The 32 BEST Minecraft Traps Of All Time

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today we built some of the craziest minecraft trap courses in the world and we're gonna race through every single one of them today and see which one has the best traps coming up is something you probably didn't even know existed something that's actually one of the scariest things ever take a look automatic closing doors with giant hole oh just look at that folks if there is one thing i know how to do it is make automatic closing doors in a giant hole so we're pulling out the mumbo jumbo today ladies and gentlemen let's get some redstone going here wow that took a long time to do guys but this is finally the new design so once you get through the very first chamber you got to get the secret button room all right this is what mojang recommends for a door and again it's really weird because you got to move very quickly to get through it but it opens that path so they can get in and then they literally can't get out we should put a couple more buttons down to make it a little more confusing let's get this super mega trap built now it's gonna push them into a hole as we saw there the whole floor opened up and like dissolved away i think i can make it work i'm gonna put a bunch of spider webs down here and as i think we know possibly yeah sand falls very slowly and i'm pretty sure even if i stack it it all falls very slowly through the spider web spiderweb is a really good trap to make some sort of a falling floor design i'm gonna try to make some sort of like a mega combo trap here i'm gonna put a chest here on top of tnt right here in the middle would be sand and then all the way across we've got a trap chest on top of tnt and every single science connected to the tnt so when this opens the tnt falls out of the world all of the signs break all the sand on top of it will theoretically fall which means they're all going to have a slow and painful death to the ground now i do need to make it possible to get through so we'll make it so they have a 50 50 chance of getting it one chest will kill them one chest will keep them alive how about that ominous sign it says choose wisely one will harm and one will help it'll have the sole ladder they need to actually get to the zone so we'll give them two ladders to place and that's it this is a pretty darn good trap step one red powder of death step two random buttons that if you find the right one it opens up that one entrance door which i don't know that was based on step three we got the four that falls coffin torpedoes whooping oh hey did i not hear that i'm sorry not your coffin torpedo is that did i hear a coffin torpedo when the lid was opened the shotgun inside would fire directly at the face of whomever was attempting to gain access to the coffin you got a one-time use on that i mean you go with a buddy your buddy's gone but you're still gonna get in there i mean unless it's like an auto shock on the shoes forever how we build that in minecraft is a fantastic question i don't know the answer to that either guys there's a lot of thinking that goes into getting this right and i think there's a way to use snow blocks and armor stands to make it look like an actual grave site i gotta get experimental on this one because i just can't remember exactly how it worked so this is what it looks like right now if i push this it's gonna shoot this bad boy up into the sky all right he's gonna look like a zombie now i can make the ground around him and actually build this little guy his own grave you grab yourself a piston grab yourself a redstone block stack it up and look straight down you should be able to if i did this correctly slam that bad boy down what happens if i step on it oh yeah there it is now i make it play a death sound as well to make it creepier but it's only a one-time use thing so i got to reset it each time which kind of sucks but i didn't need to step on it oh that is scary though that actually kind of is very loud and freaks you out okay we've got two graves built right now finally after a very i'll tell you what when i say very long i mean a very long build time but zack where are the arrows where is the shotgun blast don't you worry about that because in this back wall we are going to create the shotgun blast that has never been seen before the redstone wiring does look correct it does seem good to go so now we gotta wire it back to our shotgun blaster which is right back here we're going to do like a miniature test of just the back wall here because i don't want to reset those again because they take a really long time we'll put a redstone block and see sounded like i triggered everything actually but it did sound like everything worked oh yeah that is going to do some damage right there all right i got help from my professional build team here and we moved the entire pyramid and upgraded it over the last couple minutes so this is what the outside looks like now a little bit more aztecan as you'd like to see uh the entrance doesn't really make sense to be honest i i don't know the house would be packed with explosives and the trap would be set with the hope that the incoming officers would set off the so they made a house that looked like a real house like a safe house and then filled up with tnt and exploded it i mean boy does that sound absolutely detrimental here is the new design i took a couple minutes to think it through when the players end up getting the ladders if they pick the right chest they can climb up here with ladders and then i'm gonna make it so they're forced to actually step on these pressure plates like they have to step on it and get the jump scare and also all the shots that come from back there so there's no way to avoid that from happening all right and then we're gonna lead them to the safe house which will be located right back here they're going to be like oh boy safe house i get to come in here and be safe the truth is it's going to be rigged with tnt it's going to blow up be very careful at this point tnt is live so i'm not going to put down any pressure plates yet they're going to walk through be like oh boy it's a safe house i get to go walk through here that's probably the type of thing a freaking pyramid would do to trap you inside of it however if you're afraid of snakes you might want to skip this one there is a man being eaten alive by snakes i don't even need to play more because i'm terrified of that i think silverfish are about the creepiest uh similarity we can get so we'll put some silverfish down here and then uh make it like a really creepy pit that's just gonna be full of these guys i mean this is just uh really horrible oh they trigger each other that's not that's a lot that's gonna be a lot to deal with okay so i need to be careful again not to trigger this because once that thing triggers it's uh it's game it's game over you know what makes this even creepier forcing them to crawl while hundreds of those things are chasing them i mean if that does not absolutely freak you out i don't know what will now if they managed to make it through that room we're gonna have a big fat ladder right here [Music] guys what the heck did i just make but as you can see it does pull it down out of the way and you would then fall into a hole here this is where you win if you pull it that's what happens to you i don't know this is the best design to do but i wanted to really kind of try to subconsciously push them towards stepping on that plate outside of the temple looks very very nice inside of the temple on the other hand that's a whole nother story i don't know who's going to survive this i'll be honest i feel like very few will so guys here's our first contestant today if she makes it through this pyramid she will receive 50 u.s cash already getting hit by the acid right there beginning gets hit with a little bit more red dust acid gotta figure out what to do here do the first one no problem sophie how's the health looking uh goes into the hole that's it she's done oh she found it she found it she found it for this will be the farthest anyone's made it so far this is for 100 us dollars now moving on things are gonna get real here just gotta make the right choice nice moving through moving through this could be a winner guys a little bit scary now our grave our graves did not pop at it down there here come the snakes and she's going into the tunnel with the snakes after her oh my gosh here they come is she going to make it she can ayanna wants to help that what's up that she goes down to the snakes in the snake pit makes a choice ayanna did not make here we go what's that health app like six hearts did i just hear tnt there she goes ladies and gentlemen don't want to jump down there do i okay i'll go down there oh we lost another to the hole all right this one is going to be absolutely amazing take a look at this guys some emperor buried his body by a bunch of fake traps it's just supposed to scare people from every walking inside and so it actually worked for thousands of years build a fake trap it's actually just the next room and then we're gonna dig a hole and see if people choose to go into the hole so if you walk forwards and you look straight down what you're gonna see is two honey blocks and you're thinking okay let me just jump down and i'll survive but when you fall you can't jump a full block in honey and you literally get trapped here we have levers on the side what i'm going to do is rig them up to a lava bucket that's going to actually murder them when they get in here [Music] but take a look