✔ Minecraft: 15 Things You Didn't Know About Swords

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hey what's going on guys my name is add to be we are so close to 1 million subscribers I can't believe it Bart anyways today I'm going to be bringing you guys 15 things that you didn't know about swords in Minecraft now if you guys do enjoy today's video then be sure to give this video a like rating now if this video is able to hit over 5,000 likes then that would be really awesome not gonna lie by the way guys I am now on Instagram so if you want to keep up with my real life then be sure to follow me on there but anyways guys enough of me rambling let's go ahead and get straight into today's video about the sword I hope you guys enjoy it and sorry for this little wacko I'm in my new apartment so it might sound a bit weird but anyways enjoyed with the sword is a commonly used weapon by the player used to defeat mobs and other players and it was added into Minecraft in version minecraft in dev all the way back in 2010 there are 5 types of swords found within Minecraft and they are the wooden sword the Stone sword the iron sword the gold sword and finally the diamond sword the wood stone iron and diamond sword were added into Minecraft on January 29th 2010 but what about the gold sword no need to worry well you probably didn't worry because it's the gold sword and the gold sword is terrible but no need to worry because the gold sword was added a day later on January 30th 2010 back in the earlier days of Minecraft in the alpha and beta stages of the game the sword more specifically the diamond sword used to do a lot more damage than it does today that's right guys the diamond sword it used to do a whopping 5 hearts of damage which meant you could kill mobs and other players quite easily for example the pig and the cow only have 5 hearts of health which meant you could kill them in one hit with a diamond sword in versions alpha and beta zombies skeletons and creepers could be killed in two hits with a diamond sword but their mob behavior was quite different in the alpha and beta stages of the game so they were still quite difficult to challenge not only that but you couldn't sprint in the alpha and beta stages of the game making the mobs quite difficult to evade so I can definitely see why the damage output on the swords was a lot higher in version release at one point owed the swords were significantly nerfed due to the addition of enchanting and the fact that you could now sprint so for example the diamond sword was not from five hearts of damage to three and a half hearts of damage back in the earlier days of Minecraft in the beta 1.8 update a feature was added into the game for the sword known as sword blocking and I'm sure some of you are familiar with this feature as it looks like this now to my knowledge the purpose of the sword blocking feature was to deflect 50% of the incoming arrow damage and 50% of explosion damage but let's be honest guys the real reason why people use the sword blocking feature was to right-click on it very very quickly as a way of waiving to other players on servers and I have to say it looks really funny but sadly when the 1.9 combat update was released in 2015 the sword booking feature was removed and replaced by the addition of shields shields are definitely a lot more effective though as you can completely deflect arrows and the shield absorbed 100% of attack damage but those of you who didn't know this all 5 of the swords found within Minecraft all shared the same exact texture but they're all just recolored but the real question is which sword in Minecraft had this texture first that caused all the other swords found within the game to receive this texture as well well let's find out ok guys so what you see right here is a screenshot from an abandoned RPG game known as legend of the chambered and if you look very closely you will notice a few familiar textures now legend of the chambered was the game created by not all the way back in 2008 so one year before minecraft was made and the textures you can see right here are the old texture for the leather armor the texture for the Apple and the final texture here you see is well the text for the iron sword so there you have it guys the iron swords texture was created first as it was from legend of the chambered and the other swords in Minecraft just had a recolored version of it back in the earlier days of Minecraft the bow used to do a lot less damage than the sword which was a little bit odd to some players so during the alpha and beta stage of the game the bow mechanics were completely different as you didn't have to draw back the bow to do a certain amount of damage all you had to do was right-click with the bow and it would fire an arrow and do a base damage of two hearts of health when it would hit a player or a mob the diamond sword in alpha and beta like I mentioned before did five hearts of damage making the bow almost useless when it came to fighting enemies unless you were hitting them from a really far distance in the full release of Minecraft however the bow was completely overhauled to where you had to fully charge it back in order to inflict the most damage and a fully charged bow now does four