101 Facts about Spies & Secret Agents

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greetings mother factors my name is Sam and today I'm going to be talking to you all about the fascinating world of spies and secret agents good spies are able to sneakily steal state secrets and sabotage their enemy all while convincing people they are perfectly ordinary members of society for all you know I could be a spy ah I'm not I'm not but then I would say that wouldn't I no seriously I'm not I don't have the cheekbones for it but which American author may have been an agent for the KGB what happened to em I 1 2 3 & 4 let us know your guests in the pollak above and how do you know if you're being followed by secret agents because I don't know you may have spent in ridiculous amount of time researching the CIA for a YouTube video and now you keep noticing men in suits everywhere wearing sunglasses staring at you when you go out to get lunch from Pratt I really would appreciate some help on this one guys anyway to answer through those questions are going to be answered so sharpen your grappling hook dodge that deadly flying hat and remember to pack your trusty cyanide pail as we count up through 101 facts about spies and secret agents number one let's start with the basics spying or espionage is the practice of procuring secret or confidential information without the permission of the holder of said information individuals involved in espionage are called spies and usually work to support the national security of a particular state number two espionage is a subset of intelligence gathering which includes other forms of information gathering which may be from public sources that are not particularly secret basically don't bother to send a spy in unless you've had a quick google first your answers may lay on there number three counterintelligence however is the practice of thwarting enemy espionage and intelligence gathering by various means it doesn't just mean the opposite of intelligent ie dumb essentially most countries spy on everyone else while also attempting to stop these countries from spying on them it's a bit hypocritical really is like trying to ruin someone else's pie and while baking your own well it's not ready like that but I'm hungry number four though books films and TV understandably present espionage is an intense and action filled profession most spies don't tend to spend much time betting supermodels and sitting on high stakes card games with evil geniuses and arm stealers that's just us youtubers real spies spend most of their time gathering human intelligence which essentially just means talking to people and trying to obtain useful information there wouldn't be readily available for official channels number five the history of spying goes back thousands of years the book of numbers in the Old Testament of the Bible for example speak is about the 12 spies that Moses sent to scout the land of Canaan yet that's right even Moses had spies what's your Excuse number 6 the ancient writings of Chinese military strategist son zu emphasized the importance of military intelligence which can be obtained through deception and subversion his famous work the art of war contains an entire chapter devoted to the use of espionage entitled the use of spies number seven prominent individuals in feudal Japan often utilized ninjas to gather intelligence for spies and ninjas how cool ninjutsu training laid out three main categories of espionage Tillery no jutsu involve strategies for sneaking into the enemy premises to carry no jutsu concerns a practice of infiltrating enemy lines during battle and ano Jitsu which referred to ruses of escape number eight in the 12th century King David the fourth of Georgia created an intelligent service made up of spies called Mustapha race who had two undercover conspiracies conduct counterintelligence and infiltrate a fortresses and palaces these highly effective individuals are said to revolutionize medieval espionage number nine many modern methods of espionage were established in Elizabethan England by Francis Walsingham often known as the Queen's spy master Walsingham was instrumental in uncovering the Babbington plots a plan to assassinate Queen Elizabeth the first supported by Mary Queen of Scots no one knows for sure but some historians believe that this led directly to the execution of Mary who no doubt screamed wall soon as she was killed number 10 james Armistead was a black American slave who also worked as a double agent spy during the Revolutionary War on estate gained the trust of the British by posing as a spy for them while gathering military information that was instrumental in securing an American victory at the Battle of Yorktown number 11 Chevalier de Am was a French spy diplomat and lady-in-waiting who died in 1810 only at this point was it discovered that Dilma was not a woman at all but a fully formed penis having man now that's what I call undercover that sounded more sexy than I wanted it to sorry number 12 when a ship ran aground in Hartlepool in the early 1800s the only survivor was a small monkey either because people were very stupid back then or just an elaborate high junk the monkey was interrogated subjected to a lengthy trial conducted on the beach and then hanged as a French spy God econo hopes the first once if it's a high Cinque that's not the highly kind of high jinks that I like I should say it's disputed about whether or not this actually happened but the people of Hartlepool are weirdly proud of it number 13 Sara Edmunds was a white woman from Canada who at the age of 21 began working as a spy for the Union Army during the American Civil War Edmunds I assume no relation to Knohl infiltrated Confederate territory in Virginia by