TIME TO WIN on the Best Lake in the Country - Road to the Classic Ep.12 Bassmaster Sam Rayburn

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i killed a chuba cobra last night actually it was a we killed a killed a copperhead out here right on the sidewalk by the house bad thing to step on walking your boat at five are you gonna get planned for today no no yes you do dude don't give me that here i got you a hat though i got you a hat it's just it's awesome dude it's awesome i bought it for you and everything what does it say all eyes huh hell eyes huh you could say hall ass i feel like that's like a mack hat take the hat dude i bought it for you and everything there's good luck did you be blinging the hat here yes yeah that is you dude is that me you kind of or is it the sideways kind of thing the other hat off take the other hand no i like this one like this i like double hat in it i'm like inspector gadget i got one on the front in the back he's nervous man is he gonna give us some weight points we're getting a little late for that he gave me some i just want a couple of his frog spots yeah no doubt just a couple of frog holes hey todd you got any spare frog holes yeah like where i go catch them on a frog well i mean you're just gonna have to go ease through them all then when you go through it this side then turn around and go 100 yards further in and go down it it might take you six seven hours but i guarantee you you'll have a bite who can else guarantee you a bite today i can sign me up coach sign me up billy you did it billy's not here where's billy what's he there [Applause] yo billy hey what guys to go mate okay today is all about putting together a solid game plan today is all about put myself in position to win this tournament why do i want to win i want to win because i want one of those trophies i want to win because i want to make the elites and i want to win so i can win the bassmasters classic that is the goal that we set at the beginning of the year and that is still the goal front and center yes crazy morning huh it always is huh [Music] baby [Music] [Music] morning how you doing i'm doing well dude good to meet you man what's your name again reuben the revolution reuben pleasure man where do you live the pope texas southwest south texas right right falcon and all that you fish yes sir really i'm fired up this morning it's uh this is what's so cool about tournaments right it's like you practice all week and you see a few boats at the ramp and you do your thing then you get here in the mornings and then this is what you see right here you see that everybody feeling the same feeling everybody like i got chills right now like seriously everybody all jacked up everybody's feeling the same feeling everybody wanting to win but there can only be one winner that can only be one winner let's get after it i'm gonna get the rods pulled out i gotta get everything all dialed in let's take you guys along for a journey dude i can see their tails swimming bro these are 10 pounders seriously dude like i can see his tail going like this on the panoptix it looks like what you would see in the packaging i don't know he's not even 14 anyways oh that's him that's him [Music] i think so oh [Music] yeah it's a four and a half welcome to texas boys that's all they are in there dude i'm telling you mutes buttes when he hit i knew it dude oh my god a five pounder behind my bait dude literally about five hour behind my bait he chased my worm up dude he was this long did you see him no i saw him with my eyes yeah yeah you know i saw him with my eyes dude wow i can't believe nobody's here i'm biggen nice nice thank you lord i'll get in there with that one i'm about to turn around go back down that little edge you know so he's 14. i'll take what i can get that's being funky today thank you lord so so there's one that's a good one told you i was about to catch one right there [Music] about three he's skinny i don't think so [Music] hit it on the drop again [Music] didn't even feel him that that's hurt all right good one and ain't here yeah he's in the grass i don't know no he might make 14. maybe all right he makes it it's real close though ain't nothing you can do is there i didn't i didn't know you could help there you go oh that's a nice one [Music] oh gosh yes come on baby oh yes thank you lord thank you lord where yet thank you jesus that's a long time dude that's a long time hey golly man all right just need one more like that dude i'm okay this is taking a lot longer than i expected okay a little thing i've been doing and it's working is i throw the crank bait i hadn't really caught much on the crankbait but i just wake them up it gets them moving around and then you throw the worm in there and they seem to bite it but every time like in practice if i pulled up to a pile just threw a worm i'll never get a bite i'd pick up a crankbait throw a couple times and pick a worm there he is that's a big end dude [Music] he's not as big as i thought i think he's a keeper nice so that's five dude oh yeah we done got a boy we done got em all kidding aside we got a lot more getting to get but i do feel a lot better you know tournament fishing is all about setting goals for yourself one goal obviously is to get the limit the next goal is to i mean a survivor weight to me and this tournament is probably probably about what i have but neat thing is i'm one big fish away from putting myself in contention to pull off something special over the next two days so there's going to be somebody weighing in 25 pound bag or some crazy numbers i'm sure then they'll be just all kind of stuff consistency is going to win on this deal but nevertheless it feels good to get my fifth one in here's what i'm going to do i'm going to spend the last hour of the day flipping on some of my best steps just to see because if it's not biting they're not biting there on that flipping stuff i'm probably going to stay deep all day tomorrow tomorrow i've got a long day so i'm trying to learn that's what i'm trying to do even though i'm still trying to catch them i'm still trying to learn to make a good decision for tomorrow so enough talking dude i gotta we gotta get back to it there you go it's gonna be a big one dude oh my gosh you got a freaking 10 pounder dude oh it's a giant dude look at that sam raven thank you oh it's pretty pretty right there boy oh they're starting to bite though just small ones out right now but