vty lines from 0 to 4 and from 5 to 50 or from 0 to 15 with the access list and logging okay set a password to test this okay configure terminal if you don't have a password on bty lines you will not be able to access the telnet or vty line so set a password impty 0 to 15 as word for example cisco vty pass be careful cisco vty pass and remember this password login to be sure exit okay and try to access from pcb to s1 okay go to pcb whereas pcb is here go close the terminal open the internet ssh client use only telnet ssh it's not configured on s1 use telnet the ip address of s1 addressing table is 64 1012 64 102 connect okay and password cisco bty pass very nice you are always one okay exit now okay close this and if you want to access from pca will be rejected and go to pca where is pca this is pca telnet ssh client the ip address of s1 using telnet protocol 64 100 want to connect [Music] okay and the access list is working very good okay now or yes okay now configure access control on r2 great okay go to r2 r2 is connected to console of pcb on terminal okay now you are on r2 enter [Music] create a standard access list with this name okay create a standard access list r2 bty limit to your only pcc access to the r2 vty lines okay go to part two configure terminal ip access list name and actually stand out it's r2 dash dty dash limit okay enter and permit host only pcc pcc ip others is this let's set it to 16 to 5 172 16 to 5 exit apply on midi lines line bty zero to 15 access class r2 dash vty dash limit case sensitive incoming traffic then exit okay remember ssh is configured on r2 and now create a standard access list r2 security ib access list extended r2 dash security okay uppercase just be careful with the names and restrict access from the internet okay and remember you are configured this access list r2 security on r2 okay okay for r2 this is internet okay this is internet okay this is internet okay this is internet this is r2 i have ftp connections from the pcb public ip address to the web dns server okay and allow is permits permit ftp ftp protocol uses tcp tcp from pcb public ip address from pcb public ip others the ip address of pcb is this but what is the public ip address was this static nut 64 1017 remember i was configured then not to translate the private ip address of pcb to this public iphone 64 101.7 okay and the host the source is the host pcb but public ipr 64 1017 and the destination is the web dns server the ipl web dns server is this close to an i165 202131 okay this is the source the host public ip of pcb this is the destination the server with equivalent to ftp port or 421 okay this is very good enter this is the source this is the source and this is the destination okay very good and deny all other ftp connections from the internet to the r2 lance okay deny so deny ftp connections ftp uses tcp tcp from internet the source is unknown is internet it's not a specific host so internet is any internet is any the source is any and are too long the destination also can be any but it's not specified what a specific language or is the pcc subnet or web server supplement is not specified so is any also the destination is any and for ftp use the equivalent port 21 or ftp okay very nice in this case the source is [Music] the source is internet is any this is the source and the destination is the the lungs the distillation okay and now deny all ssh connections from internet okay deny ssh uses tcp tcp from internet the sources internet is any and the destination also any because it's not specified and the port is equivalent to ssh 42 okay okay so the source is also internet source is internet also and destination also the lands is not specified and i have other types of connections from internet ayo is permit any other okay any other is permit ip from any to any okay from any source to any destination okay also the source is internet and the destination also any okay permit any other connections okay exit and your access list should consist of four statements that correspond to the four requirements above okay one two three and four very good apply the access list and where i will apply the access list if this is the source and this is the destination source on the left and destination on the right you can draw a row okay this is a row so you can apply on gigabit zero zero zero incoming traffic incoming traffic okay it's more difficult to apply on two interfaces outgoing traffic on gigabit zero zero two outgoing or on gigabit zero zero one outgoing with this better only one line on gigabit zero zero zero incoming traffic and remember for extended access list is better to apply close to the source and close to the source is on gigabit zero zero zero in commit try so interface with zero zero zero ip access dash group the name of the accessories are two security remember this is the name incoming traffic that's it very good okay and that's the access list this is the access list or two bty limit for ssh access so is [Music] from pcc to access ssh on r2 okay this is [Music] pcc will be permitted and any other pc will not be permitted you can test this as previous test on on r1 and honest one day but i will test this permit tcp from the public ip address of pcb okay and permit the host the public ip address of pcb to access the server using ftp go to pcb close the terminal and from pcb a command prompt use ftp and the ip address of the server to an i165 to 131 to 9165 to 2131 the username is cisco password cisco very nice you are on ftp quit and try to access from another pc for example pca to the server pca comma prompt and ftp 209 165 202 151 and try interconnect and this will fail wait a moment okay and error opening so the accessories is working very good and now on r2 go to pcb close the comma prompt go to terminal of okay and thus deny tcp any any okay this is the