Packet Tracer - Skills Integration Challenge

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to see the packet tracer activity skills integration challenge before coming to this activity Ferns if you like to get my future uploading video info into our Gmail you can subscribe this channel right now well coming back to our packet tracer activity here we can see our a crossing table or so we can see VLANs and port assignments table so in this activity we are going to configure a VLAN trunking port security and ssh or remote access on a switch then also we will implement inter VLAN routing DHCP ripv2 default routing and NAT on a router and finally we will use our documentation to verify your implementation by testing in d2n connectivity here we can see this packet tracer activity we had seen in another activity already same configuration almost here we are going to do here we can see only these devices are also IP addresses are changed also here we can see the given addressing table also this VLAN and teapot assignments table is fully filled coming to our implementation not all devices in the topology except h eq h DQ - SW and staff are fully configured you do not have access to other routers you can access all the servers and PCs for testing purposes so implement to following requirements using your documentation here we can see the device HT q - SW requirements configure or remote management access including IP accessing and ssh domain is cisco.com user is admin with the password I let me in crypto key length of 1024 SSH version - limited to - authentication attempts and a 60 second timed out clear text passwords should be encrypted we will do this faster in this device htq - SW here we can see that it says such coming to our a trussing table here we can see the device h GQ - SW and here we can see the virtual interface VLAN sixty we have to assay in this IP a trust tender tender 10.1 46 also we can see the subject to mask and default gateway coming to HQ - SW enable configure terminal we have to go to the interface VLAN 60 here we are going to set the IP address where is the actress now we have to get a subnet mask nor should command also we have to set IP default gateway here is that you copy disatrous now we are going to configure SSH before that we have to set the IP domain name as specified the cisco.com crypto key generate are the same here we have to give a 1024 now we are going to create the username as specified here we can see that admin and password let me in right so here we are going to give IP ssh version 2 IP ssh authentication or a tries as specified at - also IP ssh time outer 60 seconds now you have to go to line vty 0 to 15 log in local transport input SSH now we are going to encrypt all clear text passwords we have the commander serezha password encryption now we are going to configure name and as a in VLANs ports should be manually configured as access ports also configure trunking here we can see our avi lands and port assignments table a VLAN number and the name 15 servers 30 pieces of 45 native and the 60 management coming to the configuration wheel and 15 name of servers wheel and 30 name as pcs villain 45 name us an 80 million 60 nameís management here we can see port assignments faster turret 0 / xi tilde 0 / 20 wheel and 15 also a faster turns 0 / 1 tilde 0 / 10 is a VLAN 30 coming to the configuration we will go to or range of interfaces faster third and 0 / 1 till 10 we'll give the mod as access support access a VLAN purées at 30 now we will go to the interface arrange in fastethernet 0/1 till 20 support mode as access switch port access a wheel and 15 here we can see the port a gigabit the third 0/1 is native VLAN here we can see the VLAN number 45 coming to a topology here we can see that interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 which is connecting to this router htq to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 hence we are going to configure this interface mode as trunking coming to the configuration we have to go to that interface so Gigabit Ethernet surah / a one here the mode as trunk also support the trunk native VLAN 45 coming to the next to implementation implemented port security on faster current 0/1 allowed to MAC addresses that are automatically added to the configuration file when detected the port should not be disabled but a syslog message should be captured if a violation occurs then disable all other unused two ports coming to the configuration we have to go to that interface fastethernet 0/1 such a port the port security switch port the port security maximum are specified to such a port the port security mac atrocity key now we have to set the violation such a port port security violation or restrict now we are going to disable all unused ports here we can give show VLAN brief we can see all the use two ports here we can see in this a VLAN 1 the ports are from first to third on 0 / 1 till 0/24 also we can see here all right to interfaces Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 & 0 / 2 here this interface a Gigabit Ethernet i/o / one we used as shanking so we have to set this Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 2 as unused also these ports right we will do that coming to the configuration configure terminal we have to go to those interfaces as range faster third 0 / 21 till 24 also we have 1 Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 2 you are going to shutdown it sure we can see the details row / 2100 2200 NT 3 0 slams 24 and 2 and Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 2 certain is to achieve Lee down configure V TV lines to be accessible via SSH only yes we have done in the beginning itself while configuring this ssh coming to the next device that is heq configure inter VLAN routing so we will do this first coming to our addressing table here we can see the sub interfaces of the kavita third 0 / 0 their IP address and the subnet to mask Gigabit Ethernet zeros 0 / 0.15 Surat 0 / 0.30 0.45 u + 0 sixty coming to the router hgq enable configure terminal interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0.15 encapsulation dot1q 15 and here is the IP address and the subnet mask for coming to the next sub interface that is so gigabit eternal 0/0 daughter 30 you will say in the IEP a trust before that we will give a encapsulation dot1q 30 in here we are going to set the IP address it's a tender tender 1002 1 9 3 this subnet mask coming to the next sub interface interface or gigabit authority or also are 0.45 encapsulation dot1q 45 or so we are going to make this as native VLAN by giving the command in a to you so we have to set the IP at trust so here is the atrás and the subnet mask coming to the last sub interface interface gigabit authority or 0.2 60 encapsulation dot1q 60 i Pietrus here is the address on this subnet mask coming to the topology here we can see this interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 so R 0 this link is down so we have to make this link up we have to so that all the sub interface also will be up all right so we will go to the interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 and till we will give no command here we can see all the sub interface are up now 0 30 0 45 0 to 60 coming to the next implementation configure DHCP services for VLAN 30 