DO or DIE on The Coosa (The FINAL) - Road to the Bassmaster Elites Ep. 31 Bassmaster Open Lay Lake

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2020 the year of ups and downs i started the year off with some simple goals when a bassmaster open qualify for the elites in 2021 and eventually win a bassmaster's classic we started the season off in january on my home state then with kissimmee chain did really well finished fifth lots of momentum super excited about the year feeling good about it and then you start seeing the reports on the news in february and march about this corruption virus coronavirus deadly coronavirus virus you know about this how it's spreading around the country and states are starting to shut down we get word bass fishing's getting shut down everything's been put on hold delayed season we get a reschedule and we're off to my birth state of oklahoma the arkansas river a vast fishery complex it's challenging it's not one of the better fisheries in the state mediocre tournament out of 200 and something boats i finished in the mid 50s shortly after that we make a jaunt over to texas to sam rayburn world famous fabled fishery land of the giants right but the fishing's starting to get a little funky it's starting to get in that time of the year where the fishing is not that great we're getting late in the summer early fall i learned some valuable lessons in that event finished in the 80s which was quite embarrassing to be honest with you because i really felt like i was on a winning pattern there so then i head off for the next event which i affectionately called redemption back to the east lake hartwell a lake that i've fished many times before i said i'm gonna make this count i got dialed in right off the bat fishing offshore catching big spotted bass finishing fifth in hartwell so with all that momentum we head off to the great state of alabama neely henry lake part of the cooser river it's a lake that is famous it's a lake that has a lot of big spotted bass in it and big largemouth it's a shallow fishery full of grass i go out on day one of neely henry and i have a great day i'm up in the top with the chance to really do well in the tournament made a critical mistake i went back and fished some of the same areas that i did on day one and those areas didn't reload it's just part of the sport that's what makes it so challenging that's what keeps driving me to do what i do after neely henry i started getting worried that my opportunity to pull off something special might be slipping away from me i could feel it slipping a little bit we went on to tennessee to cherokee lake the fishing was just straight up weird ended up catching four fish in the event which sounds completely awful i finished okay not great but better than half the field this is when i'm having a hard time sleeping this is when i'm i'm starting to get worried that i've got to catch them we're going to head back to texas louisville lake i'm scared of death of louisville every story i hear everybody that i talk to about louisville they they say it's just the one of the toughest fisheries in the state i'm gonna get right to it because i don't even want to remember that tournament i call that the mind eraser event i went out on day one and i didn't catch a single fish and that's only happened a couple times in my 20-year career went out on day two caught a nice fish weighed in got some valuable points that i needed jumped on a plane and headed home that was like twilight zone event i don't really want to talk about it again i'll never try to even think about it again that's how difficult and weird that tournament was for everybody there was not even a single limit caught in the entire tournament all three days in a row so now we're down to the last event this is where we're at right now i've got to catch them i've never fished lay lake before this is where i have to get it done guys it's going to come down to this last event and it could very well come down to the last cast of this tournament do or die lacusa all right well good morning here we go i think the title of this video is pretty self-explanatory if you've been following along all year then you know that i've been fighting and fighting and fighting to pull off something special this year two things beginning of the year we had two goals when a bassmaster open number two qualify for the elites and both of those goals are still front and center but this is do or die on the coo so this is the final event guys this is it right here i've got to get real out there today you know we've had we've had some good tournaments this year and we've had some bad tournaments this year but we're finally on a lake that is full of fish guys i mean this this place right here has got them all i know is i got to go out and catch everything i can i'm super appreciative of all the support you guys have given me so listen we're going to get this video started and before we get too far into it if you haven't subscribed to our channel be sure to check it out and go back and watch some of the other videos that leads up to this moment right the do or die on the coosa because that's what it is let's get it started guys well everybody's fired up out here aren't they oh man fired up look andrew's already out here rick and tackle not talking about who's excited i'm excited who's excited i'm excited all right dude he's fired up pride and early it's cold i'll get out and it's like four o'clock in the