100 SpongeBob Errors In 30 MINUTES...

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the Sheet's got to be completely smooth and [Music] tight you made the bed with my old saggy skin that's a pickle but hey no wrinkles all right let's switch up the flow a little bit we're always talking about SpongeBob let's talk about the Patrick Star show and don't worry guys I'm going to head right back over to SpongeBob after this I know not everybody loves the Patrick star show but anyways the episode is home eek and here's the first mistake Reef Wellington an A plus for you next up we have Squid's pickle pie aren't you going to try it you tried all my other projects so this one is a blatant animation error but when squidina says aren't you going to try it take a look at her arm as it's layered behind her sleeve as you guys know an arm is supposed to go through the sleeve but in this one shot her arm is behind the entire sleeve which is just like a blat mistake and here's another one from the same episode your other project project I might have left some pins in it excuse me you've got something on your shirt [Music] pretty please this next one is just weird dude but when the teacher turns around to face squidina in this scene for about a frame take a look at his tie as the lines around it like the outline just randomly turn green it's so weird dude it's just randomly green what normally it looks like this but then for one frame it's green such a weird mistake and here's another one from this episode three mistakes in one episode SCA did you save me how about we celebrate with some pickle pie is it safe no don't eat it well four out of five doctors can't be wrong tastes like an A+ wait does this contain gluten oh were you guys able to catch at this one well when the teacher asks squidina about her finished pickle pie that's disgusting a pickle pie that is seriously so gross but anyways as the teacher asks this if you take a look at his hand it's colored white for a frame well it's more of like a light green or something like that but it's not the right color normally his hands look like this as you can see but in this one they're white and yeah that's another mistake three mistakes on one episode that's a lot let's head over to another episode with even more mistakes if your kid is driving you crazy e and you would rather be lazy we'll watch your kids for lot of the Patrick Show is not responsible for viewer brain damage here's another one from the Patrick Star show I really do feel like this show is overrated it's a bit of a weird spin-off but anyways here's the first mistake hey where' the babies go the babies tied their diapers into a rope and escaped watch out for that last one it's mine e you're just playing in the neighbor's yard oh no it's robot fer day okay so this character right here is incidental 41 okay and he looks like this now in Patrick's alley we get this baby version of him he's so adorable I want to pinch his cheeks now what's important is that incidental 41's mouth right here his mouth and lips are always purple okay even in this episode the baby version we even see him with a purple mouth but during this scene when the babies are seen on the lawn incidental 41's mouth well baby incidental 41's mouth is awkwardly colored yellow randomly just for this scene like I said it's purple throughout the episode but in this one scene it's yellow and that is incorrect it's not a big deal I mean it's just a character's mouth but yeah this is a mistake and there's another one in this episode s the babies are playing in traffic welcome to the wild world of baby fishing you want to use a tufted [Music] Nappy too old throw it back we might have covered this one in the past so I'm actually going to keep it quick but while Patrick and squidina are fishing there's one frame where Squid's left eye is purple the same color as her body so totally a mistake here and guys there's more to come let's head over to a another episode Down sailor what's going on Mr Krabs according to the nice man from the labor Authority it's time for your break boo we get breaks you know Mr Krabs is a very strict boss like all this dude cares about is money and you know I don't think he cares about Squidward or SpongeBob too much well fortunately in the episode Breakin Mr Krabs is forced to start giving SpongeBob a break at work wow what a change it makes for a good plot I'll admit but this episode does have two sneaky mistakes rule the footage employee break room I never knew this was [Music] here oh it's beautiful like stepping through a portal into the magical realm Beyond yeah [Music] whatever enjoy your Carousel my little hot dog friends VOA my breakroom band scrubby and the cleaning crew h let's see if I wired everything right all right so right here is the break room the room for taking brakes I mean obviously and I want you to pay attention to this microwave right here okay this microwave as if you pay attention throughout the episode it keeps on randomly changing locations first it's here then it's here it's all over the place and I mean I guess they could