101 Facts About Texas

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greetings mother factors my name is Sam and today we're going to be taking a leisurely cowboy booted stroll through one of America's most famous regions the great state of Texas of course it's brash it's bold and it's big which makes Texas exactly my type but there's more to the Lone Star State than longhorn cattle a massive oil deposits and maybe a little less stereotypical than you may judgmental you've assumed listen closely and you might learn something but what does the word Texas actually mean what's strange about the Dallas Cowboys and do you think a 10-gallon hat would suit me asked me for a friend 203 those questions are gonna be answered so let's do yourself a seat rustle up some beef jerky to munch on and try not to judge me too hard for my eminent Texan accent as we say how'd it a 101 feds about Texas please don't click off this video number one Texas is one of the 50 states that constitute the United States of America which is a popular country you may have already heard of Texas is located in the south-central region of the USA bordered by its fellow US states New Mexico Oklahoma Arkansas and Louisiana to the northwest north northeast and east and by the nation Mexico to the southwest and by the Gulf of Mexico to the southeast ok good moving on number 2 now evidence suggests that humans have inhabited the territory that's now Texas around 11,000 years though some believe that the ancestors of today's indigenous Texans may have settled there far earlier perhaps as far back as 37 thousand years ago or roughly the time yomama was born old man get it number 3 archaeologists believe that three major indigenous cultures lived within the areas that fell in the borders of present-day Texas pacifically the Puebloans Mississippians and meso Americans however there is other native tribes who also present in the region in less significant numbers including but not limited to the Alabama Apache Caddo Comanche Choctaw Curran karwa and Wichita number four however that all changed a few hundred years ago with the arrival of a plucky bunch of scoundrels known as the European who as it turned out had a nasty habit of oppressing their native populations in a multitude of cruel brutal ways what are we like anyway the first European to sight the coast of Texas is thought to be the Spanish conquistador and cartographer alonso alvarez de pena who mapped the coastline of texas in 1519 number 5 a few years later in 15:28 another spanish explorer upon the name of Alvar nuñez Cabeza de Vaca shipwrecked off the coast of texas after making contact with the native population cabeza de vaca reported that half natives died from a disease of the bowels and blamed us which is because that's exactly what happened dude number 6 in the early 1540s another Explorer this time named Francisco Vasquez de Coronado trekked through various parts of what's now New Mexico and West Texas spurred by fanciful tales about the mythical seven cities of gold had to be located in the area spoiler alert he found most such cities because of course he didn't because that would be silly number seven however the trip wasn't a complete waste of time as Coronado's expedition strengthened spain's territorial claim to the region at least it does if you ignore the fact that Native Americans were already living there which is fair number eight regardless say parts from a few expeditions here or there the area that is now Texas was largely ignored for well over 150 years following Pineda's initial sighting off the coast it wasn't until 1685 that more Europeans arrived to actually make a go of colonizing Texas in the form of an expedition led by the French nobleman Rene Robert Cavelli a sir de la salle thing of course everything worked well for him I have a good feeling about this guy number 9 shocker it didn't the cells attempt to establish a permanent French presence in the area was beset by problems pretty much from the get-go three of the four ships he brought with him were lost to pirates and shipwrecked and due to inaccurate maps and navigational errors he landed at Matagorda Bay in what's now Texas roughly 500 miles west of his intended destination at the mouth of the Mississippi River still things can get much worse though could they number 10 oh dear naive innocent San Ramon back to go things going to always get worse the salah' tempted to press on but the expedition was degraded further still by illness lack of supplies desertion and death which is not exactly what you would call a winning combo not surprisingly a number of Lascelles men eventually got a bit sick of all the illness lack of supplies desertion and death and in March of 1687 they meet an aide and ambushed lacell and basically straight up killed them and like them apples were cell number 11 still it's not like those who bombed off the cell had much to celebrate those meeting as crew members were themselves later massacred by natives who were angered that the French are taking their canoes for that payment to be fair that would annoy me as well who just takes a canoe seventeenth-century Eurotrash that's who number twelve still the French presence in the area sufficiently alarmed the Spanish prompting increased colonization efforts in the form of new missions and towns for the next century and a half the Spanish established a great number of New Testaments throughout Texas and during this period they were at times allies and at times enemies of a number of native tribes such as ding leap an Apache Comanche and the