The Guntersville COMEBACK! - Bassmaster Elite Lake Guntersville Days 1&2 - UFB Ep.35 (4K)

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] i need to i need to get i have a three-quarter ounce in this did you think that's too light dude i ain't got a clue i know it won't work though i need to rig one of those up i didn't throw that's one of the few things that i didn't throw it about today did you yeah now listen i'll tell you how i do fish it now you need current though but i'll throw it after it hit the bottom and reel it real fast like the hair jig and let it fall reel it real fast let it fall a little smoke it dude this baby right here has got to do some work tomorrow so we're starting this video off the day before the tournament starts just because we've got to get up really early tomorrow morning like this would literally be the earliest that i've ever blasted off in a terminal we're blasting off at 5 30 so that means we need to be at the ramp at 4 30 means i need to be up at 3 30 in the morning so 3 30 in the morning this is crazy i'm about 80 something i've got until three o'clock to figure it out guys look we're on guntersville stop number seven gunnersville is a fabled fishery it's a fantastic fishery but it's fishing a little stingy right now the time of the year the conditions the fish are just getting off the beds they haven't moved out deep yet there's way more grasses here than i've ever seen so it's they're just kind of lost in space right now so we're getting a few bites but we're not finding that big school of fish like we like to find here on guntersville so i have no idea what to expect for tomorrow morning we're literally gonna have to go out and fish i've got a bunch of places i think i can catch them i just don't know how big they are and i just hope some of them turn into like four or five pounders because that would be like really awesome so we're going to spend a little time tonight rig and tackle them you guys can kind of join with me on that and then we're going to get up in the morning and we're going to start the derby bassmaster elite stop number seven garnersville lake [Music] all right there we go there's our starting rods we're going to start on some rip crap in the morning we're about 80 something so i don't know if we're gonna be able to get on it or not but there's a lot of rip rap there so i'll be able to get on some stuff that's the plan a little uh jerkbait topwater spinnerbait first thing in the morning hopefully catch five that would be awesome start the day off with five in the boat decent fish that'd be good so now we have to get up at 3 30 in the morning which is the whole reason we started this video now so it is now time to go to bed i don't think he looks that bad he said it looked like the grinch i didn't think the grinch had any hair most mornings you look like you panicked in the bear maybe maybe somebody from whoever yeah yeah so is today the official record of the earliest we've been up this year no i think last time it was yeah because remember the day that got canceled we got up at like yeah 3 15 or something it's crazy blast off at 5 20 which is good because flw we used to blast off every day like at seven that was just kind of their time every once while 6 30. but it was always like if there was a shad spawn bite going on you pretty much missed it at flw i never really even got official shad spawn nine to five every tournament nine to five yeah he said why is he in here complaining about slw not letting us go until seven minutes two hours after more sleep today is going to be all about patience because there's nothing fast and furious about going forward we are just over two minutes away from takeoff here at the seventh stop for the bassmaster elite series phenomenal lake a lot of history um it's fishing a little weird so hopefully we can weird up about 17 18 pounds a day but um still gonna take a lot of weight to do good um i'm not really on much we're gonna keep practicing today hopefully to sum across some four and five pounders that gunner was known for so uh go out there and see what we can do and uh keep an open mind because this lake's there's a lot changing right now every day and fish are trying to get out but they're just not they're not quite there yet not good anyway at least not for me and uh we're gonna keep looking keep looking hopefully we can contain 16 pounds been pretty tough practice figured out a few ways to get some bites but uh we got to go out there and try to catch five big ones so uh it's gonna be interesting looking forward to it let's go have some fun guys all right guys we're getting ready to blast this thing off i want to say a huge shout out to favorite fishing rods right there they're presenting sponsor for this entire video series this video and the entire series so guys i've been fishing with favorite rods for several years now super balanced super durable super dependable and and i've helped design a lot of these models so be sure to check them out we're gonna drop a link in the description down below if uh if you need a new fishing rod check out the favorite rush series the six stick series and the new pro series so that's uh awesome stuff seven three heavy is probably my favorite thing's gonna start here in a minute the one thing i'm noticing right now you here's a tip you gotta always evaluate the weather conditions right now and so lots of wind which is good for what i'm doing i think it's good for everybody but there's less clouds there's actually zero clouds this morning so it's gonna get bright