100 Years Of Fast Food Taste Test

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The alternate titles:

The Great Shuffle Kerfuffle.
Grab Your Stick And Slide.
Hittin' Stuff With Sticks.
Get In, Bro. We're Going Shuffleboarding.
What Decade From Yonder Food Slides.
Shuffle Through The Decades.
Sliding Through The Decades.
D. E. C. A. D. E. S.
Lord Of The Time Board.
Board Lords.
Sliding Into History DM's.
Some People Play This For Fun.
Stop Trying To Make Shuffleboarding Happen.
At Least This Isn't Darts.
Back In My Day, Shuffleboard Wasn't Even A Game.
Bowling Was Too Expensive.
Is This What You Want?
I Really Should Have Learnt How To Play Shuffleboard.
This Is Like A Time Machine But Not Really: Game Edition.
What Year Is It? No Seriously, What Year Is It?
I Feel Like I Don't Understand Time.
Two Guys, One Shuffleboard.
Two Guys Eat Stuff And Guess Stuff And Hit Stuff.
What Even Is This Game?
Doing It For The Views.
Last Person To Shuffle Gets $800,000.
We Shuffled On The Biggest Shuffleboard In The World.
Shuffle, Shuffle, Toil And Shuffle.
Can You Year Me Now?
Year Ye, Year Ye!
Rhett And Link's Shuffleboard Spectacular!
Link And Rhett's Shuffleboard Spectacular!
SeΓ±or Stringbean & Mr. Persnickety's Game O' Fun.
The Battle Of Beardy Mcbad Back & Mr Fancy Fussbucket.
That's The Way, Uh-huh Uh-huh, I Shuffle.
Shuffle Me This!
Calendar Boys.
Askin' For Shuffle.
Shuffle Board? More Like, Shuffle Board!
Guess What Decade That Thing Is From By Pushing A Thematically Tied-in Puck At Your Guess.
Push It Real Good: The Game.
The Game Link Always Loses (But Not Always)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BurnZ_AU πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Seeing Link get a Queen Sweep and Rhett have a tantrum was hysterical. I was convinced that Rhett was going to steal the game with that last round.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wiimanj13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

β˜… This was such a special episode. β˜…

I've been waiting for a long time to see this!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FergusCragson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yay they're listening to feedback! 😊

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rachel_of_oz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

TIL its queen sweep not clean sweep ....

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lavok27 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

u/matress_biceps is finally vindicated now.

He's been claiming the decades should be in chronological order for a while now.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thatdani πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I lol’d so hard when Rhett tossed his shuffleboard stick. I even played along and only got Subway wrong haha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xopenguin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

One other change I would make: it should be a 2 point game. One point for a correct guess, one point for a correct "landing" on the board.