you know you gotta get like 15 20 bites and then you'll have three or four big ones some five pounders and stuff you know i'm just glad they're biting in the grass now dude isn't that crazy oh my gosh dude dang it dang it i don't like missing them dude because i just don't know you know shook off a real big one right here the other day dang it came right in here just to get a bite right here on this point [Music] okay that's my small one right there yeah thank you lord now i know i can do this tomorrow just for whatever reason this morning man it just wasn't happening might help oh yeah that helps a lot good thank you thank you buddy that helped me buy another almost i have a pound bro all right we got to go here in a minute [Music] so [Music] all right andrew upshaw let's stick him in there good start for you andrew not too shabby 14 pounds 11 ounces 14 11. good start had about a little over 14 pounds a day definitely wasn't the start i wanted um you know they just didn't bite today but you know one thing about that because they can bite tomorrow come on i got to watch scott catch a big one this morning so make sure you stay tuned for that it was a nice one it wasn't a 10 pounder though thank goodness sir three pounds at 15 ounces 315. all right so today wasn't really what we wanted but uh it was okay and we uh we made the best of it the guy was fishing with good guy and uh great shallow fisherman we didn't uh we didn't do that great but we're still alive i mean the 15 pound bag tomorrow we're right in there all right everybody knows this guy scott martin come on up good bad for scott martin trying to punch his ticket into 2021 bassmaster elite series 15 pounds and eight ounces 15 eight got a movement inside the top ten into seventh place go ahead and take him right over there all right give it up for scott martin i think we'd all like to see him in the bassmaster elite series what do you think so 15 8. that's better than 14 8 better than 13 not as good as 16-8 so tomorrow we need to bust about 20 something and uh you know i've got all day to do it it was a blessing i mean you saw you saw the adjustments and today was a cool day look i didn't catch a giant bag of fish but the little adjustments that i made slowing down when i needed to going back to stuff that i didn't catch them on early you know it all kind of worked out so that was fun that's term of fishing right there so i'm gonna go get the boat ready get the rods cleaned up and get ready for dinner and go find out how the other boys did all right we got some more coming through bradley hallman from norman oklahoma come on around the front side these days bradley thank you sir got himself four gonna weigh in at nine pounds six ounces 96 give them a dump send them off stage todd castledine no we're on the front side there todd today's waiting for you 10 pounds 12 oz 10 12. thank you todd so i brought in a fish today that they measured a short i bumped it twice it's the first time in my entire career that i've ever had a fish not go i'm not real happy about it the dang thing touched twice but then it wasn't it wasn't right it had to be shorter but whatever um it's i got loss of that little fish plus a pound or two pound penalty or whatever it is for bringing in a short but it's a lot in this deal because of the points and the weight i mean it's gonna be a lot 12 pounds if i had 12 and a half or so a day man i've been alright to where i could do something tomorrow at least keep some points but uh it is what it is good old raver uh this time of year man i've done really good and usually though i don't catch very many fish and i only caught four today i actually i kind of had them on i had some weird stuff happening i caught a six pounder like right off the bat and like a foot of water and i was like man here we go and then uh i didn't have another fish at 12 or 1 o'clock i didn't get very many bites i mean there for a while i had like five hours i probably didn't have a single box um i didn't think it was all that good just a weird day man that's that's about it i don't have much to say today the best i've ever eaten that's next level bro hey this is almost better than that 49 pounder i called today chicken spaghetti what andrew's mom made that really who made this who made this look at that bread special bread that's boudin bread eat the bread dude there are two things that's chicken spaghetti yeah that's spicy this is mild oh my gosh what is that called this is called a crispy bread of the ozarks that's ozark bread those aren't bread i ruined it i feel really bad my mom that would be special bread dude yeah they like seasoned it and everything well just eat it there's more there's more oh you really burned it hey i know i actually this one's not burnt that bad because it was it was closed it's perfect [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] what was that billy started it off yeah he's gonna start it off you're first so we're we're figuring hey so yeah what so we're ian we just ate so it's even worse because i have about two more pounds of freaking andrew's mom's chicken spaghetti in my stomach why y'all do those at the same time time me now get a clock out i'm going to do a reverse a beer no no a reverse a reverse plank looks like this okay so while y'all are doing your plank i'll do the reverse which is harder and i'll sit just like this for as long as y'all like this jake will win that one [Laughter] that's so good okay so you do them on your elbows right yeah okay all right all right yeah go go all out it's hot look at that they're holding like oh this is tough i think you need to drop back a little bit there castlevine drop back where sweat gotta get your butt down dude billy's done i slipped slipped scott what are you doing i'm done you win it's just me keep going you gotta break a record three minutes is good we'll do them in ten seconds increments boys i'm going to bed once i will see y'all in the morning day two you know what's crazy about these tournaments it doesn't matter how good or bad you do on day one because it's just day one you've always got to get up and do it again or improve or do whatever on day two day two is the most important day because it's what defines the rest of the tournament i'm either gonna make the cut or not make the cut based on what i catch today not based on what i caught yesterday there is no more yesterday there is no more yesterday yesterday is gone it's cold man what