101 Facts About The Terminator

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breathing's about the factors of my name is Sam and today I'm going to be stalking you with film not legit we hurtle through the terrifying yet deeply entertaining world of The Terminator yes for some reason humans just love to watch large Austrian men slowly degrade into haunting metal skeletons with glowing red eyes it's kind of a subconscious desire to Javid our primal fears without actually being in any real danger we're kooky like that but where did the idea of a time-traveling metallic murderer come from wait a list this may have been the Terminator before Arnie vegetable it away from them and do you still have nightmares about this film even though you saw it when you were kid I'm asking for me yeah I said it anyway 203 this questions gonna be answered so grab some comfortable shoes to run and construct your self some pipe bombs then dismantle those pipe bombs because that's super illegal and prepare to be pursued with the unflinching steadiness of a terrifying unemotional cyborg assassin as we sprint helplessly through 101 facts about The Terminator number one the Terminator is an American media franchise created by James avatar Cameron and Gale Anne Hurd the core of which is constituted by series of cyberpunk films which follow the conflict between Jenna Seidel sympathetic intelligent machine network called Skynet and the human race led by John Connor those boring name in the world possibly and his resistance forces number 2 the most prominent on-screen manifestation of Skynet is its cyborg assassins known as terminators the most well-known of which is most commonly referred to as the t800 a hulking mountain of meat and metal that just wants to kill the heck out of things the t800 has betrayed in several films in the Terminator series by the near-legendary Austrian American bodybuilder actor and politician Steven Zig I mean Arnold Schwarzenegger number 3 the idea of the original Terminator films actually came to Cameron in the form of a nightmare while in Rome working on a low-budget horror movie sequel entitled piranha - the spawning a stressed and Viva stricken Cameron went to bed one night and had a terrifying dream featuring a metal endoskeleton emerging from flames dragging itself over the floor while holding kitchen knives Cameron built the basic story for The Terminator around this imagery number 4 Cameron has cited a number of influences for the Terminator stating that he was inspired by the 1960s fancy TV series the Outer Limits as well as contemporary films like Walter Hills 1978 - neo-noir crime thriller the driver and George Miller's 1981 post-apocalyptic action film the road warrior also known as Mad Max to number five the initial draft of the film was sold to Gayle and heard James Cameron's production partner for the princely sum of $1 the symbolic gesture came with a simulation that Hurd would do everything in her power to get the film made as long as Cameron got to direct Hurd kept her promise and dismissed every studio that showed interest in the project but wanted to ditch Cameron number 6 upon hearing about the idea for the Terminator Cameron's agent expressed a dislike for the concept and suggested that he instead work on something else camera and apparently responded to this by firing his agent number 7 in order to sell the script Cameron had his friend the actor Lance Henriksen accompany him to the pitch meeting dressed up in leather with fake wounds and cuts stuck to his head as well as gold foil applied to his teeth upon arrival Henriksen kicked the office door in waited for camera to turn up and then left somehow that bizarre performance worked and Cameron secured backing for his film number 8 though it is jarring to think about anyone other than Arnie playing the terminator a wide variety of actors were considered for the film's title role Tom Selleck was rumored for the part but couldn't dough into his commitment to magnum p.i and who Mel Gibson turned down the role simply because he felt like he wasn't right for it number 9 other potential terminators that never were include the likes of Jack Nicholson Martin Sheen Kevin Costner John Travolta Michael Douglas Ron Perlman Alec Baldwin Harrison Ford Sylvester Stallone and Richard Gere as well as a couple of other truly bizarre choices like Chevy Chase and Robin Williams number 10 oh and another interesting consideration for the Terminator role was the one and only OJ Simpson it was ultimately rejected by the film's producers who feared he was too nice to be taken seriously as a cold-blooded killer just gonna leave that one there I think given the whole well you know number 11 number of cards Wow okay we can do that say are we a number of actresses were considered for the role of Sarah Connor before Linda Hamilton managed to land it for herself Cameron's first choice was Debra Winger who was actually cast in the role but later changed her mind and left the project at the last minute while Julia Louie Dreyfus was rumored for the parts but was forced to turn it down due to her commitment to Saturday Night Live Michelle Pfeiffer Diana and Carrie Fisher were also considered and Sharon Stone Lea Thompson and Geena Davis auditioned to number 12 for the role of the