101 Facts About The 1990s

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greetings mother factors my name is Sam and today I want to talk to you all about the greatest stretch of 10 years ever also known as the 90s yes it was the era of Leonardo DiCaprio the gameboy color and me yes the greatest thing the 90s ever birth was in fact yours truly but I don't really want to think about the intricacies of that I was there and yeah you don't know no but why did the NSA ban Furbies in the 1990s which incredible band was voted one of the worst groups of the 90s and what was the turn of the millennium like sorry I don't remember I was off my health Smarties two out of three descriptions gonna be answered so fire up that dial-up free yourself from the shackles of global communism and prepare your dry nostalgic eyes for 101 facts about the 90s number one the 90s ought to use its full name the 1990s was a decade of the Gregorian calendar the began on January the 1st 1990 and ended on December 31st 1999 the 90s essence accumulated its own mystique is a decade of highs lows and Rudy wretchedly unbelievably awful passion nuts coming from me number two the 90s were characterized by among a myriad of other wonders the rise of multiculturalism and alternative media basically not watching absolutely everything on TV and being slightly less weird about people from other parts of the world baby steps people baby steps number three global communism took its final Russian accented breaths in the 90s after which the most of the world moved towards right-wing politics including increases in support for far-right parties in Europe and cuts in social spending in a range of nations Wow become this steep this early huh number four as a result of communism finally croaking the very first McDonald's opened in the Soviet Union on January 31st 1991 demonstrating the best way to end class struggle and silence of proletariat sedate them with junk food number 5 Nelson Mandela was released from jail in February 1990 after 30 years of imprisonment for opposing apartheid a white minority ruled in South Africa the national policy for racial segregation known as apartheid was abolished a few years later in 1994 number 6 the early 90s was also marked by the first Gulf War began in August of 1990 and lasted several months the conflict began when Saddam Hussein attempted to annex Kuwait and a bunch of other countries most probably the United States Great Britain and France were all like no liberating Kuwait in February of 1991 number seven here in the UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher resigned on the 22nd of November 1990 after being challenged for the leadership the conservative party by Michael Heseltine due to overwhelming opposition to the introduction of the controversial community charge aka the poll tax aka or people having to pay the same tax as rich people for some absurd reason number 8 the lines he saw the creation of several brand-spankin'-new countries our just map my bottom there I did it bit too hard the republics of Croatia Slovenia Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia all declared independence from Yugoslavia during this decade number 9 additionally the Slovaks and Czechs decided to call it quits in the 90s and ended their decades-long marriage with the dissolution of Czechoslovakia splitting into Slovakia and the Czech Republic good together number 10 not only that but a crapload of Nations all decided to break things off with the Soviet Union in the early 90s creating the modern nations of Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Estonia Georgia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Latvia Lithuania Moldova Russia Tajikistan Turkmenistan Ukraine and Uzbekistan number 11 the former governor of Arkansas Bill Clinton was also a towering figure in the culture of the 90s when he became the 42nd president of the United States serving two terms Clinton was known for his attempts to engender peace in the Middle East and Yugoslavia as well as promoting the fight against climate change and his advancement for free trade in the Americas and yeah and something else we'll get to that maybe in about two facts time number 12 speaking of which the North American Free Trade Agreement known as NAFTA was enacted on the 1st of January 1994 creating a North American Free Trade Zone across Canada Mexico and the United States some regard this is one of kunsan's biggest achievements while others blame NAFTA for the decimation of hundreds of thousands of working-class jobs number 13 Clinton was also known for one of the most significant political scandals in modern history although that looks to be rife right now after it was revealed in 1998 that he'd been engaged in an inappropriate relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky which he then lied about because well why not add perjury to your rap sheet the US House of Representatives voted to impeach Clinton on the 19th of December 1998 but he was acquitted by the US Senate pretty easily a couple of months later number 14 the early 90s also saw the demise of one of history's most notorious drug lords habló Escobar Escobar arose in the 80s as leader of a much food medellin cartel which at its peak supplied the United States with up to 80 tons of cocaine every month by the early nineties Escobar's escapades ah sounds like his book had netted him an estimated