4.5.1 Packet Tracer - Inter-V LAN Routing Challenge

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hi friends welcome to war in this video we are going to discuss CCNA version 7 packet tracer activity inter VLAN routing challenge before coming to this activity front if you like to get in a CCNA project support or a CCNA online classes you can contact our team using our website link you will get from the description below and also if you like to get these type of technical videos in future consider subscribing also don't forget to enable that bill icon near to the subscribe button so that you will get notification message whenever we upload a new video coming back to our packet tracer activity here we can see a trussing table with these devices r1 s1 pc-1 pc2 pc through e and a server here we can see Bill n and the port assignments table we have these B lens civilian 10 20 30 88 and 99 their names and their interfaces coming to the scenario in this activity we will demonstrate and reinforce your ability to implement inter VLAN routing including configuring IP addresses VLANs trunking and sub interfaces ok we will go through each instructions and we will configure this activity configure the devices to meet the following requirements a sane I be addressing to r1 and s1 based on the addressing table ok we will do that coming to our addressing table first of all we will assign IP address for these device r1 so we'll go to our burn CLI you will give enable we get beacon cue the show command show IP interface brief and to be able to see the details here we can see this interface' gigabit a third 0/0 is configured with the IP address 172 dot 17.25 dot - okay right I think it's connecting to these HQ g 0/0 yes it's correct so here we have to configure these sub interfaces G 0 / 1 dot 10 20 30 88 and a 99 here we can see that physical interface G 0 / 1 so again coming to our 1 we will do that configuration one by one configure terminal first of all we will go to the interface G 0 / 1 dot 10 and we will set this IP address before that we have to give the encapsulation dot1q right dot1q this is for VLAN 10 then we will set this IP address you'll copy it and we can see it sir to mask IP address here is the address then it's a solid to mask presenter now we will configure the sub-interface a G 0 / 1 dot 20 we will exit from this sub interface then we will go to interface G 0 / 1 dot 20 then we will give a encapsulation dot1q it's for VLAN 20 then we will I set its IP address it's 170 2.17 dot 20 Rho 2 1 also we have to give it a mask then press Enter next we will configure this app interface G 0 / 1.30 we will exit from here even without a exit we can go to that interface ok no anyways we'll exit and then we will go to interface g su ro / 1.30 right so we have to give an encapsulation dot1q a VLAN ID is 30 then we will set its IP address as per a dressing-table it's a 30.1 then we have to give it something to mask next we will go for G 0 / 1.88 exceed then interface G 0 / 1.88 encapsulation dot1q with an ID 88 IP address its 88.1 then select a mask here we can see our percentage is increasing completion status rose 46 okay so now we will configure these sub-interface G 0 / 1.99 ok we will do that exit interface G 0 / 1.99 right you will give an encapsulation dot1q this is for V an ID I mean 99 okay we will last set its IP address it's a 99.1 then it's set to mask okay here we can figure all these sub interfaces in this rotor our burn coming to our topology we can see this link between this devices R 1 and s 1 is down that means we have to bring this physical interface up that is G 0 / 1 right yes so we will exit from this sub interface then we have to go to that physical interface that is G 0 / 1 then we have to give a no shut command or not shut down and press Enter so we can see all the sub interfaces also become up here we can see that now we can see the link between these devices are 1 and s 1 is up next we will configure the switch S 1 and here we can see for the interface VLAN 99 we have to set this IP address and the center mask also we have to set it's a default gateway we will copy this IP address then coming to s1 we will go to CLI okay enable configure terminal you will go to the interface VLAN 99 ok then we will let set the IP address you already copied that then it's a certain - mask then press Enter ok we will exit then we have to set its IP default the Gateway you suggested paste it it's a 99.1 next is configure the default to Gateway on s1 yes pedantic we configure default gateway on s1 then create name and assign be lanced on s1 based on the VLAN and port assignments table ports should be in access mode your villain names should match the names in the table exactly actually this is for a scoring purpose ok we will create these VLANs