adopting various disguises one of which involved dyeing her skin with silver nitrate and wearing a black wig to pose as a black man called calf it was a different time it was a very different and very racist time number fourteen Robert baden-powell who is best known for founding the Boy Scouts also happened to be a British intelligence agent stationed in Malta in the late 19th century where he posed as a butterfly collector baden-powell hid his plans for military installations in drawings have leaves and butterfly wings or as I just hide my secret agent plans in my top Oh almost spilled the beans there ah don't think anyone noticed number 15 in order to spy on enemy forces during the first world war both allied and Central Powers created fake trees with a hollow Center allowing a soldier to sit inside it one German built fake tree was so well made that even after taking the German position and light soldiers didn't realize it was fake for seven months number sixteen during the first world war it was discovered and I tried to think how that seaman could be used as an effective invisible ink when this monumental breakthrough brought the intention of the very first lead of the organization that would become mi6 whose name just happened to be Mansfield Smith coming he declared that every man is his own stylo however seaman message is ultimately proved ineffective due to the distinctive and obvious scent that each letter carried had to be a postman back in those days number 17 mata Hari was a Dutch exotic dancer who famously spied for the Germans during the first world war a crime for which he was convicted found guilty and sentenced to death and her execution she refused a blindfold and reportedly blew a kiss to the firing squad before being filled full of French lead on the 15th of October 1917 number 18 Josephine Baker was a black American dancer and singer who became wildly popular in France during the 1920s when the Second World War rolled around Baker thought to herself I'm having none of this Nazi bollocks and joined the French Resistance Baker passed on information on troop locations that she picked up while schmoozing with high-ranking Japanese officials and Italian bureaucrats at parties like an absolute boss number 19 in 1943 a Soviet Armenian spy but the name of giveaw party nyan led a team that fooled a Nazi plot to simultaneously assassinate Franklin D Roosevelt Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin who are meeting in Tehran party nyan was just 19 at the time number 20 Murray's a Lange bean was a German spy sent to Canada during the Second World War fairly soon after he arrived he decided he didn't really feel like spying for the Nazis and use the funds had been given to move to Ottawa surrendering to the Canadian authorities a couple of years later a jury ultimately found that Lange bean was not guilty of espionage since he had never carried out any hostile act against Canada during the war number 21 during the Second World War the British Secret Service created special copies of the board game Monopoly for prisoners of war in Germany the board games actually contained compasses maps metal files as well as French German and Italian money these tools of irony helped thousands of Allies escape from prisoner of war camps number 22 during the Second World War British forces use a female agent codenamed ancient Fifi to test how well the trainee male agents could be trusted to keep their mouths shut under the false identity of a French journalist called Christine collage agent Fifi would flirt with prospective agents and attempt to get them to divulge their secrets any that did and many of them did were then promptly sacked number 23 the wide lollapalooza was a Shibboleth used by American soldiers in the Pacific to intent by Japanese spies a shipper worth of other ways a particular speech pattern that distinguishes one group of people from another and in this case it was nearly impossible for Japanese spies to correctly pronounce Lollapalooza like Americans instead of producing a word that it would be quite a frankly racist for me a white man to say number 24 SMERSH was the evil Soviet intelligence agency that employed Goldfinger and dr. no in Ian Fleming's James Bond novels with a name like SMERSH you may assume that the organization was fictional but SMERSH was in fact a real counterintelligence agency within the Russian Red Army during the Second World War SMERSH was short for Smerch pyonium which means death to spies in russian number 25 George Koval was an American who spied for the Soviets throughout the Second World War naughty naughty Global infiltrated the Manhattan Project and obtained information that considerably sped up the development of Russia's nuclear arsenal then the FBI had basically figured out that COBOL was a spy in the 1950s it was kept secret for over 50 years due to up being super embarrassing number 26 in 1945 the Soviet Union gave W Averell Harriman the US ambassador to the USSR a large wooden replica of the Great Seal of the United States and saying gesture of friendship following the Second World War can you guess what happened next when it turns out the u.s. couldn't because it wasn't until eight years later that it was discovered the Russians had planted a bug inside the seal number 27 the children's author Roald Dahl once worked as a British spy in America during the Second World War yeah but owning the Chocolate Factory guy yeah I know he's surprising right in the course of his work he engaged in a number of sexual encounters with numerous women in the American high society earning him a reputation as and I can't believe I'm about to say this one of the biggest cocksman in North America great number 28 before making a name for herself as the