morning dude it's like way too early what's your game plan dude what's your game plan today hmm i don't know i'm gonna go out there and i'm gonna start on one place that i had quite a few bites and then try to catch a big bag i don't know what i'm gonna do though like i that's why i didn't practice on last days because i think a lot of this is just flying by the seat of your pants a little bit how many bites you're gonna get today todd 100 100. i'm not the one catching four pounders yeah but i'm not catching 40 either i told you that i could probably catch 40 that were this big that's a lot if i got to hit everything i'll probably get to hit one spot so i'll probably catch three you need uh some of these uh i have them all over me stuck to this yeah just took them everywhere this is it dude two more days for the whole season been fun it's been fun enjoyed bringing you guys along for this journey all year long and uh we're going to keep doing it so it's time to go get this puppy in the water go figure out how to bust out about an 18 pound bag of spots so what's your what's your last move on toothpaste i want to know because i'm out i have to go get more and i've been done i've got two days two days of extra toothpaste out of that thing and i want to know what your last move what's your last minute well i roll up from the bottom obviously but then you got to get like the part where it comes out and then the first little round part you got to do it sideways that's tough to do yeah it's almost like you need somebody to hold your toothbrush for you while you do it because it almost takes two hands so this morning i had something really really cool very uh blessed is to have people in my life that um that love me and care about me and believe in god believe in jesus and what he's done for us and so this morning unexpectedly i usually call my wife every day before we blast off and this morning she based on me with a whole group of people uh praying for me so some very close friends of mine back in clewiston all assembled this morning and bowed their heads and prayed with me for me so that was unbelievable really so i know but it gets me gotta higher hey 5 000 like goal on this video smash the like button smash it right there smash it okay they're eating they're eating here too look at that shad down a stroke i may have you uh do me a favor and move your rods back here to the back deck it's a real big real big one i just striper yeah don't stop oh my god that was risky that was risky but whatever thank you jesus oh my gosh dude yeah i don't know if that was a fish or if i got hung in a tree and it just slipped off of it at the same time i put like you know what i mean like pulled funny boy sure felt like a begging that's right where he was supposed to be no it was a big in there i can see him on the thing now i'll hit that again and they'll fire you know what i mean it's like it's a timing thing they're there there's a big wad of them but i can tell some what you know that they're big based on the mark you know that might be a striper i don't know yeah it's a striper so it is i don't know what he's doing out here all right nah thank you lord there's just a bunch here it's a good spot to get a limit finish the limit off yeah but that's not the one that's a little on there that was a big one that was a big one came after didn't hit it and then this one like three of them came out in the gigantic look like a damn cart he ain't gonna stay long a little better fish oh yeah that helps that helps uh by about a pound yeah oh that little turd yeah gonna get my hands on wet now yeah that's a good upgrade it's a biggen i don't know what it is it's a spot i think no striper damn let's try that again there he is maybe it's a big really how does it pull off man right there dude i never got to see it either it was a good one it looked like it was free i mean there we go that's a good one real good that's a good one yeah we got five finally he's bad there we go that's a good one unless i got him foul hooked he chased it pretty good no i saw him on pan optics and i just threw over there and he ate it when he hit the bottom i'll take that oh my god there's another one with it only one i got too yeah uh what i literally caught a fish on nothing on it that's craziest thing you ever seen my life oh i got it i got it thank you jesus okay that's the first time that's ever happened literally on a on a nothing all right last flip all right we gotta go we're leaving well today just stunk did you get a limit you did good yep all right we made it in man yeah buddy it's bad worst day i've seen a long time man everybody i talked to was sucking oklahoma another limit what that's four anglers i believe four limits so far folks after some tough tough fall fishing we've seen here the bassmaster opens limits are in abundance seven pounds four ounces fourth place thank you sir obviously a difficult day for me only weighed in a little over seven pounds actually my five biggest crappie weighed more than my five biggest bass if that tells you anything so better luck tomorrow we'll see what happens bradley holm and norman oklahoma with five not the right five though is it seven pounds nine ounces seven nine thank you brother typical like not what i was looking for at all man i i really had a very limited practice so i'm not upset i caught a fish today on baits that i hadn't even caught a fish on this week in practice um andrew threw me a little bone this morning