pretty quick shad spawn's gonna end a lot faster this morning than it has so we need to make something happen this morning pretty quick we can if we can pull off a nice limit first thing in the morning that really changes things but if not we're just gonna put swim jig in our hand and go to work jerkbait too that's the goal what's the weight today as much as i can catch i mean this is gunnersville you can't mess around come we've been waiting on this and now my time is [Music] [Applause] [Music] right now we're here well there's not as many people as i thought on this bridge which is good need to settle down and get five they're here oh i had him dude man i got to find them again they're right here on this corner when they should be make a move we're not going real far i'm gonna go do a deep spot i got there he is oh yeah think bigging too feels big god dang it what we don't want to do that too many times well this spot here has potential to just get better every day yeah he's there hopefully he's 15. 15. two pounds [Music] there's only one in well i actually got a four and a couple twos around the corner let's go catch those real quick thank you lord she's kind of staying put i can see the shadow real close to where my bait is so oh gosh if that's a bass there's a new one back it's like a eight or nine pounder that's a eight or nine ten pounder right there wow that's a giant but that's a new fish that wasn't the same one there was a good one there but that's that's a different fish i really get him just tell me where you want me i just bought it [Music] just yeah right in there somewhere there you go that's a better better one barely got him one hook one hook again [Music] shot number two my pretty close there's a fry guarder on that corner if he's still there and it's catchable and then there was three or four giant ones on bluegill beds over here to the left but i couldn't get those or even like even thinking i couldn't get a little flinch yeah yeah yeah they're up there i mean i might be able to sneak up there and catch one got it that's a big one that's the big one oh that's a good one no it's not that big but it's a good one stay on baby that's not him there was like a five pounder over there i don't think he's if give me the keeper probably not nope 14 and a half that's not even right dude it's diamond right all right that was like a twist that was a twist flip it was an interesting release yeah there was a five pounder over there yesterday right exactly there there he is there he is maybe a keeper maybe nope ridiculously there's a good one there's a good one that's a big one right there dude oh my gosh that's the biggen that's the biggen please lord stay on come on come on come on yes there we go there we go we can catch them now dude i'm just in the right spot now i'm out of that wind two and a two something two and a little quarter thank you lord let's just get five good ones in the boat let's make something happen thank you lord that felt good that felt really good guys i can fish this is a little better wind wise all my other stuff was just ripping and i guess it just pushes that grass over so much and just just changes everything there he is oh another good one another good one uh yeah i think that's a keeper yeah he's long he's long he's long oh yeah oh yeah hey just like that we've gone from gone from bleak to hopeful i love this little swim jig i'm telling you there's a there's a potential here that i mean like i'm telling you right now like something big could happen right here jake number five that's a good chunk right there yeah he's 15. put him on my he's probably on my big side right there all right two and a half thank you lord i don't deserve it but thank you it's a perfect example guys of just staying focused thinking and adjusting and just you know not giving up honestly i mean i'm far from where i need to be still but i can actually for the first time see potential here i can see potential of something special we salvaged the day so far we just need to catch a couple big ones which i think we can oh that's a big dude i'm in a big in oh my gosh a giant i mean for real i mean like a giant oh it's a uh it is a giant look at this thing eight pound smallmouth god i thought that was him i literally thought that was him right where right where he was supposed to bite too i was like man that's my eight pounder might be two pounds maybe maybe not i don't know yeah 171 that helps if i'm out 71. last cast all right guys when we made it in i mean i don't have a good excuse to be honest with you i'm not too terribly disappointed because practice was pretty awful you know my other places got blown out that's that's what happened the wind and everything just destroyed it but i know for a fact i can go into that area tomorrow and have a good shot at a good bag and then i can run over to the other side which we didn't even hit today we just have to fish grass that's not super windy because it just blows the grass over so that's the deal i think we figured something out let's go weigh these things out and see what happens [Music] [Applause] it was a bad day i just put it to you that way i'm not going to sugarcoat it nothing was working everything was a disaster but i got five and i did learn something actually the only like like there's potential i'm seeing some potential here so you know we're not gonna be anywhere close to where we need to be but you know what we survived guys that's just the way it is five small ones is way better than four small ones and way better than three small ones and