100 SpongeBob GOOFS In ONE VIDEO

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up next is an episode with a very intriguing name the Krabby Patty that ate Bikini Bottom sounds like a horror movie in this episode a crabby patty grows too large after Sandy adds one of Sand's scientific ingredients to it it's a very interesting plot I personally like this episode here are some clips summarizing it this is the result of an experimental growth serum I developed it could easily feed a lot of hungry people or Supply an entire fast food restaurant lowering its operating cost administers the grow [Music] serum there so uh how big's this thing supposed to get who cares it's an endless supply of free patties easy boy easy yeah Mr Krabs you are crazy dude like you risked everything you risked so many people's lives just to potentially make more money with your stupid crabby patties but anyways with what's also stupid in this episode is the mistakes there's a couple of them let's see if you guys can spot the first one without my help did I already show you my single wiel roller skates or my helicopter that's powered by coconut milk actually I'm not really interested in all that well is there something in particular you wanted to see tell me about your giant soybean this is the result of an experimental growth serum I developed I sure would hate to see it fall into the wrong hands someone who might just use it to try to get rich can I buor your telephone [Music] it's ringing Mr Crabs I came as soon as I got the call did you bring a crabby patty like I was planning to ask you to do hi I captain perfect so here's the thing s's treeone right the inside of it there's no water there's no water at all we kind of talked about it in the last episode right no water so there should be no bubbles inside her treedome right well in s's treeo in this episode bubbles appear during motion as if it's underwater take a look at some of these shots normally when SpongeBob characters are underwater and they move around there'll be little bubble animations right but inside s's Treo that should not happen but during this occasion where Mr Krabs puts the phone down look look why are there bubble animations it also happens when he picks it up look there's bubble animations again so if you understand animation in SpongeBob this is definitely a mistake and there's more this episode has another mistake let's see if you guys can spot this one oh my goodness I almost forgot to flip that one Squidward why'd you make that weird [Music] nut sward that giant Krabby Patty is on a rampage abandon sh it's a travel it and just what is it you two think you're doing we're getting out of here you can't just leave do you have a better idea stay and work now this one is admittedly kind of a nitpick because this is a cartoon right but it's still a continued here in the kitchen as you can see this monster Krabby Patty eats SpongeBob's left shoe and his sock but when SpongeBob and Squidward try to exit the restaurant his sock and shoe reappear for no apparent reason and remain like that for the rest of the episode again it makes sense cuz it's a cartoon right but this is still a bit of a weird continuity air maybe SpongeBob has an extra shoe and sock in his work Locker I don't know but let's move over to episode number three which has even more crazy mistakes next up is a early SpongeBob classic back during the Steven hillenberg era as you guys know my favorite time to be a SpongeBob fan but the episode is Valentine's Day which of course is all about Valentine's day but it isn't about SpongeBob getting something for Sandy or something he actually gets something for his best friend Patrick and from here I'll let the clips explain you know the premise of this episode take a look Patrick's going to love the one you made for him take me through the plan again step one Patrick and I get to the Valentine's Day carnival I position Patrick and myself on top of the ferris wheel you arrive at designated checkpoint for maximum visual contact Patrick is thrilled mission accomplished I got a visual on the Carnival you want me to bring her in oh not yet Sandy Patrick's still trying to guess what his Valentine is you are such a cter Sandy out man SpongeBob is a really good friend like the amount of commitment he went to just to like get Patrick this gift I know they're dealing with you know Shenanigans in this episode there's like freaking flying clams trying to like bite the chocolate balloon but overall SpongeBob's a good friend and s's really nice for helping what isn't so nice though are the mistakes in this episode like let's get right into [Music] them h chocolate mighty tasty Patrick's going to love the one you made for him SpongeBob this handy you can bring it in now uh SpongeBob we got ourselves a little problem I got a pack of chocolate eating scalp trying to rustle the balloon SpongeBob just handy come in Sandy Sandy to SpongeBob I got my ax in a ditch here y my valy died so I mentioned the chocolate balloon earlier and that's actually a big part of the first mistake so as you can see this chocolate balloon has a basket attached to the bottom of it you see it early on in the episode you see it during many scenes in this episode but when Sandy fights the chocolate eating scallops off I don't think those exist in real life chocolate eating scallops but anyways when she fights them off the balloon's basket seems to be missing only showing the string attached to it the basket does reappear when Sandy arrives at the carnival though but during this one shot the basket's just gone they forgot to draw it I guess the animators just forgot to draw it that ain't it though we still got mistake number two from this episode let's keep it going you got to tell me no can do n you'll just have to wait here we are you got me a carnival [Music] [Applause] [Music] you give me SpongeBob this one is a big one it seems that the rides at the carnival change place throughout the episode we know this because of this opening shot of the carnival as you can see there's a pier right here a pier as well as the heart of whirl which is to the right of the ferris wheel okay we got a pier we got a heart of whirl and we got the ferris wheel but here's the problem at the ending of the episode we see everybody on the pier right but now the pier is on on the other side while the heart ofl and Ferris wheel are in the same spot how did the pier just change positions this is just a weird mistake it's very messy but ultimately the whole layout of the carnival just changes throughout the episode a ton of times so let's move over