use LAN as the case sensitive a name for the pool right coming to a trussing table I mean VLANs and port assignments table here we can see we land 30 and it's network address or tender 10.10 door to 192 also we have to set a default router here we can see Gigabit Ethernet 0 slash 0 dot 30 its IP address is a tender tender 10.19 3 so this IP address we are going to set as a default or router for our DHCP coming to the configuration IP dhcp pool name are specified a LAN here we are going to give the network that is tender tender 10.19 to also this network of masker that is a also we have to set the default router a truss it's 10 to 10 to 1000 to 1 9 3 coming to the next implementation implement routing use our IP version to disable automatic summarization configure one network statement for the entire slash a tetra space configure a default route to the intranet coming to the configuration router our IP your diversion - and we have to give it no orto summary also we have to give the network as specified summarize Network tender touch entered oops so before coming to a defaulter route coming to a topology here we can see from HQ to this intranet here we can see the exit interface' for this router htq here we can see that cereal is 0 / 1 star 0 coming to the configuration here we are going to give IP route space space we have to give the extension is a serial 0 / 1 / 0 coming to the next implementation implement nat configure a standard one statement ACL number 100 IP addresses belonging to the 10.10 / 8 address space are allowed coming to the configuration access list a specified number one we have to permit and the wild agad a bit so there we have seen the prefix like the / 8 so the wild Accardo bits is 0.25 5.2 5 5 u dot 255 next is refer to your documentation and to configure static NAT for the file server coming to a topology here we can see a file server and given inside a truss tender tender 10.16 - and outside a truss one 98.1 through 3.2 and 900 - 1 3 0 coming through the configuration IP not inside source static here we are going to give in a local IP a truss other we can see that 10.10 doe 10.2 162 also we have to give in say the global IP a trust that is a one 98.21 three three door to 19.1 3-0 next is a configure dynamic natura with the pad using a pool name of your choice its last 30 masks and these two public addresses here we can see that at just 1 9 8 or 2 1 3 3 . 2 + 9 0 to 1 to 8 & 2 1 to 9 coming to the configuration i peanut - pool here we are going to give a pool name here I'm going to give an I know we had to give a static IP address so here is that also we have to give aunt IP address that the use of 129 and netmask we have to give the net mass here that is a - next is a PI into the net pool - a CL one and configure pad like a choice or does not a great this command right no probs coming to the configuration so we are going to give IP net inside here we are going to specify the list number one pool here we are to give the that name what we created that is a in n overlord next is activate a net on all appropriate interfaces coming to a topology here we can see execute - Internet the interface serial as 0 /a 1 star 0 it's a IP net outside and we can see the other interfaces here we can see cereal 0 / 0 / 1 here we can see cereal 0 / 0 / 0 also gigabit ethernet - 0 / 0 this all IP not inside coming to the configuration first of all we will go to the interface serial 0 / 1 / 0 this is the IP net - outside now we'll go to the interface the serial s 0 / 0 / 0 IP not inside next interface the serial 0 / 0 / 1 I pin it inside also we will go to the sub interface interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 sonar 0.15 IP net inside also we will go to the sub-interface 0 / 0 or 13 IP not inside coming to the last implementation staff verify staff has a received a full addressing information from HQ coming to a topology here we can see the devices staff coming to staff desktop IP configuration here we are going to give a dhcp requesting IP address yes we receive the IP address subnet mask also default gateway here we can see the details coming to verification all devices should now be able to ping all other devices if not troubleshoot your configurations to isolate and solve problems a few tests include a verifying remote access to HQ - SW by using SSH from a PC first of all we will look at the IP address off HQ - SW here is that will try from sales desktop command prompt - here we are going to give SSH - L then the target - admin nor the target it's a useful name right and now we have to do the target here is that it's prompted for a password password is let me in we can see now we are in HQ - SW be able to access this search with the help of SSH Suri's next ISA verify VLANs are assigned to appropriate ports and the port security is enforce also verify OSPF neighbors this is not as P of actually here we have done our IP all right so we can check a routing table well we will do that coming to our switch here you are going to give the command is show VLAN brief so that we can see VLAN details here we can see all the interfaces all the ports are assigned to the collector VLAN also we will check the port security show port security interface fastethernet 0/1 here we can see the detail support security is enabled a maximum MAC addresses - turtle maggot Russel end one sticky MAC address one security violation count zero no coming to the router heq here you are going to give a show IP route and here we can see the path length using the protocol our IP also we can see default route next is a verify in a translations and the statics outside the hostess should be able to access a file server at the public address inside the PCs should be able to access the web server here we can see our file server and public IP address 192 dot 130 Rho we will access this file server from this PC sales sales 1 desktop command prompt here we are going to give FTP and the public IP address of that FTP server here it is prompted for a username Cisco password Cisco here we can see be able to access FTP service now we will try to access this web server from this PC staff here we can see the IP address of this webserver 6402 100 or 150 or 10 coming to staff system the top of a browser here we are going to give the IP address as URL here we can see we are getting the web page now we will verify the NAT translations coming to HQ CLI enable show Nach we have its IP net translations and - here we can see the details sure is inside local here we can see the private atras sure we can see we access the FTP here we can see the port number 21 also we access to a web page here is the port number 80 well that's all in this packet tracer activity skills integration challenge a first real ray can see the completion status 70 out of 70 France if you have any doubt in this packet race or activity please comment below also if you like my video give a thump and don't forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get latest uploading video info intro Gmail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 37,308
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Id: nBMtxocSV9M
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Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 26 2018
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