net worth of thirty billion dollars which in today's money is around fifty five billion dollars making him one of the richest men in history eventually however the authorities tracked him down and in 1993 he was shot and killed in a gunfight as he attempted to escape across the rooftops of Medellin hard-luck hate it when that happens number 15 in 1994 the United States held the 15th football World Cup and to this day it holds the record of the largest attendance per game during the World Cup final many credit the success of this event with the creation of the MLS or Major League Soccer America's premier Football League number 16 also in 1994 the North Korean leader Kim il-sung died bringing his 46 years of leadership to an end and passing control of North Korea to his son Kim jong-il considering the fact that leadership passes from father to son and elections too superficial at best North Korea's official title of the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea seems kind of odd number 17 in January 1995 the Kobe earthquake rocked the southern part of the Hyogo Prefecture lasting only 20 seconds but measuring 6.9 on the moment magnitude scale the quake caused the deaths of over 6,400 people number 18 Canada almost became two countries in 1985 when people and the largely french-speaking region of Quebec voted in a referendum on whether or not to become independent the proposal was narrowly rejected by québec's voters with fifty point four percent of people voting to remain part of Canada floors across one number 19 the deadly conflict in Northern Ireland which had been raging for decades between the Catholic Republicans and the Protestant unionists came to an end in the 90s the troubles as they are under whelmingly known ended in 1998 with the signing of the Good Friday Agreement the tensions continue to flare up between the two sides to this day number 20 the 90 saw several extreme advances in technology such as the first gene therapy trial and the first a sign of babies but perhaps the most notable jump in technological progress was the bright red adoption of the internet as soon as people realize they could use the web send messages make nasty comments about movies and what other people you know doing the nasty there was no going back really was their number 21 the world's very first web browser called mosaic went online in 1993 mosaic simple installation intuitive interface and reliability are credited for introducing the public to the Internet and guaranteeing its part of all-encompassing ubiquity in the following years number 22 the internet movie database or IMDB as it's commonly known is a popular website which provides a detailed information on basically every film ever made as well as TV series and video games too what you may not know is that IMDB is actually one of the oldest websites on the Internet having originally been created in 1990 has a list of actresses with beautiful eyes which is somehow even creepier than actual naughty staff number 23 during the 90s Microsoft introduced Windows 3.1 Windows 95 and Windows 98 to the markets which were as iconic as it's possible for operating systems to be I miss you windows 98 I miss your soiled grey bars and your hideous pre-loaded desktop backgrounds I miss you number 34 not only that between 1990 and 1997 individual personal computer ownership in the United States rose in 15 percent to 35 percent yes over a third of households had a computer in 1997 Apple quaint number 25 that being said some technologies did not survive in 1994 61 million people were using pagers today only those in specialized industries such as doctors nurses and firefighters continue to use these living fossils number 26 but the world's first mp3 player called the MP man was released in 1998 for a whopping $250 the device came with 32 megabytes of memory for our wha-wha-what but for only $69 more it could be upgraded to 64 megabytes which allowed it to hold almost almost 20 whole songs ah we've come a long way a long way number 27 the late 90s also began the era of instant messaging AI m and ICQ were too early services but here in the UK it was all about MSN Messenger baby it was a simpler time number 28 in 1998 Apple introduced a revolutionary iMac g3 the world's first internet ready computer the g3 came with a range of bright translucent casings which were available in a number of different flavors this initiated a trend in not only computers but throughout all consumer products towards translucent brightly colored plastics their striking apparent undoubtedly aided its success with 32% LG threes being bought by first-time computer fires number 29 the late 90s also hosted the so-called dot-com bubble which stretched between 1997 and 2000 prompted by the foundation of an investment in numerous Internet companies which humming were guaranteed to Frost from the optimistic age of the internet rights right feature Sam number 30 wrong pal Sam the dot-com bubble burst in 2001 leading to the death of numerous online companies such as pets calm and web fan however there are a small number of success stories amazon.com share price dropped from $100 to $7 when the bubble burst but ultimately the company recovered and became the behemoth of online shopping that it is today number 31 in the final years of the 90s people began to worry about the possibly disastrous effects of the millennium bug or y2k it was