These SpongeBob Mistakes Are BANNED | Sponge Who Could Fly, Truth or Square & MORE Full Episodes

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[Music] ah German hello ah go to Morgan my name is SpongeBob say what Guten Morgen my name is SpongeBob it's uh please would you speak in the English I need some practice season 9's sold is a fairly good episode all about SpongeBob and Patrick thinking that their houses have been sold we're gonna get to the mistakes don't worry but seriously this episode has some like really funny moments take a look he shows up on television and buys your home into something you could do about it don't worry Patrick you can move in with me we'll be Roman Christians and I want to buy your home so well we might as well spend the night here oh what did you numb skulls do with the trash build the house why cause Nick fish gets bought my home and many black SpongeBob song [Music] ready for work Mr Krabs wait a minute what's the matter with you boy you look like you slept in a pile of trash a pile of trash house okay okay okay okay okay okay it's time for the mistakes it's what you guys clicked on you guys want to see some spicy mistakes so take a look at this of course Squidward we should do something really nice for him on the count of three one two oh say is this the home of Squidward Tentacles this place is a wreck I'm Nick fishkins and I do not want to buy this home not Seoul this one's actually similar to the first mistake we covered in today's video as when SpongeBob and Patrick are done flipping Squidward's house upside down the bottom right window of SpongeBob's house is missing this is how SpongeBob's house has always looked take a look at this shot as you can see this bottom right window on his house is always supposed to be there so where is it in this shot that's another mistake and don't worry guys we're gonna move on to another episode and the mistake isn't going to be about a window this next mistake is going to be crazy trust me let's move on I wish you dearly opened it today might finally be the day the PSU cheating little kiss [Music] [Music] now I personally really like this next episode I think it's like a solid episode in terms of modern SpongeBob and that's whirly brains an episode all about like a crazy toy dude I would never play with this toy personally here I'm going to show some clips really quickly would you guys play with this toy well say goodbye to boring hello to Whirly brains the exciting new toy that puts you in the driver's seat of your own mind just flip your lid attach the propeller and watch your brain soar hundreds of feet into the air okay Patrick just let me flip your Lids so I can attach the propeller directly to your brain it's time to free our minds [Music] whoa Patrick I've never seen the world from this angle before okay it's mistake time all right enough about whirlybrain's toys we're here for mistakes and here's the first one I want you guys to try and spot this one without me telling you [Music] this one is just really funny but when this fish right here on the right this incidental character right here drinks his tea the tea actually overlaps him the tea should be going like into his mouth but as you can see here it's overlapping his mouth guys which in terms of 2D animation is not correct for example take a look at the pink or purple fish over here and how the glass is like touching their lips that's how it should look not a big deal but it's still a mistake guys it's still a mistake and there's more take a look at this one right here hey we're Squidward I'm sure I saw him in here [Music] stop serenading me you sap it's my day off let's go away [Music] so this one is a continuity error as when Squidward sees Plankton's brain floating up and down he screams out aliens from Mars while wearing his signature shirt all right look at him he's looking fresh he's looking Dapper but then literally in the next shot like seconds later guys like a couple seconds later he is now naked and not wearing a shirt which hey zero complaints here but if dude was wearing a t-shirt in this one shot seconds later he should still be wearing the T-shirt like I highly doubt Squidward was so scared of Patrick's brain that he took his shirt off so yeah this was another mistake and guys let's keep the video moving I've got more [Applause] [Music] apparently I'm mostly out holes like I said before guys I am a SpongeBob SquarePants man through and through like SpongeBob SquarePants will always be my favorite cartoon but there are other shows in the SpongeBob Universe with one of them being Camp Coral the show does have a mistake it can be found in the episode eye of the hot dog take a look at this you got 10 minutes to eat all the hot dogs you can [Applause] are making Noble efforts but it's clear the real story here is defending Champion Patrick Starr and Challenger Craig mamilton and Harvey having no chance for first place compete for the booby prize right after the camp cook finished preparing the last hot dog when he noticed the expiration date on the side of the hot dog crate that's today three seconds from now [Music] hey this one is kind of technical so the tally counters for the eating contest change between shots which is not supposed to happen it's a hot dog eating contest so your score should only go up when you eat a hot dog right it's like you eat one hot dog your score goes to one you eat 10 hot dogs your score goes to Ten Ten glizzies would be like a lot I don't think I could ever eat 10 glizzies in one sitting but you get the point that's how the contest Works here's an example