and a half hearts of damage sometimes doing five hearts of damage if you land a critical hit whereas the diamond saw today on Java Edition does three and a half hearts of damage so yeah the bow is significantly stronger now the attack damage for swords in Minecraft are actually different on minecraft chopper edition aka PC Edition than they are to the bedrock edition of minecraft aka the Pocket Edition version on the Java edition version of Minecraft the base damage a diamond sword does is three and a half hearts of damage whereas on the bedrock edition of the game the base damage a diamond sword does is four hearts of damage which means on bedrock edition the diamond sword will do half a heart more worth of damage on the jabra edition of minecraft swords have a cool down feature which means you need to time your attacks in order to inflict the most damage on the bedrock edition swords have no attack cooldown which means you don't have to time your attacks at all and you can pretty much just spam click whenever you want to kill mobs which used to be the case on the Java edition version of the game but they changed it in the 1.9 combat update so inking in Swords on the bedrock addition are just a lot better than they are on Java edition because you could just spam quick and they do more damage it's trivia time trivia time is the part of the video where you guys will show me your Minecraft knowledge by me asking you a random minecraft fact question the tip of the arrow used to be crafted with iron ingot instead of flint true or false in the upcoming Minecraft 1.14 village and pillage update all of the default textures within Minecraft are going to be receiving an overhaul which means all of the sword textures will be receiving new textures as well so currently all five of the swords textures in Minecraft look like this but in the upcoming Minecraft 1.14 update they are going to be changed to look like this now you guys should let me know in the comment section below if you prefer the old sword texture or the new upcoming sword texture let me know sorts ranging from iron swords to diamond swords are able to be found naturally in your Minecraft world so iron swords can be found in 12% of stronghold chests 25% of village blacksmith chests and 75% of buried treasure chests the gold sword can be found in 19% of nether fortress chests in groups of 1 but why would you even want to bother with the gold sword anyway it's got the worst durability out of all of the swords and it does the same damage as a wooden sword so I just wouldn't bother with it to be honest enchanted iron swords and enchanted diamond swords can be found in 13.3% of n City chests in groups of 1 back in the earlier days of Minecraft before the Minecraft 1.6 update the feature of swords not being able to break blocks in creative mode was not in the game yet which means attacking mobs in creative mode back in the day was really annoying as you would destroy blocks all around you it was very frustrating no I don't want to destroy the body I just want to kill the creeper come on anyways moving on Bart anyways that just about concludes today's video about 15 things that you didn't know about swords everybody I really hope you all enjoyed it and/or found it informative now as I mentioned at the start of the video if you guys did enjoy today's video then be sure to give this video a like rating and if you want to see more videos like this one then be sure to subscribe as well real quick guys I just wanted to showcase these two awesome pieces of fan art that were made for me don't they look really cool they were submitted by two uses on my discord both of them have now won a rank on my minecraft server so congratulations to both of you if you guys would like to send me fan art for a chance of it being showcased in a video then all you have to do is follow me on Twitter and just tweet me a picture of your fan art oh and also I am now on Instagram everybody so if you want to keep up to date with my real life then just follow me on instagram link can be found in the description below but anyways guys i am going to go now so thank you all so much for watching the video I do want to apologize for the lack of videos this month I'm actually currently moving into my new apartment right now so this month has been very stressful and very busy so I haven't had much time to make videos but once I'm settled into the apartment you guys will see a lot more videos for me but anyways guys thanks for watching have a fantastic day and I will see you guys in my next video goodbye
Channel: iDeactivateMC
Views: 1,137,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 15, things, you, didn't, know, about, swords, sword, minecraft 15 things, minecraft 15 things you didn't know about swords, things you didn't know about minecraft, minecraft sword, minecraft swords, minecraft diamond sword, minecraft facts about swords, minecraft sword facts, minecraft weapon, things you didn't know about the sword in minecraft, Minecraft: 15 Things You Didn't Know About the sword, feature, removed, update, texture, weapon, diamond sword, gold sword, iron sword
Id: nihyxwrLnvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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