time-travelling resistance fighter Kyle Reese a number of other people were considered before Michael Biehn beat them all to it these include Bruce Willis Mickey Rourke Matt Dillon Kurt Russell and Tommy Lee Jones as well as a couple of non actors to specifically Bruce Springsteen and sting doesn't bear thinking about number 13 funnily enough Michael Biehn almost didn't get the role of Chi Reese because he spoke in a southern accent during his original audition owing to the fact he'd been preparing to audition for a part in the stage production of a Cat on a Hot Tin Roof that he didn't get the producers were apparently unenthused with the idea of cowboy Kyle but after a talk with beams agent they called him back in for another audition and he got the part number 14 the beginning of production on the Terminator was postponed for nine entire months due to Arnie's commitment to Conan the Destroyer the 1984 seek call to Conan the Barbarian Cameron didn't want to be idle during this time so he just casually went and wrote aliens as you do number 15 allegedly swore a [ __ ] further delayed the start of filming by two days by claiming that the custom-made leather jacket wasn't manly enough I do have rejected insufficiently butch leather jackets lest they degrade my masculinity so I'm right there with you arnie number 16 swatch a [ __ ] spent weeks practicing with guns in order to prepare for the role which involved firing a variety of different guns or shooting ranges for hours upon end in order to be able to use them without blinking or looking at them he also practices mentioning weapons and reassembling them while blindfolded until the motions more automatic in order to produce a cold amor robotica machine light performance as a cold well robotic machine number 17 prior to the commencement of filming Linda Hamilton film broke her ankle forcing most of the chase scenes to be moved towards the end of a shooting schedule in order to allow her leg to heal even when production got to the scenes in which Sarah Connor runs Hamilton's ankle had to be taped up every day and she spent most of the shoot insignificant amounts of pain number 18 at one point while being interviewed about upcoming projects during the production of Conan the Destroyer Arnold Schwarzenegger refer to the Terminator as some swear word movie I'm doing which is funny because that swear word movie is now probably the defining work of his entire career number 19 the budget for the Terminator was so tight Kameron often resorted to filming corona style using real locations rather than expensive sets while utilizing small crews to keep cost down this often involved the cast and crew arriving in a specified location shooting the scene as quickly as possible and leaving before the police turned up which is how the production filmed until the very last scene in which Sarah drives off into the desert towards the mountains number 20 in fact a police officer actually did turn up during the filming of this scene and demanded to see a filming permit they apparently lied to the officer telling them that they were UCLA students and didn't know a permit was necessary the gullible lawman apparently did believe them and let them get on with their modest little student project that would definitely not turn out to be one of the most iconic films in history number 21 similarly the early scene in which the Terminator steals a station wagon was filmed using unconventional means Cameron had to pay for the scene himself due to a lack of funds and Heon torch [ __ ] filmed all by themselves in just two hours because they could not afford a police permit incidentally this was the very last shot for the film and it was added only a few weeks before the film's release number 22 Swach Anika actively avoided both Hamilton and beam during filming so as not to get too friendly with his co-stars he did this not to be rude but to make it easier to maintain his cold robotic demeanor as the Terminator in order to make his character's motion of stalking as believable as possible number 23 one afternoon during a break in filming Schwarzenegger went to get lunch at a restaurant in downtown Los Angeles without realizing he was still in full Terminator makeup complete with burned flesh exposed jaw bone and a missing eye Cameron has stated this portion again actually like to do this intentionally sometimes to freak people out number 24 depending on how one breaks up the terminators dialog Schwarzenegger has between 14 and 16 lines of dialogue in the entire film Alex Brown Cameron wanted to give swatch and I get even fewer lines in the film that he hadn't Conan the Barbarian in which he only had 24 Wow I don't care to break with dialogue can you Arnie number 25 the futuristic scene in which Reese throws a grenade under the wheel tread of one of Scone it's kinda machines took 26 attempts to get right 20 six lucky there 26 grenades really I wasn't a real one laughs from court time you bet number 26 the club in which the Terminator first targets corner before getting repeatedly shot by very annoyed Reese who frankly is not in the mood is called tech-noir this is in reference to a term coined by James Cameron himself as the name for the very film genre into which the Terminator fits tech-noir blend classic gritty film