and i pulled up on a spot and caught about a two two and a quarter pound spotted bass right off the bat i was like man this thing's gonna roll but it slowed down um i caught six or seven keepers all day just not the right size at all i spent a lot of time in the grass trying to get a large amount to go basically just split my day i spent half of it out deep jerking in the other half of the day um second half the day up in the grass and i don't think i caught but maybe one bass out of grass and it was a 13 inch largemouth so day two has been good for me for uh last three tournaments so maybe tomorrow go catch one of them 15 16 pound bags and come back so i take it you didn't catch anything no i've been panoptized again i had a decent day um i was playing on large when i'm fishing the whole time but i ended up i was gonna go catch a couple spot you know spots in the morning and march some stuff yesterday afternoon at like 11 30. and never made a cast on it and i ended up catching almost all my fish off off two of these little places so uh i don't know i kind of left him alone with largemouth fishing but we'll see what we'll see what happens tomorrow all right from coolest in florida he was inside the top flooring points coming into today scott martin find fish living for scott 10 pounds one ounce gonna be tied for 70th place all right guys well this is dark now that was one of the last ones to weigh in i don't even know what place i'm in and you know what i'm not even going to look it doesn't matter it really doesn't matter because i have to go out tomorrow and catch everything i can catch and that's just a fact i've got to catch them better than i called them today or i've got myself in a jam but it was fun just um i don't know i just didn't bite that good but i think i can buckle down tomorrow i think i can catch a lot of that swim bait i think that's gonna be a really good thing for me tomorrow time to figure out dinner and time to figure out game plan for tomorrow you know it's it's uh i mean there's pressure obviously lots of pressure but for me it's um i'm actually less pressure right now believe it or not probably for tomorrow that i've had all year i have more pressure like a cherokee i have more pressure at you know henry because a i had a good practice b we're catching fish this is my wheelhouse uh i'm i'm good i'm good with it you know like i i know that i'm not lost i mean there's a couple options obviously i mean i could go fish for a large mouth and do a lot of different things but you know i chose not to which i think is obviously the best still the best idea there's lots of fish where i'm fishing lots you wear socks to bed no i did the other night because it gets cold down there yeah it gets hot in there i mean like bed sweat dude a big wet spot in my bed but maybe because you're peeing your pants i got up twice last night i was mad do you hear me colton yeah he was screaming at me cause i turned it up to 72. i saw that that was you yeah that was cold it was hot man what you got blankets for dude wrap up you can't turn the heat up like that you're from new jersey you're supposed to i'm from new jersey that's an insult i just stopped man i've been going what time did we get up today 4 30 4 30. it's a long day to not catch any fish what are you going to do tomorrow billy you're going to take yourself he's already told me we're going up the river and he's going to hug the bank and he's going to be cranking which means he's fishing parallel which means he's right up against the bank oh i can't cast there's there's a tree limb oh oh tree limbs hitting me briars ripping my brain suit that's what it's gonna be it's gonna be like this i'm gonna be like jimmy houston with that spinnerbait he's fast with the spinnerbait big big old cornrow boys two big old nasty ones cut through the water what does it sound like that's more like it isn't it yeah just slow that down a little bit there you go that's the right speed i probably won't catch anything looking she's off get over the bathroom where is everyone hey it's like how's everyone going to sleep look at this kitchen i just died laughing in the bathroom you want to hear anybody interested no one responds to you at all nobody you're just sitting here and i'm doc like i'm trying not to laugh really hard in the bathroom i've been making a tackle for four hours well yeah like tomorrow i bring that thirty year old jake's siding cutting some slime how are you getting toothpaste for three days i thought it was my last move on the toothpaste like i rolled it up like i did the i did the thing where you run it on the table you know like a corner i rolled it i pinched it i did the i did the roll push in i got that two days and then yesterday like the ultimate i took the top off one more push yeah two fingers yeah i had to lay my toothbrush like this it just gets a little out and then you touch it and then your toothbrush falls yeah yeah so i'm out that's my new favorite you'll like it it's not cold favorite it's like this is my favorite dude this is retirement toothpaste dude huh it's retirement toothpaste is it yeah that's what you use when you get real old and stop doing stuff really yeah i like it though yeah sensitive teeth you get older yeah that's why i use more sensitive i know but it tastes good tell you what else tastes good apple crumb doughnut that don't sound good at all i mean i mean listen pumpkin pie okay i'm not when i'm drinking coffee i'm not thinking