to episode number three it's going to be a good one up next is the episode Squidward school for grown-ups which has a very sad plot kind of where Patrick goes through a bit of an identity crisis pretty much he grows a beard by accident and this results in Squid telling him that he's more mature than SpongeBob and from here Patrick just starts being a bad friend of SpongeBob and thinks that he's too mature or adult to be friends with SpongeBob here are some [Music] clips all right Patrick you leave me no choice y what's the big idea Patrick you have a beard I do grownups never play with kids and on that note I would like to personally commend the sea star for taking his first baby steps into the Adult World facial hair is a good start I [Music] suppose so um what do you guys think huh sweet Duds huh Patrick sure are for a baby well played Patrick well played man it's so weird to see Patrick acting like a normal fish for once normally he's very weird but anyways what's also weird are the mistakes in this episode I'm going to show the first one keep those eyes peeled let's see if you can catch it enjoy your evening [Music] gentlemen oh boy Yum Yum Yum and we also have milk and cookie [Music] Patrick I'm sure you'd rather have some tetrazini we grownups ordered right duh yeah Squidward I'm frankly shocked they serve such Elementary Fair here indeed all right so look when the camera Zooms in on these cookies which look delicious by the way I would love to eat one of these cookies as you can see there's only three only three cookies however when it zooms back out there's now more than three cookies I don't know what happened here but all I know is I'm hungry and I really want a cookie now so I'm just going to move on to episode number three as you guys know Squidward is a very depressed character and you know I kind of get it Squidward is very grumpy and he could be kind of rude but he's also very misunderstood no one acknowledges what Squidward's good at in life and I kind of get it everyone just roasts him and is mean it's his own fault but anyways our next episode is are you happy now and this episode is all about Spongebob trying to to help Squidward find a happy moment in life it's kind of sad here's some clips what's your happiest memory Squidward um let me [Music] see I guess I don't have a happiest memory oh well you don't have a happiest memory so what how can you live without a happiest memory you're right SpongeBob I don't have a happiest memory this is horrible don't worry Squidward I'll help you make a happiest memory like I said this episode's really sad like Squidward just literally doesn't have a happy memory but thank goodness for SpongeBob actually trying to be his friend but anyways let's get into the mistakes this episode has two here's the first one I want to see if you guys can find it without me assisting you keep those eyes peeled hey I'd like to order a Krabby Patty please okay can someone else take my order this is horrible don't worry Squidward I'll help you make a happiest [Applause] memory you love music right squid bird then this will definitely be your happiest [Music] memory oops that was a sour note this is not my happiest memory this one is pretty bad as when SpongeBob says oops that was a sour note incidental 104 who is sitting right behind him is missing her shirt this is a kid show so the fact that she's literally just sitting there without a shirt on is very inappropriate like this was a bad how do you even make this mistake seriously like how did the animators forgot to give her a shirt but still Drew her you know anyways let's move on to mistake number [Music] two [Music] all right let me see that the Crusty Crab Works schedule what's so great about this it's my happy book the Crusty Crab is where all of my happiest memories [Music] occurred oops I accidentally burned up your memories don't worry squid waves I have a whole cabinet of backups this one isn't that big of a deal I guess but as you can see in this shot Squidward drops the work schedule book on the grill and it just burns immediately like it's looking very crispy but what about this scene when it's lying on the grill while SpongeBob is reading it why doesn't it burn it's just a weird continuity eror when Squidward puts it down it burns right it's flammable but when SpongeBob's reading it nothing happens to it so just some weird decisions in this episode for sure let's move over to our final episode of today it's really bad be prep parent guys the season 11 episode is good but I'll admit the plot is very convenient in random pretty much Mr Krabs takes a vacation I'm surprised such a cheap skate would take a vacation but he takes one and for some reason decides to make Larry the Lobster the temporary manager of the Crusty crap well it isn't so Random actually I'll let these clips explain why it happens [Music] was of CRA relax Little Crab guy I don't know what's wrong with me the Crusty crabs just been so busy I never seem to get a break sounds like someone needs a vacation I need a strong man to run this place someone who's a rock and can really handle the load you know but who has that kind of strength that's it Larry how would you like to manage the Crusty Crab while I'm on vacation yeah I don't think a gym bro like Larry is a very good option as the manager of a fast food establishment right like the Crusty Krab sells like the greasiest burgers in the world and then you're going to have Larry come in who's like a freaking gym Maniac anyways let's get into what you guys clicked on the video for and that's mistakes here's mistake number one oh just no yes I will have a quad party with a sprinkling of Himalayan salt smoked paprika and micro green give me a quad hold on I'm not finished with my order yes is pronounced not a regular cby Patty and stop wasting in everybody's time this mistake is pretty simple when Fred is first seen in the line at the start of the episode he's wearing this fresh watch on his wrist all right he's got a Rolex on Fred he's balling however when he and the other customers complain about Bubble bass taking too long to order surprise surprise the watch has now just disappeared maybe he took it off I don't know he was probably afraid that bubble bass was going to eat his watch but also at the same time this was probably a continuity error by the animators they probably forgot that at first as you can see in this screenshot he had a watch on and then in this shot they just forgot to draw it so simple mistake let's move over to our last episode of the day let's do this one of my favorite SpongeBob season 1 episodes