test from pca that is denied and i tcp any any using ssh from pca try to access ssh on r2 for example go to pca close command prompt go to telnet ssh client and try to access you can be zero zero zero on r2 you got it zero zero r2 is this ip address 198 51 102. okay this is the [Music] the ipad is on r2 and username is hopping connect okay and it's not permitted okay close this no close this yes yes okay so the access list is working and pcb permit ipne to any so any other traffic will be permitted so from pca you can ping the web server go to pca and ping the web enter pin the web server to on i165 202 131 success and the access list is working very well and now access control list on s3 access list only permit pcc to audio and to access vty line so s3 apply the access list okay and i haven't configured the switches from pcc so the console of pcc is connected to s1 change to s3 right click inspect rear on last three on s3 right click inspect rear and drag the cable from s1 to s3 now pcc is connected to the console of s3 go to pcc on the terminal enter and close the terminal open again enter enable configure terminal remember you are always free ip access list is a name and access list and this is standard and the name is s3 bty limit enter and permit the host and the host is pcc and the ip address pcc is this 172 16 to 5 enter exit apply on bty lines line bty 0 to 15 and axis class the name of the access list ss3 bty limit okay be careful incoming traffic enter and exit and show running config okay to test this apply a password on bty lines to for telnet access configure terminal live vty 0 to 15 password for example cisco bty pass and login to be sure exit okay and [Music] test this from pcc access s3 this is pcc close the terminal open the internet ssh client use only telnet and the of s3 is this 209 165 to 130 connect okay password cisco bty pass okay very nice it's working very good excellent okay enter enter enter and yes uh add the red render no okay and the access list is working very good perform configuration backup and ios updates you have used tftp server to backup device configurations backup the running configurations of r1 s1 and s2 to the ftp server on pcb remember r1 is connected to the console of pca and close uh command prompt go to terminal okay enter a password uh console password cisco compass enable enable password cisco and pass copy okay it says the running configurations copy running dash config to the dftp server the ftp server enter the address of the remote host pcb i will try anyway 181.6815 192 168 1 5 ips pcb destination file name and name the configuration files r1 run copy case sensitivity r1 run dash config enter okay and pcb is working very good as the server okay very nice and now as one okay i am configuring switches from pcc and the console of pc is connected to s3 so right click on s3 inspect rear right click on s1 inspect rear drag the console cable from s3 to s1 now pcc is connected to s1 go to pcc go to terminal okay enter be sure you are on s1 enable configure terminal and exit no privilege exit mode copy running touch config to tftp enter ip address of pcb is 1816815 19816815 okay remember on s1 you are copying the running configuration to the tftp server place it on pcb enter and deny use this s1 run config s1 dash s1 dash run dash copy s1 dash run dash configuration capital as one run config case sensitive okay very nice okay and from s2 change the console from s1 to s2 drag the console cable from s12 s2 now pcc is connected to s2 console go to pcc close terminal open again enter a network of you sorry you are on s2 copy running config to tftp enter and the address of pcb and use this name as 2 2-run dash config okay case sensitive s2 dash run run dash config okay s2 dash run dash config enter okay okay now use the ftp server to update upgrade ios software obtain a newer ios image from tftp service on the web dns server the newer version of the switch ios is c to the 2960 lan base k9mc 15 0 to se4 that beam and configure s3 to use this newer version ios after reloading okay and do this on s3 s3 and pcc is connected to the console of s2 change this to s3 right click inspector right click inspect rear and drag the console cable from s2 to s3 now pcc now is connected to s3 console go to pcc close the terminal open again okay enter and enable on privilege exec mode copy from tftp server to column to flash column okay under and sorry is copy copy address of the remote host is the web dns server has a dftp service and you should use the iap address of web dns server use this to an i165 202 131 so now 165 202 131 okay and source file name the file name is this okay c2960 dash long base k9 dash nc dot 50-2 case sensitive that s e4 that mean okay c3960 dash num base k9 dash zero dash mc.150 dot se4 dot b okay enter destination file name use the same enter okay very good okay and configure s3 to use this newer version ios after reloading okay configure terminal okay and go here and boot system flash okay to apply the new and [Music] to work with the new ios image good system flash use this name use this name copy use this name enter and okay and verify and show version currently you have version 12.2 12.2 but on the next boot you will have the version uh 15 0 okay on next boots copy running config to startup config and reloads [Music] okay enter enable show version now you have 15 that's you very good and thank you thank you very much you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ensa, enterprise networking, security, automation, ccna, version 7, ccna 7, ssh, https, access list, acl, ospf, ospfv2, single area ospf, nat, pat, physical mode, packet tracer
Id: pFqEjebQofU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 45sec (5745 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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