Mescalero number 13 eventually these spanish-speaking people who would colonize much of North America decided they were sick of being ruled from afar by the bigwigs not hispana and in 1810 they rose up against the spanish authorities initiating the mexican war of independence the conflict concluded in 1821 and doesn't name suggests Mexico came out on top and became it independent of Spain taking the territory of Texas with its Texas was officially Mexican baby number 14 before the Mexican War of Independence had even ended the Mexican government passed the general colonization law allowing foreigners to immigrate to the country and claim land which they hoped would help bring control to a region suffering from their constant raids from the very rude and unreasonable kamatchi who had absolutely nothing to be mad about number 15 this attracted one such American immigrant by the name of stephen f austin who brought with him 300 families now known as the old 300 widely considered to constitute the beginning of the anglo-american colonization of texas as a result austin is up refer to quite appropriately as the father of texas number 16 by 1836 Texas had attracted as many as 50,000 settlers would whom the Mexican authorities did not exactly get along though there were many sources of contention including various cultural political and economic concerns one of the disagreements was the perennial issue of slavery though the practice was illegal in Mexico the American settlers just couldn't bring themselves to kick their pesky little owning people based on race addiction number 17 the two sides disagreed so profoundly on among other issues the right to own and exploit black people but the settlers rebelled beginning the Texas Revolution after roughly six and a half months of violence which peaked with the infamous outbreaks of bloodshed such as the Goliad Massacre and the battles of the Alamo and Saha finto the American settlers then known as Texans not Texans emerged victorious in 1836 the Texas Declaration of Independence was signed creating the Republic of Texas number 18 the Republic of Texas was independent for roughly nine years before voting in favor of annexation by the United States which on the 29th of December 1845 made Texas t-28 state mazelTov indeed the [ __ ] to all new Texans number nineteen interestingly enough because it was an independent republic before becoming part of the United States Texas is the only state to join the union by treaty rather than territorial annexation well I thought that was interesting screw you guys number 20 the inclusion of Texas into the United States was the immediate cause of the mexican-american war which concluded in 1848 with victory for the United States after which new mexico rescinded its claims to texas conflict claimed the lives of over 15,000 Americans the vast majority of whom had perished as a result of sickness while only 1010 hundred fifty-three Americans were killed in battles but it's estimated that approximately 25 thousand Mexicans died or were wounded in the mexican-american war number 21 following it ascension to American statehood the population of Texas boomed and by 1860 had risen to over 600,000 people roughly 30% of whom were slaves in 1861 however the American Civil War broke out again over the thorny issue of whether human beings with dark skin should be property or not it was a different time a different and horrific ly racist time number 22 Texas being a major slave state seceded from the Union on the 1st of February 1861 and roughly a month later joined the Confederate States of America constituting the second time Texas have rebelled against the large estate because they didn't want to stop owning other human beings and spoiler alert the Confederates lost the big time and Texas was eventually readmitted into the u.s. in 1870 number 23 in the subsequent decades Texas continued to develop and by 1900 the population had grown to more than 3 million the discovery of oil in Texas in 1901 prompted a boom in the oil and shipping industries and with the outbreak of the second world war in the mid 20th century Texas boomed once more beginning a period of prosperity that continued throughout the 1950s and 60s number 24 oh and we should probably mention that on the 22nd of November 1963 President John F Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas kind of a big deal vice president lyndon b johnson himself a texan was sworn in as the president aboard the presidential airplane at Dallas Love Field Airport that very same day not a 25 it's worth noting at this point that the name Texas comes from the word Taoiseach which means friend or ally in the native Caddo language well that's just lovely as me it's good to have a nice positive back from time to time number 26 appropriately the state motto of Texas is friendship the comparison it's much better than the state motto of Tennessee which is agriculture and commerce Wow name number 27 the flag of Texas is constituted by a fairly simple design the left vertical third of the flag is dark blue and contains a white five pointed star while the remaining two-thirds of the flag is divided horizontally with a white stripe on top and a red stripe on the bottom isn't she pretty or he pretty hey flash can be dudes if they want to its 2019 number 28 the red white and blue bands in the flag of Texas respectively represent bravery purity and loyalty while the white star symbolizes Texan unity during its struggle for independence from Mexico and its former status as an independent republic as such the flag