101 Facts About The Deep Web

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hi mother factors Sam here I wanted to give you a video about the Deep Web but unfortunately I don't really understand what it is thought it was a Spider Man spin-off comic but not to worry because I found Chris loitering around an internet cafe and he assures me he knows what the happy apps is so take it away Chris thanks Sam hello mother factors the Internet is wonderful isn't it you can talk with your strange grandma who lives in alert get your groceries delivered by the click of a button and watch countless videos of cats riding on Roombas but there is a darker side specifically in the Deep Web and what is the connection between onions and the black markets what is and how do I get a Bitcoin do you think I can find videos of girls eating carrots I'm doing research and I'd need it two out of these three questions are gonna be answered so get your fingers ready for typing get your brain ready for some puzzle solving and get your soul ready for some awful awful things this is 101 facts about the Deep Web number 1 the Deep Web is an indexed web pages basically everything you can't access by a Google the Deep Web is estimated to have 4 billion pages on it which is around 4 to 500 times the amount the surface web has which is freaking crazy number 2 so what's the difference between the Deep Web and the shallow web going on Facebook scrolling through Twitter watching this video on YouTube these websites that we use every day exist on the clay net the website and URLs that are on this are indexed by search engines the Deep Web are all the websites that aren't indexed by search engines number three search engines only search through 0.03 percent of the total pages available which is a kind of search engine to the search of the majority of websites number four tell me explain this picture of this iceberg is a splendid analogy for the internet it has often been speculated that the internet has six to nine levels of what is available what we use most is the level 0 or the common web Facebook like Twitter like YouTube we talked about this already normal stuff really number 5 level 1 or the surface web is the next one down the websites here are just stuff that are a little bit harder to find but is still accessed by traditional means web sites like Reddit or tumblr or porn her number 6 level 2 or the Bergy web named after the iceberg analogy has stuff like illegal video streaming services neutering information that is still relatively illegal but can be accessed by normal means number 7 level 3 or the Deep Web is where you'll have to get yourself a special software to access the stuff here consists mostly of sex related topics but not just ordinary porn we'll go into it a bit later number 8 level 4 or the Charter web is where you get the worst of the internet this is also called the dark net or the dark web and it consists of black market trades snuff films and books human trafficking and illegal pornography level 9 wait now level 5 Mariana's web which is a reference to Marianas Trench the deepest part of the ocean two facts from the price of one is an urban legend the existence of it hasn't been proven or disproven but we'll get into a more later number 10 then there's three other levels and if you think Marianas Trench is ridiculous just wait till you hear these doozies they're worse than urban legends there's level 6 which is described solely as the levels between 5 and 7 do number 11 level 7 is an apparently all-out war where every person on this level is just fighting against another to reach the fabled level 8 number 12 then what is level 8 well it is known as the Primarch level where the person who reaches the level after fighting past everyone in level 7 is welcomed by complete rule over the internet to me that doesn't sound fun that just sounds like a lot of paperwork number 13 levels 5 to 8 address speculation of course and as opposed to level 0 to 4 have not been proven well Elise to rational wiki number 14 people think that the deep web is super scary but it's super not all it is is hidden websites that haven't been indexed by search engines number 15 only certain web browsers can access websites that are on the Deep Web but these browsers can also be used to anonymously search the web without anybody tracking you or saving what you're looking at which is handy in this day and age number 16 when we use websites normally we begin the URL with HTTP which I know we don't naturally type in but it's there look at the top of this page it's there you can see it the letters are actually an anagram hypertext Transfer Protocol and is essentially the foundation for everything on a modern Internet number 17 when using private web browsers however the affix changes to HTTPS which is basically the same thing apart from the fact that it is a secure communication network number 18 there are a wide plethora of web browsers that can be used to access the Deep Web but we're just going to talk about two of them tor the one with the onion and I to pee number 19 tor is an acronym for the Onion Router so it certainly Shrek's favorite and it has its name due to the fact that you have to peel back layers of an onion in order to find the main part of it which is similar to how it masks your IP address with multiple layers number 20 tor is powered by the Tor project incorporated and is completely free to download supported by generous donors hashtag money number 21 an IP address is a string of numbers and dots that are unique to the device that you are using it uses the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network number 22 tor works by taking your IP address and bouncing it around various of the locations changing it as it goes you could be using tor in the comfort of your own living room in suburban Paris and it bounces it to somewhere in the United States and somewhere in Japan and there's so many other C's again it changes where it bounces you every time you go onto a new page or every town the page you're on those you can actually check where it's bouncing your IP address to on the browser number 23 sites that you store on the Deep Web used the URL suffix onion and the rest of the address is made up of 16 random alphanumeric characters ranging from A to Z and 1 7 these change regularly too so don't bother