Packet Tracer - Using Traceroute to Discover the Network

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to see the packet tracer activity using trace route to discover the network we will go through the scenario here the company you work for has occurred a new branch location you asked for a topology map of the new location but apparently one does not exist however you how user name and password information for the new branch networking devices until you know the verb patches for the new branch of server therefore you will verify connectivity and they use the tracer command to determine the path to the location you will connect to the edge router of the new location to determine the devices and networks attached as a part of this process you will use various draw commands to gather all the necessary information to finish a documenting the IP addressing scheme and to create a diagram of the topology the user exit password is Cisco then the privileged exit password is class trace and the document a remote location not as you complete the following steps copy command output into a text file for easy reference and record the missing information in the addressing scheme documentation table here we can see that addressing scheme documentation right refer to the hints page for a review of the commands used in packet tracer I click the right arrow on the bottom right side of the instruction window if you have a printed version of the instructions the hints page is the last page so coming to this symbol here we can see in the second page this is command C which can be used throughout this packet face for activity we will let start from a click sales and to the desktop tab command prompt they use the IP config command to check the IP address configuration for a sales coming to our apology here we can see the PC sales coming to the stop command prom and here we are going to give ipconfig and here we can see the details IP address 1 7 2.16 dot 0.5 submit to mask and here we can see the default a gateway 1 7 2.16 dot 0 dot 1 that means so this a device is connected to the router here we can see that here we can see this network is connected to this interface check that two gigabit the third 0/0 of this router are 4 so here we can see the actress default gateway 1 7 2 dot 16.0 2 1 this is the IP address of this interface the Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 in this router are 4 we will document these informations into our addressing scheme documentation here we can see the device sales interface and Nick actress 1 7 2.16 dot 0 dot X it can be any number from 1 to 254 so this is assigned by a razor DHCP here out our artists is 0.5 so here I am going to assign that right also we have seen the device are four until we have seen the IP address of the interface that we have in the third 0/0 here so here we will give that the interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 0 and the actress yes your it is I'm going to copy researchers right and to here we can see the subnet to mask so we didn't get this update to mask anyway we will come to this device our for Andy again we will verify this a true scientist semi to mask coming to be the new server the petrous ISA be to server load PT Road PKA enter the following in his lookup command to discover the IP address for b2 server right so coming to our assails come on prom to here we are going to give nslookup and teresa server details and here we can see the actress o1 to 8.1 or 7.62 4.25 for coming to our addressing scheme here we can see B to server load P T dot PKA the actress is the one to 8.1 or 7.62 5-4 this is what we get here in this lookup be to server or PT dot PK this is what be given what a trust with the command return for Abby to serve various we have seen that no we will come to see enter the tray set command to determine the path from sales to be to server dot PT Road PKA we are going to give this a try cert space ABI to serve world or to PT Road PKA in this lookup be to server or PT dot PKA yes this is what be given already but atrocity the command to return for a be to server yes we have seen that now we will come to a see enter the tracer command to determine the path from sales to be to server dot PT wrote PK a so this is what we have to give a tracer to be to server door to PT dot a PKA well coming to our sales command prompt we are going to give that command here right and to cure we can see the result yes or we can see that coming 2d telnet to the first IP address in the tracer to output and login here we can see we are going to give a telnet to the first IP address before that we will copy this tracer or result to our word right here I am going to copy that and here we can see the first IP address it is 1/7 2.2 16.2 0 to 1 I am going to copy this so I will mark this right now we will come to sales and here we are going to give telnet to the first actress here is that password Cisco enable password class here we can see we login into the router are for coming to e you are connected to the are for a router exactly we have seen that issue the traceroute command on the router using the address of our be to server determined in step B what is different about the traceroute command on the router compared to tracer on the PC coming to our PC sales here we are going