of the air for instance after the hot dogs expire Harvey's counter jumps from 0 14 to 101 despite him still having the same amount of hot dogs in his mouth so his counter went up despite the fact that he didn't even eat more hot dogs which kind of defeats the whole purpose of the competition and kind of shows that you know this is a mistake kind of a weird one I'll admit but yeah anyways let's head over to more SpongeBob no Camp Coral no Patrick Star show SpongeBob SquarePants baby [Music] like I won't be needing you after all sponge Tom up next coming in hot is the episode broken alarm which in my opinion is a bit of an iffy episode I want to know how you guys feel about it though here are some clips and let me know in the comments what you guys think about the episode we're gonna get into the mistakes right after this though has passed away maybe he's just seriously injured [Music] prepare yourselves or the joy let's not be damaged about this oh good morning everyone you mean the best but that's impossible I trust the alarm clock always wakes me up well how do you like that it's unplugged well we'll just fix that and I'll never be late again my clock what did you guys think let me know in the comments I know you need to watch like the full episode but like I said it's if it's not a bad one it's not a good one but anyways let's get into the mistake in this episode as it's a good mistake that it's kind of like really funny to me roll the clip oil [Music] I'm filing a complete I ordered this with extra pickles and I only count 14. SpongeBob we got a wrong order like I said it's really funny so bubble bass over here one of my favorite SpongeBob characters debuting back in the episode pickles roll a quick clip from that one only one thing you forgot the pictures the best there is I don't think so you lose yeah this dude right here who really loves pickles well he reappears and broken alarm and he pulls the same BS that he tried pulling back in his debuted episode pickles this dude claims that his Burger only contains 14 pickles when he ordered more however if you look at the close-up and count them let's do this one two three four whatever as you can see there's 18 pickles so either this was a mistake which is what I think it was or bubble bass is just like the biggest Karen on the planet so yeah let's move over to another episode the very good sir urchin sir [Music] [Applause] next up is a quick one from SpongeBob season 13 the most recent SpongeBob season I can't believe it's almost done but anyways the episode is sea urchin and snail fail and here take a look at the mistake let's get right into it if only we had a real stage to perform on if only I had a real stage to act on on a real space were you guys able to catch it this one's pretty blatant but at first when we see this character right here Morty he is yellow alright he's he's very yellow but then when the dude pops up again he's not the right color he's purple now which is totally a mistake I think normally he is purple but the fact that he just randomly changes colors throughout the episode is uh is pretty rough that's a mistake and let's keep it moving and head over to another episode [Music] how are you enjoying the music so far it's delightful the next episode we're talking about is pretty interesting and you can tell just by the name which is sweet and sour squid it actually sounds kinda tasty like sweet and sour squid but I mean poor Squidward anyways though here's the first mistake [Music] hi give it back I was just reaching my Coda this real piercing racket of your fish flute is trading away me money not enough you simpletons would recognize real musical Talent if it came up and kiss you in the face hey that happened to Patrick once too none of you know a great musician when you hear him were you guys able to catch that one well when Squidward runs out of the Krusty Crab right here take a look inside the Krusty Krab as you can see in this shot normally Squidward works at this workstation right here a boat with a cash register and then there's like the order window behind it but as Squidward runs out of the Krusty Krab in this scene that workstation is just missing poof it's gone where'd it go what's going on man I don't even know how the animators miss that because take a look at this shot from the first episode like it's been there since the beginning but anyways let's head over to another episode let's go baby it is new stadium is too low bro for this masterpiece okay and take your putrid painting with you [Music] stop is the episode in security guards which is actually like a really good episode in terms of modern SpongeBob you'll actually notice today guys a lot of the episodes are from Modern SpongeBob so Seasons like 9 10 11 12 Etc anyways though here's our first mistake today from insecurity guards take a look at this no [Music] don't let visitors steal stuff have you seen anybody suspicious okay so this little dude right here is Monty P Moneybags and he's actually somewhat of an iconic character as he made his first appearance all the way back in the episode artist unknown from season one two or three I can't remember I call it bold and brown more like belongs in the trash anyways though as you can see this little dude looks like this all right he's like orange this is his main color ever since artist unknown remember this as this is a big part of the mistake as in insecurity guards when Monty P money bags is seen from afar as you can see he has his correct orange color but this is where things get tricky when SpongeBob and Patrick pass by him up close like what is