woman who brought French cuisine to the American people chef Julia Child worked as a research analyst for the US Office of Strategic Services aka the OSS which was the u.s. intelligence agency in the Second World War for her work she earned herself the emblem of meritorious civilian service number 29 in 2009 it was discovered that the American novelist Ernest Hemingway had been involved in work for a number of US intelligence agencies including the FBI in the State Department however evidence was also uncovered in the 1940s that Hemingway made find for the nkvd the predecessor to the KGB he was allegedly involved enough with the Russians that he was given a codename Argo but he didn't provide them with any useful information and contact it ceased by the end of the decade number 30 Moe Berg was a Princeton graduate and Speaker of 8 languages who happened to have spent 15 seasons playing a major league baseball as part of an all-star baseball exhibition tall he traveled to Japan where he took home movies of Tokyo skyline and shipyards these were them reportedly used to help the US bombing raids during the Second World War in fact Berg later joined the OSS where his work included parachuting into Yugoslavia to evacuate resistance groups and track Nazi progress towards the creation of the nuclear weapon Wow no biggie number 31 kim Philby was a british spy who served as the head of the anti-soviet division in mi6 it later turned out that actually he was a member of the Cambridge 5 which isn't the world's worst pop group but a spy ring that provided information to the Soviet Union in World War 2 and entered the early 50s he credited his lack of detection to being upper-class claiming it was inconceivable to his peers that one of their own could be a traitor number 32 in the late 50s mi6 in the CIA worked together to ensure the widespread distribution of dr. Zhivago by boris pasternak this is because the novel criticized Stalin the great purge and the Ghul acts and generally depicted Russia in not a particularly flattering light the book eventually went on to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1958 but Pasternak was forced to decline the award after being told that if he traveled to Sweden to accept it he would not be able to return number 33 during the time of the American Civil Rights Movement which secured precious rights for African Americans the Soviet Union deliberately inflamed racial tensions by sending forged threats from the KKK to black neighborhoods all those pesky Soviets trying to inflame racial tensions in a foreign countries of destabilization tactic what are they like number 34 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were American communists who have found guilty of transmitting nuclear weapon designs to the Soviet Union generally not a good idea guys as a result they were both executed by electric chair on the 19th of June 1953 their children Michael Meeropol and Robert Tamara Paul who were both 10 and 6 at the time of the parents execution were orphaned but continued to advocate for a posthumous acceleration of them mother and they both argued that neither of their parents deserve the death penalty number 35 in the 1960s which the historians among you all know is before the development of digital cameras film from spy satellites had to be physically ejecta dove them retrieved by specially designed aircraft to preventive are being discovered by other powers they literally had airplanes that caught parachuting buckets of photographic film in midair we've got a boots much easier number 36 between 1968 and 1994 british undercover police seeking to infiltrate protest groups subsume the identities of rooks about the 80 dead children which were used as cover identities for officers this allowed them to easily obtain driver's licenses and passports and also granted each one of them a one-way ticket straight to hell number 37 in 1973 Israeli Mossad agents murdered an innocent winter named Achmed boo jockey in Lillehammer Norway by shooting him four times in front of his pregnant wife they incorrectly identified him as Ali Hassan Salameh the mastermind of the 1972 Munich Massacre of several Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics number 38 what are the most successful KGB agents during the Cold War bore the distinctive codename fedora he managed to infiltrate the UN and sabotage the u.s. by claiming that a KGB mole was working with the FBI this led to a decades-long manhunt that seriously disrupted the agency number 39 in 1977 the US Embassy in Moscow caught fire hmm several of the firefighters who arrived attack with the blades were in fact KGB agents who proceeded to seal large amounts of sensitive information sneaky and good use for fire fighters outfit I've got one spare actually men don't do that with it next time number 40 between 1978 and 1995 the CIA also ran the so-called Stargate project which isn't as cool as it sounds but essentially attempted to prove the existence of and development of a military application for remote viewing this essentially involved having clairvoyance and psychics attempt to visualize the identities of KGB agents and the designs of Soviet weapons now did this work what do you think the CIA eventually canceled the project having spent roughly 20 million dollars a year for 17 years only to find other psychic powers our complete and utter number 41 in Battuta their attempts to utilize psychic power is the CIA also developed an ESP test which looked the psychic talent among employees this essentially sought out individuals with certain odd proclivities such as an interest in music or art or an aptitude in foreign languages because of irony being cultured is weird and might mean you're one of the x-men the meaning of life