way better than two small ones that i was stuck on earlier so i know you'll keep the noise coming alabama let's hear it for one of your very own the 2019 elite series angler of the year from alabama scott canterbury five fish for scott canterbury here today looking for 1411 to take the lead in his home state 14 pounds five ounces just six ounces short of the overall lead but a decent start on day number one here at the berkeley bassmaster elite on lake guntersville so scott it seems like we are stuck in a perpetual spring it has been spring for the last six months am i wrong or right it has it really has it's been the longest drawn out spring that i can ever remember and it's it's changed the fishing for sure the fish should be way ahead of where they're at but uh they're in here and guys are catching them i know but it's been tough on me i just been struggling around trying to catch five and uh caught a few decent ones today glad to be here glad to see a crowd again for uh and look forward to getting back out there tomorrow and see if we can catch five more you know day one went pretty good you know i ended up catching uh 14 a little over 14 pounds middle of the pack so got to get out and catch them again tomorrow it's tough bite it was really really tough i didn't get a whole lot of bites but uh and it ended up catching 14 need to catch a little bit bigger bag tomorrow move up a little bit just need to get some points looking forward to it from fat on rouge louisiana a bassmaster classic qualifier derrick hugnol eric hogan with five fish here today good start to things 16-3 and take the lead ounces 16-5 2 ounces in the right direction and derek hudnall is now your brand new leader at the brooklyn bassmaster elite on blake gunnersville all the way from wisconsin ladies and gentlemen bassmaster classic qualifier caleb kuffall [Music] caleb kobal according to bass live took the lead early on today and did not let it go oh my word somebody went to the piggly wiggly and came back with a whole sack pull fight fish all alive caleb kufal 27 pounds 10 ounces 27 10 and caleb kuffal blows the tours off this derby on dave number one three cups in a row looking to keep it going from shelby north carolina matt mary [Music] matt eerie multiple weigh-in songs here four ounces moves into 25th place and matt you uh uncharacteristically tough start to the season for you but man you've really turned it around the last few events inside the cut and uh doing your job again here this week yeah i think that classic pressure got to me a little bit because the classic next year is an hour and a half from the house and you get to thinking about that and you know your mind gets the wonder and you start making dumb decisions but we rided the ship we got a good start here we need to do it again tomorrow but i'm glad to see you back too dave i'm so glad to be always always good to see you but uh it's just not typical gunnersville to me in may it's fishing really weird and the fish are really scattered and when you get a bite i can't i can't seem to duplicate it i'm just having to move around cover a lot of water great to have you here we look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow i got a big bite i mean that was the difference if not i'd have 12 pounds like the rest of the field but i caught a six pounder today i actually had another big one on and it jumped off so i need to get one or two of those big bites tomorrow and we'll be fishing the weekend so uh gotta go out there and duplicate what we did today if not pick up the pace a little bit and uh get back in this thing you know cuphol's had a pretty high mark at 27 pounds that was that was pretty unreal and uh hats off to him i don't know how he caught him or where he caught him but after this tournament's over i'll be interested to find out how he whacked 27 pounds so um hey go after tomorrow try to catch 16 17 18 pounds and move up a little bit hold up a win just last week he's a former bass nation national champion a former angler of the year and a six-time bassmaster winner from rats from idaho the prodigy brandon all in it i fish here today for 20 pounds 12 ounces 2012 and the prodigy rockets into second place here on day number one of the berkeley bassmaster a elite flw tour winner his first season on the bassmaster elite series from clewiston florida scott martin scott martin with five fish here today kick off this the seventh stop of his first season here on the bassmaster elite series five fish here today ten pounds nine ounces which in 76th place not a spot you're used to hanging out in but the good news is it doesn't matter what place you're in after day number one it all matters about how it shakes out once it's done yeah it was kind of embarrassing to be honest with you his gartersville is full of grass there's big largemouth in here i did not did not find them but you know what i learned a little bit today caught most of what i caught which isn't much the last couple hours kind of got dialed in and settled in so looking forward to tomorrow looking forward to seeing how it shakes out let's hear it form ladies and gentlemen you know that's painful right there guys i'm going to be an 80th place or so but you know what there's two days to qualify two days does heaven no it doesn't matter at all just kind of a positioning tool right so i just need to just get my stuff together get out there tomorrow and have a much better day and then slide into the top 50. that's the goal that's that's the goal top 50 right now and then we can make it up from there i do