thought that since most computer systems at the time recorded the four-digit year using the last two digits the year 2000 would be indistinguishable from 1900 leading to a knock-on effect that would obviously cause all manner of errors and malfunctions with computer systems across the planet some people literally thought that hospitals with descendants cow some planes would fall from the sky which is that see quite silly because in reality the worst issues involved screens displaying incur date which is annoying but it's not planes falling at the sky number 32 the 90s also sought the opening of the Channel Tunnel between front and United Kingdom prompting the three national railway companies of Belgium France and the United Kingdom to initiate the joint Eurostar service number 33 the UK also shot the world as you know we all want to do by creating the very first cloned mammal a sheep by the name of Dali this huge scientific breakthrough was reported by global media on the 26th of February 1997 triggering years of masturbate surrounding the ethical implications of cloning given its apparent implication that humans could also be cloned into existence number 34 our fiddling around with DNA didn't end there the use of DNA identification to Nick criminals and exonerate innocents began to enjoy widespread application during the 90s this also ended the use of hunches in the realm of criminal prosecution and we were welcomed by those born with close-set eyes number 35 planet orbiting stars other than the Sun known to those in the very intelligent community as exoplanets were confirmed to exist in the 90s though such planets have been detected a few years earlier number 36 speaking of space the Hubble Space Telescope was launched in 1990 revolutionising astronomy as we know it well it did three years later after a shuttle repair mission victus nakid mirror would prevented the telescope from producing clear images he'll live near learn number 37 NASA also sent the Mars Pathfinder to move shaaka Mars and deployed a small roving vehicle called a sojourner that could move across the planet's surface the first of its kind Sojourner analyzed the planets geology atmosphere and took over 17,000 photographs and it's before Instagram by the way so there wasn't really any point but it did it anyway number 38 in April of 1997 our solar system was visited by the Hallie Bob Comet which lasts one past the Sun around four thousand two hundred years ago halibut was notable as the first naked eye visible comet to be seen in several decades and was perhaps the most viewed comet of the 20th century most people observed halibut with wonder and fascination what others went to step further and created an entire cult around it eventually committing mass well actually you'd know what happened if you watched 100 my that's per cults so do that to one overlap to them although yes number 39 the 90 sources taught the first proper confirmation of black holes those bizarre terrifying areas of space-time which really really suck black holes exhibit gravity so strong that nothing I say nothing not even light itself can escape it's part of 90 second number 40 global warming also became a major concern during this decade as people started to truly realize the damage we were causing to the planet luckily we as a species quickly realized a mistake and corrected up a havior oh no wait hang on I'm being handed a breaking news bulletin yes apparently we did exactly the opposite of that so yeah good job everyone number 41 the 90s were also a good decade for the homosexuals out there in 1990 the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from its list of diseases which in retrospect when set up loud sounds absolutely insane acceptance of homosexuals as you know people increased in the 90s and now there are maybe a handful of countries where gays are kinda sorta mostly accepted to an extent more meaning over time the nineties saw the emergence of third wave feminism promoting diversity within the feminist movement and prompting discussion about what it means to be a feminist this manifested in popular culture too with pop groups like the Spice Girls proudly declaring girl power to a generation of young girls and and me number 43 1992 in particular was a great year for women in the United States as a record number of women were elected to high office in the nation this led to 1982 being dubbed the year of the woman number 44 the following year in 1993 women were finally allowed to wear trousers on the floor of the US Senate wait what senators Barbara Mikulski and Karen Moseley Braun stays a protest by wearing pantsuits which again sounds really weird and ridiculous when said out loud number 45 on the 3rd of October 1995 footballer and actor Oh Jake Simpson was found not guilty of the double murder of ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman in a murder case dubbed the trial of the century many people consider this a significant miscarriage of justice and since suspected guilt has been appointed for blokey and comedy ever since suspending that really funny sitting out live sketch about it number forty-six the Earth Stood Still in August of 1997 when Diana Princess of Wales and her friend Dodi al-fayed were killed in a car accident in Paris considered the people's princess Diana's death stunned the world and became a defining moment the era number 47 in quite a ways safe