is MuscleBob buff pants an episode where SpongeBob feels insecure about his weightlifting abilities especially in comparison to Sandy like that girl can lift so SpongeBob orders these fake things called anchor arms it's very iconic here are some clips from this episode howdy SpongeBob how's it going not too close Sandy I tend to get smelly when I'm pping iron check it out all thanks to my state-of-the-art weight set uh I don't want to disappoint you SpongeBob but you won't see any progress lifting those that is if you want arms like these huh or these or Le hey hey you are you a weakling built like a sponge well now you too can have muscle with anchor arms they slip on like a glum just stand in how big do you want them normal B and for the ladies I swear man SpongeBob is such a massive Capper like the dude is capping about being all ripped in Buff when they're fake they're fake arm SpongeBob and eventually as you guys know he gets caught but enough about that let's get into the mistakes in this episode this episode is two they're very easy to miss take a look at this hey with those arms you'll do great yeah well I'm not sure wait Sandy I don't think it's Sandy wait okay [Music] Sandy Cheeks [Music] [Applause] SpongeBob it's okay spun I already signed your name in oh great than so at one point Sandy signs SpongeBob up for the anchor tossing competition and as you can see he's wearing his very sporty Speedo like damn SpongeBob you're looking good my boy but here's the issue once SpongeBob hits the pool after Sandy signs him up um he's in his normal clothing instead of his Speedo first he's in his Speedo but then after he hits the pole he's randomly back in his normal outfit which was very weird continuity he then goes back to his Speedo again after this so talk about a strange continuity error and let's move over to episode number four which has even more wild mistakes guys it's crazy first up is the season 8 episode bubble troubles this episode is all about SpongeBob and Patrick being idiots like normal by the way never call anybody an idiot kids but SpongeBob and Patrick are not very smart in this episode because they ruin sy's oxygen supply as you guys know Sand's a squirrel she isn't a fish so she needs air and in this episode SpongeBob and Patrick really mess up here are some clips of what happens no spice hot [Music] sauce s s check out these new Spicy bubbles that Patrick invented well I'd love to try out your new fangled bubbles Patrick but I've got to to fix these Airlines to my [Music] treedome SpongeBob Patrick you guys could have like killed sandy like she even starts passing out at one point because she's feeling woozy due to not having enough air crazy plot but the mistake in this episode is really interesting it shows that the writer of this episode needs to go back and watch old SpongeBob let's see if you guys can catch it luckily I have just enough air in my submarine to get to the surface and refill my air tanks then goodness allow me to get the door even I knew that was dumb how's Sandy doing back there not sure let me check hi there Pat Patrick careful where you're breathing she seems far hold on just a little longer Sandy we're almost almost there I can see sunlight this one's bad so be prepared okay in the episode there's a point where Sandy thinks she needs to drive her submarine to the surface to get more air right because they're a bikini bottom it's underwater Sand's a squirrel so she needs air from the surface but here's the thing back in the classic iconic episode pressure it's confirmed that Sandy can quite literally just walk up to the shore as you can see right now these clips she literally walks to the shore so whoever wrote this episode bubble troubles needs to go back and educate themselves on OG SpongeBob like this one's just disappointing because pressure is an iconic episode but I'm rambling let's move over to episode number two and see what mistakes are in that episode the episode Pat the horse is a very interesting episode with it being all about Patrick wanting to become a horse pretty much like he sees a picture of a horse and decides that oh I want to become a horse like I'm not even joking guys this is a hilarious plot here are some clips from the episode it's really fun okay Patrick one more book then you go go to sleep okay this one is called you can be anything you can be a doctor you can be a cowboy that's what I want to be Cowboy great choice no no no no no that a horse buddy I don't think you want to be a horse you said I could be anything and and I want to be a horse Gary huh a oh horsey hey I can't blame Patrick you know sometimes I wake up and I just feel like being a horse that day and hey the dude made for a pretty good horse for the most part but anyways let's get into what you guys clicked on this video for and that is some spicy SpongeBob mistakes here's the first one of this episode let's see if you guys can spot it h not yet Gary give me a few more minutes what Gary [Music] oh horsey Patrick you are right you can be a horse ride up Cowboy now look this first one is somewhat of an understandable mistake due to the fact that SpongeBob is 2D animated right like 2D animation is not very easy easy but during this scene where SpongeBob sees Patrick running around as a horse in SpongeBob's yard if you take a look at Patrick's Shadow it keeps disappearing and reappearing Underneath Him here's some footage in slow motion showing this not that big of a deal we have more mistakes in this episode let's move over to mistake number two py rides 10 marcaro in a timeat me money let try for five [Music] My Little W hor Patra come back Mak me money running away come back yeah so as you can see here in this shot well this scene a bunch of kids fall and as you can see the last kid to fall was first seen as light blue you can see him right here he's light blue this kid but then in a later shot the dude just randomly changes to Green as you can see in this shot right here I don't know how the animators even make these types of mistakes but that kid is green now used to be blue he's green now and guys believe it or not this episode actually has a third mistake so let's get right into that one this shortcut sign should send SpongeBob and Patrick far from the Finish Line shortcut this could be a trick I love [Music] tricks [Music] oh boy we're ahead no you're actually behind wa Patrick now to be honest this one is not that big of a deal and it's kind of a nitpick like it's actually really hard to make out but during this scene where Patrick eats the seaweed field if you look at him he's actually