noir elements with futuristic sci-fi which can be seen in the Terminator as well as other beloved dark sci-fi films like Ridley Scott's acclaimed 1982 hit Blade Runner number 27 Cameron actually had the might Club built especially for the film and the production apparently did a great job on it because they had to turn away local merrymakers who thought tech-noir was a real Club number 28 following the first scene in tech-noir just after connor hangs up the phone after dialing 9-1-1 we see a cop in a police car drive off in response to a radio report regarding a 211 in progress at Bob's liquor corner of 3rd and Cameron this is a subtle and very quietly police reg referencing the film's director James Cameron number 29 just before that scene the voice of the guy who leaves a message canceling his date with Sarah Connor and frankly probably saves himself a lot of hassle or being murdered in the process belongs to mr. James Frances Cameron yep Cameron's winner's name is Frances bonus fact via Internet nearby the way James Cameron and Linda Hamilton did actually date and then get married and divorced in the late 90s another little bonus happy there you spoiled little so-and-so's number 30 Cameron also lends his voice to the unseen manager of the tiki motel where recent Connor bump Beautiful's who conceived the savior of humanity whose name is John by the way not Jesus James Cameron the motel manager can be heard when Connor first inquires about getting a room and again when the Terminator calls and asks for the address number 31 not only that the dog that can be seen at the Tiki motel is actually called Wolfie and it's a German Shepherd belonging to you guessed it Steven cold but no course not Stephen Colbert James Cameron number 32 after Connor and Reese are rested we're treated to a charming little scene in which the Terminator perform surgery on itself to remove its damaged prosthetic eye although the face that appears in much of this scene is that of a puppet stand in the hands that are scraping around inside the time hopping Tin Man Assassins ocular cavity do actually belong to Arnold Schwarzenegger number 33 incidentally by the way the prosthetic Terminator head cratered into watchmakers likeness to go whole six months to create it was the 80s guys things took a while those puppets took a backseat and less a fair capitalism and well we've all played Vice City number 34 the terminators famous line of all be mark that was Tara wasn't it it's now widely recognized as one of the most iconic lines in the history of cinema but it was originally scripted as I'll come back which is I mean that's just awful isn't it good grief number 35 additionally to what Jamaica originally wanted the I'll be back line to be I will be back partly because he thought it sounded more machine like without the contraction and partly because he actually struggled to pronounce the word Isle the line as it appears in the film is it's become Arnie's signature catchphrase used in various other films outside the Terminator series for example The Expendables number 36 the future Terminator who infiltrates the human camp and Reese's flash-forward is played by Franco Columbu a multiple mr. Olympia title winner like Arnold Schwarzenegger as well as a close friend of his to ours nice and it number 37 the fog that hangs over the scenery directly after Sara and Reese wake up under the bridge is not actually fog at all it's actually bug spray the production was originally going to wait until the spray dissipated but then decided to use it as a fog effect instead waste not whatnot but that does not sound healthy for anyone's lungs number 38 the smoke that can be seen rising out of the Terminator while it's being crushed in the hydraulic press is actually cigarette smoke that someone blew in front of the camera while standing outside of shot wow this 101 this week is a real sausage making principle isn't it number 39 Sarah Connor is supposed to be 18 years old in this movie despite the fact that Linda Hamilton clearly is significantly older at the time of filming this is proven in the film soon to be discussed sequel Terminator 2 Judgment Day where it's revealed that Sarah is 29 and a son John Connor is 10 years old having been born when Sarah was 19 number 40 most of the car scenes in the Terminator was shot at a normal speed and sped up slightly to impart a greater sense of speed I said speed 20 times their speed in addition other cars with revolving lights attached them rode along with the action while after frame to make it seem like the cars were passing other light sources faster than they actually number forty-one the building number for the gun store is fourteen thirty to nine while the house number of the first victim Sara and Connor is 14 23 nine this is a fairly strange movie detail after all they are different numbers but also too close to be coincidence right does it mean something doesn't the meaning of life when Connor crashes the car after being pursued by the Terminator through the tunnel she screams twice as the vehicle is flipping if you listen closely to her it's obvious that the screams are exactly the same and that the sound of one scream has simply been used twice that budget was tighter than air oh so many things I can't say number 43 towards the