at this trap now we're going to go ahead and give this one a full test right here there it is as you pull that the lava comes back and kills you i'm gonna actually leave this open right here that way you have the illusion you can escape and you're more likely to run straight where you have even farther to go to turn it off but really we're gonna design something that doesn't look enticing and that will be the next area to go to and that is going to be on the other side this is fun guys this is fun torturing people is a fun science what you really want to do is walk over this way where we've made a boinger that you can't even see on the carpet which allows you to move into the next state so up next we've got the weakened bridge strategy this was used against americans in one of the wars where the bridge would break and you'd fall into a spike but that's ridiculous man it doesn't even look like a bridge which makes it more fun i guess i've already got an idea so i think if we use scaffolding and then on top of the scaffolding we put green concrete all right it's going to blend in a little bit to the jungle floor all right there's our pit is that redstone important i hope that redstone still works i really have no idea to be honest with you if it will now we need a scaffolding to go all the way down all the way to the top talk about the perfect dimensions we've got the concrete powder on top of all of these uh scaffoldings right here and now we need to make it so that somehow when they walk on top of the concrete powder they trigger a piston that breaks the very bottom one so here is the thought process i'm gonna put a door here and if they open the wrong door that should theoretically give off a redstone signal from our observer let's see maybe there that pulses off a signal just like that so they open the wrong door that's gonna trigger the trap so now all we have to do is carry this down using slabs and uh there's a bunch of water here that's a little bit risky oops [Music] oh that broke all my redstone no why am i doing this why am i so stupid all i had to do was this all right i spent a lot of time going through a bunch of different test versions of how to make this one work so when they open this door it's going to trigger the observer which will trigger the redstone which will trigger the pistons which pull out all the scaffolding they fall to their death this one is kind of scary it's gonna make you not look at the forest the same but take a look it was easy to camouflage punji sticks camouflage and punji sticks or just any type of weapon inside the trees the forest the natural environment in order to make a weapon so i think what we're gonna do here probably use a couple trees right along this little path here and dispenser is the obvious choice but can a dispenser shoot through carpet oh you can so we can set this trap up kind of all over the place but let's just put down a bunch of random carpet for now just so they're not suspicious of it random pressure plates just for the design there it is look at that look at this that is not going to be easy to get through now to make sure it's even harder we're going to wall this off so they can't walk around it all right now it's time to bring contestants in and see if they can make it through our trapped jungle temple your goal is literally just to survive to see if these booby traps translate into minecraft your time starts whenever you're ready you got one chance game modes on hard that's it go ahead i feel like this is already a trap already feels like it's a trap feeling a little bit sus but gotta make a choice gotta get inside that's the only way through so we'll see what happens here folks that is not the way to go i'll tell you that right now that is actually the end of the chorus boom take some poison arrows to the face boom walks inside oh just takes it over and over again gotta get upstairs right now though it's gonna be a tricky situation a little bit what are you feeling right now you're a little bit scared oh what's going on oh yeah i'm not gonna lie to you all right it looks pretty chill that's not it uh oh oh gonna have to make a big play here folks how smart is anders oh something good spreadsheet could make it over could do it could it could help you good it could oh triggers the trap folks he doesn't even know what that did but we do all right oh man how's the health looking right now not too good he's eyeing it notes it could be something and there it is boom the whole strikes again just failed in the pyramid challenge but she's back to tackle the temple of doom kenji survived the booby traps how are you feeling about this one you're gonna give some redemption here today um so far so good triggers something who knows go ahead and keep moving on i can't tell you what that did oh which one you did all right gets hit by the poison post and just moving on same place where our last person maybe made the wrong decision that'll cushion the fall right there here we go falls down and triggers those no no no no there it is folks moving on to the next zone here so far so good oh he's saying left but it oh it doesn't pick a left he has a half hp so half hp right now and goes down to the secret arrow trap home alone is famous for the great trap so let's see if we can bring one of those into our crazy world here we're going to make them walk through the laser beam right into the home alone foot stomping trap all right now i've got a vision for this one and it should be very effective so what we're going to do keep the store the floor on stone because i think that makes it a little bit more difficult we're going to have them take a sharp turn right here all right we're going to have to go through a window just like the home alone people so we're going to make ourselves a little window it's all like a window you get to jump through the window right here and then right on the other side i guess we gotta disguise some sort of legos or damaging item down here that's pretty good let's pretty good let's give it a little more window feel to it maybe like some stairs out here i mean it's gotta be a convincing window we're gonna jump into this tiny room here and my first thought is let's put some grass blocks down my friends let's do a little bit of this action actually maybe like that very subtly and then a debug stick turns grass you can change it into snow dang it the sweet berries turn it back though can i change it now oh i can so we can make it look like the sweet berries are growing on top of the stone my only concern about this is if they grow up and they get too big obviously that's gonna be an issue you're gonna see that we gotta take it down a level i think there we go there we go look at that so you run through the window you jump in and that falls down and drops you into the sweet berry bush pit which will do some damage to you now that's not a lot of sweet berries so we're gonna expand this trap a little bit more i mean it's not bad right you run through you gotta watch out for that then you gotta watch out for this one which makes it super hard to jump through and it's even gonna slam you in this one's gonna trap you once you fall this is the scene where the walls in star wars start to crush them inside the garbage compactor so what we're gonna do is have them run into a room and i'm gonna try to trigger it to the pressure plate we just saw first thing we have to do is make it so they can't leave so i think a door with a pressure plate should be enough a one-way door you can't really open that up the other way so that's probably fine for the part where we need to squish them and where it gets a little bit tricky because i don't know how to do that if i do just one layer of stone stack up the stickies like this we've got like a wall where you can't see anything in here it's just a long skinny room um but i think we want to make it bigger than this so this side is done right all of these will work to crush you it's going to be kind of quick though it's not really going to be a slow crush i don't know how to slow it down really unless i don't know what do you guys think that's kind of a fair pace right look at that it's not it's not bad so that's gonna be crushing in this side making it so it slowly crushes you from the back so i just rebuilt the same thing on the other side now both of these will extend their piston slowly now we just gotta wire it up to the pressure plate that opens up the door which makes this whole thing happen and the pressure plate is located right here all right testing the trap here we go uh just one side right now let's see what happens okay but it starts at the back so my redstone is all backwards so we got to reverse all of this oh my goodness look at how much work has been put into this build i am absolutely in love with it to be honest with you i think this is one of the cooler things we've ever made on this channel and we just gotta wire up this last bit right here and as easy as that right there should be the crusher that we're looking at and what we designed is that it's gonna actually push you in the lava here's my thought all right that's not bad now we just got to hide the trap like this and then if there's any hesitation they will die the only thing is if they run through and they wait they can't just wait they have to run and go there we go that fixes the issue that should be the final piece of this little concoction right here that we have been whipping up for some time one of my all-time favorite books is the hunger games and this right here is a trap in the hunger games which uses poison