have moved the microwave around but guys this happens in a matter of like seconds or minutes so I doubt it the animators most likely just forgot that put it here you get it blah blah blah it's a funny mistake though am I right and here's another one yeah huh oh music I didn't know the Crusty Crab had a lounge oh come on in everyone K the funk it's [Music] fresh where don't me pain customers go what the a party I don't remember charging anyone for a party on me premises we might have covered this one in the past so if so I'm sorry guys but if you watch closely here when Mr Krabs opens up the break room there's actually two incidental 40s when there should only be one incidental duplications or background character duplications happen sometimes but this one's just blatant and they could have replaced the second incidental 40 with like any other incidental so totally a mistake but stay tuned guys as we're going to head over to another episode with even more mistakes guys stay tuned hey buddy the old pineapple is shipping out soon and they need more hands ah thanks but I always get seasick I would be caught dead on a ship I'm so sorry to hear that hey and last but not least is another fairly new episode of SpongeBob Dopey dick this episode only came out like 2 weeks ago and I actually really like the episode but before we get into the mistakes here are some really funny clips from this episode it's so [Music] funny iast you I be Captain sponge AB I brought you all here for a special mission to hunt down the great white jellyfish Dopey dick and if you spot him just give me a holler yes just like [Music] that you'll be dick now the mistake in this episode is very easy to miss like this one I had to watch it a couple of times to actually catch it okay it's your guys's turn to catch it watch closely here's the clip don't worry I'll show you the ropes the big rope the little rope the smiley rope and licorice [Music] rope again it's very easy to miss but after pat Buck shows this version of Squidward the smiley rope take a look at the top of Squidward's head because it's cut off for a few frames like I'm going to zoom in right here you can see that there's still like the sky at the top and just a piece of the top of Squidward's head is just cut off it's missing and that is a pretty bad mistake right there something tells me Mr wormsley is actually a Mrs [Music] wormsley oh Patrick it's a miracle that it is next up is the season 6 episode pet or pest in this episode has three mistakes in it so I'm just going to get right into them here's the first mistake [Music] [Music] did you catch it on your own well during this scene where this truck nearly like ends these worms like these worms were about to be squished if you look closely there's no driver in the truck like this truck is moving and being driven but there's no one in the driver's seat actually driving the truck so this was a major mistake here like this was some laziness and it doesn't end there for this episode here's the next mistake $ 5.99 Tri get where they last these things are so cute enjoy your new home little guy that sure was a great idea you had Mr Krabs well it's like they always say back in the old country lad what's that that a no I've never been to the Old Country this one is very very very easy to miss and shout out to our editor Josh for finding it but towards the ending of the episode when SpongeBob and Mr Krabs are selling the worms one of SpongeBob's green holes turns red for less than a second again it happens really fast so I guess it's not that big of a deal but I mean SpongeBob's holes are not supposed to be red and I mean SpongeBob if they were I need to go talk to the doctor about that one cuz that's not very good what also isn't very good though is the last mistake in this episode right here get ready guys this one is just embarrassing oh well at least I still have you guys H what is it it comes from a baby spotted glistening Meadow worm the larest of its species like I said this one is really bad so when SpongeBob is throwing out the worms we see this blue fish approach right here and smell it right and what's really important here is we hear his voice okay remember he's blue this is him right here and he also has slime on his finger you can see it right here but when the scene changes this fish changes colors like I said he was blue and you see him put the slime on his fingers but now when it flips he's now green he has the slime on his fingers that's how we know it's the same fish and he also has the same voice so yeah this was a major mixup here first he was blue we see him put the slime on his finger but then when it switches the Slime is on the finger of a completely different fish and they have the same voice so I know I'm kind of overex explaining this one just it's easy to kind of miss it but yeah this episode is full of mistakes guys and let's keep it moving over to another episode with more crazy mistakes I just put this in here for safekeeping you hear Plankton join your other friends from the past SpongeBob season 4 definitely isn't my favorite season but