about pumpkin pie german chocolate cake come on man it's coffee pecan pie again chrome doughnut i mean i don't know what it's going to taste like i don't have a clue an apple from donut it's kind of weird mood this morning it's kind of like a somber thing you know what i mean donut nut i'm a doughnut nut my nut for krispy kreme oh my gosh oh that's the worst coffee ever i told you it was a bad idea why'd you tell me to do the apple what's it taste like apples it smells like apple it tastes like apple it tastes like apples it's apple crumb something nasty bad german chocolate cake weird stuff man maple pecan maple can be good you know yesterday i looked at the standings briefly everybody kind of told me like oh my gosh i'm in like 70th place in the tournament but it's real tight you know it's like ounces me and everything that's a half a pound is huge here and the point standing which they update every day i've dropped now to i think eighth or ninth there's some double qualifiers that's one the one little thing that we're all probably don't know about but there's double qualifiers which will actually bring down the invite list from four or down to five or six or seven or maybe even eight depending on how it all shapes up but we gotta catch em dude holman i see your butt crack hey y'all feel em homer's butt crack he looks like a plumber hey ho holman used to be a plumber yeah who else used to be a player hey another guy who used to be a son of a plumber why does that sound familiar oh dusty rose what's son of a plumber he's the american dream dusty rhodes a lot of y'all you know don't know dusty rhodes you need to google it dusty rhodes was a great american wrestler okay back when wrestling was real i mean they really used to pick each other up and throw them down and get them in like the leg lock the figure four the cobra clutch you know all that stuff was from dusty rose and he kind of started all that this is our last day of the whole year fishing this is the whole season dude all the ups and downs and in betweens all fall right here i have to catch a decent bag today you need to go have fun andrew needs to catch 25 pounds and win the tournament and todd's in still in shape to do something special because he's a big bag today hallman kind of fished himself out of it yesterday it's just kind of you know it's the beginning of the year we all had expectations being a year we all we all went to the first tournament we're like all right we're gonna do this and then through all the ups and downs and lefts and rights and rescheduling and everything else it's just it's just made it complicated this year well the rain has stopped which is good i mean i'm sure it's going to come back but i'll tell you there's something i always hate whenever it's raining when you take off like in the morning like right now raining is always like when it starts raining while you're fishing it's like a little different i think i broke off 30 times yesterday yo hey man i just had to tell you something real fast you ain't gonna believe this what you ain't gonna believe it i don't made it to the big time what i'm sitting in a boat with heated seats i've been fishing with you all these years you ain't never had heated season man that ain't right but i want you to know that uh i don't made it now man my butt cheeks are like warm and i'm in a boat i'm in a boat with heated seats oh my gosh oh my gosh but i just had to call you and let you know that's funny dude yeah yeah hey listen if you could get my seat over there heated so next time i fish with you i can have it heated i appreciate it okay i got you man okay later all right they're very warm toasty toasty i'm still calling you toasty tell everybody i'm back in the game is okay there's a little school of them they kind of move around but they like they like that little point right there but just thought i saw some got one i got one too oh yeah look at that one nice dude there's still more out there but yeah there's i don't know where they went now but there's like three there's not a big school here it's another one but i might have the first time i've thrown this jerkbait and they're biting it good okay we're gonna make one cast for this maybe two castle the swim jig through this grass and then we gotta move last cast there's a nice little nose little bear when he went the level he's like i'm not going to holler till it's three pounder you gotta be freaking kidding me dude you gotta be kidding me yeah freaking blew up on it three times i was still now big spot there we go thank you jesus now we're getting somewhere that helps four more bites like that there's a school of them here what this is a spot it's a freaking gigantic one i mean like a freaking monster no we're calling up we just need to cull up about two pounds two and three pound marks instead of three ounces oh it's a bigger that's a big in there that's a bacon i don't know if it's a bass or not but if it's i'm in a spot but if it is it's the biggen no damage come on dude stop god man the thoughts that go through my mind and i'm thinking all right well there's there's one i need like that's that's the elites right i mean that's four pounder and then it's a striper there it is there we go oh oh boys we might have just figured something out so i mean blew up on it on that stuff in the back did you hear it yeah i heard it man i didn't think she had it oh so you just got yourself thank you oh look that joker are you kidding me that