way I'm gonna start talking about Seinfeld now the sitcom Seinfeld spanned the majority of the 90s beginning in 1989 and concluding in 1998 co-creator Larry David famously instituted a no hugging no learning rule for the show which is actually what Jay lost cease and desist letter says to me as well but basically that rule was a conscious decision to avoid cheesy sentimental revelations typical of earlier sitcoms like Full House number 48 Julia louis-dreyfus who played Elaine on Seinfeld almost filmed the role of Mia Wallace in Quentin Tarantino's 1994 classic Pulp Fiction the role eventually went to uma Thurman and thank god it did the fence mistress glad you envy and get well soon uma kind of owns that number 49 suddenly enough the central couple on the iconic 96 on friends Waltons originally going to be Ross and Rachel it was virtually planned that moniker and Joey would be the show's premier lovebugs but when the writers noticed a chemistry between Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer they decided to make them the focus instead number 50 impossibly the most nineties things to have ever 90s Jennifer Aniston and Matthew Perry appeared in a video tutorial to help people learn how to use Windows 95 clips of the how to bid are now available online it's car it's just tremendous number 31 friends were so iconic that even spawned a named style which I mean I mean it dominated the mid to late 90s Jennifer Aniston's second season hair too was dubbed though Rachel and featured bouncy sweeping layers that millions of women immediately emulated hilariously Jennifer Aniston has since said she hates the hairstyle number 52 curtains for the central party began the preferred hairdo among teen boys and young men in the 1990s which many people attribute to its appearance in the film Terminator 2 Judgment Day atop the angst neat fonts of actor Edward Furlong Google Edward Furlong now folk just a wooden number 53 you may also remember that choker necklaces made a thundering come back in the 90s having been previously associated in the 1800s with ladies of the night they've since had a small resurgence in recent years which has personally can be terrifying flashbacks to my childhood and a previous life I had in the 1800 but but less I said about the better ready number 50 for an under major nineties trend with the tiny electronic pets called Tamagotchi Tamagotchi was a full-blown cultural phenomenon and if you lifted the 90s as a child you almost definitely cleared up after one after it's shamelessly defecated in its virtual enclosure the wired Tamagotchi comes from the Japanese word for egg and friend is what an incorrect person would say the common theory about the words origins is actually completely untrue Tamagotchi such a portmanteau of the Japanese word Tomoko which means an egg and the English word watch number 55 another such 90 sensation was pork pork snuck off sorry miss reddit parks which a small disks of decorated card or plastic that essentially became a form of de facto currency in many schools such that kids would even steal vermin some kind of lawless Bugsy Malone s world of child mafiosos and whole profile burglaries well sort of hogs actually returns with milk cats which is a boring fact but a fad nonetheless you'll you're welcome number 56 cert bracelets Walter a thing in the 90s which were invented by a high school teacher who's playing around with steel ribbons and presumably didn't slice her wrists open in the process slap bracelets were fun for approximately 30 seconds at which point that becomes pointless they'd been thirty seconds before ie not berry number 57 another awesome toy the 90s was the Super Soaker in order to sell the concept of the Laramie toy company Super Soaker invented Lonnie Johnson who had previously been working as a NASA scientist shot the water gun in the middle of a meeting with the company president clearly it was impressive because super soakers have since definitively proven that wetter is indeed better number 58 the barbie range of dolls have been around since the late 50s but the 90s were proved to be a particularly lucrative decade for the company upon the release of the totally hair barbie in 1992 this Barbie doll in particular featured long hair that reached down to the dolls feet and ultimately sold over 10 million units worldwide making it the best-selling Barbie doll of all time number 59 when beanie babies were first released in 1993 they weren't initially all that successful the range of toys did modest sales until a group of neighbors in the suburbs of Chicago decided it would be a fun idea to start trading them and which point their popularity soared soared like a majestic eagle full of plastic pellets number 60 the Yuba popular toy Furbies created a bonafide pop culture craze when they were released in 1998 furbies would initially speak to that owners entirely in the fictional language furbish but were programmed to start using English over time to resemble the process of learning this barked the incorrect belief that Furbys actually contained recording equipment which despite being completely untrue worried the National Security Agency so much they banned their employees from bringing Furbys to work number 61 the nineties also witnessed the explosion in mainstream popularity of music movements like grunge and hippity hop though such trends had existed far earlier on their surge