I Built a Secret Base Under a Strangers Home

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you ever looked in the ocean and wondered what could be lurking out there well it's me I could be lurking out there because today my brother and I are gonna see how long we can secretly live inside of somebody's Pond without getting caught you see our goals to last for just 90 minutes but this time we're gonna take things to a whole new level by building an entire automated roller coaster underneath her base can we last for 90 minutes let's find out guys this is the base we're about to invade right here and there is a player on inside the animal Barn as we speak Isaac we need to get inside the Axolotl Pond and begin making our secret base follow me we're going into Axolotl Pond okay I know would that be funny okay I want to live in there too oh there she is in the main base right there she's right there can she see us I don't know and the whole window is wide open so she has a carrot Farm here she has a Axolotl pond in the center we scoped out a minute ago and then the main base there so keep following me we've got some wood for cover wood for cover go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go she's crouching move move beautiful bass move all right here we go we're in Dig Down get assigned Place get assigned Place wait where are you at where are you at I'm in the Axolotl Pond digging a hole okay so we can breathe get inside so we can breathe oh I have a sign I have a sign just kidding it doesn't matter guys remember last episode I got shark gills I can breathe underwater forever oh it mattered for me let's go ahead and get this thing carved out all right I'm already really liking the feel of this sack and we have an easy access to the basement oh she's right there moving oh whoa she's very close to us actually bro she's only 13 meters away I love this little exit hole but what if the axolotls come in here I wonder she'll wonder I don't know bro she just teleported away we're good for a second she's gone keep clearing go go go go go go go go go Full Speed Ahead all the noise you can make right now make it don't even hesitate oh okay I don't know how you're gonna not be able to find me already but all right she's 60 meters away she's back she's back oh gosh gosh gosh wait whoa oh dude I thought she actually saw us there the way she just came over I was like oh we just we went a little too hard where's she at do we need to stop she's back over there another part of her base it looks like all right while you work on building out this space I'm gonna work on sneaking in I know that her base is about 16 meters this way oh that's not good that is not what we want to see Volks not that I thought her base was right here I'm really confused now oh I went too far I could literally excavate the entire basement under her house and she would have no idea that I'm down here which is really creepy okay I am building the inside of our invading base and I really want to split the room into two I want industry on one side and then I want Farm on the other side so this side right here is going to be the farm I think it's really going to make it look a whole lot cooler Isaac she's currently in zone 20 we're in zone 17 which means she's probably shopping somewhere so make sure you get your work done dude you better make your Advance now then Zach get in I haven't even got in yet I was working on myself wait wait I think she's back at her door she's back she's back she's back she's back she's back she's four meters away bro she has four meters oh my gosh she's right above you I need you to understand that the entire time she was gone I dug out in a 2x2 basement I now it can see the entire floor of her home okay but she is right above us she's coming towards you okay I think she's back in the main building next to the pond I think you're good I need like a creative way to get inside because we have water that's good but we need something else oh God she's moving she is rapidly moving she's going this way there's something this way that seems important she's gone over here like multiple times now where'd she go 40 meters I need a way to get out I'm gonna have to try if I get through here this is really risky right I'm looking for an area where I can get into them oh I see there's a little building over there okay okay closing it up just in time just in time we close it up she's moving quick Isaac with fireworks so we got to be careful because she can cover ground way quicker than we can you know where she's at do you have eyes on the target yeah she's by the pond and whatever building is that way I'm gonna start tunneling over this way she has something that she cares about this way I'm gonna try to get to it 53 meters away I believe someone commented on our very first series and told us that sound can only travel like 30. so I feel pretty safe 54. let's keep going all right so we've got a chest room here so in order to actually secure the goods then I've got to travel down a little bit I'm gonna have to go down more I want to make this very smooth and get right underneath the chest that could be a very clean exit point right into this girl's base look at this and she made it out of slabs so I can see exactly how big the whole thing is all right let's clear this sucker out maybe let's go your eyes are closure base looking Zach I am turning the base into a luxury I mean I I want to live in style today so that's all I'm gonna say oh yeah we had a lot of nether blocks from the last episode Zach so we now have an indoor swimming pool below the base bro this is actually sick we build an entire swimming pool under her base and the tide it's been like 10 minutes bro yeah but you didn't bring nothing back dude that's actually pretty crazy I didn't bring anything back but come here