i'm saying yeah i know i like words that's why i bring you around bill yeah yeah words of wisdom i was getting deep there for a minute and you just you just brought me deeper yeah i know day two makes all the difference what happens today that defines the tournament yes because yesterday is gone all you can do is what you can do today and that's a fact deep thoughts oh god oh my gosh sorry sir excuse me coming through i apologize i just ran over it's slowing away day two starts now [Music] it's gonna be different today a lot more pressure up there but i know that's where the winning bag is i just know it i need to make the right decisions again today and make the right moves grass can be a player it needs to be a [Music] player [Music] oh that's hard dude no it's not her but it's like it's a keeper dude that's all i thought that was her she was stuck in the brush for a second i hope so oh yeah man hey get me that dude was running check this square bill it's a googan square bill i don't know the names of these things yet but caught a couple in practice on it because about seven to nine foot deep i'm going to try to tick the top of that brush pile with this little dude and then we'll follow it up with a with the mondo so i don't care if they come up now they're gonna they can hit that thing not even a keeper there he is did he drop it he dropped it or he's in the pile no he's still in there oh got him yeah oh and i got my crankbait back two for one baby heck yeah i got my crank bait back and i caught the bass what and it was inside his mouth the crankbait was inside his mouth oh no oh i got another crankbait that one's not mine that one huh that one actually could be mine from a while back there he is i mean i think he's just a keeper though i mean he was coming up so golly kidding me man i mean that's that was like a four pounder or something that was big oh my god we got somewhere people ain't fished all right guys so we're way behind schedule it's about uh 12 38 i still got this too i've been waiting for the sun to come out and i don't i don't know if it is i think i think it is but it's it's just that hazy thing they're not biting deep at least what i'm doing and andrew and a few other guys that we've talked to so i feel the most confidence with that flipping stick in my hand really i just need three good bites i think we're just gonna go back over to southern lake and do what i do best me not 14. we'll try oh yeah 14 dude yeah thank you lord he's a little old dude but he's points my friend there we go come on baby come on up here okay i think i'd be 14 right he's 15 almost 15 inches boy look at that right there [Music] that's four four littlest turds in the whole dang tournament but that's all right hey some people don't have no turds hey that's a that's what's one more turd than i had a minute ago you know what i'm saying like it's it's that's how it works dude i got one more turd than i had a minute ago thank you lord thank you lord i tell you that was cool though i'll tell you why i sat here and i thought i'm not getting bit so they might be on this edge now tie that worm on i put a lighter weight on so it would just kind of slither down through that grass so that first weight was too heavy it was sticking in the grass too much and that that first cast that lighter weight thank you lord i just had another one i don't know why he missed it i have no words right now guys i have no words pain is what it is so mad oh my gosh bradley with three fish he had nine six nine six on day number one gonna go ahead and add three today eight six eight six thank you bradley i never lost anything didn't do anything wrong everything worked out kind of good i should have probably had the same bag yesterday i had it on so uh kind of disappointed in that but i don't think i would have made the cut anyways with with with two bags like that but not too bad i rebounded a little bit my might make a check get on up in there save some points philly measure spartanburg south carolina billy's fishing i'm going our side at 3 15 3 15 on day number one at these 3 six four we're gonna have 50th place just outside that money just barely man andrew upshaw tulsa oklahoma 14 11. need a big bag i need 19 pounds oh not going to be enough but moving up the leaderboard for sure get you some valuable points 11-5 gonna have you inside top 50 48th place all right we know this guy's from clewiston florida scott martin oh he felt one shot at that limit that's hurtful he had a 15 pound eight ounce day number one six six on day number two man it happens everywhere we go go ahead and uh pull those out and give him a dip all right six more i have no words you know it's one of those things like in fishing yesterday i made good decisions i had momentum like i made a move i catch a fish i make another move catch another fish and today i never could get that going tried obviously deep tried shallow you saw i mean it was just one of those i don't even have words for it i don't really know what happened if i had it all over to do again i don't really know what i could have done i just didn't i looked for new water today i fished new water i mean i did what i was supposed to do to put together a bag on a tough day we're catching 20-pound bags i caught six no excuse but you know what guys that's it and that is it for the video so thank you so much for hanging out with me so i want you to do one huge favor uh get ready for another bunch of series we're going to hartwell next and we got a lot of cool stuff in between be sure to subscribe hit that like button drop a comment down below it's all about making the elites it's all about winning one of these tournaments this year we'll see you guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Scott Martin
Views: 111,218
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Keywords: Scott martin, Smc, Scott Martin Challenge, Fishing, Large mouth bass, Florida, Vlog, Spinnerworm, Billygottabass, Googan squad, Lunkerstv, Jon b, Apbassing, Andrew flair, Dallmyd, Fishing tip, Bass pro, Challenge, Instructional, Tip, How to, travel, travel vlog, largemouth bass, Bassmaster open, fishing tournament, new season, big bass, 2020, secret lake, lunkerstv, giant fish, sam rayburn, bassmaster opens, bassmaster, road to the classic, rayburn, best lake in the usa, best bass fishing
Id: u6QldJytRdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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