it isn't too bad especially because Steven hillenberg was still somewhat involved now the episode we're going to be talking about next is the episode new Leaf here are a bunch of funny clips from this episode before we get into the mistakes just because I want you guys to see it it's so funny I Surrender I wonder what form of trickery is up that miniature cyclop sleeve this time can't you see my peace offering what is this don't you get it Krabs I give up let me show you something look at this place I'm Min Plankton you ever hear a spring cleaning what's the point that's why I've decided to quit the restaurant business all together and turn the Chum Bucket into this you want to turn your restaurant into a pile of junk no these are knicknacks for the new gift shop I'm opening up this is going to be a joke all right let's get into the mistakes now for this first one to make sense I want you to take a look at this shot of Plankton and I know it's kind of weird but look inside his mouth this is your hint for the mistake roll the clip if there's one thing that is certain in this world it's that you can't resist me formula you know you want it thanks but no did you say no well if you don't believe me that's your problem I don't have a problem you're the one with a problem look at this it means nothing it's on a facade a hoax a con FR a sham a snow look what you've done this is my livelihood and this isn't the formula that you don't want come [Applause] on get out so as youve seen before I played that clip Plankton's mouth is normally red okay it's always read the inside of his mouth ever since like season 1 but for some reason in this episode I don't know what's going on it's purple it's never been purple before and it's never been purple again so whoever colored Plankton's mouth this time needs to go back and educate themselves on SpongeBob because his mouth is supposed to be red anyways though let's move over to another mistake rule the [Music] footage I guess I really can trust you 100% And just to prove it to you I want you to have this it's me secret formula I can't believe you would even think things are different [Music] now yeah baby this is it I never give you the formula this is just a never strange one so after Plankton opens the gotcha letter Mr Krabs bursts through the door of the Chum Bucket and now it's important to note that normally the chum bucket's door looks like this it's red with round windows okay remember this but when Mr Krabs bursts through the door is randomly transparent with rectangular knobs it's never looked like this before it's weird that they just changed the design of the doors to the chum bucket in this episode randomly like this is an example of the type of stuff that happens in season 4 5 and six there's just no continuity but whatever mistakes happen a weird one but hey let's keep it moving jumping jellyfish Mermaid Man he's destroying the shield SpongeBob open up what would the real mermaid man do why don't you ask him yourself he and Barnacle Boy live in the retirement home on the other side of town H they must be working undercover yeah this next section is all about OG SpongeBob the classics I'm talking about the very first Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy episode this episode makes me feel old cuz it came out so long ago here are some funny and hilarious clips from this episode because it's a really good one then we'll get into the mistakes rule the footage are you Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy well we used to be but now we're retired here comes the TV repair man what do you want from us do you remember the time the food supply in Atlanta was running low so you invented a ray gun that made things grow six times their size to shoot at the Cel Gardens what's your point kid you guys are the greatest heroes of all time and I think you should come out of retirement listen up you villains I want to eat my meatloaf if you don't get out of here then by the power invested in me I Now Pronounce You man and wife you may kiss your bride now one thing I missed though back when I was a kid watching this episode was the mistakes here's the first one oh my this purse is so big and heavy I'll be taking that H help it's working why are you here to rescue little old me P down this first one is weird and it kind of took me a couple of seconds to realize that it was a mistake so at one point SpongeBob hands Patrick his purse and peers out from behind the building but when this happens if you look the purse can be seen floating beside him he isn't actually holding it the purse is just literally floating there like I said it's a weird mistake you guys might not be catching it I'm going to zoom in but that purse is just floating there and yeah talk about a weird mistake and there's more here's another mistake from this episode stop shut that happen it's not me old C it wasn't me I said just listen to me once in a while instead of excuse me mermaid man we're almost done painting your invisible boatmobile it's supposed to be invisible we got to end our life of leisure it's time to