I want to show you what I did what I did is not only did I locate where her entire base is right here and dig out the entire bottom I also tunneled all the way over this way and found her chest room and now I'm creating labels to use in the underground tunnel system so we know who we are at all times you turned into an answer something how did you make all this I know this is literally an ant colony I mean you have outdone yourself imagine she comes back in like a couple weeks and finds this base and down here there's something like I think she lives up here this is so creepy don't go in oh no until she is gone like that is creepy I like this I keep leaving little creepy things around the whole base so are we doing uh what's the before we knowing here you know I'm going Birch don't you want to do regular blocks here like this what uh yeah you can do that I guess [Applause] all right I'm finishing up the last wall with Birch planks right here and we will have basically a completed base I mean it's more like a shell but all we have to do is put down all the stuff from our shulker boxes and we will be set I'm gonna try some other experimental ideas here to get quiet very quiet and Silent ways to create some sort of storage because we need more than just these shulkers for this base it's going to be big I'm gonna try to put a chest in the boat and we're gonna see if this happens to be quieter than a regular wait a minute let's see oh oh oh it is Isaac Isaac come here I think I just discovered something like literally I think I discovered this why do you have a boat in the base right now what does this make noise when I open the chest I found that that's actually perfectly quiet okay so that's gonna be our new storage I'm just gonna put these chests in because I already made them but they'll just be for looks not actually for functions my bad well let's do a little bit of artwork down here because I feel like if we're gonna invade an upgrade we need art so what if we do our floor like this baby let's go ready look boom function boom boom good and then even better we cover it up with carpet let's get inside the chest the boat chest here and put our items away all right it'd be nice to organize these at some point but for now I guess we just have to we can put them in the pool dude oh yeah this is literally so perfect this becomes our storage room oh crap I can't go up Zach bring me some water I can go up the water no we need to we need a two wide too wide yep let me cook every home Invader now we have to build a pond for our chest wow that is genius a chest Pond all right this seems dangerous here but ignoring that let's move on up here because we do need to get into her base and she's gone so she's four meters away take it back down back to the kitchen back in back in back in she's gone she's gone she's gone no no no no no no she's not oh my gosh you gotta stop with the false alarms I think maybe we could take up the Axolotl things like we could get risky go right up the water and go into our main base no but we could do this follow me follow me follow me head down follow me we're going to the cows there's cows okay here we go she's right back there stay down stay low stay down be the Axolotl stay down stay down all right behind the tree [Music] I gotta make a little starting spot so you can walk into it do I need two or three tall uh I know probably three tall too wide to go down all right we've got a little bit of a start you can walk into and move that way I can start digging get it get it Zack close up the ceiling on this thing too close up the ceiling all right baby hey we haven't gotten there yet just stay behind me I'm gonna get us back to the base okay I think we need to go a little lower lower or lower oh what is this look at this there's like a tunnel here is this hold on before you come in let me get a quick scope check is this our airplane oh my Lord do not come down here this is where her Beacon is okay I am down here and I'm all right that's fine it's buried it's buried you're good I don't know what size the load Zach I need some guidance she is near the base right now she is very near the base right now wait don't these horses randomly like make noise we're going to put them deep in a hole come this way with me come this way with me not not yet not yet I gotta take it I'm not gonna hit the horse wait there's a helper here Zach we gotta get rid of that guy before he shows us up there up there bro there's two people here what are they doing I don't know if they discovered our base or why there's one of our mods here but that freaks me out dude access to the beacon would be big though we could steal the beacon so I'm gonna bring you this way and uh we gotta be very careful because it's very possible they're inside of our base right now like getting help from a mod Zach do you know where we are going yeah I do Isaac yeah I do wow careful dude it seems like I don't know if they're in our base are they no no I think they're up still I don't know dude look how fast they're moving you're right they're above all right I'm gonna go ahead and clear this out we're gonna make a path behind the pool not only does it serve as a secret horse channel to escape when we need to at the end of the video but also this allows us well pretty much just that that was actually it careful careful careful there right about all right we've got the horse bring it through the Gap I can't get them through there dude he's too fat I can't open it yet because she's wrong I can't I can't she's above us dude it is pouring out there right now we've got a lot of sound to help us we need to get in the main base we've got to get some items from her but before we get inside there let's upgrade the base a little bit more yeah we have purple enchanted golden apples let's give them to the horse