is widely known as the lone star flag number 29 due to its status as an independent republic prior to its submission to the United States Texas is the only state that's illegally allowed to fly it state flag at the same height the American flag is what an incorrect person would say sorry Texans you ain't special in fact all US states are perfectly entitled to fly their flags at the same height as the American flag though the flag code advises that a state flag should not be flown higher than the Stars and Stripes number 30 it's from its state flags that Texas gets his official nickname the Lone Star State Texas also has a number of unofficial nickname which which include the banner States the Blizzard State the jumbo state and the beef state firstly I think they made the right choice there the beef state sounds a bit too what's the word number 31 Texas is one of 17 US states that have a state plant in addition to the Pledge of Allegiance and one of 12 that require students to recite by the point of allegiance and the state pledge every single morning the Texas bite reads as follows all of the Texas flag I pledge allegiance to the Texas one state under God one and indivisible weird sure knock yourself out Texas number 32 the official state dish of Texas is Chile which was in fact invented in southern Texas by working faster Hana and Mexican women indeed the district popularized but the so called chili Queens of San Antonio who sold the inexpensive to do in public plasters for decades until the tradition died out in the 1930s number 33 for some reason Texas also has it's very own state snack which is constituted by one of the most delightful pairings in the culinary world tortilla chips and salsa became a more iconic duo oh wait number 34 a delightful prehistoric critter known as the Paluxy Saurus Jonesy also known as the sauroposeidon it's the official dinosaur of Texas named for the town of Pinet see Texas and Jones ranch where fossils of this sauropod were discovered this lanky boy could reach heights of up to 18 meters roughly the height of two London buses stacked vertically on top of one another this made it the tallest known dinosaur proving that in some respect everything really is bigger in Texas well it was 146 million years ago number 35 Texas leads the country in various ways for using more oil beef and cotton than any other state Texas is also a giant in the space and tech industries making it one of the nation's most prominent states suck at Delaware number 36 with a gross domestic product of one point four three trillion dollars if Texas which become its own country again it would have the 13th highest GDP in the world pushing Spain into fourteenth number 37 Texas also produces more wool than any other US state which is in 3.5 million clean pounds of wool in 2010 second-place California only produced three million clean pounds of wool finally putting taxes above California at least in terms of sheep hair number 38 with an estimated 2018 population of around 2.3 million people the city of Houston in southeastern Texas is the most populous in the state that makes Houston the fourth-largest city in the entire US losing out on a medal by about stir into 20,000 people the third place Chicago the largest city in Illinois LA Texas over with a little over 4 million people and the gold of course goes to New York with a beefy population of eight point six million beeps put people sorry I'm hungry number 39 Bart population isn't always everything as it's the City of Austin in Central Texas that gets to be the capital of the Lone Star State named after the aforementioned American settlers stephen f austin the city of austin has a far more modest population nine hundred thirty thousand people though it is one of the fastest growing cities in the nation austin remains a popular tourist destination owing to its prodigious food music and art scenes number forty interestingly the Texas state capital of Austin has actually been named the best place to live in America by the US world a new report in 2017 2018 and 2019 on account of its job market net migration value and overall quality of life go Austin Macon Texas proud number forty one at about thirty three thousand four hundred forty five square meters or french and six thousand square feet the Texas State Capitol building in the City of Austin is a largest state capitol in the United States built from sunset red granite the Texas Capitol is only smaller in size to the US Capitol building the meaning of life however though the Texas State Capitol building is smaller than the US Capitol building the Texas capitol buildings dome actually sits over two meters higher than that of the US Capitol building the PE boys comparing domes number 43 since we're on the subject of large Texan things exactly how big is Texas itself well and around six hundred ninety six thousand two hundred forty-one square kilometers or roughly two hundred sixty-eight thousand five hundred ninety-six square miles Texas is the largest state in the United States by area after Alaska which is around 1 million seventeen twenty three thousand three hundred forty square kilometers or 65,000 2094 square miles making second place Texas about forty percent the size of the Big Dawg at the top number 44 still Texas need not be disheartened in the words of me area is but one method of measuring bigness in terms of population Texas it's the largest US state after California yep sorry I'm 44 Texas California has a population of totally 1.6 million more than 10 million more than second place Texas which