memorizing them number 24 despite the fact that tor is deep web oriented and the good section of the Deep Web is illegal the Tor project Incorporated urges users not to turn anything number 25 invisible Internet project also known as I - P can also be used for the Deep Web but it is more darknet oriented the software is an overlay network a network within a network I am NOT making an inception joke you can't make me and it makes everything cent anonymous and secure number 26 as opposed to tor where users can access everything in the Internet as a whole I to P is used primarily for messaging services number 27 when people say Deep Web they usually think dark web which is like legit scary and you probably shouldn't go on it because it's super scary and super illegal say no the perfect thing to start talking about number 28 the dark web is a series of websites that specialize in illicit activities because these websites are in the Deep Web they naturally cannot be accessed by normal means and users IP addresses are masked by the software that they are using to access it number 29 cryptocurrency is used extensively in the Deep Web basically it is a currency but it isn't physical or controlled by the bank's encryption techniques are used in order to control the generation of the currency and to monitor transfer between users number 30 created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency used to date this Nakamoto guy though is not necessarily a real person that's why we haven't got a picture of him and is actually a pseudonym for another person or possible people we don't know we actually don't know number 31 in 2010 Gavin Anderson joined the Bitcoin team and assumed the role as the face of the company Nakamoto standing down and fading into obscurity number 32 the way in which a person gains bitcoins is by mining them but not in the traditional way of mining that we know of with the zombies and the skeletons and diamonds number 33 in Bitcoin mining a person would be given a private key that they would be able to use to access said bitcoins to gain more bitcoins in the mining process an individual would have to run a program which generates an encryption function on a set of random numbers and one would gain more bitcoins based on these numbers number 34 the lottery controls how many bitcoins are in circulation at the date of writing this video there are roughly 15 million bitcoins there is a cap for the amount however being set to 21 million considering that in 2011 the Bitcoin circulation was only 6 million it is anyone's guess as to when this cap will be reached number 35 one Bitcoin is actually a lot around 700 US dollars so instead of saying 0.0 whatever bitcoins people have made names for them the smallest amount of Bitcoin is known as the Satoshi named in homage to the creator which is a hundred millionth of a Bitcoin and yes I've checked that's lower than one American cent number 36 bitcoins are used primarily on the dark web as the primary way to buy things or what one would receive from selling something number 37 one of the most successful examples of this use on the dark web was known as the Silk Road started by Ross Dread Pirate Roberts Albrecht On February 2011 the site has been likened to Amazon except instead of buying ebooks or furbies users bought and sold illegal drugs and goods number 38 its name came from the Silk Road created by the Han Dynasty that were a series of trade routes on the afro-eurasian landmass number 39 by 2013 Silk Road had branched into many different categories of activities and illegal services these categories were named drugs lab supplies digital goods services money jewelry weaponry and food all of these categories have subcategories ranging from being able to buy a fake driver's license to murder for hire services number forty the buying system is relatively similar to Amazon as well in which someone would see something that they want to buy buy the item with the currency Amazon gets a percentage of the profits and the vendor would get the rest converting it into their currency the only difference is that in Silk Road they used the Bitcoin system number forty-one six months after the conception of Silk Road Gawker released an article about it and the site exploded in popularity the meaning of life Ross Ulbricht managed a wide paid staff of online administrators and computer programmers that assisted with the day-to-day operations number forty-three in October 2013 Albrecht was found by the FBI and arrested for being the mastermind of the site it was found that he accumulated more than 13 million dollars worth of bitcoins in the time of creating Silk Road to its termination number 44 Albrecht entered the Glen Park public library in San Francisco and an FBI agent in the guise of a silk for an employee asked him to login to the web site to fix a technical problem once the agent could confirm he was logged in to plainclothes FBI agents entered the library and staged a lover's TIFF to distract Albrecht once his attention was diverted one of the agents took the laptop and used a USB to extract the files Albrecht was alarmed by the taking of his laptop but ultimately did not resist arrest number 45 in 2015 Albrecht was convicted of distributing narcotics distributing narcotics by means of the Internet conspiring to distribute narcotics engaging in continuing criminal enterprise conspiring to commit computer hacking conspiring to traffic in false identity documents and conspiring to commit money laundering he was sentenced to life imprisonment and was fined over 150 million dollars number 46 during the trial all viryx lawyer tried to say that over it was not Dread Pirate Roberts or dpi as he referred to himself in the chat rooms and that override was a scapegoat but the jury did not believe the testimony number 47 transcripts were found on Albert's laptop of him talking with assassins and in the time of Silk Road Albrecht supposedly solicited six murder-for-hire in order to protect the site's anonymity there has been no evidence for the murders having been committed however and Albrecht is still being charged in Maryland for the crime number 48 due to the fact that DPR didn't use any other name than the pseudonym when it's speaking in chat logs there are quite a few conspiracy surrounding the fact that Ross Ulbricht which was a scapegoat for the