Rebuilding a 48" Rock Auger

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hey guys got me another little project let's see a 48-inch auger and some of you may know what's wrong with this thing just by looking at it but for those that don't i will give you a little a clue this is right here you see that it doesn't cut the customer said uh the manufacturer made it wrong well it's not necessarily that my thoughts on this is that these machines excuse me these machines the drilling machines foundation machines have so much down pressure what they call crowd that as this is touching the ground what happens is that and it creates a lot of heat they get really really hot and so with that heat it just slowly tends to warm it up right in this area and this area right here to where it causes this just flattens out so now level is right here and just skimming the top of the rock and that happens with a lot of these on this other side over here i guess that side wasn't contacting hardly enough and so this side took the abuse and i just wore these nubs down to nothing there's a good one right there and so um there are a couple ways of fixing this you could try and cut this guy off here sorry make a cut right along this area right here a hollow i mean just a pierce cut through here leave it attached right in this area cut through this spot here or one between one of the teeth or pockets i should say and slowly fold this down with heat heat it all back up and these teeth will point back down which is good it's a definite easier way of doing it however it doesn't really solve the issue as far as making sure you're really accurate and so if i was out in the field and needed to make this repair uh it'd be that's the way i would do it just fix it like that keep them running and they'd be happy and the only bad part is you would notice the kink wherever this would be right in this area but now since i got it in the shop customer decided to let me go ahead and cut all of these pockets right off cut them babies off right there and i'm gonna try and cut back about maybe inch and a half or two inches right in there all the way up in here so we get away from this flattened out spot and that way i can put a whole new set of pockets on there and at a better angle angle of attack as uh pilots will say i guess but anyway uh i won't bore you guys with doing all the teeth because it's 24 teeth it's quite a bit i just uh show you guys a little pointers on how to pull this off in case you guys try and do this yourselves it's not that tough it's just a lot of work just as with anything else right you eat an elephant one bite at a time so hang tight and hopefully i can keep you along for the for the length of the video because i know it's the you know kind of monotonous i guess after a while and uh i really appreciate you stick around and subscribe if you can it doesn't hurt it's free it's uh you know maybe you'll learn something so uh hang tight and we will start on this baby right here see ya so next step is to try and see if yeah i'm going to turn this auger over and get the pilot bit off of it because i'm going to be attaching my fixture to it so that i can determine where to make the cuts and how to measure off of the depth for each tooth and each tooth spacing so here we go [Music] so [Music] me [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay so here we are i sort of cleaned it up a little bit what i end up doing is preheating this guy around here and it'll swell up just a little bit to be able to knock these off these guys never come off because they get twisted on so hard and some people even weld these together so i'm glad they didn't because they already are tough enough as it is and here you see where some of the grooves for when these teeth go down these grooves are wearing because that rock is rubbing on it now this since i had a little bit of damage right in this area here and i think that's some type of hard surfacing rod which is really going to stink because hard surfacing does not like to get cut with a torch so you know i just might i don't know yet i'm gonna have to decide i might just cut around this pattern and just set the teeth at the right spot um based on the same uh the same pattern i can cut these well that these are where i can see it i can cut these pretty good just around the perimeter and then the whole section will fall right off and i can just put the teeth at the proper angles and it would be good again i'll have to take this off and put my my uh bar that i used to measure the depth hopefully there if they're the same between this side and that side then you know it'd be easy enough just to replace each one of those teeth and set them back where they're at and make smaller adjustments instead of cutting all brand new uh completely completely new that saved me a lot of headache i think but i'm not exactly sure just yet i've done several of these but most of them i do end up just cutting it all off right here i'm just starting with new cutouts for each of these pockets but this looks like it might work who knows don't know if you're trying so i'll measure this height to the ground same thing on the other side and if they're somewhere close like within a half an inch i can adjust the height of the tooth pocket each side and make up for the difference and then just go from there that'll save me a lot of headache right next step [Music] oh [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so like i mentioned earlier i'm gonna be trying to cut these off right behind the original weld right in this area and that way i can just follow the same pattern in a sense but in in this case i'll just re-angle them as needed here we go [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] the wall things at the beginning [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so okay so that worked out semi okay now to put them back on [Music] it'll be a neat little trick at a hard surface we don't want to cut well i'm glad i got the basic pattern of it off pretty cool got them all off in one shot i guess it's stuck over here because of the hard surface right around the corners either way uh from here at least i have a decent starting point and this will be my zero once i clean that up i probably have to grind all this junk off that's a mess i don't like a hard surface and here too probably gouge it off so i won't show you this next one because it's pretty much the same as that one and i'll get these off and then i'll start setting up my bar and cleaning up those those things now these edges i don't know if you guys heard me