slightly orange like kind of orange he's still like pink but you can see that these colors are just off I don't know man dude is looking way more like an orange in this one scene so yeah anyways let's move over to episode number two guys which has tons tons of mistakes let's do it first up is the classic season 1 episode opposite day this is a really good episode and honestly just watching it brings me back to my younger years pretty much in this episode Squidward wants to move from bikini bottom but in order to do that he needs to convince his real estate agent that SpongeBob isn't isn't annoying so he lies and says it's opposite day absolutely Mr tentacles I can sell your home in a heartbeat as long as it's not infested with nematodes or surrounded by Troublesome neighbors or something like that oh sure there's none of that SpongeBob no one will ever buy my house with him living next door whatever a good neighbor would do he does the opposite opposite you don't know what day it is do you opposite day is the one day of the year when you get to act different normally I'm stuffy boring but today I'm silly and spontaneous normally you're really loud and annoying so what are you going to be today quiet and out of the way I love I mean I hate opposite day this right here is classic SpongeBob the jokes and everything the episode is just like 10 10 out of 10 anything from the Steven hillenberg era of SpongeBob is amazing but as amazing as this episode is it still has its fair share of Animation mistakes here's the first one let's see if you guys can catch it surprise happy birthday happy birthday happy happy birthday TA of the seor older it's not my birthday okay so I'll admit I'm kind of nitpicking with this first one but when SpongeBob and Patrick leave the house the green piece of confetti actually turns blue when it lands on the ground as it's falling it's green as you can see here but once it lands on the ground it just randomly changes to Blue which is like I don't even know how this mistake happened but it's weird and let's move over to mistake number two from this episode it's also pretty spicy [Music] opposite why you playing that drum drum What drum this is just my wig case see oh I get it you don't know what day it is do you like Wednesday so during this scene where SpongeBob and Patrick are talking to Squidward take a look as not only are SpongeBob and Patrick's house is missing like this is Con Street they should be right there but in this shot they're gone but more importantly an ear on Squidward's house has a window this is never there and the window disappears in the next scene so at first it has a window but then in the next scene I guess Squidward did some home renovations and got rid of the window talk about a strange continuity air these always happen in SpongeBob anyways though let's move over to episode number two which has even more mistakes next up is the season 8 episode smooth jazz at Bikini Bottom this episode is all about SpongeBob and Squidward trying to sneak backstage for a concert after they end up losing their passes the concert's a kelp G concert which is hilarious to me kelp G is Iconic but anyways here's some clips from the episode I see all you fellow calpads at the show just keep your friends up outbursts under control I just love this T hey hey a fellow mellow Jazz dazzler what's happening nothing like a little accompaniment to bring out the genius of kelpy's kazoo playing huh guys thanks for the grub we're in SpongeBob now I'll finally get to meet the incomparable cpy hey this is a private area only people with backstage passes can come back here read my my lips no backstage passes no entry huh yeah I love this episode I think it's really funny and I always love when SpongeBob and Squidward are kind of forced to like team up together but what isn't so funny is the mistake in this episode let's see if you guys can catch it your winning caller number 102 not only have you won two front row seats but you and a friend will go backstage to meet kelp G himself me and a friend [Music] can you believe it we're going to meet your hero so nice to be surrounded by such Kindred Spirits who's ready for a kelp G concert tonight was it you who brought the rockus miscan me no of course not no it's very easy to miss but here's the thing when SpongeBob and Squidward are at the C G concert they are the only ones with backstage passes even though everyone else should also have a backstage pass right like this was such a main plot point of the episode why don't all of these other Squidward looking head dudes have their own backstage passes so yeah weird mistake let's head back over to the classic in best ERA of SpongeBob that being season 1 with the episode S sp129 I personally love this episode it is so nostalgic to me and there's so many cool scenes in it just here are some of the amazing scenes in this episode and if you haven't watched it go watch this episode after you're done watching this video anyways here are those clips oh watch this while if SpongeBob exists in the future i' better go to the Past wow primitive that's sort of an old world charm conob [Music] ah hi there see what did I tell you this episode is awesome it's just a really good episode and really represents the best ERA of SpongeBob the Steven hillenberg era I say it all the time but seriously guys nothing compares to seasons 1 2 and 3 season 13's pretty good but season 1 2 and 3 are amazing anyways though as amazing as these episodes are there is still a mistake in this episode and you guys are going to keep those eyes peeled and spot it right [Music] [Applause] now good morning Squidward want to go jellyfishing we'll be right over ready to go no I'm not ready to go shouldn't you be at work today SpongeBob I'd love to be at work today but it's Sunday the Crusty Crab is closed hold on a second hello H alone at last so here's the thing as you guys just seen the Crusty Crab is closed in this episode right it's closed I guess it's a Saturday or a Sunday the store ain't open on the weekends I don't know but it's closed but then why were the doors unlocked like how did Squidward get inside we didn't see him use a key or anything it's like the place was just unlocked so Mr Krabs dude you need to lock up the Crusty Crab before that place gets robbed jeez let's move over to mistake number two squ [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] squ well he's not here I'll bet that eager beavers already down at jellyfish field they're finally gone what the lock oh oh no oh well someone will realize I'm gone and come looking for me I'll be out of here