Packet Tracer - Map a Network Using CDP

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hi friends welcome to or in this video we are going to see the packet race or activity map a network using CDP before coming to a disciplic a tracer activity firms if you like to get my future uploading video info into your Gmail you can subscribe this channel right now coming back to our activity here we can see our a trussing table which is incomplete also we will go through the objectives map and it work are using CDP and SSH or remote access we will go through the background to here a senior network administrator requires you to map or the remote to branch office network and discover the name of the recently installed switch that still needs an IP address to be configured your task is to create a map of the branch or face a network you must have record all of the network device names IP addresses and is subject to mask and physical interfaces interconnecting the network devices as well as the name of the switch that does not have an IP address to map the network you will use SSH or for remote access and the Cisco discovery protocol that is CDP to discover information about a neighboring network devices like routers and switches because CDP is a layer 2 protocol it can be used to discover information about devices that do not have IP addresses you will record the gather information to complete the addressing table and to provide a topology diagram of the remote branch of his network you will lead the IP address for the remote branch office which is to not 9.16 5.20 0.10 the local and the remote that means try to use row names and passwords are here we can see that local network username is admin sOooo one password is yes through easy are e7p a droid five five or so in branch office network username is a branch and mean and the password same as 3 e CR e 7p a droid 5 5 coming to part 1 use SSH to remotely access network devices in part 1 you will use the admin - PC to remotely access the adjuvant gateway router next from the adjuvant router you will SSH into the remote a branch or phase here we can see that PC admin - PC coming to a on the admin PC open a command prompt then SSH into the gateway router at the using the username admin su Row 1 and the password as given here coming through at mean - PC the stove command prompt career going to give a SSH - L heart mean 0 1 and the target and - password yes 3 CR e 7p at the rate 5 5 here we can see now we are in this router at jus one they given a not here notice that you are placed to directly into privilege to exit mode this is because that means your own user account is set to privilege level 15 here we can see that you know here we are in privilege exit mod coming to see use the show IP interface brief and you show interfaces commands to document the edge 1 routers physical interfaces IP addresses and to mask in the addressing table so we are going to use these show commands here coming to the router edge 1 here we are going to give the show command show IP interface brief and to here we can see the details here we can see serial 0 / 0 / 0 and its IP address you will copy this tres coming to addressing table now we have to get this up into masks here we are going to give Shaw interfaces so we can give that particular interface see us heroes now 0/0 you will see the details so here we can see internet actress is to not 9.16 5.20 0.5 and here we can see the CIDR that is the slash 30 here we will give that to coming 2d using the adjuvant router CLI you will ssh into the remote two branch office at - not 9 - to 165 dot 200 or - 1 0 with a username branch admin and - the same password right we will give that coming to a horror a drought or here we are going to give a SSH - ill username branch admin and here we are going to give the target to not 9.16 5.20 0.10 and the password that is so yes 3 CR e 7p adroit 5 5 now we got this device branch - edge after connecting to the remote a branch office at - not 9.1 65.2 0 0 10 a what piece of previously missing information can now be added to the a crossing table fo yes here we can see we are got this name here the branch edge router house name so we will copy this tour a spreadsheet here we can see that here have the IP address now we got the device name and also we have to get the site to mask now we will come to party to use CDP to discover neighboring devices you are know remotely connected to the branch - edge router using CDP begin looking for connected network devices coming to a issue the show IP interface brief and show interfaces commands to document the branch - edge routers network interfaces IP addresses and the sector mask and the missing information to the addressing table to map the network so we are going to give these commands these show commands in this or outer branch - edge here we are going to give a show IP interface brief and to here we can see the details so this interface already we added cedar 0 / 0 / 1 we have to get this circuit to mask for this interface also we can see one more interface that is Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 and its IP address we will copy this address and we will add it to our spreadsheet here we can see that interface a gigabit eternal 0/0 better we will copy that interface name from here the same router that is brand branch - edge now we are going to give a show interfaces here we are going to use a first of all you will use a serial interface serial alarm 0/1 and we will get the details here we can see internet actress and the prefix language / 30 so we will get that subtly to mask here that is now we will go to the next interface will give you show interfaces gigabit the third 0/0 and here we can see the details here we can see the IP address we already copied that and here we can see the prefix length it says last 29 coming to our addressing table suddenly to mask coming to be security best practice or recommends only running CDP when needed so CDP may need to be attend on use a show CDP command to test its status so here we are going to use show CDP so CDP and here we can see CDP is not enabled coming to see you need to turn on CDP but it is a good idea to only broadcast to CDP information to internal network devices and to know to external networks to do this a disable CDP on the serial 0 / 0 / 1 interface and then 10 on the CDP protocol here we can see that command coming to the configuration configurator terminal we have to go to the interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 & 2 here we are going to give at no CDP enable and exit until now we are going to give a CDP run coming to D issue a show CDP neighbors command to find any neighboring network devices not CDP will only show connected Cisco devices that are also running CDP so we are going to give