has only 29 million human people all Texas always the bridesmaid never the largest American state by size or population number 45 however Texas does have a grand total of 254 counties more than any other state in the nation the largest of these is Brewster County which at 16 forty square kilometres measures up at roughly three times the size of Delaware Sackett Delaware number 46 between 15 and 20 percent of the population of Texas is foreign-born accounting for roughly 6 million people well over half of these are from Mexico with smaller portion two people originating from India El Salvador Vietnam and China number 47 even if it's not quite the largest or most populous and the everything's bigger Adige turns out to be little more than a vacuous grandstanding lie Texas is still pretty large in fact at around six hundred ninety six thousand two hundred forty-one square kilometers Texas is larger than literally every country in Western Europe deal with it Europe that's what you get for being greedy little continent thieves are we're part here as well Oh number 48 for an idea of exactly how hefty Texas really is it's interesting to note that the city of El Paso located at the extreme western tip of Texas it's closer to the state of California than it is to the Texan city of Dallas all in favor of changing the Texas state motto too thick just me okay number 49 Texas is so big that the largest Ranch area in the state's name the King Ranch sprawled over a massive area of eight hundred twenty-five thousand acres that's three thousand two hundred forty square Klum's that makes it larger than means high state of rhode island the smallest and clam chowder estate of north america number 50 in fact rhode island could fit into texas 221 times just in case you're wondering number 51 technically speaking the state of texas has a legal right to secede from the United States at any point is what an incorrect person would say oh I got you again I've got you again for some reason there and you is a common myth about the Lone Star State they're based on some obscure legal technicality Texas maintains a constitutional writers to see from the Union despite frequent declarations from noisy self-described secessionist this is categorically untrue sorry Texas your stop being American for the foreseeable future number 52 that isn't to say though that Texas doesn't have a certain unique right as a state according to the state constitution of 1845 at the great raid you should really take up new next holiday it Texas so desires it may subdivide into no more than five smaller separate states it's this interesting constitutional quirk that's thought to be the principal source of the aforementioned myth regarding the state entirely non-existent right to secede which I repeat is entirely non-existent are you taxi who thinks the Lone Star State should be alone once more or are you perfectly happy being a piece of the great patchwork of America let us know in our fancy YouTube poll number 53 in the resort town of Galveston Texas it's apparently illegal to let a camel run loose on the beach okay this bizarre and inscrutable law is stated to have emerged in response to increase camel imports during the 1850s when residents plan to use animals as a form of transport predictably many of those camels got loose requiring a specific law to let people know that runaway camera shenanigans will not be tolerated in Galveston number fifty-four they renowned Texas Rangers of the state's investigative law enforcement agency Texas Rangers are the oldest statewide law enforcement agency in the United States with a long tradition of kicking names and taking ass that stretches back all the way to 1823 number 55 Texas has the highest speed limits in the country with certain parts of the state allowing drivers to go as fast it's 85 miles per hour which to be fair pretty tough and fast number 56 since construction was completed in 2008 the Katy Freeway or interstate 10 west of Houston now accommodates up to twenty six lanes making it the widest freeway in the world number 57 the 48 states in the USA that actually spend quality time together rather than hanging out with can endure all the time which is lone wolfing it in the Pacific Ocean are known officially as the quantum mineus United States and get their power supply from two grids the eastern interconnection and the western connection except of course for Texas which has its own power grid because screwed up feds having a separate crew it's known as the Texas interconnection that does not generally sell energy across state lines and our text is to avoid federal regulation which is something that Texans really enjoy doing number 48 in 1964 around 95 percent of the world's recoverable helium was produced within a 250 mile radius of the Texas City Adana reloj we need to become known as the helium capital of the world number 59 although Texas is popularly associated for the arid environment of the southwestern United States less than 10 percent of the state is actually desert if it sounds an extreme dryness you're looking for head over to the Mojave Desert to California 10 Sam sent ya they'll give you good deals number 60 located in West Texas in Guadalupe Mountains National Park Guadalupe peak also known as signal peak is the highest natural point in Texas with a respectable elevation 2667 metres above sea level roughly 30% of the height of Mount Everest in case you were wondering number 61 and a length of 3,000 and 51 kilometers it's the mighty Rio Grande which literally just means big river in espanol beginning