we're gonna tame her horse we're gonna steal her baby he's eating them these are like blocks of gold to make them we're so rich probably get so many of these I stole them bro we just freaking stole her horse now he loves him he loves us look at how much he's coming towards you right now we I would say honestly we already got this area over here dude why don't we like make the farm out here he's like right underneath her like little Beacon and she never seems to come down to the beacon ever I don't see why she would hey yo whoa is that you is that you okay all right yeah all right we've got a decent bit of dirt here so go ahead and hold this get some water placed on it I'm gonna go ahead and grab some crops this looks like a really cool area for a little farm doesn't it a couple wheat seeds and some potatoes all right water coming in folks let's go ahead and get this bad boy fertilized down here again this is ridiculous we basically created a better base than this person has hey hey hey hey Slow Down slow down slow down just kidding I just wanted to scare you she's not nearby that's our chance to invade let's finish it later get in now we got a chance we have to take it let's go move move where are we going where are we going which way did you go follow me up the tunnel back to the ant farm back to the ant farm there's cat here in my face we got to go this way this is the only place I know get some dirt in your inventory get ready to seal it follow me foreign okay I got some chicken I got some chicken bro came in an invasion on an empty stomach all right let's see what we got here finally checking this thing out very tall roof big Windows big Windows big Windows remember this is her main base if she teleports home she could be here at any second you didn't deck we're in I'm gonna take the Anvil I'm taking the anvils I'm taking her beds I took the Anvil is there anything else no get out get out get out get down back through the water back through the water go go go go go go go go oh my gosh that was a Queen exit oh I stole her beds dude I stole her bags she has no respawn point now that's dirty that was a dirty play by me saves us some time though I want to put it here and here all right we have a respawn Point yeah I should do that we're gonna go check out the other one now whatever that other area is she's let's get a crops planner really quick let's get yeah let's get a plane now so I'm thinking let's grab our invisibility potion dude in a speed potion and get out there all right we go in invisibility we got one we better use it now on the end tunnel follow me trust the process let's get out there I've got a hole already to get up but just started sway all right I'm in baby oh man let's go let's see what we got here move quick move quick quick and swiftly oh bro she's loaded 39 torches boom take it Spruce locks boom take it holy Moses unlimited bamboo oh I don't have any of that that one slices full diamond netherrite though oh my they're back okay check behind check behind check why she could teleport here any second she's still not here so you're right okay A little mushroom block I want you ready come downstairs what are you about to do I'm about to create the ultimate thievery yes dude if we could get a Minecart Track back to the base off of that I know I know we can literally track it right back to our home base I think I saw enough iron to do that too I can steal it really quick you get the iron and steal it I will work on creating the platform for the track all right we definitely have enough iron I think uh we need a way to walk around this as well so we're gonna be able to walk around the back side and then we can get a minecart here putting a chest on it power it and have it sent straight into our base then whenever she adds stuff we will just automatically steal it okay so if we can take this all the way back the minecart should perfectly go under hey hey hey hey she's back she's back she's back I'm gonna keep bringing that Minecart back all right okay the Minecart Track is officially back well you brought it back already yeah oh okay do we have a minecart no but we can make a furnace Minecart instead of powered rails because we don't have enough Redstone the furnace do they work like a locomotive like you put coal in them and they go it was often dip so I'm gonna bind this up so we have a walkway dude I don't even know I'm just assume it's a furnace and a mine car and a chest I've never made one I've never seen anyone make one I don't know how they could be used dude Zach that's because we are Elite home Invaders you do have a little air here in the path setup I've got to correct for you you can't do what you did here I'm gonna fix that so we need a chest Minecart and a furnace Minecart yeah I got them both okay okay Zach let's go get this going bro this is a whole operation now dude this could be the greatest home Invaders ever if I get a furnace yeah this would be pretty legendary we went from cooking in the kitchen to owning the kitchen now all right let's see it this is about to be so weird wait is it collecting oh it is it is it's working okay okay then we just put the furnace mine cart behind it and when that chest fills up Zach we're gonna light that up so we can leave it for now while the chest fills up we need it to loop back actually don't we so then that would connect and automatically drain it and then this goes here and then we would basically have an unlimited food supply down here automated by her every time she collects her arm let's go see all the minecartes so we could do a quick test run on here real quick I want a full load wow we've almost taken a full thing from doing literally no work I think we think that should be the goal so maybe we should work on that while we let it go all right I'm looping the track so this can