$100,000 - Martin vs. Upshaw - Cherokee Lake Final

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straighten it up that is so good you did it man oh I'm Bailey drivin oh it was so good listen hey that's the day to do it too because you know what today is you know what today is fellas today is the top 30 day and Cherokee Lake we got the funk off that's the top one right there back there down there he's the top one backer downer we've got the Grand Lake funk all off of us now and you know y'all watched the first video first Cherokee video you get to see me make the cut cut a lot of fish you can't see that obviously you need to check it out and this is top 30 guys check it out 30 anglers left in this tournament it's time to get the boat in the water it's time to go with Andrew some a pep talk cuz he's gonna pee might win this thing if not I'm gonna try to sneak in there behind him in maybe maybe pull it off 30 of us right there so I'll break it down for anybody that's watch this video has no idea what the heck FLW tournament fishing is about this is the top 30 day right here we have Andrew Upshaw he rooms with us he's leading the tournament right now he's been leading it since day one eighteen and a half pound 18 yesterday leading by two pounds he's got a real opportunity dude this could be feeling it I'm feeling it feeling it I'm just ready to set the hook I'm just right like that's all I think about last night was like I just want to go set the hook for the first time tomorrow yeah and I'll be good so it's top 30 they started with 165 anglers they've cut it down after two days of fish into the top 30 and then today they'll cut it down to the top ten so my goal is to make the top ten and we'll have some fun with this so yeah I would like to get personal yeah you had done that yes I'm good all right see you over there all right I need the official weather yeah official weather for today is 59 degrees at 7:00 a.m. 60 63 65 68 69 70 72 72 72 not that one 7267 each you get realized man 72 is cold for me sitting anywhere below 70s almost a foot forward all right guys let's get this thing started [Music] number one five eight two four we're gonna stay in here for like an hour this morning I think we're gonna catch a crap out of them it's gonna be fun I just want to do something different than pitching that worm around those rocks I've been doing that for two days I'm tired of it my back hurts from just staying in the same position oh look at that beautiful rainbow check them out if y'all can see that beautiful rainbow right here dead center on our spot just gonna find a little wad of them they'll be watered up somewhere right along here somewhere there's a couple of little brush piles around there's next little bay there's two of them three of them like that all's well that ends well right [Music] yep that's a that's a new fish that's not a release fish Porter oh no he's 15 it's not a release fish either just bad luck to throw back a keeper all right [Applause] [Music] [Music] better one of these [Music] [Music] probably should've kept that one I think that one over here is almost a four pounder it was big in this one here was three that one was three and three quarters before there he is that's not him yeah that's not even close to him the females in there still gotta get out of the rock get out of the rock oh my gosh why are you doing that oh that's the one I got him he was down in that rock yeah he's not gonna be bigger than that one bit Oh yep 110 so guys was Andrew right there hopefully he's got a big bag we're all kind of fishing the same stuff I saw him call earlier so I know he's got a new dish based on the way they're biting right now I'm that made a mistake by going to the release fish area cuz they're chewing my Brittany in the dang rock why can't I get him over here get in the net dude ha I gotta take a break while I'm fighting them think things wear me out he went over a rock and everything it was crazy yeah that's it three pounder helps pop pound three four three four Oh godly dude oh my gosh it's a big ah you got a kidney these things we need co-anglers again witty co-anglers again so they can help net fish probably bigger than that he fought like crazy only gonna help me that much to help me some he's probably to ten to eight three eight I thought that was a giant when I hit him dude I couldn't stop him means you're making me look silly hopefully andrew has got a bit little back here he comes he's going awful slow I think he's got about what do you think eight what do you got nice I had to call in a while Wow okay so he's got sixteen which is good a little lighter than he had but he still got time he can get eighteen today somehow he's gonna protect his lead he needs that maybe help probably not I'll Wayne this is just a verified he's not bigger than to ten to nine to three to three that's not the ones you need for last cast sure would be nice to fish another day supposed to be really really windy tomorrow so if I do make it it's kind of feed a complete 180 on whether I mean we've had dead silicon conditions warm it's going 25 south west tomorrow it's gonna be a nightmare hope again hoping that Andrews bought a couple good ones late leave tomorrow [Music] here we are day 3 warning on the street is that I like Cherokee is the place to be there front of you towards the thing to see we moved in here a week ago this is stop number five on the FLW Tour if illuminated the first round of anglers we're down to the top 30 it is moving day as a top 10 at the end of the weigh-in today when the smoke clears and it's gonna be close close to Florida 1.3 million dollars with mo w Cup champion is blowing up the youth movement to support the international movement and social media Tara Skye Martin's [Applause] sixteen eight on day one 1511 yesterday has Scott in 12th place let it take out Austin Felix former college champion from Minnesota you need 15 pounds