beginning of the film when the Terminator arrives at the home of the first Sarah Connor he drives over and crushes a toy semi-truck this is mirrored towards the end of the movie when the Terminator is knocked on his motorcycle and run over by the same model of semi-truck except a lot bigger because I wouldn't hurt what if it was just a toy number 44 the body bag into which Reese is placed at the end of the film it's actually just a suit bag belonging to James Cameron oh come on now what is the point of guerilla filmmaking just cutting corners Cameron's got some splaining to do number 45 at only 107 minutes long the original Terminator film is the shortest in the entire Terminator series sighs it's not everything however especially if certain Rotten Tomatoes scores are to be believed more on that later number 46 despite the fact he speaks German as his first language Schwarzenegger was not the voice actor in the German version of the film on account of his thick Austrian accent which would be the equivalent of the English version of the film having the Terminator speak like we swim rural Alabama frankly there's a version of the Terminator I paid good money to see good money I say number 47 upon release the Terminator was met with critical acclaim with the film's pacing and action sequences as well as torching areas performance being singled out for specific praise the film won various awards including two Saturn Awards for writing and makeup and currently has a score of 100 percent on Rotten Tomatoes smash mattress number 48 the film was later included on the 1001 movies you must see before you die a book edited by Stephen Schneider contrary to what you may have assumed based on the title of that book seeing the Terminator I sort of see 1,000 other films are not a prerequisite for death normal avoiding these movies prevent death okay glad we got that cleared up number 49 the terminators famous line I'll be mark today again was ranked 37th in the afi's 100 years100 movies quotes list of greatest movie quotes and in 2007 was ranked 95th on premiers list of the 100 greatest movie lines number 50 luckily the Terminator wasn't a mere critical success made on a budget of 6.4 million dollars the film ultimately went on to make a worldwide total of over 78 million dollars over 12 times what it cost to make something tells me this Cameron fellas going places number 51 however things weren't all smooth sailing following the release of the Terminator as Cameron found himself on the business end of a lawsuit from science fiction author Harlan Ellison who claimed that while he enjoyed the film it had been plagiarized from two episodes he'd written of the aforementioned mid-sixties fancy TV series the Outer Limits though Cameron has always aggressively disputed eversince claims the suit was settled out of court and newer prints of the film acknowledge Ellison number 52 let's fast-forward to the heady days of 1991 a historic year which saw the launch of the Hubble telescope the launch of made kinda the fall of the Soviet Union and the release of the second film in the turn a series entitled Terminator 2 Judgment Day I'd say all of those are probably of comparable importance the film tells the story of another attempt by Skynet to assassinate a crucial corner but this time its era Savior son John Connor who is pursued by a fancy new shape-shifting liquid metal Terminator known as the t1000 luckily future John Connor has sent back a reprogrammed t800 to protect present-day John Connor because he's a smart guy number 53 interestingly enough including a second shape-shifting Terminator was that - the original plan for the first film Cameron originally planned the c1000 to be deployed by Skynet after the destruction of the original t800 at the hands of a human also sent back in time by the resistance but he soon realized that the technology simply wasn't sufficiently advanced enough at the time to faithfully reproduce his vision on-screen and cut the Ronnie robot from the script following the success of the CGI effects in his acclaimed 1989 sci-fi hit the abyss Cameron then revived the idea of the liquid terminate for the sequel number 54 given that Arnie was paid fifteen million dollars to appear in Terminator 2 in which he has roughly 700 words of dialogue Schwarzenegger was paid approximately 21,000 $429 per word number 55 in addition to being paid 20 grand per word producer Mario Kassar also gave tourunogre a slightly used Gulfstream free private jet worth around fourteen million dollars just for accepting the role slightly used he makes it sound like he picked up at cex number 56 Blackie Lawless lead singer of the heavy metal band wasp was considered for the role of the t1000 however he was rented rejected because he is six foot four and production wanted the t1000 to be portrayed by a man of average stature who could easily blend into a crowd this decision constituted a severe blow for the tall community from which they've scarcely recovered those poor bean poles number 57 Robert Patrick prepared for his role as the terrifying t1000 with a rigorous training regimen part of this involves sprinting while breathing through his nose so that the t1000 would appear to run at high speeds without showing fatigue making his character all the more unsettling