in south-central Colorado and ultimately flowing to the Gulf of Mexico the Rio Grande acts as a tiny section of the border between Texas and New Mexico for only 40 kilometers before flowing in a south easterly direction as the 2018 kilometer long border between Texas and the Mexican states of Chihuahua Coahuila Nuevo Leon and tamale pass number 62 the highest temperature ever recorded in the state of Texas was a blistering 48 point 8 degrees Celsius for Americans that's 120 degrees Fahrenheit this was recorded in June of 1936 in the city of seymour in northern Texas funnily enough this record was matched in August of 1994 in the city of Mona Hans in western Texas number 63 more tornadoes have been recorded in Texas than in any other state where Texans having to enjoy an average of 139 tornadoes per year this makes Texas the most tornado-prone state in the nation which isn't necessarily quite accolade to have but hey at least it's a conversation starter nintendo64 in 1900 a category 4 hurricane hit the Texan shoreline at the resort city and port of Galveston the hurricane which came to be known locally as the great storm of 1900 caused the deaths of at least 8,000 people making it the deadliest natural disaster in the history of the US indeed more people were killed in this single storm than the total of those killed in all the tropical cyclone sort of effects of the United States since number 65 no other state has a greater variety of reptiles in Texas with 139 distinct reptile species among the state array of reptilians is the horned lizard which was made the official state reptile of Texas in 1993 glad to hear that the horned lizard gets the respect it deserves number 66 Texas also boasts 31 different species of bat more than any other US state the Greater Houston area alone hosts 11 different species including year-round varieties at the Eastern pipistrelle southwestern myotis and the Vaness big-eared bat as well as migratory species like the eastern red bats northern yellow bats silver-haired bat and they delightfully named hoary bat number 67 indeed just outside San Antonio is Bracken cave Witte between March to October is home to around 15 million Mexican free-tailed bats though some estimates but the figure as high as 20 million this makes the colony in Bracken cave the world's largest bat colony as well as one of the world's largest concentration of mammals number 68 there are approximately 13 million cattle and calves currently living in Texas that's a lot right I mean I know almost nothing about cow farming but that's a lot of cows especially since this maize Texas the most populous state in the USA in terms of cows with second place Nebraska boasting around 6.8 million bovines numbers Texas is home to around 2000 Tigers most of which live in zoos and animal sanctuaries this means that the u.s. state of Texas has the largest tiger population anywhere on Earth outside of India which is both kind of cool and a harsh reminder of exactly how endangered these animals are thanks a lot us number 17 the famous phrase don't mess with the Texans may sound like a prideful assertion Texans swagger but the origin of the vaguely threatening expression is actually far less intimidating in the 1980's the state of Texas was spending around 20 million dollars a year to clean up trash along its highways prompting the Texas Department of Transportation to enlist the help of nos team based advertising agency called GSD & M who created an anti-litter campaign which officially launched on New Year's Day in 1986 the slogan eventually became so popular that the original meaning was largely forgotten which kind of defeats the point of it in the first place but anyway it since become the unofficial motto for Texas pride and perhaps Texan hubris to number 71 established in 1886 the State Fair of Texas is the largest and longest-running State Fair in the country lasting 24 days the fair takes place every autumn in the city of Dallas and boasts a wider range of attractions including carnival rides live music fried food agriculture contests and the Texas Star the largest ferris wheel in North America as a result the State Fair of Texas attracts an annual attendance of over two million people number 72 the State Fair of Texas is also home to Big Tex at giant 55 foot tall statue that serves as the fair's mascot over the years the gargantuan and frankly unsettling statue became a cultural icon on the entire state though Big Tex did suffer a slight embarrassment in 2012 when the whole thing caught fire in spectacular fashion only to come back stronger than ever the very next year number 73 speaking of enormous men the city of Huntsville in the east central section of Texas is home to a large steel and concrete statue by the name of a tribute to courage the monument depict Sam Houston an important leader of the Texas Revolution and the first and third President of the Republic of Texas standing at a height of 67 feet tall a tribute to courage constitutes the world's largest nattu of an American at least it will be until my colossal monument of Jennifer Lawrence gets the green light Slaven heard back from the council oh it's can be made of cheeses Rob the way number 74 Owings our settlement by German immigrants in the mid 19th century a small number of mostly elderly Texans speak a unique variety of German known as Texas German use of the language declined sharply after the first world war and today only a few thousands still speak it number 75 as you're probably already aware religion is a big deal in the American South and Texas