want to create my own nft it's not hard i'm going to make an nft of a small little two-pound bass i don't think anybody would buy an nfp that i made but maybe that'd be kind of cool i'm gonna do it i'm gonna get into nfts this could just be something you sell for five bucks there we go nfts all i know is that there's actually more sushi weight of raw tuna in that bag that i caught today and these jokers in here holding out on me supposed to be like some kind of some kind of team around here good job boys good job holding out on me why did you tell me about the six pounder man i mean why don't you tell me about that spot how'd you get a lamb i just put that damn jig in my hand got some grass down to my browns or in browns then they just started fishing pumps they're just a whole swarm of bees dude and i'm like three four hundred yards from any bank like mccoy said it must have been a whole swarm like a like legitimately like a sword for what chips this is funnier than what's bees brand name oh yeah make a cast that was today really it stepped off the boat into the lake oh my gosh so what'd you do with the bees that's what i was trying to show you dude that's when i start noticing them you like look they landed on you yeah hell yeah they're down everywhere i'm gonna take my jerk bait and start swinging at them oh my god i mean ever let's see him all waiting on the seat back there watch watch this i've never seen anything like that just buried now i'm like damn how am i gonna get my dirt bait bees everywhere [Music] [Music] [Music] a lot of fish he's catching 100 smallmouth oh he's up there where we did the uh oh yeah cena that's good he's the iron man he's iron man yes i'm gonna have to i have to pull my inner i have to pull my inner uh iron man out for tomorrow yeah hey buddy hey jimmy hey oh i did i did great i beat 18 people today i beat 18 people today [Laughter] that's about where it's at it's about where it's at i'm i'm not doing good i got to catch them tomorrow yeah you do what's leaping oh only 27 2017. only 27. i had 10. i could fish a whole other week i can't catch 27. combined i'm gonna catch them now i just got i just got my dad give me some mojo even though he had food on his face he likes shrimp or something and then jimmy houston jimmy houston i got jimmy houston dude i i passed out all right i gotta go rig up some tackle i gotta rig up 18 pound bag tackle i'm racking my brain here's the issue it's like you know there's just nothing many good fish up on those shallow humps with grass no i mean you get lucky to catch a random good one right like during practice you know man i caught i ate that one day and two and a half pounds about the biggest one right so if it's going to take 27 you need to take 27 to make the cut i think 27 would do it for sure that's 16 and a half pounds i need 16 and a half 16. i mean if you catch a really big one you can go fill your limit right you know how are you i mean there's a few big ones up there matt caught a big one today but that's one big one yeah i put in as many hours as anybody in three days and i ain't caught a big one yet i know so crazy man it's crazy to think we're on gartersville and it's just kind of messed up you know it's been spring for two months right eight weeks of spring and today it got hot tomorrow it's gonna get hot they're moving out right we're just a week or maybe even two weeks early a week early anyway i think a lot of those guys you know you i think a lot of the guys that caught like bluegill fish and spawning fish i mean they have their numbers have to go plummet way down plummet like there's not an overabundance of those fish and there's none coming right there's no new ones coming they're not coming to you if you're fishing shallow oh man you know it's uh 10 pounds in my mind when i when i finally got my limit today i was thinking like i breathed i breathed a little sigh relief like okay because you know how embarrassing would be coming with like two fish you know you'd be like literally dead last i've done it this year but you gotta i mean i caught that last one was the best fish i had 14 pounds dude i thought i was gonna be doing good yeah i mean really after the practice i said this i'll be just sitting all right i'm like five ounces into the cut so i mean you got to catch them i mean it's crazy whatever lives in the lake is what these guys are going to catch every time i like when you said that so true what's it going to take what lives here they're going to figure out a way somebody's going to figure out a way to catch what lives there i'm fishing my guts out okay i'm gonna fish my guts out tomorrow for you guys i have no idea what to expect tomorrow i really don't um it's one of those deals where i don't know how to target a big fish necessarily but i'm just gonna go let it hang out right i mean i i i know how to catch them i've been in this position before you can't win every tournament but dang it i'm gonna i'm gonna figure out how to catch a big bag tomorrow and move up i mean that's the goal appreciate all the support guys i mean i'm busting my tail out of here um this is all serious i mean this was one of the trumpets i even said to mccoy when we pulled into town i'm like dude look dude this is this is serious i'm twitching gears and um the results didn't show but we're working hard i appreciate the support guys we're gonna pull this thing off somehow end goal bassmaster classic that's what we want to do and uh go to bed get some rest good morning man this is like night vision dude i cannot see y'all at all i took