in no time 2,000 years later okay so this freezer as you can see at first the freezer has a door knob most doors usually have door knobs they're pretty you know they're kind of necessary for opening a door but when Squidward closes the freezer door where did it go the door knob just disappears dude it was there at first now it's just gone which is very funny to me in the episode The Good Krabby name Mr Krabs does some analytical research and finds out that there's a certain percentage of bikini bottomites that have shockingly never eaten at the Crusty Crab so Mr Krabs comes up with a plan and sends SpongeBob to go and find these customers and get them to come to the Crusty Crab and have a crabby pot you've been busy Mr Krabs I want you to take a look at these folks right here have you ever ever seen any of them in the Crusty Crab uh no no no no possibly no but according to my research a full 2% of the population of Bikini Bottom has never set foot in the Crusty Crab that's 2% of money that's not in me pocket don't worry Mr Krabs I think I know just where to start hello bomit what are you doing it's made SpongeBob oh no I mean shout out to Patrick for always being such a good friend like this dude doesn't even work at the Crusty Crab but decides to help SpongeBob do his job what a good friend I wish I had friends like that but anyways let's get into the mistakes in this episode they're spicy [Music] hey I gotcha who you're a big one can't believe I've never seen you in the Crusty Crab before have you ever seen any of them in the Crusty Crab think hard um H uh no no no M maybe no no no no no and no no sir I do not recognize any of them sir how about you Mr Squidward I try not to look directly at the customer so this one's funny back at the beginning of the episode Mr Krabs takes a picture of this old lady and as you can see she isn't wearing glasses this is super important no glasses but when he eventually shows the picture to SpongeBob take a look as the old lady has glasses now I guess Mr Krabs could have taken multiple pictures but I mean this happened like instantly so I do think this was like a really weird mistake it's very funny so our first episode for today is an absolute classic I'm talking about the episode hookie this episode is so funny and here are some clips the hooks they dangle down and draw you close with their C and shapes and their Beil and color they grab you by the bries and Hur you way up high then higher and higher and higher they cook you and then they eat them or Worse what can be worse than that gift shops guess what the Carnival's in town come on let's go doesn't look like any Carnival I ever excuse me SpongeBob what are you doing make sure you listen to Mr Krabs as he's not lying what Mr Krabs is saying is right but let's focus on mistakes it's why you guys clicked on the video here's the first mistake let's see if you guys can spot it on your own hey you you call this food my sandwich tastes like a fried boot my sandwich is a fried boot we're hungry over here look at us my kid that's not how you're what the hell of it's going on in here it's a Feeding Frenzy sir and SpongeBob's not back from his brain so here's the deal normally inside of the Crusty Crab looks like this and by the cash register like the boat where Squidward sits there is the order here sign and the gley grub menu right it's always there but in this one scene of hookie it's just missing like when the customers are freaking out at Squidward yeah it's just gone and that's not it this episode has another mistake keep those eyes peeled they're gone if I can only hold him in me arms again i' throttle them what did I tell you about those hooks boy you ride them up and up and you gently Flo down do you know what happened when you don't float back down vacuum packed in a canat tuna honestly Mr grabs has every reason to be mad like he warned SpongeBob and they're just not listening more importantly though as Mr Krabs comes onto the screen during this one shot um what's going on with his mouth talk about a mistake and of course there's more let's move on to mistake number three is this seat taken glad I got that out of my system I'm hooked and that means Mr Crabs [Music] HED okay so most of the grapple gang is already going to know this but normally there is a path between the chumbucket and the Crusty crap it's always been there ever since season 1 but during this shot where a hooked SpongeBob is running towards the Crusty Crab um where is the path they just were lazy and didn't draw it or forgot about it I guess and talk about a mistake let's keep it moving though and head over to our second episode which has even more mistakes it's going to be crazy first up is the episode Ghost host an episode all about Good Old the Flying Dutch but this time there's something going on with our favorite ghost here take a look a my location without without be St business or residence residence I'm stuck here while my ship is being repaired until then I'm here to haunt [Music] you why aren't you freaking out lad well you've been here a while and um I've seen all your tricks yeah this dude just ain't scary anymore well SpongeBob at least he just is not very scared by The Flying Dutchman anymore poor guy but we're here to talk about mistakes so let's talk about this first mistake it actually happens in the clips I just showed you but I'm going to show it again this one is kind of funny to be honest so we've seen SpongeBob in his living room many times for example just take a look at this shot and as you can see the TV is smaller than SpongeBob or at the very least the same size as him but during this scene in ghost host um look at his entire room SpongeBob is like miniature in comparison to not only the giant room but also the TV the TV is like tripless size eyes talk about a mistake and I've got another one let's see if you guys can catch this one maybe I just need a break take some time off you know sure relax a little maybe STI with a friend for a while hey Tim how's it turn it off another going on around here come on SpongeBob don't p in the mud Bel oh no no no no no no everyone so there were actually two mistakes in those clips the first one has to do with SpongeBob's belts as look it's miscolored it's also just overall like hastily drawn if you look at the belt like even look at it by the tie but also a few frames later and look this part right here in between SpongeBob's eyes is white normally it looks like this it's yellow but then in in this shot is white so major mistake and of course here's one more from this episode keep those eyes peeled I can't seem