fog to kill the contestants of the game can we make that in minecraft i think we can i'm gonna put a lever here to make it even harder to get through you gotta sprint through open up the door and then you'll be moving on to the poison fog zone uh which apparently leads you off of the circle but hey so do we we went out of circle there too so i guess it doesn't matter anymore i feel like the first thing that comes to thought and to my mind is just use lingering potion of poison like we're going for a poison trap here a poison cloud what's the best way to do that though i don't know man i got an idea on this one it's kind of wild we're gonna do a regular poison thing is i don't want it to be like this simple obviously that does work that does do the job it's just it's just not it doesn't have enough pizzazz [Music] so i'm thinking what we're gonna do is hide these under the carpet and if you step on one of the pressure plates it's gonna launch out the poison so we can put another one right here load this thing up with them and then put carpet on it as well to hide it so you can walk over the carpet but i don't think anyone's gonna willingly step on a pressure plate you know what i mean like no one's going to legitimately just see a pressure plate oh i better step on that in a trap video so it doesn't make a lot of sense to do it like that but i'm not sure how else to hide the pressure plates in a way that people won't notice them i don't know about this trap right here but uh we're gonna make them walk through the poison cloud and actually force them to get knocked off the edge take a look if you push this pressure plate here it'll knock you and as long as you don't move we'll make it so you survive by hitting a little bit of water down here that should be ridiculous here's a trap from a movie the falling boulders in the goonies where uh basically falling boulders fall on your head these things will crush you destroy you and splatter you out like a pancake or something we're gonna change up the last play i'm gonna make it so if that thing pushes you off you actually die and you're just gonna die we're gonna stay up inside of this uh whatever you wanna call this thing we've created right now the secondary path will be located right here and uh they're just gonna have to make this jump to get there and then what i'm envisioning is like a super long tunnel they're going to put a scaffolding right above their heads i think if it works they can walk right through it this is going to be really weird i've never seen a trap like this so scaffolding's ready now we got to get the roof scaffolding which should look like this the thing is about some of these is i just kind of make it up as i go and i don't even know if it's possible that's kind of where we're at now we just need some pistons to actually break these blocks when triggered let's just try it real quick and see yep it looks like it doesn't work then that's that's a relief okay i don't know how we want this thing to trigger you though i'll be honest with you i don't know the best way to trigger something like this but uh that could have been bad that means we don't even need this one okay perfect hey we found that out by mistake it means we only need these two but i gotta be careful because if this breaks if this breaks we lose everything so we can't really test these or i'll break the entire trap but that is the redstone wirings all we need is a way to trigger this gotta be very very very very careful that i do not press that pressure plate because that will trigger this entire room so i'm gonna i'm gonna be real careful here i don't wanna break this trap this is a one-time use hopefully no one even makes it here to be honest with you and then i think we'll just scatter a few others around just for a little bit of distraction home alone also has a crazy trap where they use ice they pour water down make the stairs slippery and it makes it basically impossible to get up i guess the first thing we need to do is figure out how to make something slick and we also need to get a staircase built so we're gonna need a slightly bigger area okay perfect so here's our staircase i think the obvious thing we need is blue ice which is rather slippery so we'll just pop down random pieces of blue ice inside of this thing for now okay i don't know how else to make this thing slippery i'm like you could make the whole thing out of ice there's no ice stairs though is the thing how about we just introduce them to what's to come they walk up the staircase and then they're faced with this so this is what will be at the top so the staircase itself is a little bit slippery not too bad maybe we'll put like a lava here to make it kind of harder but once they get to the top if they manage to get there they've got to get through like a very uh slippery obstacle course you could add some like fences in there to kind of bring up the difficulty a little bit kind of force them down one path that's not the easiest thing in the world i mean it's not too bad support donuts up first one here we go i don't know if any of these work by the way we really didn't test them too too much so uh all right all right already looking good now he's got to jump to the home alone window here see what's coming up next alright that one's a little bit easy boom get some with the star wars trap jess how do you feel today this one's not too bad it's movie traps what could go wrong a lot oh look it just survived apparently survived that one a little better than our last contestant taking it very strategically could potentially make it through yes sir again you rock with hunger games this right here i mean the entire building the entire floor just starts exploding and taking damage one of those days where you just get out and build something and have no idea what you're doing until you get into it this will be the floor i like this floor i think it looks good and then we'll extend those stickies with a inverter if we want the floor to correctly destroy many people fall into a bottomless pit of doom and gloom we've all had that dream before maybe it's just me i it could just be me though we need repeaters maybe one more row i mean i'm just kind of totally guessing here at this point okay so the first one needs to be the fastest so i'm gonna do like a temporary little wire up here just see what kind of speed wrap let's find out what the speed is on this side now that's pretty freaking fast excuse me man at work please move god i'm so confused by these numbers what am i doing what if i'm making i'm losing my mind so if i pull this this one this one right here that's the one that went too quick you would get off please this is our insane redstone build now we've got to wire this entire thing up all of these are powered i think we'll put it right in here let's put a single pressure plate down wire it up right down here let that thing run all the way up to the side so it actually should be kind of an easy little wire session here now to wire up the other side this is getting absolutely out of hand now the final step is to create a redstone inverter on both sides so that the power stays so we got to put a block down here a redstone torch down that'll give us the inverter on both sides inverter achieved now they're all powered finally this is an insane amount of redstone and now i don't know how you get over that right here they actually jump at the very end to survive so if i time this all correctly and did my math right you should have to jump at the end to survive which makes it so difficult full speed sprint should have to jump there it is and we get it now it's all hidden we'll get some lanterns up top just for a little bit of added light swim traps aren't even designed for people where these guys covered an entire room with mousetraps to see if they could catch this single mouse this is going to be the mouse trap zone let's get a little bit of wall action on here so we can kind of easily see we're working with this one is really making my mind hurt a little bit i don't know if you have a better idea for a mousetrap if you do drop it in the comments but what i'm thinking we can do is make it like a giant sticky pad type mousetrap thing so if you step on it you're gonna die so what i think i'm gonna do maybe give them like two doors and then make it so they have to stand on the honey there it is simple is the answer guys i was just thinking too much about it mice are stupid first off probably i mean they fall into holes right that makes them stupid we also know that holes are one of the most effective ways to kill people in this game because we've done this before and there it is boom the hole strikes again guys so what we're gonna do here is you can't actually jump out of a one by one hole the honey hole looks great if you were to rig up a chest to create an explosion just like inside of this movie you could protect pretty much anything you want oh there it is look at that so we just need to get a trap chest a regular chest and then a couple of these down just going to give it a little bit of a protective layer i mean we really don't want this whole thing to blow up on us that would kind of suck that seems like a pretty good face shield right there i don't think anything's going to get through that this one's going to be really dirty so we're going to give them two choices to pick most people pick the right so we're going to make the trap one at the right and the left will be the correct option so if you go to the right you're going to enter the new zone [Music] which will contain this trapped