the CIA and the KGB also experimented with various kinds of drugs as a method of mind-control as part of this research known as project MKULTRA the CIA gave LSD to unwitting human guinea pigs at colleges hospitals and prisons which if you didn't know is super illegal and ethically not nice the project ran for 20 years between 1953 and 1973 and led to several deaths number 43 both the United States and the Soviet Union carried out research into extrasensory perception ESP and other psychic phenomena with a view to using it within the realm of military intelligence in fact for an entire decade a small group of people than the CIA studied hypnosis and telepathy but somehow managed to come to the shocking conclusion that such methods are super unreliable number 44 in the past the KGB has been fond of using the so called Romeo method of extracting intelligence very simply the Soviets would send particularly handsome men to the West to seduce women who often clark's for secretaries who had access to information that the Communists wanted number 45 one of the strangest ways that Russian authorities have managed to identify American agents is simply by looking at the staples on their fake documents a visual Russian documents were often stapled together with poor quality staples that rust it leaving behind distinctive rust marks on the pages whereas the fake papers carried by Americans used fancy highfalutin on rusting staples that were a dead giveaway to Russians in fact hundreds of American spies were caught in this very way number forty-six similarly a psychological effect known as the Stroop effect was used to help detect Russian spies during the Cold War suspected spies are shown a list of colors written in Russian language with each word itself colored differently to the color it described they were then asked to quickly name the color of the word not the color of the letters spelling up the color see what I mean that doesn't sound like a make sense but it does make sense right seeing a series of meaningless symbols those who didn't speak Russian were able to correctly list the colors relatively quickly whereas Russian speakers could not help but be distracted by the meaning of the word itself leading to a significantly slower response number 47 when British intelligence was busy infiltrating the IRA during the Troubles it was alleged that Franny's Kapiti she was a British agent who managed to work his way up to the head of IRAs internal security force that's a role that can't be performed properly without killing like tons of people including several of his fellow British agents yes that's right British intelligence allowed a number of their employees to be killed in order to get the identity of their main mole believable it's worth pointing out that this kappa TG has always denied claims that he was a mole at all but you would wouldn't you number 48 in the mid-1980s the KGB carried out operation infection except with a cane at of a C a disinformation campaign which sought to convince people that the United States had manufactured the HIV virus as part of a biological weapons research project it's thought that this was done to distract attention away from Russia's own extensive biological warfare program number 49 in the early two-thousands it was revealed that in the early 80s the united states had created software for managing natural gas pipelines that was deliberately buggy knowing that the russians would steal it as planned the russian stole the software and put its use which eventually led to a huge explosion at a siberian natural gas pipeline in the summer of 1982 haha espionage number 50 similarly the CIA also funded creative writing programs during the Cold War to promote notions of American exceptionalism and disparage communist ideals who knows how many aspiring writers were unwitting agents in a battle tip for tat Cold War one upmanship s-- number 51 during the Cold War mi5 considered using journals at airports to help detect spies and terrorists the plan must eaves the gerbils acute sense of smell to detect a rise in adrenaline in the sweat of those who are under stress however mi5 was forced to drop the plans due to the inability of the gerbils to distinguish between terrorists and innocent passengers who was simply scared of flying come on Gerald get it together number 52 in the early 80s both mi6 in the US State Department was spooked when an audio recording emerged that appeared to contain a fairly contentious phone conversation between Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan it was expected to be a fake tape created by the KGB until they realized that recording app in Colombia put together by the English punk band crass number 53 after he published a damning expose of Russian intelligence former Russian spy and eggs and ur Litvinenko fled to the UK in 2000 where he was granted asylum and became a naturalized British citizen however in 2006 he suddenly fell ill and died after roughly three weeks in hospital Litvinenko had been poisoned with radioactive polonium and a public inquiry in concluded that the assassination had likely been personally approved by Vladimir Putin himself number fifty-four in 2006 Russia accused the British of spying by hiding recording equipment and a transmitter inside a fake rock on a street in Moscow this was denied at the time but later turned out to be completely true espionage rocks ah move number 55 in 2010 it was revealed that two average Canadian parents Donald Heathfield and Tracy Foley ran to the Andre bezrukov and Elena bevel over both of them Russia sleeper agent and part of a spy ring dubbed the illegals program thing is Best Rock Album pavlova had two sons Alex and Tim who was 16 and 20 at the time their parents were arrested