continuously go back and pick up more carrots and then we can hook it up to even more chests and it's basically going to be an infinite item generator for us all right the loop is complete two Zack it's ready oh this is nice a full circuit that is some serious design work and screw powered rails we have the furnace Minecart uh well we still don't know that it even works because we haven't tested it yet but are we ready Zach are we ready she's in the base I imagine that would be very very no go she's gone now better run let it run better run bring her in the kitchen that's okay that's okay it's just circle it's a circle Isaac circles go two directions she's going she's going she's going hey oh hey you know what it almost works but it just stopped on the wrong location wait it got all the way here the front of my car went the other way oh what these things are so powerful take her off put her back okay that's a little Annoying did you listen nobody knows how Minecarts works out we're figuring it out nobody uses these guys okay here they come it should stop there but I think the furnace is going to kick it into overdrive it did stop so you know what it gets like three carrots and then it goes that's as good as we're gonna get we put oh she's actually she's back she's back she's back it's moving hold on let's do There's a Hole by this oh my God there's so many problems right now broken what is this what is this what that was your stupid access panel you built that you're back immediately I'm totaling I can't move I think it's freaking Turtle bro we just panicked I can't believe that she came back right now how did we not get caught there good news is that whole process got us two whole carrots all right guys as you know we need to stay alive for an entire hour we're down to the final 40 minutes now in this base we've survived for 51 so far we're getting drastically close to the end of this challenge I still can barely breathe first go by the way he's just Roman right he's roaming the caves you got out oh there he is all right Isaac I'm up in her base right now she is currently gone she did not realize her bed is missing I'm inside her base now dude she's on she's gone she's gone I'm going very quick I'm just taking a little bit more of the base not nothing too crazy all right coming back in dude this entrance is so sick oh my God look at this two free trap doors like nothing this could be another exit panel put a couple trap doors on there open it up get in and get out you know what I'm saying hiding spot yeah a little turtle hole we've got multiple exit panels now our crops are growing up hey hey mayday mayday mayday made a horse game horse game horse game we've got an entry we've got an entry horse game go go go go go go go go go I repeat we got a Mayday we got an absolute Mayday get out get out get out in your base she's in the base she's in the base get out I'm doing this horses get out get the horse get out mayday mayday mayday mayday mayday get in the holes getting the holes Turtle away get the fourth snowball you gotta bring me to safety snowball now as far as I'm aware our helpers cannot end her spectator mode so I believe we are safe from this helper currently Isaac do not move they have clearly found part of the base but thank God we just made that exit hole we're gonna be fine I'm just gonna be honest Zack they are in the base it looks like and they're stealing all the stuff back I think we may be getting invaded right now but there's nothing we can do we invade them while they're invading us they don't know that we're still online is the thing they don't realize we're here guys they're right above me but I'm fairly fully secured Isaac's excited we got to stay so quiet what they're going to do is my guess is they're going to think it's an old base they're going to steal some items back and we're going to get them back and then we're going to get out of the space we have limited time left we gotta pack up and move pretty soon a few moments later okay I'm gonna make a breakout Zach I'm gonna get out of the base I'm on the beacon and I'm getting out all right they're down there in the base I'm out I'm in our main base now all right guys we're back up on the base where they're all inside the base every single mod on my server is here because they don't I don't tell my mods I do this I think this guy's being hacked we got to get in get our items get out move to a new location in this basement get the sharpness and get out go go go go go go go go pick everything you can I have a choice full okay check the chess boats is there anything in here we need we're gonna have to leave some stuff dude I I got my stuff I'm getting out now I'm going through the ant farm I think we gotta leave some stuff go through the ant farm going through the water oh crap I fell in the secret entrance okay come on I'm out and I am leaving we gotta get a new position come on I can't reach it all right all right all right what are you doing listen I can breathe underwater with my armor so I'm going to stay here did you get the other chocolate box yeah I got the other one okay I got the other one too I can breathe underwater here so I am perfectly fine to stay in the Axolotl Palm are we gonna meet are we gonna meet Dude I don't know I'm outside the carrot farm right now we still have to survive a little bit longer careful careful he's right next to me he's right next to me no she's in the base oh my God I'm literally surviving in her Pond while she's next time it's like I'm on the outskirts I'm looking through the carrot Farm but I don't see you you're really well hidden don't you have to get a certain amount of food in your body to be able to swim is that true so if I can swim I can get to a really really good spot there we go there we go yes I've been literally invisible dude I've swam