Packet Tracer - Configuring Syslog and NTP

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hi friends a welcome tour in this video we are going to see the packet tracer activity configuring syslog and NTP here we can see the objectives consider syslog Suri's generate logged events manually set which clocks configure NTP service and to verify time-stamped logs just we will see the scenario in this activity we will enable and to use the syslog service and the NTP service so that the network administrator is able to monitor the network more effectively well we will come to part two one configure syslog service so in that step one enable the syslog service click syslog then services tab then the syslog service on and move the window so you can monitor activity well we will do this now now we will come to this a syslog yes here we can see the salaries and tips we can see the all the service of here and here we can see the syslog service we are going to turn on this service right now we will come to step to configure the intermediary devices to use the syslog service configure our one to send log events to the syslog server yes here we can see our one here they given the command to logging 10.0 to 1.2 54 and here we can see this is the IP address of our syslog server also configure s1 to center log events to the syslog server also we are going to set I mean configure s2 to send low givens to the syslog server yes now we will let sit on r1 yes we are going to enable configure terminal and here we are going to give a logging and so here we can see the IP address of the logging host this is your this is IP address of our syslog service server all right also we will set down s 1 as well as s 2 1 c l i we have to go to global configuration mode configure terminal here we are going to kill you looking and this is the system server IP atures also will go to yes to configure terminal looking here I am going to give the server IP address yes now we will come to a party to generate a lot events change the status of interfaces to create even locks configure a loopback 0 interface on r1 then disable it 10 O's pc1 & pc2 10 them on again right we will generate this logged events yes now we will create this loopback 0 interface on r1 so here we are going to interface loopback 0 & 2 here I am going to shut on it and suddenly we can see the syslog right here now we will turn off pc1 & pc2 the same time we can see on syslog what happens here all right we'll come to PC 1 here I am going to turn it off well yes turn it off your I'm going to turn it on yes we will turn it off easy too also yes no PC one we will turn it on on the PC two we will turn it on right now we will come to a step to examine does his log even look at the syslog events not all of the events have been recorded however the timestamps are incorrect well okay clear the log before proceeding to the next part okay we will verify this syslog events yes here we can see the syslog sir we can see the details the status change to up also we can see yes state down yes here we can see the oldest log details here we can see 10.0 - 2.2 on the 10.0 2.2 or so we can see the PCs here now we will clear these log files are using this earlier log button yes now we will come to part 3 manually set which clocks manually set the clocks on the switches manually set the clock on s1 and the s2 to the current date and approximate time an example is provided here we can see the commands what they given so we are going to set this clock on s1 and s2 first of all we will come to yes one right enable here we are going to set clock and now we have to specify the current time here I am going to kill you right zero zero now we are going to specify the month should I am going to give outcasts they will give day of the month right we will give one and three how that your will you 2017 now we will set on yes to enable here we are going to give a clock set 11 46 and through the month August day then we will set your great now we will come to a step to enable the logging time stamp service on the switches configure s 1 and s 2 to send its a time stamp with locks it sends to the syslog server yes we have to set this command to service time stamps log day time milliseconds right we will set this command on both switches s 1 and s 2 first of all we will come to s 1 right we have to go to the global configuration mode configure terminal and here we are going to give service at times terms log date time we have milliseconds right now we will go to switch - okay configure terminal service time stamps log date time milliseconds right now we will go to part for configure NTP service so in that step 1 enable the NTP service this activity we are assuming that the NTP service is being hosted on a public internet server the NTP server was private authentication could also be used so you had to open the services tab of the NTP server train the NTP service own and to note the date and time that is displayed right we will do this now we will come to NTP server here services and here we can see the survey's in TP and we are going to turn it on here we can see the time and date here we can see 752 and it's August 2017 and third right now we will come to step two automatically set the clock on the router set the clock on r1 to the date and time according to the NTP server yes we only we have seen this setting NTP server NT peace based servers space and the IP address of our NTP server right we will do this configuration now we will come through our one enable configure terminal here we are going to keep NTP server and the IP archer's that is a 64 door to one not three though to 24 door to now we will come to a step 3 enable the logging timestamp service of the rotor configure our one to send it's a timestamp with the locks that it sends to the syslog server well we will come through our one ok here we are going to set service timestamps loke daytime milliseconds right now we will go to a part of 5 verify time-stamped locks so change the status of interfaces to create even locks or enable and then disable the loopback 0 interface on our 110 off laptops l1 and l2 turn them on again so examine the syslog events look at this low events all of the events have been recorded and the timestamps are correct as configured so our one uses the clock settings from the NTP server and TS one and used to use the clock settings configured by you in part 3 right we will verify these timestamp the logs right now first of all I will open the syslog yes here it is now we will go through our one configure terminal here we are going to the interface loopback 0 and here I am going to give a no-shit command also I am going to give saturn command here yes no way I'm going to turn off l1 and l2 first of all we will turn off l1 yes I'm going to turn off 3 I'm going to turn it on now we will go to l2 yes turn it off front we will turn it on here we can see the log file so this is IP address of the router interface we can see the time here also we can see so this time is taken from the NTP server yes yes that's all in this packet tracer activity configuring syslog as well as int P friends if you liked my video give a thumbs also if you have any doubt the please comment below again don't forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get latest uploading video info into your Gmail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 39,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NTP, Syslog
Id: XEho6Ljohfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2017
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