is no exception indeed the Lakewood Church in Houston Texas is by some measurement the largest church in the entire country it's headed by the famous and somewhat controversial pastor Joel Osteen who leads a congregation of 52,000 people number 76 there is an evangelical mega Church in Dallas Texas known as the inspiring body of Christ church that spent 4.7 million dollars on their privately owned fish aquarium the 75 thousand gallon aquarium is the largest privately owned aquarium in the world and contains more than 80,000 species of saltwater fish were they were $100,000 what changes would a Wantage number 77 it's now between 1960 the dallas cowboys american football team originally played in the Cotton Bowl stadium until they moved to the Texas Stadium 11 years later before moving to the Cowboys Stadium in 2009 as the Texas Stadium is located in Irving just outside Texas and the Cowboys Stadium is in Arlington the Dallas Cowboys haven't actually played football in Dallas since 1971 number 78 upon release in April of 1977 the song Luckenbach Texas by Waylon Jennings quickly became so popular that many of the road signs in looking back were stolen by fans our Subin yes the local government got some annoyed they just simply stopped making them number 79 the beloved TV drama series Dallas which was filmed on location at the Kois box ranch in Frisco Texas outside of Dallas ran from 1978 to 1991 and follow the trials and tribulations of a wealthy including Texas family the Ewings the show has been broadcast in more than 90 countries and has been dubbed into sixty-seven languages number 80 dr. pepper the popular beverage enjoyed around the world whenever coke isn't available with Creighton in 1885 in Waco Texas by pharmacist named Charles Alderton not pepper who was himself the son of English parents so yeah we're claiming that you're welcome Texas and the world number 81 the first frozen margarita machine was invented in Dallas Texas by a Mexican American restaurateur named Mariano Martinez who inspired by the friendly popular sniping machines at 7-eleven modified a soft-serve ice cream machine to make frozen margaritas which he creatively named the world's first frozen margarita machine the invention is now on display at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History as it absolutely should be number 82 for those of you who don't know there's an American amusement park operation called Six Flags with multiple locations in North America as well as in China Saudi Arabia and the UAE the business was founded in Texas and derives its name from the six flags that have flown and ownership over the states namely France Spain Mexico the Republic of Texas the Confederacy and the United States number 83 the history of the popular and some might say iconic 7-eleven convenience store chain traces its history all the way back to 1927 when the first store opened in Dallas Texas becoming the first convenience store in the United States the chain was known as cloten stores until 1946 when it was renamed to reflect the company's new extended opening hours of 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. number 84 all you veggies vegans and eco-warriors also had Texas to thank for Whole Foods which was founded in Austin in 1980 Whole Foods originally only had 19 employees several of whom still work for the company to this very day number 85 in 2005 an American TV provider called the Dish Network proposed a deal with the people of Clarke in Denton County Texas offering to provide the town's residents with free basic television for ten years and a free digital video recorder lovely in exchange all that Clarke had to do was to change the name of their town to dish all caps this proposal was unanimously approved by the City Council but it thought it was number 86 no doubt a result of the state's global association with rodeos westerns and gun-toting Cowboys the word Texas is actually used by Norwegians as a slang term meaning crazy there are actual legit examples of Norwegian celebrities and officials using the word Texas in reference to unpredictable exciting or scary situations such as when the Norwegian police chief Knut Danielson described the troubling recklessness of international motorists driving through the northern part of the country as absolutely Texas number 87 for some reason Texas is home to a massive abandoned wait for it particle accelerator yeah you heard correctly Texas had abandoned particle accelerator just sitting beneath the city what to hacci in North Texas a planned facility which is said to be called the superconducting supercollider was said to be the largest and most powerful particle accelerator on earth but faced with soaring costs in 1995 the US government was forced to choose between that and funding the International Space Station or owner they went with the station number 88 the Don Harrington Discovery Center in Amarillo Texas is home to the helium Centennial time Collins Monument which contains four time capsules sealed in 1968 to be open in 25 50 100 and 1,000 years leaving only the latter two capsules unopened as of the time of making this video inside the 1,000 year capsule is the passbook to a bank account containing 10 dollars which when the capsule was open in 29 68 is expected to be worth around one quadrillion dollars number 89 in the late 1800s the state cap to the Boston was terrorized by a serial killer dubbed the servant girl Annihilator who killed eight people in a series of brutal ax murders owing to the time of the murders and the manner in which they were