in acceptance and acclaim was aided by new technologies such as cable TV and the Internet which allowed these genres especially hip-hop to circumvent traditional commercial channels number 62 rock music underwent a transformation in the 90s as the OTT excesses of glam rock was swallowed up by the uber-cool be funneled apathy of grunge the grubby slouchy I've just had a bucket of water dumped on my head aesthetic of bands like Nirvana hole and Melvin's influence both music and fashion for years to come number 63 staggeringly readers of Rolling Stone magazine once voted Nirvana as one of the worst bands of the 1990s music snobs are the absolute worst Nintendo 64 in 1997 the Danish Norwegian dance pop group aqua released one of the greatest songs of all time barbie girl hilariously Mattel the company that created Barbie sued MCA records a few years later claiming that the song infringed upon their copyrights the case eventually went to the US Court of Appeals where Judge Alex Kaczynski famously stated the parties are advised Churchill never 65 Alanis Morisette is responsible for one of the most popular songs of the 90s in the form of the master feast at his ironic Morissette has since dated she was embarrassed by the back left of the track given the many of the ironies mentioned in her song are not actually ironic like rain on your wedding day having said that the Canadian songstress also noted for having a song called ironic full of non ironies it's actually ironic in itself meta irony Morissette you crafty bi TCH number 66 one of the most renowned boy bands of the 90s was the legendary asterisk NSYNC the band's unusual name actually came from Justin Timberlake's mum who suggested using the last letter of each band members name true NSYNC fans will notice that Lance basses first name ends in E which is not featured in the band's acronym title this is because buses position was originally occupied by guy named Jason to lasso who left after deciding he didn't really want to be in a boy band number 67 the Backstreet Boys were named less imaginative Lee after a flea market held on Orlando Florida called the Backstreet market doesn't Backstreet Boys therefore suggest that the members are fans of the Backstreet market so much though they were quite a nickname based on their love of barkins let us know in the comments below number 68 not only that but Destiny's Child were originally called girls tyme felt were the wines that have an i so you know they really meant business classic Beyonce Kelly and her number 69 one more time you may be shocked to learn that in the music video for baby one more time by Britney Spears her love interest is played by her own cousin hilarious but gross number 17 the 90s also claimed a number of iconic musicians with artists like Freddie Mercury Kurt Cobain Selena Tupac Shakur and the notorious b.i.g becoming the most shocking and highly publicized deaths of the decade number 71 during the mid-1990s two of the biggest professional wrestling companies World Championship Wrestling all WCW and World Wrestling Federation or WWF zoo get out in the battle for ratings in a TV conflict known as the Monday Night Wars the war ended in 2001 when the WWF widget since been renamed World Wrestling Entertainment or WWE or WCW we miss you Bill Goldberg we miss you number 72 no factual YouTube video specifically covering the 90s would be complete without mentioning the 1997 film Titanic which tells the story of a very fictional couple aboard the very real luxury passenger ship which famously got shanked by a shifty looking iceberg and sank to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean sad times Titanic became the highest-grossing film of the decade and was the highest grossing film of all time for years until it was knocked off the top spot by avatar which is hilarious considering lots of people were convinced it would be a flop number 73 on one occasion during the filming of Titanic 80 members of the crew got sick on the same day with some even experiencing wild hallucinations that forced them to be hospitalized turns out someone had spiked the lobster chowder with PCP a highly potent dissociative drug that is known as angel dust for more than 90s number 74 another game-changing 90s film is the matrix which became an instant classic upon its release in 1999 the film popularized the bullet time effect which resulted in endless matrix parodies that were funny for about a month Who am I kidding they're all hilarious number 75 fondly enough Will Smith turned down a role in the movie to star in the wild wild west which is widely regarded as a not very good film oh well he seems to have done all right for himself regardless number 76 the idea for the decade defining film spacejam Antony came from the success of a 1992 Nike commercial featuring basketball legend Michael Jordan playing against fictional wabbit Bugs Bunny yes one of the greatest films of the 90s is a spin-off of an advert amazingly the original website for Space Jam still exists in all its excruciatingly 90s website glory number 77 the nineties also hosted the Disney Renaissance an era which spanned from 1989 to 1999 during which Disney Animation's experience the creative resurgence producing a string of critically and commercially successful animated films such as Aladdin The Lion King and Mulan this period renewed interest in Disney and became the visual storybook