talking about zigzagging back and forth uh i zigzag to get past the dirt pockets and junk that gets in between the pocket and the auger material the flight material and that really helps out a lot because if you try and shoot your oxygen jet in a pocket of dirt naturally it's going to go all over the place but if you're already making a wide path for it then that helps a lot and it doesn't have to be much it could be just about a 8 inch wide or so just a little zigzag that makes the biggest difference all right so i guess i'll cut the other side off and catch up with you guys in a while yeah but just in case okay falls off so almost fell off yeah [Music] you drop that on your tooth uh on your toe with a soft shoe and you you'll remember it won't do it again that's right all right so i cut these guys off yeah it's pretty cool i cut them all off in one shot first time i ever do that came out pretty slick however i did run into a little bit of problem um this is the bar i use to determine the height of each tooth point and so here we are over an inch difference in the height over here right in there so my thoughts now normally the pockets can make up for a little bit of difference use here when you install them like this you have a little bit of adjustability but not that much so one would have to be way recessed almost similar to that other the other side had to be really tall so to avoid having to do that it looks like this auger suffered some damage at some point i could crack right in here so with that and most likely that's what caused this to fold down and you can kind of see it right in this area right in here so i kind of determined that this is my spot that i'm going to use and what i'm gonna do i'm gonna cut a line right through here right up somewhere in that area i'll cut a line with a torch and leave this attached and get all the light leave this attached about three quarters of an inch same up here i will make it a relief cut so it's going to be a little bit of a gap and then from there i will bend this up to the same height as the other side and then re-weld it i'll weld it first before i before i start putting the pockets on to ensure that it's not going to move at that point and so from there ran into another little bit of an issue looking at the front of the auger this tooth here not lined up correctly with this tooth here so i'm most likely going to have to cut a new radius in this area it's not bad i mean i'd do it that's normally how i do it i just cut back and this pocket here left on just because you know it wasn't hurting anything looks all right if anything else scoop this next one back and start from there and then start my offsets so just a couple little things that you find when you start tearing these things apart and you can see i mean it's visibly different this side over here less gap in this side here so uh you know it is what it is just got to make up for it somehow so this is what i'm going to do go ahead and cut this guy next jack it up and then start fresh so here we go use a little wd-40 to see the line and it's not as flammable as people think as far as when you put it on something like this but it sure makes the line more visible i'm gonna go like from let me see somewhere in here something like that oh man not real man [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay better do it it's not the straightest thing but i don't need to be straight i had a little hiccup right there uh if i got a glove on this end but i don't understand so i ended up touching it with my knuckles dumped them okay now i'll get the jack i'm gonna start pressing up on here gotta be careful with some of these jacks because you know they don't like being slanted let me put some water down there or something to kind of offset the crookedness of the flight and then start either jacking it up some some jacks are strong enough you can just bend it up because you have a little bit of section here touching same thing over here touching yeah so okay let me go get that so [Music] could have used an impact i've been too loud getting a lot closer here [Music] there you go touching right there see that little kink i was telling you about i don't really like that but that'll actually work so now at least all the pockets will be on the same level as far as uh welded height so yeah no let me show you over here it created a bit of an opening at the bottom so that's okay though what i'll do is come in here with a torch run a bevel right in there same thing i decided to run a bevel right in there weld this side up as much as i can or get as deep as i can that way it doesn't move man i'm out of breath that's crazy and then uh start fresh so i did mention you can see the kink right there but it kind of goes in the same line what it was i guess i could have gone a little bit further back right over here and it would have straightened out just at the right spot but that's okay it will still work all right next step [Music] okay now this doesn't have to be the [Music] biggest or just something so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] excellent looks like a big gap because it is so i'll just run the the mig you know kind of cold you know maybe like a for the setting of like maybe a three sixteenths weld tiny little weld that way bridges the gap and seals it up and uh i can pour pour the heat into it and the top pass and when i turn it over i can do a real nice hot pass in there almost like spray as well i'm not gonna be using my um pulse machine i don't get the settings right and the wire i'm using is all four five i just haven't been able to figure it out in all these videos oh four five i normally run 0 35 and 0 30 in those machines i thought i could use 0 for 5 to kind of make things faster ain't no lucky and i don't like it so i'll be using solid wire for this and i can get the o30 to run pretty hot and grow nice and almost like a spray even really really hot and really penetrating their well so now i'll let this cool for just a bit and i'll actually let the pressure off of it and hopefully it will relax in the down position just a little bit like within 3 8 or so quarter inch i'm okay with that because what's gonna happen is as the weld uh starts it'll naturally start pulling on the one side so i'll let it cool and then we'll get after it i'm at the next point here and i've already made the cut and the bevels did it right so i'll put a weld up in this area here and try to hold it in position uh i've got the jack holding it of course it's going to want to come up but being that his radius slight radius it should hold