this command to show CDP neighbors show CDP neighbors and here we can see the details here we can see they are asking a couple of questions is there a neighboring network device what type of device is it what is its name on what interface is it connected is the device's IP address listed record the information in the addressing table right coming to our show CDP neighbors result - here we can see the device ID is a branch - firewall and we can see it's a router where we can see that capability ISA our R is for router and also we can see it's connected to the port a Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 also the IP address of the device is not listed not see anywhere here no coming to our spreadsheet to here we can see the device a device name is pranchi - firewall we will copy this also we can see here a branch edge here to give a local interface and the connected neighbor details so let me have seen here here the local interface here we can see gigabit the turn 0/0 and - the connected neighbor we already copied that name here here is that now we will come to e to find the IP address of the neighboring device use the show CDP neighbors detail command and record the IP address so here we are going to give this command show CDP neighbors detail here aside from the neighboring devices IP address what other piece of potentially sensitive information is listed here we can see from this show IP neighbors CDP neighbors details here we can see the IP address also we can see the version Cisco IOS a software version specified here coming to yes now that you know the IP address of the neighbor device you need to connect to it with SSH in order to discover other devices that may be its neighbors so to connectivity SSH use the same remote branch office username and password right so we will do that here we are going to give a SSH - L branch admin huntie target - here we can see that will copy disatrous and the password here is it paste it your I know we can see we are in branch - firewall after successfully connecting with SSH so where does the command prompt show here we can see that branch - firewall no we are going to get the details from this branch - firewall so here we are going to give show IP interface brief and here we can see the interface details we will copy this gig of a deterrent 0/0 also we have Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 here we can see the IP address of giga with the turn 0/0 and two gigabit the turn 0/1 now we will go to each interface and we will get the subnet to mask here we will give show interfaces we have a Gigabit Ethernet to 0/0 and to here we can see the details it's a slash twenty nine prefix length coming Torresani to mask or this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 0 / 1 + 2 here we can see the details here the prefix language last 25 that is face and the connected neighbor or for these two interfaces here we are going to give show CDP neighbors here we can see the details here are this interface agape the third 0/0 is connected to this router branch eh it's not this router here we can see that branch yet and for this interface gigabit the turn 0/1 here we can see that it's connected to Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 also we can see it says such capability here we can see the suture platform 2 9 6 or such and here we can see the name of that device coming to G you are remotely connected to the next neighbor use the show CDP neighbors command and the show CDP neighbors details command to discover other connection i / devices what type of network device neighbor this device or record any newly discovered devices in that dressing table include their host name interfaces and IP addresses coming toward us here show CDP neighbors command here we can see the result here we got two neighbors one router and one switch here we can see this router branch edge this is already we had seen and we got one more our device that is a SW - BR - floor - it's a switch and we can see the switch is a newly discovered device here no here we are going to give the command to show CDP neighbors detail here we have more information right coming to the result here we can see at the device SW - BR - floor - so I told this is the newly discovered device so here and we can see the IP address of this device also we can see the branch edge here coming to H continue discovering new network devices using SSH and the show CD he commands eventually you will reach the end of the network and - there will be no more devices to discover right now we will get into this such a SW - BR - floor - now here we can see the IP address we will copy this address and here we are going to give SSH - L aunty username here we can see branch admin and once more we will copy this IP address target a truss here is that and password is here here we can see the device is w - beer - floor - we will copy this and - will add into our spreadsheet Curie salt device now we will get the interface details so for this device SW - BR - floor to switch Curie are going to give show IP interface brief and - here we can see the details or the faster thermit 0/1 till at 24 or so we can see gigabit a third 0 / 1 and the 0 / - so we will remark these informations into our spreadsheet we have a faster turret 0 / 1 till first - thermit arose last 24 also we have these two interfaces a gigabit a third 0 / 1 also gigabit eternal 0 / 2 and here we can see a virtual interface vlan1 so here we can see the IP address for this virtual interface we will copy this address so these all this interface belongs to this device yes it's great no we have to get the subnet mask for this a wheel and one here we can give that show interfaces we can go to VLAN 1 & 2 here we can see the details at trust also here we can see the prefix length it says last 25 so here we can see that here we will give you the submit to mask it now we will find the neighbors for this device using show CDP neighbors and here we can see the details here we have a 3 devices SW - BR - floor 3 it's a switch and here we can see SW - beer - floor 1 it's also a switch and here is a branch - firewall this is already we had seen it's a router here we can see two switches which is newly discovered in this device now we will find the local interface and connected neighbors for this device SW - BR - floor - here we can see local interface fastethernet 0/1 t4 we will copy these and here we can see that port first there are 0/24 also we have to see device ID it's a floor 3 here we can see the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 2 and to device ID floor one here we can see Giga be the turn 0/1 and device IDs here branch - fire roll now we are going to find the IP across details of these neighbors here we are going to give show CDP neighbors detail