number 58 production on Terminator 2 took so long that the teenage Edward Furlong visibly aged during the shoot while his voice deepened to such an extent that much of the dialogue had to be pitch shifted in post-production all redubbed altogether number 59 in fact the only scene in the movie which furlongs original voice was left unaltered it's the one in which the t800 is repairing a truck and asks John why people cry because Cameron wanted the conversation to sound dramatic and felt it was better without any changes number 6 city far along also gained so much height over the months of filming that for one scene shot late in production he actually have to stand in a hole in the ground in order to maintain continuity in the height difference relative to his co-star Hamilton number 61 unlike in the first hour later Phil when Arnie appears totally starkest with only shadows to maintain his/her frivolously Schwarzenegger was actually wearing a pair of shorts while filming the scene in which the t800 walked into the biker bar sans clothing though they are obviously not seen in the film there are behind the scenes photos of the production filming the scene and you should know that cent shorts were also utterly hideous like he bad really bad number 62 in order to heighten the t800 synthetic appearance the makeup artist who worked on Arnie's face mixed this makeup with KY jelly giving his skin and noticeable Sheen in fairness the technique was effective in that most normal humans don't walk around with their faces covered in Lube only a select few number 63 the t800 radical motorcycle jump down into the storm drain was performed by Canadian stuntman Jukka Burt I mean Peter Kent who was wearing an Arnie facemask Oh God the bike was actually supported by cables which were later removed in post-production which enabled the bike and rider to hit the ground with a reduced weight equivalent of only 180 pounds Nintendo 64 Linda Hamilton suffered permanent hearing loss in one ear because she forgot to put her earplugs in while firing a shotgun Hamilton stated that the injury was so painful that she thought she'd somehow been shot number 65 the pumps at the gas station or petrol station where the Connors open up the t800 head are adorned with the logo of benthic petroleum the company that owned the submersible drilling rig and Cameron's previous movie The Abyss number 66 the filmmakers studied hours of nuclear test footage in order to faithfully create Sarah Connors terrifying nuclear apocalypse nightmare the scene was filmed using a miniature Los Angeles made with a number of interesting materials including mat sauce crackers and shredded wheat number 67 still the crackers and shredded wheat seemed to work a treat that rhymes as well because in late 1991 members of several US federal nuclear testing labs unofficially declared Sarah Connors nightmare to be the most accurate depiction of a nuclear blast ever created for a fictional motion picture number 68 for the scene in which t t800 talks to Sarah Connor about miles Dyson in the history of Skynet smoochin Denker was reading his lines from a card taped to the car's windshield 21k per word and he didn't even have to learn them he really was overpaid number 16 the stunt in which the helicopter flies under an overpass and the final chase scene was performed by stunt pilot Charl 2:8 amber oh who incidentally also plays the unfortunate pilot whom the t1000 forces to alight from the helicopter while in the air apparently the camera crew refused to film the stunt owing to the high risk involved so Cameron muttered up and filmed it himself once with the camera car driving behind the helicopter and once in front number 70 in the scene at the steel mill Burnley t1000 traps 3,800 armed a large metal gear the initials JC can be seen written in blood on the th hundredth leg this is yet another sneaky stroke from James Cameron because Jay C stands for Jesus Christ and James Cameron who clearly can't resist a good old-fashioned self-reference number 71 in order to produce the t1000 to liquid metal affects the production utilized a popular image editing program you may have heard of called Photoshop as the filmmakers struggled to render the t1000 silvery body without obvious glitches and flaws it was Photoshop 1.0 that proved to be the necessary technological breakthrough and now Photoshop is the industry standard for graphics editing number 72 in order to create the sound of the t1000 passing through metal bars sound designer Gary rights forum opted for a decidedly low-tech solution in its he merely opened a can of dog food tifton upside down and recorded the noise as the content slowly oozed out of the container number 73 huge portions of the original sound recorded during the filming of Terminator 2 were discarded for the final film indeed the entire sequence in which Sarah Connor escapes from a hospital bed using only a paperclip to open a strap buckle and door features no original sound whatsoever only Foley and music number 74 similarly the filmmakers crated a hyper real quality to the film's audio by replacing ordinary sounds with more extreme equivalents for instance the sound of the t800 shotgun was actually that of not one but two cannons firing number 75 not only that roughly 70% of the dialogue