chest in the back corner so that's what they're going to see if they come to this zone but they won't realize is that there's no way to leave when you walk in because there's literally no pressure plate here so you'll actually be trapped inside of this building and then this is where it gets even better we're gonna drop tnt into the room from the roof i just need to set it up so they can't actually see it i gotta do a little bit of a test here but can i put tnt on top of a trapdoor open the trapdoor have it fall that didn't work there it is okay so that's our design that's gonna work out perfectly so this is the general idea of what we're going for here i mean we might as well load this thing up with as much as we can here we go okay so this might actually work if i put repeaters behind all of the redstone torches and then sync it up like this now these all remain closed then when i pull the lever all of them open and the power is reversed okay which means all i have to do is put the redstone inverter over here take a look at this ladies and gentlemen that is a successful trap let's get the tnt into place oh that's a big one you walk in here you've got the chest you're thinking yo this is going to be fine and you can't get out you're going to die right there absolute beautiful track let's make the right direction path and it's just going to be literally the right direction path to mess with them a little bit more too i'm going to like make a couple visible things so hopefully they'll just barely be able to peek and see that tnt up there and be like oh i don't want to go that direction they'll look over here and be like this one looks more safe to pick that path alright so you'll be able to just walk in through here boom easy breezy beautiful covergirl and just walk right out we'll put another door so that way you can't come backwards now here's a classic tripwire maneuver you step on a tripwire and instead of pulling you up into a tree it pulls a snake down at you that seems incredibly difficult seeing as there's no snakes in minecraft we can do something like this put a tripwire literally right in front of the door so that you have no choice except to step on it it's practically invisible be even more honest with you we need whatever that we're going to use to fallen people what is the most snake-like mob in the game spider i like spiders when you trick this redstone wire it's gonna send a signal all the way up okay that one dies i guess yeah spiders are not gonna work for what we need they're gonna trip their own wire there's no way i can stop them we've got this so if you step on the wire you're going to trigger it and zombies will come out of the top but i want to make it even scarier because i don't have too many in here they're going to chase you down a pitch black hallway where you won't know where to turn so it's actually going to be kind of horrifying now imagine zombies chasing you and this is all you can see i love the cornucopia in hunger games where every single item is at the center apples food all you could ever eat except it is literally trapped by bombs if you were to go and get that food you'd be done for so here's what we'll do here we go if you stop on that pressure plate all the lava comes out just up on it again it should go back in now i'll cover these with carpet make it seem like congratulations you won it's over i'm gonna put a sign down to say press to win congratulations and if they do it they lose congrats you win press to claim prize so that's it if you manage to not press it and you walk around the back corner you'll see the real victory room which says this is the real winners room and it looks a little bit too natural so i'm gonna put like a block down so you gotta like jump it so you wouldn't think like oh that's actually where i should be going all right now let's get some fans in here to see if these guys can survive all right guys chrissy has one life to try to survive inside this movie trapped obstacle course makes it and gets squashed by the involves but still alive zone number two moving in very carefully now here we go whoa goes down doesn't get crushed though survivor but it's gonna be i'm scared oh and that's it chrissy goes down jessica holmes up has not won one of these events nah that's it didn't work will jess go down like a little concrete or will she survive oh my god i can't jump okay oh and she goes into the sticky trap it's over folks very smart play can he survive the money room what is this about very interesting what is this what could it be makes it to an unreached territory yet so far he has to make a choice which direction will you pick picks left keeps on moving what is this oh my goodness a lot of noise here hopefully he picked the right direction oh two zombies the pitch black dark cave what's gonna be the next move for this guy here we go though moves in oh and presses the fake lava button it goes down to the very end nobody has made it through the movie trap now this one's interesting because it starts with a painting and believe it or not we have paintings of minecraft i know crazy take a look at what this thing does though and this is a real trap by the way this exists the picture would be hung at a crooked angle and set to trigger the bomb inside the wall once moved so when you move the picture to straighten it that triggers all the real-life redstone i believe that i don't know what you call that electric or something and that makes it go off and explode so i have an idea so we're gonna start with this one right here my idea is that if they walk through the wrong door they're gonna fall down into a giant pit and explode so let's do more doors different sizes uh can you do one that's that tiny oh boy that's not ideal oh boy okay well oh i have to restart we have four paintings one more wall to go now let's see i mean if you walk into a painting like if i just literally make this go straight down like is that is that gonna work you know like would you do that or like would you crouch walk like i would never crouch walk to go through a painting maybe we'll do it different so we'll make this one like a pit that goes all the way down then we'll do this to like insult injury we'll put like a bunch of signs that say noobs the last thing they see says about asserting your dominance gamers put redstone in the center so they feel like they have to land on it so they're going to come down and be like oh i did it but they're dead i'll put lava over here okay you can hear lava lava's lap so put lava here hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on take a look take a look yeah look at this look at this okay so this is an advanced trap my friends you can use trap doors to actually hold it up and you have to actually crouch to go into it which means you would walk into this normally like i'm just walking but you can't go unless press the old crouch button so this will be extra trickery right here they're going to test and be like oh there's nothing in here but there is back here i don't know let's just do more drop-offs man i don't know all right let's seal it up right here there's a story of a guy who used to seal people in his walls don't know why i'm saying that but it did just pop into my mind there for a moment okay it does look a little sus though like just having paintings like maybe we gonna make it look a little more clean that literally did absolutely nothing i'm gonna do it anyway though a little bit of art gallery action like you walk around take a seat and then we'll just get a little bit of a fun carpet feel and we're gonna match it to this which is a giant finger poking uh a black belt that's our interpretation of the art is quite nice dude is this actually a photograph of a guy being impaled by spikes i don't think i'm going to assume that he's not actually being impaled right now but his legs do be real short in this picture okay the victim would put his foot through the cover and fall on the spot oh i thought you would fall down and control body and pill by spikes but actually just take one step your foot gets impaled and the spike's covered in obviously poison toxic acid which then infects your body and kills you slowly over time why kill you instantly when you can make a dragon over weeks am i right pop them down just like this one two three four boom now we need a trap that somehow spikes you but doesn't make you fall to your death and it's also poisonous in minecraft um bamboo is called my name because here's the thing i'm pretty sure there was a thing they used to do where they would tie your body over bamboo and throw through your body don't ask me why i know that i just do if we were to take this out and do like a little bamboo growth section we'll cover that in some bamboo it really does look so peaceful to think about all the potential you know just death and murder that could go on down here is honestly pretty exciting now the problem is how do you make it poisonous okay here's my idea an observer in the wall and the observer would trigger this command block and it said give at p poison so theoretically when this would grow it would give me poison ah it did work i did it i really did it all i got to do was make a bunch of these all the way around the entire perimeter locked and loaded and ready to poison some noobs now we need a way to walk across it that will make you fall down to the bottom of the pit i feel like just a like a minor park workhorse to make it just a little bit challenging would be kind of cool and then like we give ourselves a barrier that way if they fall into the pit try to