I am very happy to see them listening to feedback, and especially to let us play along by delaying the answer appearing on the screen! I'd love the same thing for the international foods dart game. That's one I always really want to guess, but the answer takes that away.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Detronyx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
(screaming) (upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning! - I don't know if you know this, but the election is just around the corner. - I know that. - So we want to remind you that you should vote like a beast this November. So head on over to votelikeabeast.com where we have created a site and done everything we can to empower you to vote like a beast. - That means getting educated, getting empowered and getting that ballot and voting for what you believe in. Check out, votelikeabeast.com for all your voting needs. And thank you for being your mythical best. - Yeah. Thank you. Now we want to get educated on some of that good old, fast food and emphasis on the old, because today is all about uncovering the humble beginnings of some of the most famous fast food restaurants and then shuffle boarding our answers. - Yes, we're doing a shuffleboard thing today and you know what? It's a new season. And we've seen that you guys have had some comments about this game. You're not complaining. - Yeah, no. - You're just giving us some constructive feedback. And so we are going to take some of your suggestions into account. We've made some changes and you'll see those in a second. - Yeah, we're all ears. And while we were changing things, we spent a considerable amount of time brainstorming some new titles. - But we couldn't decide. So we're just going to call it The Shuffleboard Game. - It's time for The Shuffleboard Game, Fast Food Edition. - Welcome to the shuffle board game zone. - Yeah, that's catchy. All right, in each round we're going to taste some food from a popular fast food restaurant. And our job is to guess when that fast food restaurant was first open to the public and we're going to indicate our guess by shuffling down to that decade at this end of the board. Now we were told that some of these restaurants there was precursor versions, or they were percolating for a while, but our answers are really when that restaurant is now as we know it, when it started. - Whoever's closest to the actual decade, gets the points and then the loser will have McDonald's fries dump down their pants. Let's shuffle. - McDonald's? - Classic. - I know you're a Big Mac man so if you want to go after that, I mean, I like it, but you have a special place for it. - You have a mouth. - A special place in your mouth. Like we have to eat McDonald's to remember what it tastes like. - [Link] Oh gosh. - [Rhett] Like that's helping at all. - This is older McDonald's. How long has this been sitting out? - [Rhett] That nugget was not fried recently. - I'm wondering, should I spit this out or should I just go down- - Hey man, it's good for your innards. Wash it down with some old Coke. - Okay, now you may have noticed that we have not revealed the answer to you so that you can play along. And in a few seconds, we are going to reveal the answer to you. - Yeah. (crew laughing) - I'm going first. - Why don't you reveal what you think the answer is to me? - There's another change that we've made. Phew, making all kinds of changes! - [Link] Look at us. - We have organized the decades in chronological order. So 1910 is here going all the way up to 1990 in the back. So it's more of a chronological scale. And also we turn the numbers so that we could read them. And that was really just for us. - I love when numbers are facing me. - Oh man, so McDonald's, I know McDonald's existed in some form in the fifties, right? Because there's like these classic photos where you see like a 57 Chevy in front of the golden arches. - Could be fake. - What was his name? Ray Kroc. - Yeah, Ray Crocodile. - Was he doing burger stuff in the forties and then open McDonald's in the fifties? You know, it doesn't really matter because I can literally land in both 1940 and 1950 thanks to our new system. And that's what I'm going to try to do. I'm going to try to split the difference. - He's going to try to split the difference. (puck sliding) - We also decided to make this into- - Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop! - Way too hard. - [Rhett] Okay. - [Link] You split the difference between 60 and 80. - Okay, so... - Yeah, see, I watched that movie with Michael Keaton. It's a pretty dang good movie. Yeah so definitely fifties. - [Rhett] You can't lose. If you just come on this side of me. - I don't know. - You know it's not the eighties or the nineties. - I don't know how this board behaves though so it can be finicky. Come on 50, 1950. (puck sliding) - [Link] Whoa, stop, stop, stop, stop. Yeah! Oh, accuracy. - [Rhett] You're actually a 1920, 30, 40, and 50. That's an interesting little thing that's happened with the new board. - [Stevie] Okay. The movie was called "The Founder." - Yes! - [Stevie] And salesman Ray Kroc saw a lot of potential in the small burger restaurant owned by brothers Maurice and Richard McDonald. He opened the first franchise McDonald's restaurants in Des Plaines, Illinois in 1955. And here is that photo you were referencing. - [Rhett] Yeah, see! Look at that. You just use arches and you see the 55 Chevy, whatever that is. - Didn't we visit that? (bell dings) - We've visited lots of places. - Not that