and two ounces 15 - here we go Scotty five today 14 pounds eight ounces and we'll let it sit there 14 eight Scott is what you got today let's go talk about a man alright so here we go comes in see today in first place qualified for three fo w cups in a row to take the lead from Dylan Hayes of Arkansas you need 13 pounds and 13 ounces a fire fast limit for Andrew short word Bob that'll go near litre 16 pounds even I like your Jersey that's a nice Jersey now you need to put Kane in the rod Locker tomorrow then when you put on your first body pop out hang out all that go home alright dude good job thanks good job he's leading by what a pound seven ten pound ten houses are important bounces I finished 14th I don't know what I missed it by but it's not gonna be much good week good week but guess what guys we're not going anywhere now the video is not over so you thought I was about to go hey thanks for watching thanks for scrubbing and then do the BAM thing or get somebody to the base no we're gonna hang out here tomorrow we're gonna be cheering him on what so videos not over his pretty much just begun we got to get a victory here victory there they go [Music] day four probably Andrew right there today number one I'm pretty sure [Applause] yes my goodness yes that's a good in there yeah it's 19 right there I'm sorry that's only three I've only got I got three what you got - I got one decent largemouth a baby in that one how's it going is it right here okay mind if I catch it is that that humpback one [Music] yes I think they'd be a big largely nuts in that little pocket at this place has been fished hired Oh looky there there's Tom Mansour I bet you think that we're in the back of his boat we're not we're actually watching a lot hey Brandon come on sewer looks good is is in third grade buck is officially in first and rickshaw is now called a four pounder great book just fun another good one yeah boom come on we need you to win this thing Andrew all right so here's the deal guys I am I'm jumping on a plane and I'm flying home I don't even know this yet but I should've booked a flight just now because storms are coming in today the expo we're gonna take the tent down because it's gonna get blown away we're not sure how that's gonna work out today with the storms but some things have popped up at home that I have to go home and take care of very very important all's good by the way but it does require my personal attention so I got to get home and I'm a flat home and go see my lovely wife and my kids and we're gonna be cheering Andrew on along the way but we're gonna send all the boys to the weigh-in to cheer him on [Music] oh yeah that's her alright guys just wrapped up day four I'm just going to tell you I was a ball of nerves I kept it together though all day and I mean my very first cast I caught a fish and then I caught a couple really good ones and then I just couldn't call the rest today the last 30 minutes though I pulled into a spot that I'd saved for the end of the day I caught a three and a half and another one almost two and a half and called out my two smallest fish I don't know it's because guys it's gonna be close oh you're looking for sixteen seven Bob get out and I would say the S word but I don't want to have to get it blinked this would roll out play puck with 66 pounds and 8 ounces he's the king of the hill with one row left for post Oklahoma day one I grew up shot waited eighteen thousand six ounces the heaviest string of the event day to 1714 yesterday sixteen even in the three days he's amassed 52 pounds and 4 ounces of Cherokee Lake best we watched him all day today on that phone of your lives and we know that when the show went off the air at 2 o'clock that you needed just you needed one or two upgrades so the question became when the showing off the last hour and a half did he catch those kickers that's gonna give him his first step out every tour victory today alright so great book versus Andrew up show here we go we're gonna weigh them in one at a time let's get it started gray buck 66 pounds 8 ounces of Cherokee Lake bass number 1 goes 2 pounds 10 ounces can he go wire-to-wire 3 fo w cups in a row for Andrew Upshaw former stephen f austin college champion there's number 33 fish right now they have got you at 8 pounds 13 ounces for the win you need 14 for Wow here we go I like both you guys to watch it with me I'm making television and Rachelle for the win you need 14 for a 5 bass limit today I'd like to welcome to the stage Doug Wow get it done or championship Sunday the Sun joins him on the stage for a crowning moments we know who gets the money [Laughter] [Applause] this Oklahoma's Andrew Upshaw all right man y'all just saw it Andrew Warren what so we've had Andrew win we've had Latimer wins Scott Scott had won yet come on man stop sucking and win so anyway that's it I think we're closing this one out this is it Lake Chickamauga no Lake I'm calling it edit that future Brendan Chiriqui Lake it's in the books it's done it's over and for that we thank you for subscribing please hit your notifications and we'll see you next time walking his uh walking his baby look at that strut strip it is welcome [Music]
Channel: Scott Martin
Views: 161,896
Rating: 4.9454355 out of 5
Keywords: Scott Martin, Scott Martin Challenge, Fishing, Bass Fishing, flipping, giant bass, big bass, huge bass, giant fish, big fish, lunkersTV, Googan Squad, Jon b, apbassing, alex peric, andrew flair, dallmyd, blacktiph, legends, Roland martin, crazy, insane, how to, how to fish, lures, jigs, instructional, spinnerworm, smallmouth bass, SMC, swimbaits, win tournament, flw tour, bassmasters, how to fish tournament, vlog, Andrew Upshaw, tournament, Tennesee, Cherokee Lake, small mouth
Id: c35tjNpVcWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 42sec (1902 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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