thing has spotted oh boy freaking zebra bath i've never seen a spotted bass so spotted don't make sense though hello darling that helps i think we had two one sevens yeah that's what we have thank you so this is where those fish came up schooling when we're over there and i came over here and i caught a striper well i missed that one by the boat then i caught a good one and then i caught another one the individual fish like i saw him out there 55 foot just by himself i threw the top water he came up like a like a race car go boom and got it looks like if i can find another one out here they'll bite wow well guys i don't know caught a lot of fish today i don't know why i haven't caught any better fish than this it's crazy okay we gotta go 2 15 right leg on a co-angler side alex prince what's up that's just you fish as hard as you can all year long and just things with the 7-10 right now i can't believe i didn't catch a couple victories he was anchored by the few exposures we'll see what happens i'm not worried about it at this point i've laid it on the table and i make good decisions today i know i did today even though i didn't catch any big ones i call them deep i call them shallow i call them on chatterbaits i call them suspended i caught them brush piles i mean yeah i mixed it up i didn't just but before we get started just quit trying to try to make it happen for the play of our national escape that hurt i love you dudes but you're painful oh you're painful oh god oh three fish that's it look at him dude i think i got maybe a little more than yesterday from coast and florida scott martin had 10 pounds in one ounce one day no more he's got a five fish limit here today about the same looks like maybe a little better a little better eleven pounds four ounces eleven four gonna have him in fourth place trying to punch his ticket to the 2021 bassmaster elite series has a tough day i mean i say a tough day ten pounds one on sunday number one but the difference between 10 pounds and 11 pounds is probably going to be about 30 points guys that's that's uh good job 25 pounds it's gonna be a stressful two hours okay i don't know what i'm gonna do about 11 pounds better that's all it can be todd castledine come on up todd good day for toddy eleven pounds nine outside day number one 13 pounds and four ounces 13-4 on day number two gonna have your fifth place you want a photo a little i'm not saying it was a better day today i didn't catch as many fish i ended up going right off the bat i realized that yesterday wasn't that good in the morning time for spots so i went after largemouth and caught my biggest one uh up there on the swim jig did that caught ended up catching two doing that went back out there uh hit some stuff that i kind of found in practice i didn't hit yesterday and caught some more she caught some spots and then at the end of the day i kind of went back and uh do a swim jig in the grass and caught cold up a couple times nothing real big but i still cold so i still probably caught 25 30 fish today so it it's pretty good day not bad i guess i don't know you know uh i had two fish three pounds four ounces i could have caught some more 12 inchers they were like schooling everywhere but they were 12 inches so we didn't even throw in on them now looking back probably should have threw in on them but i mean it still wouldn't have been enough weight you know i don't know dude this is killing me this is killing me so andy hi bro and i'm butchered his name i'm sure if he caught him really good today it might bump me out from what i hear but i don't know i don't know if he's going to have him or not i heard he didn't catch him but i hadn't seen him weigh in yet so we're sitting here watching everybody oh this is this is stressful dude bradley hall man norman oklahoma he's got five he had some pounds in the nine on sunday number one think about the same today seven pounds even almost identical thank you i don't know man i mean i spent probably half my tournament in the grass and i think i caught two bass out of it the biggest one was a 14 incher and i spent the other half the tournament out on points they're on jerkbait and a kaitek swim bait that's how i caught all my fish but like i'm weighing in six seven pounds for five fish limit is terrible so i just keep going to the grass thinking it's gonna get bigger but they don't get much bigger so it is what it is and that's the end of the day so that's all i got andrew tesla oklahoma man you wore the right shoes for the occasion right there telling you what five fish for andrew appreciate you fishing with us thank you 10 14 10 14. all right guys wrapped up day two wrapped up 2020 had just over or just under 11 pounds not the day that i really wanted but it wasn't a terrible day caught a lot more fish today caught a lot of big crappie a lot of big stripes a lot of everything but that is a wrap here for 2020 for me didn't quite do what i wanted to hopefully scott made the elites i'm not sure yet gotta let the cars fall and see what happens next man i don't know it's gonna be tight i mean i gained a lot right i think i don't know i haven't looked at this sheet yet but i think i finished 45th or six or something that being said everybody said that i needed to finish above 62nd to make it so bait it's all unofficial at this point so but it's close it's doable so we're supposed to get a phone call so this video is far from over guys we're gonna go back to the house we gotta do