the camera and there you are good morning man i'll get this fan on freaking blast bro that thing's all blast morning morning morning good morning you look like a big old fighter since two good luck now that's my good luck am i your dog you pet me hear my paddington good morning everybody yeah i've been up since two dude stress like this isn't funny anymore dude look i don't mean to complain look we've all had bad tournaments right but this is this is gunnersville it's full of big giant bass it's full of grass it's actually too much grass which is kind of crazy for me to even say i never think i'd ever say that but it's the eelgrass is an issue but any anyways that's a whole other conversation but 10 pounds 10 pounds and after practice i kind of thought 10 pounds might i mean i knew it was gonna be great but i kind of thought it'd be a little better than where i'm at now so i have got to figure out a way i could have been saying 16 pounds at least 16 pounds today i think i got to go catch everything i can catch on that jig let's get 10 or 12 pounds on the jig possibly a bonus fish like matt did he had a six pounder doing it on a jerkbait same area but anyways let's go get that and then running bluegill beds top water throwing some worms looking for like a four or five pounder cruising around that could be the deal or getting out there on the main river and literally taking a jig and just flipping some of that grass out there on the main river so that that's kind of what i have to do you know get a little bit of a shorter day today it's not a big deal but where to start right where to start yesterday i started on that shad spawn thing it did not work i've got another area that had a lot of shad but didn't have any bass a couple days ago we're going to try that today so that's the deal guys day two it's starting right now um man airy and scott canterbury they did good yesterday they did pretty good so they're right there where they need to be hopefully they'll make the cut let's go get this thing done guys all right y'all sitting here day two at lake thundersville oh it's uh it's cut day it's moving day so uh we had 15 15 and some change yesterday luckily we got a big bite and we're gonna need that again today i mean i hate to say it but these guys are catching a lot better than we thought they would they always do and uh we got to go out there and then put our head down and go to work we got to catch uh we need to get somewhere in the teens today to to stay in good position preferably we need to somehow bump 20 pounds to get back into this race but uh you know it's hard to do that right now in the big g so we're just going to keep a positive attitude keep our head down fish hard all day and hope for a couple good quality bites all right guys so check this out caleb kupnell's right there getting his boat ready he had uh 27-10 yesterday so he is in the he's he's in the front runner seat right there that's a big bag for here i mean you know when we got here everybody kept saying the lake's fishing tough which it is and everybody kept saying like it's going to be very hard to get over 20 pound bag and he busted that up really good 28 pounds basically then right behind that you've got todd otton thought alton's on the team garmin with us i saw him quite a few times yesterday he had 21 pounds and then of course brandon paul dick did well is again he did 20 pounds i think so that's basically the top three and then i think 10th place is about 20 pounds or 19 or so and change so they caught them a lot better but caleb cutting all todd otton and brandon paulnot had three to watch in this tournament in the middle yesterday i needed to catch a little more i'm in 37th so uh rigged up it's a big day i need to go out and catch 16 pounds try to get out of here a little early got taylor's graduation tonight i'm looking forward to that five seconds away from takeoff eight wins on the flw tour from florida i thought i had a chatter bait on i was like why is this thing pulling so funny because it was a spitter ready okay okay that's good let's make something happen right here let's make something happen that's right there he is he's not going to be a keeper not going to be a keeper but maybe there's a wad up there [Music] i feel like the shadow way up way up there oh that was a bite dang it that was a bite look at that you want to know if the swim jig is the right color look at that might be able to catch 10 pounds here real fast i caught a couple here yesterday but i think that jerkbait's not gonna play as much today that little jig may be important if they're there i should get bit the next two casts oh he had it dang it got him ski bass all right number one two pounds [Music] they're way up there there he is how they were supposed to bite yesterday except these are little spots yeah i'm hoping there'll be a although i caught some three-pound spots out here the other day nope that sucked there he is they're way back there man that's a better fish here oh yeah that's a good one there dude that's a good one there oh my gosh please stay on it's a big one right here dude they're way up on that flat big largemouth five pounder yeah that helps that helps been looking for this one for several days put this one on the on the big side five what do you think four and a half four four and a quarter yeah there he is oh another bacon dude oh yeah giant oh my gosh this is him dude this is big big big big big oh please lord this is giant dude please lord another four dude oh yeah it's bigger than the other one yeah whoa we cooking now