neither of them knew anything about the true identities of their parents which must have been an awkward family reunion number 56 in 2011 mi6 hacked into al Qaeda's online magazine which featured instructions on how to create explosives which was in an article entitled to make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom operatives who are mi6 replace the bomb-making instructions with a recipe for a cupcake that have been featured on Ellen I wonder how many confuse terrorists were halfway through baking the recipe before they realized what they were making I'd be happier if anything number 57 using children under 15 to support Armed Forces and groups in any capacity is against international law but sadly children are sometimes still use despised children have been used by the Somali government as informants on the identities of insurgents and the Taliban is known to views messengers and spies who are children in Afghanistan number 58 you may be surprised to learn that humans aren't the only animal species that have been used as spies in 1907 a German by the name of Julius knew Bronner experimented with attaching lightweight cameras to homing pigeons allowing photos to be taken during flight this technique was later used in the first and second world wars and the CIA were also rumored to have made use of spy pigeons number 59 pigeons aren't the only species who have been recruited as spies in the 1960s the CIA spent approximately 20 million dollars on a project called acoustic Kitty this project implanted surveillance equipment on cats equipped to spy on the Soviets the first acoustic Kitty mission involved in attempt to spy on employees and the Russian embassy but the cap they release was almost immediately hit by a taxi and killed the project was ultimately deemed not practical and was cancelled in 1967 number 60 very often when spies need cover they simply maintain their existing identities but disguise their real professions operating under what is known as official cover essentially such agents are given fake jobs and US agencies or embassies that offer diplomatic immunity meaning that they are given some degree of protection during their work number 61 likewise agents who do not work under these rules are given entirely fake identities outside of agencies that work grant them protection this is known as non official cover and lacks the safety net to diplomatic immunity meaning that if they get caught they will likely face criminal charges which can incur severe punishments including execution which is probably the most severe of all number 62 another common query regarding the world of intrigue in espionage concerns the existence of snazzy spy gadgets former employees have mi6 have stated that the organization does indeed create some interesting tech for its agents but it's also been stated that these devices frequently fail to work upon arrival at our destination not ideal come on cue get it together number 63 at one point mi6 developed an exploding safe which could be used to destroy secret documents quickly they also created a delightful little oxymoron with the words exploding and safe next to each other Nintendo 64 during the Cold War the Naval Intelligence office in 22 small gun that was securely mounted to the back of a cowhide glove with which spies were typically wear a long sleeve garment to keep hidden the weapon is activated by making a fist and punching a target which fires a bullet at point-blank range probably killing the target depending on the placement of the hint talk about a iron fist number 65 but that isn't the only adorably tiny firearm that intelligence organizations have created during the Cold War the KGB created a four point five millimeter gun mounted on the tube of a lipstick twisting the bottom of a device would fire a single bullet giving it the nickname the kiss of death although seriously that's an accident waiting to happen you could blow your lips off number 66 another classic spy weapon is created using a simple innocuous umbrella the devices point features a hidden pneumatic device check the target with a deadly nerve agent known as ricin if you've seen Breaking Bad he'll know all about Bryson this method of assassination was famously utilized on the 7th of September 1978 when the Bulgarian journalist Georgi Markov was stabbed in the leg with the tip of such an umbrella he died in hospital four days later number 67 another secret agent gadget that was probably less well received and others was a handy portable tool kit created by the CIA during the Cold War the kit was designed to be inserted well how I put this anally to be squeezed right out in the event of the agents capture number 68 during the Cold War the KGB again created a specially designed shoe that contained a microphone in the heel which could then be used to record a monitor top-secret conversations number 16:9 we all rise only not every spy gadget ever created was a weapon or for surveillance in the 1970s for example the CIA created a pair of glasses with a pellet of cyanide hidden in the end of the arms agents could casually chew on the glasses and release the poison in order to avoid interrogation torture or execution in the event of being captured number 70 the KGB also created a jacket with a camera concealed inside a buttonhole a wire then runs down to a pocket within which the agent can press a button to take a photo such camera devices we used a public event such as political rallies as well as a pond to take photos of particularly suspicious Ducks I imagine number 71 though a significant amount of modern-day information gathering is carried out online there is at least one way to extract information from a computer that isn't connected to the Internet some brainy so-and-so had