some math we're gonna wait to get a phone call unofficial to see if we made it i feel i'm feeling some pressure off but i'm still nervous as i'll get out i don't even know where everybody is by the way guys we um rented this house if you check out the travel vlog this is a cool rental house right here if you come to ley lake you definitely need to uh stay here at this one it's set up perfect i know it's sketchy it's sketchy dude right there he had 12 yesterday so okay oh that's who what me and that's what me and andrew were talking about this is bad he had 12 pounds i had 11 9 which puts him in about 40th place problem is he finished 35th he got five more points but i gained oh another way you gained yes he so just maybe he's but it doesn't matter i don't think i have to worry about him i had to beat two people well what's justin that how many points were you beating about 18 no he was beating me by 13 points he's not going to answer he's too busy rolling here your voicemail is real important please leave it shall leave my voicemail hey can you hear me where are you on a mountain hunting i can i can't hear you oh really oh i got you now okay you got right now yeah what are you doing did you make your lead i made the elites yeah you made your league yeah i made it was what tripp pops was waiting for to see if i was you know could some news come in exemption deal yes uh but and at this point i'll call back and then so you know we're trying to get this thing going yeah hey that's wonderful that's really good basically all right i just want to let you know you're the first one i've called i hadn't called mom or suzanne yet all right it's official it's official no it's not it's actually unofficial exactly beneficial but kind of official yeah eight tournaments sitting in the back of the boat getting panoptix every day again good job dude thank you you're paying off today all right good job man thank you thank you everybody everybody had goals at the beginning of the year dude we just it just it just it just all just got switched around like crazy i don't know andrew's down there i think he's taking a shower right now i don't think he knows yet crazy dude i don't even know what to say other than i'm happy but it was just like i feel like i can i need a beer that's what i need i don't know what to do with this and i think you ought to give me some thanks on the camera i mean i've worked with you all year i mean your casting has come a long way and i mean listen you're a good student man and and the reason you're a good student is because you pay attention okay you listen to what i have to say and you obtain the information and that that that makes a good student yes and so i knew you were going to make it the whole time yeah but congratulations thank you you did good good you did good i still backlash in those problems well you do after 30 years i mean sometimes it just happens just sometimes it just happens but uh but yeah good job yes andrew all right crack that thing open i'll tell you something it was pretty giant crack i already know how you know you could hear it really yeah thanks bud yep a big part i mean look look there's a huge huge part of of me finishing where i finished even though it was a crummy year is because of everybody in this house we all helped each other in certain ways and andrew was a huge help to me no it's not this is mine no it's not it's appetizing no it's it's my what what what are you doing that's that's for your appetite would you stop eating my pizza that was pretty good dinner yeah that was bad it wasn't bad oh you're not there no problem thanks for putting up with all the craziness this year you know bye video we got to close the video because this is the whole team right here this is team the whole season the whole season right here the whole come on like everyone's been watching get right all year long they've all been part of these videos on all of our channels and i got him right i got him right yeah yeah you got him he's the tallest he's going to be in the back damn taller get down here he's about to slap me in the back of there yeah so guys listen thank y'all so much for participating not only in our videos but all of our videos this is it this is the final video of the 2020 bassmaster open series team smc right here awesome awesome stuff so dude thank you thank you andrew i got the hype there you go there you go i just figured i'd mix it all up i mean different all right all right so that was really awkward and we're going to leave you all with that so guys thank you all so much for watching and be sure to subscribe not only to our channel can we damn it no no i got it i got i got it but everybody we got no i got it okay i'm close up one two three bam you
Channel: Scott Martin
Views: 294,838
Rating: 4.9704385 out of 5
Keywords: Scott martin, Smc, Scott Martin Challenge, Fishing, Large mouth bass, Florida, Vlog, Spinnerworm, Billygottabass, Googan squad, Jon b, Andrew flair, Dallmyd, Fishing tip, Bass pro, Challenge, Instructional, travel vlog, largemouth bass, Bassmaster open, fishing tournament, new season, big bass, 2020, secret lake, giant fish, bassmaster open lay lake, bassmaster opens, bass open, lay lake tournament, bassmaster elite series, Scott Martin elite series, Scott Martin bassmaster
Id: lL_SSReTvuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 41sec (3581 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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