come out of retirement there's evil a foot where is it there it is this is another one that's easy to miss but once you see it you'll see it every time you rewatch The episode as it seems that SpongeBob's pores are reversed when he says excuse me Mermaid Man normally SpongeBob looks like this and I want you to pay attention to the holes all over SpongeBob those are his pores a lot of you know this but to the younger viewers pay attention to the holes as you can see in this shot they look like this this is how they're supposed to look but during this one scene in Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy 1 his pores are just reversed here's a side by side where you can see him normally and then with the pores reversed you can see it now it looks pretty bad crabs you can't take that check we're not high class Caterers we are anything we need to be for me to make this money at least you want to go back to the kids party [Music] Mr Krabs has had many different businesses over the years and in the episode crusty catering he starts as you can guess based off of the title a catering service for the K crusty crab it's pretty interesting it's not a bad business idea here take a look at how it goes there's no way these people are going to think our junk food is high class H you might be right spb go find something to fancy up the food fancy got it Mr Crabs that's ghost I want my cake I want my cake I got your cake you did yeah yeah your birthday cake is right through here what do you think of this Mr Krabs I call it Krabby P SpongeBob were those jewels on the patties yeah you said fancy up the food so I found some shiny stuff for garnish got a whole box what the SpongeBob you can't just go around taking people's prous Jew get fancy foods [Music] here delicious like I said not a bad idea Mr Krabs aside from the little kids but anyways let's get into the mistake from this episode I cannot believe I let you talk me into this catering is a great way for you to make a little extra money for me to make a lot so take a look at this Plankton pin Piata right here it's kind of funny that for the catering like when Mr Krabs is taking care of kids he uses a plankton pinata that way the kids beat up Plankton it's really funny to me but anyways this Plankton pinata is supposed to be here during this shot but as Mr Krabs is getting out of the Crusty catering truck the pinata is just not there but then in the very next shot it just magically reappears so first it isn't there and they don't set it up or anything in between as in the very next shot is just magically there now talk about a weird mistake guys it seems they just forgot about drawing the pinata at first but whatever let's keep it moving and head over to yet another episode with more spicy crazy unbelievable mistakes get your presents for everyone and put them under the pool and we're all expecting better gifts this year Big Brother they better be awesome the episode just in time for Christmas has two sneaky mistakes I'm going to show you guys the clips with audio let's see if you guys can spot the mistake on your own comment them that kid stole my laser phaser that kid stole my tattoo he stealing happy holiday's Time Travelers gifts for us oh you didn't have to do that fire you okay so for those who are new to the Patrick Star show this character right here his name is grandp Pat and as you can guess he's Patrick's grandfather I mean obviously and as you can see in this shot right here he always rocks these fresh blue pants he wears them all the time even back in his debut episode but during this one scene in just in time for Christmas there is a major error revolving around his pants as when Patrick gives this paryl character a gift the animators messed up big time as Grandpa's pants blend in with the feathers of the paroda and they're the wrong color Grand Pat's pants are supposed to be blue as I showed you but in this one shot they're like a reddish like brown and that is totally a mistake a bad one too and there's more in this episode here's mistake number two it's an electric razor from the future Dad hey wow hope it's not another chewed up candle a dinosaur egg I haven't had had a pterodactyl omelet since I was a cave boy Merry Christmas Mom a new tattoo how did you know I love your gift big brother I'm calling him Maurice I've already taught him a few [Music] tricks what I don't understand is where you you got all the money to pay for these extravagant gifts this one's a bit easier to miss but when squidina gives Maurice a treat if you watch really closely and slow down the footage the treat actually disappears for a frame before Maurice actually eats it I'm showing the footage in slow motion and I'm circling it and yeah that treat just disappears it poofs away it goes bye-bye before it's actually eaten so another mistake stay tuned though guys let's head over to another cartoon episode with wild mistakes Patrick you're not really not my friend it's just opposite day opposite day hey I've heard of that you have no what is it so kicking things off our first episode of today is opposite