heard in Terminator 2 is dubbed 21k word and they couldn't even use to watch negative regional dialogue good grief number 76 upon release Terminator 2 Judgment Day became an immediate critical success and today the film Hall was an impressive score of 93 percent on Rotten Tomatoes the film also drew praise from a number of leading figures within the film industry such as legendary film critic Roger Ebert and acclaimed spring writer Sid field number 77 Terminator 2 was also extremely successful commercially raking in a record-breaking 520 million dollars worldwide as such the film soon became the highest grossing movie of 1991 as well as the first film to break 300 million dollars at the international box office number 78 in 1992 Terminator 2 Judgment Day was nominated for an incredible six Academy Awards making it the only film in the Terminator series to be nominated for an Oscar and let alone win any the film ultimately took home four of the Oscars for which it was nominated specifically best sound best sound effects best visual effects and courtesy of all that KY jelly best makeup actually Cassie I am busy the film also won five Saturn Awards two BAFTAs and a Hugo number 79 and so we get to the Terminator films that no one really cares about but some interesting stuff here anyway so with that welcome to 2003 the year in which the 3rd Terminator flick was released under the thrilling title of Terminator 3 rise up the machines the film tells the story of surprise surprise Skynet sending another terminator back in time to kill John Connor but plot twist this time the Terminator looks like a lady mind-blowing truly mind-blowing number 80 after directing the first two movies Cameron declined to participate in the third Terminator film stating that he'd felt he told all the story he wanted to tell similarly Linda Hamilton declined a role in Terminator 3 also noting that she felt her character story had been completed in the first two installments as well as the fact that Sarah Connor was originally going to die halfway through the film number 81 initially swatch the negev refused to appear in the film unless James Cameron was directing Cameron wasn't all that precious about this however and encouraged torture Nagar to just do it and ask for a buttload of money so what's negative exactly that Sam was also be paid over twenty nine million dollars to star in Terminator number 82 Christina Loken put on 15 pounds of muscle to betray the pointlessly sexy TX Terminator in Terminator 3 her preparation began six weeks prior to filming and involved weight and weapons training as well as instruction in the renowned Israeli military fighting system known as Krav Maga number 83 in order to really nail her performance as an emotionless robot assassin loken also took a mime class to perfecti ectis machine like movement and demeanor fake mine fan I take my mime class but the sheer adrenaline filled thrill of it number 84 the film's original tagline was going to be the war begins 2003 but was eventually removed from all promotional material owing to the small detail of the u.s. invading Iraq in the same year sure that was a fun meeting number 85 the year 2009 saw the release of Terminator salivation sorry salvation salvation the fourth film in the Terminator series and the first installment not to illicit at least generally favorable reviews the film is set primarily in 2018 during the post apocalyptic battle between humans and Skynet and features Christian Bale in the role of John Connor number 86 sadly Terminator Salvation features only Swach a nigga's likeness as a terminator because at the time of filming he was a bit busy serving as the Governor of California a problem to which I'm sure we can all relate number 87 Christian Bale was initially approached by the character of Marcus Wright but it soon became clear that Bale was far more interested in betraying John Connor soon after the story of Terminator Salvation was altered to give Connor a more substantial role in the movie number eighty-eight old recordings of Sarah Connor appear in the film and while they feature almost the exact same dialogue from the original Terminator the recordings themselves were made specifically for salvation with into Hamilton returning to re-record the lines in an uncredited cameo number 89 legendary special effects artist Stan Winston who worked on Terminator Salvation as well as all three of the previous Terminator films sadly passed away due to cancer in June of 2008 Winston was originally going to appear in a small cameo in the movie but was prevented from doing so due to his illness the film was later dedicated to his memory number 19 of course who can forget basically the best part of Terminator Salvation which was when the audio was leaked at Christian Bale flipping out the film's director of Jacque Rafi Shane Hulbert who apparently had ruined to take by walking onto the set during a scene during the exploitive ridden tirade bale directed numerous insulted hell but threatened to attack him and even stated he would refuse to continue work on the film unless Hulbert was fired oh good for you anyway somehow audio of bales foul-mouthed grunt was leaked online instantly becoming a viral sensation leading to numerous parodies and even a funky dance remix by