baby we cooking now thank you lord somebody's praying for me right now buddy well thank you that's bigger than the other one dude that's five all right thank you lord thank you lord hey how about that dude oh my goodness thank you jesus there we go that's the cast right there that's the cast right there there he is oh another bacon dude yep feels giant dude i don't know i don't know what he is he hasn't really shook his head yet i don't think he knows he's hooked dude thank you lord that's two and a half is that four now dude let's make the cut right here dude give me one more five thank you jesus dude my daughter i know she's i know hillary's praying at school right now dude that just almost gives me chills come on baby one more big little big oh it's big big oh my gosh oh my gosh dude oh my gosh it's a seven or eight pounder dude oh my gosh oh my gosh boom we did it dude wow thank you lord i'm gonna cry come on bring it in man we gotta hug we can do it call mama tell her to get on a plane oh my gosh dude [Music] i don't know just put it is cut just type in cut what's this say i have 1915 really 1915. that's definitely the cut dude you know i never threw that far up yesterday when i graphed them and found them in practice they were up that far because i was sitting on that side throwing this way catching them no i got a five a four and a six and then two small ones man i'm so glad i stopped here dude almost didn't i mean i was like it went in my mind at first yeah and then i got about five miles from around like you know could whip in there real quick and if they're biting i'll catch two or three spots real fast they might weigh [Music] whatever there he is there he is got him um that's a good one yeah two and a half no i might not help might not help a little of the same thing i actually fished this spot yesterday morning as well um but the fish moved just a slight bit and i've re-found them today but you know there's mostly big spots like this these are all like two two and a half pound spots but i kind of had a feeling that um i had a feeling that some of those big largemouth that are coming out of these bays a huge spawning area right here beside us that maybe some largemouth might start to show up this week with it getting real hot and that's i think that's what's happened so i caught you know three really big ones and uh yeah this helps me about a quarter pound so that's gonna be good um you know like i said i fished it yesterday here step over here if you would i'm gonna open this up and i fished it in the morning and i fished it on the way in but i didn't catch any largemouth so they've showed up which is good uh-oh bite bite another spot i think it's a little one again yeah i hate burning all these spots up okay um um oh two two seven [Music] okay number five [Music] i keep seeing fish on the pan optics right over here on this we're in a turn by the way and i've seen them every last two days right there and i have yet to get a bite i don't know what they are they're like they're on the bottom like they're supposed to be there's shell there that's good i want to catch them there they got to be there this whole thing's a shell turn so guys i'll give you a tip so when i found this spot i graphed it garmin side view and down view followed this little channel swing it kind of zigzags back and forth through here and and saw the fish they showed up really really good on my graph and in the practice video i actually was filming whenever we found them and you'll see me talking about seeing all three of the units the traditional the clear view and the down view all showing the same results it's like boom boom boom we're gonna wreck them and so we caught fish here now in the tournament i threw a worm this heavy this heavy worm the minute i threw the worm i realized there's a shell bed here i couldn't see the shell bed couldn't tell it just looked like regular drop off but because i'm dragging this worm on the bottom it's a solid shell right here only there's no shell over here and i'm getting all my bites on the shell so my my point is and my tip to anybody that's fishing deep is always whether you're even catching them or not have a big heavy like one ounce football jig on when you graph a spot and you're like man those look like fish over here let's throw it there and see if it's a shell bed because if it's a shell bed that makes the spot even more important you know what i mean it holds them here like they'll always be right here they won't ever be over in the mud land so a little tip a little tip on fishing deep all right guys we just busted up a pretty good bag of fish now it's time to go try to find a few more schools we can find a few more schools it can get really interesting i don't know what i can catch off that spot tomorrow but what a blessing you know then just need to go out there and if we can find two or three more little deep spots and i don't think i'm gonna fish the grass stuff i think i'm gonna save that for when i need it i don't think two pounders are obviously just wasting time so if i can find a couple more schools out deep things could happen because i know i know this the fish are coming out they're not going shallow there's not any more bluegill fish showing up or any more spawning fish they're all heading out this way [Music] okay vegan dude i think i just don't know i don't think he helps me but i don't know he might a little bit dude that was crazy did you see what i did i had grass or something on my bait so i stopped and i went and he grabbed it they're liking that