day a classic episode from season 1 take a look at these clips that's it I'm moving out of this neighor Hood I can sell your home in a heartbeat oh that's great nose as long as it's not infested with Neema toads or surrounded by Troublesome neighbors or something like that oh sure there's none of that did you say neighbors no one will ever buy my house with him living next door whatever a good neighbor would do he does the opposite opposite so first things first take a look at this this is Squidward's iconic house all right we've seen it thousands of times before even back in season 1 now more importantly I want you guys to focus on the ear of his house I know that sounds kind of weird as it looks like this all right and as you can see there is no window on this ear well in opposite day during this one scene right here take a look at this as for one scene there's randomly this like magical random mysterious window on Squidward's house that just doesn't really exist in any other episode it's kind of funny like this is how Squidward's house normally looks and then this is how it looks in this scene and just yeah that window doesn't exist and stay tuned as the next mistake we're going to be talking about is wild boy it's crazy so let's move on over there ah my first victim I mean [Music] customer may I help you find something young l oh no thanks I'm just window shopping okay I guess I lied a little bit because the next mistake is actually from Camp Coral not SpongeBob but I mean come on it's it's the same thing because this show is 3D animated though there is not a lot of mistakes in it because it's not like 2D animation right but I was able to find one in the episode boo Light Special here take a look at this let's see if you guys can catch the mistake on your own it has to do with the Jar full of money the G store one Sun black what about my change that goes right in the jar [Music] this one is incredibly hard to spot because you kind of need to see the footage in slow motion but when the cabin shakes and the money jar spills money can be seen falling in midair even before the jar is actually tipped over here I'm looping it and showing it in slow motion and as you can see that money is falling already before the jar has even tipped over which is totally a 3D animation glitch believe it or not this is probably like the worst mistake in Camp Coral and again it's due to it being 3D animated so it's easier but yeah totally a mistake and there's more let's keep it moving and head over to another episode gang let's do it you're going to pass that driving disc SpongeBob because you're a winner I'm a winner who's a winner I'm a winner who's a winner I'm a winner who's a winner I'm a winner I'm a winner I'm a winner 1 minute 37 seconds later next up is the season 4 episode driven to tears an episode all about Patrick getting his license before SpongeBob like what this episode has a bad mistake but before that here are some funny clips from this episode the episode's really good let's just go home Patrick we're not going anywhere until I get to the bottom of this I'm taking that test myself no Patrick I've been training for years you alive I passed my test you got a perfect score yeah I thought you said it was hard perfect score how do I look like a winner ready ready huh congratulations Mr star you're the 1 millionth person to pass the test you get a brand new Batmobile the new bass blast 3,000 the Ultimate boting Machine this is the greatest day ever right SpongeBob right Patrick I can't think of one thing that would make this day better except maybe getting high license yeah Patrick getting his license that sounds pretty concerning but what's more concerning is the mistake in this episode roll the clip boy driving is so easy hi Bobby hi Dad Patrick how many times do we have to tell you we're SpongeBob's mom and dad what I'm an orphan oh but guess what I passed my driver's test that's great Patrick SpongeBob failed his test so don't mention did you catch it well pay close attention during this scene so as Patrick and SpongeBob are driving you can see that he's wearing these red gloves but literally seconds later when we get a closeup of Patrick's license and we can see Patrick's hand the gloves are just gone seconds before he was wearing them but in this one shot where are they I guess the animators just forgot to draw them during the closeup but hey if you want more cartoon mistakes click this video right here on screen where I cover tons of other mistakes in other cartoons not just SpongeBob primarily SpongeBob but other cartoons too so click it click this video right here and we can hang out more cuz I'll see you guys over there and we'll watch the video together hey if you click the video right now I'll come to your house and bring you a crabby p Okay click it do it click the video
Channel: Grapple
Views: 22,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BWS85HHHnfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 31sec (1891 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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