a later apologize profusely for his outburst saying that his behavior was inexcusable and was out of order beyond belief before adding that the conflicts between him and Hobart had been resolved completely for those of you too young to remember the controversy surrounding bales rant I promise you this it was very very funny number 92 moving on to 2015 we arrived at the fifth film in the Terminator series where musically entitled Terminator Genisys that's spelt with a why though to make sure everyone knows how cool it is this film served as a reboot to the original Terminator film copying the basic storyline while taking it in a different direction did it work no no it didn't everyone hated it number 93 interestingly Terminator Genisys is the first film in the whole Terminator series that actually does show characters being sent back in time as well as the machine that does it so least it's got that going for it number 94 as you can probably imagine for films that end up with a rating of 27 percent on Rotten Tomatoes work on the film didn't exactly go smoothly in fact when news of the film's unhappy production made it to the neighboring production of the 2015 superhero film fan force Nick the making of which itself was notoriously troubled and also a really really bad film those working on the movie had jackets made him brazen but the words at least we're not on terminator number 95 following the film's release and poor performance Sarah Connor actress Emilia Clarke stated she was relieved to hear that there would be no more further sequels for the movie and even went so far as to make a remark that no one had a good time making it and that's coming from Emilia Clarke the most positive person alive well at least we can all take comfort in knowing that Terminator Genisys made a lot of money for a small number of Hollywood execs number 96 it was noting that by 2010 the entire Terminator franchise include from the film spin-off shows games and merchandise spin-off shows including by the way the Sarah Connor Chronicles so there's the mention of that I generated roughly 3 billion dollars in revenue number 97 the year of our Lord 2019 will witness the release of the sixth film the Terminator series moodily titled terminator dark fate the film is set to be released 35 years after the original Terminator film and so will serve as the film's 35th anniversary installment number 98 set 27 years after the event of Terminator 2 Judgment Day the plot of Terminator dark fate will see Skynet send yet another terminator back in time to wreak havoc in the present specifically a fancy new version of the liquidity 1000 you'd think Skynet would have learned their lesson by now but maybe they're ignoring several of the more recent Terminator films just like we're all trying to do number 99 alongside arnie is the beloved t800 and james cameron is one of the film's producers Linda Hamilton and Edward Furlong will return in Terminator 2 dark fate to fully reprise their roles as Sarah and John Connor for the first time since 1991 as far as I can tell my goddess of divine feminine beauty Jennifer Lawrence will not be appearing in the film which I'll be honest has significantly reduced my interest despite numerous rumors that Michael Biehn would reprise his role as Kyle Reese from the original Terminator film he since confirmed in an interview that he will not appear in Terminator dark fate Bane was markedly insistent in his rejection of any further terminator appearances emphatically stating there is no way I was going to come in and do a cameo on Annie Terminator movie before adding I find it ridiculous hey are you sad that Michael Biehn won't be returning to the terminator universe or are Linda Hamilton and Edward Furlong all the nostalgia you need let us know in us as a youtube poll number 101 terminator dark fate has been directed by Tim Miller who previously directed the critically acclaimed and record-breaking superhero film Deadpool let's see if Miller can work his magic on terminator frankly it needs it so that there was 101 fact about the Terminator which Terminator movie is your favorite let me know in the comments down below also what more do you want to see from 101 facts let me know that's the comments down below also hey while you're down there give us a like won't you and subscribe to 100 more facts of um done so already because it really does help us out half a million subscribers would be a lovely Christmas present in the meantime though our two videos on screen now all served up on a platter for you my friends why not give one a clicky click and I'll see you on the flip flip
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 122,199
Rating: 4.8388739 out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, the terminator, terminator facts, terminator, terminator 2 judgement day, terminator rise of the machines, terminator genisys, trailer, dark fate, terminator dark fate, james cameron, avatar, arnold schwarzenegger, linda hamilton, emilia clarke, scene, spoiler, spoiler free, review, christian bale, flips out, terminator soundtrack, theme, resistence, game, terminator salvation, t-800, t-1000, skynet, judgement day, sarah connor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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