going on with this dude what what he's mistakenly colored as like a light turquoise and this is just incorrect normally he looks like this this orange color but here the animators just made a massive blunder and colored him completely incorrectly dude like what that ain't even it for this episode too guys wait until you see this mistake let's see if you can spot it oh boy an extinctly mollusk oh this little guy looks like my Gary serious [Music] [Music] okay so throughout the episode for the most part SpongeBob and Patrick wear these fresh security guard outfits and my boys are dripping bro like get me one of those shirts look at them they're so fresh but anyways they're wearing these outfits and you need to remember this as it's important to the mistake as later on when Patrick and SpongeBob get spit out by this woolly mullisk before they get spit out they're still wearing the security guard outfits okay they're wearing this they go in his mouth but then when they're spit out take a look at our boy Patrick over here as he's wearing his normal like outfit he's wearing his normal pants instead of his security guard uniform which is like a massive continuity air he's wearing it but then when he's shot out of the mouth it's like they just forgot but whatever there's still another mistake in this episode let's move over to that one put on those mistake glasses and let's see if you can spot it though [Music] [Applause] wow oh Your Life Is So Glamorous put this on okay [Music] well how do I look now this one is more subtle it's not that big of a deal real quick though take a look at this this is how the inside of Patrick's mouth normally looks alright remember this as it doesn't look like this during this one scene in insecurity guards as when Patrick shows SpongeBob the employee locker room take a look at Patrick's mouth it's like outlined red for a frame it's only one frame and it almost looks like the entire inside of his mouth is red which is totally a mistake guys like it's not that bad of a mistake but it's totally a mistake now if you want bad mistakes stay tuned as I've got lots in this video Let's head over to another episode hello young lady we're selling chocolate it's your mother home mom what what what's all that yelling first up is the season three Banger chocolate with nuts if you don't know this episode then you're living under a rock like Patrick I love this episode and it has some mistakes here's the first one good afternoon sir could we interest you in some chocolate chocolate did you say chocolate yes sir with or without nuts chocolate chocolate so take a close look at incidental six over here as when he says did you say chocolate his eyes are yellow and his tongue is red as you can see here all right incidental six however literally in the next shot not only are his eyes now green as you can see here but his tongue is also pink the tongue color change isn't that big of a deal but how do you go from yellow to green eyes and there's more this episode has another mistake let's see if you guys can spot it if we keep exaggerating the truth we'll be fancy living in no time come over here this guy will feel so sorry for us he'll have to buy all of our chocolate what can I do for you boys I was born with glass bones and paper skin every morning I break my legs at night I lie awaken Agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep oh no let's go [Music] oh grapple gang listen closely as this one is very detailed okay so when SpongeBob and Patrick encounter the con man for the third time we can see this staircase to his front door right here and what's important is that it only has three steps remember this okay staircase right here and it only has three steps but moments later when the con man eventually falls down this same staircase it's the same staircase it now magically has like 10 steps like what did he renovate the staircase in between shots because this is totally a mistake first it had three steps and now it has 10 steps so yeah a mistake and let's keep it moving and head over to another cartoon with more mistakes guys stay tuned you're not gonna believe them today I'm gonna show you some great miniature golf tips let's listen guys I absolutely love SpongeBob SquarePants but the SpongeBob Universe has another really good show and like regular SpongeBob the show has a bunch of mistakes let's see if you guys can spot this first one all right roll the footage foreign [Music] [Music] this is perch Perkins coming to you live from a local Suburban home a stair wart continues to escalate will those who want to go up the stairs stand down I want you guys to watch closely during the stair War such a funny episode guys they literally have like a war on stairs it's actually why the episode is called stair Wars but anyways during the stair War multiple of these same incidentals appear in the background which is very lazy there are tons of incidentals guys there's like over a hundred of incidentals at this point which for those who don't know are the background fish so there's no reason for them to be like repeating them this is just kind of lazy and there's more check this mistake out I got my club oops [Music] now you guys probably missed this one at first because it's an audio related error it doesn't really have to do with animation it has to do with the audio and how it's synced to the animation so I'm gonna play the clip again but I want you guys to pay attention to the glass shattering and the sound that's supposed to play before the golf ball hits the screen take a look oops did you guys catch it well the glass shattering