figured out how to log keystrokes from a computer's keyboard acoustically meaning they only have to hear you typing to know what's been written number 72 throughout its history North Korea has abducted almost 500 South Koreans Japanese Chinese Malaysians French Italians and others principally to force them to teach languages at their spy schools number 73 North Korea wastes no time dilly-dallying with whether or not its citizens want to be spies one former North Korean agent explained that she was literally selected to be a spy while she was a student one day government agents showed up at her school in a black sedan told her she had been chosen and that she needed to pack her bags although shortly after telling that story she's not such a great spy number 74 prior to becoming the prime minister than the president and the Prime Minister and then the president of Russia Vladimir Putin spent 16 years working as a foreign intelligence officer for the KGB number 75 the years there is existed a rift between the KGB and the GRU which isn't that guy from Despicable Me but it's actually an organization which deals with Russia's military intelligence the tianyu has repeatedly accused the KGB of having treated its agents and officers on its staff whereas the KGB claims that the GRU is lacking in vigilance someone's gonna have a fight in the cafeteria number 76 interestingly a similar rift exists between the FBI and the CIA owing to differing personalities missions and corporate cultures within each organization some have argued that the feud is so extreme that it literally damaged national security let us know which intelligence organization you prefer in our delightful youtube poll although be warned they probably are watching which one you choose number 77 if you're wondering why there is only mi5 and mi6 and what happened to MI one two three and four you're not alone a total of 19 British military intelligence divisions have existed but all of those have since been canceled or subsumed into mi5 or mi6 which deal with counterintelligence and intelligence respectively number 78 shockingly the existence of mi6 wasn't officially acknowledged by the British government until 1994 there had been a few sheepish references to the organization's existence prior to that but it was until the mid 90s that the government officially admitted that mi6 existed number 79 there are some degree of ambiguity regarding whether or not real mi6 agents are actually given the fabled license to kill some former mi6 employees have stated that the agents don't need such a license because everything they do outside the UK is already illegal in some way or another which isn't exactly reassuring is it number 80 however some people do described a similar clearance use deadly force if necessary apparently the British Secret Service can read the issue what's called a class 7 authorisation which grants agents the right to kill someone this must be approved by the agent superiors all the way up to the Foreign Minister number 81 in 2013 mi6 banned their employees from using computers made by Lenovo the largest computer manufacturer in the world this is because the company is partially owned by the Chinese government and as such all their computers come preloaded with secret backdoor access number 82 though you may be under the impression that the head of mi6 is called M the letter code for the boss is actually see this is not an abbreviation of the word chief as some have suggested nor is it that other word that you're thinking of but actually it's the initials the very first leader of the organization so Mansfield coming who signed everything with the initials C number 83 one former head of mi6 John saws almost lost this job when his wife posted holiday snaps and various other personal details about his family on Facebook it was so bad that the post even included his home address although maybe it was just a big double bluff number 84 alarmingly a relatively large number of people quit working for the GCHQ after roughly five years because the pay was not competitive David pepper the former director of the GCHQ once sated that though entry-level salaries are generally competitive net attractive wages for mid-level employees have led to a rise of resignations from the organization number 85 since 2006 at least a dozen mi5 employees have been to see an ethical counselor who is there to support staff who have moral concerns about their work I could do with an ethical counselor nope not for work just for life in general number 86 mi5 overstated in job listings that candidates must not have any visible tattoos on their body while this may sound like run-of-the-mill prejudice against the artistically skinned the prohibition is simply because tattooed people are far easier to identify number 87 mi5 estimates that right now there are as many Russian agents in London as there were at the height of the Cold War that was mi5 saying that by the way not me number 88 mi5 is reaching the opened and northern Operations Center however its location has not been revealed but my guess is it's somewhere in this general region number 89 the headquarters of mi6 is located at Boxhall cross and was completed in 1994 for a cost rumoured to exceeded 130 million pounds Owings of the nature of mi6 operations large parts of the building allocated below street level all the windows are also triple glazed the walls are bomb and bulletproof and the structure is even protected by two moats the building is rumored to have an underground corridor which leads directly to Whitehall number 90 internet Li the GCHQ headquarters is called the DOE not owing to its round design that I suppose one could call don't up like it looks more like a party ring to me but hey what the hell do I