to give trace route to our server that is b2 server door PT dot PKA here we can see that actress and here we can see that no here we given this trace route command from the router r4 and not from this sales and here we can see total for hopes but here we can see total five hops and two here we can see these the first actress that is one-seventh 2.16 dot zero to one is not present in this second traceroute what we given from the router are four and this address belongs to this interface Giga with the third 0/0 of this router are for next year so what is the significance of r4 to sales so previously I told that this network is connected to this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 of this router are four so obviously here are four is the default gateway for these device sales coming to EF use the show IP interface brief command to display the status of the interfaces on our four based on the output of the command to which interface is used to reach the next two device in the list output or from the trace search command right so coming to our sales you have to go to our four and here we are going to give the command to show IP interface brief and here we can see the details yes here we can see the IP address of gigabit the third and zeros now zero serial zeros now zero and the serial 0 / 0 / 1 dot 1 this is sub-interface now we will welcome to our word here we can see the second actress in the tracer 264 dot 100.1 50 network so we will check that coming to aura are 4 here we can see that actress a 6400 dot 150 dot 1 and here we can see that same network 6400 100 to 150 hence obviously we can say this interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 is connected to the 64 100 or 150 dot 0 and it work hint a use a show running config to viewers to mask values for the interfaces right coming to our for show running config and here we can see the details here we can see already we given this IP address into our addressing scheme now we have to get this something to mask that is coming torah addressing scheme here is we got with the Toronto Star 0 & 2 here we can see the other interfaces that is 0 0 / 0 / 0 we give that here and so here is the truss also here is the sub 2 mask right for this interface a serial 0 / 0 / a one-to-one already they given the address and subnet mask no we will come to G telnet to the second IP a trussing the tracer that leads to anti log in you can use the number in the far left column of the tracer output to track over you are in the list what is the name of the device to which you are connected right so coming toward a seconder trust so here we can see that it is 64 out 100 or 150 dot - we are going to tell it to the sir number right coming to our sales so we are going to exit from r4 and to here we are going to tell net to this a second a truss password Cisco yes your we can see the device tire 3 a I am going to copy this enable password is class and - sure we are going to give the device the next device is a tyre through a coming to H issue that show IP route command and study the output referring to the list of course at the beginning of the output what are the different types of routes are displayed in the routing table right coming to tyre through a here we are going to give the command show IP route and - here we can see the details here we can see the characters D D is for eigrp we can see number of C's that is connected here we can see yell a local here we can see yes that is tat cheek and toe here we can see yes char this is a static defaulter root here we can see the details over these characters this for EIGRP to draw right coming to I based on the show IP route command output which interface is the exit interface for the next IP address listed in your original face third output right coming to our word here we can see the next uh trust so that is 64 dot at one node for door 2 2.0 Network so we have to verify our routing table here we can see that we have to search for this network yes here we can see that the 64 dota 1 node 4.2 to 2.0 / 30 is directly connected to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 no we will feel at this attire 3 air interface a detail say to our addressing scheme here we are going to give a show running config and we can see its interface user details here we can see Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 interface and we will get the IP address also the subnet mask here we can see with the third 0/1 it's a truss already given here right here we have a serial 0 / 0 / 0 that address also given here are 64 100 102 and here we can see the certainty to mask we will update that or so here we have a serial a 0 / 1 / 0 here is the address and the subnet mask right coming to Jay tell it to the third IP addressing the tracer at least and Logan what is the host name of the current device here is or a third a truss I'm going to copy this right coming to our sales telnet here is the actress password is cisco here we can see that isp - tire 3 be enable password is class so we will give these details traceroute ID troy here is the device next ESO issue the show IP route connected command what networks are connected directly to this router yes we will let's check that show IP route here we have a connector tan 2 here we can see 6400 or 8.0 last 24 64 