sound at the end seems to play before the golf ball actually hits the screen as you guys know the golf ball hits the screen the glass shotters were supposed to hear a glass shattering sound effect but the actual shattering effect plays before the ball even makes impact and hits the screen what a weird mistake guys like I said the Patrick Star show is pretty interesting let's head back over to good old-fashioned SpongeBob though am I right we're not high class Caterers we are anything we need to be for me to make this money at least you want to go back to the kids party [Music] Mr Krabs has had many different businesses over the years and in the episode Krusty catering he starts as you can guess based off of the title a catering service for the Krusty Krab it's pretty interesting it's not a bad business idea here take a look at how it goes there's no way these people are gonna think our junk food is high class you might be right SpongeBob let's go find something to fancy up the food [Music] like I said not a bad idea Mr Krabs aside from the little kids but anyways let's get into the mistake from this episode foreign so take a look at this Plankton pinata right here it's kind of funny that for the catering like when Mr Krabs is taking care of kids he uses a plankton pinata that way the kids beat up Plankton it's really funny to me but anyways this Plankton pinata is supposed to be here during this shot but as Mr Krabs is getting out of the Crusty catering truck the pinata is just not there but then in the very next shot it just magically reappears so first it isn't there and they don't set it up or anything in between as in the very next shot it's just magically there now talk about a weird mistake guys it seems they just forgot about drawing the pinata at first but whatever let's keep it moving and head over to yet another episode with more spicy crazy unbelievable mistakes everyone and put them under the bridge it better be awesome the episode just in time for Christmas has two sneaky mistakes I'm gonna show you guys the clips with audio let's see if you guys can spot the mistake on your own comment them install my laser phaser that can stole my tattoo happy holidays Time Travelers tips for us okay so for those who are new to the Patrick Star show this character right here his name is grandpat and as you can guess he's Patrick's grandfather I mean obviously and as you can see in this shot right here he always rocks these fresh blue pants he wears them all the time even back in his debut episode but during this one scene in just in time for Christmas there's a major error revolving around his pants as when Patrick gives this pterodactyl character a gift the animators messed up big time as Grandpa's pants blend in with the feathers of the pterodactyl and they're the wrong color Grandpa's pants are supposed to be blue as I showed you but in this one shot they're like a reddish like brown and that is totally a mistake a bad one too and there's more in this episode here's mistake number two it's an electric razor from the future dead okay wow I hope it's not another chewed up candle the dinosaur egg I haven't had a pterodactyl omelette since I was a cave boy Merry Christmas Mom a new tattoo how did you know hey big brother I'm calling him Maurice I've heard [Music] I don't understand is where you got all the money to pay for these extravagant gifts this one's a bit easier to miss but when squidena gives Maurice a treat if you watch really closely and slow down the footage the tree actually disappears for a frame before Maurice actually eats it I'm showing the footage in slow motion and I'm circling it and yeah that treat just disappears it poofs away it goes bye-bye before it's actually eaten so another mistake stay tuned though guys let's head over to another cartoon episode with Wild mistakes Patrick you're not really not my friend it's just opposite day opposite day hey I've heard of that you have no what is it so kicking things off our first episode of today is opposite day a classic episode from season one take a look at these clips that's it I'm moving out of this neighborhood I can sell your home in a heartbeat oh that's great news as long as it's not infested with nematodes or surrounded by Troublesome neighbors or something like that oh sure there's none of that did you say neighbors no one will ever buy my house with him living next door whatever a good neighbor would do he does the opposite opposite ah awesome so first things first take a look at this this is Squidward's iconic house all right we've seen it thousands of times before even back in season one now more importantly I want you guys to focus on the ear of his house I know that sounds kind of weird as it looks like this all right and as you can see there is no window on this ear well in opposite day during this one scene right here take a look at this as for one scene there's randomly this like magical random mysterious window on Squidward's house that just doesn't really exist in any other episode it's kind of funny like this is how Squidward's house normally looks and then this is how it looks in this scene and just yeah that window doesn't exist and stay tuned as the next mistake we're going to be talking about is wild boy it's crazy so let's move on over there ah my first victim I mean customer [Music] may I help you find something young man oh no thanks I'm just window shopping okay I guess I lied a little bit because the next mistake is actually from Camp Coral not SpongeBob but I mean come on it's it's the same thing because this show is 3D animated though there is not