for the childhood of millions number 78 The Lion King in particular was wildly successful in 1994 the year of its release the amount that film made from time merchandise alone exceeded 1 billion dollars that's a lot of chicken nuggets number 29 the late 90s saw the arrival of a true trailblazer of television Sex in the City are now at once nice crowd cheers thanks Sex and the City told the story of four sexually active female friends living in New York which in 2017 sounds fairly tame but when the show started in the late 90s it was groundbreaking the frank portrayal of assertive female sexuality brought both acclaim and controversy and inspired a new generation of sexually progressive TV shows going into the 2000s it also created a legion of insufferable female quartets who were convinced that they were the real-life Sex in the City girls which you weren't you were just annoying liberating many will remember the high school sitcom Saved by the Bell as must-watch viewing of the 90s but few people know that it started out as a show about a teacher in Indianapolis called good morning miss bliss despite the different name the show still used the same say for the Belle theme tune which it doesn't make sense without name doesn't it number 81 another icon of nineties television was supreme at a teenage witch which follows the life of Sabrina a teenage witch who lives in the fictional town of Westbridge however the town zip code is actually the real zip code for Salem Massachusetts where the infamous Salem witch trials took place she also has a wisecracking cat named Salem - number 80 - I would be remiss in my duties as a purveyor of nineties fact if I didn't mention the rise and rise and rise of the animated sitcom The Simpsons the show debuted in December of 1989 became a legend in the 90s and continues to make audiences laugh even to this day throughout its lifespan the show has aired more than 600 episodes and the dysfunctional yellow people of Springfield have become pop culture gods number 83 even pop Giga star Michael Jackson got in on The Simpsons action having secretly co-wrote and co-produced do the Bartman from the 1990 album The Simpsons sing the blues Jackson was unable to receive credit as he was under contract to another label number 84 speaking of Michael Jackson at one point Jaco actually attempted to buy Marvel Comics simply because he wanted to play spider-man in a movie which I'm sure would have been absolutely incredible yeah that's the word I'm looking for number 85 The Simpsons has since inspired a number of adult orientated TV shows such as Daria and beavis and butthead which began in 1993 and 1997 respectively shows like South Park and the guy both began in the late 90s and continued to air new episodes today all because of a bunch of yellow weirdos number 86 video games also occupied a huge space in the culture of the 90s the original PlayStation was released in 1984 and sold over 100 million units eventually becoming the fourth best selling gaming console ever it surpassed only by the Game Boy Color and Nintendo - yes and at the top spot it's Big Brother the PlayStation 2 which is sold over 155 million units number 87 in the original Sonic the Hedgehog game released in 1991 the logo and sound that can be heard before the menu screen took up one-eighth of the cartridge space which show us a lot about the game really number 88 one cannot mention nineties video games without discussing Pokemon or Pokemon some people the Japanese Titan of RPGs which follows the stories of human characters in a world inhabited by strange incredible creatures with supernatural abilities as of March 2017 the Pokemon franchise has raked in over 6 trillion yen worldwide which is the equivalent to over 55 billion dollars making Pokemon the highest-grossing video game franchise of all time number 89 hilariously in 1999 the famed psychic Uri Geller sued the Pokemon company claiming that the Pokemon Kadabra was based on him Cadabra it's a psychic pokémon who carries bent spoons which ordinarily wouldn't be too suspect but considering the fact that Kadabra Japanese name is younger er it's possible that the telekinetic creature was inspired by Geller that being said Geller described Cadabra as evil and occult which makes a difference slightly true staggeringly the dispute is still ongoing all these years later number 94 in the 90s now baby the 90s also gifted the world for The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time widely considered to be one of the greatest video games of all time previous installments of the game depicted the world of Link in 2d for the Ocarina of Time literally added a new dimension to the series just as glorious 3d graphics for retaking off number 91 in 1997 the mix read Chuck a note that his Harry Potter was unleashed upon the wild by JK Rowling the series began with the Philosopher's Stone or The Sorcerer's Stone if you're American and apparently can't handle big words sorry that is really mean but I do have a chip Mulder and with only another six books Harry Potter became the best-selling book series in history with over five hundred and ten million Harry Potter books song number 92 incidentally second place on that list comes in the form of goosebumps by RL Stine which debuted just a few years earlier in 1992 goosebumps managed to sell 350 million books but did so with 62 books compared to Harry Potter 7 still