jump on that it's impossible because there's a barrier on it and then fall down to their death right dude you don't be so annoying if i put a block there and made them like five block clutch hit there's just a barrier they don't realize it so that's actually just all a troll the entire center that is brilliant guys we have absolutely taken it to another level here today i was asking my friends the other day i said boys if you were to die what would you want and i said i'd want mine drawn out slowly because you only die once so i won't experience it so like drowning's too quick i want like a slow like a poison probably would be good it's kind of weird saying that anyway little item frame just to distract them for no reason put it over here so that when players come in their attention strong that way boom they see this and they say oh this is where i gotta go and they jump in the barrier and fall down and they get poisoned and die which is kind of sweet they're looking right at this subconsciously it's almost pointing at it we're on another level today gamers so this is a museum of booby traps seems kind of cool i'd like to go here but let's see what we got oh boy look at that again with the viet cong deadly not what i particularly would be going for but if you go out it'd be a good story in the afterlife i don't understand how i would create that in this game spike pit that impales you repeatedly cactus cactus grower i think i have this idea we're like what if it dispenses bone meal makes the cactus grow that didn't work come on you can't grow cactus on a dispenser unless uh okay that was a mistake we broke our bamboo thing so i got to replant all these guys i got an idea brain blast call me jimmy neutron my friends stone cutters as the items that are going to slice and dice you and i'll just make it so if you step on top of it it hurts you how i'm going to do that i have absolutely no idea minecraft command that makes stone colors guys i found a really sketchy website and it said that it had a command to do what i wanted to do so i copied it i think i got a virus but i'm gonna go ahead and just commit to it anyway and put this bad boy in the wall that's what it gave me feel like unlikely it's gonna work but hey let's go and travel and see what happens here we go oh oh my gosh it works now we can have some fun we'll make him do a three-wide jump it's not exactly as hidden as what i'd like it to be should it not be super visible about what's what's gonna happen here like shouldn't this be kind of hidden wait you know what's even crazier to think about like can i possibly move these with pistons oh we got a moving saw blade we really out here innovating okay call me mumbo jumbo friends because we are doing the never seen before saw blade moving thing probably could word that a little better so what i'm thinking is we'll actually do a delay timer okay so that's going to be fast slower slower slower slowest hook all these babies up to a little bit of the same redstone then all i need to do is make like a redstone repeating circuit it'd be the way to go you know i mean if i'm if i'm going out i'm getting sawed in half you know i'm just kidding please don't ever do that to me i'm fact i'm not meeting any of you at this point i've said too many weird things how are you gonna get through that does it damage you oh here's our test oh it does it does oh no i just died i don't even know how i got there that is actually like legitimately one of the coolest things ever yeah i mean this is called the venus flytrap you gotta wonder what that actually means i hope we get to build a venus flytrap oh no injury would not be inflicted when the soldier's foot fell inside okay so that's actually probably one of the most horrifying things i've ever seen you know it's crazy someone had to come up with these things maybe it was someone like me they were looking at old traps they're like yo how do we make these like you know modern and they're like yo hey let's make a hole let's get their foot stuck in it all right so uh obviously you can't hear blocks break anymore cuz i turn that sound off because of how annoying this is um sorry but let's make a hole and get their foot stuck in it so really that's about as deep as you want to go yeah i mean i got this vision here i don't know if you guys know this is actually a legit hack so hey welcome to the welcome to school folks class is in session i hate that i can't hear blocks breaking right now it's actually triggering me so much um did you know you can actually put blocks of cactus next to other blocks you're thinking that's impossible but no my friend it is not impossible you just wait and see okay cactuses go in and then snow actually goes in the middle and then it actually creates like a cactus floor plan which you never probably seen in your entire life so then when you try to walk over it you just have to use snow on the sides okay that's too much we'll put a little one there for fun now when you try to walk over this thing it's gonna do some damage to you all right you can still walk over the snow as you can see very comfortably but gotta be careful how you gonna walk over this without getting stuck in it i mean at least that oh and i just randomly got poisoned okay the poison is definitely o.p upon encountering an expensive gun suspecting it to be a trap jumped into a nearby trench actually rigged the trench with explosives double booby trap that's pretty smart right there you put the trap down you think it's a trap they outsmart you and then they go in the hole we can take this to a whole new level right here folks okay say you survived through all of this unlikely but say you do and you're on your way to win the cash prize at the end of this event 100 players are racing through it or whatever we do uh maybe it's clickbait maybe it's not i haven't decided yet if i will clickbait you yet uh but if i do i do we're gonna do about it nothing you're already here okay so we're going to make a sign okay and it's going to say this it's going to say this way and then we're going to also put a sign here and it's going to say not this way what would you think you see this way not this way you're going to obviously go this way right so we know they're going to go this way so we're going to use reverse psychology and actually make this way the right way okay so this way is actually correct and that it's not this way then we're going to give them a little bit of slime so it even looks a little bit real and then if they were to walk this way a little bit more they're going to be faced with a dispenser full of lava nothing else just going to kill them with lava yep okay well that'll do it they're going to walk through here they're going to go the right direction and says okay this is cool but we're going to add a one-way door so if they go through it they can't come back okay so now we've got them with the first mind game they're going to walk through here and they're going to have to make another choice with another two doors so this sign is gonna say not this way and then we're gonna put a sign here that says this way if you if you already were told the truth once my thought would be that i would lie on the second time so i would then make this one trap so that's what we're gonna do this one's gonna trap okay you guys with me talk about reverse psychology gamers we'll put some hay down right here i think for this one we'll just let them perish and just silence like just literally just make them quit the game finally they're gonna walk this way this one don't have a trap door obviously like a one time you like you know you're going through you ain't coming back out so we're gonna do that here use the slime ball again we're just getting in their heads and this will actually take you to where you win what is the grand prize i don't know we're going to figure it out when someone wins because i think the bad news is for my my trap here i don't know if it's going to be fair if you can get poisoned infinitely so uh i just i feel like that's maybe not there our first contestant today guys is dd bat is a dd backs what was that name yes you got one life if you survive you win are you ready yes go oh wow just gets right through it gets right through it alright already through the first trap puffer fish trap didn't do a thing goes into the second one sees a little bit of a thing down there okay okay let's see what you see a little bit safe and all right well that obviously did not work how i planned it that was a little bit easier than we anticipated but okay on the third trap here we go the movie trap what could this one be well something exciting here folks uh oh uh oh falls into the pit and gets impaled by the spikes that's a death right there on needy because there ain't no way out jess has tried to compete in all of our previous events here are her deaths on screen right now and this is the chance she has to redeem herself to begin okay oh we got the first poison damage oh she can't get over it she just keeps oh my gosh go very great start here no oh take the poison damage early on toe bombs will do some damage right there gotta make a quick decision here on what to do next constraint for time falls into the trap oh my gosh ladies and gentlemen it is that quick our quickest death ever falls down into the trap too that calls him a noob all the way around that is disrespect on a new level ouch poison okay didn't expect people to do that the fifth of them this is literally not what's supposed to be happening he is abusing the course but that's okay we're just gonna let this see