place. - Little burgers in stacks. - Now this is White Castle. - [Link] Why does it stink? - Is it just the onion? It's just the onions. - It's actually they're they're actually pretty tasty, man. - Yeah, they are. - It hits a very particular spot. - Yeah, the top of the top of the thing is- - It's crispy on top man. - It's crispy. - I like this a lot. - All right, so I'm going to go first because I'm finding myself in the lead. I think we've done White Castle once. - We've done it, what does that mean? - [Link] Eaten there! - We robbed it? - It's not a place that I think about going. - But when do you think about it being born? - I think it was before McDonald's. Yeah, I know that sounds crazy. But man, it's medieval. - Yeah. I mean, it can be from the 15 hundreds. - Yeah, my official guess is 1940. - Wow, okay. - Yeah. I, I think it's older. (puck sliding) - [Link] Oh, stopped a little short there. - [Rhett] Huh? - Hopefully it's that old, 1920. - Man, I always thinking at earliest 1960. I don't know why I have absolutely nothing to go on. Other than the fact that like, when did people think like burgers being sold in a fast food place was really made famous by McDonald's, which happened in the fifties. And then someone was like, "We gotta mix it up. We got to make them smaller." Which happened after the fifties, which would be the sixties. (puck sliding) - Oh, he's hitting me. - [Rhett] Oh gosh! Oh man I've thrown the game away. - There's a bit of a drift in our board, I think. - There's a big left turn. - You drifted right in front of me. - A big left. - I'm not complaining though. - [Stevie] Okay. With only $700 and an idea to sell small square hamburgers, Walter Anderson and Billy Ingram opened the country's first White Castle. Recognized as the first fast food chain in America, in Wichita, Kansas in the year 1921. - [Rhett] Whoa, you were right! - [Link] Yeah, I've nailed it twice! - Well, hold on though, we're both in 1920. - [Stevie] Here's a photo of what it looked like. - [Link] Well that's appetizing. - [Stevie] And you can see that the hamburgers only cost 5 cents and they were also credited for the first assembly line and hamburger bun in the fast food world. - So they were the first automators. - Okay, so this has never happened before, but I do agree that if you both land in it, the person who's has more of their puck in it gets the point. How's that never happened in the history of this game? (bell dings) - So many changes, so much to discover. - Links up two to zero. - Oh, it's time for the Express. - Oh, you went for the lo mein. - How fast can a Panda run? - I bet you that can run faster than a human. You know what? It was like one of those things that like, if you watch enough discovery channel, it's like, "the Panda has been known to run 72 miles per hour." Never would have known it unless. I watched discovery channel. - Panda Express. I see you're opening your fortune cookie. - Boy, that's good. - I'm having some good fortune day. Maybe the best fortune I've ever had on a shuffleboard game. - Man, I'm really hungry. - "You're quiet charm will attract the attention of others." Is that their way of telling me to shut up? - Yeah, please quiet yourself. - Chinese food became a craze in North America in I believe the sixties, but Panda express, they were 30 years longer in development. My answer is 1990. I gonna give it a nice little bank shot, luck don't fail me now. (shuffleboard puck sliding) - [Link] Oh gosh, come on. - Okay. First of all, my fortune says, "Your upbeat nature will attract unexpected allies." That's bull crap. I mean, I want to know specifically like what's going to happen to me. Like you will be in a wreck. - You think having an upbeat nature will not get you allies? You think that's bull crap? - I want a fortune! Not just an observation. Okay, Link. - [Link] Boy, I'm really enjoying your upbeat attitude. (crew laughing) - Now I've eaten at the Panda Express many times. And one of the things that you'll notice when you're eating at a Panda Express is that in every single one, there is a plaque that talks about the very first Panda Express opened in Southern California. - I'm getting nervous now. - I think it might be like Pasadena. - [Link] You reading plaques? - I'll read any. You show me a plaque, I'll read it. I believe the answer is either 1980 or 1990. Cause I didn't read it close enough. (Rhett and Link laughing) - So I'm touching both. - I'm going to go with my instinct. I think it was in the eighties. (puck sliding) - [Link] Oh gosh. You're missing me. - [Rhett] Oh gosh! - Rhett, I know what you feel like right now. - Is this... what happened to me, man? - I gave you me. It feels horrible, doesn't it? You want something bad- - This season Eighteen board is just not treating me right. - And never to get it. - Oh gosh. I'll just eat some Panda express. - [Stevie] Panda Express was founded by Andrew Churn who ran the Panda Inn with his dad in Pasadena. The first Panda Express was meant to be a quick, express version of what they sold at Panda Inn. And it was opened in the Glendale Galleria in 1983. (stick crashes) - See, listen, I throw tantrums, but not that big, right? - I even knew the year! - [Stevie] Do you remember seeing this photo on the plaque? - [Rhett] Mm, Nope. Because they didn't have that. It was a picture of the man. - That is such a strange photo. - It was a picture of the man himself. - [Link] Blurry people. Hey, it's okay to- - It's not okay! (bell dings) - It's okay to be losing... - It is not okay! - It's okay. I've rode that