reaction yeah i did that over there at other school too when i first fired them up when i first caught them the very first time i got them to bite the good ones i snapped that rod four or five times yeah that's a that's a that's close to three i think so is it two two two and a half helps me a quarter pound there's some there's some fish up in the shallow parts of these bluegill are spawning up there you can catch you can catch them but like i said yesterday i didn't fish these humps and fish the humps over there in browns and they were just two pounders two and a quarters all right guys we made it in what a difference in days huh went from like last in the tournament shot way of the leaderboard today valuable points learned some stuff and we had an awesome time so man hey i'm gonna be honest with you i was i was down in the dumps you saw it i know you heard of my voice you saw my face but that was a lot of fun today guys we learned a few things we found some new fish and uh hopefully we can catch them like that tomorrow so let's go see what these things weigh hopefully matt and them caught them as well and canterbury canterbury really needs a good tournament on this so we're pulling for canterbury and of course matt this is gonna be the best let's go see what they weigh well let's bring out our tournament later from wisconsin caleb koopall took a win on smith blake in the open searching down his first elite series win needs 3-6 to take the lead not a problem 15 pounds 10 ounces with 43 pounds 4 ounces caleb kufal is leading this tournament by a giant margin at this point let's bring out a two-time flw tour winner a two-time classic qualifier from shelby north carolina matt harry in that area proud member of team toyota had 15 pounds four ounces yesterday five fish to add to that here today [Music] 12 pounds even gives him 27 pounds four ounces and he moves into sixth place currently and gunnersville seems very different this time around i mean even our leaders are we've got a guy with a 10-pound lead in this tournament he's talking about it being grindy but it kind of is because of there's nothing real solid it seems it is i mean i i i'm getting a lot of bites but i'm just fishing in the grass that's something i've never even done when i've come here i've always faced offshore this time of year and and it's definitely a different ballgame this time around and i don't know what it's due to maybe there's just there's more grass than i've ever seen in this lake uh the water is cleaner than i've ever seen in this lake so i'm catching them a lot of different ways but mainly on a dirt bait and you keep getting a lot of bites just not catching any big ones well i hope it's enough to get you in there so too keep our fingers crossed we'll find out at the end of the way and top 48 fish on semi-finals saturday all right so we weighed in 12 pounds today we had a unfortunately had a little casualty today it cost us four ounces but hopefully that doesn't cost us a cut fingers crossed that we get to fish tomorrow um if we do get to fish tomorrow i'm not really sure what we're gonna do yet but i do have a roommate that whacked him pretty good today he went from 10 pounds to whatever he's gonna eat whatever he's got in his bag it's a mega bag so um anyway gonna regroup tonight keep our fingers crossed hopefully we get the fish tomorrow and if we do we need a couple of those big bites to run back up the leaderboard tournament's hot of a win at our last elite series event from springville alabama elite series champion the little ball of hate west logan [Music] starting today with 14 pounds and an ounce five fish to add to that look out 20 pounds 12 ounces with 34 pounds 13 ounces the little ball of hate is trying to go back to back on the bassmaster elite series he moves into second place currently next up let's bring up the 2011 force woodcup champion a seven-time flw tour winner from clewiston florida scott martin ten pounds nine ounces yesterday a much better day today watch the scales five fish all alive 19 pounds 11 ounces 1911 and scott murder rocking into the top 10 in seventh place currently with 30 pounds and four ounces what a day two rallies by scott martin when you almost double your weight from day number one you know you're going in the right direction and man a giant rally for you and in the nick of time perfect timing with the season moving on today was a critical critical day for you i'm not gonna lie today felt pretty good you know it was a lot of fun you know it's uh it's one of those deals where i fished a lot of the same water just made some adjustments out there and settled down and got really blessed and caught those those three of those really nice ones this morning but you know it it's yeah this morning i didn't even sleep last night i was so beside myself thinking like oh i'm going to finish up the year the last two tournaments you know biting my nails having to catch them and uh so it's just a true blessing the lord blessed me today catching these fish and i know my wife's at home watching hey honey i did it for you and uh my daughter hillary and amelia i know they're watching as well and the coolest part today was my son jacob was in the camera filming that with the big camera so we captured all this for the youtube channel and there's really a lot of cool emotional stuff today so hopefully get out there tomorrow whack them up and we'll see what happens i love watching your youtube videos can't wait to check it out ladies and gentlemen let's hear from scott martin makes me mad i didn't have 20. like