itself from really peeling up too much or getting distorted in the upward side or in the upwards direction so i'll put a seal weld you know maybe some cold uh 3 16 like setting just to bridge that gap and i might i might go ahead and weld this side and then pour it in real hot on the opposite side you know so that i get a full penetration weld there now this here i've put a small bevel here so i'll make sure that that's nice and hot so that it ties in well same thing at the top that way you don't have to feather it out so far come out to the edge so now that's uh time to weld hmm see so here you can see the the gap decent size gap is about a quarter inch or so so as i was mentioning now bridge that gap with a rather cold weld of course it's tying into the sides right so even short circuit works fine so then after that i'll just pour in a really hot pass on top of that and same thing on the opposite side i won't have to run a cold uh pass because it's already a sealed root and i can just burn it in there real nice so i'll continue on [Music] [Music] so blocked you guys didn't i so here we are let me seal that guy up brush it up a little bit throw a hot pass on it then you can flip it over and i get it welded then you got to flip it back over so i can get it to this position here that way i can start working on setting up the teeth pockets all right i got it finished up and a nice little weld along there i'm going to flip it over well the underside i already told you that all right [Music] so [Music] just in case [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] next site this one here is going to be tough it's got a lot of hard surface up on there so once i get past it then it'd be fine but it's not gonna be fun so [Music] [Applause] so so foreign [Applause] [Applause] i'm gonna try and cut underneath it that way and get rid of the top half much easier that way now i can get to that material so so [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Applause] tough stuff [Laughter] [Music] so here we are at the next step i had to cut these eggs i didn't like where they were at originally and what's happening here i'm having difficulties because each of these curves or each of these wings on the auger the flights are not the same on each side so that's creating a little bit of a problem that i figured i would set the first two teeth first and so here's the spacing to keep it off the one side where the opposite one will go in position over here and you want them staggered and once i get those actually i'm going to try and mark a decent line this way because you can see here that's where the mark is over there on that corner and they're way off it's like uh almost three inches difference and that's just not right one side would they probably didn't dig right probably dug more onto one side than the other that's kind of probably why one side took the abuse more than the other so i'm gonna try and straighten it out after i put those two on and kind of measure out make a radius of some sort i really don't like making radiuses but you know some people like them and that's the way it came so i'm gonna try and do the same thing i just rather just put them straight across it makes it so easier so much easier for me because i can just space them out accordingly you know to where they overlap properly and spacing them out on the radius just kind of stinks because it's a little tough but um and it is what it is right so i'll probably get that guy on there again like i mentioned and make some new cuts and try and proceed from there [Music] well i'm not liking the direction i'm going right now and having difficulties more than i expected and like i mentioned i don't really like having or working on others that have this arch right here i would rather have the arch start from there and work down but this one's kind of an interesting curve and it's just different manufacturers trying to make their own ideas which is fine you know i'm sure they work and they got a an idea or a plan as to why they do it that way but one of the problems i'm running into is here we've got from this point or even from this point this way to the end of the material so right in here that bar ends right in here so they've got extra material it's not it's not cutting straight across so that just i'm trying to make up for it by not cutting it but i'm going to have to cut it anyway so i'll just do it that way and basically what i'll do is i'll mark a line from here straight that way and then just put the auger uh sorry pockets in progressive steps out this way and the customer shouldn't notice you know as long as it digs right and you should i mean i haven't had any issues with with other ones that i've rebuilt but this one's just posing too much of a challenge for me right now because they're just not the same it just stinks so i gotta make them the same and then i can start from there so unless i start from this front edge here and create the radius all the way down to this point i could do that it might be something to consider so um yeah i'll cut some poster board and see if that works [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so see how it goes [Music] i got a little radius something better nothing now i'll just put this corner up here at the front of my line and just kind of trace that line [Music] [Music] do [Music] all right well that makes me feel a lot better because it just wasn't looking right so uh now it's at least the same on both sides if you notice on the far end there's a notch cut out for where this interferes right in here so that's as far forward as i can move it on that side and i could probably create a bigger arch but a lot of headache so this works real well all right got to cut it now [Music] i feel bad having to cut so much off of it uh they're just not straight across and i think ultimately the customer will like it better and that they'll seem to cut more even and one of the challenges also is that these flights sometimes come up at different heights so as i was measuring they're still within range for they're about the same so that's good but it'll make it a lot easier on me as well [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so all right same thing on the other side all right [Music] you look here where that weld went across it looks pretty full pretty solid even though i bent it up so it was possible to fill it all in you know even though i had that that uh slit with a torch and it came out pretty good so i was able to get 100 weld in there anyway so now i gotta knock this guy off and start over which is fine at