I Hunted the Strongest Weapons in Minecraft

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I was invited to an event where there's swords that can once had players steal your enemies hearts and give you God effects which makes you Unstoppable so naturally I went in all four of the swords the problem is there's only one copy of each sword on the server and with there being 15 other players who want them I was gonna need to raise the crab every sword first with the sword this MP begin for me to craft all four of the swords I was gonna need to go for the easiest sword for me to craft first and perfectly I had all of the materials for the god sword which gives your allies God effects when you hit them but just as we went through a portal to craft the god sword we saw these players attempting to make the gods for it first this is I just heard someone I just oh my God entire base [Music] actually no way my team and I crafted our first sword out of four but as we killed these players we spotted resources on them that are needed to craft sword showing we would need to race to craft the next sword of fast in order to have them all the next easiest sword to make is the shrimp sword the sword where each kill you get on it increases his attack damage and the hard Steeler sword which steals Hearts from players when you hit them we had all the resources needed to make these swords but just as soon as we're about to complete the crafts strength sword has been crafted damage the player who crafted the stream sword was muggum and the player who owned the heart stealer was unknown the only way my team and I could get the swords back is by killing the players who own them which wouldn't be easy with the swords abilities we decided our best bet was to attempt to kill muggum and take his shrimp sword while we wait for the other sword owners to be revealed and when this player Infamous JJ died to mug on himself we decided to ask JJ for directions on where mugam was last seen well that spawn that spawn they're at spawn yeah oh okay okay hold on hold on your mugam is getting everybody follow me follow me guys okay we need to where we're gonna we're gonna need to swim okay we should get in a boat and just ride around this River we followed JJ around looking for muggum and I'm not gonna lie things started to get suspicious but just as we thought we had no chance of finding muggum we found this no they're behind us behind us what hello hello hello oh what let's go around don't don't come from low ground don't come from logo no Brenda come here come on come here we're in the house right here get them you ready you gotta get them they're gonna like two times I'm actually so scared should I just fall back fall back when you're fall back just a little bit I got him nice oh my god oh no I thought that was you you no no it was you I died I died Arch Arch is trying to kill me are you gonna die I'm running I'm running just running Arch is like trying to kill me right now why is he running keep running oh my our planet killing muggling was unsuccessful since he and his team were too powerful with the shrimp sword but did you see that or would this make it clear lomody a player on mugam's team was in possession of the heart stealer meaning two members on their team have two of the weapons I need to complete my goal to make things worse you only have three lives and Runner just died twice and truly had two lies and basically we no longer had gear to fire or even the same power level as their swords so if this being a last minute call I decided to bring in a few last minute players on the server who are known to be pretty weak but why you gotta say so what's up guys oh my God absurd okay your teams are certainly okay um we're considering working together but damn nine people would be a little yeah we have we have the infuser by the way let's work together to kill mugam's Team bro they're way too strong I'm down the only problem is I'm on my last life we figured out that JJ's team had possession of the infuser which grants you a positive effect when you kill a player with my newfound team we now had two of the four Swords and numbers against mugam's team to take the swords for ourselves a lot of our team members Rizzoli had one life so if they get killed and they're gone forever as our team rolled out for battle with muggum the owner of this server uses an item called a shifter which shifts all of the swords on the server to other players and by some miracle we got the strim sword the hard Steeler and kept the infuser but the god sword was given to mugga meaning we just need one last sword to have all of the Power so we ran around the server looking for any signs of muggum guys uh I see a team it literally Luke is only a squid Danny get him get him get him they're out in New York oh [Music] yo mama so much damage I just pulled inside yes yes yes he just two hit me he just two hits yeah yeah he does so much damage oh my God yes JJ we got a 2v2 dude one shot oh my God I got him I knocked him off I knocked them nice nice nice guys nice we now had all four Swords and were the most powerful in the server but we still have to survive with the swords and not lose them to prevent us from losing the swords we will have the band muggins team by taking all three of their lives but this wouldn't be easy after losing half of our teammates in the battle and having a small amount of us to protect each other before this battle starts make sure you subscribe I'm in a sub race with my friend rendered to 500k and if we win render will do a face reveal so if you want to see render's face or aren't just enjoying the content make sure you subscribe my texture pack is also in my Discord server if you want it but back to the battle against Muggles team to attempt to ban them backward backwards there's like so many of them lamides here you flame I see you I see you I see you guys so many of our teammates we have to ban all of them bro yes nice Mama these bands band Flame wait Malcolm's back nice yeah watch out flame behind you I did nice all right negative 230 negative 230 negative 30. he's building enough you did where where is he where is he oh render no I watched that happen after Banning their entire team it has seemed like we won and kept the swords but Muggin was teamed with admins on the server and they started turning corrupt Reviving their entire team after being banned spawning themselves loads of stats gear and even stealing our hearts dealer with commands it seems like there was no way of stopping them until the player named Infamous JJ a member on our team also had access to the console so we revised every band Player and allied with the entire server to take back the hard Steelers oh they're here they're here they're here they're here they're here they're here get on the floor okay flame true let's go oh my God they deal so much damage yeah oh my God um [Music] is Venom we got abandon bro oh he's right there nice we finished this server with all four Swords in our possession then mug of his entire team and won the event stopping the corrupt admins from winning but this wouldn't have been possible without the server coming together and uniting as one when everyone needed each other the most if you enjoyed this video make sure you click the video on the screen and help me win the sub Race by subscribing boom
Channel: FlameFrags
Views: 145,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, flamefrags, flame frags, flamefrags minecraft
Id: xG-Fw7P-hFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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