i know that sounds selfish but like 20s like a mark you know it's like a mark that you want to try to try to hit hopefully uh canterbury makes it that'd be awesome if we can all remake it we'll start a whole other video with all three of us again that would be pretty epic actually and uh hey mccoy we're not gonna go film a tv show tomorrow by the way got more important things to do so that was awesome a lot of fun and let's go see what happens another one of our elite series rookies from alabama justin hamner justin hammer had 10 pounds six ounces yesterday five fish dad here today 1999 gives him 29 pounds 15 ounces and it is christmas day for justin hammer a big big rally with 29 pounds 15 ounces the elite series rookie is ready to go to work here on semi-final saturday bring on one of your very own the 2019 elite series angler of the year from alabama scott canterbury ounces yesterday five fish had that here today 13 pounds 12 ounces gives him 28 pounds and an ounce and moves him into 33rd place currently and uh you've done enough to get in there for now hopefully it's enough to stay in there yeah that's a little more than i thought i had it's been a tough bite on me i mean i'm just running around grinding as much as i can trying to catch something not gonna take much time i gotta get to my daughter's graduation so uh thanks hopefully i'll be here back tomorrow it's about two hour drive but hopefully i'll be back tomorrow guys go on get and happy graduation to your daughter that's a great father right there ladies and gentlemen awesome appreciate you guys that'll make it i had 13 12 a little more than i thought i had so i made 28 pounds uh hopefully i'll get in but going to see graduation right now you got rocking ah cooking a little cheap spaghetti cheap spaghetti cheap spaghetti cheap because i when i make spaghetti i chop all my ingredients up and i make i make it homemade like truly homemade but when you're on the road you don't have many options it's a nice camera you and mccoy were nice enough to have a store so normally i would never cook but we finished in 51st place so we're not fishing tomorrow so i'm actually cooking that was a thing there was just a spoon everybody brags about it i can't wait to try it and i use deer burger too are you really oh yeah anytime we make you get in the house we'll use deer burger that's true why wouldn't you use deer burger hey arie thanks to pasta dude you just take mushrooms it's busting yeah i guess that's good oh yeah all right so it is uh about 30 before dark and i am rigging up stuff for tomorrow we did it we did it i i don't know the top 25 i think 25th place right now but that's saying a lot from literally went from 81st to to where i'm at now so uh you know guys we've got a shot of this thing believe it or not i mean i just need to catch obviously another big big bag maybe even bigger and try to sneak into the top ten um you know that being said i had a lot of fun today and that was the main goal you know when i i got and that was a the probably the biggest best piece of advice that i gave in this video so far and i'm glad that i said it because it helped me spoke to me was that you know for me to have a chance to have a big bag i need to go out and have fun i need to just let it all hang out and have fun don't get too stressed out if i get you get too stressed out you overthink things and uh even though i didn't catch any fish the first two spots i was still having a good time i was just staying free i wasn't getting panicked and i thought hey let me stop here on this spot where you know we actually fished there yesterday and didn't catch you those big ones so patience paid off in this one we got to try to pull something off tomorrow to make day four so guys that is it scott canterbury and i made the finals top 50 cut top 48 actually and unfortunately matt did not make it i can't believe that even happened god a dead fish penalty cost him he must have cut by one ounce one ounce that's the importance of weighing your fish properly and culling properly but that being said hopefully you enjoyed watching the video um you know i had a ball hanging out with you guys thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for all the support you guys give us on the channel and uh we're putting a lot of hard work in dylan mccoy jacob we're all working our tails off trying to produce good content so do me a huge favor if you don't mind just smash the like button and do one other thing for me it's very important share the video out if you have facebook take the link share it on facebook tell everybody how great the series is and we want to get more people watching it so guys that is it we're gonna leave you here and the next video you watch in the series is gonna be gunnersville we made the cut that's right baby [Music] you
Channel: Scott Martin
Views: 182,781
Rating: 4.9770656 out of 5
Keywords: Scott martin, Smc, Scott Martin Challenge, Fishing, Large mouth bass, Florida, Vlog, Billygottabass, Googan squad, Lunkerstv, Andrew flair, Fishing tip, Bass pro, Challenge, Instructional, How to, travel, travel vlog, largemouth bass, fishing tournament, new season, big bass, secret lake, lunkerstv, giant fish, scott martin bassmaster, bassmaster elite series 2021, bassmaster elite Guntersville, bassmaster Guntersville, scott martin 2021, scott martin tournament, lake guntersville
Id: rt1x3DXkd6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 28sec (4528 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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