and - here we can see the details here we can see as W - a beer - floor three and two here we can see the IP address also coming - SW - beer - floor 1 here we cannot see any IP address for this device and the here is the IP address for this or outer branch - firewall now we will login into this device for SW - beer - floor 3 with this IP address here we don't have this command the SSH right so we have to give enable password Cisco class no it's not working we'll try yes 3 CR e 7p a great 5 5 no it's not working better we will move to the previous device so we will exit from here and here we can see we know where now we are in a branch - firewall privileged exit mode here we can give that SSH - OH then the useful name that is a branch admin then we have to get a target are we have to give it a try so we will source that you're here we can see that you will copy this address yes now will you the password yes Troy easy Ari seven caps P a droid five five here we can see now we are in SW - BR - floor three now we will get the details so here is the device name we will copy these to our spreadsheet and we will see the different interfaces show IP interface brief and - here we can see faster third 0/1 till 24 or so we can see two gigabit a thorough / 1 + 0 / 2 and here we can see a VLAN 1 IP address we will get the interface details so fast eternal 0/24 we will copy these this is the interface which is connecting to our device as W - BR - floor - also we have a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 and so ROS was - until we have a virtual interface vlan1 and here we can see the IP address now we will get this subnet to mask for this billion one interface so you go to the interface vlan1 and here we can see the IP address and its prefix language this last 25 these show CDP neighbors until here we can see the details here we can see the local interface fastethernet 0/1 t4 then the device name here we can see it says w - BR - floor - and - the second neighbor a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 local interface user is that and the device ID - in order to specify this interface your you will delete this and turtle here will do that no here we will give a show or CDP neighbors detail so here we can see for this a device as W - BR - floor 1 we cannot see any IP a truss it's already we have discussed so it will get this a device ID here here we can see this device as W - BR - floor 1 is connected to this device that is SW - Bri - floor 3 through this port ID that is Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 so we will get that across here so we have this interface here become a deterrent 0/1 just I will copy from here here we can see it's connected to SW - beer - floor three coming to our dressing table here we can see this device SW - beer - floor one is connected to floor - also so that we can check with our previous command here we can see that SW - beer - floor one - this interface gigabit ethanol co-stars - so here we will get this interface Gigabit Ethernet co-stars - it's connected to this SW - we are - floor - here we can see what is the name of the suture that does not have an IP address on the network coming to a topic this addressing table here we can see that this SW - beer - floor one is not having any IP address coming - I draw a topology of the remoter branch office network using the information you have gathered using CDP as per or a trussing table here we can see we have three switches also we have a branch in - edge and the branch - firewall so coming to our packet tracer here we are going to use this router we need two routers and 206 0 through switches we will rename this router as a branch - edge and we can see this branch - edge is connecting to branch - firewall so we will get this name and to be Laureen in this router a sub-branch - firewall and we can see here the interface the Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 on both routers are used to connect to each other so here we are going to connect using copper crossover gigabit the Toronto Star 0 - Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 so here we will mark that you copy the Turner through zero right now we can see from this branch - firewall we how to connect to this SW - beer - floor - so we will get this name and hurry we Lorene in this switch so we have to rename yes and here we can see we have to connect to branch of firewall to give up the turn 0 / 1 gigabit the turn 0 / 1 right so we will do that copper straight through pickup with the turn on 0 / 1 - Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 so we'll mark that you got with the Toronto / 1 right no here we can see from TC SW - beer - floor - we have to connect to is w - beer - floor 3 & SW - beer - floor 1 so we'll get this name and - here we will give this a such name floor 3 & 2 here we will give floor 1 sure we will check the interface here we can see we have to connect to faster turn 0/24 for this device for connecting to this floor 3 also we can see here we have to use to give faster turn or 0/24 for this interface SW I mean for this device SW - Bri - floor 3 so both side we have to use 0/24 it's quite easy right so we use faster third 0/24 and faster than 0/24 so here we can see is w - BR - floor 1 we have to use the Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 2 in this floor - also here we can see we have to use gigabit ethernet su / where is that 0 / - yes or for this device of floor one so we will do that you gotta be mm co-stars two Gigabit Ethernet 0 starts to so we will mark that this is a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 2 & 2 here we have faster or not 0/24 and the other side it's a faster car 0/24 and to finally here we can see we have to connect this floor 3 and the floor 1 device using the interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 here we can see that sure we will use copper straight through gigabit the third 0 / 1 gigabit ethernet 0 / 1 so we will mark that here interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 right yes so this is the topology of the remote branch office network so we made this network using our acrossing table well that's all in this packet right solar activity that is a map a network using CDP a friends if you have any doubt in this packet race or activity please come and below also if you like my video give a thump and don't forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get to lettest uploading video info inter gmail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 14,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CISCO Discovery Protocol
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 20sec (2300 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 23 2018
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