to stare anyone maybe people just don't believe in ghosts anymore wait a minute I think you just gave me the answer to all your [Music] problems s squ what's going on why haven't you called me mother no that's impossible this one's easy but as Squidward walks off camera as he's about to be scared um look there's something going on with his face it looks very weird and yeah let's move on to another episode which has even crazier mistakes let's do this the episode Mr Krabs takes a vacation is quite the adventure with SpongeBob Mr Krabs and Pearl all going on well a vacation here take a look you called Mr Krabs that's right you better have a seat ly gentlemen I have an announcement to make as of tomorrow I'm closing the Crusty Crab relax boy I'm just going on vacation for a few days and I was kind of hoping that you'd come along with us sponge boob come along with us SpongeBob yes please great we'll have some fun going on vacation with mrbs going on vacation with his daughter Pearl going on vacation with the whole crabs clam I'm a vacation man now the problem though is that Pearl is expecting them to go somewhere completely different than where they actually end up going and I can't really blame her for being upset but more importantly this scene is also where we can find our first mistake keep those eyes peel super mega mall world is that where we're going no no the place we're going is much better holy moly we're going to play it roller us sir the place we're going is a 100 times better than that old amusement part is it bathroom land cuz I could really use the bathroom right now bathroom l oh SpongeBob you kill me okay we're here you can open your eyes [Music] now the teenage boy Museum that's where we're going it's the Bikini Bottom mint where they make all the money have you ever seen anything more beautiful in all your life so I'll admit this first one is very easy to miss but I want you to look at Mr crabs' eyebrows as they're randomly transparent normally they look like this and they're like colored in but for some reason over here they're just transparent and yeah just a weird Mistake by the animators and I have more so let's keep it moving well Edie looks like it's just you and me and of course the Min it's the most exciting day of your life not really thank you all for coming to the Bikini Bottom men this tour will take you through the entire money making process did you hear that boy the entire money making process yeah I sure did now this one is a lot more easy to miss as when SpongeBob blinks during this scene the pores on the top part of his head disappear as he turns it's a strange mistake it only really happens as he's moving but yeah anyways let's move over to another mistake angry thieving criminals aren't part of this tour and take whatever you want take care of them oh no you don't you filthy that didn't work at all [Music] so as you guys can see this incidental fish right here is wearing these black kicks he's wearing his his black Yeezy 400s okay but then in the next scene when Mr Krabs goes to save everybody his shoes are now like a different color they're like what what happened originally they were black now they're a different color I don't think the dude changed his shoes so yeah a mistake and let's move over to another episode that is full of mistakes oh boy next next up is a season 3 episode and I love season 3 it's probably like my favorite season but next up is my pretty seahorse this episode is awesome check out these clips you're on your [Music] way I'm not taking my eyes off you hey SpongeBob hi Patrick how does this keep happening what a magnificent seahorse she's coming this way that's it girl don't be afraid I'm just a talking sponge is [Music] all aw mystery is so cute this little pet that SpongeBob adopts it's so adorable and it's funny how much SpongeBob wants to like hang out with this dude but what isn't so funny are the mistakes in this episode let's take a look at the first one well these clips actually have a whopping three mistakes in them so really keep those eyes peeled what the hey still riding to work on a machine I see [Music] oh girl now you wait out here until I'm done with work so first of all is this scene where mystery and SpongeBob blast past Squidward as look now this is a normal thing in animation but the way it was done here it just looks really strange I get it they did this to kind of showcase motion but it still looks really weird but the real mistakes anyways are right here as for one not only is the Chum Bucket but also the path to the Chum Bucket missing from the shot normally the Crusty crap and Chum Bucket are directly across from each other as you can see in this shot but in this one shot the path just wasn't drawn and it was definitely a mistake but also take a look at this so when SpongeBob and mystery first arrive at the K crusty kraev we see SpongeBob tie mystery to this Hitching Post right here but literally in the shot before this like it's not there so it just magically appears first it's not there but then it magically appears making for a weird mistake let's move on to another episode with even more mistakes they're Wild next up is one of my personal favorites and probably one of the better episodes from season 6 and that's Pest of the West a special episode where we get to go back in time and see SpongeBob's ancestor family histories of Bikini Bottom let's see square head Square shirts Square Pants hey look at here it's a statue of SpongeBob SquarePants says here he saved the entire town of dead eye gch that's what mikini botom was known as back in the old west wow the big city well time to make my fortune business is good today how do you do yo great another Hy seed chargeing devil for his drinks I got to say spongeb seems like a pretty cool dude and he actually is as it turns out he saves the town before that though let's take a look at this mistake let's see if you guys can catch it I'm SpongeBob the new sheriff wants a chili Sheriff around these parts we call them coffin jockies must be a new record for running off a share R hope I haven't miss the first there's actually two in one but let's focus on the first one as it's a little more complicated so this right here is the character natat and as you can see his body is like a lime green it's like a light green but then his stomach or his tummy right it's like a darker shade of green as you can see right here well during this shot as you can see the animators forgot about this as his entire body is the light shade of green like his body is but then that spot that's supposed to be dark green is also