Packet Tracer - Configure and Verify NTP

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hi or welcome to this video in this video we are going to see the package choice or activity configure and verify NTP yes in this activity we are going to configure NTP on r1 and r2 to allow time synchronization yes here we can see r1 and r2 so in TP that is network time protocol synchronizes the time of day among a set of distributed time servers and climbs while there are a number of applications that recur synchronized to time this lab will focus on correlating events that are listed in the system log and other time specific events from multiple network devices so in TP uses the user data ramp the protocol as its transport protocol all in TP communications use coordinated Universal Time right here they talk about this NTP and in TP server usually receives its time from an authoritative time source such as an atomic clock attached to a time server you then distribute this time across the network a tip is extremely efficient no more than one packet per minute is necessary to synchronize two machines to within a millisecond of each other yes this all about NTP now we will come to a step 1 NTP server server n1 is already configured as the NTP server for this topology verify its configuration enter services NTP right here we can see that n1 NTP server as I mentioned that this NTP server is already configured in this topology we can verify we have to go to services and to here we can see this NTP yes here we can see that NTP is on or so here we can see the details here we can see the time also we can see the date great now we will come to be from our one pink n1 so we are going to ping to this ntp server here they given the IP address to verify connectivity the things should be successful and repeat the ping to n1 from r2 to verify connectivity to n1 right we will do this now first of all we will get the IP address of this ntp server from this server machine will come to command prompt - here we are going to keep IP config and there here is the IP address and copy that now we will come to r1 enable here we are going to ping to that server we're waiting for the replay here we can see the success rate is 80% right we will try once more yes yes here we can see success rate is under % now we will sorry we'll go to our two CLI here we can see enable here we are going to ping to the server ok success rate is 80% so we will get now 100% you this command yes now we will come to a step to configuring the NTP clients Cisco devices can be configured to refer to an NTP server to synchronize their clocks this is important to keep time consistent among all devices configure r1 and r2 as NTP clients so their clocks are synchronized both r1 and r2 will use n1 server as their ntp server to configure r1 and r2 as an NTP clients issue the commands below so here they given that configuration use the NTP server command to specify an NTP server of shown below so we have to go to billable configuration mode and we have to give an NTP server and that server IP address the same command we have to give on the utter rout err that is r2 we will come to the configuration now courier will go to global configuration mode here we are going to queue NTP server and the IP are trust to not 9.1 65.2 hundred dot 225 now we will do it on our to configure terminal here we are going to give an NTP server and server IP address yes now we will go to be check the cloak on r1 and r2 akane to verify that they are synchronized right so we are going to check with the help of a show clock on r1 and r2 we will come to r1 here we are going to give a show cloak right onto here we can see the details yes you can see the time now if it is 19 it is a 7 1 p.m. yes here we can see that a 19 133 we can see it is August 1 2017 right here we can see that yes so now this is the same time what is in the in-1 server here we can see that services ntp years here we can see that yes it is August 1st 2017 and also we can see the time here now we will verify on r2 so clock right here we can see that yes so here they are given and not when working on physical rotors allow a few minutes before r1 and r2 clocks are synchronized right are the clocks synchronized yes in this packet restore activity clocks are synchronized r1 and r2 how the same time as n1 yes we have seen a small packet tracer activity configuring network time protocol that is MTP and after that we verified yes dear friends if you have any doubt the please comment below also if you like my channel you can subscribe the channel so that you will get latest uploading video info into your Gmail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 10,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NTP
Id: -Ir5hrfRnSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2017
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