wave a long time. - You know what will cheer me up? - What? - Animal fries. - Southern California classic, In-N-Out. We got the burger, loaded animal fries. - These particular animal fries. Not cheering me up as much as I like them would to. - They're fossilized and a little milkshake here. Mmmh! Mmmh! That's good, okay. - Milkshake stays good. - Milkshake stays good. - [Rhett] Yes. - In-N-Out. They've got like a fifties theme with their t-shirts. - If you heard it was from the fifties, you'd be like, "Of course." - Of course 50 has been taken. Is it established before McDonald's? I mean freaking White Castle's all the way back in the twenties. I think it's 1940. - Wow. You could think what you want. - I think it's older than McDonald's. - Well, you've been right so far this day. This day. - They play on the old-fashioned-ness of their stuff. - They have freaking white hats that looked like straight out of the fifties. Maybe even the forties. - Maybe even the thirties. Dang, I'm going to go between 30 and 40 then. (puck sliding) - [Link] Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop! - Wow, you're on fire! - I love this new board! - You are on fire. Okay, I'm actually thinking sixties. I don't know why I'm thinking sixties. Something about like the Southern California of it all. - Southern California didn't come out of the ocean until like the fifties. - [Rhett] If I just am more in forties than you are, and then I'm closer to sixties, that's a pretty good guess. So I'm going to try to land on 40 that'll put me closer to 60. (puck sliding) - [Link] Oh nice. Alright. You've done what you wanted. - But if it's 40, you are in there. So you would still get it. - [Stevie] The first In-N-Out was founded by Harry and Esther Snyder and has remained a family owned company ever since the first Baldwin Park location opened in 1948. (Rhett screams) - Dangit! - Yeah! - [Stevie] And here's a photo, you should've seen the lines. - A lot of them are still like that now where it's you got two drive throughs on either side. (bell dings) - [Stevie] It's like cookout. - It's classic. - I'll be dagged. - Subway. (wrappers crinkling) - Look at that. Yeah, you want to expose the sub? - [Rhett] Oh, I want to do more than that. Take a half. - [Both] Dink it. - Free from tomatoes. Hmm. - Hmm, that's been around a while as well. - Alright. Am I still in the lead? Because I should go first. I can't remember. - Four to zero. I can't when at this point Link. I'm just trying to prevent the queen sweep. - The thing about subway is that I would have thought it was 1980. It just seems like something that came about in the eighties. But that's been taken. It's definitely not nineties. I think it's 1979. I'm getting cocky now. You shouldn't do that. - It's not a good look for you. - It's going to be my demise. - Just listen, man. You know what you have the opportunity to do? The queen sweep which has never happened in this game, either way. - I don't want to hear this man. You're messing with me. Are you saying I should change my answer? No, it's 19. It's in the seventies. Gotta nail it. (puck sliding) - No, no, no, no, no, no. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Did it touch the seventies? - [Rhett] It's technically touching the seventies, - But just barely. - Well, okay. - Here's the deal. I'm gonna magnanimously say if you can call it and land on it and it's right, you win the game. - Are you saying if I call the seventies and I land on the seventies, I win the whole game? - It has to be completely contained within that section. Touching no black border and it's right. - I'm not going to land completely inside of the seventies. It's not going to happen. - You believe you can. - I'm gonna try. (Rhett laughing) - Bank shot. - I have to bank shot and then land completely in the seventies. Okay. (puck sliding) - [Link] Oh my gosh. Oh, no! (both screaming) - No! (both screaming) - Please be seventies, please be seventies. - Sixties! Sixties hasn't been taken. - Please! - [Stevie] Subway was founded when nuclear physicist Peter Buck gave college freshmen, Fred DeLuca, a $1,000 loan to partner on opening a submarine sandwich shop in Bridgeport, Connecticut in... 1965. (both screaming) - God dangit! - Yes! - Dangit! - [Stevie] So this is a photo of the first location. It was called Pete's Super Subs. And then in 1968, they changed it to Subway. - They should have kept Biffy, I liked that. (bell dings) - All right, Rhett. You got to get some fries in your drawers, man. Oh, the fast food elves... - Stevie you could've just lied. - Have shown down on me. - You coulda just lied, but nope, I gotta put fries in my pants. - I gotta hand it to you, that bank shop was good, but it was just erroneous. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Daniel. - And I'm Christa and we're from Fort worth Texas. - And we're about to eat In-N-Out burger for the first time. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Oh, they want to see if it's better than Whataburger. - Don't wait on those fries too long. - It is... Click the top link to watch one of us guess the pettiest fast lawsuits in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is going to land. Make your voice heard and vote like a beast. Visit votelikeabeast.com for all your voting needs.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,300,235
Rating: 4.9356403 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: JgKGuJSRzjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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