know GCHQ I'm number 91 for the Senate the president's privacy the American Secret Service isn't allowed in the Oval Office in order to maintain their awareness of the commander-in-chief's comings and goings a giant digital scale has been fitted underneath the Oval Office floor so that the location of the president can be monitored at all times number 92 the National Security Agency known as the NSA you know the American intelligence agency had all his dirty laundry aired by Edward Snowden operates a 560 acre complex of satellite dishes on Menwith Hill England the facility's thought to be the largest electronic monitoring station in the world and is involved in intercepting - that phone and computer transmissions from all around the world number 93 the British SAS which carries out a range of specialist military tasks including but not limited to intelligence gathering and covert reconnaissance is infamous for its grueling training process though there is value in harsh training that toughen up recruits and identifies the best of the best the process came under fire when three recruits collapsed and died in 2013 after being made to march in heavy gear during the hottest day of the year number 94 interestingly it isn't just government's who engage in spying industrial espionage for example refers to spying carried out by businesses for commercial purposes rather than the interest of national security like espionage espionage industrial espionage has been around for centuries with private organizations using covert agents to uncover information on how to produce high-quality porcelain and even steel tea plants from China number 95 clearly the topic was spying espionage and general secret agent Singh continues to captivate people across the globe the world's most famous fictional spy is undoubtedly Cody Banks just kidding no not really it's the British mi6 by James Bond known via suave demeanor crisp suits in the ability to change physical form but as often as a Time Lord does since the release of the first James Bond Doctor know back in 1962 the James Bond movie franchise has raked in over seven billion dollars you know who else has played a spy in a film Jennifer Lawrence yep that's right I knew I'd get her in this video somehow and I've just done it number 96 in Fleming's books James Bond has a drink roughly every 7 pages most people will be aware that Bond's signature drink is a vodka martini which he famously enjoys shaken not stern he only gets through 19 of them in the books though whereas he drinks whiskey 101 times nice number also before you complain the title of the video is 101 facts about spies and secret agents I didn't say that all be real people number 97 numerous real life people are rumoured to have inspired the famous fictional spy James Bond one such person is Wilfrid Biffy dunder Dale an mi6 agent based in Patty or Paris dunder Dale was good friends with Ian Fleming and us such several have done to Dale's stories from his exciting life of scaling walls in hand-to-hand combat with unknown assailants have ended up in Fleming's novels number 98 another man sort of inspired James Bond vs. British spy called Sidney Riley Reilly's alleged to aspired for four separate countries in the early 20th century earning him the nickname ace of spies you know spies have really sound like superheats does it eventually Riley was captured and executed by the Russians in 1925 number 99 John le carré the author who wrote the book Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy in Smiley's people was an mi6 agent who quit his job after the success of his third novel entitled the spy who came in from the cold all the way back in 1963 he continues his work as a full-time author having released his 19th novel in 2017 entitled and legacy of spies secret mess with Corrigan she could message in time hundred the Penn Quarter neighborhood of Washington DC is home to the International Spy Museum and is the only public museum in the US solely dedicated to spying in espionage the museum welcomes approximately 600,000 annual visitors and an unknown number of Russian sleeper agents were there unsuspecting children said museums oldest artifact is an invisible ink letter written by none other than George Washington the first u.s. president in the letter Washington enlist the help of a capable spy catcher coordinate annual Sackett to whom Washington offers a monthly wage of $50 as well as an additional $500 to set up a spy network and look we all know how that turned out that was 101 facts about spies and secret agents which do you find the most fascinating let me know in the comments down below also you can just type in there straight up or in a riddle if you want to test me what do you want to see next on one-on-one facts I always want to know so I put it down on my little notebook and I look at it and think yeah let's do that I don't know where I'm going with this anyway and there are two videos on screen now that you're bound to enjoy let me know if you do goodbye
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 250,014
Rating: 4.8010917 out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, spies, secret agents, facts about spies, spy facts, facts about secret agents, facts about secret service, secret service facts, secret agent facts, CIA, FBI, MI5, Secret service, government agents, government secrets, spy kids, espionage, secret missions, spy missions, soviet spy, KGB agent, MI6, MI5 spies, MI6 spies, spy gadgets, spy movies, GCHQ, american secret service, NSA, National Security Agency, james bond
Id: EcNarSy8tQ0
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Length: 35min 33sec (2133 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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