impressive though it's more than I'll ever accomplish number 93 in 1992 Mark Wahlberg gifted the world with as much needed memoir entitled Marky Mark out of the sage name he used as frontman of the hip hop group Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch delightfully Wahlberg dedicated his book to his penis a decision he says he now regrets number 94 the Millennium Dome in London was completed in late 90s in time to mark the beginning of the third millennium the structure originally hosted the Millennium experience a collection of attractions and exhibits meant to celebrate the arrival of the year 2000 but the event failed to attract the number of visitors had been expecting and was eventually shut down however the dome now contains the o2 arena which is frankly a much better use of the domes time that and appearing in the wall is not enough with Piers cross them number 95 in 1992 the CEOs of Southwest Airlines and Stephens aviation decided that instead of engaging in a messy prolonged legal battle over the use of a slogan plain smart they would simply arm-wrestled the whose company would get to use it Stephens aviation CEO kurt herwald invented he won the bouts but the spectacle was a win-win for everyone involved Stephens Aviation's profits tripled in the three years after the match and only a year later Southwest stock prices had doubled number 96 the 90s was also a good era for pizza - very nice though the pizza restaurant Pizza Hut was founded in the late 50s the company began offering online pizza ordering all the way back in 1994 number 97 meanwhile in 1994 former Guns N'Roses bassist Duff McKagan decided to be to'd generous and invested $100,000 in a number of new Seattle companies including a software company a coffee shop chain and an online bookseller you probably would have heard of them though they're called what was it again Microsoft Starbucks in Amazon well you'd have definitely heard at Microsoft for Perks I mentioned earlier in the video and in fact did a video on it earlier this week number 98 another world famous brand to emerge the 90s was eBay which arrived in 1995 and was originally called auction web eBay arose is a success story of the dot-com bubble unlike those other companies I was talking about earlier like number 99 one of the most notable moments at the 90s came in the form of a Budweiser advert which featured five friends yelling at each other the initially hilarious and ultimately annoying greeting of water the earth became an overnight success and spawned parodies for years afterwards the idea for this memorable TV moment came from a guy called Justin Riordan and for his hard work the Budweiser company gave him a bonus of $250 as well as a baseball hat emblazoned with the phrase haha I would have burned fart wiser to pick around number 100 yeah another defining moments the 90s came in 1994 when figure skater Nancy Kerrigan was attacked and given a serious leg injury seconds after stepping off the ice following a practice session at the 1994 US Figure Skating Championships in Detroit it later transpired that her assailant shane stant had been hired by the husband a bodyguard a fellow figure skater Tonya Harding who disputed her involvement in the attack but was ultimately convicted of hindering the investigation into the incident receiving three years probation 500 hours of community service a $160,000 fine and a lifetime ban from the US Figure Skating Association Carrigan had to pull out of that year's US Figure Skating Championships but recovered in time for the 1994 Olympics where she won the silver medal Tonya Harding came eighth but hey Andy she got a film made about hurt starring Margot Robbie there are worse things to be by what am I saying anyway number 101 remember all those free software internet trial CDs have got absolutely bloody everywhere in the 90s many of which were provided by AOL well at one point 50% of all the CDs on the face of the planet were from AOL AOL spent more than 300 million dollars on these CDs which would ultimately become obsolete and pointless chunks of plastic nowadays however nostalgic weirdos have become fascinated with these remnants of a bygone era and an entire community is formed around buying selling and trading them some people even use them our and hey maybe they'll do the same with these 101 facts videos spooky which that's the end of another one I hope you enjoy it and let me know what to do next that comes below what are the decades that I tackle what other films will be just bout on about or I don't know TV show or game or whatever hell you like science whatever the heck you want anyway watch these videos I'm sure you can really enjoy them and I'll see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 677,427
Rating: 4.7235408 out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, 1990s, facts about the 1990s, 1990s facts, 1990s tv, childhood memories, 1990s music, 1990s cartoons, 1990s movies, nelson Mandela, first gulf war, Maggie thatcher, Monica Lewinsky, Escobar, 1994 World Cup, msn, Eurostar, Hubble telescope, the spice girls, third wave feminism, princess Diana, friends, friends tv show, pogs, beanie babies, furbies, nirvana, space jam, Disney, Pokemon, Zelda, sonic, o2 arena, 90s music, 90s nostalgia, 90s tv shows
Id: LLrEYgKeuH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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