what happens sure you can't use it gets the jump no what's coming up next what is this he's thinking what these don't hurt you these are fine oh except they do that makes zero sense whoa he can't even take it folks he can't take the truth that these things slice you up get it very tricky oh no makes no sense how is that possible i'm on one heart oh it's over it has all but over cause i'm dead so yeah and down goes i tiny cause we still remain undefeated you throw the victim under the boat pass them under the ship's keel which will be covered in barnacles sharp enough to unzip your flesh and then secure a weight to his legs to keep him under water while the ship drags gosh oh that's disgusting how am i supposed to build a machine or anything in minecraft that saws your body i would feel like we would start with like a like a coral fan right like this to me is like a sharp block right like that's kind of sharp coral could cut you here's what's gonna happen they're gonna be forced to swim or walk over top of all of this coral fan but i'm going to do a special command that should allow this to damage you when you walk on it so this is our command right here basically it's going to do an effect that anytime you stand on a horn coral fan it should damage you shouldn't this damage me oh we did it i gotta heal myself now when i walk over horn coral fan not the dead kind but the real kind this should now damage us and it does very much actually might damage us a little bit too much i mean that's pretty much impossible we need a way to make sure they think that this is some kind of secret escape route right they think that's the way that they can travel so we're gonna make a real simple boat right here and this should be what forces them to go underneath because they'll be too scared to walk on top of it they'll be like oh that looks simple but you won't realize it kills them this is where the players will spawn when they try to survive and make it to the island to collect the treasure they're going to see this in front of them and have to get in the water and then swim successfully through this without hitting any of the corals so if you swim and go straight up you'll be fine but most people won't realize that if they don't do that they're going to die let's add a little bit of detail and make it look better and there it is so we added a bunch of cool pirate heads added some details and just really brought this thing together to give it more of a pirate ship vibe all right so this next one's about blackbeard you might know him as the most like freaky pirate in the world he used to hide smoldering cannon wicks under his hat so as to appear in front of the adversary surrounded with billowing smoke dude literally put smoke inside of his hat just to like literally look like a god or a demon or something my boy is on another level this guy used fear so much to scare people that they were actually surrendering before he even attacked them so what i'm thinking we can do here is maybe expand this out just a little bit give him a path and i want to make it like super dark and scary and horrifying so i need to do some research that's pretty darn messed up i just got my own idea now you guys know that you can use black to make like something that's so black you literally can't even see the walls right just becomes pitch black what we're going to do is literally send them down a horror maze designed to intimidate them or we're literally going to attack their senses here the first thing they're going to see is going to be a zombie in a cage you're thinking that's really not that scary wait until you see what my idea is because this might actually be like one of the scariest minecraft builds ever i believe that zombies will actually pick up different minecraft heads if i go to get a custom head and search for horror what we could do is throw this at him and see if he picks it up come on little guy pick it up now come on it'll go pick up the clown head you're part of my intimidation section i'm gonna kill you if you don't put it on your head i'm gonna murder you through an immense amount of research and work i've finally been able to pull this off take a look i'm gonna go in here uh did that did not work i need to go inside that cage and use a special command that i've generated that command allows me to create a custom mob you can see it down below that mob is wearing a custom head as you can see this zombie is wearing a very spooky face if i throw invisibility at it it should theoretically remain just a floating head so let's try it boom we did it you literally just have this face that will stare at you as you move that's kind of scary now i know it'd be even scarier my friends is if they walk through and they step on a pressure plate they can't see because it's too dark and it spawns a zombie behind them that literally just it's a clown head that chases them we'll make them step on the pressure plate here and this pressure plate will activate the command block which will be directly underneath it that is a little bit scarier gosh we've done it now this is now an invincible model it actually slowly chases you we'll see how fast he is here oh a little bit too speedy there folks now let's step on this and see what happens that spawns behind you and slowly starts chasing you this is the final touch in making this thing just absolutely flawless take a look it starts playing scary music best be ready to sink whoever crosses you unfortunately it's literally deafening to your crew pirate cannons were so loud they would actually interfere with people on the battlefield so saying you survived that you're gonna move on to a colorful red pattern right here which will be the next zone a lot of nice little fence to it real quick this will be where all of the noise is coming in to distract you from the real danger obviously the best way probably is to use a bell and uh let's just get a little test here hello it's not that bad like it's kind of bad but it's not bad so let's go ahead and do this actually placing those is probably the worst thing you could do for noise i mean that's pretty loud so the first thing you're going to do is walk through a bell gate we need a lot though coming up here and i think the best way frankly is like iron doors okay okay that's pretty annoying we can make it even worse by putting pressure plates like all the way out so they try to leave through a door there's just more doors to their face with every time you step on it you really can't get over like this is actually perfect like you have to make the noise no matter what all right so obviously it's super loud we've got that thing accomplished now how do we use this to distract them from the real issue i don't know didn't really think this one through i think we're just going to go with the most smart technique which would be to load this side up with a bunch of internal facing cannon this should act as a bunch of little miniature cannons fill them up with a bunch of arrows which will take a little bit of time so what we can do then is hook all of these bells up to redstone pulse sensors that will sense the pulse that comes out and basically when you walk on this watch what happens ready all these arrows get shot [Music] it does some damage so you're going to want to remain on the inside it's very deadly and just like that this is what the new location looks like take a look at this hands would be tied behind their back with rope placed between each finger low would then set fire to the rope causing the flames to slowly burn the unfortunate victim's flesh down to the bone the rope burning territory a very fascinating way to absolutely destroy someone's livelihood out there we don't really have a great way to burn someone with rope in minecraft what we do have though is string we have chain on web web that's what we're gonna do all right lace down some cobweb like this we can make the cobweb do something spectacular which means maybe it burns you like maybe this web is actually on fire so we put magma and then web on top of it that's a cool little feature right that's obviously going to slowly burn them a little bit and then also do some damage to him as they try to get through here give him a little bit of a staircase i mean yeah you could theoretically you could like jump to like right here so let's see if we take regular string make a little bit of a parkour challenge so you make it cross this okay so we can't use string because string is not recognized as a block apparently in the command block menu which means that idea kind of fell through might as well make it a little more challenging that's a pretty simple one i feel like that's pretty good though let's see we can do here we're gonna go game load survival and just test it out one we're good we're good we're gonna hit it we're gonna be okay two we're good three honestly it might even be too easy you need to throw them a bone if they have just survived all of that a grenade had a wooden fuse sealed with wax once lit it took about six seconds to explode pirates and buccaneers would throw these on board an enemy vessel just before boarding it okay so basically they just have grenades they just chuck them up there blow a couple things up once you make it out you're gonna get to this giant thick platform here and my thought process is we want a bunch of bombs to go off for grenades while you're walking here i mean i feel like a creeper is a pretty darn good little creature to bring in here so what if we took dispensers made them face straight up covered them with a little bit of carpet