light green making for a mistake oh and if you look closely SpongeBob's teeth are yellow I don't think they're supposed to be yellow so another mistake and we've got even more in this episode let's keep it going guys I'm back in the me time heroes your morons throughout the episode SpongeBob or well sponge Buck cuz remember this is not SpongeBob is wearing these boots he wears them for like all of the episode but then randomly it seems the animators forgot this as look he's suddenly wearing SpongeBob shoes remember this isn't SpongeBob it's spongeb so those shoes wouldn't even exist in this timeline yet really embarrassing mistake to be honest and there's another one in this episode keep those eyes [Music] peeled [Applause] it happens really fast but as SpongeBob and Plankton are about to have their Showdown um look the pink part of this incidental fish's dress turns to the same color as her skin making for another mistake and let's keep it moving but let's move over to another episode okay so next up is an episode I really like and that's mooncation an episode where SpongeBob and Sandy go to space how do they end up in space though is the real question and here I'll let these clips explain I'm ready to ring D [Music] doorbell I'm getting ready for my vacation where you going the moon I'm all packed and ready to go want to help me me no you can't go without your sh SpongeBob you're going on a mooncation SpongeBob man you are so like accident prone like you always find a way to get yourself into some trouble and this time you drag Sandy into it SpongeBob ain't the only one to get in trouble though as the animators also made a couple of mistakes in this one let's see if you guys can spot them watch this Andy all right uh no look let's see a one footed tongue out flip leg you did great SpongeBob but you should call your trick the one-footed tongue out flip leg up puncture the fuel tank on the rocket so we are going to make it on we Sandy if the fuel holds out there's no reason to panic this one is hilarious in my opinion so as you can see right here is the fuel gauge for SpongeBob and Sandy ship and as you can see it's blue but then when it zooms in on it and the fuel thing becomes sentient it's now like a totally different color it's like a I don't even know like a Sandy color let's talk about a funny mistake and there's more in this episode let's move on to another [Applause] one [Music] Sandy s are you okay that was the most fun I've had in a Toad's age soon as I fix my rocket you and me is heading to Mars so as you just seen SpongeBob and Sandy crash land back on Earth and for about a couple frames the like Acorn symbol normally on sy's suit is missing I guess the animators just forgot to draw it because of the scene I don't know but it's definitely a mistake and let's move on to a new episode that has even more mistakes it's going to be crazy the episode wishing you well is a very weird episode like the plot of it is kind of just weird take a look for yourself take a look for yourself it's not bad make a wish dear all my wishes have already come true oh [Music] you what you heartless brutes think you're doing um using the wishing well you mean suckers throw money down a hole for fun that's the greatest scam ever can we have our quarterback now good words punch Bob I got a new job for you x marks the spot of the Eugene crabs Memorial wishing well well Squidward what do you think I mean hey don't get me wrong it is like a smart business decision for Mr Krabs but just a weird plot for a cartoon but not as weird as the mistakes in this episode keep those eyes peeled let's see if you guys can spot these mistakes Patrick hi SpongeBob Patrick you're supposed to let go of the coin when you throw it but I got my wish fun down there SpongeBob Squidward Patrick's down there too it just gets better and better do you want to make a wish I got my wish youo two are stuck in a dark hole and away from me this one is just funny so as you can see when Squidward is laughing at Patrick and SpongeBob he isn't wearing a shirt we know this because he like shrugs his shoulders and because Squidward wears a t-shirt as you can see here we should be able to see his shirt in this shot making for a weird mistake just a really funny mistake to be honest and there's more check out this next one Squidward you decided to join the party we were just going to play some party games you're it you're it it I got to get out of here this one is really easy to miss because it happens so fast but as Squidward is falling um take a look at this because there's something up with his nose that's the wrong color buddy that's definitely the wrong color let's move on to another episode though guys this one is crazy all righty and last but not least is the episode Plankton this episode is great and it sees is planked in with a new scheme to get that crabby patty secret formula hey let me go I let you go squirt on a flying scer back to the Chum Bucket with you you okay for this young man yes over here not that close you blasted paricle head I mean hi I have something for you Sparkle Sparkle wow a golden spatula Plankton is such a manipulator and here he is trying to manipulate SpongeBob into becoming his friend so he can do this keep those eyes peeled though because we also have a mistake in these clips night [Music] Gary SpongeBob you will be [Music] mine did you spot it well for about a brief second or so SpongeBob's teeth turn yellow yet again another bad mistake and we've got another one keep those eyes peeled now it's time time for a little wakey upy morning [Music] already so as you can see Plankton has this mind control device here it's a very smart piece of technology and as you can also see it has the words total control on it well this is very inconsistent throughout the episode as in some shots it looks like this and doesn't say the words total control but in other shots it looks like this and says the words so talk about a mistake next up is the episode Plankton's Army and I got to Plankton had a pretty good idea until I saw his family like look at these Hillbillies they're cute but I don't know how evil they're going to be but anyways so the first mistake can be found in one of the clips you just seen I'm going to play it again and let's see if you guys can going through a phone book right this is how a phone book normally looks but if you look at Plankton's there's literally no phone numbers so I don't know what the animators were thinking there's names but there's there's no phone numbers and if you look over here it's supposed to say Plankton but it actually gets