real DPR number 49 when recovering evidence from old bricks laptop there were many journal entries which cited someone known as both variety Jones and Simon in the chat logs there were more than 2000 pages of discussion between the two which variety Jones advised DPR from text editing and messages to users to sending out his first assassin whoa we're halfway there variety Jones also came up with the idea of DPR in early 2012 saying that the pseudonym was needed in order to clear your old trail Jones also said that DPR could be passed on creating successors of the name number 51 in an encrypted interview between DPR and Forbes magazine DPR stated that they were already a successor of the original DPR having brought up the original at an undisclosed time and they would not say who it was number 52 only a month after the termination of Silk Road Silk Road 2.0 was intended to be open on the 5th of November it didn't due to technical issues in fact it served a few hiccups in the first few days with the main administrator using the pseudonym Dread Pirate Roberts number 53 the login page of Silk Road 2.0 parodied the seizure notice posted on the original Silk Road homepage upon its termination replacing the saying this site has been seen with this site has written again number 54 in November of 2014 Blake Bentall was arrested pencil used the pseudonym Def Con and had been cited as the creator of 2.0 number 55 after Silk Road 2.0 was closed another dark web black market died below market renamed itself to Silk Road 3 reloaded in order to capitalize on the brand number 56 Silk Road 3.0 exists to this day having relaunched in January 2015 on I to P number 57 the Silk Road of today primarily sells drugs books garden tools think about it fake passports and IDs and other relatively safe pieces of equipment however there are other black markets out there that sell a bunch of other worse things number 50 a mainly back in the day still crowed had a sister site called the armory where one would buy weapons the site was shut down relatively quickly due to the fact that there was little demand for it whatsoever number 59 you can hire a hitman yep that's the thing that you can do to not just something there's limited 2d PR you can literally go get tore and find a hitman to kill someone you need about 25 bitcoins in order to buy one and that may not seem like a lot but in current exchange rates that is about 20 thousand US dollars number 60 also if you happen to have $20 lying about you can get a SWAT team sent to someone's house number 61 so there's the online black market which exists all in the encrypted Deep Web there are quite a few other ones that we know of such as alpha bay and dream market but we simply have no time to go into them in-depth trigger warning for the next few facts go to this time code to skip them number 62 when there is a bombing of some kind there are some forums on the deep web that discuss ways that the bomb could have been better constructed to do more damage number 63 illegal human experimentation yes that's a thing well having it could be there's been a lot of speculation regarding that fact and if these websites are actually real as a professional wouldn't advertise they stick to a closed network of admirers however there is proof however of organ extraction and human trafficking number 64 so illegal human experimentation is debatable to be true but snuff films films that contain the killing of real people they're a thing that exists they're called red rooms number 65 once on the Red Room sights the viewer oversees a live stream of someone in the process of torturing someone else the viewer can then pay an amount of money to be the director of the livestream telling the torturer what to do to the victim number 66 Peter Scully is the most recently captured Red Room maker and his crimes have been described as horrific he is on trial for a number of horrific crimes and I don't really want to talk about here but many of them involve children number 67 there is an enormous Lee uncomfortable amount of zoophilia sites on the dark web and for those of you who don't know what that is it's animal porn number 68 and if you didn't think standard normal animal porn was enough there is also dead animal porn number 69 and just if he thought that was too much there's footage of people engaging in pedophilic packs number 70 recently the site the love zone has been closed and its main administrator ski has been captured revealed to be Shannon grant McCool of South Australia the love zone was a web site for pedophiles and unfortunately it is not the only one out there number 71 tlz the acronym for the site's featured forty seven thousand users until its closing on this site McCool actively perpetrated Peter Felix sexual abuse number 72 he has been charged for 35 years imprisonment which is a maximum one can be charged for in terms of child abuse in Australia number 73 you think with all the biological dangers of cannibalism it wouldn't be a thing but it is cannibalism fantasy sites exist on the surface web but there was a lot more of it existing on the darknet if you search kinda hard you can quickly find some fetish sites such as these number 74 actual cannibalism does exist on the darknet one site now closed was called cannibal cafe number 75 in 2002 two men from Germany Armin West and burn Jurgen brands met on cannibal cafe brands described away he wished to be dismembered and eaten and were West fulfilled it for him he killed him cut up his body and store the dismembered corpse in the freezer in the months that follow he slowly ate the frozen parts number 76 there's even an IT Crowd episode based on this that's how you know it was a big deal number 77 despite hearing about those horrific horrendous events the Deep Web isn't all bad though like I said before by definition is just web sites that haven't been indexed by search engines number 78 alternate reality games are games that exists on both the surface web and the Deep Web and it's something that's really really cool in an alternate reality game a person would receive a kind of message be it an encrypted email and message in a photo online or a message in a bottle and the person would have to figure out the message to find the next clue in a real-life location number 79 one popular one is known as I love bees which when found displayed