put some pressure plates next to them and then when players came in they might accidentally step on a couple of these and take a look what's gonna happen here so we'll do something like this cover these up with carpet put down the pressure plate so that that triggers two creepers on the side and then basically force them to step on the pressure plates as they go through this little magma wall right here which means no matter what happens they're going to be spawning some creepers i think what we'll do is try to set up like one of the uh little designs we saw in a recent video which looked like this and see if we can launch them into the stratosphere with a mega bomb if i were to touch that car every one of them would explode to the point that it would shoot you like 20 000 blocks in the sky probably was a mistake not making the floor obsidian already ah it didn't ignite it okay that should be okay for now why not make them swim through the water i guess huh you know could just make like one path in the middle all right let's put the final prize right here at the end and this is where players will win if they reach it which will mean they have won nobody's ever like won one of my challenges before ever we've done a lot of these nobody has ever survived ben and isaac are in here you have to survive these pirate traps good luck i guess i gotta go underneath huh whoa he goes down within three steps give another shot though you know what's there there he goes he maneuvers correctly through the coral moves on to zone two this is where things get a little wild oh look at the joker isaac is running there are multiple jokers behind him right now that has got to be horrifying he's got to figure out how to get through this you can't they're invincible you're making the wrong choice and isaac goes down to the joker this is isaac's third attempt to try to make it through now moved on to the next zone here the noise zone there you go okay he's dead he literally made it all right coming up next you survive here we go getting through the jokers without any problem now bends on to a quite difficult zone here ben i'll be honest with you very challenging [Music] i told him it was possible he makes it to the next zone which of course is the one where the rope burns your body very easy very simple finally moving on to uh oh what is this one oh i have half a heart half a heart has to make the oh no oh one of the deadly straps from the vietcong coming in here today is what we're starting with take a look at this first off so when you walk into a house this thing falls onto you and slams you in the face and i mean boy oh yeah i did say guys youtubers a collab it's exciting i don't do those ever it's a big deal for me you know it's pretty cool guys i know thank you uh big boy hole all right give ourselves night vision so we can see this is where players will be starting they're gonna walk inside and i guess maybe right here we're gonna put a door and then when they open the door stepping on this pressure plate is gonna somehow it's gonna open the door while simultaneously activating a giant spike ball that falls into your face can you do that in minecraft initially my thought is like yo we want to get some end rods in here that like swing down and spike you oh no that won't work or will it will it i think i got it i think i got it this is experimental here but i'm thinking what if there's like a sticky piston with like like something like that and that would threaten your body just right boom right into your side take your liver out boom got your liver something like that maybe what we'll do here is uh make it make it both sides so we're gonna have these things crush you when you walk onto the pressure plate now how we'll do that guys this is a great question fantastic there i think we should just be able to put a redstone thing here and bring this down and connect it i don't know this is the most efficient way to do it like i feel like there's probably better ways to make one of these things but to me this is what works and so to me this is what we're gonna do okay if we step on our pressure plate that should crush you oh lovely well oh not lovely because when you do it it breaks the pressure plate because the spiky thing so maybe we can do one up top now what no that's cool definitely the spacing is a little bit off here in terms of uh design so it's a one-time use there's got to be a better way that that won't work i need a sparky plant or something in this game this might be kind of weird but i got this idea and uh oh nope nope nope that's not what we want would not have just gotten into the horse oh it's going in there and destroying the redstone this is not good lava sure does take a while to drain when you mess up with lava it's just like you got to sit here and look at your failure for a long amount of time there we go okay okay take a look folks take a look so we're doing a double door design walk through the first door then when you step on this all these pistons come in and just seal you in like you can't really get out easily you could but like not easily all right okay and i whipped up a command right there to test out so when this hits us it should damage us which it did not so what i did wrong so basically my whole plan didn't work i'm remaking the entire thing right now i've got a new idea that hopefully will work but the command block is not doing what we want so when you're walking through you wouldn't notice this thing would impale your body as we go hopefully yes these things spike you and do some damage so you've got to get through and just basically time it right put a trap door on here too like we really don't want them knowing there's any command blocks here we need to put some adrons on the other side here because uh that way they can't really touch either of them and at the end of the video i'm gonna be inviting famous youtubers to race through the course to see if they can survive the traps that we've built across pathways oh my gosh the glass bottle spiky things and barbed wire some people step on it i think someone is sick i think so too and i'm about to make it in minecraft let's go okay we're gonna want is to create some sort of a grass themed zone so maybe we'll go ahead and clear this out just a little more that seems good and then we'll put down some grass right now and this will be step one in hiding these traps needs to be a little bit longer i feel like all right phase one oh look at this nice green gradient you like how that changes color looks like we're entering a new biome folks phase one gets on some lights now that people can see what's going on in here we gotta figure out how to make barbed wire in minecraft and that is not one that i particularly have any idea how to make we could do something like this where the chains kind of extend off the wall and it's kind of like one of those like laser beam things where if you touch the chain you're going to take some damage and get hurt it's like you got to like literally jump over these or you're going to take damage you know what i mean it's somehow laser beams this is what barbed wire looks like i showed up all right so they just kind of maneuver through this little laser beam course which is kind of fun then we need little spiky things in the ground i mean y'all know what i'm thinking with that right put a little magma with some carpet over top of it and the great thing is i don't think many of these youtubers have seen my videos that know about these traps so oh yeah that is gonna be really difficult command block number two oh what if i gave them speed to make it hard wait no that doesn't make sense i'll just help them out um no not speed definitely that was a bad move there poison is a little bit strong nosh so check it out let's see if it works so supposedly supposedly when you hit a barbed wire you'll get nausea now if i touch this i should theoretically be getting nausea and there it is it makes it harder to navigate the hallway of nausea so i think it should be a little bit stronger okay we'll put some bone meal down too as well because i think like the grass and stuff will make it like you know just a little bit harder nah man that is going to be disgusting oh my gosh i don't want to be running through that they also lit hundreds of fires in the distance creating the impression that they were camped much further away they set up a bunch of torches really far away to distract them and make them think there was something big coming but really there was a smaller army that's ambushed them when they were going to attack the big army i should be a military leader i could do this um let's go ahead and give them a turn here just to keep it a little bit exciting you know who wants to go the same direction every day i lost my breath there going for some torches very far away this is where the next one is going to be obviously though it's a little bit too small i think what i could do is just kind of bring it out myself set it to something like obsidian and then go back into and then just carve a tunnel out inside the obsidian and that would give us the illusion of a very long tunnel which we can then put torches on to distract them from the easy trap so the next thing they won't even see so we got that built then hey it works now this one's kind of tricky because it's like a more of a mind game all right so we got to get them first off to see the torches and be intimidated and i feel like maybe redstone and blue will be a little better because they're not quite as bright so we'll put these all along the back and make it