a lot of mistakes in it because it's not like 2D animation right but I was able to find one in the episode of boo Light Special here take a look at this let's see if you guys can catch the mistake on your own it has to do with the Jar full of money the game store once and black what about my change that goes right in the jar [Music] this one is incredibly hard to spot because you kind of need to see the footage in slow motion but when the cabin shakes and the money jar spills money can be seen falling in midair even before the jar is actually tipped over here I'm looping it and showing it in slow motion and as you can see that money is falling already before the jar has even tipped over which is totally a 3D animation glitch believe it or not this is probably like the worst mistake in Camp Coral and again it's due to it being 3D animated so it's easier but yeah totally a mistake and there's more let's keep it moving and head over to another episode gang let's do it if you aren't back in 24 hours your souls are mine and you'll be part of me ghastly crew forever [Applause] anyone screaming in horror from your ship now Mr girls pirate why certainly Patrick after you you know it's around fall time it's around the spooky season Halloween might have just passed or it might be that Halloween's coming up depending on when you're watching this video so let's talk about a spooky episode I'm talking about ghoul fools and here are some funny and spooky clips from the episode don't worry we'll get into the mistakes after [Music] look at this place so cheesy oh come on don't be such a baby nice attention to detail though hey this is a nice picture did you say something SpongeBob man I love holiday specials of cartoons even when I was a little kid guys like Christmas or Halloween or even Valentine's Day themed cartoons were my favorite like SpongeBob Fairly Odd Parents anyways I'm getting off track let's get into the mistakes of this episode ghoul fools here's the mistake let's see if you guys can spot it roll the footage wow so lame I wish something would pop out of a closet like a big hairy hand that would be scary over this place is too low budget for that would be cool though wouldn't it yeah that'd be Neato this is probably the hardest to spot on the entire list today guys it's very easy to miss so shout out to our editor Josh Josh I love you but as this hand right here returns to the closet after putting down SpongeBob as it's going into the closet it disappears for a frame it just ceases to exist for an entire frame and then appears again and goes into the closet for you guys to really see how bad this one is just look at it right now in slow motion like look at that that's just as a mistake don't send drizzle the cloud Heaven that's just an expression he's not going anywhere I'm gonna drop him in this dehumidifier and dissolve him next up is another Banger from season 12. this is actually one of my favorite season 12 episodes stormy weather it's a good one this is like a 9 out of 10 episode take a look at some of these clips well okay I don't see any clouds so I'm just gonna take a walk hello there oh the cute cumulus I climb into your telephone my first chandelier a lamp a suit Factory [Music] okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I know what you guys clicked on it's mistakes here's the first mistake for this one only true fans are really gonna get it there you are drizzle jail Doppler oh thanks for finding my lost bad Mr Doppler I'm sorry Square Face this clown is a danger to the public and I'm sending them straight to Cloud Heaven you're not the only one who knows how to use a leaf blower sucker like I said you need to be a true fan for this one to really hit all right but if we go back to SpongeBob season one literally the second episode is titled wreath blower and it's all about SpongeBob using this Reef blower right here okay this is from season one May 1st 1999 is when the episode aired now the mistake is that in the episode stormy weather for some reason whenever the reef blower is brought up it's referred to as a leaf blower okay a leaf blower you're not the only one who knows how to use a leaf blower nah this is a reef blower and if you're a true SpongeBob fan you know that and whoever wrote this episode and wrote like the scripts should have known that themselves I mean seriously there's an entire episode named after it but whatever okay here's another one guys one more mistake from this episode [Music] oh it's a little baby storm cloud nice to meet you now don't be scared SpongeBob no just what a growing storm cloud needs this one's simple so when SpongeBob says SpongeBob knows just what a growing storm cloud needs take a look at our dude's teeth as his white teeth turn yellow for an entire frame I make this joke all the time guys but seriously SpongeBob go brush those teeth my boy that's gnarly imagine how bad his breath smells guys that's going to do it for today's video but if you want more SpongeBob mistakes click this video right here where I talk about tons of other SpongeBob mistakes some of them are even more amazing and just shocking than the ones you've seen in this video so click it this video right here click it right now and I'll see you over there at this other video it'll be so much fun click it and I'll bring you a crappy Patty right now okay bye
Channel: Grapple
Views: 69,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xd1yLiabpcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 59sec (2219 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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