least i got both sides the same and that makes it so much easier on me and it's funny because had i known that i want to fix that i would have just uh you know gotten behind it a little bit or so who knows either way uh we can move forward from here to a little bit easier pace for me or being able to figure it out a little bit better because that was just making me nuts all right so enough jibber-jabber gotta keep moving okay next step is to start cutting these out i ended up laying them out according to this bar and what i did is i made sure that the opposite side will cut right within this area right here and a lot of auger manufacturers they like to stick the pockets right next to each other it makes it great for laying out because they're just easy to do but i'd like to be a little bit more methodical about laying these out and the reason i say that is because you don't want these uh two bullet teeth points traveling in the same circle so as these travel in the same you know in the diameter of the cut and they go in the same circle sometimes uh rock is so hard that it'll just create rings and what can happen is if they're in the same line you'll get strips of rings that you cut out and i'll show you a picture of that i actually got one from a customer and so you want them to be offset and you can offset them even if you bought them next to each other compared to the other side i mean according to the other side but my thoughts on that also is that if you have too many teeth on the ground there's not as much pressure per tooth which in one sense is good because it makes your teeth last longer but then also you're not getting the penetration into the rock because you have too many feet to say too many contact points onto the ground and so the less teeth that are touching the ground the more aggressive they will be and almost sharper in a sense because they will dig in close harder almost like if you were to try and push a piece of three-quarter round bar into the ground as compared to a two by four into the ground there's just more surface area touching the ground very similar here so this is the way i like to do them i haven't had any complaints they seem to dig very well and that and according to the angle you get a modify the angle that these come in you don't these come at a 45 degree angle right here but at 45 degree angle it's not good enough for for any good penetration into the rock so you have to modify it a little bit and make sure that they dig a little bit better so anyway i'll be cutting these out next and it may look a little funny because the teeth are spaced out but that also makes it easier to cut them out and repair them replace them so i'll try and dig up an old photo of another auger i did that way and it came out pretty good so this will be the same all right let's keep trucking [Music] so okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so okay so now that i've cut these guys here these last ones here i will probably put one a little bit closer in this area or maybe offset it enough to where the point of the tip the uh bullet tooth tip the carbide tip is about a quarter inch or half an inch outside of this edge right here so that one will be leaning out and the same thing with this one over here on this side right here this one's probably a little bit closer right in this area so things are looking good now it's a matter of attacking these guys in place and start the welding [Music] [Music] future [Music] so i got most of these tacked up already i still need to do the outside ones i just wanted to show you this is the radius that these teeth run in the other one would be right in here let me show you as this comes around it lines up cutting right in the middle of those two right there all right so same thing over here and move this guy over or this way like this ends up coming around another cutting between this guys right there so that staggered pattern will help cut really aggressively and really quickly and so it's um that's the way i do it at least so here i was having difficulties at the beginning so i'm gonna try and just squeeze the tooth in there pop it in there uh that one right up against the this collar and this one just in here somewhere and i'll cut this guy down to match now uh there has been uh remarks made before that i'm getting rid of the strength from way up here but actually that's on there pretty good i mean if i cut it down another inch or so it should hold on fine that's that's just the way you end up rebuilding these things you have to cut somewhere and so just as long as this guy doesn't spin off right but it's welded enough here and weld it up on the other side this pilot bit that's on here let me probably put this on here well the teeth sticking out on it should cover some of this area because most of the time these innermost teeth almost never get to get almost never get changed i think they just stay good for for a long time it's these other ones that really take the abuse and so like i mentioned i'll be putting one more here to point out this way and this side i may actually have to put two of them put one right in here put one just behind it to point out just a little bit like i mentioned about 3 8 of an inch or so so looking good another couple little steps here and i'll start welding the welding is really not that big a deal so i don't know how much a video i will film on that part but just the idea as to how to accomplish this is more what i was trying to get across you guys all right keep going [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we're back at it again got this thing flipped over but now i'll just be welding up in between here i put a little seal well because some of the torch cutouts were kind of big little gaps no biggie this of course is the weld that i kinked over that piece so it's looking good so far almost done i just pour it in hot tempting here so so far so good got to elevate it put on a jack all right next okay so if you remember the before and after [Music] much better right there [Music] [Music] do you
Channel: I C Weld
Views: 201,507
Rating: 4.9330812 out of 5
Keywords: Drillrig, heavy equipment, onsite repair, kellybar, auger, dozer, excavator, welding, stickwelding, mig welding, torch, torch cutting, gas axe, backhoe, torching, weld, repair, weld repair, fix it, how to, caterpillar, bull dozer, broken, cracked, torn, busted, track hoe, welded, fluxcore
Id: zs_eQFQJZYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 17sec (4517 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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