cut off it only says pla so yeah two mistakes in one scene pretty rough and there's another one take a look at these clips and keep those eyes peeled I like the sound of that this one happens really fast so I'm going to keep it really quick but as Plankton is crying his mouth disappears for a few frames it comes back but it still disappears for a few frames and it's kind of funny just like the final episode we're going to be talking about let's move over to it and talk about more mistakes next up is an episode that isn't really talked about all that much and that's Stanley SquarePants an episode where SpongeBob's cousin comes to visit him just it turns out that there's a reason why he was sent away from home take a look at this he I wonder what's inside hello Stanley cousin SpongeBob dear SpongeBob I'm sending your cousin Stanley to live with you he can't hold down a job and he ruins everything he touches Uncle sure won't let me watch TV back at home why not that's why what's that yeah this St Manley guy is a total mess and like don't get me wrong SpongeBob is quite the mess himself but this dude is bad just take a look at some of these clips of him messing everything up your job is to take people's money and put it in here wao can I touch it nice to meet you uhoh go now things really get going in the episode when SpongeBob starts to get sick and tired of Stanley's issues and this is where we can also spot the episode's first mistake you didn't lie to me just to help your cousin get the job did you no because there were plenty of other relatives that got passed over for the job I kiss through whatever I even turned down me own three adorable nephews Stanley I cannot keep covering for you this one is just really bad as it's a blatant animation error but as SpongeBob freaks out over his spatula um his legs are missing we know this because of the shot I mean look at how high up SpongeBob is where is his leg we should be able to see at least one of his legs so yeah I'm mistake and there's more let's keep it going I ruin everything I touch wait a minute I know the perfect job for you good luck at your new job today cousin Stanley thanks I'll bet I'm even better at this [Music] one good morning Mr SquarePants morning boss well that's the end of me sorry boss this other one is fairly similar to a mistake we already covered today and it has to do with the Chum Bucket so as you can literally see in this shot right here like you can literally see there is a path across from the Chum Bucket and the Crusty crap like they're directly across from each other but then when we see the Chum Bucket explode where is the path like keep in mind this explosion is where the Chum Bucket is so that sand right there we should see a path we literally just saw one like right before this so this was a bad mistake as all of you know SpongeBob loves his job at the trusty crab like I'm pretty sure Mr Krabs gets paid by Spongebob to work there I think that's a thing 18 19 and 20 here you go Mr K I think this should cover all my nonsense oh and here's an extra 50 cents for when I was tying my shoe well in the episode All That Glitters something really bad happens to SpongeBob that affects his job here take a look it's actually pretty sad we can do this at the count of three we flip ready one two 2 [Music] [Applause] [Music] 3 mhm mhm go on poor SpongeBob this dude's favorite spatula just broke on him freaking cooking crabby patties is this dude's entire life I actually feel really bad for SpongeBob you know who I also feel bad for though the animators who did this episode because take a look at this mistake this one's like really bad replacement spatula how could anything everl hey look at that ooh so shiny oh those lines so sliek what am I talking about I don't need this you do need [Music] this no touchy touchy the Le spatula it's very very expensive hey I warned you guys this one is really bad as for about a frame SpongeBob's tie is just gone it's like I don't know how this even happened but just look at his pants it looks so bad it's like he has them on backwards or something it's really funny but here's our last mistake for today let's see if you guys can catch it now can I buy lace f everything huh nice outfit evening [Music] sir Breezy today nice fit SpongeBob well did you catch it you guys have no excuses as I've already covered a mistake like this earlier in this video as where is the chum bucket or the path to the Chum Bucket it's just missing and that my friends is a mistake now I'm going to be honest the episode clams does not have very many mistakes I've looked for them so many times in the past I could barely find any I only found one this time but before that here are some clips from the episode as it's a fun episode what's going on something stupid I'm sure [Music] yipp congratulations sir you have just given me my $1 million what do I win nothing now get out what get out everybody get out you're sping me mov me millions dollar to reward you for helping me make me millions dollar I'm taking you on a trip where are we going fancy Springs no pamper Island try again oh oh old Bikini Bottom folk Village better than that CL fishing okay okay on to the mistake can I have a word with you have you noticed that Mr Krabs has gone completely insane look at him wward he's lost something near and dear to him look [Music] again you're right how do we get out of here so you thought you'd skip out on Old crabs did you even after you promised to help me so during this scene where Mr Krabs is literally going crazy um something's missing from Spongebob's face pretty typical error in SpongeBob but it's still an error it's still a bad one now that's probably going to do it for today guys but seriously thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video and shout out to the grapple gang let's go and the premier gang anybody here right now at the premiere you're a legend yo yo yo yo yo I appreciate it by the way if you're new make sure to subscribe as I'll be responding to the comments of all subscribers on this video so if you subscribe and you comment I'll respond for sure it just might take like 3 or 4 days for me to actually respond but I will I promise anyways though I love you guys I'm going to be streaming soon and doing a face reveal so definitely subscribe and yeah I'll see you guys tomorrow peace
Channel: Grapple
Views: 47,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0TL8o8ghJ4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 12sec (4152 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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