underneath in the fact that I can breathe underwater means that I can literally make a base I have uh 35 000. I'm gonna go ahead and get my shulk replaced these open sideways so it's perfect for a one by one base Zach you might be on a Star War Mission because you chose to live in water and I don't have any way to live in water I see that Audrey is literally one block away from me at the moment um three meters actually I don't think I've ever been this close to someone without being caught this is this may be the ultimate spot to hide there's a helper down there I think the mods are in our base still bro she just swam in the water look at that she now just swam right past me didn't even see me in here Zach where you've caught your compromise there's two helpers here there are a lot of mods here this is making a little harder than I anticipated maybe I should have told them but I decided not to but the fact that they still have not found me is insane dude what should I do in the meantime I'm actually gonna go home and bathe her stuff that's away from you why don't you distract them and get them away from me I'll go into her base I'm gonna steal some final items we can get an escape and get out of here all right I got a potion of invisibility Zach I've just taken it I am going to go in there and create some diversions guys wait I have to show you this on my screen right now guys they know something's up but they don't know where we are this is so funny the furnace Minecart is about to come full circle I'm about to make the ultimate diversion with it do it lighter rip dude let her rip get the furnace Minecart out let's get as many items as we can let's get out of here she's ripping on a third 360 seconds you gotta get out now get out move move take everything you can get a crowded table steal our heads take the bed he's taking her stuff she's worried about it getting stolen let's go let's go let's go there's a still there's a building out back there's a building out back meet you out there I don't know whose it is what does that even mean moving out back by the horse farm take the horse if you can get here with me let's go I don't even think this is her base wait a minute Zach yeah we can't leave snowball in there we need the horse farm we've already got a tunnel we know how to get to him dude if we don't get snowball this was all for nothing we made the horse farm let's go I'm I'm at the the chess thing horse farm where's the horse I don't know what that is it's where we stole snowball need to get a distraction all right that is really risky they're about three feet away from me is that you building yeah that ain't good folks all right that ain't good oh my gosh do you guys turn the corner I don't know how that guy didn't see me clear it out clear it out I don't know how we're getting snowballs even down there still dude Zach meet me at the chest shop bro they are swarming downstairs we got the popo on us like crazy there looking every corner we got the whole mod team trying to find out where we are right now are you taking a visibility potion yeah I did I took it invisibility pressure that's smart bro I forgot hold on I'm taking mine I got one let's go let's go let's go move move move take your arm off take your arm off we can take the beacon down and that'll take us right to snowball go down to the beacon okay here's the beacon break break [Music] clear inventory clear inventory bring it down bring it downwards there he is I only have five minutes of mine how do we get out dude I found standing but there's a guy right on him and it's oh it's Andrew how do we get out with soulball we don't know how to take them up we don't even have a staircase bro [Music] huh there she ride a horse how do we get him out to her stores we didn't steal them listen listen go down the tunnel get on the tunnel get on the tunnel and start digging a hole out I'll take him out go dude hold on hold on hurry up why are you even saying go down the tunnel that we saw him the title we stolen from and dig up this one yeah start digging go go go go go go but maybe I'll pass so I can walk him out it has to be like a thing that goes up slowly [Music] [Music] Zach is this the point in the episode when we ask ourselves would snowball be better without us this is the point of the episode where we go to where Chester with our disability potion get there as fast as we can see if she has a saddle we can still take it put it back on the horse then escape with the horse and go to the Sunset and live we're still invisible we have five minutes to make this count let's find a saddle got one saddle I got a saddle she has a saddle I'm going in I need you to open it up and I'm gonna get out oh my gosh dude I got the horse I got the horse the saddles on open it up she she saw the particles I think but she didn't get away you have to you have to now is our time open in we get the horse out and we're free yeah where you at right here get the horn get it open get it open okay no no no let's do a whole what are you doing I can't climb that is [Music] oh my god let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go get him out of here as far away as possible she can still fly we gotta move and hide snowball will be coming with us to our bases let's go baby let's go baby come on oh my God I can't believe we freaking stole snowball bro not only do we get him out but I just took him to a different place well guys I think that means it's on to the next base if you enjoyed this series don't forget to subscribe to the channel and I'll see you guys next week for our next home invasion peace
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 368,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: xHuwwVFgS78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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