a site made for aunt Margaret's who owned a store that sold honey but overlaid on it was a black box with strange messages a countdown and a cypher number 80 jars of honey were sent to people who had previously taken part in these games and those who received the honey were to work together to find the real-world locations number 81 the real-world locations were usually payphones and one would have to answer it in order to get the next blue with each new puzzle that had been sold more of a story about a damaged artificial intelligence that had crashed into the earth came to light as well as its attempt to contact surviving allies number 82 the game culminated - an invitation sent out to the players to visit one of four cinemas where they could get a chance to play the upcoming Halo 2 game before its release so nothing murdering or dangerous after all yay number 83 there have been a lot of scavenger hunts that have used both the surface web and the deep web and most of them have been solved and the people who created them reveal to the world but one is still a mystery to most cicada 3301 number 84 a random posting on an internet forum read hello we are looking for highly intelligent individuals to find them we have devised the test there is a message hidden in this image find it and it will lead you on the road to finding us we look forward to meeting the few that will make it all the way through good luck the message was signed three three zero one number 85 the first clue was found in the signature of the three 301 and decoding it brought the individual to reference to Tiberias Claudius Caesar number 86 by using the Caesar cipher an encryption technique named after and used by Julius Caesar players found another web address buried in the images code number 87 although upon going to this web address only this image was found however players use the image as a clue running it through decryption programs the next website is taking them to being a message board on reddit number 88 there are many steps following this where it required high cryptography skills to solve each one the final step led plays to a set of QR codes on posters throughout the world the codes on the posters led them to a dot onion site and what was on the dot onion site well we now know number 89 after a set number of people access the site and registered their emails the site shut down leaving only the message we want the bursts not the followers chosen few receiving emails abouts no one has said what though number 90 more encryptions have been set up by the cicada 3 3 3 since the closure of the original site but we still don't know who set it up in the first place or even what the purpose of it is number 91 some people have speculated that it is an FBI tool to find skilled cryptographers others say that it's just another PR stone from a company to advertise a new product though number 92 Mariana's web as i said earlier is believed to be the deepest part of the internet where all humanity's best kept secrets exists including but not limited to the location of Atlantis the location of the Holy Grail and the secret history of the Vatican number 93 there have been some who have said that in Marianas web exists a super intelligent form of female artificial intelligence that overlooks to hold the Internet like some kind of goddess but yeah we can't prove that number 94 Marianas web can only be accessed by using polymeric fowl signal derivation which is well we actually don't know what that is either but it has something to do with quantum computers which don't exist number 95 Marianas web is believed by many to be in the waters gear of quantum woh which states that irrational believes can be justified by putting something related to quantum physics in it number 96 the world's governments have used a lot of means and countermeasures to ensure that hidden services that exist on the dark such Deep Web are closed and those in charge are arrested number 97 one very popular measure was Operation Imus which was put in play by international law enforcement the operation began work on the 5th and 6th of November on 2014 responsible for shutting down Silk Road 2.0 and other dark web markets number 98 they stated that they used an exploit in Tor to find those involved but Andrew lumen a tor presentative downplayed the idea of vulnerability in a network saying it sounded like old-fashioned police work instead of high-tech hacking number 99 the US government asked for NASA's help under in the process of developing a Google for the darknet in an attempt to uncover criminals drug dealers and pedophiles this program is called Memex a combination of the words memory and index number 100 so we've talked a lot about the really horrible parts of the Deep Web but there are also really cool really kooky stuff like Warren which shares silly cat facts unfortunately it is no longer in operation although if you believe the reddit uses but seriously though use of services like tor is great at keeping yourself private say you have had trouble with privacy in the past using onion services or similar proxies to keep yourself hidden allows one to feel safe that was 101 part about the Deep Web and I don't know about you but I had a lovely time I mean some of it was was it was interesting at least no me not lovely if you want more one-on-one facts videos like I to be honest with you after that really don't want going into it ever again then click on subscribe right now and you'll get exactly that or alternatively go on the channel painting click on the little bell and then you'll get notifications for his new video how lovely and fun anyway see you the next one bye
Channel: 101Facts
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Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, deep web, dark web, deep net, dark net, what is the deep web, deep web searching, how to access the deep web, is the deep web legal, deep web illegal, deep web shocking, scary deep web, weird videos, unexplained videos, disturbing deep web, deep web good, deep web surfing, facts about the deep web, strangest videos, deep web documentary, deep web stories, deep web facts, deep web horror stories, deep web browsing, deep web game, deep web trailer
Id: EUZGY1gQgnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2016
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