carried out there are some who believe that that same killer went on to become London sinfulness Jack the Ripper several years later number 90 the city of El Paso located at the extreme western tip of Texas is regularly ranked as one of the safest large cities in America this is despite being situated directly across the river for the Mexican city of Juarez one of the most dangerous cities in the world number 91 there are 28,000 690 registered machine guns in Texas not touching that one I was even gonna make a joke about there being 10 million bicycles in Beijing you know like that song but yeah number 92 the city of San Antonio Texas has the highest percentage of gay and lesbian parents hi United States some of the less open-minded among you may have assumed that the National Center of American gay parenting be somewhere more stereotypical like San Francisco or New York but that's just where the gays go to party as is their god-given right godspeed gays number 93 somewhat embarrassingly Texas emits more greenhouse gases than any other state in the United States in fact Texas emits even more greenhouse gases than all but six countries in the world this is primarily the result of emissions produced during all the petroleum refining and chemical manufacturing that Texans get up to those naughty boys number 94 Texas is home to The Devil's Backbone a popular scenic drive situated between the cities of Boston and San Antonio that is supposedly super haunted according to popular stories and old legends the route is haunted by variety of scripts and goals including Confederate soldiers Spanish monks a Native American cattle herder named Drago a wolf and a particularly creepy ghost that likes to manifest upon the hoods of cars driving along purgatory road number 95 there is a small rural city in Texas which as of 2010 has a population of only 1035 people so yeah it's tiny it does at the distinction though of being the only place on earth called Earth number 96 the small city bull-roarer Texas is home to what many claim to be an alien grave sites on the 19th of October 1897 the Dallas Morning News reported that two days earlier a strange airship crashed into a windmill in Aurora causing a terrific explosion that spread to Korea over a wide area the sole pilot of the vessel was killed in the crash and badly disfigured but the report states the individual was not of this world and was likely a Martian batter the dark really in it rather than submit the remains to any testing or academic scrutiny the locals have only just buried the petite alien under a tree in a nearby cemetery which is okay it's convenient isn't it number 97 there's a city in Texas called Paris which has it's very own replica Eiffel Tower constructed in 1993 the Eiffel Tower in Paris Texas the significant names smaller than the real thing at less than 65 feet tall however the Eiffel Tower in Paris Texas is topped with a jaunty red cowboy hat so on balance is probably better than the original number 98 the librarian lebot Christine University in Texas is fairly unique in that it contains a 13-ton Boulder carved into the shape of John Williams face the boulder originated in California as an even larger Boulder near Malibu that have been blown up as it was deemed likely to fall onto a section of the Pacific Coast Highway the fragment was purchased by an Australian sculptor named Brett living from strong who immediately set about carving John Wayne's face into it the work was eventually donated to lebot Christine University in 1991 where it remained ever since number 99 just so you know it's perfectly legal to shoot and kill a Bigfoot in Texas just as long as you do it on private property with the permission of the property owner given that Bigfoot is traditionally considered to hang out in the Pacific Northwest where states like California and Oregon specifically outlaw the hunting of non game mammals including cryptids you may only get to buy yourself a sasquatch while he's on holiday in the forests of Texas upon it doping in 1965 the Astrodome in Houston became the world's first multi-purpose domed sports stadium it was also the first major sports venue to install artificial grass which is why it's commonly known as astroturf Texas carries out more executions than any other state by fides it's the number one place for capital punishment sukuk Delaware so that's orange one fact about Texas are you from Texas did you learn anything new are you not from Texas did you learn anything new let me know in the comments down below also good this video like and subscribe to one one fact even dancing already because it really does help us out in the means I know look at these two videos on screen they're really gonna burst your bubble but in a good way why don't click on one and I'll see you there goodbye you
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 158,154
Rating: 4.6765499 out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, facts about texas, texas facts, dallas, austin, houston, texas tourism, usa, texas state, texas, texas history, civil war, republic of texas, cowboys, lonestar state, celebrities from texas, texas chili, dinosaurs, rio grande, king ranch, el paso, texas rangers, galverston, katy freeway, guadalupe, tornado, texas state fair, state fair of texas, big tex, dallas cowboys, houston rockets, dr pepper, houston texans, devils backbone, paris texas, bigfoot
Id: bIh-9iQmbs0
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Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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