dot one dot 4 dot a 2 2 2.0 slams 30 60 4.1 not 4.2 to 2.4 / 30 + 2 1 28.1 not 7.40 6.0 / 24 so these are the networks are connected directly to this or out or isp - chyre 3 b now we will get how all the details of the interfaces in this router is pitch higher throw B and we will add into our addressing scheme Carrie will give a show running config and - here we can see the details faster third R 0 /a 1 it's already filled here we can see 128 or to one node 7.40 6.1 and the subnet mask we have to add it here we can see that right an exchange office is faster therethis Eurostar's to you will let this information into our is be tired three be IP archers coming to subnet mask we will check the other interfaces here we can see Giga with the turret 0 / 2 and here is that I trust is we will see that you got with the torrent 0 / 1 we have this we will take this actress first you go over the torrent 0 / 1 here is the actress and certain it to mask no we will get the IP address or up with the third co-stars to here we can see that and to submit to mask is already updated coming to the next point or refer to the addressing scheme documentation table which interfaces connect the devices between traceroute to and a traceroute troy right coming to our a documentation now here we can see trace route ID two and three here we can see the device as a tire through a and is P - tire 3b so when we consider this so here we can see this a trust I would like to highlight this here we can see it's in bold and coming to this is P - tire through B here we can see the actress both are in the same network that means these two interfaces are connected between these two devices tire through a and is B - tire through B here we can see that interfaces a gigabit the turn zeros now zero in this device at tire through a a and two gigabit the third 0/1 in this device is B - tire 3 B also coming to this router is P - tire 3 B here we can see the interfaces here they given no switch aboard that that means it's a layer 3 device that is a multi-layer switch here we can see all the interfaces faster than 0/24 and gigabit ethernet so here they made this support as router interface using no such boat and as in the IP address coming to okay tell that to the fourth IP addressing the tracer list and a login what is the name of the device right so here we will get the IP address so here we can see the fourth actress right coming to sales you will exit and today we are going to give a telnet and the address password in Cisco enable password is class Santa here we can see the router name that is b2 - our one coming - L you show a command to determine to what interface a b2 server or PT door PK e is connected so here self they say that this server is connected to this router but has seen here that is b2 - R 1 so for that we can give the show command we can give show running config or we can give show IP interface brief or even we can give a show IP route that so that shows the IP address and we will match with this a network a trust of this be to server dot PT Road PKA here we can see that 128 or to one node seven dot a 64.0 network right so we will check that here I would like to give a show IP interface brief and we will let's check the utters here we can see that 128 or to one node 7 dot a 60 4.1 so obviously we can say this would be 2 server dot PT Road PKA is connected to this interface a gigabit the third and 0/1 coming to em if you have used the addressing scheme documentation table as you completed the previous steps the table should now be complete if not to finish the table now right so we will complete that here we will give the command show running config Oh typing is alright show running config and so here we had to check the interface details so here we can see that I'm coming to our our trussing scheme yes so here they given her Giga with the third 0/0 and here we can see that actress I am going to copy that we will add it here and this subject to mask the next interface so here we can see with the third 0 / 1 & 2 here is the IP address and this subject mask right coming to the last point again with a complete documentation of that trussing scheme ant in knowledge of the paths from sales to branch to dot PT Road PKA you should be able to now draw the new branch location in the topology documentation space below right so we will draw this diagram into a new packet tracer before drawing our topology we should check whether our server a branch etude or PT dot PKA is a directly connected from this server b2 - Arvind or through such so here we can check that with the help of a show CDP neighbors or here we can see 206 euros which we can give a better details right and here we can see the details yes Cisco - 9 6 euro such and it's connected to the gigabit deterrent 0/1 we are going to her draw this a topology into a new cisco packet tracer so here we can see from sales it goes to IP phone then s4 then r4 right so we will put all these devices we have this into device and we have an IP phone also be how as such we will add a tune and six zeros which also we have a router here we are going to use a to 9-1-1 router that is our for right also here we can see other devices a tire through a so we will a check that the router that is to 9-1-1 hero sir child through year then we have an isp - tire 3 b this is a layer 3 switch so we have to take a layer 3 switch here are 3 5 6 0 then we required a B - - our one router so we will take this router or a 2 9 1 1 then we have this server it's connected through a suit - 9 6 0 so we will take 2 + 6 0 such then a server we will rename or our devices this is sales right then we have IP phone 0 then we got sugs for right then it goes to the router r4 and then we can see we how this try our 3a then we have this router that is is B - a tire 3b the next router is a b2 - our one then we have our such than our server that is branch e 2 dot PT toward the pKa no we will come to the connectivity we will connect this sales and IP phone also from this IP phone - yes for them coming to our topology here we can see this switch is connected to this are for where we can see the interfaces give a deterrent 0/1 in this suit cs4 and eager with the torrent 0 0 in this router are for right you got with the turn 0 / 1 to this router are for Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 here I connected to this IP phone I using this automatic connection type I don't worry about that here even we can connect using manually so here we have to connect from a faster third 0 to this a PC then from switch it to this s4i to any interface the topology here we can see it's connected to faster third 0 / 3 from this iPhone 0 2 this is 4 we can do that su ro / 3 right so we will label this information anyway we label from your pure B connector to gigabit the third and the 0 / 1 & 2 this router interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 we will add a serial interfaces for this router 2 9 1 1 here we can see only gigabit ethernet interfaces will switch off the device and we will add this a serial connection serial right and we will switch it on also we will let do it entire through a right now coming to our a packet tracer activity topology here we can see that this is connected to the interface serial as zero zero zero zero and the other in the serial 0 / 1 star 0 so this can be verified in our this addressing scheme here we can see the tracer details the second IP 64 100 or 150 network so if you observe in our 4 here we can see that network which is connected to serials your also our zeros are 0 and here we can see the IP address in the same network 64 100 or 150 dot 2 which is connected to serial as 0 / 1 / 0 in this device tire through a no we will do that connectivity between our 400 tyre through ei we will take this serial DTE our for serial 0 / 0 / 0 2 this a child through a serial a 0 / 1 star 0 we will level that so serial 0 / 0 star 0 and to this interface serial as 0 / 1 / 0 coming to the next tracer to IP at trust here we can see that 64 dot one dot 4 dot a2 22.2 here we can see that arranger entire through a it is connected to gigabit ethernet 0/0 here we can see that aunt in isp - tire 3 b no here we can see that that is a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 4 1 coming to the connectivity we will take this copper or a straight through from gigabit the Tharin 0/0 two gigabit the third 0 / 1 and we will label that we gigabit 2/3 Roslin 0 and all right so Gigabit Ethernet - 0 / 1 coming to the next IP address in the tracer here we can see it's 64 door to one node four dot due to 2.6 so coming to our ISP - entire 3b here we can see that it's a to 2.2 to 2.5 the interface is faster third 0 / 2 which is in the same network at that is a 64 one not 4.2 to 2.4 that's a network address and in there are other outer be 2 - R 1 here we can see that 60 4.4.2 to 2.6 that is the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 in this outer B 2 - r 1 coming to the connectivity so here we have to connect to faster third 0 / 2 to this router we got with the thorns Roslin 0 we will level that faster third 0 / 2 to this interface a gigabit a third to 0 / 0 right no we will connect from this router to this switch so here we have seen in this router we have to connect to the local interface that is Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 - this switch interface gigabit the third 0 / 1 right so coming to the connectivity gigabit the third 0 / 1 - this Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 also we will connect this server from any interface to this server no coming to our packet restore activity topology here we can see after our for here they made a cloud that is internet so we will create this cloud here also after this are 4 so we are going to select all these devices and we are going to create a new cluster and - sure we can see that we are going to give this name right these are the devices in that so we will already name that to Internet right that's great here we can see that all the devices here well that's all in this packet tracer our activity using trace route to discover the network first if you have any doubt in this packet tracer activity comment below also if you liked my video give it thumb and you don't forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get latest uploading video info directly into your mail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 33,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Discover the Network
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2018
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