look like really kind of just frightening a little bit of something like that i don't know man it makes me i'm struggling to see how we can make this actually distract them enough to get them to die from something in this room okay so the torches draw their attention maybe like above them there's like a couple dispensers right here and these dispensers are like our hidden treats hidden troops they would come down and get them i would think we could do dispensers like that coat it with a little bit of lava you know put a little put a little in there now when this all triggers it's going to fall down and kill them now we need to make it so that they trigger it with a trip wire there we go that that is hard to see a little something like that just look like pillars yeah but i got some fillers in here what if the entire ceiling was lava that'd be kind of funny okay i'll do it okay every one of these is now loaded up now to redstone wire this whole thing okay i think it's set up correctly i'm gonna do a risky play here and go test it so let's see what happens so you're running through you trip it oh look at this look at that it actually works oh my gosh and then it slowly comes in if this pinches you and kills you now what's even crazier is if we make this the spot you have to be oh that's so crazy something said exactly we're gonna give you the perfect setup today on this one wow you gotta make it to this block here which is going to be a hole that will be virtually impossible to see down because it's so dark fall into the hole down the water and that'll lead you to the next zone russians pursued the smaller army for nine days before the mongols finally turned around to engage the enemy on the banks of the cow dang it's basically mongolians would run around with like fake armies that were small break up do all kinds of tricks to you and then come out with a big one to destroy you so we're gonna make them walk down a path that's designed to kill you oh wait a minute what if hold up let's go back let's change it they walk through they think this is direction they go but this actually isn't this is all fake out because the last one was supposed to be a fake out anyway let's do this let's make them actually die by like doing something that they don't realize they have to do once they come down here into this hole they're gonna be like okay well obviously i gotta walk this way they're gonna be like oh i wanna beat it they're gonna get over here and then we'll just have a single dispenser and these dispensers will all just contain more lava and finish the job if they manage to get through so this will be the wild goose chase contains just a little bit more lava than the last one just like this and then really all we have to do is put down a pressure plate like in the middle i don't know what's going to trigger all of them and i also think it's like a one-time use so we're just gonna put that there and they're just gonna have to realize that hey i gotta walk into it so actually the real path they're gonna have to take would be like right here in the corner fall into this they've gotta come super quick and they can't hesitate this would then lead them out into the next zone now how easy is this to see it's really not easy to like you might not recognize it's there so you got to come out here move into the next zone we're going to give a little bit of fresh air and that is the wild goose truck basically those spikes on a hard rock or something heavy and it swings down and just destroys you so what if they walk outside they feel like yo i made it to freedom and then we have i don't know i feel like an anvil so an anvil is not bad but we want it to kind of come in a surprising way to them so what if oh i got it i got it i got it okay if i use barriers like this i could put sand on top of it and then connect it to a chain traps like this that could fall onto you and then easily be reset so once this breaks the sand would fall on you and ideally it would be crushing right something like that would probably do some good damage the question is how do you make it so that this vanishes and falls on you so if we had sticky pistons like this that were all connected up to redstone these sticky pistons will like pull so i made this a little bit too low and just not quite far enough so if we just extend this up one pretty simple design uh fix right here uh we also want to get a redstone inverter in here so that these signals are inverted that way the signal will power these so i don't have to worry about that [Music] here's what happens you're going to walk through you've got to step on this pressure plate and what it does is it pulls the sand back which crushes you so it pulls back a couple pieces of sand which is kind of a cool design right there all you have to do then is stack this thing up with sand and the two little firing zones which would be there and right there and that means every time we step on this sand will come through and crush you santa's might not kill you but it also it might move you and force you to fall into the lava that's right there right so you might be running and be like oh i'll just jump over that and then the sand comes and you die wow that's actually incredible people had to go into really claustrophobic spaces in vietnam and they were very tight all right they were full of traps you couldn't get out i mean this is absolutely horrifying so maybe we can replicate an experience like this in our trap as the grand finale before we bring these players in and to me that's literally like the scariest thing i've ever heard in my entire life something's messed up about that so if they manage to survive every trap we've had so far first off congratulations to these guys they ain't no jokes we're gonna give them a trap door it's gonna be like located here smash you down and then you've gotta crawl through this i think it will be really difficult to be honest with you is if i made lava like that on the sides and made it claustrophobic while there's lava next to them like any wrong move they're gonna take some damage all right guys i think it's time to get some youtubers in here to test this out all right guys first up mcburkin is gonna try to race to this course time starts now good luck okay here we go here we go here we go um oh my gosh okay wait a second i hit myself on that one i gotta take this slower i'm getting dizzy i'm getting dizzy what is this okay i'm through what oh okay okay okay oh oh he finds the secret tool oh my goodness look at this okay what is this what is this oh my gosh you were one away from actually beating it wow oh my damn dude i saw the hall and i went for it guys all of these youtubers will be linked down below at the end of this video that was mcburkin not bad so far first place number two uncle barry's up here today should i be going slow or fast talk to you ready set go okay okay okay okay i'm so scared this is pretty easy right this is a little disguise got to be careful here though these are extremely spiky and might hurt you see that i'm just very oh we got a surprise skeleton in there that's not even part of the course should i go beat him down you can't no oh he's got to get in there he's got to go in he's got to go in he's got to find the secret door he finds it he finds it does he get in secret door he needs to go in the door the door behind him oh he's right next to him i can see the door donnie do you have any idea what this is no okay good guys donnie bobs is up next i get one shot it's really hard good luck okay i'm kind of scared first trap's coming up unless you've already passed the first trap oh no pressure plate guys i forgot to put the iron door back there's supposed to be a door there oh oh my god okay oh i feel sick he's confused with the nausea folks wow what is oh oh i see what he's doing what do you guys what do you guys think of that okay there's the door see what this is about very interesting gonna have to go in there i'm gonna have to go in there and find the secret door where is it secret room it's right there find the secret room here we go fake torch just to give you some little brightness there okay see we got here coming up here it's just lava buckets he has to kill himself because he picked the wrong path oh wow that's what the mongolians did guys your job is basically to just survive and see if you can make it he's gonna die where i died he's naturally sh yeah why don't you put some money where your mouth is i will bro under could you beat me yeah do i start now yep yep go ahead okay okay do i just run straight forward i go yeah just try to survive just send it well that was quick oh he runs into the spikes didn't expect that oh oh magma trap got him there a little bit of notch oh he's just sending it so hard what's your health come on a one heart one heart please please i'm gonna cry i'm gonna cry inside all right think about this real quick this is where everyone dies you have to make the right choice coming up you have to you have to just trust your instincts okay okay well your instincts are wrong trust them differently okay i'm thinking that's a hint from yeah oh here we go he's correct he's gotta move though he's gotta make a choice yo okay okay okay okay okay okay boom okay gotta solve the riddle now oh there is no riddle peace
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 2,327,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: ymsFDyR7-kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 5sec (3605 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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