with these names so we'll go to this switch s1 you keep it here ok ok for more visibility yeah so we will exit from this you will create a VLAN 10 then we will give the name as faculty slash staff it's your right okay then we will create a VLAN 20 name is students next is VLAN 30 name is guest in bracket we will give a default ok now we will create a VLAN 88 name is a native next to Sweden 99 and we can see now this interface VLAN 99 changed state to up okay you will give the name as a management we created all the villains as per this VLAN table now we will assign ports to this bill and here we can see we have to assign these interfaces to these VLANs FAS euro / 11 till 17 we had to assay into 10 then from 18 to 24 VLAN 20 then FS 0 / 6 till 10 to VLAN 30 then this interface G 0 / 1 should be in a VLAN 88 okay we will do that but here we can see this interface G 0 / 1 we have to configure as an ATV land ok we have we will do that we will do it one by one coming back to s1 first of all we will go to all these interfaces FS 0 / 11 till 17 we will exit from this VLAN and we will go to interface or cell range you'll go to FA 0 / 11 till 17 right then we will give a switch port modest access then switch port access a VLAN 10 then press enter then we will go to interface FS 0 / 18 till 24 we will exit then we will go to interface has a range of a is 0 / 18 till 24 then support the modest access then switch port access B then 20 then interface fi 0/6 till 10:00 exit go to interfaces a cell range F s euro / 1610 okay then we will give a switch for the modest access switch for access VLAN 30 next is configure G 0 / 1 of s 1 as a static trunk and as saying the native VLAN we can see we have 2 as a native VLAN 88 ok so we will do that we'll go to s 1 we will exit from this interfaces then we will go to interface G 0 / 1 here we will give a switch reporter mode as a trunk also we will give a switch port trunk native VLAN 88 right then press enter next all ports that are not assigned to a villain should be a disabled okay we have to shut down all the unused ports okay now coming to our topology here we can see all the used ports we can see G 0 / 1 its FAS euro / 11 this is FS 0 star 6 and to be how FA 0 / 18 so we will shut down all the ports except these poor okay we will do that we will exit from this then we will go to interfaces has a range of s 0 / 1 till 5 then FA 0 / 6 already used so 7:00 till 10 11 used then FA 0 / 12 till 17 right because 18 we used yes comma F a0 / 19 till 24 also we not used the G 0 / 2 then press Enter he will give a shutdown Akshay's configure inter VLAN routing on Arvind based on the addressing table so we configured all these sub interfaces in this rotor r1 but here we can see our completion status shows 99 percentage because we can see we configured this interface g0 slash 1.88 also be given encapsulation dot1q 88 but we did not give a native right so that also we will configure in this router r1 we will do that coming to our burn okay we will give enable 1050 then we will go to that interface that is G 0 slash 1.88 right then we have to give this command encapsulation dot1q 88 space question mark here we can see make this as a native VLAN so we have to give an a to you then press Enter coming to the final instruction verify connectivity r1 s1 and the old pcs should be able to ping each other and the server ok we will let us this connectivity now ok we will a ping from all these pcs to this server you will get the IP address of our server just will copy form or a dressing-table coming to PC 1 we will go to command prompt and here he will let ping to the server we are waiting for the replies request timed out maybe we ought to request timed out we make it okay we get the one request time I mean a three request timeout and one reply so once more it'll press up arrow and here we can see we get the replies he will try from PC to to this server you go to command prompt sorry ping to server is that dress same way yeah it's working now now we will go to PC three command prompt ping to the server we could replace it's working so in this video we have seen at this packet tracer activity inter VLAN routing challenge sure we can see the completion status it's hundred percent now there are firms if you have any doubt any suggestions regarding this activity please comment below also if we liked your video give a thumb and share with all your friends and if you'd like to contact our team we can visit our website stay tuned and we will meet again with the next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 21,676
Rating: 4.9232411 out of 5
Keywords: CISCO, CISCO Certification, CCNA, Packet Tracer, Inter-VLAN, CCNAv7
Id: 0dRYxA6rlKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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